This was hilarious
This was hilarious
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This was unironically a good scene, but they should have added more stuff to do to kill hitler, like picking him up and throwing to the wall.
Lack of mechahitler was tiresome
change my mind
As a health science major, I'm still annoyed about his depiction.
In this universe, Hitler would have been in fantastic health, not some demented public urinator.
This made him look pretty based to be quite honest
i hate summerfags
why do zoomers hate him?
>Game claims to be woke
>You meet hitler
>You have a conversation with him and do some acting for his amusement
>They give you a gun and you kill some random dude for him
>Game never lets you shoot hitler
>Hitler never fights you
>Game treats meeting hitler like meeting someone's old kooky grandpa
This scene was great, mainly because of how deadpan BJ was the entire time with that mustache on.
Too bad the rest of the story tries to take itself way too fucking seriously, as if anyone needs a narrative for "nazi bad pls kill"
It would be if Hitler acted anything like himself
Seriously, no vidya has ever depicted his character accurately
Shit was cringe as fuck. Like we get that Hitler was an evil piece of shit, but he didn't even seem like a real person in this scene. Wolfenstein 2's writing is all over the place. It's trying to be a personal story about the emotional struggles of a man who's had a horrendously difficult life, but then it's also trying to be an over-the-top shooter with characters and situations that are so far removed from reality that it's impossible to relate to anyone or take anything seriously. Fuck this game.
but you can kill Hitler...
Look at this retard, omg.
please don't bully hitler
Is that real?
that's pretty lame desu
It has some serious tone issues that the first game didn't have.
Trying to tell a "serious" story with wolfenstein was always a retarded idea.
honestly fighting mecha hitler would be much cooler
>magical magical
What a cute old man
Yeah she missed Hitler IRL and felt the need to make an add about it.
>Hitler was actually a coward sickly loser instead of a charismatic leader!
fuck off with your propaganda tranny
There's 100% going to be a mechhitler in the final game of the trilogy. You can't canoniclaly kill him in 2
What if?
>gayme developed by far-left extremists depicts Hitler as demented
Whoah kemosabe.
>Game treats meeting hitler like meeting someone's old kooky grandpa
That's unironically woke and red pilled.
>haha old hitler go peepee on the floor
I’m amazed how well TNO managed to walk the tightrope between dark seriousness and the sheer silliness of it all, but yea, TNC really dropped the ball on it. Too much wannabe-Tarantinoisms, too much scenes that go completely overboard, it just doesn’t work anymore.
And holy fuck, didn’t it feel disappointing that they played Blaskowicz’s ultimate antagonist as a joke. Sure, give me Hitler that is old and physically wrecked, but don’t waste his character on a pointless joke, considering his importance for the whole series. If they wanted to show him, they should have had a scene where old, physically decrepit (yet still mentally there) Hitler is examining some place where BJ is undercover, and you could have had BJ’s inner voice stating all the disgust, all the hate, all the desire for vengeance, while being unable to do anything due to the situation. It would have been a great setup for the third main game in the series, showing the final goal and ultimate enemy of BJ.
>you could have had BJ’s inner voice stating all the disgust, all the hate, all the desire for vengeance, while being unable to do anything due to the situation
Why the fuck didn’t they do this? It would have given the TNC scene a sense of drama, instead of just having it as an awkward, stretched out joke.
wasn't hitler not doing so hot right before the end of his life? didn't he only have one nut and was doing a bunch of meth?
It was retarded but I think the point was to show that Hitler was no longer the main bad guy and is now basically just the mascot for the Nazis
>as if anyone needs a narrative for "nazi bad pls kill"
a lot of alienated and misguided young white men these days do need to be told why the third reich is bad though.
Don't you mean Hitlarious?