ITT: Images too intelligent for Yea Forums
ITT: Images too intelligent for Yea Forums
oh wow that's funny even though I don't care about Cyberpunk or really understand this image
what video game is on the surface though
Why are exclusively trannies upset about this game?
Plato was a fag
a mind is only a burden if you don't have Jesus Christ
Good, 75% of threads on Yea Forums are garbage
Rolling me a gf
damn I love shit like this.
Fuck this thread and fuck jannies.
nae nae
No anime shit pls
57 please
Nintendo Switch
let's go
let's go again
21 pls
No this isn't spam stupid system
for big tiddies
I'm mad about taxes because the government can't fire me for bitching. If I bitch to my boss about not earning the entirety of the economic value/profit produced through MY labor he fires me. If I bitch to the government about taxes, nothing happens anyway but I won't get fired over it at least.
Shit like this image is proof commies have never worked a day in their life.
I bet that thread sucked.
I don’t think you made the point you think you made
87 plox
I don't get it.
fuck play dough, dyed on jeans owned him hard
Then enlighten me instead of passively aggressively implying I fucked up without saying why?
Back the fuck off??!?!?!
Astral Chain
Man, I could go for some olives right about now.
We have some salt, if you want...
literally just the first philosophy lecture in uni
Complex obscure puzzle games from the early 90s.
>I don't bitch about my shit income because I fear that I may be fired
I believe you are making the point for the communists, if the economic climate is such that people earn little of what they produce and can't complain because their boss will fire them and find someone who won't conplain, there's probably reason to try and make capital owners accountable.
Total bullshit made up chart.
Say university. Use the word properly you knuckle dragging, oversocialised faggot.
bet you say "high school" and not "highie"
or "kindergarten" and not "kinder"
I say secondary school and primary school, you mutt
>I believe you are making the point for the communists
I'm not making any point, I'm explaining my reasoning why.
I was lying anyway, I am the boss and I'm making shitloads of profit off chink factory slaves making the products I sell through online distribution. Commies can fuck off my profits, I was just giving them an answer as to why people don't bitch about their wages compared to bitching about taxes.
There's also the fact you get sent to jail for not letting the government rob you further after your boss already did.
take this L grandma
Someone explain Plato's cave for me?
I'm not fluent in ebonics so suck my thick, veiny, smelly, uncircumcised NEET cock
I wish my income was that much.
Ignorance is the only way to be happy
None. Your outside now. Go do something productive.
The new battletoads from microsoft
"Me woke see everything, you brainlet unwoke know nothing, never understand how woke me am"
At least, that's what it's been boiled down to when used in internet fights.
tl;dr is something like we only know a fake, percieved reality since we are forever shackled to our human senses and cannot see the real world. If we were to break free from these, 'true' reality would be incomprehensible.
The prisoners in the cave never see the sun, only the shadows from the fire. If they were to escape the cave, their reality would be shattered, not knowing how to perceive the sun. Philosophers are big brains that escaped the gave and are more woke than you peasants
Google it if you want to know more, shit for brains
That's funny since this picture depicts people getting out from dark to see the sun while cp2077 haters are absolutely buttblasted over it.
>not understanding whats relativity
You should see those threads. They argue that on the left side of this image, A and B are different situations.
>implying relativity can even be applied here
What happens if I observe both the stationary object and the one from the portal?
Pro tip dipshit, objects don't accelerate because I move a drone with a camera closer to them and neither do stationairy objects when your viewing window(portal) does.
>brainlet trying to act like he's not a brainlet
cringe brainlet farting
is the joke that there are people dumb enough to think the image is wrong? A has no force applied to the cube, B does. Of course the outcome is different.
You should delete that comic and never attempt making comics again in your life user.
Every time I read the explanation I expect something deeper, but it's such a stupidly simple concept a literal child could come up with that I'm always disappointed and wonder why the philosophical community singles it out all the time or appears to hold it in high esteem.
I can't even tell, anymore. It's probably one of those things where some people were joking and then the idiots thought they were actually correct.
It’s an interesting idea about reality and form. It’s simple and effective
Because it jerks off their ego.
The true value in Plato's cave is using it as a tool to identify fart-huffing "philosophers" that are only into the field because they need something in their meaningless lives they can point to and claim superiority over others, while Chad bangs their wife and btfo's them in the primal, animalistic sphere of life.
> Not enjoying video games for what they are, Video games
Why should I get all philosophical about It?
Like most ancient Greeks.
>we were never meant to have the power of creation
Says who?
Lurk moar
This but unironically
/tg/ is being stupid again, huh?
>wants to stop overpopulation by not having kids
how else do you want to stop it you spaz?
Christcucks most likely
Make the third world impotent
and how do you intend to do that user? maybe a cool RNA virus that totally wont mutate?
yeah, except that won't happen. Nice dreams kiddo.
Yes, everything is more productive outside. Buy drugs in a back alley, get raped or raping someone in a back alley, getting your dick sucked in a back alley, finding out that they have a dick themselves and want to put it in your back alley!
is way more likely than LOL JUST STOP HAVING KIDS
Give them a new religion that doesn't forbid masturbation.
That’s just what eurofags say
ez, just nuke Niggerland
In your juvenile mindspace maybe. We just gotta stop sending food to Africa and less AK's, nice mine field in the meditteranean. Problem will sort itself.
make more comments like these but more brutal
Relativity is the jew
Based gif. Based gif creator. The only correct answer.
top kek
Kill neets, elderly, unemployed mothers and anyone that doesn't contribute to society and only take from it.
user, we barely need people to produce shit. aside from construction working, repairs and farming there's BARELY any 'neccesary' work left. We just need to have less kids. 1 billion people insteaad of fucking 9 will instantly solve all our problems.
Lol triggered basedboy, literally buying into the propaganda. People who DON’T think like you are having way more kids. That means you’ve lost already
Lost what? The big racewar? Nobody gives a fuck.
Fuck off diogenes
Who the fuck is “we”. Holy shit you sound like such a cuck. Real easy to say when you imagine yourself to be part of that 1 billion. Besides, overpopulation is an absolute meme. It’s our style of living that makes it inefficient
Overpopulation doesn't exist. There are huge amounts of land still unhabited.
There are too many people in cities though. Start building smaller towns in all that land and redistribute.
No, dumbass. Holy shit
>our style of living
good luck telling people to consume less, take a bike to work and turn their smartphones off at night.
Nah, key is to just reduce world population.
It's a warm summer day, Yea Forums.
Why are you inside in front of a computer?
I fixed this comic for you.
>TFW you realize you're just in a bigger gave than before
Cool, do your part, now.
Start with yourself
you CLEARLY dont live in the netherlands. we've had shit weather all summer. Global warming my ass.
I am. I try to reduce consumption here and there. not going all out but I consume 40% less energy than the average for example. I dont HEAT rooms I'm not currently in and so on.
Keeping your house cold is not going to reduce world population.
ORLY wowwwww you smart!
I'd make the joke, but it would be too obvious.
Half-asser. So ready to talk about genocide for the greater good, as long as it doesn’t infringe in his own comforts too much. You are such a pussy, no wonder you’re not having kids
Whoa, thanks for the Jesuspill early in the morn
Too lazy and unoriginal? Must be fun being you
>wanting kids
I'm sorry I'm too busy having the best time in my life. WTF do I need kids for? I'll let Waheed whipe my ass when I'm too demented at the age of 90, keep your stupid white power shit in your ass where it belongs.
How does the Jew get out of the cave?
Is this n-individual for real?
>large swatchs of desert are uninhabited!
cool, go live there, now.
I'm sorry not typing out the obvious joke made you upset.
>he thinks all the land between the big cities are deserts
Get out more.
Anyone have the full Erika on her shirt?
Stop feeding the niggers and instigate a war between China and India.
It’s okay, user. Hope things get better for you.
urbanite detected
Read up what carrying capacity is and you'll see this user is correct
When will the world's governments finally relinquish decision-making power to Yea Forums?
did socrates teach him wrong as a joke?
>t. cao cao
no no no, that's not how it works, silly city-dweller
AI overlords then?
I'm getting tired of the status quo
Someone make a wojak edit
Nihilism is a cuckold's philosophy intended to absolve oneself of responsibility or self-betterment, let alone a philosophy so faggy that it actively advocates against the continued existence of the human race.
We live in a society
the one you will make :)
t. never read actual nihilism and think mall goths are true nihilists
Kill yourself.
The quote in the OP is from a faggy Norwegian who thinks we should stop reproducing and let the human race die out. Bitching about the problem without offering a solution other than "just die lol" is stupid bullshit and unworthy of respect.
very accurate basis
makes more sense if you have read about Plato’s Forms, in that there is the ideal form of everything, even non-physical things
>saying “works on my machine” to global warming
typical dutchie
Nihilism is simply being able to realize that things are only worth what they are worth for you, not worth for others.