ITT: companies that don't know how to make a good gameplay

ITT: companies that don't know how to make a good gameplay

Attached: CDProjekt_2014_logo.svg.png (280x159, 14K)

the best games have shit gameplay

Not at all

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Name one 1 (uno) company that CAN make a good gameplay
protip: you cant


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Pic unrelated


>all this supposed anger towards CDPR popping up since E3
Do you really think people are that stupid and don't realize agenda pushing when they see one?

Attached: cdpr_go home kurwo you're drunk.jpg (463x622, 58K)

Wonder who's behind all this coordinated CD:PR smear campaign

Arcane makes cucked games about niggers now so they don't make good gameplay any more. The first Dishonored was their last uncucked game

It's routine at this point.

Attached: Witcher Shitposting.png (1872x275, 69K)


It's a classic case of not learning what "overplaying your hand" means. Social media marketing aka shilling is a relatively young branch of marketing still.

why do you care for story and worldbuilding in a gameplay thread?
whats next? complaints about the soundtrack?


>Shit gameplay
Pick one


>"overplaying your hand"
In what way? So far all I've seen is trannies and /pol/tards are mad that trannies are in the game. And shitposters are mad there's no customizable apartments despite no source from the devs promising there will be. Maybe I'm just jaded from going through bullshit like the Tribes Ascend shit and EA's yearly cuckery, but whatever beef these shitposters have with CDPR just seems fucking petty and made up.

a game with shit gameplay is a shit game

Have sex with me

this nigga knows


so that's why souls gameplay formula inspired fuckton of developers including that shitty cucker 3?

>planescape torment is shit
Go fuck yourself

clover studio

The fuckers who make the Yakuza games


id software

people who don't gobble any shit



kys cdpr drones

isnt dark souls just a ripoff of zelda gameplay for autistic people

I am pretty tight

>being this butthurt at a video game

based fuck cdpr, i hope they go bankrupt

>make a good gameplay
*make good gameplay

>planescape torment is shit game
it's good story, but i won't call its gameplay shit at all, it's better than cucer 3 hybrid shit combat. I'm not one of these newfags zoomers

Clearly you are too young to have ever played PT

>zelda has limited healing items replenished at checkpoints
>zelda has checkpoints where you respawn enemies while resting at
only combat itself is merely similar, dark souls combat is anyway closer to mohun than zelda. But it is not zelda nor mohun who created quasi-genre soulslike

Just admit it, Dark Souls is Zelda for spergs. We should call it Zeldalike.

>Dark Souls is Zelda for spergs
it's completely opposite
>We should call it Zeldalike.
but we don't

>it's completely opposite
Are you saying Zelda is Dark Souls for spergs?
Doesn't even make sense. Zelda is a normie game for children.
Dark Souls is an edgy Ninja Gaiden wannabe that uses Zelda fight mechanics to make autistic people feel like they've accomplished something in their lives without being an actual competitive game.(because as we all know and agree, single player games don't actually require skill, they are all about memorizing patterns)

I think he's talking about how everyone is totally by accident suddenly pilling up on CDPR over that shit. It is in no way orchestrated or coordinated, no sir. At some point it stops being believable to your average reader/viewer/whatever.

Any time CDPR so much as releases a tweet this is the case. The Witcher 3 was and is just years of the same tired shitposts from well before it released until now. Even if facets of it were orchestrated before the game came out, no doubt there are people dumb enough to get enlisted into supporting it.

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>OP these dont not know how to make good sentence grammar

>Doesn't even make sense. Zelda is a normie game for children.
it clearly is, but is often played by adult men. I respect zelda games but you are missing the matter, i'm trying to say those are souls games who popularized harder games by it's overall gameplay formula what is a fact.

>feel like they've accomplished something in their lives without being an actual competitive game
t. filtered by capra
i'm playing dark souls because it requires more than mindless button mashing and walking on a line from one mark on map to another, thus it gives a lot more fun of overcoming game challenges, it gives a real sense of adventure (at least Demon's and Dark Souls1).
this stupid line about accomplishing something in my life is just a cuck's excuse why they are literal shit at games "b-but i only wanted to r-rest after work!"

Why the fuck people nowadays are trying so hard to offend people better than them at certain thing?

>often played by adult men
Think they just operate on nostalgia from when they were children playing other Zeldalike games. Those older men may not have grown up, and so evolved their autism into other types of Zeldalike games, like the incredibly niche and generally obscure Dark Souls series, and other equally obscure and niche titles from FromSoft.
>i'm playing dark souls because it requires more than mindless button mashing
It's just a memorization game. Once you remember everything Simon Says there is no point to it.

Some people just play games to enjoy them.
You play them for some weird kind of autistic e-rep, without having to actually display ability by playing something with competitive leaderboards.
>people better than them
This is the Zeldalike mindset. Like how pathetic does one have to be to boast about killing an NPC in a videogame. Pretty fucking pathetic my man.

Oh god yes this so much.

But these guys get the medal, they are on a completely different lvl.

now you take that back you son of a bitch

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I remember when I was like 12 how proud I was to remember all the buttons to speedrun euro extreme MGS2.
Now I realize what an epic waste of time it was and that it literally required 0 skill on my apart. Just rehearsing buttons like Guitar Hero.
Git gud is a meme.

>It's just a memorization game
yes, it is, and this is cool as fuck. Not only your character is evolving but also you are. This is the best type of combat obiectively, DMC also uses similar formula but in DMC you are memorizing pattern of comboses and styles which is even better than DS combat. You as a player are gaining experience by playing, this is the real meat of videogame, not a fucking slaughtering harmless dummies. You won't understand this because you have beta male mentality "i-i only want to enjoy geams".

Would you have fun beating 4yo kid in a chess match or arm wrestling? Likewise i have no fun playing a game which is not requiring any sort of mental or manual involvement


Attached: Witcher 3 in action.webm (952x534, 2.93M)

Werewolf really got out skilled there, DEX > STR

I don't care about story at all, i'm not braindead, every book is better than any bideo gaem """"story"""". Taking candy from a baby sin't fun too so i'm playing only more gameplay-wise ambitious games, and there is no magic accomplishing shit behind all of this, and I can tell you this is true for almost all of people who prefer that kind of games.

>yes, it is, and this is cool as fuck.
>Not only your character is evolving but also you are.
Haha jesus man, get a hold of yourself.
>You won't understand this because you have beta male mentality "i-i only want to enjoy geams".
What's beta as fuck is asserting """"""""dominance"""""" over mindless scripts. You know for a fact you are too much of a fucking shitter to actually fight other humans.
I know this because I have spent a lot of years in RTS tournaments, at the top of CS ladders, and rubbing shoulders with the best of Arena scene. Never for a second did I think that beating a single player game was impressive, and I never will. Because memorization games are for autismos. Real skill is in being able to fluidly perceive an action and react to it, no prescripted pattern to memorize, real authentic in the moment thinking and acting on a dime. That, my friend, is actual skill.
I say this only on account that you think it needs qualifying, because Soulsfags are such autistic faggots that the only purpose they find in life are killing mindless bots.

You're pretty pathetic, my bro.

>I know this because I have spent a lot of years in RTS tournaments, at the top of CS ladders, and rubbing shoulders with the best of Arena scene
Is this Todd Howard hours?

These are called movies, you fucking Ameriturd.

Maybe some people seek other things in games.
I mostly seek challenge through competing against other humans.
You seek challenge through playing simon says against insentient computer programs.
Clearly I am better than you in terms of intellectual capacity, but this doesn't invalidate your enjoyment. For you, fighting bots that can't think is the only thing you'd ever actually be good at. Even CoD shitters are better than you.

ah so you are one of those pvpfags, you should have stated this from the start, this would spare me my keyboard


ITT: >Companies that know how to make GOTY and set the standard for games

Attached: cdpr_logo.png (1281x801, 348K)

I did state it, but apparently your reading comprehension is about as good as your gaming skills - nonexistent. Maybe one day they'll make an internet like your video games, where you can argue against insentient computer programs incapable of actually responding. That way you can feel victory, just like the games you play, shitter.

but here you garbage pvp fags we are discussing singleplayer games, this all board is mostly about singleplayer games. We are comparing gameplay in those, you missed the whole matter pushing your sick competition agenda into this.

>start a thread with the intent of shitting on a company
>no one plays along and instead post things relevant to the thread topic
>get assblasted over it
It must suck to be you

>pushing your sick competition agenda
You actually did that, by stating that games are only good if they have as much autistic memorization as your shitty games. Maybe I happen to play highly competitive titles and other games too?

Since you felt it needed qualifying, I had to remind you exactly where on the ladder you are, just near bottom. Single player games are fine, they don't have to all be autistic memorization games. You don't have to be an asshole if they aren't, either, because if you are, remember that you aren't so great yourself - relying on bots to build up your nonexistent self esteem.

you are using this world too much, i started thinking you are one of them, but when you stated you are pvpfag, now i'm sure. You are lacking reflexion and you are savage.

>you are using this world too much
Contrary to the belief of autistic people, autism is not a world of itself/

There is not a single game with good gameplay, name one or stfu