Uh oh

Uh oh...

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Other urls found in this thread:


nice game you got there, it would be a shame if the internet dragged you for it

I hope they respond with a simple.
"Fuck off"

Did Patreon donations from retard dry pit?

>First Anita shames companies for not giving her money
>Now she's actively begging them to hire her in a condescending way
2019, I am forgotten.

They should tell her to fuck off, this bitch is complaining about the fact that games don't exclusively have female protagonists and that having the choice between male and female is a bad thing.

Kill all americunts.

CDPR basically gets a free pass on intersectional feminist issues just by having Mike Pondsmith on staff.

yea sexist representations in the past, like...

I hope they don't respond at all.

If she gets involved, I'm out.

>Hey uh, you might need to pay me so I can tell you why you're fucking idiots because we all know you've been fucking idiots for quite some time now
I would tell her to fuck off so fast I would make The Flash look like a fucking joke.

She should do porn again.Shit was hot.

This triggers the feminists and trannies.

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She doesnt have money anymore lel?

I hope she gets involved just so I could laugh at how everything has turned to shit.





Yeah because she sure helped Anthem. Oh wait, that game was awful.

I think Cyberpunk will be shit but Jesus Christ all this shitposting is so tiresome. Just ignore the game if you don't like it.

why is this kike nosed, rancid cunt still around

No way, this is a Christian board.

How about "Sorry, you are no longer relevant"?

> Nice business you've got here. It would be a real shame if something happened to it. I offer protection services that are really quite reasonable.

This is really shameless. Shit, at least the mob had the decency to keep their practices on the down low and not make it public record when they're hitting up businesses for protection money.

Any free advertising is good, even if it’s shitposting

i forgot this cunt existed. remember when she was basically the only one Yea Forums bitched about before social media took off?

>Guys, stop discussing video games on the video games board!
How about you ignore it?

>that passive aggressive threat

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>Pay me or I will accuse you and your product of sexism

Her company is bleeding money and every game she's been involved in has flopped. She even cried over twitter that EA isn't hiring her anymore.

I dont see anything wrong with that, she's very good at her job and everyone knows Cyberpunk is having a ton of image issues due to their treatment of women and trans women in the game.

Yea Forums keeps her employed.

I have faith in based mad mike

just don't give the roastie kike any more attention

because this board's collective masculinity is too fragile to forget her, or to have stopped from propping her up in the first place.

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>2014+5 years

>Still no Anita feet

is that the YIKES! emoticon?

Social media took off way before she was relevant in any way.

Anita tweets aren't videogames, though.


people are going more and more against sjw shit, she's old news

please... help me....send money and recommendation in cv... please....

>how's that youtube series of yours coming along? :)

Attached: trannies....rise up.png (1920x1221, 3.95M)

Rent free in your head, anita.

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>she's very good at her job
Yes, she's very good at ruining things.

This bitch literally disappears from public eye for YEARS when people stopped talking about her, and now you are trying to make her relevant again? What the fuck is wrong with you. Just ignore her stupid ass.

>potentially sexist
>it would be a shame if something happened to your game
>le cringe faec

>p-please keep me relevant cdpr im losing Twitter and instagram followers heelp mee

fucking lol, she can consult my ballsack, dumb heffer


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Reading her tweets feel so depressing.


Looking at this thread you can see a lot of brain damaged gamergaters infecting Yea Forums. What happened? we used to support feminism.

Not engaging is always the better alternative, user.

>begged EA for money
>they turned her down
>now begging Poles for money

Truly pathetic, she should apologize.

What can I say, I love shitposting, it doesn't matter how much it costs.

Why do they get to ruin the color purple now?

>EA making a good decision for once.


this post is honestly the hardest i laughed at anything from Yea Forums all day

its over cyberbros

Is this what an extortion letter looks like?

You're all giving her publicity and you really shouldn't.

>pander to libs
>they bitch even more

Reminder that they will always, always find something to bitch about.

Fuck off

What's more autistic, the stuff Anita tweets or how Yea Forums over reacts to her nonsense?

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>only 32k followers on twitter
What the fuck, isn't she supposed to be like the final boss?

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Anita needs money. she was living a very lavish lifestyle off her kickstarter money and "game consultation" money. But she spent all her kickstarter money and all her "game consultation" games like Mirrors Edge 2 and Mass Effect Andromeda and Dragon Age Inquisition all made her the laughing stock.

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>radical feminism in 2077

I think battlefield V and Andromeda was a hard redpill for them

>give me a job pls need money bad
Consultant is one of the most frivolous jobs in existence.

This is why I don't get Yea Forums's obsession with her. Nothing she does is funny or even interesting, her life just seems miserable, constantly searching for negativity everywhere she looks and spreading it actively. Seeing the stupid shit she posts on Twitter just reminds me that her divisive bullshit is the current trend in society, and it works because morons lap it up.

sure looks it

at least she gets money and attention out of it. what's your excuse?

Name me one instance of a game being "sexist" (i,e problematic to pedofuckers from resetera) that has actually hurt its sales.

This is the most passive-aggressive application for a job I've ever seen.

And I legitimately thought it's fake. It's not.

>when the assholes from 2001 on MSN are now inside the society systems

Good bye lads I had fun

Yea Forums for sure. At this point it's like reacting to some hobo rambling about complete fucking nonsense in the middle of the street because he's drunk off his tits.

>Cyberpunk is having a ton of image issues due to their treatment of women and trans women in the game.
Such as?

>whole of the internet
Someone's grossly overestimating their influence.
Heck, even her video series struggles to get views on youtube.

Her smile and Kickstarter money, gone.

Anita Sarkeesian is a nothing but a figure head for leftist reactionaries who have issues with all attempts at social progress, I'm not even sure if her tweets are even her opinions, the only reason leftists still associate with her is because of Gamergate.

Looks like the money finally dried up.

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you forgot anthem


Whoa epic

i dont think so but someone totally forgot to pay for their annual feminist protection fee

shes definitely striking while the hot iron since e3 has ended and sjws have been more rabid than the banjofags about it

Cd project red fucked up once you start pandering to tranny and niggers by having your game full of them it's a slippery slope to even more demands and threats you'll never please them

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How we haven fallen from god's grace.

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>Anita went from "haha gamers I have free money and you don't" to publicly begging big corporations for money
Also, if she's publicly sucking up to corporations, how the fuck is she qualified to talk about Cyberpunk?

Please tell me this cunt is not still getting work at studios for being a fucking consultant.

Wasn't she a 'consultant' on Mass Effect Andromeda and Battlefield V?

Btw a consultant typically gives practical work advice for actually helping development, meanwhile her definition of consultant is
"pay me to lecture your studio".

Where is a good Pondsmith berating when you need one?

holy shit this woman is retarded

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>Hey, you should hire me to fix this problem we know you have
>You know, the one that plagued your game that dominated the GOTY awards and is one of the top 10 selling games of its generation

She'd make a great cyberpunk villain. Giving someone like her any amount of power is a great way to fracture any society and keep the brains of the population scrambled.



I don't see any criticism against them online except on Yea Forums

she's a drip of shit in the shitbucket, it's just that it's pretty personal for Yea Forums

It's better to just ignore her. These vultures just want attention, they don't care how or what they get, as long as they get something, because it makes them famous and relevant.

Reminder to laugh at AND ignore Anita "literally who" Sarkmemeian

fuck off

yup, they're making just 2400$ they have to split in 3

this is feminism summed up

>Astolfo in a suit
Yes, please.

This cunt gave a UN presentation about the dangers of muh online white men and wants global hate speech laws and censorship to prosecute you for your thoughts

They should learn to ignore outrage like Rockstar'

How the fuck is making poorly researched YouTube videos charitable, or working to resolve any kind of issue? What a scumbag.

I'm not following it closely but given their responses to the few small "outrages" during and after the last E3 presentation, I'd say they already have upgraded their PR department since last year and they can handle it now

>prove a counterfactual

>struggle with the past
>she struggles with money and begging

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anita voted for trump. she's a con artist that dreams of being a billionaire

Its entertaining to laugh with Yea Forums over her bullshit, you're giving way too much weight to anons typing a snarky response to her stupid opinions

This sounds like mafia asking for """protection""" money

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Here we go.
It was one interview and the devs were notoriously vague on the issue of character creator. Nobody mentioned anything about trannies or "genderfluid" people, the talk was about some more unusual customization options. This came from the journalist who created entire narrative for that.

She had her hand in it?

Yea Forums because Anita is a dumb cunt but she's consistent and she's getting paid for her fake outrage
Yea Forums just bitches about everything all the time no matter what happens

She showed them off for a second once.

This plague's intensifying to the point we may not be able to contain it

Attached: WaltonSimons.png (524x511, 346K)

Ah yes, dystopian future California will have clean streets, clean blood of its citizens and no mental illness.

>anita voted for trump
wait ... seriously? No way

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Now it's fun because she ruined her credibility and openly begs for money.

So how long until she is in "Feminist" porn then straight to Regular porn?

She must really be in need of cash to be this brazenly begging for it.

considering current cd projekt's condition, they will definitely accept

that speech was truly her magnum opus, especially that report with one of the sources linking directly to her C drive

>appeal to SJWs
>they still complain and chastise you every chance they get
>they don't even buy your game or refund it
>rinse and repeat
literally when are companies going to stop listening to them? it's clearly not making them any money

>Three RPS articles in the space of a week all shitting on the game for being "transphobic"
>no acknowledgement of the game letting you be trans

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I'll pay her to open her legs if you know what I mean

>like reacting to some hobo rambling about complete fucking nonsense
While you can say that she makes about as many good points as a drug crazed hobo, you can't deny that the current trend in the gaming industry is pandering to people like her.

>we need to improve empathy for the LGBTQ
Excuse me? What next, we need to bring empathy for the drug gangs and the limb salvagers?

My autism doesn't extend to twitter else I'd shitpost

I'd hire her, if you know what I mean.

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never because twitter is a leftist echochamber hellhole and investors get nervous when shitstorms start to brew on there

Is this fucking real?
This is literally fucking extortion. It's the fucking legal definition of extortion.
Fucking games-media RICO case when?

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Forgot this bitch was still around

How is this not a protection racket?

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>choose a voice in a 100 hours dialogue heavy game

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Of course. I mean reacting to her specifically. She's 100% irrelevant now, no one gives a shit except Yea Forums.

you have to be embarrassingly dense to think that in a cyberpunk dystopia, cooperations give a fuck about properly representing minorities. you'd have to be equally dense to hire anita for her 'consulting' work after she's shown you how smart she is given the topic.

Absolutely based

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Its all about the clicks user, nobody actually cares about the vomit they spew onto these websites


What really pisses me off is people are making such a big deal about the tranny pc fake news that it is detracting from the real issue of the game stripping out rpg elements.

Shes STILL playing up her fake feminiam for cash bullshit? Please dont tell me people still give her attention.

when will she fucking die


For me it sounds less like "pushing agendas" and more like this meaningless, generic recited spiels you give if you want to appease someone. It's less them wanting to be woke and more them trying to get off the crazies off their backs, so they tell them what they want to hear. Especially when being asked one politically charged question after another. That's it.

>pay me or I will sick my mentally ill trannies on you

So they literally are just openly going the extortion route now? Not even any pretense about it...

If you sit down and listen they bring a pretty convincing argument, so it's no surprise the trend go towards people like her. Of course you can always just choose not to listen and scream artistic freedom

>japanese games
>have LGBTQ characters but proceed normally
>oh okay when people found out

>western games
>every second " we ensure our game will have LGBTQ characters and treat em nicely "
>get flaked
every time

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Protection rackets have ways of harming you. Anita is old and irrelevant.

when you do the job we all can't user, you can do it! level up!

Did they struggle with that in the last? Witcher 3 had pretty good and pretty diverse female characters. They seem to be doing fine on that front. Race is a different matter but then, they've never made a game set in the US before and we're gonna see if they'll be able to do it's different demographics justice soon enough.

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not bad

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>...unless you pay me a small fee, for "consulting" ofcourse. :^)
She's literally a mobster demanding protection money from business, and she does it fucking publicly on Twitter

What a strange timeline.

>femfreq is non profit
How can someone be this oblivious?

This would have been a nice message and a good idea if it wasn’t by the last sentence. That isn’t the way you offer help. Fuck off

It was bound to happen sometime. She barely used any of the funds for the series but in the end it wasn't infinite.

She has 700k on her femfreq account. Not that it matters, her YT videos barely get any traffic it seems, people don't actually lìsten to her BS, they just prop her up for woke points.

It means you can chose the male voice with female body-type, bigot.

Learn to code, you stupid bitch

I want to see proof she voted for Trump because that sounds hilarious

look it up f you want to see for yourself, it's not hard to find, took me about 20 seconds

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>she's very good at her job
Didn't know she has a job.

nice sidenose

>Paying Anita for sex
user please, have some standards

she should go the other way around;
"you pay me to NOT to inject myself into your game any way i can"
bitch will be rich in no time at all.

>literally begging on twitter for a job

Boy she must be hurting badly. How did she spend all that money those mentally challenged people gave her?

Anita's influence has always been overrated as fuck except maybe around 2013-2014. She is just propped up by video game "journalists". Her Youtube videos rarely go above 10k views.

From her post she seems eager to start a witch hunt against CDPR, unless they pay up front. I'm not up to date with that greedy bitch movements, but I'm sure she still can do a lot of harm

"give me money and attention or I'll send out my hate mob"
How is this not extortion?

fuck off


I really want to fuck her and I love whores, that's a no brainer

3rd wave feminism being making up problems so that people can have a career in fixing then was pretty obvious since forever.

By paying her you're driving home the point that she's a whore that accepts money for sex. Doing that to a feminist is fucking hot dude.

The thing gets blown up when they started to announce Cyberpunk though. Then certain groups keep pushing them to include LBGTQ characters, probably why their PR kinda shitty to response to it and everyone just bashing them.
Other than, sure they struggle a bit with money but seems fine now.

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wait, who is this? why are they relevant?

>screencaps of Twitteral whos still isn't a permanent bannable offense

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She's like the perfect possible hate-fuck. Everything about her is perfect for it from her face to her body to her personality and history. Just imagining the pained moans she'd make when ramming into her hairy pooper truly is euphoric.

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What a fucking cunt. How can one person be so evil and repulsive?


It's photoshopped, bros, put the juicers down.

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because he is basically blackmailing them. He promised everyone there will be tranny characters in cp77 and if the devs dont comply they are literally Hitler. Either way its more material for him
journalists should go to gas chambers first. Scummiest people

holy shit that's sad

god damn I'd kill to have that schnoz prodding at my turd cutter as she slurps on my balls

Never trust a Jewish bitch

Hope they do what Yea Forums should have done in 2011 and ignore her.

Why are right wing SJWs so obsessed with trannies and feminism?

There's nobody talking about it and these insane loonies here in this thread keep bringing them up for no reason.

>Ruins your reputation
>You lose business
>Become bum

That's bad for businesses user

Pondsmith is based and redpilled.

well at least now have better face and body, its perfect user.

Attached: donladboner.jpg (800x450, 61K)

>Twitteral whos

I'm stealing this line

This is the Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson playbook. It has worked great for them for decades because the (((media))) gives them cover while they extort companies. Same thing Anita is doing now.

At which point will people largely realize that social media is a blight that slowly creeps into every apsect of life and ruins them with radicalization and politization?

In case you haven't realized her consulting gig is actually "protection fee", what she really means is:
>gamedevs pay me protection money or else I'll send my mob to harass and review bomb your game!

She's literally a gangster shaking off local businesses

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M8 we're kust laughing at our favorite video game journalist roastie suffer
I wonder what happened to all the memetic feminists of 2014 like the readhead? Are they still alive now?

>opening your job application with an insult

>better body
its literally the same

>someone actually took the time

>it's fucking real
I'm less appalled by the the fact that she had the sheer fucking gall to say this but more so that she also had the audacity to be so disgustingly condescending about it

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If Yea Forums ignored her, her orbiters would have took over and played our part on our behalf.
Anita's rise to infamy was not organic and neither was anything that followed, there was a lot of crooked money pushing them and social justice into the spotlight and there is no way us or anyone else not taking the bait would have stopped it.

Holy fuck he's back

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>jennifer lawerence

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Even zoomzoom newfags wont fall for that.

worst thing people could do is give her more attention
if CDPR replies in a positive way i'll start spamming them with
>pre-order cancelled
but until then it's better to just ignore this hag still exists

>anitas threats

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They probably don't even know who she even is. This woman hasn't been relevant since 2014.

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Rockstar deliberately courts outrage because it's good marketing. All the "GTA turns kids into murderers" stuff was intentional.

It was probably anita herself.

>The readhead feminist triggered memes are 5 years old now
Feels like it was a fucking eternity ago

Shut the fuck up, bitch-dyke whore.

They don't. If they do, we fix it by any means nessecary with a healthy injection of green.

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lol anita

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If this is real, she’s super desperate these days. Her tweets have all been, “why aren’t people throwing money at me anymore.”

Be a real shame if any transmisogyny happened around here...


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you are right, I always supported my stem getting into more women

>Turn off those sexist video games and come to bed, I'll show you what a real woman can do.

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Literally paper tiger threats, she has no influence.

>Protection rackets have ways of harming you.
Especially when you overestimate your strength, try to muscle the wrong people, and they fuck you up by systematically dismantling your support base before coming after you.

A parasite.

>will have gender fluid
no they fucking didn't, when asked about tranny shit they just said you choose from a male/female model and it doesn't explicitly state a gender.

For someone who's trying to make a job as an """image consultant""" for gaming companies she really doesn't know how to portray herself in a good light

Imagine fucking Anita while choking her and screaming racial and sexist slurs on women and jews. Pick of kino

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Ah the only person with a gender studies degree making money
Have to admire her hustle
She made shitty AAA developers pay her money to say "put more women and people of colour in your game"
Guess its back to paper pushing work for you Anita

how else should it work?
you choose between two models, male and female
there is nothing in between

>non profit
more like for-profit

Imagine just launching the biggest, nastiest load of hot white cum all over her face and watch the dignity leave her eyes as semen drips from it

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5 years later and she's still at it.

Where did all the money go? She got a bunch of 6 figure gigs/donation drives during gamergate.

A simple "Nah" would be good.

Is there anyone other than 4channel twitter screencap posters that give attention to that mentally ill whore?

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Even your mom?

Gender is a spectrum

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She's not jewish, she's armenian.

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Especially her

it's because they didn't explicitly address that you play as male/female whether you choose the male/female model in the character creator that some deranged blogger created all this tranny genderfluid shitstorm over
It's literally nothing

is she cosplaying John Romero?

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Truly a failed snake oil salesman.
Why she's going bankrupt is because she's so stupid that she believes her own bullshit that she sold to others, then again that pure belief in her bullshit might've been the reason why she took off in the first place.

Well put, only shes even worse, because true mobsters could still be decent people while shes just human garbage.

top right is 100% a tranny

>Empty hero
What happened to that guy? He tried shilling himself on here for like a month

theyre all trannies

How about the fraudulent dumb bitch fuck off to Armenia to help the few million people of her own flesh and blood who are living in 3rd world conditions surrounded by enemies who genocided them for centuries, instead of larping representation of half of Humanity in a 1st world country where she scams people into believing that they lead lives as oppressed as 3rd worlders?

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>no more money from retards
>trolls ignores her
>still getting "harassed" on twitter
Justice prevailed

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8 and 0 look like eggs

Yeah. She successfully manufactured something to parasitize a multi-billion dollar industry. It was a working strategy across the media for a while. Journalism. Consulting. Thousands of people were employed in the scam of convincing others of their own necessity. And for the last year or two that's been imploding. The companies that listened or bowed and hired them have been losing money. Journalism outlets are going broke left right and center. VOX are celebrating a union agreement absent the realization the company won't last a year.

Nice game you have there... would be a shame if somebody were to call it sexist...

I'll spin, Pat

if only, but then she'd prob use it for another kickstarter

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But that would mean she would actually have to do something for once in her life.

>threatens to unleash her internet attack dogs

not interested in the game anyway, but it's really shameless.

if i was stuck in a room with anita i would lose all oxygen and die from that machine of a nose

and centrist faggots say SJWs arent extortionists

>270 REPLIES and counting

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option C: your post

One person who ruined game industry.

I think its partly because the market imploded. A few years ago these weasels were the vanguard of the new internet moral system, now everyone and his uncle is a SJW preaching from Twitter and the old guard is irrelevant

I don't know if she intended this or not, but her entire post makes her come off as incredibly condescending. If I wanted to hire a "diversity consultant", I definitely would not hire someone who talks to potential employers like that in a public social media forum.

If I wanted to waste my time on shit like this, I'm more likely to talk to Zoe Quinn about appealing to broader audiences, at least she's actually made a game.
What use is a two-bit critic

god what an assholeish comment to make
why cant people just leave CDPR alone?
I'd be getting pretty fuckin tired having people online tell me I'm like human garbage for making a fucking game by now.
Like something as simple as a fucking videogame is becoming so divisive, the left hate me for some random bullshit and the right hate me cause I keep trying to cool things over with the left and left wingers keep publishing articles that trigger them.

Sure fucking glad I'm not famous it sounds like hell these days only winning move is not to play.

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Sjws don't buy games

It literally sounded like you'll have an option to put a makeup and flamboyant hairstyle on a dude - that's it. Even Dark Souls was more "progressive" than that.
It was the journalist who started pestering the dev about the "non-binary" options. And the dev's response was pretty much a flippant "yeah, sure, whatever you say". And then they've written a hitpiece on it.

Everything is a racket. Both the extremes play off of one another to grow their bases and bilk money and influence out of retards.

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2nd wave was the cancer that started that. 1st was was cancer too

>"no thanks, we do want to hire someone for this job but we're afraid associating with you might impact negatively on our brand."

her firing that mcintosh guy has to be one of the biggest blunders of her career

it's clear that he was the brains behind the operation and she has no idea what she is doing anymore

except the trannies of war have already been let loose
she's only promising to recall them, and i doubt she has the influence to actually do it

That was funny user

>why cant people just leave CDPR alone?
Because they're one of the biggest companies in videogames. Such prestige always attracts opportunists.

>people who hate americans aren't obese
Checks out

Wait she fired him? I thought he was the puppetmaster boyfriend. Did she let it get to her head and thought she could reel in a better chad or something?

"Hi Mrs Sarkeesian, thank you for showing interest in CD PROJEKT RED. We are currently hiring interns to QC diversity in our games, if you are interested feel free to submit your CV and we will get back to you."

You should read the comments to that tweet. Everybody is giving her shit for it.
I give it 24 hours before she deletes it.

That thirst for money!

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people should have gotten rid of her before she ruined gaming with her kind

>1.3k likes was the most they got recently
>other tweets are below 100

>uploads everyday
>2k average
>losing subs

>same for facebook

>retards still parroting about how Yea Forums keeps her alive and gives her free publicity
Just a reminder that she just rode the gg wave and current Yea Forums doesn't actually have any impact on anything. Delusional little faggots

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Lel that's next level mobster
>I already set your store on fire
>btw I own the fire department if you want them to come you gonna have to pay
>(doesn't actually own the fire department)

>why cant people just leave CDPR alone?
[a] Church of Trannies whined about a transgender ad which is a cautionary tale that pride and visibility/marketing results in corporations taking advantages of the identity you sell out so cheaply. People being told that their low-IQ pride subverts their own positions and whatever virtues they attempt to instil in others and themselves is a tough pill to swallow for children who are high on collective ego and narcissism as well as long-term Twitter-usage-induced mental castration.
Reason: Low IQ.

[b] Church of White ("Savior") Supremacist SJWs whined about how black gangs were designed unaware that a black designer was behind them, and then tried to tell to the very black creator of the Cyberpunk genre how Cyberpunk should be in an astounding showcase of reckless ignorance and arrogant stupidity.
Reason: Low IQ.

[c] Final side is those who believe the gameplay portrayal so far is looking like it will be shit even though the Devs have many games to take inspiration from and improve like EYE Divine Cybermancy for example, in addition to them removing content and this being a sign that they overplayed their management which might result in very negative possibilities unfolding.
Reason: Loss of Trust in the industry.

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Nah she'll just cry more about how she's being "harrassed"

I didn't hear anything about her for years.

Best option is to build a moat and throw everything you possibly you can between you and the bigoteers.

If they make contact with her to work things out I'm taking down my pre-order for Collector's Edition and will drive at night 18km to their studio in Warsaw to put graffiti on it of black cock and mouth taking it. This would be too fucking much kurwa

there was no extreme right milking or trying to grow, they necessarily grow as a reaction to left wing take overs just as happened with communism. youre just a centrist faggot with delusions of being enlightened.

Because the Lefty media stopped shilling her.
Speaking of...

>Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Splinter
>worth 1.5 Billion in 2006
>The Verge, Vox, Polygon, Curbed, Eater, SB Natio


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>"stay away from my game american"

She can consult my dick

>"i'm always available"
yeah i bet, what else she got going on besides twitter

Why contisiiwknvscagwση@

It's all just rent-seeking with her.

Jesus Christ I hope Cyberpunk is a success and all these retards get btfo to oblivion

>the whole internet
>implying a few hundred triggered dilation queens on resetera are the whole internet

well there's something you COULD do...

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Imagine if Yea Forums was smart enough to do the same thing. Seems from this thread they still haven't learned.

we don't know the details, but kiwifarms has evidence that maybe sarkeesian is a lesbo, and mcintosh isn't exactly a looker himself

probably was not her boyfriend, probably were legitimate business partners. sarkeesian was the face for his operation and it went to her head, they parted ways.

>are actually created by a black dude decades ago

>Anita becomes pro-sex and anti-SJW
That redemtion arc though.

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bless pondsmith

I cant believe that's a real tweet, at this point this bitch is just cyber pan handling lol.

a jew trying to trick us. obvious

The damage is done and looms for years still. She practically got her spotlight and won.

I wonder if she realizes that she's skirting on the edge of committing extortion with this tweet. You'd think someone would know better but this lot are beacons for a lack of self-awareness.

10/10 they will become fucking heroes

This fucking bitch is the reason why women reputation is so low today.

the american always tries to infiltrate and spread their desiease

because CDPR will probably make bank with CP2077 and all the bloodsucking parasites are going to crawl out of the woodwork to get a piece, none of the criticisms leveled at this game have been made in good faith when it comes to "social" issues.

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Man I wish she did porn.

what do you think anita's (((fee))) is?

Pondsmith is the true hero we need.

anita should fuck off and do porn already if she's hungry for cash

Of course.
Racketeering is a jewish business after all.

>on the front lines
I hate this shit

i made this image and they are all images that were fished off of reddit's trans community

Some business really benefit from consulting. Just not video game developers in regards to social justice issues

You can make daily threads of her in here and it won't change anything for better or worse. Yea Forums doesn't matter.

>>Racketeering is a jewish business after all.
>false statement
>she's not even Jewish

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rolling for 8

The right is easily scammed due to their lack of intelligence, why do you think Fox news, alex jones and all these other right wingers make so much money?

When did Yea Forums the internet hate machine support anything that wasnt nazi furries?

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Feminism is.

Sure it does. You think retards here don't have twitter and send her stupid shit that only validates her opinion more? How do you think it all started?

Remember when she wanted 35k to open a discord server?

And she got it?

You guys are just giving her attention. Even if you're just shitposting. The hate is going to make devs feel bad about her and hire her for other projects. Just don't reply and stop talking about her.

worse, she's armenian

nintendo fears us

how the mighty have fallen


That's actually a big brain move.
Spend years establishing your name/brand while gathering loyal drones to defend you at every step, so that you can eventually bully your way into every project and demand compensation for it.
Literally 4D chess.

that's just regular mafia business, game devs pay her protection money and her twitter goons don't make noise at them

Literally who?

Stop giving her attention.

What's up with the current influx of trannies and SJW white knights on Yea Forums and /vg/? Is like now you can't talk about how retarded these people are without some SJW pretending to be a fence-sitting neutral white knight comes along and says how retarded we are for pointing out how these mentally ill people are ruining our hobby.

basically a N-word pass

She words that like a mafia threat for a protection racket, when will companies learn that all these "diversity consultants" and "civil rights activists" are just mobsters who make a living from threatening outrage to shake people down?

just fucking stop


Now THIS is how you walk up to the manager, look him the eye, firmly shake his hand and ask for a job

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you do realise Armenians are all jewish, and closer to canaan jews than ashkenazis are? Look up Khazaria.

>This is why I don't get Yea Forums's obsession with her.
Sarkesian is a professional shit-stirrer who profits from controversies she creates.
Lest it be forgotten in the broiling political bedlam of 2016+3, Sarkesian originally rolled about with a video series outlining how Super Mario was a sexist game because he kept rescuing Princess Peach. Not shitposting. That was what her first video was actually about in 2013.

About the same time, all the major games media sites leapt on the "games and gamers are irredeemably sexist/(*)-ist etc and must be shamed" bandwagon. They promoted Sarkeesian and Co. relentlessly and hammered anyone who stepped out of line. People forget but even Blizzard got hammered by the likes of Kotaku.

In retrospect, it's all a bit obvious. They set up an enviornment in which "shaming shakedowns" became possible. Studio needed to pay protection money to "sexism consultants" or else face the screeching "tears in my eyes" wrath of Kotaku-&-Co during development, or right on release. Sexism consultants cost a lot of money and SO DO SHILL FUCKING JOURNALISTS and that's why kick-backs happened, and that's why there's a fucking money trail and that's why these media fucks should be facing jail time. For what they've done to this industry and what they've done to the whole fucking internet with this septic gender wars bullshit.

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an autistic spectrum

Theres so much butthurt about this game from both Yea Forums and outside, are you guys going to do this up until the release date? I'm glad I've avoided threads about this and VTMB2.

i guess your fake centrist persona only lasted one post huh

I don't think she planned that much ahead I think her funds just dried out and all she left with is couple of angry mobs and her past reputation as a shitstorm bringer, so she just looked for a way to utilize that.

remember their behaviour is genetic

>When did Yea Forums the internet hate machine support anything that wasnt nazi furries?
I support Cyberpunk 2077. I am not joking. I even preordered on GOG.
>has furries in it
>has nazies in it
Well shieeeeeet.

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How do I think we got here, user

You should treat that schizo m8

Fuck off, she doesn't need attention. Let her image stay dead and broken.

She's absolutely seething.

She gets like 3k views a video, she's irrelevant these days because she has nothing meaningful to say

Trannies organizing raids non-stop from discord servers isn't a meme, user.

she's not Jewish though.

remember their autism is genetic

That happened.


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Both the left and the right are extremely stupid and gullible, what else is new?

behavior is LEARNED, not genetic. They behave the way they do because they learn from observation of others.

>anita speaks
>373 replies and counting
Ignore her, my dudes.

>EA stopped doing something that was ruining their games

are we in bizzaro land?

around when bush was prez i think

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UH Uhhu YOU CANT JUST IGNORE THEM IF YOU IGNORE THEM THEY W-WIN UHHhh *panics franically trying to mash the shit stirring button* OH NO NO NO, CHAOS WONT HAPPEN DOUSHO

Armenians are such good scam artists.

>me angry cus woman bad
>gives free advertisement anyways
Just fucking stop

>Uh oh...
Doesn't she have street that needs to be shit in?

Instinct is genetic behaviour.

So why do all nigs act like violent apes and all jews try to subvert society and jew people out of money?

CDPR is finished. Nobody messes with Anita and lives to tell the tale.
Did you know she even went to the UN to speak about the foremost issues in gaming such as sexism, racism and transphobia?
Yeah, I'm thinking that's pretty based.

>please hire me, my internet fame ran out

damn, lisa looks like that?

She's Jewish.