New Final Fantasy XIV promo on amazon

New Final Fantasy XIV promo on amazon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this for NA Amazon only?

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It seems to only be on the NA amazon site.

Would the code still work for an EU account?

Nope, last ones didnt. last amazon promo was region locked.

How's your job looking at the older level breakpoints?
AST got a big buff for level 50.

Attached: AST Levels.png (473x804, 32K)


>Gravity at 45

Praise the fucking Gods

>Offer not valid on pre-orders
Oh fuck off Schlomo

Buy a time card.

That sucks. Wasn't the last EU one for magazines or some shit?

Wasnt it from Dr Pepper?

Is being on Crystal bad?
I blind picked Zalera when i started out

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>4 skills at 50
What the fuck

I'm sorry user...

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Where the fuck is the link? I can't find this on Amazon at all.

You can always transfer, don't worry about it

>Countdown links every day in the launcher
Ahhhh it only makes it feel longer!

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Um. Is the free transfer still a thing?

Don't listen to datacenter fags, play wherever you have the best connection. Which is most likely the server you picked because the game recommends you the server you have the lowest ping to.

DRG is so smooth to play.

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So, are people going to preorder something, get the code and cancel the preorder like they did with the last amazon promo?

Is reading hard?

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You missed it out. Time to pay up.

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Only for Congested-to-Preferred transfers. For example, Gilgamesh to Lamia.

Jokes on you, I can't read.

I didn't read the fine print.

Were the datacenters separated by east and west coast?

So why can't I buy a gametime card as an EU player and get the chocobo?
I didn't think accounts were region restricted, wouldn't it still work?

Wonder do you get the code with the in the mail or do they email you

Accounts are region restricted for promos for some retarded reason.

Acconts are region locked. Thats why you can only use your region's time cards.

I wish they started this earlier. I had to buy a new PS4 controller a few days ago and I could have gotten this along with it

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Will a timecard work for like wow or some shit?

Get XIV time

I think a decent way to solve the 'my synced skillset is fucking boring' issue while still having regularly spaced skill unlocks from level ups for a good feeling of progression would be to separate the level you learn an ability at and what level it's useable when synced.

For instance current Astrologian learns Draw at 30, Royal Road at 35, spread at 40 and redraw at 45 however the card system is integral to AST actually being fun to play and doesn't really feel 'complete' until you gain all of these abilities, so in the new system even though you still learn the abilities at the same level, the abilities would have a 'minimum sync level' of 15 so you can use them all in any dungeon.

I don't think they should do this with every ability (Warrior spamming fell cleaves in satasha) but i think core rotations/class identities should be accessible in lower level content after being acquired.

I think it’s only for games

>is being on crystal bad

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>GNB AF without the coat

Why tease us with things we will never get?

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NIN made it out pretty good

Nope. Controllers are applicable

I think it's fine as is, just that Satasha will always be Satasha.
Getting Draw at 30 is fine, and now you also get softspread at 30 which is better than current.

it's not fine it's fucking boring

Well I just bought some random 19.99 game and going to see if the code comes in the mail or not.

That pic is the reason i asked here when the last thread 404'd

It's supposed to be boring. That's the point of character progression, you're weak at low levels and gain strength as you level up.
I don't think Satasha would be significantly more exciting just because I can throw a card on someone every 30 seconds.

It's a reskinned scale armor, they're in the game already.

last one they sent it to you in an email

Biggest datacenter, but lowest clear rate for high end content by a small percent. If you want a lively MMO then its the right datacenter since people actually do stuff in towns, host events, RP, etc. Aether is strictly best if you want to take raiding seriously. Primal is for nothing.

Those look quite different, have terrible textures and dye terribly.

>Getting back to the game
>Relearning the crafting minigame is more difficult than relearning a class

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They're gonna fix that in 2 weeks

>Biggest data center
Not anymore. People jumped ship

I literally cancelled my Square Enix order because Amazon was the only place selling the Complete Edition at the time. It's absolutely retarded to allow a third-party vendor to offer a better version of your product.

Are they revamping crafting/gathering profs? How?

Zalera ain't that bad, worst thing I've seen is when a mime couple followed me for 5 minutes, but that's it.

Oh boy what did they do to gathering and crafting now?

it's pretty straight forward. go look at an end game rotation and you can figure out from looking at that which abilities are good and when to use them for leveling shit or catching up.

>lets make a boss with no telegraph where you have to read the chat to know what to do instead
stupid japs

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But chimeras have cast bars.

new UI bros. no more calculators required.

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Blind retard

NIN has been unplayable below level 45 for years already though.


was is that hard to make a blue or violet ANIMATION

New UI that tells you what buffs are active, procs are active. Tells you how much Progress/Quality you'll increase with each skill before even using it. Most of the mandatory skills will be available on all DoH and not require leveling all of them to be practical. Probably pruning some older redundant ones.

>less than 4% of players cleared omega
Is this updated after echo? I can't believe it's only less than 4%, this encounter is way too easy.

Learn to watch the screen.

Afaik, only gave crafters steady hand 2 and byregots blessing to everyone, no longer a cross class skill

It's been so long since I've been a rogue I can hardly remember if it was that bad or not

>no telegraph
>has a cast bar animation+skill name
boy are you are going to have a rough time in savage

Bought a time card. Got absolutely no mail on the black chocobo
Yes I'm NA

I'd rather they just change it so that you get a lot more of your skills in the early levels. It's fucking ridiculous that half your job's skills are locked behind level 50+. Not only does it make leveling and getting synced an absolute slog, it literally turns away new players because you have no choice but to tell them they have to get through 50-100 hours of story content before their job gets fun.

By level 30 you should have half your abilities and by level 50 you should have 80%. There's absolutely no reason to backload so much of your job's toolkit to the upper levels, all it does it make getting synced a fucking miserable experience. The fun of earning a new ability for the first time lasts like a few hours at most and then the rest of the expansion you're just wishing you could use that ability at lower sync levels.

You have more than enough time to avoid Ram and Dragon attacks by cast bar alone unless you're out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

The payment is probably still pending with your bank.

Square Enix's Online Store had a promo where they gave you a digital code for previous games if you pre-ordered Shadowbringers. Due to my low speeds/latency, I was looking for an on-disk option instead. If the Complete Edition does not include the previous games on disk, I just won't even bother.

is there a spreadsheet with other jobs somewhere

It's just hard to level. You're very weak compared to others job. user probably means this

It's not like echo helps you to clear patch and HW1,2 and other mechanics are piss easy.

What's the difference from how it works right now? I only ever leveled paladin and white mage, was thinking of doing some craft/gathering as my third level 70 before Shadowbringers come out.

And this is probably the best change.

Those were the only two mentioned. I doubt it includes all the skill changes.

And yet I already received the time card code

How does he do it?

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Is he ok?

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Blue out violet in

that's the other option but there's literally 0% chance they do that because of how much focus they have on easing players into the game/making sure complete casuals/retards can manage to play.

I take it you dont check your bank account often

can I buy the collector's edition upgrade and have it qualify for the free chocobo

I expect the MCH one to be much better just because the current is so dog shit its hard to make it worst.

Rogue is literally 1-2 for 30 levels, since they removed Mutilate and Dancing Blade.

>cast bar
>giant yellow text across the middle of the screen saying whats happening

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He's been training with Uematsu up in the mountains of Japan

He's just taking a nap.

What the fuck is this song?

Does Omega actually have RP, bros?
I'm an EUfag who wants to do content as well as RP but I didnt see any RPers.

He's just hungry and sucking up all the aether

If they broke it up by expansion I think I'd be okay with that. Sastasha, you get your whole level 50 kit, but no more.

It's not like level sync is accurate to how classes played at the time anymore. You were able to spec into so much shit from other jobs that a class at 50 in ARR vs now is about as different from jobs at 50 and 70 right now.

>giant yellow text across the middle of the screen saying whats happening
there no text other than text chat

Is it weird that this change is one of the things thats making me want to buy Shadowbringers the most

Uh n-no I don't. Usually only after I get paid

Bruh moment

We either reactivate it or we kill the bosses suppressing its power.

then we kill it.

there's literally yellow letters in the middle of ur screen saying whats happening, i did the chiemra today

Blue go away, violet come near, come the fuck on, man

Embarrassingly lazy, but I guess that's to be expected from them at this point.

Echo absolutely helps clear those things because both of them end with ion flux and I'd say the majority of pugs i've been in post echo have only barely survived Ion Flux's.

Haven't played for a while, went into EX
Tsukuyomi and the blade stuff was beyond confusing for me. I normally follow people and pretend I know what I'm doing.

No idea really. I'm world visit Omega for cheap prices. Compared to Cerberus their Limsa looks very talky-talky.

Probably the main theme of the pack like Answers, Dragonsong, Revolutions

Hopefully they actually play it during the MSQ seeing as Revolutions didn't show up anywhere
THis but with vocals

They don't seem to care if someone decides to drop 50 bucks on a story skip + level boost and jump right into the game with no clue how to play their job. A complete retard can play a level 80 job, a lobotomized gibbon on heavy anaesthetics couldn't fail to play a job at level 30.

I just made that one for myself so I could see what new spells I'll have at 70 and which I'll need to earn.

Giant text in the middle of you screen tells you what colour its eyes are.

Essentially it still is the same mechanics, but UI got tons of QoL changes that makes the whole process easier to understand.
They are also making high quality gatherer materials more important, and possibly making autistic skill rotations with normal quality ingredients less reliable in the process.

>every class maxed
>none of your buddies even log in before the expac
Wtf are you guys doing ingame? I dont know anymore

What job will YOU be maining in ShB


You're now realising just how few people actually clear a savage tier. Most people don't even try savage, let alone clear the final fight of a tier.


Nothing, my sub ran out few days ago.

>all those RDMs
is this a reddit poll or something

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I feel like I could probably clear Omega savage right now but I don't want to so I haven't even tried.

what a shame the final tiers are probably the only content I enjoy as a healer.

What Is this? I didn't play FF8 (?)

Retard here. I'm canadian, so if I buy a US FFXIV gamecode from the american store and have it shipped to me, will it still work?

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Nothing really, might try getting some minimum ilvl groups for guaranteed mats and trimmings from SB primals, but otherwise Im just gonna take it easy until SHB

Make it rain is active so I've been farming some MGP, doing triple triad, and casually capping a few currencies and getting things like hi cordial together.

tfw you never fuck omega

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I started to play in February and just don't see reason to trying to learn savages now. Only EX for easy weapons and other content such as BA.

Why is this allowed?

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Yeah. The only thing where regions matter is NA/EU I think.

>Dark Knight that high when it's gameplay/fun is getting absolutely gutted with nothing to replace it

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Never realised how much she looked like Yotsuyu

What matters is your account region. If your account is NA, you need NA codes. If it's EU, you need EU codes, etc. Since you're Canadian you probably have an NA account.

Yeah that's kind of a problem with raiding in this game. If you're not there when it first releases, then you might as well not try at all because not only will it take so much longer to get groups, but you'll be getting people who don't care to much if they clear or not and quit after a couple wipes.

yoshi is too stupid to add a "report and blacklist" option for party finder

please understandu

>moderating NA/EU servers
lol just lol

It's the main job of Shadowbringers.

this will never happen because yoshida is already on record he thinks it would make dungeons " too easy" when they're already piss easy.

Ok, well the code isn't digital so they're charging me like, 60$ for a 60 day timecard. That's bullshit desu and not worth the money for a re-skinned chocobo. Are there any digital items you guys recommend that don't have shipping and handling or import fees?

literally nothing is wrong with adds.

That's Eden. I always interpreted it as a crusader holding up a plate with an albatross laying on it.

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Will anyone ever actually give Kanne-E the D?

>there are people reading this thread right now who need training wheel triggers to do ucob
lmao desu

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It's not the intended use of party finder, is it?

>yoshida clears O4S, O8S and gets to final omega on stream

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i don't see how that makes its' kit more enjoyable. PLD/GNB have better rotations/gameplay by far.

Yea Forums poll actually

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When they set it to dungeons so they are at the top and people have to wade through them to get to the real shit it is.

>Primal is for ESL third worlders

Stop posting that ugly potato cat

She's underage, so no

World first groups use triggers though

its technically party

Even if I could just filter expert dungeon parties but leave everything else up that would be an improvement.


Why do people give so many shits about the age of a fucking video game character? Are people this retarded?

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What does ESL mean?

Oh man I needed this laugh today


>3rd worlders that have more savage clears than crystal
That's like talking shit of africa while living in a dump.


English as a Second Language

No it isn't.

They don't care about that.

>Only two weeks until I have to bury Sole Survivor and Dark Arts

Might as well send Abyssal Drain, Salted Earth, Quietus off to the farm too. Makes it hard to be hyped for ShB

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Minifilia is cute

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>Retard is too inept to understand how triggers are even made
Hate to burst your little bubble faggot, but almost all of the groups that compete in the world first race will make their own triggers on top of having a dedicated strategist.

Looks like the a WHM staff.

>BLU above BRD

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>Measuring quality of life with how you waste time raiding

I'm better than them, they just have less responsibilities and more time to poopsock the fights on day 0

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>Retard here. I'm canadian
Why did you call yourself the same thing twice

Am I realistically going to be able to find groups for ARR extreme trials and Bahamut raids?

Every user in here would fuck Minifillia if there was a minigame for it in game.

They use triggers. PC was mistake.
>ACT will never be purged
>ACT at some point will be DBM

You know it takes like 5 seconds to make a trigger, right? You can make one after seeing the mechanic a single time.


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What? Of course, people want poetics, books, horses and BLU magic, there's loads of reasons to run that content.

>three fell cleaves after EVERY Royal Authority combo
what the fuck were they thinking

>Measuring quality of life with how you play the game instead of sucking e-dick in the quicksands

tfw 13th place

Attached: gondola2.png (440x477, 83K)

Are you seriously implying that you need to be a raidtranny to have a good QoL on a game where an incredibly small percentage of people actually raid? Retard.

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Minimum ilvl? (aka with appropriate stats for the right) no
Synced? (overgeared but level synced), no
Unsynced (going into the fights as level 80 with level 80 stats and demolishing the fights in under a minute), sure.

>Everything but hardcore raiding isnt real content or worth doing!

wtf is a trigger?

Is BRD going to be an unpopular class now on account of DNC coming out and every Jojofag in existence playing MCH? I always loved the proc and stance based gameplay but hated how every shitter played it and there were never any good BRDs.

You are triggered, lib.

(of an event or situation) cause (someone) to do something.

Just read the giant fucking letters that come up on the screen, you fucking brainlet

People jumped into a party finder to carry me and a couple others through final coil last night, I was surprised how quickly it filled.

ACT function that reads the games data and then gives you an audio alert. So like in Cruise Chaser, you could set up a trigger that would tell you "Go Right" every time he used left laser sword, or vice versa.

Sound alarms like in DBM. Some people modify them and
>someone use TA
no human factor mistakes

A function in ACT (parser) that will call out a mechanic by voice or text (or both) by detecting specific phrasing in the combat log. Hence, on day one prog of a new tier, any groups that aren't retarded will make their own custom triggers instead of waiting for some reddit post that posts them.

TTS thing that allows you to know when something has happened. Commonly used in raids.

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I actually like it better with the coat on. That being said I still prefer Thancred's.

>Another failed Proto Ozma run

Why would Jojofags all play MCH? Is Hol Horse that popular a character?

doesn't thancred have the standard GNB AF dyed white?

finally got a stupid doggo
what do i do now until ShB arrives?

I don't really like PLD's animations and some sound effects (except the new FFT-themed attack), and I honestly think that 5.0 DRK looks pretty fun.
But I agree that GNB looks pretty cool too, I just hope they give us longer blades, maybe a garlean-based glamour weapon. So far they look like shortswords by XIV's standards (well, all three of them revealed so far, at least).

sshhh just play it cool until after release, okay?

OG Minfilia would still be best though

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They think the robot is some stand bullshit.

It's inspired by the Gardens, which are training facilities for mercenaries including the main characters. They all had spinning discs around the top of them and later on they reveal that they can fly, so they have a lot of design similarities to Eden.

Also, yeah, they were called gardens and it's named Eden, so it's pretty obvious what Nomura was going for.

Attached: Balamb_Garden_%28stationary%29.jpg (240x240, 14K)

You'll get it soon user!!!!

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The hair is done weird.

Get the other 6

What is this from?

That's not OG Minfilia

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Where are my fellow gay furries at?

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ya bard's gonna be pretty under-represented I'm betting

But also there's no reason to play one in a raid environment anymore


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>Due to my low speeds/latency, I was looking for an on-disk option instead
You do realize all the physical copies are just redeemable codes in a dvd case, right?

It's the people using triggers who should be worried, you'll turn into the average wowfag whose brain has been retarded to the point where they'll die in a dungeon without a dozen flashing alarms to tell them where to go.
The more you use them, the more reliant you become on them as a crutch. Conversely if you learn how to play without triggers, nothing in the game will feel hard anymore, it's funny how that works.
Aprils Fools joke from forever ago.

i just can't get over how DRK only has Souleater combo and Bloodspiller for single target combat GCD's, it has NOTHING else.

Unmend doesn't count.

No, the LEDs on his are blue while ours are orange. He likely has a few other changes as well we can't know until someone dyes ours white.

does the -P stands for Potato?

>meta dominance finally ended
>drg, brd, sch, war all SEETHING while NIN gets to keep their spot

based ninjas

Says crystal, while boasting the lowest participation in casual content such as eureka.

You don't do savage, you don't do ultimate, you don't do casual shit such as eureka, you probably don't even do extremes.
The fuck do you even sub for? Queue once a week for 24man to perform like shit and queue for expert in the breaks you take from sucking dick in the quicksands? Stop pretending your datacenter is more relevant than any other when clearly nobody cares.

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Yes, and I prefer that one.

Ascilia is CUTE and FUNNY

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God the things I would give to slide between those lips and tits.

That's Ascilia

Nah, the game is easy either way. Most of them turn them off when they stream as well. Cope harder

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Could SB AF be dyed? I don't recall. Could HW's?

When do they usually announce the next deep dungeon?

Yeah, Minfilia

That's funny, you think PLD will make it to release with those ludicrous test server numbers. There is no way SE is going to let you have the best utility, the best passive mitigation due to blocking, AND the best DPS.

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AF sets can always be dyed once upgraded.

god i love this video

Yes, you upgrade HW one just like any tome gear, and SB one is by upgrading it on anemos.

Of course not, that's reserved for WAR.


I think they name dropped it in the live letter?

it'll likely come out around 5.3, which is like a year from now. Deep Dungeons in their current implementation are garbage content anyway.


The real reast of the game my man. Also Eureka clears aren't representative of skill, but rather interest which is lower across the board.

>"Hardcore" raiders need a bot to tell them what to do


I think that's the name of the new treasure map dungeons
Yeah I'm hoping they add another way of leveling alt jobs that isn't mindless deep dungeons

noooo nono please they nerfed Cover it's a good enough tradeoff!

Into the trash it goes then.


It was posted on /vg/

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The real offense is when a savage only raider uses them for dumb shit like starboard/larboard, then they die every single time the boss uses it because the game was just patched and the triggers don't work.

dungeons have always been the fastest way to level assuming fast queues

Wrong! This Guardian Force is deceased!

It makes it easier, because it's the same thing as callouts except a bot will never hesitate or make the wrong callout by accident. Obviously a good group shouldnt need callouts, but having callouts means there's no excuse for mistakes as well.

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>The fuck do you even sub for? Queue once a week for 24man to perform like shit and queue for expert in the breaks you take from sucking dick in the quicksands?
I find it ironic that you say this when Aether servers are notorious for being completely dead every day except Tuesday.

The rest of the game? Do you really think people who raid just raid and don't play the rest of the game?
Raiders are usually the people who get crafting to max first for both gear and raid supplies. You also need to raid to get every TT/minion/mount, same for glams.

Stop pretending that textfucking is playing the game.

Any time I see a cute brown girl it makes me want to Fantasia to one, but I just can't give up my Aryan cat.

I remember this one time my mouse accidentally double clicked when I only pressed it once and as a result I lost target on the boss right as he started casting it. Took me a split second to realize what the fuck had just happened but by then it was already too late to retarget and check what was the name of the cast. If I had a trigger then I wouldn't have died.

no, that's you.


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I don't think Eden itself was ever explained though.


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Weird that you can't unlock it through the game. Makes sense I guess since it's free to play.

Focus Target bruh

Sorry but you're not tricking me. I have known quite a few raiders in my time. All scummy and one trick players. Not interested in your lies.


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It wasn't, but it's fairly obvious from the name and the design that it's some crazy super Garden.

i'd be careful posting this image user
remember what happened to DRK after this image?

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These edits dont make sense compared to the MNK one, because, you know, Brotherhood meant that other melees WERE generating resources for the MNK

You won't have to buy Shad to get the QoL changes, most likely.

Youshi should ban ACT desu.

Cursed image. Delet


I'm a WoWfag that has played since Vanilla and has also played since the start of HW - I have played both games together for like 4 years now.

Seeing people shit on wowfugees as shitters that need DBM in order to do mechanics is so fucking hilarious when FFXIV's raiders do the exact same shit. The only addons I use are buff bars on WoW and have cleared the highest tier of content while it was current for over a decade, and FFXIV too starting from Midas. Raiding is a fucking joke in both games but I'm convinced people are just huge shitters overall.

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520 allied seals left frens!

>muh biased vision

I don't need nor do I bother. Not like I was predicting my mouse would double click.

>reconfigure HUD
>realize I left no room for ACT and no matter where I play it, it's going to be blocking something out
Oh no

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Of course it makes it easier, raiders will do anything to avoid difficulty and challenge. If a bot can basically play the game for you that's even better.

The only good version of this meme.

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I really want to give this game a try, but after looking into the end-game content and how difficult (or at least complex and long) the rotations are, which you have to worry about in addition to the mechanics of each encounter, I feel like I don't have the execution to perform at that level.

Feels bad being a shitter. I guess admitting it is the first step towards feeling better about it, though.

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just have ACT on your second monitor

It is bait.

I definitively miss old Delirium and I hate how they just throw away cool animations while keeping shitty ones (like Butcher's Block and Storm's Path), but honestly all three tanks will have more or less the same "one combo and burst phase", the only difference is that DRK have to manage two resources (Darkside looks stupid easy to maintain so it's not worth mentioning) while the other two have to pay attention to a DoT/damage buff timer every few normal combos.
The only tank that actually have more than one combo is GNB, since apparently it will also be their burst phase. It's obvious that they want Tanks to be closer to melee DPS but still simple enough so even a baby can spend more time looking at the fight itself instead of the hot/cross-bars.

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It could have been Garden from the future that Ultimecia lorded over. All they really tell you in the game is that it's the "ultimate GF."

>this encounter is way too easy.
Easier than A12S?

please stop cursing jobs with this meme template



>Finished ARR yesterday
>Now have to do 100 more quests to even get to Heavensward

Attached: 1559594812731.jpg (540x581, 52K)

>tfw no ultimate gf


The only moment you need to use your brain is Hello World and Hello World 2 and it's still really easy

have fun

Just ignore him user

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Bros... is fracture ever gonna come back?

The MNK one is the best one

the first ~70 of those quests SUCK

Just RP names for standard jobs

Play red mage, you won't have that problem

DRG, SCH, and WAR all get to keep their spot though. BRD is the only one getting cucked.

You will take being stuck us a Scholar, and Ninja and you will like it

I was on verge of quitting when I reached this shitty part. Stay strong, it gets better after that.

lol no.
According to the E3 build PLD and DRK deal more damage than WAR and GNB by a large margin.
It's the end for you warfucks

Attached: 1522359569931.png (522x549, 335K)

>DRK lost Scourge
>now they lost Power Slash


Attached: cat.jpg (800x450, 153K)

It'll be the end in 5.0. They'll get buffed to godhood in 5.1.

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>Forgetting Delirium

I unironically dont trust anyone with a second monitor in XIV. Literally everyone I know who has a second monitor will fuck up mechancis because they were looking at someone else on their other monitor instead of paying attention. It's even gotten to the point where I can correctly guess randoms were looking at their other monitor instead of looking at the game.

>primal mounts have the primal theme as mount music
>we will get a titania mount
btw did they mention what the primal mounts will be in ShB?

>implying they dont
I got a warning for calling someone a shitter. They dont care about anything but the hugbox shit

Not this time WARfaggot, your destination is the fucking shed as the "heh better than nothing" tank, while real chads will be doing the work.


>dlc giveaway
>there's no dlc giveaway

Attached: 1560015147381.jpg (481x481, 32K)

>and gets to final omega
wow, he GETS to final omega? what a madman
Jesus how fucking embarrassing

You're badass kid.

PLD is easily the biggest winner on that front though.
>Royal Authority combo (equivalent to Soul Eater)
>Goring Blade combo finisher
>Atonement spam (Fell Cleave/Bloodspiller equivalent)
>Holy Spirit (ranged instant cast)
>Confetior (ranged instant cast flat aoe)
All are used in their single target rotation and you actually have a rotation, albeit a very simple one compared to any dps but RDM. Meanwhile DRK is just fucking unga bunga soul eater until it's time to use inner release and use 5 fell cleaves and then you're back to unga.

I still can't get over how PLD started off as the most boring and basic tank to play and DRK was implemented as a 'complex' tank option and now DRK is fucking lobotomy mode and PLD has the most punishing rotation if you fuck it up because of mechanics.

Fuck anons how screwed am I if I am on behemoth

PLL ended and he had to stop.

I think it's impossible to get the Ozma mount before Shadowniggers bros...

>what is BA discord

In case of Alphinaud, it's because he doesn't have an access to a fairy, therefore he isn't a proper Scholar, it somewhat makes sense he'd have a different name for his job.

it's true that they nerfed BLM?

Attached: YdlDbay8zFukYMONqYak2faJNKNWao8CBiQ6wA9tRuM.jpg (1200x628, 95K)

>One pull at a time and no healer DPS
As a mentor, tank, and a DPS I fucking hate this image. I am perfectly content to let sprouts watch cutscenes but NOBODY wants dungeons to take fifty fucking years like that. Also how fucking squishy are you as a tank where if you are pulling just one pack that your healer isn't falling asleep if they aren't DPSing?

If I am in a dungeon and my healer is just fucking standing there half the time? I ask them nicely to start DPSing. If they refuse? I tell them they are holding the dungeon and ask again. If they refuse again? I kick them. I am not going to fucking carry you through this shit. You are going to help, bitch. You have offensive skills and no reason to be a lazy cunt.

Attached: 1560559999610.jpg (960x542, 84K)

just use the discord bro ^^

Not really, they have special moves. Minfillia can cast Banish.

Two years ago an user posted a really neat portable ACT display he built using a Raspberry Pi set.

Attached: 1498086347213.jpg (1333x657, 151K)

I wonder what will happen to Gunbreaker in the next expansion...

lads im gonna play DNC but Im sick and tired of being a cat
Show me cute brown Mid/Thighlanders for ideas

Urianger is just called Astrologian but still has special moves.

Attached: 1559174701129.png (368x106, 18K)

urianger is a faggot

>preorder random game
>get the code
>cancel preorder

Heh, nothing personal SE

why are you so sure DRG keeps their spot? Battle Litany is nerfed and the only raid dps they contribute are a 10% crit rate buff on a 180s cooldown and dragon sight. Their raid dps is so minimal a BLM/SAM doing 1-2k more personal dps than a DRG would probably be contributing more overall raid dps.

Really it depends on if DRG's personal dps has been significantly increased because if it hasn't i don't see why it would be valuable to bring over monk/sam/

t. greyt player

time to buy mario maker I guess

I'm on JP server bros...

I don't get it. You want to clear BA, right?


I'm having a hard time finding a source for the op pic on amazon's site. Is the promotion currently active?

MNK still contributes more rDPS than SAM, but DRG is still better because WAR will cry bitchfits if they don't get tether on pull and the crit affects everyone isntead of only 5% bonus damage for melees

Why do you even need to call someone shitter? For what purpose? You can just disband group after 3 wipes like any normal human being.

Yeah but I am sure he doesn't want to start HRT and see two hundred pictures of fat hairy men in skirts, knee socks, and wigs.

>can't read
>post on Yea Forums anyways
>can't even meme right

heh, nothing personnel janny

if i'm synced and i end up with a healer who does nothing but heal i just overpull even if i'm in level 20-30 dungeons just so the heal spam is actually contributing, even if dps aoe at that level is meager.

Emmm...okay. Enjoy your BA


Oh man that's neat as fuck I wonder if you can display act on the logitech g13's lcd screen

No. It got buffed if anything.

imagine shilling promos FOR FREE

Attached: 1516588652053.jpg (410x410, 65K)

In some case it doesn't even exist so you should be careful.

Enjoy your post-op recovery

You have to wait until the day it actually comes out then

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Don't try to join group 9 and you'll be fine. They're the circlejerk group where there's literally a fucking job interview to be allowed in. Just queue into the party finder bot and wait. You don't have to interact with a single tranny.

I'm sure I will tank well with these boots

Attached: file.png (903x480, 354K)

I don't speak Irish.

but at those values the overall DPS a DRG brings by being in the party could still be below what a Monk/SAM brings if they personally outdps DRG by a decent margin.

The main reason DRG is such a staple is because you always want a ranged dps in the party which means you always want DRG's piercing resistance down debuff, which is gone.

The MSQ only really gets good around 2.2

But they have more vitality!

too bad health is not a defensive stat

More like the MSQ gets good with Heavensward

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How do I have fun in this?

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If we are talking about gameplay and lots of buttons to press, the only "winner" is GNB, since it will be closer to a DPS job than any other tank in the game.
>a 6-hit combo alternating between GCD and oGCD
>3-hit AoE Combo
>Combo-free single target DoT and AoE DoT
>all the basic "XIV tank" package included
>they all fucking EXPLODE
Every tank got new shiny toys (DRK gets Cecil shit, PLD gets Agrias/Cid shit, WAR gets angry shit), but GNB is clearly the one that will be able to fully enjoy ShB's tank design.

Yeah below Lv30 it's really not worth mass pulling unless you have an SMN, BRD, or BLM

fun is subjective. maybe stop being a depressive clown, sweetie...

You can, look around I know I've seen someone do it before.

>How do I enjoy myself
See a therapist and get some anti-depressants because clearly your serotonin receptors are burnt out

He probably just want to post epic tranny memes.

Oh damn, didn't expect it to be remembered by anyone.
I built an "updated" version with small OLED screens since then because I wanted to know how these worked.

Yes, you can! The functionality is actually built in ACT (check this section in the options).

Attached: file.png (910x241, 30K)

It wouldn't be a Final Fantasy game if the auto-equip wasn't totally retarded. I'm surprised they haven't fucked with everybody by incorporating something like that cursed set from FFV that had tremendous stats on purpose so the auto-equip would always choose it, even though it'd inflict all sorts of horrible status effects on you to equip that gear.

>meanwhile on primal people just announce they're grouping up and everyone is free to join.
That explains the higher clear count.

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Did anyone take photos or a video of the DRG potencies from E3? Even so, potency speculation is pointless until release since they can still change from E3 to the following weeks

>GNB is clearly the one that will be able to fully enjoy ShB's tank design.
I am so fucking excited. Who else here /READY TO RIP/?! WHERE MY CHADBREAKER BROS AT?!

Attached: 1560564242146m.jpg (1024x678, 54K)

Here's the updated version.
It's really legible despite being small because OLED screens have great contrast.

Attached: oLED ACT.jpg (1777x2666, 616K)

dead game

Attached: file.png (386x79, 56K)

>Look through PF for ex primal wolf farm parties
>2 tanks / 2 healers / 4 DPS
But for what fucking purpose? You can stomp most primals with 1 tank, 1 healer and 6 DPS, what kind of fucking "farm" party are you

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The MNK one is the best because it's the only one that makes sense.

Maybe they want to respect the content


anyone hhave the job's changelog? I want to see if they fucked up black mages or astrologians

so machinist gets a chainsaw right

where's the cheapest place i can get a lvl boost bros? the official store? i need to give mnk a serious chance before shb

Find me a speedrun that cleared content faster with 6 dps than with 2/2/4 comp

No. You get a drill though.

That's pretty damn cool.

Attached: 1395021808120.png (613x613, 479K)

This game is fucking terrible and you're terrible if you play it.

Basically Astrologian got a lot more tolerable in ARR-era content (Gravity learned at lv. 45, etc), Black Mage hasn't changed at all in the progression up to Shadowbringers and only got new skills. Also Freeze is actually useful now.

Where the fuck else could you possibly go idiot? Yes the mog station.

Gamerescape has articles for each job with all the abilities
BLM is pretty much the same except you don't need to Transpose anymore
Every AST card is damage now and using different cards gives you Seals that power up your group damage buff every few minutes. Ideally they'll eventually add more mechanics that use Seals.

ShB overall or E3 if you are talking about expansion overall then BLM is pretty much the same with few improvements and with AST it depends if you liked cards because every card now is a balance.

Dude you should sell these. I'd pay top dollar for it.

AST had it's flavor basically destroyed, but now doesnt have to fish for balance. BLM is literally the same.

Only jobs that got truly screwed are MNK, SCH, and DRK

God damn, this looks awesome.

Attached: 1551324874297.gif (500x282, 3.65M)

BLM just got flat upgrades/QoL to their existing kit. AST cards got reworked into a boring (but more consistent) system.

relax you fucking tranny, the other day i saw a page selling them for 9€, but i can't find it

MNK at level 50 in ARR:
>6 combo attacks, Shoulder Tackle, Howling Fist, Steel Peak, Internal Release, Blood for Blood, Mercy Stroke, Touch of Death, Fracture
MNK at level 50 in ShB:
>6 combo attacks, Shoulder Tackle

Attached: YAMERO.jpg (222x222, 6K)

5.05 will fix the job, just hold out a bit MNK bros...

Attached: 1560486531168.jpg (540x651, 79K)

Nothing a cheeky job level skip potion won't fix.

MNK's not even screwed, it's just back to pre-4.2 MNK which is... barely any different from ARR MNK except with Riddle of Fire

>Calling someone a retard makes you a mentally ill dick cutter
Nice projection you fucking oyster. At least I am smart enough to know how to play the God damn game.

Who /HrothDRK/ here?

Attached: HrothDRK.png (1325x1969, 2.25M)

Okay now post the JP clear rates.
You retards wont complain about being on NA after that.

>AST had it's flavor basically destroyed
>he liked fishing for aoe balance

>B-but every card increases dps now instead of having special effects
>bole, ewer and spire rarely ever used
>balance, arrow and spear are dps increase cards through different means

I get it, ASTs want to join the bitching that the other healers are doing, but because they always had 1 dot 1 nuke they had to come up with something else to justify their salt.


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>, Fracture
Anyone who crossclassed Fracture was a fucking idiot, untraited it's damage was a DPS loss. Clearly you didn't even play then and are just a Google hero.

More like HrothDORK

>tfw no catboy bf to love cuddle and kiss and mating press

Attached: Dxnb2S6VAAAjfws.jpg (468x431, 17K)

>almost 1k less personal dps

>tfw on the EU website so another mount I can't get

Attached: 1485639113342 (2018_01_05 15_18_53 UTC).jpg (400x465, 29K)

Those numbers aren't final retard

You used it if it was time to refresh Demolish but it still had a tick left, and you didn't need to refresh ToD. If I was just a google hero I'd have put Haymaker on there too.

do it. I ve succumbed and made brown cat girl. You wont regret.

Just think of all the other things we get though, like... uh...

Test server numbers are not live numbers. Did you even play HW or SB launch, sproutchan?


>finally good enough to make some grade 3 infusions , put a couple on the market board
>check back an hour later
>some person put up 20 listings with 10 potions each, undercutting me by 1 gil
Is this autism? If so I dont think I can play the market game

Attached: 1417843122220.jpg (480x640, 56K)

thats seething and you know it.

All it got are buffs.

Don't worry bro, you'll get it in 6 months in a magzine that you have to take a selfie with to receive the code.

Revelations was meh. Glad it only showed up for the trailer.

We can buy Shadowbringers from GMG and get it 22% off, unlike NA. That's something at least.

>potency numbers in test builds are absolutely final

Attached: 4ldw89nthc131.png (362x262, 54K)

It literally isnt. Test servers for MCH at one point had their flamethrower at fucking SIX potency bro. Those numbers aren't making it to live.

fucking hell user
too far

yeah man those still-in-development potencies that have already been changed between gamerescape's overview and the e3 build have me fucking roiling


Way to prove you're a Stormblood sprout.

Did that even happen for the cloud mount?

>Getting to fight the ShB Ugly Fat Bastard as a GNB

Attached: hugeguts.gif (381x512, 533K)

>he's gonna miss Dark Arts
I don't know how anyone's going to miss DA whack-a-mole. At least complain about real losses, like Blood Weapon no longer reducing weaponskill recast time.

mobile app paid lets you do market shit while off the game

whats been changed?


Attached: 5D203B62-0FEF-4A5E-9E66-2D3DF7ABC469.gif (280x189, 849K)

we don't know. anyone who claims to is a liar

paid market app was shut down a few months ago


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This isn't really a great example because Flamethrower's potency was complete shit in the end anyway.

We don't know yet. But any potencies we saw from the youtuber tour are definitely not to be considered the final numbers. These change wildly before release, as do cooldowns on occasion.

Shit dude we already know at the very least that Gnashing Fang's CD has been lowered and that Sonic Break has been completely reworked by E3.

not him but the two i know of are GNB's DoT GCD has a 300 impact potency along with the DoT (instead of 100 impact potency from the media build) and SCH's Indom lost 100 potency between media build and E3

That's the part where you undercut him by 20% and crash the market for infusions as an act of vengeance.

Attached: 1549669296500.gif (500x379, 2.54M)

>her cute scottish accent
How fucking dare they do this to me?

That's cool as shit, user.

No Mercy already went from 10% to 20% at e3

it will make fight or flight look like a fucking joke by the time shadowbringers releases

Start an undercut war then scoop everything and sell them for premium

The idea behind Dark Arts, powering up your skills, was a good idea, but they executed it in a ridiculously shitty way where it was just a flat potency boost on everything (so it didn't matter what you used it on) and you got shitloads of MP (so you had to use it constantly). They could have made it fine but they just went "naaah too hard" and removed it and replaced it with nothing so DRK is now the absolute most braindead tank in the game. It's still 123 + oGCD whackamole only now it doesn't even have high APM.

They put male viera into the game?

bruh go to the app stores and find the companion app lmao

No I hate the change, but it's not the worst thing in the world. I'd prefer if they reworked spire, and removed royal road and spread since spread balance is already built in to their kits now. Ewer was iffy as well, though, since most jobs didnt need it or it would outright have no affect like on DRK or BLM

>First primal of an expansion is the best primal of that expansion
>Third time in a row
How are they getting away with this?

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Marketniggers are literally bogdanoff tier, unless you burn it all for revenge you won't be able to hang with them bruddah

How long until Good King Moggle Mog XII saves Eorzea?

Yes, and?

I would be fine with the AST changes if they just gave a secondary non-damage effect to cards (in addition to the damage buff) so they still have some unique flavour, and also have minor arcana consume 1 of your seals so you don't just get 3 seals instantly with Sleeve Draw and then spend the next 3 minutes burning every card you get for Lord/Lady.

never, all moogles will get punched

Suzaku disagrees with you.

>Susano was the 63 trial
>Lakshmi was 68
Oh no, dont tell me that titania is getting the weapon treatment, while innocence gets the accesory treatment

Attached: 1531663422747.png (647x667, 508K)

>invest in lore
>this happens
Bros... how could Yoshida do this to us...?

Attached: 1548830534904.png (256x256, 66K)

>english gets cutie3.14 scottish accent
>weebs get the same monotone japanese that they don't even understand

Attached: 1538426746069.jpg (278x440, 82K)

Which classes are 100% brainlet friendly? I'm putting together a team.

Koji probably seething

This is why I mostly craft higher end items where there isn't as much competition. Lately I've been selling Dead Hive weapons for a profit of about 500k a piece and virtually no one else is making them.


People wanted balance amongst the classes. This is what you get. Maybe eventually people will wise up and stop asking for stupid shit

SAM or SMN? Which is more fun?

go away estinien

>tfw want to play AST
>tfw the idea of leveling as AST
This is the worst shit. It is physically painful to level and quest as a healer in this game.

Attached: 1521873041962.png (1200x900, 333K)


But Suzaku is on par with Lakshmi on how awful her fight and theme is.

Attached: huh.jpg (377x449, 91K)


It's amazing how it's almost a meta comp.

In 5.0 the ultimate brainlet raid group is: WAR, DRK, WHM, SCH, RDM, DNC, MNK, SAM

Suzaku isn't a primal :3

>Make one extra Large Garden Pond and put it up on the MB since I was already making one for myself.
>The people selling them spergs out and the price has dropped a ton within a day.
Why do they do this? I'm just selling 1 pond and I didn't massively undercut or anything.

RDM/SAM/DRK(shadowbringers)/literally any healer(shadowbringers)

>this chad enters your dungeon and slaps your healer's ass
What do you do?

Attached: 1560656070459.jpg (1089x934, 372K)

Get a tank or dps friend

I still don't understand why Lakshmi didn't get weapons when EVERY SINGLE OTHER Primal does.

Except optional meme shit like Odin anyway.

all mounts are being made flyable and the elbst is mentioned to have its webbed feet clipped so it can run as fast as a chocobo but can't swim anymore, being able to fly means it can swim

>if they just gave a secondary non-damage effect to cards (in addition to the damage buff)
Oh you mean like if they gave you different seals that you had to collect in order to use a certain cooldown?

I'm not an expert on the lore or anything but if hydaelyn is a primal, and gods are just illusions that hydaelyn maintains then what are moggles? they said they lived in the heavens with the gods but there was some shit up there so they decided to leave so aren't they basically the same sort of imaginary beings like the primals?

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>Lakshmi's theme is anything worse than great

Attached: smn.jpg (1000x1359, 337K)

As if I want a required buddy just to do quests with.
I was really hoping they would go the other route with healer dps, at least SCH can piggyback off SMN.

>That soulless Urianger voice
How could they hurt him so?

Attached: 1559522115088.jpg (243x284, 8K)

Reminder that he is literally just quoting Genesis from Crisis Core.

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>lakshmi's theme
get fucking dreamt on you nerd

>holy SEE of ishgard
What are they seeing? Why is it holy?

Just spam dungeons with your instant queue times, it's not hard at all. You can do beast tribes or PvP or PotD to break up the monotony too.

For launch balance.
When bismark and ravana had weapons, bismark ex was quickly dropped and seen as useless.

moogles are basically fairies. I can only presume you haven't finished the msq you meet some moogles that live in the heavens later in the story

in japanese it's called "the mountain capital" so ask the translators

The Twelveswood moogle myth about King Moggle Mog is just a mis-remembered history of a time before the First Umbral Era, until the Wind Calamity tore the original massive floating continent to pieces. We don't exactly know what happened, but 'the gods' could mean a lot of things considering that the Ixal consider Garuda a god and we found out that she was just an Allagan woman.

>sprints and pulls the entire dungeon
>What do you do?
Regen and spam holy.

I'm not even mad about the ass slap because characters in this game do not have asses.

No I mean like damage reduction or move speed increase. Let's not pretend anyone cares about balance outside DPS increases, so stuff like that is fine. The seal stuff doesn't really help when it's not unique per card and once you've got 3 seals you just autoburn all your cards with Minor Arcana.

I don't even play AST or healers at all.

Not what I mean, when ShB hits if I want to play AST first then I'd have to suffer doing that.

SAM, DRG, BRD and all healers

>why is a theocratic papal state called the holy see?
American education