Big milkers

>Big milkers
>Meaty thighs
>Dorky behavior

Is this the perfect waifu formula?

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add a penis and she's pefect

Looks like a female version of Citan from Xenogears

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add a penis and he's perfect

Just wait for Iroha DLC.

So, um, anyone actually going to get the game?

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Me, when it release on Steam.

Theres a game too?

I am. I want to fuck some people up with Tam Tam.

just bought tekken 7 2 weeks ago i'll get this too eventually

SNK games are only for hardcore cred online, not actually playing.

>chink bug
no thanks


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SamSho had the original waifubait since the first game

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first the military and bathrooms
next hopefully from america in general


Wu is cute but Darli looks the most fun. I Yashamaru isn't as flashy as I hoped but I think he might have some strong stuff

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I wonder how many waifufags will get assblasted when you sever their Iroha in half

The chinese waifu from KOFXIV is better.


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You can turn dismemberment off in the options. I'm considering it, as they look kinda goofy.

Can I hold her hand?

only if you are an american ninja with a companion dog

You forgot the most important part, retard
>Love spot

>Double jump that allows him to change direction or jump straight up
>Can whiff punish at full screen with sword throw, can even combo off that into issen
>Goof AA tools both grounded and in the air
People are sleeping on this edgy boy hard, especially the double jump which will be great for baiting issen

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>mfw 0% of Americans can pronounce her name right
>mfw EVO commentary is gonna be hell

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No. I hate fighting games. I'll just wait for ryona vids on youtube

>big milkers
no way fag

More worried about James Chen correcting everyone, while getting everything about the game wrong.


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please no zone spam. Grab Basara instead.

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But where's the PC port?

back to the drawing board

>Looking for glasses when disarmed



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Which one?