Customization BAD

>customization BAD
>keanu GOOD

fucking CDPR bootlickers is swear, we reached the point where Yea Forums is willingly shilling for a cinematic "gaming" experience

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Other urls found in this thread:

>customization BAD
can you elaborate

>very little actual gameplay shown
>"cyberpunk" setting looks just like GTA V with mods

Who's shilling? I see 6 threads every hour shitting on the game. How much more circle jerking do you want?

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was this a feature in the witcher 3 or something?
why do you care?

yea and wt the fk you gonna do about it OP? nothin, cuz ur a little fuckin gimp too scared to even leave your mothers basement you fuckin cunt

get fked lad, game is gonna sell loads nd all you can do is post memes on Yea Forums, fkin cunt LMFAO

Who gives a fuck? It's not Sims.

i'm still gonna pirate and play it but all the recent changes are just terrible.

yeah it was in blood & wine

>oh no I can't stick a dragon dildo on my wall

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Why do people act like CDPR promised customization of the apartment?

I think it's actual fucking pollacks from Poland who still shill this game.

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>You cannot decorate your apartment

kys yourself retarded wojakppster

The closest thing to it in witcher was that mansion you got at the end of blood and wine. you could buy extensions for the mansion but that is about it

>mfw fucking zoomers who have never played a non-Bethesda RPG are infesting my board

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go back


You talk about customization so much yet you still use a lazy ducking wojak to post with

I don't get it. When other games have shit like it, it's called pointless fluff and just another sign of the game trying way too many things and succeeding with very little.

Now Cyberpunk doesn't have it, and suddenly it's the worst thing.

Literally just because Skyrim and Fallout had it, so ALL RPGS need to have a customizable "house". So obviously if you can't customize your room, the game is just a cinematic experience with no gameplay.

The more time I spend here, the more I realize Yea Forums has devolved into being no better that Resetera or Reddit, just a different facet. Fucking hell I need to get out.

I feel like this image was made by the same 16ish year old looking boy in the picture, thinking it would be the next epic wojack to get reposted every other thread. I don't know why else someone would save such a shitty image.

This is unironically true. I dearly miss the crafting, survival element and base building in From games, too.

inb4 b..but its not a Gta clone

Why is this supposed to be a thing? Your apartment is just some shitty hole in the wall you go crash at and suffer from combat stim withdrawal.


>shilling this hard

this has nothing to do with cyberpunk setting, and everything to do with being lazy niggers that don't want to add it.

>hurr durr, we wrote the rules on cyberpunk. why would anyone in a dystopic society care about how their place looks
maybe I want my weapon workshop to look a certain way, or have gun lockers and bedroom styled to my taste. It doesn't matter if shit is considered "out of place", it's just less options for players to customize their game the way they want.

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so fucking what play the Sims if you want to decorate shit

Nah, atleast resetera doesnt nuke your account for having wrong think

>I don't know why else someone would save such a shitty image.
reddit is obsessed with ironically liking shitty images.

Do you really, actually, honestly think they should invest in some pointless playhouse features instead of actual gameplay?

unless you say something bad about tranny and janny will ban you for weeks

>customizing your base is not gameplay
wow, shill

it's a CDPR game so the gameplay is going to be shit

>enter apartment for first time
>realize you can't change the way it looks or add shit to it
>no armory, no workshop, no prosthetic modifier, no garage, no inventory, no gun range
>"you come here to save and that's it. aren't you thankful?"
can't believe Yea Forums is okay with this shit

>Gothic 2 does not have a customizable base
>therefore Gothic 2 does not have gameplay

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Honest question because it seems here are more reasonable people:
Who the fuck do you think is responsible for all that shitposting?
The common blunder aka TORtanicfags?
I mean so far i counted like 20+ threads made by the same People so far

When did they ever say this was going to be a thing? Who cares? Since you fuckers love comparing this game to GTA so much, what was the point of houses in those games? Just to save. You couldn't decorate them because you spent maybe 5 minutes total in them.

>mfw I'm a bald generic goon looking guy irl
>mfw less customization means little if I make myself
Checkmate rp fags

>going backwards is okay because old game didn't have it

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>you need to Go to your home to select the inventory

LMAO who wants this shit?

you are clinically retarded

List all rpgs that have apartment decoration features.

>anti-CDPR shills desperately trying to reframe the past
CDPR has yet to make a game that wasn't amazing

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Cool story Marcin

witcher 3 for starters

wtf is a Tortanicfag?

I think its Sony personally.
Cyberpunk stole the show at e3, even though they barely showed anything new it still outclassed the hype for anything they brought to the table.
That spooked them a little so they set loose the hounds to try and poke holes.

I usually don't buy the shilling narratives and try to think maybe people just don't like the same shit I like, but most of the criticisms are legit just made up out of thin air.
Like the trannybot poster in the background, how many threads have we had about that shit filled with "DA SJWS ARE KILLING DA GAEM!"?
Too many to be organic imo.

>RPG title
>forced to leave shit at base because carrying everything makes no sense
>Yea Forums wants MC to have unlimited strength and the ability to carry 1000 items on his person
if it's just gta: cyberpunk, call it that and stop trying to convince people it's an RPG.

They haven't been relevant since the game went F2P and everyone realized it was a halfway decent singleplayer game if you didn't spend any money on it. It stopped being funny to shit on it since it hit rock bottom, and people moved on to the next big thing.

My guess is that it's just contrarian shitposters. They see people are excited about THING, think to themselves "we r anonymoos Yea Forumsirgin leegun, WE HAET ALL VIDYA", and just shitposting like a monkey hitting a keyboard with its own turd. Yea Forums has shat on everything for so long regardless of quality, people think you have to shit on everything to fit in.

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Did some dumbass shitposting about Pokemon say this and now all the underage dramafags are parroting it or something? I've seen this word come up far more this past two or three days than ever before.

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If you want to decorate a house like a faggot with minecraft go play Fallout 4

>no garage
Why are you lying?

Ughhhahafagrabafabsgaaaaarrrghjhhhhfggggggggghafavab aaaaahhhhhhhhjj

>Ist Hat somehow

But gta doesnt have skills and Choice unlike Cyberpunk what k8nd of brainlet comparrison is this?

>I can't play Cyberpunk Interior Decorator
>this means that the apartment will have no storage whatsoever!

its just Yea Forums stealing tumblr memes as usual

>why isn't every game minecraft REEEEEEEEEE


>fucking dlc
that's not base game content, what if they add it back in via dlc in 2077?

no, that should be included in the base game

player home upgrades isn't "forwards"
it's the same type of shitty filler content as the "collect 50 items" challenges in Ubisoft open world games

Not in the base game, sweety

It basically looks like the more recent Deus Ex games and I w a nt that fond of the recent Deus Ex games

>customization in an RPG is filler content
okay marcin

well there is this one autist who keeps spamming threads and ban evading
but in general retarded newfags think they need to fit in so they will shit on literally everything that is good
>what? r*ddit likes it? than it means its bad!! i am not a re**itor!!!!
>look how much i hate re*dit and this new thing!!!!
this is literally Yea Forums now

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missing the point, brainlets. just because it has one thing, doesn't mean it can't be customized to have more. tweeting out that customization options are not being added is basically saying our apartment is fixed.

saying "no customization" is saying no option to add more features. customizing and decorating are not entirely the same meaning, so it might surprise you that i'm okay with no decorating. but if they tell me I can't expand my storage, or add an armory, you're telling me that whatever you give me is what I get and nothing more.

End yourself faggot, making same threads all the time, hope you get banned for good.

To be fair, people have been begging for customizable housing in games it makes no sense to include it in for like 20 years. Some people just love dollhouses.

God forbid you ever played vtmb. The original apartment you get was top tier comfy despite being a shithole.


non isssue
lack of multiple endings, character creator or lack of ability for a pacifist run would be a big deal but this shit? come on

Because it's a CDPR game this time, and a lot of Yea Forums despise them over witcher 3 and the downgrade.

>another customized wojak

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>dev makes a dating sim where you play as a polyamorous pedophile
>"I will defend to the death a creator's right to never compromise on their artistic vision"
>dev makes a game where you play as a depressed cyborg who lives in a shitty, barebones apartment because he'd rather spend that money on guns, drugs and alchohol
>"wtf is this cinematic garbage, they need to be forced to fix it"

they should just delete the apartment
there's no need to have it, just make a lot of rooms and if people want to roleplay having an apartment they can choose one out of a random building

>he didn't even read it
>got triggered immediately
like pottery

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based retard


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>He can't understand dev speak
He's saying that because he doesn't want to admit that they're struggling to make release and have to cut features retard. How can you be so stupid? Do you just accept everything you hear at face value?

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077


Right now weather in Poland is hotter than in Australia so poles without AC dug holes and go outside only at night.

why attack critical components of the game if you can abloo over the sun and other shit nobody cares about

>Class based system
All DnD fags need to leave.

Nice try, China.

>3rd person

Dude, not that poster, but it's based on a class-based cyberpunk rpg. Do you even pay attention to anything?

I thought people were complaining about there being only one apartment you couldn't customize, where did they say you can't have more than one?
>it somehow feels very weird for cyberpunk to decorate a interior
I can kind of see what he means here, the last thing I'd expect my BADASS merc to do is go shopping for a new couch or some shit. Most I'd like is having little momentos from quests you've done around the place, that kind of thing. It's more just a place for you to store some shit, get some sleep and then head back out, I wouldn't imagine you lazing around all day there.
NuVegas but they usually were useful like adding a workbench and reloading bench, not changing the wallpaper and shit.

>Decorating your apertment is somehow an Rpg Element by now
Lmao look at this retad

And the creator of that "class-based" RPG is onboard helping them adapt it. Furthermore, you know how Cyberpunk is "class-based"? It determines your starting skillset. That's fucking it. Once you start getting XP you can spend it on whatever the fuck you want. You're not locked into paths.

carrying capacity does not define an rpg you fucking retard. Case in point rpg's like VtMB are perfectly fine with infinite inventory space.

good rpgs let you decorate your base, fallout:NV, underrail for example


>has apartments
>none of them have customization
shit I guess VtMB is just a cinematic experience and not an RPG anymore

NV is a shitty rushed and unfinished game and the shirt you got for your penthouse was practical like more storage or a crafting benches , not faggy shit like changing the drapes.

>old ass game doesn't have inventory limits
>it's fine for new games to not have key RPG elements because ancient one didn't
please fuck off already.

Eh I never liked the home custamization in video games.

Can someone tell me if I there are multiple apartments or not? I keep seeing posts saying there are/aren't any.

okay Tomek

no according to the latest tweets
one apartment with a garage, but can't decorate

Go back zoomer.

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>old ass game doesn't have inventory limits
So? It doesn't fucking matter how old it is, the mechanics in question work flawlessly. No need to reinvent the fucking wheel
>key RPG elements
again, inventory capacity does not define an rpg you fucking retard.

No one gives a shit lmao its just going to be a good FPS game made by the fucking Witcher 3 devs
At least whine about the new VTM which has glaring issues

Link? The one OP posted says that you only can't customize it, nothing about having multiple. I'd prefer to have multiple ones that can't be customized over one that can be but it's not a dealbreaker for me regardless, as long as the one you have is comfy.

I'm more upset that we can't even purchase a new home. Like if a player wanted to be a high business person, they would still be regulated to a shitty apartment.

>nuVTMB won't let you customize apartment either
Why are devs not making real RPGs anymore bros...

>Like if a player wanted to be a high business person
Then they'd be playing the wrong game to begin with. Your playing V, not a corporate dicksucker.

why is he black?
Black and trannies hate CD Projekt RED

How to identify the reddit and resetera tranny:
>reddit spaces
>uses facebook memes
>blindly shills and defends said piece of media without taking in any criticism or giving criticism of their own
>thinks hollywood and corporations are based
>relies on reverse psychology and mental gymnastics to prove that you are "wrong"
>thinks trannies aren't mentally ill
>tells you to be a part of the mindless collective
>takes out the /pol/ boogieman
>calls you a contrarian even though his a contrarian shill himself
>massive hypocrite
>its popular so it must be good
>samefag mass replies (You)
>pushes for SJW agendas
>will say he hates trannies just to blend in
>has a large amount of dick in his mouth while shilling and making posts

So OP?

why aren't you?


>complaining about the fucking apartment that no one cares about
>not complaining about the removal of childhood heroes
Yea Forums has their priorities straight

But I want to be corporate dicksucker and get the benefits.