What now sun fags?
What now sun fags?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sun is still there, it's just hiding, and there's no accumulation of smog to stop it.
still looks like shit
current day Hong Kong has more skyscrapers than Night City in 2077
What the fuck are you talking about? Literally nobody thought the sun would be out 24/7 the same way nightfags like you thought it should be dark all the time.
>Literally nobody thought the sun would be out 24/7 the same way nightfags like you thought it should be dark all the time.
ahhahaaha. Thats not the same story/argument people had when the first gameplay trailer came out.
Sure thing, kid. Show me even one example that's not a blatant false flag.
> Show me even one example that's not a blatant false flag.
Now it's about trannies kek
>no u
Yeah, didn't think you could. Go back to crying about the sun now.
now they complain about trannies in a society all about body mods.
Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.
>Play a tranny
>40% chance that you get a game over screen every time you go back to your apartment
too clean, too new and utopian
I never understood this freakout. Isn't night city in the Arctic Circle? They have 24 hrs of day/night depending on the time of year.
smog would make no sense because if pollution didn't get fixed by 2077 human life would have ended long before then
>blocks your path
Still looks worse than fan edit.
>It's not really Cyberpunk
>It doesn't have choices.
>It's not really an RPG
>It doesn't have a straight male protagonist option.
It's not popular.
>It's not goty.
>It's not gotd.
The Machine is grateful. You will be remembered.
>Can genetically engineer women to have functioning dicks and men to be able to give birth
>Can't genetically engineer plants to grow in smoggy environments
Turn off your computer. With a brick.
You're the most retarded OP today, congrats
Cope harder.
good god your stupid
Where were you the past week? Sunfags have transitioned (heh) to whining about trannies and faggots now.
Smoggy weather has been a thing in cyberpunk settings since forever. But now that it's a gta clone it apparently doesn't need smog anymore. Frick off kid
>some fake ass CGI
it's all tiresome
Your game is such a colosall fuckup, how does it feel supporting such a shit product?
Let's see what's the difference between this picture and OP
>everything is darker for some reason even thought it wouldn't be possible for it to be this dark in a city like this.
>added unrealistic glows
>added rain and thunderstorm which is in the actual game too.
fucking retarded reddditors
We can genetically modify plants now, we're actually better at it than we are at genetically modifying humans. Why do you think in a world with all that technology that they couldn't just snap their fingers and make the environment work despite all the pollution?
Shills are such newfags
>everything is darker for some reason even thought it wouldn't be possible for it to be this dark in a city like this
It's a stylization niggua.
and its enough to trigger you anti shills. KEK
Zoomer aesthetics.
The funny thing is that they didnt even show yet the Downtown because its still work in progress, so we didnt see the most Blade Runnery locations in the game yet... All of the location are outskirt of the city, like Watson or Pacifica. The biggest BTFO will be, when they will show Downtown district during Night time.
sunfags has become:
A bunch of threads got archived or deleted and you morons already have started making more. Nobody gives a fuck about your Cyberpunk love hate circlejerk. Dumb niggers
because you're only genetic engineering fucking plants and not casting wizard spells
>dude what if cyberpunk × hyper light drifter
Yeah most people don't get that the copo districts are full of corpo goons that will be present in later missions ince they are high level difficult enemies so the corpo and the rich districts are the ones that will be polished and added into the game.
added into the game last
>sunfags destroyed
>trannsexual character creator
Cyberpunk just looks better and better.
>What now sun fags?
We successfully got the devs to improve the game. You should be thanking us.
>here's your cyberpunk game dev, bro
>Yea Forums
>your stupid
Good job, retard.
where can I get those new character artworks with the duos?
I saw them on instagram, but for an image based platform it has morbidly shit image quality.
They were posters at E3, no official source is available, they're cleaned up photos right now.
is "she" trying to eat that cat?
ah, okay. Think that checks out. thanks. shame.
its nice to see someone with a stronger grasp on the themes of cyberpunk than "wow, cool cyborg mercenaries"
That article should make it clear what they hired her for, she's a translator. They make a joke, neo lefttist morons get offended, so they send out the neo leftist they hired to bullshit them in their own insipid language.
If you tell them to fuck off then they just get worse.
>I saw them on instagram, but for an image based platform it has morbidly shit image quality.
Holy fuck lad, instagram is the most confusing piece of trash ever. Upload images that are meant for phone sizes only. What the fuck.
The cleanest uploads are on twitter, but they have only posted two so far.
Those are pretty interesting.
yeah you can zoom in on pictures, but it's all compressed so intensely you really don't want to. It all looks fine for normies to scroll past and look and big assed fitgirls, but no place to look for decent sized images
thanks user, saving those.
I love the written synopses behind them.
If you F12 then CTRL F for jpg in the console you can find where they host the full size image but half the time even the full size image is a tiny piece of shit. Goddamn phones are a cancer and platforms like instagram are AIDs.
nO rAiN
0/10 NO BUY
>No Rain
Why the fuck would a Gundam character appear in Cyberpunk?
I work for my country's statistics agency, and I fill out questionnaires by phone with mostly unwilling participants. Currently one on computer and internet use. Literally all zoomer aged kids rarely use a PC or laptop. They all do everything on their phones. no wonder they're all such vapid NPC's.
There's an astounding underestimation of Capitalism behind that image. Capitalism has no ideology or attachment to any of the cultural trends it co-opts or any of the language, people or themes it makes use of, its one single purpose is to milk people of wealth. Yet the image suggests the people will fight against hyper-sexualization as a tool of the corporations. If there's a public movement against hyper-sexualization in advertising, Capitalism will simply appropriate that movement itself, and use it to sell more products.
Like CDPR just did right now in front of your eyes. Truly amazing.
>trigger and alienate the left with tranny jokes and tranny sexualizing and fetishization and killing niggers
>trigger and alienate the right with tranny pandering and niggers everywhere
>trigger and alienate autistic cyberpunk fans with sun reeeeeee gta clone
>trigger and alienate gamers with lack of promised features, bland gameplay and almost no RPG elements
>trigger and alienate normies with going for most niche and autistic genre that nobody cares about instead more fantasy that normies love
I still can't decide if CDPR marketing are geniuses or fucking morons. Either there will be no one left to play this game, or it will be biggest hit of the decade. No middle ground.
>>trigger and alienate gamers with lack of promised features, bland gameplay and almost no RPG elements
Phones have somehow made people dumber than before we had phones. It's fucking amazing.
>you're fighting against the mega-corps and tranny ads
Absolutely based.
CDPR shills are so out of touch with reality that they think people were only complaining about the sun. Take this image and GTAV and you can't even tell them apart. What was the point of making a Cyberpunk game if you're just going to make GTAV? Keep shilling your game though. Everything is wrong about it.
>Can't even tell them apart
Well first of all no GTA has that sign on it. Or decrepit buildings.
Nice Cyberpunk game.
Neither SJWs nor the alt-right play games anyway, just bitch and moan about them.
Shut up nigger.
I agree, nice cyberpunk game.
You're right. GTAV actually had more buildings and looked more Cyberpunk.
>GTAV had more buildings
Le nice shitpost bro!
Burden of proof is on you.
>falling for the ((((((((climate change)))) )))) meme
what kind of retarded dev puts their games name floating in the game world
You can't possibly be this fucking stupid.
They're not even trying to hide the fact that they're chasing the GTA crowd anymore. I guess somewhere along the line CDPR saw how successful GTAV was and wanted some of they money. They made a GTA clone instead of a true Cyberpunkgame.
>sunfag is still seething
I love the ass pain this game causes on Yea Forums. You people will truly get mad over anything,
>global scientific consensus from climate experts around the world regardless of their ethnicity, political views, nationality, or or personal agenda is a meme
so much for the so-called rational right
I really hope it lives up to the hype and breaks sales records
>scientific consensus
Should we remind this guy of all the political bullshit that "global science consensus" likes to push as well?
No it isn't, I didn't bring up the idea.
Congratulations you just got dabbed on
Promo art for a Cyberpunk game or GTA? You guess.
>Man plugged into a sign post
Doesn't look like any GTA to me. You trying so desperately to shitpost this as GTA is just resulting in more sales you glue eater lmfao
this is just pacifica district, poorest part of the map, we have yet to see how city central looks like
lol no way bro some scientists got paid there's no way deforestation, depopulation, and carbon emissions could have any effect on the climate, can't you see how all the animal populations are exactly the same and we're not having any variation of mass extinctions?
>Cyberpunk world has crime and criminals
>hurr durr it's GTA
>where does a cyberpunk city come from
>probably just springs out of the ground
>it definitely isn't built up on top of the old city
>why wouldn't they just tear all the old infrastructure out once it became the future
>it should be 100% alien and foreign to me and essentially just sci-fi to not be GTA V
>that voice
Just wait 12 hours
Yes you fucking did.
I mean seriously look at this fucking GTA garbage am I right? What were they thinking??
I...I didn't?
Fake. They're probably just hiding the sun in the sky on the other side of the planet.
Central part of the city is literally what op posted. Now compare that with people who actually know how to make Cyberpunk. Either CDPR are just incompetent or chasing the GTA crowd. It doesn't matter. It looks bad.
Looks exactly the same as modern day Shanghai
>really wants to believe his degree was worth a lifetime of debt
c o p E
What's in 12 hours?
Have you ever actually been to shanghai or Hong Kong? They basically already are cyberpunk dystopias with people living in 2x4 sized sleeping holes
>The message of cyberpunk 2077 is that corporations are bad and will fuck you over
>Yea Forums
>Why is this corporation trying to fuck me over?
hot topic tourist detected
>Dive beneath it on a 99 hour playthrough, maxed stats and about to finish the super secret final canonical ending of Salt's Song
>What's the worst that can happen to see what's beneath it?
>Instant 99 terror
Oh. Oh.
>a real life city has more buildings then a video game
>this is a criticism
Yea Forums ladies and gentlemen.
The stupidest mother fuckers on the entire internet in one place.
Altered Cabron was fucking garbage
Also, nice ""cyberpunk"" bro. What is this, Hunger Games?
>would rather ignore the impending ecological collapse to own the libs
i really, really hate rightdrones
Real life is MORE cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077 lmao
Arctic Circle?
Nigga wtf
Looks like the typical 3rd world dwelling desu. Where is cyber and punk?
Real life dosent look like this
That's why climate doom keeps getting pushed back.
Hot topic tourist.
They could have made it look like that if CDPR weren't chasing the open world crowd. I would have preferred hubs and then different sections. And with clever tricks they could make the world seem a lot bigger than it is. As it is though we get a small city that isn't even as big as real modern cities.
that looks mad ugly.that lighting makes zero sense at all for night. kek
>it’s not cyberpunk
>its not even an RPG
>lifetime of debt
I live in a real country and not some clown nation so those kinds of predatory loans are illegal and going to college is affordable
Actually lore wise Night City basically was just built randomly on the California coast. It’s a new city not built on anything.
If you have low standards are are willing to play a game with shit visuals and watered down gameplay then by all means go ahead and get it.
No, he's talking about the construction that went on in the aftermath of the Fourth Corporate War.
This is what it would sound like if your mom sat around disagreeing with your video game choices.
>CDPR shills are so out of touch with reality
> Take this image and GTAV and you can't even tell them apart.
Sometime I just don't know if people like you are just trolling or you are really so fucking stupid.
Everything in the pic is cyberpunk.
Small metal room
Neon lighting
Obsolete TV
Brand names everywhere
bro you already got your (you)s just fuck off already
Cyberpunk aesthetic is inspired by Asian megasprawls like Hong Kong.
Supposed capitialist dystopia ~50 years from now in one of America's largest states yet it looks less developed than an actual city that it exists right now.
>make game preview
>just grey smog
>Yea Forums: ahh, now THATS what i call cyberpunk
Oh, ok. So you ARE a fucking retard.
>there is day/night cycle and weather system
>the city is big with 6 main district, each one of those has sub-districts and there are badlands outside of the city
>There are classess actually tied to the gameplay play styles you prefer, you has solo which you can branch and play as strong solo focused on strenght or fast solo focused on agility, you can play as netrunner, focus on hacking, you can play as techie focus on engineering, robots etc, You can also mix all of these.
>Many interiors are accessible, and you can explore them vertically, the idea is that where is content you can go there
>The cutomization options are actually good and deep; you can cutomize your looks, your gender, you can customize your backstory which affect dialogues choices, you can customize your body with cyberware, nervous system, chest, legs, hands, you also can change your clothing, you can customize your weapons; with silencer for example and other elements, depending on weapon.
>The C&C system and dialogue choices will be obviously great like in every their previous game, and the dialogue system seems to be even improved compared to their previous games, look at the first gameplay demo and you will see what im talking about.
>The NPCs are killable, u can kill them riding your car etc, and the "police" system works different in each district, in Pacifica gangs will attack you, in Downtown corporate security or police for example
>The environment are partially destructible
>Graphics looks good. especially the crowds and the scale of the game
>75 % of the dev team are Poles, all the directing people are practially poles, and most of them were responsible for Witcher 3 or previous their games
>It is Role Playing games, you have C&C, dialogue options, backstory you can choose that affect dialogues, you has levels, skills, perks and attributes, heavy character customization, you can play the game differently, melee, guns, stealth, hacking, engineering
>Brand names everywhere
Name one
Are you blind?
Why did you quote me and no the guy I quoted?
Sѹ basedboy
>Promo art for a Cyberpunk game or GTA?
Its concept art you stupid faggot. And it is obviously cyberpunk. Cyber implants. Flying cars. Sure, its fucking GTA. You really trying to hard fucktard.
Fuck magenta and fuck you
your eyes are broken nigga please go away
>for "cyberpunk" to decorate an interior
who is cyberpunk
>every piece of cyberpunk media that even bothers to show a bedroom is usually a non-living space that's been customized to be a makeshift living space
fucking HATE when things I like become popular, someone post that "death of the hobby" meme
The game still looks like shit no matter the time of day.
Shouldn't we be under the multiple apartments because they've said they're not doing it. Unless they release it as DLC later I guess
This was my firs response in this topic you faggot.
>you wont be playing a predetermined character like geralt
oh wow cant wait to make my own story in this cyberpunk city!
Wrong x2
In the demo, we've seen the character level and the "street cred" stat. What is it about and how to increase it?
In general, the character development works like this - we have levels which give us access to "points"; we can assign those points to strength, intelligence, etc. Those are the traits that increase our "abilities/perks limit". The second part are the abilities - using heavy weapons, melee weapons, hacking, etc. Those can be advanced through particular activities, for example the more you shoot, the more skill assigned to that weapon type increases. Street cred is earned through completing missions (the way you complete them is the factor as well) and it gives you access to new missions. But the fame has its cost, so there are situations in which you would rather remain anonymous, but if you have high street cred, the people recognize you.
+ perks
+heavy character customization, weapon customization etc...
then it should be obvious that you aren't very original
OP looks better than this, honestly.
Oh...well at least i will be playing a realistic merc with no silly over the top cliche story!
The game got too big, the resources needed to pull it off require CDPR to adjust their marketing and try to go for the GTA crowd. It's a sinkhole.
I didn't try to be original you faggot.
You dont play predetermined character like Geralt, u can choose his/her backstory which affect dialogues, can change gender, face etc, and you will have more freedom in the story and gameplay.
>fantasy city looks LESS of a fantasy than real life setting.
Yea Forums ladies and gentlemen.
Thank fucking god.
Action adventure with RPG elements is really the way to go.
its a cinematic lol. not that i have any problem with the sun
It doesnt matter how they market the game, it already has much more RPG elements than Witcher 3 which was market as Role Playing Game.
Behold Robert Purchese, the pinnacle of objectivity and integrity.
Still waiting for someone to point out the difference between modern day East Asia and Nightcity.
People basically wanted the Cyberpunk city to be a place like Kowloon City
S s stop. CDPR bad.
>literally projecting their interracial rape fantasies onto a game because there are no black people in it
Every games journalist needs to be lined up against a wall and shot.
good thing the only thing in that picture i previously linked is the direct quotations from the developers themselves you mongoloid
it's any mix of high technology and poor living
we are in the cyberpunk era right now with people living in crappy houses and owning a smarphone
the only thing that matters*
If CP2077 ends up being shit I hope Warhorse make their own Cyberpunk game just to rub it in their face.
You give the shitposters too much credit, they had no concrete desires and were going to bitch no matter what, we now know this for a fact.
It is just so fucking unfair man.
We could have had a completely based cyberpunk city based on the nondescript delusions from my autistic fantasies and instead its a night city modeled after the game its based on. CDPR cant keep getting away with it.
I know, its just that first thing that came to mind from seeing his name was a middle age white guy hoping to see white teen girls being impregnated by black bulls to become a medieval single mother of a mulatto child.
That's a cinematic trailer, not in-game footage.
But they're downgrading it to a first person shooter. RPG elements are just a gimmick in this game.
Wasn't there are a cat walking simulator with the levels from that place? What happened to it?
Wow you got me
Kek. I love how far these went
>they had no concrete desires
that's most gamers desu
>all cyberpunk must be visually identical to Far Cry: Blood Dragon
it fits the homosexual theme of protagonist and also the sun
That's not smog. That's pot puff.
>says the guy posting new vegas
Sleeping Dogs.
If there were no nigger in my hometown (literally not 1 nigger in a pop of 2k) growing up, then there sure as fuck weren't any back then.
This. My country has around 500 black people in the entire country. Nogs were seen as almost mythical creatures only talked about in folk tales.
Reminds me of seeing the first black guy in months. He acted spontaneously rude towards an elderly who glanced at him.
Ruined my day.
>If CP2077 ends up being shit I hope Warhorse make their own Cyberpunk game just to rub it in their face.
>just to rub it in their face
Why would they? Both studios have very good relations. You faggots are really spiteful cunts.
I'm not even kidding when I say never saw a black person IRL until I was in my late teens and on holiday. Because of that I don't even know how to interact with them, I just have a feeling no matter what I do they just think I'm a racist anyway lol.
>CGI trailer
weak bait
a soul for a soul
FUCK, it's the apartment that was shown in the gameplay vid? That wasn't comfy at all! That was nicer than my fucking apartment, what the hell.
Leftists be like:
>Sex positivity is great. Sex is awesome and at the core of everything!
But when they get insecure about competing sexually they be like:
>Oh noes hypersexuality is bad, too much of sex is bad even if it was seen to be a good thing. Wait, does that mean too much charity can be bad too? That's some libertarian fantasy, hyperinflation doesn't exist.
I've never interacted with a black person period. I just saw a about 5 in total around the city and a whole bunch when I was in London. Never spoke to any of them though
Daytime cyberpunk can look good but the Night City's buildings aren't large enough.
>be like
Kill yourself
I mean a good Cyberpunk city has it all. Downtown buisness district, industrial area and Kowloon parts.
>cyberpozzed 2077
>cdpr going into full damage control to appeal to the mental illness community
Wow black pipo funny we get it
That's the one legitimate complaint I've heard about the setting, other than the palm trees and outskirts. There aren't enough superbuildings and those that are aren't super enough. But I'm guessing this is because it was too much for computers to handle. I'm already having a hard time imagining how they're gonna pull off the seamless city, let alone if it was actually a megacity.
Get help
Pretty sure its a bot.
>when you've been living in a cyberpunk dystopia ruled by planet and culture destroying mega corporations for years but never noticed because the sun still comes up, the news pretends this is how its always been, and everyone you talk to is used to it
>t. kike
The Western themes of cyberpunk are stupid and overdone. The Orientals have a better grasp because cyberpunk.
Cyberpunk is simply high tech low life. This can mean not so wealth fortunate people in high tech world, it can also mean cyborg vs controlling AI, it can mean living in a dystopian place like China where the state is still king.
Have sex incel. Literally just have sex!
>it was too much for computers to handle
user, it's not the 90's anymore. Computers can handle that and much more, it's just lazy and incompetent devs.
Look at this:
Fucking Scam Citizen is making a gigantic city that sprawls entire planet and looks more cyberpunk than anything in Cyberpunk2077. And they're the epitome of lazy and incompetent devs. Yet they can pull stuff like that. Why CDPR can't?
>fog everywhere
Yeah I'm sure that was real difficult to make. If you just put everything in smoke you can make low rez models load up because it's not like anyone can see them without getting close.
>it's just lazy and incompetent devs.
I mean, you can say lot thing about CDPR but calling them "lazy and incompetent" is just fucking retarded.
it still proves that stuff like that can be done with today's tech
Is CP2077 solarpunk?
>literally shilling for scam citizen
LMAO shitposting is one thing but this this should be punishable by death
Even with fog it looks great.
that's just a morning or evening + a bit of smoke not a smog at all
you're just jelly that shitty scam citizen vaporware has better city than your stupid trannypunk2077: electric dilation edition
begone shill
>Cyberpunk is simply high tech low life
its rebelling against and subverting an authoritarian power structure (punk) that explores themes of how the people who control the technology we rely on control us (cyber)
high tech low life is just any scifi dystopia story about criminals and vagrants
I don't get the multiple apartments criticism. Who has more than one apartment? I sure as fuck don't pay rent two or three times a month, that would be incredibly stupid.
That wasn't nitpicking. Games have used fog to make it easier on hardware for a very long time. Morrowind is a good example. But it's much much easier to do that than to have textures seamlessly transition between low and high rez. That and having a big city doesn't mean you have an interesting city. Open world games already have way too much empty nothingness, they don't need more.
>who is cyberpunk
rip reading comprehension
>he said that even shitty game like star citizen can do something better than cyberpunk2077
>call him shill for star citizen
are all trannies that retarded or is it just you?
if you can't use transhumanistic technology to transcend gender and biology to become an androgynous chrome sex icon what even is the point in inventing it
The dev is literally an idiot because he thinks his game is about being a "cyber punk", a punk who is from the future so he is cyber.
Really big skyscrapers and other big buildings. Hate to use Blade Runner as an example again but:
I haven't played GTAV but this has to be from it.
>he continues to shill for scam citizen and falseflagging by calling other trannies
What good would that do for a video game man?
These building are unrealistic large, why would a city composed of only 5-6 million people need a building that big?
you have to go back
It's called aesthetic my brainlet friend
>Hate to use Blade Runner as an example
It's literally your only example. Johnny Mnemonic would be the classic cyberpunk film example and its skylines are nothing outrageous. Arcologies are not a requirement.
B-but that's communism!
Because it looks cool.
It's okay we'll make the game always dark by setting off an EMP
Cyberpunk are themes not visuals, u underage fag.
>he continues to pretend to be retarded to win an argument
this film really is perfection
the new one is too
>trannies wouldn't exist in a degenerate technological dystopia
So it's superficial bullshit that doesn'r matter?
Johnny Mnemonic is terrible, terrible awful movie and everyone should pretend it never existed.
>a dirty smelly scam citizen shill
kill yourself you human piece of trash
Looks like Watch Dogs 2.
If you're blind sure
Yes. Like big buildings IRL. Do you think it was imperative to build the Burj Khalifa? No. It was to show off. People with loads of money like to show it off and one of the best ways of doing so is to point a massive concrete cock into the sky.
Why are you so angry, tranny? Nobody is shilling scam shitizen here. Or you're too stupid to know what shilling means? You're a fucking waste of air and you should join the 40%, you disgusting abomination. Fucking ugly retard.
Get your narratives straight you two.
>people have different views
>this is somehow bad
End yourself
lmao why are cdprcucks so angry about superiour game?
CDPR made just realistic world and realistic city, in realistic cities you dont have skyscrapers everywhere, but only in downtown. So in Cyberpunk 2077 we'll have City Center, the skyscraper stuff, corpo, security, police etc... It will be probably the most blade runnery stuff in the game. And you also have 5 different district, which inhabits different people, different gangs, different architecture, world design and art direction. One city, but the difference exploring it will be like Novigrad and Skellige. And you also have badlands, which are outside the city.
it truly is incredible how corporate wannabe-aristocrats used the cold war to successfully spread the notion that the government providing social services to everybody rather than just the already-wealthy is communism and not the intended goal of choosing democracy
It's pretty straightforward, the game needs to look cooler.
>American Civil Rights fetishists: "We hate rich white men!"
>American corporation owned by rich white men: "Right on dudes, dudettes and duXes! We support you, please buy our Kill White Men T-Shirts at 400% mark up"
This is your futuristic dystopia.
and dont forget that at the end of the day the game take place in fucking California, this is the setting, and they want to stay true to the setting, maybe in future Cyberpunk game we'll get different part of the world.
Also, the city was blast by nuclear bomb by Mike Pondsmith, and need to be rebuild, to there are also lore reasons how they designed it.
Not to take away from your meme or anything, but the continued extinction of useless animal species is an essential and natural process that has been ongoing since the dawn of life on earth
Cyberpunk is a genre of fiction, it has it's own philosophies, visions and archetypes just like any other genre of sci-fi. The -punk suffix was meant to display a bastardisation of some original concept. Before stuff like Neuromancer came out, the usual, popcultural vision of future painted it in bright colours, mostly moving into some utopian environments. Cyberpunk took the same concepts and carefully explained how the future is going to fuck us in the ass. The aesthetics used in Cyberpunk are mostly noir, art deco and postmodernism. Doing something else and calling it Cyberpunk is just lying to your audience. It's like advertising to sell bananas but actually giving people apples after they pay you.
>thing that doesn't happen but I will pretend it does so I can act like a victim
so far Star Citizen is not game, its very nice technical demo, and thats it. Cyberpunk releasing in next year and will give us 100+ hours of quality content and fun, Star Citizen when and what? We dont know.
they are basing their game on Cyberpunk 2020, and they are doing good job according to creator of it, Mike Pondsmith, so sorry but i dont care what you think. Cyberpunk are themes, not visuals. RoboCop is more Cyberpunk than anything Blade Runner, and RoboCop is all daylight and much different atmosphere than noiry blade runner.
It unironically looks worse. Wtf, are you blind?
>100+ hours
>he doesn't know
>the city was blast by nuclear bomb by Mike Pondsmith,
Based. I wish someone would do the same irl
maybe if you're a cdpr shill
>American Civil Rights fetishists: "We hate rich white men!"
The "rich" part is inaccurate because righteously indignant masturbators never bring class into the equation, on account of most of them being American students who have loads of free time because their parents are rich. It would just be "We hate white men!"
it looks like retro shit, kill yourself with your ugly photo
I think you meant to say
"What now night fags"
Because the only people acting like toddlers about the game having sunlight and colours was basement dwelling autists.
The sun is just on the other side of the planet what a shit game.
and Night City has all of that
you can see shanty towns underneath the skyscrapers in the opening shot of the last year's reveal trailer.
I'm not going to bounce around the room posting shit like WHOA GUYS THIS IS GOING TO BE BEST VIDEO GAME EVER MADE, but from what I've seen so far, it has real potential
I'm just bummed that I have to wait another fucking year to see if it's worth it or not
Why can't it look like pic related? Why does it have to look like a Shenzhen version of GTA? It's a dystopia set in the damn future, make it more unreal.
Why do all video games have to look the same to you?
>doesn't even like the genre
>bitches about a game named after the genre following genre conventions
Are you retarded?
can't believe people are actually upset that the world isn't just one giant city, there's still underclass/homeless/luddites and the sun still comes out
It doesn't look at like 2077.
>what we wanted
>shitty cgi desktop wallpaper for 13 year olds
it checks out
It just look like modern day city, very unimaginative for something that should be futuristic and impressive.
This site is for english speakers ruski.
you are basic tier.
Your ideal is literally the most plastic, generic setting I've ever seen.
The brainlet believed a blue neon makes a shithole become cyberpunk lol. The state of Yea Forums
Here's your 2077 future.
There has been no game in a setting like that
>that image for "what we wanted"
That's concept art for Dontnod's Remember Me game. In-game, it was nothing like it. And even when you had good looking scenery, it was just background, you couldn't do shit with it.
No shit. Nothing has ever aimed to be as generic as what you want. That picture is an example of lifting only the most boring elements of every science fiction setting. It has zero identity.
It looks u brainlet, read the lore, in 2020 the entire city was destroyed and rebuild from stratch. And the Downtown will give you these huge skyscrapers
That's straight up Golem City right there
You should try Invisible War. It's right up your alley.
if you're unable to process the concept of a city having a point where skyscrapers stop and hills existing 50 years from now, there is no point trying to reason with you, because you've amply demonstrated your retardation
Yeah it's generic that's why so many people imitate it (outside of games) and the Blade Runner films are cult icons right?
>50 years from now
>Pic related, it exists already.
Nobody imitates it outside of trash-tier anime, and even that usually tries to do something unique with it. You are asking for the dullest, most braindead version of the genre. A version so unimaginably shit that literally every piece of media in the genre attempts to spice it up with something different.
Blade Runner is pure atmosphere. Its setting is generic as shit, which is why ever attempt to actually flesh out and expand the setting is garbage. It has nothing going for it.
Ah you're just an autistic contrarian I understand.
>grand total of 6 giant skyscrapers
Why cant they go all out with this shit?
I like the idea that each day at sunset user is like
only to get disappointed the next day.
show me some gameplay maybe.
Bisexual lighting doesnt fix anything here. This is an issue of detail and architecture
When you're city has a grand total of 6 big skyscrapers, you fucked up
>Getting the source material this wrong.
>contrarian autist endlessly bitches that highly anticipated game doesn't fit his extremely narrow and arbitrary conditions
>when this is pointed out he claims that it is actually the majority opinion that is contrarian
Not bothering to read your earlier posts, but you're begging the question.
And Blade Runner is NOT just atmosphere just because you say it is; it has a story and themes and a message for instance.
You know, like all movies.
Yeah fuck player choice
1 Hong Kong has shitty rundown outskirts
2 half of your fucking picture is hills (and you probably didn't even fucking know it)
3 its a city crammed on a tiny spit of land jutting into the sea, not fucking California - you know a state so huge it would be 59th largest country on earth if it were independent
>And Blade Runner is NOT just atmosphere just because you say it is
We are talking about the setting, dipshit. Blade Runner, as a setting, is defined purely by it's atmosphere, which only works because it is a fucking film. Outside of that atmosphere, Blade Runner's setting is just generic oppressed robot future land. Themes and plot are not setting.
>player choice can only exist in a highly regimented stat based role playing game
I see you're too young to know choose your own adventure novels.
this is my only issue now, because the first thing we saw last year legitimately just looked like a GTAV mod, they might as well have called it San Andreas and called it a day. i was really hoping we'd have a sprawling, oppressive urban concrete jungle to navigate through but instead we get Modern Open World City #529572. whoopee.
Commonalities in theme and plot ARE elements of a genre, though, which cyberpunk is.
Like I said, you're begging the question by limiting the discussion to one exclusively about aesthetics.
Steampunk is an aesthetic, for instance.
Cyberpunk is a genre.
Are you legitimately retarded? Cyberpunk 2077 has all the fucking themes inherent to the genre. It has all the sort of plot elements inherent to the genre. You aren't complaining about any of that shit. You're complaining that it isn't identical in appearance to your shitty deviant art wallpaper. Your shitty visual taste is literally the only thing we're talking about because it's literally the only complaint you've raised.
>dude everything is perfect we don't need to improve lmao
No I'm not, that's some other user.
this city has shitty rundown outskirts 10 times the size of Hong Kong proper and with every even larger Chink city you post this only gets worse
I hope you realize that dumping pictures of night downtowns, you are not actually even making a fucking point, because game has and it also has because that's edge of the fucking city
that how cities work - the middle gets tallest shiniest buildings at the expense of everything around it
What you want is an objective downgrade.
Then what you posted has literally nothing to do with the conversation. Are you slow?
Yes that's how a modern realistic city looks autist. A game set in a 2077 cyberpunk dystopia shouldn't look like that however.
I remember when you nerds were shitting on games for being BROWN AND BLOOM and now you want that grimdark shit back again
Jesus we've come full circle
Yes, it should. This is precisely the strategy employed in the original Deus Ex, and going against that aesthetic in its sequel is one of it's most significant problems.
More hyped for VTMB2 than this, witcher 3 had a god awful open world
>he likes invisible war
Holy shit. Who'd have guessed cyberpunk contrarians have such shit taste?
>A game set in a 2077 cyberpunk dystopia shouldn't look like that however.
lol what the fuck?
are both of you actually retarded?
are actually trying to imply that city in dystopian (I honestly fucking doubt you know what the fuck that word means at this point) post-collapse corporate anarchy America won't have dilapidated neighborhoods?
For fuck's sake there is an entire city district full of skyscrapers that fell into complete disrepair and got overrun by gangs in the game
because we don't know how big city central is, we didn't have any gameplay of it
we've only saw glimpses of it from the outside, pic related, clearly we have more than "6" skyscrapers
>tfw its unironically terrible but you still watched it twice
you play as "solo" character
Nobody was saying there shouldn't be small neighborhoods retard the center just needs to be larger because right now it's no different to modern day Hong Kong.
You're expecting a videogame city to be larger than a real world city? Are you retarded?
So there's 10 closely packed "semi-skyscrapers"
This looks so fake, like they just put some small cubes with a texture just outside that road to simulate big buildings. Terrible.
>Woah you don't want games to be a 1:1 copy of real life?
>Woah you must be retarded now excuse me while I go play Bus Simulator because it's realistic
You're retarded. No video game is capable of reproducing a life sized city. That you're expecting this one to only tells me you're a child with no understanding of the limits of game development.
>the center just needs to be larger because right now it's no different to modern day Hong Kong.
You literally don't even know how big it is.
I will give you an exercise to try out.
Download Google Earth and go to street view in the middle of Tokyo.
Scroll to a fucking overpass to emulate the screns from the vehicle sections of the game and try to gauge how big the city actually is
I will give you a hint: you won't have a fucking clue, even though it's the largest urbanized area in the world.
It literally stretches from horizon to fucking horizon.
You know they can add buildings and make them part of an inaccessible backdrop right? That alone would improve the atmosphere and sense of scale.
Does anyone here know what Cyberpunk 2077 is supposed to be? Because CDPR sure as shit doesn't know.
Or they could make a large playable area that has a far greater sense of scale because you can actually interact with it, you stupid bitch.
GTA V is even more cyberpunk
>sense of scale because you can actually interact with it
That doesn't even follow, my brainlet friend
A flat image has no sense of scale. Scale is acheived by depth and interaction. Why the fuck are you even talking about games if all you give a shit about is background pictures?
>red arrow
Haha yeah when has a game ever used backdrops to improve the sense of scale. Ever heard of Red Dead? Metal Gear? Watch Dogs? Not to mention they actually could make it accessible, hardware capabilities are further ahead than you know.
Why won't they do that?
>You know they can add buildings and make them part of an inaccessible backdrop right?
no they can't because they have one city you can drive across without loadings and there is smaller shittier neighborhoods on the edges of that city, and wrapping it up in skybox filled with skyscrapers wouldn't even make fucking sense
They wouldn't, they would be the first ones to die off from all the complications from the million things they do to their bodies to feel "good" about themselves.
Why are you listing open world games that have actual scale in defense of your retarded position that backdrops are more important than actual playable space? Find me a linear game that feels larger than Red Dead because of a backdrop and I'll believe you.
every modern city in asia looks more futuristic and cyberpunk than this
that's just downright dishonest
>backdrops are more important than actual playable space
It's not either/or retard
>a linear game that feels larger than Red Dead because of a backdrop
Dead Space? Any linear game?
Couldn't sunfags just say "Wheres the gameplay" and completely undermine everything?
again, its street level view from outside of the central
not top down to measure how big and how many building it contains
please read carefully
>It's not either/or retard
Yes it is, fuckhead. You can't just plop backdrops in the middle of an explorable city. Backdrops in open world games only work on the edges of the map. There is no possible fucking way a city feels large if 99 percent of it is closed off and inaccessible.
>Dead Space? Any linear game?
>any linear game feels larger than red dead redemption
I can't even imagine being this retarded.
Not rpg
I have a bad feeling this game is going to be really disappointing
Something you pay them for, that's about it.
Literally does, the "white male tears" cups were being sold by a men's right group.
>dropped forty minute gameplay demo showing day night cycle
Buddy you're clearly retarded. Did Last of Us feel small to you? Is your spatial awareness functioning correctly?
It sure as shit feels smaller than any proper open world game. This is trivial.
cdpr cured her cancer, for real
she got cancer during last crunch but CDPR paid for her treatment so she can crunch more
Why does crunch only matter when CDPR does it?
Because CDPR is proving that crunch is necessary for good games and we can't have that.
Because they literally make worse games because of crunch and mismanagement. You think why all this cut content all of sudden?
No way IRL has as huge buildings in such a cluster as in the picture
Look at the bottom, see those small houses?
Exactly, here we can see a mock-up of the physical map in the standard edition and it conforms to exactly what you're saying
Nothing feels better than seeing leftists/commies dying.
Dead leftists/commies, mmmmmm. My pee pee is growing please somEONE, what is GOING On helpppppppp!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>wall of text.jpg that says to go fuck off in a dumpster
yeah, i'm definitely gonna read all of that
seething leftie spotted
you should even if it's just for the sake of objectivity, even though I'm lmaoing hard people quoting fucking glassdoor as if they haven't got a fucking concept of why would a bitter disgruntled person overdramatize or even completely make up shit on an anonymous review site
we are sitting in the middle of the fucking testament of how well that goes
>tranny opinions
This is cyberpunk.
Not buildings.
This is cyberpunk.
Not buildings
>unironically posting facebook posts with trigger warnings in them
resetera is leaking
This is cyberpunk
Not buildings
Good shit user.
This is what cyberpunk is
Not buildings
This is shittest movie in existence, not cyberpunk.
>basic ass technology is cyberpunk
Damn i can't believe thanks to VR existing we're living in cyberpunk now and not cuz of politics and high tech low life stuff n such.
Those are buildings my friend
>we're living in cyberpunk now
well we do actually if you think about it
This is cyberpunk.
Not buildings.
It's written by the creator of the genre. Sorry it isn't to your liking.
Mike Poundsmith isn't creator of the genre you moran.
>Mike Pondsmith created Johnny Mnemonic
the absolute state of this fucking board
arguing about something till you draw fucking blood without even knowing anything about it
I don't know how much you understand about genetics, but it doesn't work like that.
There's no amount of gene editing to change the fact that photosynthesizing enzymes need a certain amount of ultraviolet radiation to properly hydrolyze carbohydrates. The fact that we can alter and translocate genes among individuals of a species doesn't mean we can simply and magically make the proteins and enzymes said genes encode work against laws of thermodynamics.
If sunlight is not readily available to chlorophyll and other photosynthesizing pigments, where will their activation energy come from?
Edit them to use something else for energy instead of photosynthesis?
>this is the type of idiot you're trying to argue with
>being baited this easily
cdprcucks are really gullible, no wonder you eat up all the CDPR lies and then act like it's nothing when they backtrack their own features and promises
Looks like Los Santos
>outs himself as a retard
>I-I was just baiting guys
>I was only pretending to be retarded
and you have guts to talk about backtracking
have sex
i'm not even the guy who made that post
i just laugh at fucking gullible cdprcucks
so this is the power of cdpr haters, being retarded
>It's written by the creator of the genre.
William Gibson didn't create the genre you retard, holy shit. No one person made this genre, if you wanna roast that retard, at least post facts.
But the technology got better, so they wouldn't.
Yes, he did.
that's like arguing Tolkien didn't father high fantasy
of course he didn't, but you're just arguing semantics at that point
If you don't like Gibson, you don't like cyberpunk. End of story.
Cyberpunk is about characters, not city skylines.
Fucking zoomers.
id have to disagree user
>some of they money
fuck off home invading nigger, next you'll be telling me you don't want any water in the game because you can't swim
There's literally sunlight during the part Keanu showed up
>go to the wall for the truth
>it's jim and the ''wall'
i laffed so hard
Probably the fact that the city you posted has building restrictions and that the tallest skyscraper there isn't even half the height of some in the OP screenshot. That's just me having eyes though, what a retard I am.
woah... take away the blue neon and it looks like a shitty third world hovel.. but he has a coca cola bottle which is a brand so OMG this is cyberpunk as FUCK now!!
I fucking love it when someone on my side of the argument says something so fucking retarded he pretty much shoots all of us in the foot in the process.
The tallest buildings in OP are ~100 story high rises, literally normal tall skyscrapers
A tall skyscraper is not normal, period. 100 stories literally accounts for the majority of the tallest buildings in the world, and this city has several, at least, from what we can tell.
No they're not, retard. Even without the density of buildings, it looks nothing like Shanghai. Now reply to me like your regular self instead of pretending to be with me.
You literally failed to change anything you fucking retard
See an optometrist urgently
See the end of a shotgun you utter animal
Seethe the end of this cock you fucking loser
did people expect space elevators in this game
those high rises look good enough
>A tall skyscraper is not normal, period
lol what the fuck? what does that even mean? we have a cluster of 80+ story buildings in every fucking metropolis today, are you on drugs?
I didn't say it looks like Shanghai you fucking idiot, I said those buildings are nowhere fucking near being double the size of buildings in downtown Shanghai, because you can count the fucking windows on them.
Average skyscraper height in New York city is 16 to 18 floors. But keep living in your fantasy land where 100 stories is typical.