Do you ever get emotional because of video games?

Do you ever get emotional because of video games?

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anglos are a mistake

imagine being his dad and getting this sent to you

>when you bought a Wii U and everything gets ported over to the Switch

why is it always a WHITE person?

lol no

I'm not homosexual so no.

I have a seething disgust for anyone who films themselves crying and uploads it to the internet

Lmao that sodomite is not my son

They're the only ones capable of feeling genuine emotion.

no. i was abused as a child and now i am a husk of a human.

>this person I read a wikipedia article about one time means so much to me

Depends. I was angry when I saw how shitty Sword and Shield look.

Rdr2 made me tear up at the end. Never bawled like a bitch from a video game though.

fuck no, all the video games I play involve being a criminal killing other criminals for the sake of survival

no I am a man and I bury that shit even at the 2 funerals of my really good friends and I cope by drinking too much

Love how this video puts snoybois in a fit of rage, dude is crying because a guy who made his childhood happier passed away, seeth more you corporate drones

Lisa made me tear up real bad
Mainly because my dad has some of Brad's personality traits and my mom was locked up in a mental hospital since I was 3 years old. So I pretty much inserted my dad onto Brad

I understand crying because your idol died, but why film it? And yeah, sometimes I get fucking mad when an update I've been waiting for years is just a fucking big nothing.

>crying for the death of a soulless corporate executive
Holy shit his man's diet probably consists of 100% pure sòy lroducts

i cried when ghost got shot by Shepard in mw2

To be fair even though iwata is a good man, technically the white guy is being a corporate drone as well. You said so yourself he's crying because he made his baby years fun

Yes FFXV ending

There's a few times where I actually did cry.
I cried in the ending of OneShot, where I had to choose to save some virtual world, or save the only human being residing in there. My friend was with me in a VC, that was... man.
I cried again playing Lisa, but more of a 'i hate this specific thing' kinda way.
Of course, we all cried about Iwata passing. Yea Forums was no different, it wanted him back too.
The thing I most vividly cried about was the Devil May Cry 3 ending as a kid, I understood the story and man did it sack me hard in the feels.
MGS4's tanker battle made me cry in the 'it's so fucking beautiful' kinda way. Fantastic end to a story.
We still have yet to come across a good selectively mute character suddenly breaking down all about how his life has been ruined by battle and how he never wanted to be mute, then turning into the final boss.

Only a little bit at Metro Exodus.
But everyone knows that slav writing is better than western one

I cried when my wife left me for Antwan

>crying over some nip suit you don't even know

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Only seething rage and disappointment

Only when it reminds me of irl events
>protagonist granpa dies
>remember watching my grandfather dying in the hospital

If you think this isn't an act that they do specifically for views then you're delusional.


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When was the last time you cried, Yea Forums?

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Just place a support beam of some kind underneath dumbass

when i woke up this morning and realized how i've let it come this far

>'seethe harder corporate drones!'
>guy is literally crying over his dead corporate master
huh wht u mean?

Im tired of fixing things, let the chips fall

Every time I wake up.

If this didn't make you tear up a little, you're a soulless monster.

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pretty sure everyone did when they realized seto is still fucking alive in there

standing there for god knows how long

Iwata's death was somehow sadder than other famous people's death and I don't know why

I only ever tear up, never cried that hard over vidya or anything. Last time I teared up was during kingdom hearts 3.

Yes, all the time.

It's usually jews. Eric Butts is a jew. The other guys from the "onions" meme webms are both jews as well.

When my dad died last Christmas Eve. Spent the next few weeks surrounded by his unopened gifts.

but he made, well he didn't make, he directed the people who made my bing bing wahoos ;_;7

yes thats why I play them
there's literally no point in playing a videogame that doesn't cause you to feel anything. if your not happy, your not sad, your not excited, your not apprehensive, your just mentally watching paint dry. I can do that with my eyes closed for free. being a technology that can let you feel any emotion you want to feel is what makes vidya worth the time and money

Maybe because you saw him regularly when he was healthy and then saw him when he was really sick and knew his time was almost up. Sort of like David Bowie.


He never met the guy and doesn't know what he actually did with games.

never actually cried but read dead 1 and 2 made me feel like this on the inside by the end.

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>mfw my horse stopped moving in Saint Denis

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What, over a gook he never met? That's not emotion it's either attention whoring or mental illness.

crying for an animal...

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>Not posting the best memorial video

If this didn't make you tear up a little, you're a soulless monster

He's acting.

I can't even remember. I think I have some kind of personality disorder. I don't think I've cried since hitting puberty. Went through my parents divorcing, grandmother dying, and my cat dying without feeling anything.

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I would really prefer it if you stop singing

>emotional because of video games?
no and it's not cause "hurr durr I'm a badass" because I get emotional and immersed as shit in a good book. I love video games to death but the allure for me is the gameplay not the story. The stories in video games can often be totally ignored and if you do take the time to delve into them they are generally pretty shallow, one note, predictable, and outright boring.

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But he's getting emotional because the world lost a brilliant and unique man who contributed so much to the world.

I refuse to believe this isnt a joke...right?

I honestly don't remember

I cried at "The Upstreamers" in Lost Odysseys side stories. I remember it being very sweet

I got pretty hype when this happened.

I think the last time I got teary-eyed over a video game were the endings to Red Rescue Team and Explorers of Sky

That would explain why so many Jews are such emotional artists such as John Mayer and Amy Winehouse. They truly are the chosen people of god capable of feeling only the purest of emotions which the goyim could never understand.

when my wife finally discovered my alcohol problem and left my ass

have soul

Uhhh it sounds like you just play shit games

When I publically uncontrollably shit myself for the first time. Getting old sucks. Your asshole just gets loser.

What a cunt. My gf basically nursed me back to health when she found out about my addictions. I owe her my life and more.

Ending of Dragon Quest IX fucked me up. Was like 13 I think. Pretty much the only game to really do this.

imagine having emotions

Hearing about Robin Williams dying. That and Gene Wilder.

Then marry her you idiot. Women who don't abandon you are rare.

>Do you ever get emotional because of video games?
...Are you new here? People are getting emotional over anime titties and apartment decoration and national dexes right now.

2 weeks ago.



Marriage is a con. We both agree you don't need to sign a piece of paper to prove your dedication to each other.

>Advocating marriage
>Calling anyone else an idiot

I couldn't agree more. I just hate Anglo Scum

Addicts are pieces of shit and deserve to be abandoned.
>waah why won't she stay with me when I blow through every fucking dollar the both of us has on my stupid addiction and inevitably beat my children

why is it alway nincels making these cringey videos ? Is it because they are the most unlikely of the bunch to have had sex ?

Jews are the best at everything except for basketball, and they own the teams anyway.

Nice projection, friend.

Hello rabbi

Sadly not. I'm still waiting for my Super Mario 3D world because it runs like shit on Cemu in later levels. I think we will never get it because there already is a 3DS version. I would REALLY want this. Same goes for the Yoshi game. Played it until Cemu would run like shit in later levels but it also got a 3 DS version so I'll never get this on the switch.
I would also like wind waker and Kirby rainbow game because Kirby switch game just isn't good.

May you have a happy life and never encounter any true problems like the rest of us

I'm an ethnic white person and I'm agnostic.
But nice try, sheep.

>i'm white!
>t. every Shekelberg when caught

like three days ago. a really disappointing lunch at work left me feeling depressed so I figured I may as well just cry and immediately feel better afterwords than be mopey all day.

wait this isn't a thing is it

FF7R E3 trailer. They fucking perfected everything.


Never touched drugs in my life and can count the number of times I've drank on one hand.
I have problems in my life, they just aren't stupid self-created ones. Imagine being so retarded you decide to try out an addictive substance then complain when it ruins your life. Does someone have to watch over you 24/7 to make sure you don't try to drink bleach because it looks yummy.

While I'm sorry to hear this I have to admit this is a problem with Anglo scum. In my country we open the presents on the 24th. You wouldn't have had that problem if you didn't live in a shit hole country.

Considering im a man. Never.

And any form of martial arts or sport. They aren't even the best at all the mental shit either, the greatest chess player of all time is a Norwegian and the best e-sports players are all asian. So what exactly are they the best at outside of conning, lying, swindling and scamming? The best at buying companies and getting money from Americans?

yep happens in your mid 30s

I'm supposed to feel sad oh crap...

Okay let me try.

you can only lecture when you you turn twenty little boy

I lost the ability to cry emotionally around 14 years ago
not even trying to be edgy


jesus christ what a faggot

>Never touched drugs in my life and can count the number of times I've drank on one hand

I thought Elliott Rodger was dead?

I broke down at work yesterday and had to leave, and then again this morning. Depression and anxiety is a bitch. I mean it's better then it was, but when you have a recurring suicide dream after a suicide attempt some days are too much.

Honestly if it wasn't for videogames and my best friend I wouldn't be here right now.

>Do you get emotional because of a video game
sure it happens but only anger or nothing at all. And I don't fault anyone who does.

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The last time I cried was watching Non non Biyori season 2 episode 4

Only angry when people play like retards

Reminder that depression isn't real, folks. Being sad is not an illness.

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I cried when Lemmy Kilmister died.

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Yesterday morning I cried over my dog who died about two years ago. I have a new dog now but the death of my previous dog still hurts really bad. I never really got over it.

i would

I know that feel bro. When you're so scared of everything you say or do because you have the fear to cause a major fuck up

Seriously, anyone that has “depression” or “anxiety” seriously just need to stop feeling like that lol.

cried yesterday and smashed up my room then went for a walk, ive gotten the diagnosis, depression, general anxiety, antisocial disorder and schizophrenia, i have no friends left and vidya and movies dont do shit for me, probably gonna get the angle grinder or see if i can be put in

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just say "white"

Imagine being this much of a failure as a parent.

3D World and 3D Land are not the same game.

rdr2 ending

>they just aren't stupid self-created ones.
Like spending too much time on Yea Forums or not going to bed on time?

t. black people

Do you honestly think a man this emotionally unstable has a present father figure?

"dupruhshoon" and "ancksietee" are both blanket terms for being a FUCKING retard. What you feel isn't depression, you're just an attention whore and when the spotlight isn't up your ass 24/7 you feel ignored and left behind and therefore start feeling what (You) think is depression. All in all, fuck depressionfags and anxietyniggers. That is all.

Around early last year. One day it hit me that I was 27, a neet, never had a girlfriend, never lost my virginity, never had a job, never went to college,.
Shit went on for months. And I wonder if it was actually depression. Either way it sucked.

Is an anger an emotion? Because that's the only one. I can't imagine a video game being capable of making some one say, legit cry tears.

Movies can do that for me, games never have.

It's frustrating because I have a good job and stuff but sometimes it's just not enough. I'm saving up for a trip to Japan with my best friend which at least gives me something to focus on.

You can tell the dads struggling cause his new daughter is giving him the horniness ;P

reminder that the white race isn't real. being pale is not an ethnicity.

January 1st 2016. I got picked up from work and taken to the hospital to see my brother all fucked up in ICU in an induced coma.

Wtf is wrong with Phil?

I'm 83 years old and this made me cry real fucking hard.

Anglos and Japs are the only humans

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I know your pain. My cat died 7 months ago, but I keep remembering him and bursting into tears at awkward times. I realize now how much comfort he gave me whenever I was feeling down, I don't have any of that anymore.

Also thailand insurance commercials

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was meant for this

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Whats his hairstyle called Yea Forums?

fin pus

there was this one part in Terranigma when you are trapped inside a cavern with a goat and her dead mate. She tells you to eat her mate so you can survive to see tomorrow. After looking for some ways out, they found that the only way was if one of them were left behind, in another act of selflessness she helps, with the impression that you'd come back for her.

After you reach the village, an event happens that causes a time skip. You can backtrack to that cavern and find her dead next to her mate.

really fucked me up as a kid

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cute cat. I know how you feel user we had to put our cat down last June. It will be a year next week. Had her for 14 years. Still miss her to this day she was a great cat

About half a year ago I was drinking alone in my pathetic apartment and got really drunk and remembered the ending of the anime Mahoromatic and I cried.

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Ew faggot

When I had to put my cat down. April 2, 2019.

t. Tyrone

Around 3 months ago

Yes, but only when the game fleshes out the characters enough that I became so invested in them as persons rather than means to tell the story.
It happens occasionally, but you can probably count those games which impacted me like that on one or max two hands.
While the death of Iwata was sad, it didn't make me emotional despite me loving every game he made och helped create.

Etika becomes pretty emotional over things. Emotional =/= sad.

Because nights ain't capable of feelings besides pure fury and rage

Yesterday when the thought that my mom will die one day hit me.

Damn it's been almost four years since Iwata died... Still shed a tear now and then it was like losing a family member.
Grow a heart you savage nigger.

I had a really bad neck injury playing football and sometimes my hands don't do what I want them to do. When I fuck up (or make a typo or generally just whenever I fumble something) because I hit the wrong key or button or whatever it builds up until I get really frustrated and have to go drink a lot of whiskey to calm down.

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Last time i went to see my grandma at her grave. I promised myself to see her twice a year, her birthday and the day she died

The very thought of my current cat will one day die is killing me. He is the best cat ever, acts like a dog and is curious about everyone he meets.
The day he die will be the last day I'll never have pet for myself. Because no pet will ever take his place.

link one (1) nico nico video of some nip crying for iwata

Yes, and the emotion is anger.

I can't wait for all the stupid shit that's going to come out of Miyamoto dying.

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Only when my husbando commited suicide.

That actually might make me emotional since his earliest games were my childhood.

The internet will completely meltdown. It'll be the biggest celebrity death since Michael Jackson. Video game forums will be unusable for at least a day.

>It'll be the biggest celebrity death since Michael Jackson

Lol. The average person on the street has never heard of Miyamoto. You'll struggle to find somebody who hasn't heard of Jackson.

Hell yeah bro. You and me both......mother.......FUCKURRRRR \m/

everytime i try and sleep now.
gf was killed in a hit & run 3 months ago.i was there and i cant get the images out of my head
i was also going to propose to her in 2 weeks

hahaha lol

y-yeah you too bro

We are the new roman empire and this is the circus.

Ages ago, I honestly wish I could feel more emotions. I cried maybe two or three times in the last 15 years with at least one of them just being about shedding a few silent tears. Not sure if it's some form of depression or what but I can't get emotionally invested into anything and it sucks. Laughing is almost as hard.

Fucking hell you guys sure are miserable. I wish I could hang out with you all to try and help make it better.

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>nu-male leftist libtard cuck

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>Depression isn't real just stop being sad!
And this is why people kill themselves.

In my defence I'm moderately left wing and these people make me sick to my stomach.

tbf they have stopped being sad at that point, so there is a way to "stop being sad"

Why is it always when you see soibois, Nintendo is never too far?

i wish i could rape them

>The average person on the street has never heard of Miyamoto.

nigga it's ain't gonna be grandmas reacting to it

you're underestimating how famous miyamoto is on the internet

That's horrible. You should get away from 4channel ,go travel the world or some shit

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mmmmmmmmmmmmm ruffdaddy ruffdaddy ruff.........DADDY!!!!!

I wanna bite that fat shits flabby body til its bleeding mmmm num num numm

They kill themselves because they're weak minded and want everyone else to solve their problems for them. Good riddance, I say.

I'd say you're overestimating it.

>I'm moderately left wing
consider suicide after you dilate

So much for the tolerant right

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Last week when reading a book. The character loses his wife in a flood and the wording and all that just hit me. I quickly got a grip though.

get this uncle tom shit out of here

The worst I ever felt about an individual that I didn't personally know dying was Steve Irwin. I didn't cry, though I did think it was untrue for like a day for some reason so I'm sure I was actually upset to some degree.

Crying over someone you don't even know is pathetic. So many people cry over shit they shouldn't be that emotionally connected to.

I cried at To The Moon, Walking Dead season 1 and 2 endings, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Mother 3 (not the Claus bit, but the Hinawa dream scene and the black screen you can walk around at the end where characters tell you everything will be okay). I'd argue that I spent hours familiarising myself with characters and the scenes were very well-executed and designed to create that reaction so it's not as bad as making a video about some game dev in your room and crying to a camera on purpose.

Who said anything about the right being tolerant?

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Yesterday when I was rewatching this film

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Tobey was the shit. I hope they use the multiverse shit in Far From Home to bring him back as Spiderman.

When I finished the Air VN 4 years ago

I'm fucking awful with dates and times and I can't even remember the exact days my grandparents died but I can remember that my first cat that I've had since childhood died on June 11, 2012.