With all the gears and magics, who would be the strongest Link?

With all the gears and magics, who would be the strongest Link?

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>With all the gears and magics
fuck off ESL spic

Based shota pedo.

MM Link.
Seasoned fighter + power of his masks.
Easy win.

The one with the best boypussy

>With all the gears and magics

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

At least tell me the correct sentence if you going to mock me then you stupid mutt

>all gears and magic
>fierce deity mask
yup, MM Link wins

"Gear" and "magic" are uncountable nouns in this context. Now go back to and stop begging Yea Forums for English lessons.

figure it out yourself spic
this is an english website, learn it if you want to post here

WW Link obviously

The one who can make my cock spurt the hardest


Skyward Sword Link is ugly

Is this the medieval fps thread?
If so, I have a question: why is there a lot og review of mordhau so pissy about his community? Did they forgot how not to be pissy retards who get offended by strangers on a videogame? I even think there's an option to disable the chat.

the one with the biggest cock

oops sorry wrong thread.

The one with the most protruding, donut butthole.

>every Link already looks anime as fuck in official art
>Aonuma somehow believed he had 3D graphics figured out when he though of toon link

wtf why are they naked?

Whos my opponent

Attached: 1200px-MM_Fierce_Deity_Link_Artwork.png (1200x1757, 1.03M)

As the Master Sword is the Blade of Evil's Bane, would it be ineffectual against a different version of Link? Or just behave as a regular sword?

Either oracle link (has the experience of both oracle games, Links Awakening, and AlttP) or MM link (fierce deity mask and more experience than the average link)

it's a kind of slave market

Theres a 45 minute vid on youtube that autistically goes over this and carefully explains all Links.
I personally think OoT/MM Link aka The Hero of Time is the most OP of all Links.

Attached: Bad Link.jpg (688x597, 225K)

MM Link: All the transformation masks would already put him in top tier, but Fierce Diety makes him very OP.

FSA Link: The Four Sword immediately makes it a 4 on 1 battle, which skews the victory heavily in FSA's favor.

BOTW Link: The Combination of Stasis Rune with the One Hit Bo makes BOTW very dangerous and able to make the battle quick and decisive.

Toon Link's anus muscles would be the strongest I think

BotW Link. He would ride up on his bike and steal all of the other Link's Zelda away, making him a winner in life. If you mean in combat, then original Link since he's the only one with a complete Triforce.