>lowering the skill ceiling to the lowest point theoretically possible: the game
is it any fucking wonder it's nearly dead already? people stick to CS:GO, Dota 2, even fucking Fortnite because they allow satisfying skill progression. Overwatch is fucking trash tier in this regard. You have explored all avenues of gameplay with any given hero within the first five minutes of gameplay. After that, you'll only keep improving marginally in optimizing ability usage and in aiming.
Lowering the skill ceiling to the lowest point theoretically possible: the game
Other urls found in this thread:
If it's so easy, why aren't you global elite? There's fat dosh to earn in Overwatch tournaments.
Can't get out of silver can you?
>if it's so easy, why aren't you global elite?
because the game bores me to death and thus I don't play it much. besides, I'm not really cut out for competitive gaming. the stressful nature of it is an achille's heel for me. I love CS:GO, but I can recognize how high level of play isn't exactly my cup of tea.
When people say a game has a low skill ceiling, they're implying that skill and reward are extremely logarithmic with a low asymptote.
They will update the game constantly because it attracts the many fans it has around its eye-candy characters, not to mention the eSports around OW... fuck OW
what did you expect from current Blizzard?
Example: Junkrat's Concussion mine.
Push force directions when jumping are limited to exactly two variants: either you jump before detonating at and you'll fly straight upwards, or you detonate it without jumping and you're blasted both upwards and forwards. The exact position of the mine relative to Junkrat's position has no impact as the fucntionality doesn't rely on a physics simulation, and instead realies on arbitrady condition statements.
TF2's Demoman's stickes are an example of a realisitcally behaving alternative of a similar equipment.
Unfortunately team comps and counters matter more than individual skill. The few fun and high skill characters are hard countered by characters designed for retards.
> either you jump before detonating at and you'll fly straight upwards
is this true? have i been doing it wrong this whole time after coming from tf2 and quake?
yes, it's completely binary. either jump or don't jump. you'll fly upwards when jumping even if the mine is nowhere near being straight below you.
>the stressful nature of it is an achille's heel for me.
>It’d be incredibly easy for me to play at the highest level due to the low skill ceiling. I don’t, because it would not be easy.
I can't even get out of fucking bronze
You lose some much fucking SR for one loss and it just takes one fucking retard on the team to make that happen, and since I'm stuck in fucking bronze/silver games I only get retards
it would not be particularly easy for anyone unexperienced due to the simple fact that overwatch has been a popular game and whatever skill ceiling the game has, is competed to the maximum.
that's still not to say that becoming an overwatch pro isn't significantly easier than becoming a dota 2 pro.
how do you fuck up something like this that badly
The barrier of entry is pretty much both spending a ton of time in the game grinding through ranked and getting lucky enough with teammates, since almost every character in the game is underpowered it's not really possible to "carry" like in other FPS's, especially when the average player skill (at least on PC) is somewhat low.
well they figured that accessibility equates to popularity, and temporarily this was the case. overawtch was huge at one point. but they didn't account for the fact that the people who might try out a game if it accessible enough aren't the people who keep a game alive for a decade.
Because matchmaking is tailored to keep you in limbo, you can climb given enough time yes, but is it worth it
>it has a low skill ceiling, but it would not be particularly easy because the skill ceiling is too high.
> the existence of Dota 2’s higher skill ceiling automatically means that the skill ceiling of all other games is low.
You’re making it worse, mate.
no, it's pretty simple. regardless of the fact that overwatch offers little skill progression and that the skill ceiling doesn't extend far, it is still a heavily competed game due to its (past) popularity. there will inevitably be slight variation among its players, and any given player doesn't have a high statistical probablity of being a top player.
Is the meta still boring? Last I saw in OWL, there were 0 offensive heroes on either team except for maybe Bridgit or whatever her name is, which is another fuckin barrier.
I hear higher up ranks like playing 3 tanks 3 healers
I'm stuck in bronze/silver though and 2/2/2 is still the usual thing
I stopped playing only because quickplay is boring and in competetive you are forced to play the same heroes and comps because meta otherwise you lose or your teammates scream at you
ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the state of Yea Forums
>there is a slight variation among players, therefore the millions who enjoy the game but are not pros are just fucking stupid because they’d only need to play slightly better to make lots of money.
>Also it would be “very stressful” for me to play slightly better.
Just stop.
I hate OW too, but you are a fucking idiot.
this irks me with this game so much, projectiles and what not behaving in unexpected ways just because they couldnt be arsed to implement proper physics.
Ashes coachgun not being able to be used to really propel you forwards is another fucking blunder
Because I can’t convince all my CSGO friends to help me get there unlike every other OW pro, since comps are more important than skill.
Easy is skill floor. Skill ceiling is essentially a cap on player input, where otherwise skilled players would surpass the level of effectiveness if not for certain game mechanics blunting their play. Low skill ceilings mean the cap is closer to the average, where most people lie, which also means "high level" play at that point would be influenced more by unrelated/outside factors or even sheer luck.
Look at slot machine tournaments and apply your logic to them. If you're so good at clicking the button fast, how come you're not a slot machine professional? The answer lies in the mechanics of slot machines; the outcome of every player action is transformed by a random number algorithm- the skill ceiling is incredibly low.
Now let's say we wanted to curate a league to market our slot machines. We could pick spectator favorites or just previous tournament winners. These players are known as the slot machine "pros" and everyone holds them in high regard. These players will always be in the big tournaments and this will bolster the public's view that these are skilled professionals. And yet, despite this illusion, the very fact remains that slot machines have an extremely low skill ceiling.
Usually diamond, went down to gold last season.
Got 9/10 victories in entry matches this season.
Still got gold exactly where I ended last season.
Dropped and never touched again
Overwatch "skillfulness" is largely reliant on teammates, comps, etc., which is even more intense because it's basically … FP action.
Overwatch was only fun for the first year or two, then Blizzard drove it into the ground.
If a different company handled the game it could have been better.
its not that they couldnt be arsed to implement physycs, its that way by design, the mine had the purpose to propel you forward and up, and so itt only does that, now you might call that shitty design, but thats another issue
>boop fucking roadhog
>he gracefully floats back onto land like he's mary poppins
fuck this game.
there literally no reason to go meta in ranked because nobody is organized enough to make goats or any meta comp work, unless you call having to picking a mid range hitscan hero to counter phara or something like that as 'following the meta'.
and people will scream at you regardless
based retard complaining about retard teamates
you are a shitty Lucio then
All Blizzard games are like that since WC3TFT. Everything develops to cater to the most casual players and making everything as accesible as possible. So there are no real challanges or fun and 'exclusive' rewards to strive for. Ive given up on Blizzard, and it will likely get even worse from here as Activisions influence over Blizzard grows.
But Regorged user. Surely they can't fuck up Regorged.
if you can't carry your way out of metal ranks, then you deserve to be there
Overwatch is good only for porn
Prove me wrong
>inb4 dumb frog poster
>rewriting campaign to fit in more of WoW lore
Surely not
maybe at your rank, at that poster's rank teams coordinate
No, I agree with you. They are good at making top tier cumdumpsters, as long as they stfu. The 'storytelling' in OW cinematics make me want to kms.
>Implying OW is hard
I barely play shooters, yet after a couple hundred hours end up in a highier percentage than after 11000 on dota
I have about 4k hours in the copycat game, Paladins, and it's the same there. The skill ceiling is massively dropped to the point where droolers can 1v1 a skilled player just by face rolling the keyboard. I think the reason is because the game has outlived itself so the focus has shifted to cosmetics to generate money, because it's solely a cash cow with a slowly decreasing playerbase so they can afford to be lazy.
Makes me wonder. What if I play Overwatch and deliberately play characters out of meta. Are people going to be butthurt?
Overwatch is somewhat balanced to the point that I don't think that (right now) there really exists a "throw pick." There are certainly very unoptimal choices, but it isn't like before where some characters like Torbjorn were significantly disadvantaged on certain game modes or maps.
It's not as easy as you claim. If it was that easy, anyone would be able to climb from bronze to the top by themselves. I've been playing shooters since Quake Arena days and have not be able to make it out of platinum no matter how much I try to work with my team.
Just come back on Dustbowl guys. Play a real game.
Move on, faggot. That game is beyond dead.
Why do i feel like my team mates are horrible 90% of the time and there is no reason for them to be ranked with me but then that 10% make me feel like im in the right SR? Ranking in this game is fucked and 90% of players should be in like low silver not high gold.
>inb4 git gud
That’s because it’s entirely dependent on team comp and cooperation, which you’ll never get past a certain point in general matchmaking. Unless you have at _least_ one good friend to pair up with you’re forever going to be in platinum, and most gamers with a sense of skill aren’t going to stick with OW for long
You're 3 years late on that idea buddy.
That person said a lot of words that basically mean nothing. The fact is this is a team game, and you're not going to win unless everyone is doing their best and not slacking off, which most of the time is not the case.
I'm aware of that. It's about luck, not about skill.
I'll wait while you actually form an argument against the post, until then you're just projecting "That person said a lot of words that basically mean nothing".
If you're stuck in bronze silver just play pharah until you hit gold. Don't even address the haters just keep playing pharah and calling out your targets for other people to focus on and you will carry.
Ranked is basically no different than the default playlist from the vanilla game. The only real change is that people go omega tryhard because their imaginary skill number is on the line.
> calling TF2 a dead game
> a game that ran for 12 years and still counting while OW sinks in the Oblivion
> a game so perfectly designed you don't need update to enjoy it for the rest of your life
> mfw
It ran for 4 years, faggot. It was all downhill after that.
Keep trying user i managed to get into diamond by soloq
you can aswell.
So in other words, luck. You just proved his point.
I never understood how heroes can be pushed backwards but after a second can mario brothers style just start moving forward in mid-air. It's fucking retarded.
Good. That guy should stop trying to write a book and just speak his mind.
Overwatch has very little RNG in it though
It should only take the direct comparison of Torbjorn to Engineer or Pharah to Soldier to see where Overwatch falls flat on its face.
I stopped playing when they started fucking around with D.va, which was around the time they added Doomfist
If they're going to nerf fucking Roadhog, they should nerf everyone else until the game is an unfun piece of shit.
I stopped when the first Chinese New Year update rolled around. I have NEVER seen CTF implemented so incompetently before. It may have been a side mode, but it was what made their poor game design taste stand out the most to me
Slot machines were just to illustrate skill ceiling. Overwatch doesn't have many RNG elements in the gameplay, but the gameplay mechanics themselves create a low skill ceiling compounded by matchmaking which in itself is an RNG mechanic of sorts.
Rocket Jump in TF2:
>extremely flexible and skill based maneuver, executing it perfectly takes practice
>physics based and independent of cooldowns, you have complete control over your character
>risk/reward element of trading your health for increased mobility
Rocketjump in Overwatch:
>Press shift to go up
It's not the same type of game though. One is skill and technique based, the other one is QTE based.
I'm saying that it feels like Blizzard just puts everyone in gold and the skill levels can range from drooling retard to crack-shots with amazing game sense. The differences in some of my team mates skill levels is staggering. Healer mains that don't even know how to play but 1 healer and they aren't even good having like 4k healing over 10min.
How so? If you take a team of top players and put them against average players, would the top players not win every single time?
They both take skill Overwatch requires team cordination. You can't just rocket jump around with a medic like a retard and kill everyone.
>he doesn't use concussion blast
You never actually played pharah did you.
I gotta add that every class can technically Rocket Jump granted you know how to surf incoming explosions.
Demo would say FREEEEEDOOOOM
Yeah so basically it's not about players' skill is about one team outnumbering the other one.
Both teams have the same number of players though
>Ruins your rank experience
>12 hour cooldown
>sends you a fixed distance regardless of your range from the explosion
>practically 0 vertical knockback
wow you're right this game sure is fun
>be heavy with fists out
>incoming rocket
>explosion propels me into the soldier
>punch his lights out
Never fails to get a chuckle out of me
You really are a retard huh.
>3 second cooldown
>doesn't work if you're too far away
>idk even know what the fuck this means. It sends you in the opposite direction you are relative to the blast; up down left right etc.
Grind doesn't have to be hard to filter most people out, all it needs to do is to be incredibly boring and long.
>lowering the skill ceiling to the lowest point theoretically possible: the game
and I still suck at it
Because I got banned
big cope holy shit
>online FPS with moba elements has longer TTK than a 3rd person action-MOBA hybrid.
When MOBAs have more fast-paced and intensive teamfights than your shooter, your balance is very wrong. Gameplay where most fighting is just people jumping around in circles, slapping each other inefficiently with peashooters is what kills online games the fastest. TTK should be no longer than 5-6 seconds max, in Overwatch that stretches to 8-9 far too often, especially in teamfights.
>3 second cooldown
The cooldown is 9 seconds retard, which is a massive amount of time in a game like this. Do you even play your own game?
>doesn't work if you're too far away
What I meant by this is that the knockback is binary, your distance from the explosion doesn't matter as long as you within its radius. Normally explosions in games send you further based on how close you are to the enter, this gives you more control over where you end up.
>idk even know what the fuck this means. It sends you in the opposite direction you are relative to the blast; up down left right etc.
It means it doesn't send you very far up, even when aimed directly below you.
Fucking lol, did you spoil the movie for the mod too?
>People ITT are still trying to argue that Overwatch has a reasonable skill ceiling when multiple “pro” players said they wouldn’t even be playing the game if it weren’t for the money Blizzard was throwing at the tournaments
You can say that about most comp games though.
Not TF2 though
A good mark of how technically deep a game is is how motivated and active a competitive community is despite any lack of developer support for it. See: Smash
I stand corrected. It's 9 seconds. Still an immensely powerful character and i've never really noticed the cooldown because it's up whenever I want to use it.
Overwatch is a shit game though and i'm not defending it but you're being a bit absurd in your critique. If pharah could use concussive blast all the time it would be broken as fuck. Pharah can fly. She doesn't rely on rocket jumping at all for vertical mobility.
lower TTK equalises skill differences.
Sure can. The only people who still play that trash are furries and BRs.
TF2, CSGO and Dota 2 want a word with you.
Well yeah, TF2 has been dead for years.
If hardly anyone is playing it then it doesn't really mean anything.
Smash relies on high levels of autism and not necessarily "deep mechanics".
>Pharah can fly. She doesn't rely on rocket jumping at all for vertical mobility.
Exactly, it may be by character design but in the end what they created was Soldier without any of the technical depth
All trash catered to the lowest common denominator. Go buy more badges, kuk.
Kek. Besides that I think it still pulls in higher numbers than even Overwatch these days
>technical depth
>hopping from one platform to the next
>once you hop one platform you've hopped them all
deep af
No it doesn't, it emphasizes map awareness over the ability to spam one button to heal without having to aim. CS, SMITE and SWAT TTKs are very low yet require more mechanical skill than OW ever does.
>a free game pulls in higher numbers
Who would have thought. There are billions and billions of poorfags in india/china/brazil playing that shit. Who cares. I'm not saying it's a bad game but you're retarded.
OW has more than 50k playing on console alone. Cope more.
>Source: Blizzard's ass.
I wonder how many people are playing TF2 on 360 right now
That's kind of my point, soldier's movement relies on an advanced mechanic with a ton of depth to it, pharah's relies on pressing a button.
Aside from the really huge games, competitive players make absolutely shit for money. They don't play the game for the money, they play it because they love the game and can get by doing it. A lot of players of smaller games end up burning money just to travel to tournaments.
Overwatch is one of the few games where a massive amount of the pro players blatantly hate the game and are in it solely for the cash.
Those are accounts not active users, and you can make as many accounts as you want on console with only one copy of the game.
if the game is so easy, then why are you still a silver pleb?
why aren't you cashing out on the stupid amounts of money that can be made as a streamer with skills or in tournaments?
oof, thats right. you're pigeon holing your entire experience in the game as a subpar player in a casual-tier league for all that it has to offer.
Opinion discarded and having sex recommended.
Cope: The Post
>pharah relies on pressing a button
reductio ad absurdum. Nice logical fallacy you have there.
Not him but shut the fuck up. Being a Twitch streamer requires talking to people and connections. I'd rather be poor than deal with retards.
I had to try so hard to dig myself out of silver. I recommend playing during the day at like 12 or 1pm. that's when all the Asians are sleeping and children's r at school
>that second part
Well said. There’s a distinction here the other guy just doesn’t seem to get. I think it’s baffling that people actually defend OW’s mechanics and think the OW League is anything but Blizzard desperately trying to get into the esports scene with a game that doesn’t fit
Stop talking to yourself, faggot.
>logical fallacies are well made arguments
I suppose you both can go dig around in the dumpster for more arguments that stick with brainlets.
Brigitte and Ashe are cute and I'd reinstall right now if they made it a dating sim.
What was so bad about CTF? I never played it.
This. Probably would've dropped even sooner if I paid more attention to some of the very first patches.
>if the game is so easy, then why are you still a silver pleb?
I did my placements back in season 3 and won 10/10 of them and got placed 3400 and quit because the game wasn't fun.
Don't ever use the kong to shitpost ever again.
I’m sorry you’re still playing overwatch
I'm sorry Overwatch still makes you cry after all these years.
I don't play overwatch much since season 8. I just don't dick ride comments just because they affirm my limited and incomplete understanding of something, nigger.
The baby mode shit they did to D.Va from her at launch is one of the most aggrivating changes made to the game for me. The only reason they did it was because of waifu shitters and children who couldn't be bothered to actually figure out how to play her properly.
Everything about this game would be better if they removed comp and OWL and made pubs the sole focus of the game
>thinking ge is top level
lmao hmu when you reach level 10 faceit or fpl-c/rank g then we can talk about skill nerd
This. I managed to sneak into low gold last season but got placed in low silver this time.
>mfw faggots always pick Hanzo and we start matches with 3 DPS
Only bronies and diaperfags play TF2 now. It's fucking dead and it has been for a long time, ever since it went F2P actually.
3dps is fine as long as you have CC and 2 healers. Don't try to go 2 tank 1 healer. Especially in silver. Git gud and protect the DPS. Biggest problem is 222 and the healers suck the tanks dick for the EPIC GOLD HEALING while you slowly lose the match.
>Ever playing watered down TF2 with moba-elements
>Why don't you spend hundreds of hours playing a game you don't like to get a rank you don't care about to prove a point to someone you don't know?
Money or not, I would rather play games I enjoy in my free time.
OW is a RNG grindfest in the lower tiers, between all of the 4 or 5 dps teams and leavers it takes hours to climb regardless of how good you are
I spent 6 seasons in bronze. Did my placements, played maybe 3 matches with no-mics and genji mains (or even worse, roadhog bullet sponges) and just kept losing. The whole objective in metal ranks is "hope you have slightly less retarded teammates"
Although I found it strange, you could run into some brand new players who were extremely good at genji and tracer, maybe level 40 and they had perfect cooldown knowledge. I just need to get good like them I guess. Not sure why they placed in bronze league though.
> Not knowing that bronies and furfags are quarantined in their own community server.
Bogpill me on this reference
>run into some brand new players who were extremely good at genji and tracer,
>newer players
Probably someone with multiple accounts. You're probably in bronze because your stats are that of the average bronze player. Low healing/10 high deaths. Low elims/damage/10min high deaths.
In order:
>I actually have hit GM in overwatch, just play Brigitte and you can go to any rank you want, yes even now
>OWL fags earn a salary of 50,000 in exchange for selling their entire identity to blizzard, only the popular streamer fags get anything more than this. I already earn more than this with better benefits and a private life where I dont have to worry about Blizzard policing my thoughts for wrong think. and I dont have to play an unfun game to boot.
I'm not kidding by the way, OWL faggots have their entire apartment laced with security equipment and Blizzard is allowed to do whatever they want with that footage, thats in the OWL handbook.
>laced with security equipment
Are you fucking serious?
Imagine thinking that OW is a legitimate esport
With players and a viewerbase and everything
Oh wait, Blizzard blatantly viewbots every tournament and refuses to release player counts.
Oh wait, it's babby's first FPS and as deep as a kiddy pool
OP digs himself into a whole because he just wanted to shitposte: the chain
It's literally Blizzard pumping in money to save face, OWL is a fucking disgrace and they're desperate to shovel money in to not show it.
Why would they do that? Bronze league is very boring. Doesn't make any sense.
Also I'm positive I'm in bronze league because when I did all my placements at level 25 when I had no clue how to play any of the characters. This was like 8 dva patches ago when the name of the game was "defense matrix everything". I just play QuickPlay and I get placed with gold/plats every single time. My MMR is higher but I can't do shit about my SR.
Would just getting a new account make me climb faster? Is this how actiblizz stays in business?
If you can't carry out of bronze you will get crushed in gold. I drop s.r to bronze for shits and giggles and i'm out of bronze in like 10 matches of me just straight stomping everyone. Solo queuing only.
I play tanks. Is this possible to do without playing a DPS character?
Rein/Winston main. I also play zen because I have the capacity to lead shots.
hey brainlet,you didn't refuted him,dumbfuck
>tfw stuck in mid masters because this is the SR where all the actual pros have parked their smurfs to fuck around in
goats made dps smurfing slightly harder and all it takes is one guy tilting
Orisa/Dva will carry easy in bronze. Moira/brig if you want to heal. You have to get elims because your dps is going to be dogshit and stand still to get wacked by auto-aim characters.
Overwatch rank is all bullshit. I made it to master and sometimes grandmaster just by playing Torbjorn seasons 2-6. I'm not good at OW, but if I made it that far with such a shitty character, the ranking system doesn't mean shit.
This is always such a terrible point to make and if true it means that literally nothing can be criticised for being low skill because you can always just say 'well why aren't you the best in the world?'. To use a completely overused cliche, checkers is clearly much inferior in depth to chess and this is fair to say regardless of the fact that I am not the best checkers player in the world.
>luckily get carried to masters
I agree it's bullshit though.
You need high DPS or healing to climb? I thought it was all just win/lose conditions so it doesn't matter if you do nothing.
I can play Moira because I'm smart enough to not go frontline and be a DPS main like every Moira in bronze. Nothing worse than batting around a brig and the fucking Moira won't heal me, too busy running after roadhog.
You mean I consistently got carried, while other people who are clearly better then me got worse ranks? I disagree. I'd say 70% of my matches were people just throwing, and if we did ended up winning, it was because the other team was way more tilted then us. It's all meaningless, I don't deserve to be at Master, but I've made it there consistently, that means the system doesn't work.
When your dps is dogshit it's hard to win and in bronze all the dps is dogshit. You get more S.R for playing better and winning. It's not just win/lose. There are performance based factors as well.
I rank low plat every time, then remember I fucking hate overwatch and decide to play other games I enjoy the rest of the season.
I was joking about getting carried the whole way. It is luck to consistently get good team mates though. It's a crap shoot and the higher the rank the more likely you are to get throwers on your team.
>Strong meta is still 3 tanks
It’s been years so I’m probably forgetting more damning details, but they used existing (too small) maps that could be easily exploited by a handful of specific characters. Iirc something as simple as D Va boosting straight in with her shield up, grabbing the flag and boosting out and over any obstacles in the base was an almost guaranteed cap. Maps weren’t designed for the mode and allowed too many access points, it was almost a race to see who could simply run to and from the flag the most. There was something else with the flag mechanics in particular but I don’t remember exactly
Alright, so what is the best estimate for concurrent players?
about 65.
Because its easier to rank as some heroes than others, so by playing a few select heroes you can excel past your actual skill just due to shitty team comps of your enemies.. Hence the "mercy main" memes, high level mercys whos only skill was hovering a reticle over a teammate continuously .
You can find a match for any mode besides comp in about 20-60 seconds
I have only ever played Rein, Winston, and Orisa.
In low ranks, main tank (those heroes) are by far the easiest ones to carry games as, you can't blame teammates on being stuck in a rank, and anyone who does is fucking delusional.
Below probably like diamond, Overwatch isn't really a team game, but instead 6 individual 1v1s. If you can't carry a silver game, then you belong in silver.
Also posting my peak rank to emphasize that you don't need good aim to carry in OW. Which is probably bad game design. I blacked out my name because I'm sure some of you are GM and would harass me in game bc of this post if we ever met.
the problem is the amount of save in this game. Shield, teleport, regen. You are worthless alone and so you have to rely on your shit teammates and spamming meta hero.
>infinite ammo
cant post photos via LTE but try to imagine a gif of Wario laughing
>you dont need an update
Pcbros and their dead games and franchises everyone. Half Life 3 NEVER EVER.
You can't playing without xbox live gold or PS Plus so they have to be active accounts
You can't be fucking serious.
How do i get good with winston.
Why would a top100 player have any idea what low tier gameplay is like anyway?
You don't have to deal with ult batteries on your team. Of course having bad teammates drastically changes your dynamics. As rein I just do my best to be aware of cc (try to not get brig stunned, look out for mcree flashes etc.) and shield so my team can move in before hammering away (occasionally shielding if I am getting more DPS than my healers can deal with.) My favorite example of this is Hollywood choke 1 where I can tell my team "go in" when we've got some clearance, then my soldier and hanzo will immediately run in front of my shield to get their shots in.
Anyway, since I have the attention of someone who is actually knowledgeable, can you give me some insight on rein's shatter? It seems like anytime I use it near a ramp/stairs nobody gets stunned. Also when it comes to charge, how do I avoid getting people to bounce off?
I'm currently playing TF2 the other one with mecha and wall running and it takes like 1 to 2 minutes to find a game at best, and at least 5 minutes at worst.
So from your post, the number of concurrent players is probably around ten times or more compared to this game.
You are a delusional faggot.
>unintended mechanic once again argued as a measure of skill
You are a fucking idiot. I wasn't always high rank. I placed silver my first time playing.
I also recently bought a new gold account and climbed to GM in one weekend. Blaming teammates is a fucking pathetic excuse to fall back on. Accept responsibility for being shit and you might start to improve.
Shatter is dogshit. 3 years later and every mechanic around it is still broken. Don't use it near ramps and stairs, or while standing on the payload.
Charge is also retarded. I've got no advice for avoiding that cause it still happens to me even now. But being low rank you probably go for charge kills too often. I went on Overbuff, and despite being top 1% Rein player I saw my charge kills were like bottom 20%. Press shift less.
Don't try and face tank against Rein or Orisa comps.
Assuming you have any knowledge of Rein play, here's a good tip.
If you wouldn't charge (use shift) into a situation as Rein, then don't use Winston jump into it.
You don't have to finish kills as Winston. He's still very useful even if all he does is bait out lots of enemy cooldowns and waste resources.
Your primary targets should be low health low mobility heroes, so like McCree or Zen for example.
Not as often as they should if the team comps are correct on both sides. A game entirely defined by skill would have the better team win 100% of the time regardless of comp, this just never happens in overwatch unless you are a perpetual fuck up like the shanghai dragons.
TF2 has like 15 game modes, MVM, and community servers though
I stopped playing because they don't respect your time, matches are about 8 minutes on average (QP)? You spend so much time in queue, waiting to choose your hero, waiting until the game starts and then at the end waiting for the stats shit to get over only to get thrown back into the queue.
It all adds up to what, 3 minutes of wasting your time? That's almost 40% of your playtime spent doing fuck all.
You are an idiot, you tempted fate and got burned. No sympy, its like you walked into china and started screaming "winnie the pooh"
Not gonna read this thread, but the "low skill ceiling" for overwatch was always a meme. There have always been teams that dominated the pro scene, which would be literally impossible with a low skill ceiling.
I usually just read a book between wait times.
>can't get out of bronze: the post
I was talking about pic related. And as far as I know, there are 0 community servers.
If both teams have good comps the higher ranked team would win every time. I don't get how you people shovel horse shit like this.
>Why would they do that? Bronze league is very boring. Doesn't make any sense.
Because a GM player can basically 1v6 99% or bronze players with the only exception being smurfs on the enemy team. Lower ranks are fun because they’re more casual (whether they know it or not). No one knows matchups, compositions, strategies, and everyone is terrible mechanically. That makes bronze a good place to learn new heroes, as you will be flamed and then someone will throw if you try to play someone new in GM or Masters.
It has a high skill ceiling for teams that cooperate and communicate with each other but less so as an individual player which makes people meme there's a low skill ceiling.
Smart frog poster
Damn you must have massive adhd. Just use your phone to read or have a portable gaming device. Go get a drink. Fix yourself
I'm perfectly aware that I'm part of the problem, mostly because I don't play enough comp to get proper gamesense. Ult tracking is rather difficult at lower leagues because you can be 30 seconds in and your roadhog has given their hanzo dragonstrike.
>Press shift less
Very useful stat input, I try to use it to confirm kills only, such as when I'm near a wall and I know the enemy zarya doesn't have bubble. I learned a while ago that long charges result in stuns and punishment. Thus I became the ult battery I bitches about for so long.
I will however continue screaming at my hanzos to get behind the fucking shield when they're in a widow duel.
Also, Anubis point one attack, what the fuck is a good strategy? I generally go Winston and scoop around to the right, go to the mega, and try to hop in with my team. Is that retarded? I feel like it's retarded.
which would still be a reasonable complaint. I like playing alone (= with randoms, often without communication), and I've found TF2 and CS:GO to offer satisfying skill progression even though they're both also team-based games.
I do have ADHD but instead I just play something that's not a huge waste of time while being an overall frustrating experience. It's like the developers don't understand whether or not they want to make MOBA or an FPS game and then there's anti-fun heroes like Widow which don't belong in the genre at all.
Fun fact: xbox gold works for every single account on that xbox. I am personally responsible for 3 of those overwatch accounts, and I reckon my story is far from uncommon.
How do you herd your team when playing Rein in shit ranks? I recently made a new account to learn tanks and placed silver a couple days ago. I’m up to gold now but playing Rein in silver/gold is terrible. Supports are basically playing DPS and DPS don’t play around barrier. It’s very frustrating when you’re trying to contest an objective but half your team is always trying to pull off le potg flank. Should I just switch to Orissa or Winston until I get to triple digit IQ ranks?
Just play a hero that can carry and isn't dependent on having competent team members.
Attacking first point of any 2CP map is a shitshow. It's usually just farm ults until you win a fight with them. What I like to do is go left side as Winston and wrap all the way to the back of point - from there, usually supports will be on high ground and you can jump them easily? IDK. What works depends on what and how the enemy are playing.
As for general Rein tips, it's not hard to land good shatters in low rank, and a 1 or 2 man is always fine. Make sure you have both your cooldowns available for followup, since you can not expect your team to be followup in low rank.
I have an 80% win rate on Hog and Zarya in dumpster ranks but the whole point of making a new account was to learn the main tanks.
I legitimately ignore my team in low ranks. Rein's kit is somewhat abusive against low rank players - he's got a pretty decent ult, has a 100 damage ability on 6 second cooldown, and 1v1s at low rank are always safe with Rein because people can't hit the broad side of a barn.
Also Rein isn't always the pick. He's quite bad in some scenarios. Winston is generally a safer more versatile pick in low ranks.
Lol you are being optimistic. Ive spent 20+ minutes in skirmishes, on console, which is supposedly where all the action is. Ive literally had sessions where gameplay wasnt even 1/3 of my time.
Overwatch characters are soulless or ripoffs or just dykes. Instant boner killer.
florida mayhem. dragons got some top tier Koreans, while Mayhem basically signed some T3 literally whos for this season.
I play on console and have never waited more than 5 minutes for a match in NA. The only exception is if you are top 500/GM doing group queues.
Play the corners and use your firestrike as a cqc finish for things like tracer or genji who like to stay just out of range. Otherwise use your Mic. Chad reins are natural leaders.
>FPS with moba
>3rd person action-MOBA hybrid
Both are just mobas. And both are equally dogshit.
remove all tanks and supports
bam game fixed
this is just plain incorrect
>nearly dead
According to what standards.
>queue times
>overall buzz around the game
How can you be this wrong unless you've never played the game
The bomb will send you wherever you are headed depending on where you are in the radius
You can go forward, just look backwards and shoot
Wow. Problem solved.
bro i got top 500 season 2 by playing rein and zen. the aim requirement was not there at all lol.
im pretty sure anyone can get GM if they really wanted to
I want to be D.Va!
I don't play shooters outside of splatoon, does low skill ceiling for this genre mean it's way more about strategy than aiming and movement? Like how a fighting game with no combos and easy inputs is all about rock paper scissors guessing.
Not anyone, but it’s a fair point. Climbing to high ranks has some degree of mechanical skill requirements, but the matchmaking is savage. The way to climb is to use a mic, be positive, never tilt, and keep your team from tilting as best you can. You might only win 51% of games but over enough time played you’ll climb. If you’ve played hundreds of comp matches and are still below diamond then I don’t know what to say. You’re either terrible, an idiot, toxic and obnoxious, or you have such low social IQ that you can’t see what is keeping you from winning.
I misrecalled it slightly, but I went and recorded it to prove that it's still not an accurate physics simulation, and instead it's stupid hard-coded logic where your character is forced to propel horizontally away from the mine no matter how centered you are to it.
Amen, op. You're the kind of person we need. Overwatch is fucking trash and always was, and that's just gameplay. The rest of it is only good for porn.
>implying that was you
Still funny how a Blizzard janny got spoiled about his capeshit movie.
Thank God.
le nigger
>im not centered on the mine and it pushes me away, how could this happen
what the fuck are you on about? the video makes it abundantly clear that the logic is simply made to ignore the possibility of neutral horiozontal force.
I personally dislike their design philosophy. You should characters you llike, not characters that counter other characters.
>The way to climb is to use a mic, be positive, never tilt, and keep your team from tilting as best you can
Incredibly competitive skillset the game requires there.
Clearly your time is very valuable sperging about Overwatch on Yea Forums
That guy is wrong.
I climbed out of voice channel.
Comms are unimportant anywhere below masters because everyone's going to ignore them anyway.
Not him, but yes i was toxic as fuck when i played Dota2 and yet, through being good at individual skill i actually was in the top 5% quantile in ranked.
And i flammed hard very often.
Due to overwatch not offering much in terms of individual skill display, this can't happen there.
Well memed
Overwatch was never good.
You can play not in voice if you want but you are actively reducing the chances of your team winning by doing so. Autistic people like you make the game worse. You don’t even have to talk, but to automatically leave voice so no one can ask you to switch off Hanzo when you start 0-12 is a bitch move. You’re delusional if you think voice isn’t helpful at all ranks.
Supports, tanks, and DPS are all playing very different games. You have to metagame to beat the people who are your rank. Mechanical requirements differ drastically from role to role and character to character. Obviously you will need to be extremely skilled to climb to GM using only Widowmaker or McCree, but being a top 1% player at hitscan won’t help you when you’re playing support or a tank.
Overwatch tournaments barely exist outside the league arent sanction by blizzard also theres no lan. companies who want their game to be "esports" could learn a lot from Fighting games when it comes to supporting local and grassroots tournaments
Why grind rank when their isn't a guarantee to get into pro league? The recruitment has bias and apparently some really good players got dumped for ecelebs. The game is easy, but sucking dick is way harder
I peaked rank 74. I didn't say I was always out of voice. I climbed from plat to GM while out of voice, and only joined it once games started requiring more coordination to win.
Communication and teamwork aren't important until you hit the highest ranks, and in general that's what separates masters players from GM and up. They have roughly the same mechanical skill but lack coordination.
Comms in plat are actually useless and you're an idiot.
fpbp, and retards don't have a real answer for it. If things were so braindead easy, you'd be making a shit ton of money stomping everyone and carrying professional teams.
Except thats not the case. People just dont like the game for whatever subjective and personal reason and feel like they have to justify it by making up an objective reason.
>He thinks teams recruit by skill
>He still believes in Santa
There were various reports the recruitment process was fucked and they favored ecelebs more than good literal whos
>Comms in plat are actually useless and you're an idiot.
>voice chat in a team based game is useless unless you are in the top .01% of players
Why don’t you think about what you’re saying? I know it’s hard, but try to follow.
>people try to play 5 DPS
>ask some to swap
>one or more do, giving you a better chance to win
>team gets flanked
>call it out
>prevent team wipe
>call out when enemy has ult
>support saves counter ult
>prevent team wipe
>call out target to focus during fight
>kill target
>win fight
>call out ult to coordinate
>win fight
Communication below GM is useless btw. Fucking retard. Even a bronze one trick Hanzo can figure out how to shoot his dragon at the enemy team stuck in a graviton if you tell him to. The difference being he won’t if you don’t tell him to, because he is a moron. If anything, communication is MORE important in shit ranks because no one knows what is going on, what to do, or how to win.
>hurr top 75 btw
I peaked rank 35 NA s2. It doesn’t mean anything. If you finished well and get a lucky winning streak after placements you’ll be catapulted deep into top 500 when you’re getting bonus SR. Doesn’t change the fact your argument is fucking retarded. I’m trying to help people who think they are stuck in Elo hell, not GM players on smurfs. Obviously I will win almost every game below diamond by instant locking DPS and leaving voice. That’s not the point.
>implying there wasn't an incident where they recruited someone purely on the basis that they are a girl into a proteam, who tried to apply as himself a ton and always got rejected.
>implying it wasn't double funny when it turned it wasn't a girl.
Yea, and you being out of voice and being able to carry on DPS is proof that comms aren't needed to win, right?
Just press X when you need healing. That's literally all the communication you need.
If you're at the point where you need comms as a crutch to win games in low rank, it's very unlikely you'll climb much higher.
>communication is a crutch
You're describing the ease in which a person can carry if they have a much higher skill level than the enemy team. You aren't arguing that comms are unnecessary at all you just keep saying it like that makes it true because you can carry in low ranks.
you're retarded.
Well in my experience climbing to grandmaster (solo half the time) as per the pic I posted from gold to plat everybody does what they want so it's a 50/50 win or lose.From diamond and above if I pick a "fun" character they scream at me to take whats viable so we can bunker or goats and if I don't comply someone will throw the match so we lose and then blame me for not following meta/pro picks.Partially I blame the playerbase but also actiblizz for not balancing so every character can be useful.
>hey guy play [hitscan] so you can kill their pharah
>can't aim to save my life
I tried
>everyone is as good at the game as me so comms are useless until you reach the point that I do when I start getting shit on if im not making calldowns.
Who's the retard? Not everything is about you, user.
Because Blizzard match making is shit and for example of the last 10 games I played 3 of them had someone on my team just up and leave the game resulting in a loss. How can I maintain over 50% win rate when 30% of my games are straight up unwinable no matter how hard I play? Blizzard needs to implement a 24 hour ban on leavers followed by perma ban if they leave more then once in a week.
I've realized that McRee is pretty much the only hero I find satisfying to play because his revolver doesn't feel as neutered or casualized as the rest of the entire game.
They sure spent a shitload of time trying to polish away the fun
Half of the cast are characters based on movement and speed, the other half is meant to stop you from using the first half
Who the fuck ever thought that stuns in an FPS is a fun idea?