ITT: Shit Pokemon designs

ITT: Shit Pokemon designs

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Pic unrelated?

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Did the movie producers know about dynamax when they made that giant torterra sequence


Attached: nosepassprobopass.jpg (610x321, 40K)

very original

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Shit taste

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o kurwa

Attached: SHIT.png (250x250, 51K)

fuk u buddy

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Shit taste and kanto cunt

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where am i, /lgbt/?

To be fair, turtles that carry worlds on their back are a mythological thing, makes sense to have miniature versions of them.

Is this shit taste the thread?

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you first

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>not wanting to have a source of shadows wherever you go where you can rest in peace

Don't mind He probly sees a sword in a zelda game and thinks they are ripping off berserk cuz of it

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I want to fuck this sheep

The level of shit taste in this thread

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Have sex.

OP a is water faggot that got BTFO'd by chadterra

S-shut up, me, op, thinks that pokemon is ugly,
c-cuz it is

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Delete this

Sinnoh babies reporting sir!

shit taste niggers.

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fuck you

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>literally a regular sheep

The fuck? this is actually pretty fun to look at I don't see the problem and I'm not into pokemon at all.

>hating the best fox
Zoroark is Japanese Theater: The Pokemon and it is PERFECT.

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>too braindead to get the turtle carrying the world nod to hindu mythology

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I can only imagine what designs OP thinks are good.

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I'll be the first with a non-meme contribution I guess
>retarded fucking hair
>tiny stick figure body with a bunch of random tribal tattoos and designs crammed into it
>body abruptly cuts from humanoid body to stupid orange things that serve no purpose
Yeah I get it looks like a chicken when it covers itself. It should just stay like that the whole time though, we don't need to see this trainwreck that lies underneath

Attached: 785.png (475x475, 133K)

this design is literally iconic lol

If you're going to bait try to be more subtle.