Is witcher 3 closest to this actual feel Yea Forums?

Is witcher 3 closest to this actual feel Yea Forums?
I wanna be a samurai.

Attached: Yojimbo_1961.jpg (1280x720, 194K)

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I don't think Witcher 3 is manly enough.

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Either play Way of the Samurai or wait for Ghost of Tsushima if you want a relatively realistic samurai game. If you want more flashy supernatural stuff, well you've got a mountain of games like Onimusha, Nioh, Sekiro, Genji etc etc

What if I want Harakiri.

Is his version of The Idiot worth watching

Geralt is a detective more than anything

Watching the bamboo suicide was so painful to watch.
This is one of the most painful movies I've seen.

Seconding Way of the Samurai

Try the yakuza series. Honestly. Yakuza supposedly descended from ronin, after all, and these games have a much better story and actual samurai game does.
Plus, you can carry and use katanas if you really want like some mega weeb.

you can be mexican too!

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....Un gigante corte en el cuerpo de la víctima....Un ahogado™, debe ser"
>"vamos, Sardinilla"
>*follows nose*
>guys in ahogado™ costumes appear
>"mierda apestas"ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandidos™ pretending to be ahogados™......better tell the village head about this"
>"vamos , Sardinilla "
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastardos posing as Ahogados™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>"ahogándose in Danger" Completo
>10 coronas recibidas

Why not give the samurai Yakuza games a go? Both games have sufficient English guides to get you through the entire games.

Attached: Wild Dance is fun.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

What in tarnation
There are yakuza samurai games??

>not translated
why live

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Yes, the first one came out in between 2 and 3 but was never brought over to the West due Sega not wanting to catch shit from Western classification boards because the villain runs a child prostitution ring. The second one was a PS4 launch title in Japan but also never came over, this time thanks to coming in that period after Dead Souls where Sega was convinced that whitey didn't care about the IP at all.

Kenzan on PS3 and Ishin on PS3/PS4. Neither of them are translated, Kenzan has a translation patch in the works but it's going slowly. Both Kenzan and Ishin have guides in English to get through them, if you just want the story KHHSubs translated the entire main story (Kenzan has a walkthrough video with every single textbox, Ishin has that for the first two chapters but then he switches to cutscenes only so you need to switch to his written guide on the in-between stuff)., if you want side content then ThePatrick has a written guide for Kenzan (But its terms are all over the place and the sword/material portion of the guide is outright unusable) and KHHSubs also has a complete written guide that will let you 100% Ishin.

They're both playable 100%. Kenzan requires usage of Japanese guides if you want to do all swords though.

>because the villain runs a child prostitution ring
What? No he doesn't, the old lady who is a main character runs a brothel that employs children who are working as yuujos and asks Musashi if he wants to join her before he looks at Yasuko instead, there's several substories dealing with these girls getting out of the business via people paying for their freedom, and then Haruka goes into prostitution to pay Musashi to kill himself. There's also a portion where Haruka nearly gets raped before Musashi steps in and stops it.

Attached: Musashi's first time.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

This is EXACTLY what you're looking for. Stoic samurai action, with a conspiracy plot to boot. You can use an English walkthrough too, but the game points you where to go a lot of the time.

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have you tried Sekiro or Nioh? both games that make you feel like a Samurai

yeah, harakiri is clearly better than yojimbo.
this film is pure kino.

Probably, all his movies are kino.

Not even close to being close.

Yojimbo is Kino
But i like Seven Samurai better

I heard people say those games are trash in Yakuza threads.

that movie is garbage, IMO.
I think kurosawa is overrated, in terms of Japanese film directors, masaki kobayashi, kihachi okamoto, and yuzou kawashima are better or at least as good as kurosawa. and ozu is not as good as some critics worship.

kurosawa's movies worth watching:
No Regrets for Our Youth
High and Low
honorable mention: ikiru, seven samurais (I think both are boring, but surely you cannot ignore its lasting influence over modern films)

Why can't nips make the nip equivalent of rdr for samurai without supernatural demons bullshit

thanks for the spoonfeed user. but playing yakuza with a guide feels like I'm cheating myself out of what makes me like Yakuza. Ill play it in a year when I understand weeb a lot more

thats like rdr without whisky

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Never heard of kawashima and I'm pretty red pilled about classic jap kino, what do you recommend

Watched it with my sister, and neither one of us were prepared for that scene.

You have to use a guide for 1, 2, Kenzan, and 3 anyway because they have a bunch of missables, and Kenzan can lock you out of 100% or even Amon so easily in multiple ways without a guide so you'll always be using one. It's not something that really interferes, you can even play the cutscene as the same time as the video guide and just focus on that so you're never taken out of the experience if you want.

Not at all. Kenzan has gameplay problems due to being the first PS3 game in the series and a bunch of missables but it has an interesting story, some neat Heat Actions, the best Amon because you can't do anything to really cheese him, some of my favorite areas in the series, and some fun bosses. The "True" final boss is the worst in the entire series, the boss before him is great.
Ishin's got a problem with the story having way too many characters, killing them off as quickly as they introduce them, and having boss fights have the same sword style but with a couple move changes, but at the same time it has very tight gameplay, Kyoto in general is great, the substories are enjoyable (Particularly the Ebisu, bear, cherry blossom, onsen, eejanaika, investigator, and Tom ones), and the general gameplay in general is fun.

Hell, there's barely any people in Yakuza threads who have even played the games because they're in Japanese, there's even less that have even touched the Black Panther games.

Attached: They all got up a minute later.webm (854x480, 1.81M)

There's sake.

Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate - kawashima's best work, and I think this work is better than all of kurosawa.
Japan's Longest Day - its debatable, but okamoto's best work. its a movie depicting the final day of Japanese empire. (by the way, its well known hideaki anno is heavily influenced by okamoto's work. you can tell the similarity between this film and shin-gozilla)

No, Geralt is too much of a white knight on these games.

You forgot about Yasujiro Ozu. I haven't watched the Idiot but Kurosawa made a lot of great movies. Only Seven Samurais/Yojimbo may be a bit overrated and they're good movies.
But since you don't even talk about The Hidden Fortress, Stray Dog, The Lower Depths, his version of Macbeth, Dodes'kaden, Ikiru or any of his other very great movies I'm gonna call you a huge fucking pleb.

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Oh and Kitano also made some good movies even if not as great.

What, there's the no dead people thing in those games too ?

what are you talking fag
I have mentioned ozu, and he is heavily overrated by gaijins who pretend to know its unique cinematology that was actually a byproduct of ozu's laziness and his studio's resource limitations rather than intentional. "Oh, this particular, consistent low-angle shots, so-called ozu's shots representing Japanese zen" fuck you

and, as for what you are referencing to as kurosawa's works, worth mentioning is only stray dog. hidden fortress is not as good as his other movies, and lower depth is surely unique film, and its a really experimental attempt as well as The idiot, but it miserably fails in terms of composition and editing. in general, kurosawa doesnt know good editing. well, I forgot, Red Beard is also good one, if not the best as his works I have mentioned above

>ozu is not as good as some critics worship.

He is, he just never really went outside his own comfort zone (Family dramas) and why would he? He is/was the best at them.

He even remade a lot of his older films.

No, they die. You can even see in both Shishido and Musashi kill people. There's just dissonance with the gameplay because otherwise swords would one-shot everyone and that wouldn't make for a fun game. Gameplay is still regular Yakuza but now with swords, in the story they kill people. In Kenzan it's way more kills than Ishin, in Ishin Ryoma only really starts killing people in the last couple chapters even though he's technically killing everyone before that as well.

Attached: Don't panic, DON'T PANIC.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

>Black Panther games
huh? All I found was a beat em up where you play a cybernetic panther and Marvel alliance games

no. well, you would pretend seven samurais is the best of kurosawa's works just because film critics praise it as his best.

They're called 龍が如くクロヒョウ (Ryu ga Gotoku Kurohyou). They were PSP games, translated it's "Black Panther".

Attached: Tatsuya is a master of Muay Thai.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

I don't know Ozu well enough to tell if you're right or wrong, I was just mentioning that he exists and made some fine movies.
Red Beard is a very good movie, true. The Hidden Fortress is actually very great and shows a part of japan you don't see often. Lower Depths is better than what you say, I don't see the problems with the composition.
You haven't talked about Throne of Blood, Ikiru or Dodes'kaden, if it's because you haven't seen them, don't say stuff like "here's Kurosawa's movies worth watching" before you watched nearly every movie from that person or at least mention that you haven't.

High & Low is his best film buddy.

Yeah, I'd say it is. Though Way of the Samurai games are closer they're not as fun or as long-lasting. Get both TW3 and the latest Way of the Samurai if you want.
The Witcher 3 is the best pick though regardless of what the useless spergs here on Yea Forums say. They'd say anything sucks if it doesn't allow them to diddle children.

The Bad Sleep Well is another good one from Kurosawa.

Ok. I guess I'll wait for the patch to be fully done.

Dude, you can't recommend the Witcher 3 to someone who wants Samurai games. Whether or not you think it's good.