The Legend of Zelda

Can we have a comfy Zelda thread?

Are you excited for Link's Awakening Remake and Breath of the Wild 2?

Thread theme:

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Other urls found in this thread: Abreu-The Legend of Zelda-Dungeon Map-DoD.mp3

bob cut makes zelda look younger and that makes my pp bigger

Indifferent to remakes in general, and not enough is known about BotW2 for me to get excited. Your choice of song, is god tier though.

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I'm playing replaying Twilight Princess HD right now and the music is probably my favorite in the series.

What should game should i start with?

I fucking hate Zelda fans.
>muh flawless games they are all 10/10 perfect
>but "objective flaw" u r just mad cuz no zelda on gaystation

Fuck off already.

A Link to the Past or Ocarina

Man. I just want to talk about video games. Fuck off

I didn't really like BotW but I hope 2 improves it.

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Cool. Thanks

Think she'll show up in BotW2?

I love it too, that orchestrated hyrule field theme hits me hard every time

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Really torn on LA remake because on the one hand I'm interested in how faithful it looks gameplaywise/set piece-wise and the dungeon editor looks nice. On the other hand I can just play the original with based pixel art and also wait for the randomizer to come out.

I certainly had a lot of problems with the game. Mainly that it didn't feel enough like a Zelda game. But I want to grab the DLC and try it again. I want to try looking at it objectively rather than being mad that it wasn't what I wanted

No. People always latch onto the most minor design similarities and construct intricate headcanon story connections.

Probably not. This seems like Zelda and Link's game. Maybe they'll develop Zelda just as well as Midna.

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LA was my first Zelda and one of my favorite, I'm glad they decided to remake it.
For BotW2, I disliked the first one, thought it was boring and didn't have enough content. But they can make something really good out of it if they change some mechanics and add dungeons and engaging sidequests.

Highly doubt it, and even if she did she's almost guaranteed to look like this. So what's the point?

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Oh right I forgot about that, good thing she won't show up

I'm an impfag but I think it'd be nice to see her smug it up as True Midna in a mainline game.

LA is going to be a full price game, right? That's the only thing I don't like, because it's too short and the only innovation is that dungeon maker and it's not really interesting.

I'm hoping so much for Breath of the Waifu
please just this one time, give me my Zelda gf companion

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What about a direct sequel to Twilight Princess? Aesthetically/Musically it's my favorite game in the series. So I would like another game with similar themes

Tis' the price to pay for making a supposed "cursed" form so unintentionally attractive.

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>inb4 skellie takes Zelda and you get a new companion

I've played it so many times as a kid I can probably finish it in 2 hours now, and it's not like there's particularly much to explore. It's probably gonna be a pass from me. I'll pick a used one up for 20$ down the line.


I'd like a sequel more than anything. The designs and music are still my favorite but how would they do the story?

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who the fuck designed midna and why didn't they get a medal yet


Always felt like Marin was one of the most underrated Zelda girls.

I get the impression people just think of her as sweet and kind village girl character, and she is those things, but I feel like when LA was released she was also the most fleshed out character in the series at that point in time.

Aside from being kind and having an implied crush on Link, she also has kind of an odd sense of humor if you take the sequence where she follows you to the walrus into account, like her reaction to you digging holes, playing the ocarina, and her using the crane game to grab the operator and getting you both thrown out.

I don't know if character interactions will be expanded upon at all in the remake, but I'd like some more Marin moments with her being a goofball.

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Be nice to get a few teases for various companions and better yet the Hero's Arm serving as a companion in it's own right. Something BotW definitely lacked.

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>a promise is a promise

I don't know. I thought BotW's story was wrapped up so I don't see why they couldn't pull something out of their ass with Twilight Princess.

Remember that Zelda for Wii U tech demo? I kind of imagine it would look similar to that

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As much as I love Link's Awakening, I hate the style it's going for, it genuinely ruins the game for me and I'm not usually picky about art styles, I liked Wind Waker and liked Link Between Worlds and more.

BOTW2 on the other hand definitely, I'm all for BoTW: Fedora's Mask edition, I fucking love MM. I personally hope for more buildings, architecture, caves and more. Also hookshot.

delete this

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Zeldathon is on if you want some comfy to watch

>you play as zelda and skellie is your companion

>hookshot in BotW

Great. Now I'm wet

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I really want a bunch of companions you can call on.
>Gerudo that can fight in battle
>Zora that can swim fast
>Ruto/Rito? that can give you a lift
>Goron that can unga bunga things for you

Same, I played the fuck out of LA.

Something I came across that struck me as odd was the opinion from people who enjoyed ALttP but wished LA was easier, which totally confused me.

Even taking into account the fact that I played it more, isn't LA way easier than ALttP?
There are enemies in ALttP that have disproportionately high damage output in comparison, take way more damage to beat, your sword attack range is shorter, you don't have items like Roc's Feather to avoid damage from basically everything, etc.

I'm not that skilled a gamer, but isn't LA a pretty easy game?

>Even taking into account the fact that I played it more, isn't LA way easier than ALttP?

I always thought so.

I want to play as skellie though


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It's too bad that Zelda is never best girl in any game she's in

It depends on how well this it's done. Knowing Nintendo they'll make her like Navi or Fi, interrupting gameflow and forcing condescending tutorials down your throat.

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The Terminalmontage video was pretty good.

Except for Botw where she's literally perfect, RiGHt?

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>Make Zelda's hair short to stop it from clipping when you play as her in the new game.

She's not even best Zelda user.

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not when mipha an the lolibaba exist, maybe in botw2 where she's the only girl

Check it girl is my favorite

Yes it is

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Id recommend hitting up Links Awakening randomizer anons, brought a breath of fresh air to the game for me. Same thing for ALttP.


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To me it felt like NES Zelda, which I think was the point. I hope they do bring in some of the LttP/Ocarina elements for the sequel. But the NES one was one of my first video games. It was nice to revisit that formula.

I preferred Paya

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How can other girls and Zeldas even compete?

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Why are thick eyebrows so cute?

Got this guy coming in the mail, so hopefully he'll be at the post office by Tuesday or Wednesday. Managed to get him for about $30, so I'm happy.

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>actual figures that look nice cheaper than shitty Amiibos
jesus fucking christ nintendo
also nice one user

What the fuck. I love LttP randos. There's an LA one? That's my favorite Zelda game. I gotta look that up. Thanks, user.

>makes bleached content rather than blacked

>Managed to get him for about $30

Dope. Is it still available anywhere at that price?

I got that guy awhile ago since I love that game and Link and I wanted to own all the Figma Links, it's great.
Did you get the regular one or deluxe edition?

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by not being failures!

Vampire Hunter D?

What is the fish saying

Don't mind me, just posting best girl. They've been teasing Link and Zora romance since Ocarina. When will they make good on it?

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Sorry, my mistake, it was $40. If you're in Australia, it's being sold by Madman as part of an E3 promotion. Sale goes for another half hour, so if you're thinking of getting one, do it now!

DX. Weirdly the standard one was actually an extra ten dollars.

"I'm going to protec-"

Does she smell like a fish? I wouldn't be able to handle that.


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Eh, she's a woman

You get used to it, maybe?

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I like seafood though

I am, I keep saying it, but I'm hoping the sequel fixes everything that was missing from the original. They worked hard on that engine and detailed map, they just have to fill it with cool shit and throw some big dungeons on top and an underground cave system to explore.

In the meantime I'm probably going to get cadence of hyrule next paycheck

Oracle of Ages and Seasons will never be remembered..... a shame since they’re the best 2D Zeldas imo, but it’s better for the continuity of the series that they’re forgotten

I myself stuck with standard, since I only really needed the Master Sword/Hylian Shield and would be set. But part of me does wish I got the DX versions

Mipha is dead and Zelda has Link to herself now

I've thought about it before, I imagine she could freely change form using her shadow bullshit and pass it off as a disguise or to maneuver in small spaces. Or it can be like, on the twili side she can keep her true form, but in Hyrule she goes into imp mode

BotW Zelda won the Linkbowl so she’s not a total failure

As it should be, they can have fun adventures together and laugh and be cutesy and romantic with each other while the fish corpse is rotting underground

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Only because she killed all competition and removed all of Link's memories except the ones she is in

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More dungeons would be nice

God I need Zelda vs Paya for Link’s heart in botw2

will be seeing more of Zelda's derriere?

I think there’s some flashes of it in the trailer, but it customization is back and she’s playable we’ll be seeing a LOT more of it

Paya already gave up

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That's what I'd call based and committed.

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Poor Paya

Seeing Link and Zelda together will shock Paya into action and make her go full Cia. She’ll reform the Yiga around the goal of killing Zelda and taking Link for herself

botw is ntr kino holy shit I don't remember this

what a cuck

Not having a companion was one of the things that made BotW so good.

>silver-haired side girl vs. blonde heroine
>in a monolith game
I wonder who will win.

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>Lonely arrow girl and her cucco obsessed husband
>Kass’s mentor being in love with Zelda but writing a song about how much she loved Link
>Robbie’s wife getting jealous of his furnace because he gave it the voice of his old girlfriend
>Paya cucked by Zelda

The entire Sheikah people are NTR central

A reminder for all your BotW2 theory building:
Din - Red - Triforce of Power - Oracle of Seasons - Ganon - Malice
Nayru - Blue - Triforce of Wisdom - Oracle of Ages - Zelda - Sheikah Tech
Farore - Green - Triforce of Courage - Oracle of Secrets - Link - This new green energy?

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Lezard is by far the coolest villain between both of those games

bros been in hype since botw 2 trailer
playing cardence right now and realised i know nothing about the lore of zelda
so what is a good game to get into the story
i ever played oracle of season, botw and minish cap
also started replaying oracle today

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Dying is the best possible thing that could have happened to Mipha

What about spirit tracks?

BotW is practically unrelated to the rest of the story.
The only games that are obviously interconnected are the 3D ones, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. The rest are kind of haphazardly fitted into the timeline and you shouldn't worry too much about the story for them.

That sounds like it would get annoying really fast.

Man TP really have nice music. Might dust off my Wii U just to play it again.
I hope the music is more present in BotW2 since i kind of missed it.

Best places to start are OOT, ALTTP, ALBW, TP, WW

He literally did nothing wrong. As is made clear by him winning. The good guys always win.

no i mean the generel story like that they get reincernated every game and who the fuck gandolf/ganon is

Now they just have to erase all records of her from history.

I can’t wait for the awkward confrontation with King Zora and Sidon when Link shows up with Zelda

Especially when she's wearing the zora armor.

If you've played BotW you already know everything you need to know about the story to enjoy BotW2. This isn't MGS.

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botw had literally no story

Replaying BotW and I really genuinely love this game

Is botw Link the strongest of all the Links?

TP Link is up there too

what does everyone think about bobcut Zelda? cute or CUTE?

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That is never mentioned other than at the ending of SS, a lot of the lore is shown in external sources rather than the games.

What drives a supposedly-heterosexual man to not like Midna's true form? Is it just manlets seething about a woman being taller than them?

perfect for running your fingers through her hair while camping out in the wild

She was already perfect before and yet they somehow managed to make her even better

Zelda sucks in botw and men who like getting bullied by women have emotional issues.

true midna is just ugly compared to the superior verson

I remember when the trailers led us to believe Zelda wad crying because no natter what they do Ganon would revive again. It was a good opportunity to acknowledge that and make the general story move on. But at the same time if you present that as a conflict you would have to resolve it at the end or it would be unsatisfying, which means no more Ganon forever.

Her size difference in either for is appreciated by me.

t. fishcuck

Keep in mind that BotW accomplishes all that he does, without even having a piece of the Triforce.

This was supposed to be a comfy thread but it's not anymore because the NTRfaggots had to come in and ruin it with their faggotry.

>without even having a piece of the Triforce.
What benefit does the triforce of courage give you in the first place?
>b-but muh unlimited courage

Didn't he kidnap Lenneth just to put her into a human body so he could make her mortal and his waifu?

I like bobcuts so it works for me

More excited about cadence of hyrule than the remake, but botw2 is cool. I've been waiting for them to do a new zelda without scrapping everything from a previous game for years
rent free

A Link to the Past is my personal favorite and a good start, but really there re few bad places to start. Just find one you think looks cool and start there

eh, I prefer long hair

Will Fi show up in BotW2?

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Fi was very cute and I don't care what anyone else thinks

Anything except the CD-i games.

Zelda 1 and 2 are also probably easier to read the story for on a wiki than to play and comprehend any story from them.

Me too, but I can get behind short hair as well

It means everything he accomplishes he does so as a regular human only thanks to his own efforts and of his own volition.

>playing zelda 1 and 2 for the story
they're just fun games, i wouldnt skip them unless you're allergic to nes graphics

where does BotW take place in the timeline?

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ok but how is that different from someone with the TOC? What does the TOC do to you that makes you somehow superhuman? Gives you strength? Wisdom? Speed? Skills? Magic? What?

I really disliked BotW but I'm still hype for the sequel since I'm hoping they fixed their major faults. Treehouse shit sold me on LA, but I'll probably wait until a sale instead of on release.

Please don't fall for the timeline meme

>they're just fun games, i wouldnt skip them unless you're allergic to nes graphics
They're not good games to start with these days, though. They're good for once someone's a fan of the series and want to see the history of it, though.

I hoped the ones that helped you with the Champion shit in BotW would be a present day Champions 2.0 party or some shit, and it was disappointing that they did nothing with them.

I do not know, what I do know is that it isn't coincidence the bearer of Courage always wins and there's at least some sort of divine intervention there.
And he does it without it.

While I'm sure the game will be fine, the artstyle in the Link's Awakening remake is too weird for my liking. Reminds me of funko pops or something

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I didn't say to start with them. I just said no reason to skip them

yeah this. I'd rather play the original since it looks like that

so does WW link

So TOC is plot armor?

I bought the Twilight Link and Zelda from them a few months back, 10/10. Although I can never get my poses to look as dynamic as the ones they market it with.

So far into the future that it's literally impossible to tell. You could put a thousand Zelda games in between it and the other games.

I heard that the TOC is either the ability to savescum like in Elder Scrolls/Undertale or instant mastery of weapons and battlefield tactics (which sounds a lot like TOW to be honest)

It has aspects of all three timelines.

My theory is that there's an adventure somewhere along the timelines where Link merges them back together.

Are there any cute BotW Zelda figures yet?

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where does it say that botw link doesn't have the triforce of courage?

I can't handle BotW Zelda's booty.

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No. They did a Nendoroid of BotW Link so I'm assuming there'll be one of Zelda down the line. No Figmas though.

I don't think the Triforce comes into play in BotW at all. The closest is seeing the whole mark on Zelda's hand when she finally uses her power in one of the memories, but even that was the whole Triforce, not just the Triforce of Wisdom. I guess in theory since they're meant to be the reincarnations of the previous holders like it is in every game, they've got it, they're just unaware of it at this point in time.

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I don't think there are any aside from the amiibo, but I'm sure Figma will do Link and Zelda as cross promotion with the game, possibly with a way to customize them to look like the first and second game
I expect an LA remake Nendoroid as well

The triforce isn’t mentioned at all in BotW but Zelda has all three pieces on her hand

Ending sequence, Zelda raises her hand and the entire Triforce lights up.

This means she has all three pieces.

Just want to see the Four Sword return.
It's an easy way to explain away a co-op mode if they ever try that.

The only way to permanently kill ganondorf is to have the master sword utterly destroyed with the corpse of ganondorf
Justice shall be served and hyrule will be forever free

In how many games have Link and Zelda hooked up?

Skyward Sword and WW/PH?

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Actually now that I think about it, didn't they confirm awhile ago that a Zelda Nendoroid was in production? Or was that a mockup?

I hope you are right, she is by far my favorite Zelda and I want her booty and eyebrows on my table.

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That’s all just theorizing. We’ll likely never know what the toc does and the series is probably better for it.

I always liked the idea that the events of each game are a literal legend within the zelda world. It kinda handwaves away any weird timeline shit or continuity issues cause those crop up in plenty of real world ancient texts. I like the idea of all the old games basically just being the religion of botw hyrule.

You're right, March this year. I might try to track down one of the Link DX Nendoroids for completions sake.

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See I knew one was confirmed on the way

Pretty much all the most recent games. Fujibayashi is probably a hardcore shipper.

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Adventure of Link

He certainly fucking earned it by the end of that game. What a gauntlet. One of the best games in the series hands down.

that's nice, I'd rather have a properly scaled one but I'll take it

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Hyrule Warriors


Probably not:

Got two Zeldas:

I want Link to shoot his seed deep inside of Zelda's womb and for them to have many beautiful babies together!

>tfw TP is objectively the safest, and most by the book zelda but its still my favorite anyway
it just werks

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Same. The only Nendoroid that I think actually fits is Toon Link

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OoT is great, dated graphically but still a great game. BotW is a clear choice, it isn't like the other games but a great entry in the series in its own right. Link to the Past is the best 2D game in my opinion.

Twilight princess has a really meh to bad first act but a great second and third act.

Want to play 3D games? OOT
Want to play 2D games? Link to the Past

the weapon degradation in BOTW isn't nearly so annoying once you simply stop having any attachment to the weapons you collect. all you need is a vague sense of prioritization that the strong weapons get used for the big guys and the weak weapons get used for the small guys. they're just tools and headshotting/bombing 90% of all mobs gives you their weapons to use on the fly, anyway.

Well I never played Links Awakening so nice to finally get round to it.

Seriously hyped for BoTW2, Ive tried to play other open worlds since the first one and they all suck for offering freedom. Hope the sequel matches that.

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>Are you excited for Link's Awakening Remake and Breath of the Wild 2?

I'm really hoping that after the Link's Awakening remake, that we'll get a Link to the Past remake in Link Between World's style.

I want Midna to take Link as her consort-husband and for the Twili to adore them as his sweet nature softens her heart and makes her more benevolent than from before

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>Probably not:
why was TP Zelda so cold?

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it's still really annoying, they should just implement whetstones like in Monhun or something

>(ALL STAR 7) [Sakurakan (Kaidou Mizuki)] Sweet Blue (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) [English] [EHCOVE]
Just in case.

Cucking must be a cultural trait. Arrow Girl isn't even a Sheikah, she's just married to one and even she wants the BigHeroDick

I think she and Ilia should have been the same character

>sadpanda search for Legend of Zelda
>most of it is yaoi or futa

No yaoi or futa in that one, just pure cute love and sex between Link and Zelda.

It's still overly aggressive. Getting into a fight always feels like I'm pointlessly wasting resources because I rarely come out of it with something comparable with what I went into it with.
Weapon degradation as a mechanic in general is rarely anything other than an annoyance honestly.

what do women see in Link:

During BOTW the assumption of the biggest Grognards was that it was Downfall by process of elimination. After the trailer it's a bit more ambiguous.

People scurred because muh Nintendo, it's why you don't see many doujins.

[Morittokoke (Morikoke)] Hyrule Hanei no Tame no Katsudou!
is the best Zelda doujin

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Reminder Link is now canonically gender neutral
Use your mental gymnastics to get out of that one

Impossible. Ilia is the "childhood friend" character that was meant to grow up with farmboy link, whereas Zelda grew up in the castle. It's a complete clash of backstories to try and make them the same.

Link is so much girlier than BotW2 Zelda that hes going to get accidentally kidnapped because they think hes Zelda

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he gets kicked out of gerudo town on sight, he's a man. that was easy.

All this waifuposting about Zelda but we're all forgetting that horrible Brit voice acting in BOTW

Zelda is hardly relevant to TP beyond being "zelda".
Ilia already gets amnesia in the story anyways, so just shift it around so she arrived in Link's village as a kid with no memory of who she was, and got taken in by the mayor. Boom, childhood friend now has an epic twist that they're actually the missing princess zelda.

But I played with French on.

BotW literally had story. It was scarce and minimalistic, but there was a story. Learn what literally means, you Twitter subhuman.

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I thought LA Spanish was the best dub

I always took TP Zelda as more of a red herring than anything.

return to gibberish and text fucking WHEN.
moon speak is close enough for the time being.

the windwaker is the most contrived musical instrument item in Zelda

Ahem, it's a Hylian Royal accent.

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I don't even disagree with you but fuck you

botw Link would beat the shit out of TP Link
>TP Link does one of those weapon combos
>gets flurry rush'd

Defend Nintendo confirming him as gender neutral

who will voice Ganondorf?


Dwayne Johnson

I couldn't care less about what some soulless marketing robot says. Link is unquestionably a guy in-game. In fact the clown hair crowd is probably seething at the fact that the Gerudo boot him from their city because he has a dick and is therefore a man, requiring him to cross dress in order to "pass" as a girl.

My very first Zelda game was LA, so it was definitely harder for 6 year old me to grasp some of the concepts.
I still haven't beaten it, mainly because of the tower level.

>finish all 4 dungeons before finding Kakariko Village in Cadence
Weird feeling.

That's the one thing I'm going to hate about the game. No idea why she faked that accent or they didn't get someone like Laura Bailey to voice Zelda

why do you reply to shitposters?

thoughts on this?

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> t.

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Who the fuck plays BotW in English?

What if it was a pure sword fight, with no gimmicks?


I loved Zelda alttp and Minish Cap, played a little of Ocarina, that was years ago but I never took the lore seriously, now I want to come back to Zelda games. Now I'm curious, is it true 3 timelines exist? My pc is shit so I dont know if buy a wii or wiiu for the zelda games in there or just wait for a switch version.
Didn't play BotW, that will be my summer game

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Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, and a Link to the Past. Also play Majora's Mask because its the GOAT

BOTW link uses a parry and still wins


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It exists as much as nintendo said "sure" to shut up autists who couldn't handle the fact most of the games were their own things.
Don't pay any attention to it.

she can raise their baby and like it!

You’d have to rewrite both characters, sure, but both Zelda and Ilia are largely pointless and could probably be more relevant if they were merged.

I mean, why couldn’t Zelda be Link’s childhood friend? She has been several times after TP

>Didn't play BotW, that will be my summer game
Have fun with it user!

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I see, in any case I would love to play the wii ones.

How come people dont talk much about Minish Cap? I loved that one, was the first Zelda I completed (I was a little kid)

Both of them can shield bash though, I feel like it would be pretty close even if BOTW Link wins

What are the chances BotW2 brings back some of the classic themes? I need my Overworld theme back

Serious question, how would Yea Forums feel if we went back to the Twilight realm and got to meet Midna's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter?

You're trying to look for concrete benefits instead of spiritual ones. ToC is all about inner fortitude, not superhuman ability

I would love some classical orchestrated musics back, I missed it alot in BotW

that would be a good explanation if the other two stones didn't give you superhuman magic powers

Good only if imp or loli.

A majority of the games are fine starting points.
If you own a 3DS, I recommend Link Between Worlds

she's like Riju

An imp-loli?

I'll take either of these.

Link, wHo Is tHiS GirL, dO yOU WaNt hEr tO Go wHErE MIPhA wENt?

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Will do!

ZELDA NTR is the best

Zelda, please no.

>Paya is the new Impa
>she probably will take care of Link and Zelda’s children
>she will hear them fuck at night

Man I hope she finds a nice non-Link BF in BotW2

I'll take her if she's willing, i'm a kind soul.

I'm jealous that you're going to be experiencing BOTW for the first time, but I hope you can come into the game with your expectations in check.
Part of the fun when the game came out was discovering new tricks and abilities, like how electricity will affect certain objects in puzzles and combat, and that experience may be lost now that everything is documented online.
Regardless the game is amazing and I'm still enjoying it even on a 2nd playthrough. Have fun.

I need to play it again and think outside the box with tricks I never tried.

>she probably will take care of Link and Zelda’s children
>she will hear them fuck at night
incest is wrong user

>Links son is gonna plow her
Shota at its finest

Just growing up and getting sex ed from your cake nanny Paya!

Calamity Ganon in Botw was just a puppet, nothing more
Puppet Ganon

Attached: puppetganon.png (649x678, 722K)

Actually, I play in Japanese with English subtitles like the sad weaboo that I am.

>Paya doesn’t get Link but gets to /ss/ Link Jr. and /ll/ Zelda Jr

Pretty good end

Would make sense if Ganondorf himself was buried underground the whole time, that’s where the Calamity came from


Is Ganondorf going to have a majestic beard like Calamity Ganon?

is it just the artstyle or is the triforce of courage actually chiped?

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It's the "old, faded tapestry" look.

I want BotW 2 to have a huge mount that can jump and ground pound!

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still think it's a bit strange that somehow only this part is afected
the rest looks fine

How about a gerudo

I want sexy Din back.

I'm still upset that you couldn't get all three of them houses in Minish Cap.

I don't think LA needs a remake. Even if they are faithful to the original, it just won't be the same. The game requires the original chip music and limited graphics to get the feeling it was going for. They would have been better off just making a new game like ALBW or Minish Cap than a remake for a game that was already one of the best. But that's the catch 22 of remakes. They only remake games fans already liked. And fans like them because they're polished and fun already.

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Aw fuck, I'm gonna go bankrupt at this rate.

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Nintendo better deliver on this waifu game

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Jesus those are some eyelashes

What is this?

>Laura Bailey
Stop following me, you rotten hero, or you're gonna be sorry. Maybe I'll rip your hairs out, one-by-one, or maybe I'll throw you in the goddamn dungeon! How can someone with such a lithe, twink body get lasered like a little bitch? Huh?
Oh Calamity Ganon! I love you, Calamity Ganon! Come over here and give Link a big sloppy kiss, Calamity Ganon! Now pull your head out of your goddamn ass and START FUCKING HELPING ME!

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Breath of the Wild concept art.

Ocarina of Time is shit, Twilight Princess is shit, Wind Waker is amazing.

Prove me wrong.

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But am I looking at AYY LMAO? So like in Majora's Mask?

I can see it now
But I mostly meant a VA that's more experienced or has a better suited voice than the one we ended up with

There is nothing a man wants more than to traverse hyrule with his waifu.

Yeah, they considered going the sci-fi route with it. BotW isn't the first time they've considered sci-fi Zelda.

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No I don't want to. But I will ask you to post the full miiverse post that image is from

I've never finished a zelda game in my entire life, what's the best one? Not the normalfag "best one" but the -real- best one.

If you want something easy to jump into, my personal pick is ALBW

You complain about the shitty dub but you don't change the voices? I laugh at dumbasses like you

Skyward Sword

A reminder: The original plan for Zelda 3 was to be an NES game, where you had a party of different characters.


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Wand of Gamelon

Midna was the princess love interest character in TP. Zelda was just there for her contractually-obligated duty to hand out arrows of light.

Only the ToP gives that.

Midna seems like the love interest because Ilia was boring. But Ilia was clearly the intended love interest

Link's Crossbow Training


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I hope to fuck BotW2 has an area that lives up to Hyrule Castle, that shit was amazing

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eat my shit subhuman

There’s so much potential with a co op Zelda, Nintendo better not fuck this up

Super cute!

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Play A Link Between Worlds.

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How good is the creating a champion book bros? considering buying it

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I did, it's my 3rd favorite Zelda game and I honestly kind of prefer it over BOTW

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This is a good thread.

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For me its Zelda (Smash Ultimate)

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For me it's Zelda (las grandes cejas)

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>that image
I always imagined she'd be more like this if she had to live in Link's house in Hateno.

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How would Ganondorf even be underground?
Let's look at where Ganon winds up at the end of each timeline:
>Adult timeline: at the bottom of the ocean, a sword through his head
>Child timeline: dead with a sword through the chest
>Hero defeated timeline: permanently in pig form
In all of the three timelines, Ganondorf is dead, and not in the way that leads him to being sealed off in an underground temple only alive. No matter which timeline BOTW comes from, it is impossible for the zombie guy to be Ganondorf. It's a different person.

Reminder that BotW Link doesn't require the triforce or divine protection because the thirst of 100 years is stronger than any deity or cosmic destiny possibly could hope to be.

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>that puffy vulva

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Fuck off faggot

To make my dick hard

Nah Link definitely loved Midna by the end.

I mean I think the Zelda 3 we got was really good, but that's interesting.

which of the links didn't have the triforce?


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You got pretty far, and that's the most frustrating dungeon.

Frustrating dungeon design aside, I find combat and staying alive in LA really easy.

I have the standard edition, the content of the book itself is amazing. It really all depends if you're a die hard collector and like the more minimalist design of the special one and extra little collectibles.

BoTW2 with online coop is one of the most obvious, lucrative, braindead easy choices ever.
exactly why nintendo wont do it. what does nintendo have against online coop, did miyamoto get dunked on in some wii game too much? or is it just nintendo cant into online

>also tetra best zelda

I need a TP sequel more then I’ll ever need another BotW.

I have the normal version and it's fantastic, thicker than a Wii U and packed with a variety of materials including concepts of other games they wanted to make and lore explanations for even the most minor things including the Zonai Tribe.
Worth the money.

What did those mummified Shiekah do all day, waiting for 10,000 years for Link to arrive?

You know that Child timeline ends with FSA, which has a whole new Ganondorf, right? BoTW is so far into the future you could have hundreds of Ganondorfs being born and going evil.
At some point someone figured he couldn't reincarnate if they didn't kill him, so they stuck him in the basement and built some killer robots to clean up any evil smoke he might leak.

Play Cadence of Hyrule.

What is going through Midna's mind at this EXACT moment?

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A really good friend of mine got it for me. Everything in it is really great, I would say the texture of the book cover might throw some people off, but the dlc photo is so nice I want to frame it, the map is very good quality, and don't get me started on the spirit orb, which for me was the initial draw. I would have definitely bought it myself had I the money at the time

Is Smash Ultimate Zelda the prettiest Zelda?

ALTTP is the game that solidified the formula for most of the games and is fairly short.

thanks bros, gonna pull the trigger

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She wanted the Link.

Zelda games should not have online features

Yes. Because of the Genki Smug.

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>"...Good boy."

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Fucking put FS Anniversary, Four Swords Adventures, and fucking Triforce Heroes on Switch already for easier multiplayer you lazy cocksuckers

>Genki Smug
Smashcucks are so fucking gaaaay.

we got NES game tho

A good retainer loves his ward yet doesn't act on it romantically. Instead they marry honorably within their station and tend to farming.

>Midna begins the game as a little devil tormenting Link
>As she gets more attached to him, she starts initiating physical contact like caressing his cheek and leaning on his shoulder

I love this.

>Nah Link definitely loved Midna by the end.
Admittedly I ship the fuck out of them, but whether their bond becomes romantic or not is somewhat ambiguous. They're very easy to ship though.

The conveyance of their bond was really well done, especially in comparison to Fi and SS Link, which makes the end carry some emotional weight. Fi, despite her yammering about "realizing what happiness is" or some shit, doesn't display any of that throughout your journey so the emotion they're trying to get across with her farewell falls flat. I don't get why some people find it more sad than Midna's farewell.

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>wwn get another Link as cool as TP Link ever again

Why do zoomers get so triggered by the word Genki?

It's definitely a nice touch.
>tfw no TP sequel where link forces his way into the twilight realm through sheer force of will

Dang that’s a pretty good angle on Link’s face. Kinda gives him that concept art look.

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>wanting your character to be anime trash

Don't remind me

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>the Chad glare

I like the snarky options that BotW Link gets in his dialogue, but TP Link is still my favourite incarnation of Link, if only because he's such a soft-hearted farmboy outside of battle, despite being a literal beast when fighting.
People thought Fi's goodbye was more emotional than Midna's? She was an expressionless robot for 99% of the game.

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There is definite obvious romance between Midna and Link, you don't even need to read into the dialogue to see it. They want each other. They are both very sad to be separated at the end. You can see it in their body language all throughout the game.
But Link is from Hyrule and Midna is a Twili and believes their realms cannot coexist, so it's a heartbreaking goodbye for the both of them.
I don't think Link was much interested in Ilia after about halfway into the game. She honestly seems like the farmgirl he would have simply settled for if he had never left the village.

I don't see Link putting his heroic cock in Ilia even after all the events are over. I think the credit scenes imply that he does get out of the village on Epona once in a while for more adventure.

"kiss me, wolf boy"

Even if he did have a thing for her at the start, Link is so far removed from being a farm boy by the end of the game I'm not sure he could go back.

Reminder that Aonuma admits that TP Link was too masculine. That's right. TOO CHAD for audiences and had to tone Link down for BotW.

>Japanese board for the discussion of anime and Japanese games
>Zelda isn't anime

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I love Paya. I hope she's back in the sequel.

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>too masculine
kids still a twink

Too masculine?
He was perfect. He was the right mix of bishounen pretty boy and manly warrior. He is the Link the series needed.
I think BotW Link is aesthetically pleasing but he's far too shrimpy, to the point that the fanbase sees him as a twink ladyboy.

Weird. I know a lot of girls who have him as their favourite Link, so he's still bishie enough for them.

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>Link is so far removed from being a farm boy by the end of the game I'm not sure he could go back.
This is like OoT Link post-Oot/MM and you know how he ended up. The Hero's Shade must be kicking himself for letting the shit that affected his life happen to his successor/grandson.

He might mean that he looked too old. They've said a few times they always want it to be a coming of age story.

Japanese fanartist like to have TP Link and BOTW Link in a sort of senpai/kouhai relationship. It's pretty cute.

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>Yesterday, Master Link and Princess Zelda stayed for the night, but I heard his bed creaking all night, probably writhing in pain, and Master Link was gasping loudly too, he must have been hurt the day before, I hope he's alright...

Because they also want a strong Chad like him, not just a femboy like BOTW

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>the Chad adult warrior glare

Attached: TP Adult Link.jpg (669x900, 87K)

Imagine how physically affectionate true-form Midna would have been if they could stay together

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From what we know, yeah. They said he was beating knights in combat since he was 4, it's fucking ridiculous.

smash 4 brunette Zelda is prettier

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>He might mean that he looked too old.
Dude was seventeen but worked on a farm and trained as a swordsman all his life. That kind of life will make you look a lot older.

>Aonuma explained to TIME that he “wanted Link to be gender neutral” going all the way back to Ocarina of Time. This was done so that different types of players could relate to the character. Aonuma said that he “went a different route and created a version of Link that was more masculine” with Twilight Princess, but “went back to the drawing board and decided Link should be a more gender-neutral character” after that title.
>“Back during the Ocarina of Time days, I wanted Link to be gender neutral. I wanted the player to think ‘Maybe Link is a boy or a girl.’ If you saw Link as a guy, he’d have more of a feminine touch. Or vice versa, if you related to Link as a girl, it was with more of a masculine aspect. I really wanted the designer to encompass more of a gender-neutral figure. So I’ve always thought that for either female or male players, I wanted them to be able to relate to Link.”

That fucking anatomy. What the fuck is wrong with her back, shoulders and that big ass head?

'Physically affectionate.'

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It hurts bros.

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You how a cat will throw themselves and just lay on top of you? Kinda like that, but with more smooching.

All he succeeded in doing was making Link an androgynous femboy icon.

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They say this shit but he's always been a billion times more boyish looking than most Jap video game protags. I don't see how anyone could mistake any version of Link for a girl until BotW and that's only if you only have seen him disguised

>TP Link broke the mold and didn't become a androgynous sellout like BotW Link

Attached: TP Link.png (499x599, 299K)

Any of you zeldabros know if BotW ever goes on price discount?
In the e3 sale mario odyssey dropped 30% but I've never seen BotW drop at all since I got my switch and I want to play it.

leaving out the end cmon man
>As far as gender goes, Link is definitely a male, but I wanted to create a character where anybody would be able to relate to the character.”

>“So that’s why I think the rumor went around that Link could be a female. Because maybe the users were able to relate in that way.”

Fuck you

People legitimately thought BotW Link was a girl in the initial trailer until Aonuma came out and said 'wtf no'

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Nintendo doesn't really get sales and botw is one of their heavy hitters this gen.
So expect to pay full price unless you get it used.

Hey guys, how was the Master Sword created prior to Skyward Sword? I'm asking because in TP Link literally ripped and teared Ganon's underbelly with his fucking teeth. Was wolf teeth a material used in the creation of the Master Sword, because that's fucking awesome.

It's called a fish eye perspective.

>short haired zelda

No U

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Those people were dipshits. He looked less feminine in that trailer

As much as I dislike BotW Link being a femboy gay icon, I also love him for the same reason, because I want to be__ him.

TP ist still the highest selling Zelda game ever so I think a sequel is still in the cards after botw2

>I want vanilla art of Midna snuggling the fuck out of Link
>Yea Forums just wants art of her getting the knot
If we're the outliers, does that make us the degenerates?

I'd like to believe they would have fucked in every combination of their forms.

I thought BOTW outsold it

>not wanting both

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I just want them to be happy together man. If that makes me a degenerate then so be it.
TP's sequel was Link's Crossbow Training. If ALttP managed to get a distant sequel in the form of ALBW over a decade later, I still have hope we'll see TP Link again.

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after 4 swords adventures:

>the only timeline where ganondorf left a corpse behind to be sealed
>" it skyward bound, through time, or steeped in the embers of twilight..." is a line from Link's champion inauguration.

im a non-attorney spokesperson

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The only 2D game I've ever beaten is ALBW. I'm thinking about going back to beat TMC and maybe OoS real soon and finally starting LA to finally play through before the remake drops. Fuck, I regret missing out on 2D Zelda.

It's just the impfags. Twili Midnabros have successful lives and families to tend to and thus never have the time to get commissions for vanilla Midna/Link art.

>TP's sequel was Link's Crossbow Training.
Reminder to thank Shigeru Miyamoto for this and the killing of TP2 for Skyward Sword.

>literally the HERO of Time
>not allowed to be too Chad

She's small enough to be like your pet cat, but large enough to be your girlfriend.
How wholesome.

Reminder that SS Link's design was so shit that he got passed over for Smash Bros. in favour of having TP Link again.

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>implying impfags don't want sweet, tender Link/Midna loving

Attached: midnalink.jpg (948x1012, 360K)

You're attacking the glowing wound that Ganondorf received from the failed execution from the sages in Arbiter's Grounds.

Skyward Sword was a fucking mistake.

>Dogear will never make more doujins of Midlink, as they're too busy with fucking zootopia stuff

Imp Midna/Link is the equivalent of making love to a burn victim. Midna hates that form.

Try attacking the same spot with the Ordon Sword. He'll get up and start running again.

Bruh there so many Midlink doujins on the Japanese market but they're so expensive and talk in moon runes.

Botw is the best selling by far according to wiki.

Huh, never knew that

>Are you excited for Link's Awakening Remake
Eh. Not a fan of the graphics, and I don't really think the game needed to be remade. None of the new features they've shown off so far make it seem like it's really worth it, and the more I dwell on the graphics the more upset I get, because this was a chance for them to really try out something different, and instead they went the blandest route possible.

>Breath of the Wild 2?
Also eh. Teaser was interesting. I'm irked they're re-using the same overworld again. BotW surprised me and I really ended up enjoying it, but it's not a game I wanted a direct sequel to. I was really hoping they'd try something different, but so far it sounds like we're getting glorified DLC with a $60 price tag. I'm going to do the same thing I did with BotW and completely ignore everything about it up to the release. Maybe the game will sucker punch me with something I don't expect. My hopes aren't high, but let's face it, they weren't very high after Skyward fucking Sword, either.

Unrelated, but here's a Link I drew.

And here's a baller cover of the Zelda 1 dungeon theme, which does not get nearly enough love. Abreu-The Legend of Zelda-Dungeon Map-DoD.mp3

Attached: link.png (861x660, 120K)

I keep trying it every few months hoping I'll start enjoying it but I just can't.

I would say it's because he didn't have a Boomerang, but then again, BOTW Link has no Clawshot equivalent

I'm about 3/4 of the way through the game now, one more dungeon until my sword is powered up and I can go to the final area.
The game just never gets good. The combat is is annoying at best and tiring at worst and the controller disconnects frequently. This might be because I'm emulating it, but I've heard that playing it on console has the same fucking problem.
The best thing it has going for it are the interesting boss fights, but they're far and few compared to the monotony of the rest of the game. I was told the game has interesting dungeons which are a standout in the series - maybe one or two are, the rest are standard fare.

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OP here. Glad my thread is still alive. It's good knowing some people here enjoy discussing video games.

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But if he sticks it inside her, her insides would get fucked up.

It's the only Zelda game I haven't replayed. I try to, but then I remember what a slog it was to play, despite having some of the most interesting dungeons in the series. Fi being even more annoying than Navi doesn't help.
The only good thing about that game was Ghirahim.

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Burn victims deserve love too

Their affection for each other began when she was in that form

Also, I'm wondering if she keeps the cursed stone thing Zant put in Link, would that allow her to transform to and from an imp whenever she wants like how she can use it to change Link back and forth into wolf form?

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Imagine sliding your tongue between those tiny lips and feeling her sharp imp teeth.

They could have replaced his side B with the Beetle if they wanted to, but they ended up just making it its own item.

>The combat is is annoying at best and tiring at worst and the controller disconnects frequently.
>Skyward Sword
>Simon Says
Skyward Sword was a failed Simon Says game that was reworked as a Zelda game.

I'm the same way even though I loved the game. I just feel like if I start fresh Nintendo will announce a Switch version of it with better controls and such

Nintendo always manage to outdo themselves, how do they do it next should be a delicious big long ponytail

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Would anybody even care if they decanonized Skyward Sword or a lesser known Zelda like FSA?

user I don't care about the "canon" at all

That was actually dark energy granted to Zant courtesy of Ganondorf.

As much as I dislike what SS did to the series (especially with regards to Ganondorf and sidelining the original 3 goddesses for Hylia), I'd much rather they stop pretending that Triforce Heroes has any place on the timeline. It's supposedly the same Link from ALBW, but anyone with eyes can see through that bullshit.

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The ALBW Link actually appears in Triforce Heroes as a gag. He pouts about how he was "supposed" to be the hero over Toon Link.

>It's supposedly the same Link from ALBW
What the fuck

All Zelda games are actually pretty different. Just look at all of them a bit and pick the one that looks right. They're all at least decent.

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>He pouts about how he was "supposed" to be the hero over Toon Link.
That game had Toon Link in a dress. ALBW Link got off easy.

>stealing e-celeb content for You's

big yike

When I think about it, she got kind of physical with Link even before she starts liking him.

Obviously, the later examples are much more tender, but if you imagine this scene with both of them in their true forms, it can still come off as kinda sexual.

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Not excited for Breath of the Wild 2 at all, I absolutely hated the first and I really don't see that changing with the second. As for the remake, I'm not a big fan of the art style but I can at least see what they were going for and I'll definitely be picking it up.

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I just hate the idea of paying $60 for essentially a Game Boy game I already own twice

This guy? He's not a Link - he has round ears. I think he's supposed to be a parody of the ALttP Link, since his hair's pink.

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Dude must've broken her hymen with all that sprinting.

>It's supposedly the same Link from ALBW

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

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I'd care if they removed Skyward Sword because that would mean killing Fi

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It's funny how much Triforce Heroes did to push the femboy icon status for Link when it was supposed to just be a dumb non-canon spinoff game.

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Damn I really hope Aonuma ups the spooky factor for BotW 2.

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more caves would be cool, would be a great way to expand on the original map while making new content

Is Hyrule Warriors worth playing? The only warriors games I've played were the Samurai Warriors games mostly because I'm a fan of the Sengoku period and I thought they were okay but not great

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Toon Zelda games are a menace that must be stopped.

I really hope he ups the waifu factor as well
>underground network, with ancient cities etc


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It's a standard Dynasty Warriors reskin. The production value is top notch though and it's a great fanservice game.
It's nonessential but if you're a big fan of the Zelda games you'll probably enjoy it.

Fuck you, having a partner to share the adventure was always fun

Alone is no adventure.

It's very, very good, especially since it can be bought at a good price nowadays. I still have issues with the map though, it's folded in a way that's left marks, and even though I unfolded it, and even tried to put some weight on it, the markings are still there. Does anyone have a trick to make it look perfect?

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Does it have an official place in the timeline? That type of thing doesn't matter to me. Just curious.

Thoughts on Linkle?

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Only when it's somebody cool like Midna or Ezlo.

No, it is completely non-canon.
She is very cute, needs her own game or at least more cameos.

it takes place in a separate universe so no

>Fi will never appear in a mainline game that's not complete shit

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>her own game

As a female Link or doing her own thing in the Zelda universe?

As her own separate character, not as female Link. She's "Link's sister," so I think a game where she goes off to find her brother during one of his adventures would be suitable. Call her Aryll if you want, they're basically the same character.

I'm always excited for Zelda, so yes to both.
Zelda is one of my favorite series but they're all flawed, like everything in existence. Also calling people out and generalizing is just as stupid as the Zelda fans who think the series has no issues. We're trying to have a comfy thread here.

With all that said, can we discuss Hyrule and it's geography/map over the ages? It's clear you can combine it to some degree but some of it doesn't make much sense. Lets take Castor Wilds/Talus Cave for instance. Are we to assume that Castor Wilds is to the South or Southwest of Gerudo/Lanayru and that at some point it likely freezes over creating the Talus Caves between MC and FS timeline wise? Or are we to assume that Talus Caves is it's own thing, which doesn't make too much sense considering it's geography and FSA's map as well. I feel like we could assume that it becomes OoT's Lake Hylia (with MC's becoming Zora's Domain), but that doesn't seem to make much sense as we have a clear cut river that flows into the crater that is Lake Hylia from Zora's Domain/Gerudo Valley, which isn't inherently present within Castor Wilds.

I know it's a "legend" but the games match a lot of other stuff in Hyrule up pretty well oddly enough. But some is just strange.

That's because she's part of the reason the game's shit

And good riddance, she's garbage. Her visual design is great but she's the worst companion in the series. Literally a robot with no personality. Hell, the fucking robots in the Hylian Desert in SS have more personality than her.

>BotW2 has multiplayer Link and Zelda free exploration
>if they meet they kiss and both get 3 yellow hearts
Would be the most adorable thing they could do.

>you can go on dates around Hyrule
>blast Zelda off a raft into the sky using physics
>hear her shrieks and then she yells at you when she lands

I'd love a lot of little interactions and things like this.

>look at her with the camera for a while
>she starts making poses before getting embarrassed and covering her face

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Glad you faggots don't make Zelda games.

>keep staring
>she starts yelling at you and walks off
>does a little look back
>if you're still staring she hmphs and keeps walking

If I made an actual Zelda game it'd be BotW with Dungeons and little character interactions across the board, even if it had nothing to do with Zelda and was just a bro adventure with like Darunia or some shit.

Sorry you don't want me making BotW with dungeons tho.

I would never stop playing this game

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I love Minish Cap
That is all

I have a friend who loves it but I haven't touched it in a decade. Was it that good?

Me too. It's the only good Toon Zelda game.

what bullshit

I'm literally going through wiki and praying to every deity I can find to make Breath of the Waifu come true and you can't stop me

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Oh come on. Her design is great, her theme is great and having the master sword itself as your companion was a cool idea. She deserves another chance now that Aonuma has finally realized that too much handholding in your adventure games isn't fun.

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Chances of her coming back are slim, considering her connection to the Master Sword and assimilation with it.

>this post

I don't like any of the Capcom Zeldas. They feel like fangames. Minish Cap is the best one from an objective standpoint though, and they're at least better than the trash that is the DS Zeldas.

What do you guys think of the theory that the Zonai tribe from BotW and the Twili are one and the same?

Possible, but the Twili have far more connections to the Sheikah than they do any other race.

Pretty much any of them with the exception of Twlight princess Skyward sword and spirt tracks
Wind waker and phantom hourglass are a couple of my favorite but purists hate toon link

I know, even Midna has a better chance. That one scene in BotW gives me hope though.

>The Zonai themselves are spoken of in hushed whispers as strong magic wielders who vanished suddenly thousands of years ago.
The Twili aren't the result of suddenly vanishing; they are the result of defeated warlocks/mages who waged war against Hyrule and lost, and people whom the Royal Family got rid off.

>exception of Twlight princess
>denying someone one of the most atmospheric games in the series along with the best companion and Link

There should really be a Civ/grand strategy style Zelda game about each race trying to coexist and expand their territory while also befriending/warring with other races.
Imagine playing as the Zora and making friendly relations with the Hylians based on rituals like a prince/princess of each race marrying in order to forge a bond, or playing as the Gerudo and starting race aggressions because the only way for them to procreate is to steal males from other races away.

Those things may be true, but they have no bearing on her character or personality, of which there is none.
The way her character was implemented in SS was utterly meaningless.

In her farewell to Link, she mentions that she believes she's experiencing happiness from her travels, which you never get an impression of in the entirety of the game, and there's a clear disconnect with how the game is trying to make you feel about her and what you actually do.

I feel like the idea of an AI gaining and experiencing emotions for the first time is kind of an easy way to win over an audience and get them to feel for them, so having her stay as bland at the end as she was in the beginning is just something I'm gonna chalk up to them having to rush the game out.

Her personality doesn't need to be super vibrant or anything, but I feel like anything at all would have left a bigger impact.

Should we do a new thread after this or let it die? This is really comfy

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BotW has a lot of references tho honestly. I could see her coming back, but I don't see her having a large role like she used to in any way.

Only if you play the 3DS version of OoT.

I used to want a Zelda MMO because of all the interesting races in the series

let it die senpai, we cant have too many nice things on Yea Forums

I don't have it actually. I need to get around to it

Yeah, but would the reason for the Twili's disappearance be well known amongst the general population of Hyrule? Iirc, the only characters that know of the Twili's banishment are either Twili themselves or the sages.

>There should really be a Civ/grand strategy style Zelda game
Gimme Crusader Kings 2 Zelda style. Lemme sell my boys to the Twili Caliphate in exchange for alliances and conquests of the Ordon Peninsula.

This, if the contrarians catch wind of a comfy thread they'll pop in to shit up things pretty quickly. Hell it only took FF8 like 2-3 threads to start devolving into shit.

I think a Zelda CRPG where you can make your own Goddess's chosen hero of any race would be better for that sort of thing.

There's no harm in starting another one, I guess.

The worst thing that'll happen is the thread will peter off and die, and a completely meaningless "soul vs soulless," "why yes, I play X, how could you tell?" thread will get bumped off into the archive.

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She'd be over 10 000 years old. She might be the hand / seal holder, and a regretful ghost but not much more.

Depends. It's heavily suggested that the Twili are the off-branch of the Sheikah that practiced Shadow Magic and were dealt with accordingly. I imagine the general populace knows that something in the past happened with them, but not that they were sent to the Twilight Realm and banished, probably just assumed execution and imprisonment within the Shadow Temple, which is also likely the case for a lot of them.

It has been refreshing seeing a video game thread go this far. With actual discussion

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>Yeah, but would the reason for the Twili's disappearance be well known amongst the general population of Hyrule?
It was a huge war so they would probably have a memory of it. Large groups of people don't suddenly disappear unless there was a reason for it, and causing a war is a pretty good reason.

She should cut her eyebrows next.

But we haven't even started about how BotW2 should take inspiration from Megaman Legends's interconnected dungeons/underworld.

We've had a couple lately, some with FF8, most with Zelda, hell we even had a Metroid one (which was incredibly surprising) not long ago.

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Just start it with a wholesome, non-confrontational OP and you should be good.

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>we even had a Metroid one (which was incredibly surprising) not long ago

I was the OP for this thread but also that one

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is FF8 worth playing with the HD version? I always heard bad things about the draw system, I've never been fan of irregular growth systems which is why I cant get into SaGa

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Make more threads.

I try but they usually die quickly in favor of Twitter and Wojak threads

You have a gift user, cherish it.
FF8 is my favorite of the series honestly, but it definitely has it's flaws with the system in place. Generally my advice is to learn the junction system, and draw only enough to get by, and just play and have fun without worrying about things too much, just have some understanding of junctions/draw and you're good. It is a flawed game and pretty heavily too in terms of the gameplay and generally the last disc (unless you wanna look up a lot of fan theories which were denied by Kitase and stuff sadly) but they help the story out tons I feel.

Either way I'd say give it a play, if you don't like it, ya don't, if ya do, great.

Compared to the rest of the series it is very nontraditional and experimental. Learn to use the junction system and you'll have a good time.
You can almost completely ignore the draw system, don't let people fool you with talk about "draw grinding." You basically never need to do that so long as you train the skills that allow you to transmute magic from items and cards.

It's one of my favorite RPGs. It's a little different from what most people are used to in a JRPG, but it's an experience worth having.