Which version of FF7 should I play?
Final Fantasy VII
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There's only one version of Final Fantasy VII, released for the Sony PlayStation in 1997.
I'm pretty sure you can play it on anything but your refrigerator at this point.
The good one.
the latest PC port is alrgiht, and can be modded to perfection.
Is the latest PC port the one on Steam? I'm guessing upscaled backgrounds is one of the mods you'd want, anything else?
yes it is.
You don't really NEED any mods, per-se, but it's good to know what is out there. I *think* that they patched-in the original PS1 OST at some point, but if that's not the case, it's one of the things to check out.
Hell, if you want the least hassle, just emulate the PS1 original, as is.
The one that isn't going to take 15 years to finish
Seventh Heaven is the worst modding program I have ever used. I am not going anywhere near that poorly-optimized shit
Make your own decision, user.
PSX on an emulator. Save states are great.
It's pretty much the only option unfortunately. I had to wrestle with it for like an hour but once you get the mandatory mods (AI upscales, music, etc) set up in the right order you just use it as a launcher and never have to fuck with it again, thank fuck. It's worth the brief headache.
PS1 emulated version.
People keep saying PC is perfect but the music is fucked up for certain scenes. It plays the completely incorrect song during the most important part of the entire game. Its disgusting and no it hasnt been patched and there is no mod that fixes it
If I remember right it also has that thing where it restarts the overworld music from the beginning after each battle, which can get old real quick.
This, grab your PS1 out of the closet, hook it up to your tube TV, get your Final Fantasy VII discs and replay that game the way God intended
>character colors are off
>character shadows are too large
>ground texture is hideous
>bush textures are higher res than the background tree textures
The original PC port was the very first version I played so it's "the one" in my eyes.
No idea if it's even going to run on modern PCs
I'm perfectly happy with the Switch port now that the music bug has been patched.
I heard thats just for the overworld though
Doesn't the PC version have fucked up audio?
I'd do that but I don't have a CRT anymore. I'm also a yuro, so our CRTs are 50hz and all our video games from back then run slower than intended.
Have you seen those samsung refrigerators? could probably handle it
Everything's in MIDI before modding if you count that, it's got a few other small bugs and tracks playing at incorrect times, shit like that, but it's not Silent Hill HD Collection bad. It was done on a shoestring budget with little to no source code and 1998 PCs in mind, it's definitely not the ideal version.
That's a non-issue for RPGs other than FF9 because the 50Hz meant that getting Excalibur II is impossible.
might as well just wait for the remake at this point unless you really really enjoy old school turn based combat.
it can be a deal-breaker to some people who do not want their games to run 1/6th slower than intended.
kill yourself.
didnt even have the choir in one winged angel
Excalibur II is a secret weapon that you can only get by rushing through the game and you get it right before Necron.
what's the music fix mod if I may ask?
How is the switch port?
Doesn't make the game unplayable or anything, but I really wouldn't call the games running noticably slower a non-issue.
One of the reasons I like remasters of games from gen 5/6 is because Europe got fucked over with lots of those releases.
In 7th Heaven it's just called "Music and Sound", after it's downloaded just hit configure and pick the first option (Anxious Heart Original).
Lmao you absolute shitter, you can get Excalibur II in the PAL version with more than an hour to spare.
I never attempted it because FF9 was never worth the replay. FFShrine or the FFwikia has lied to me.
>brief headache
I'm having a fucking aneurysm trying to wrestle with this piece of shit. I tried the remako mod a few days ago couldn't get it to work with 7th heaven mods as it looks like the models clashed so tried unstalling the whole thing and reinstalling. This is now the 5th time I've tried and currently I need to completely remove 7th heaven and reinstalling it because it says it has mods installed when I haven't downloaded anything.
7th heaven isn't worth all the bullshit loops and hoops I'll have a better shot waiting for fucking remake at this rate
LOL damn I'm glad my grand parents left that shit hole continent and moved to Canada
The number one country in the world
>our CRTs are 50hz
Pretty much every non-shit CRT from 90s onward did support 60hz NTSC through composite and every single CRT plays nice with NTSC signal through RGB.
Now games and consoles are whole other issue.
Interesting but yeah my PSX/PS2 and all games are PAL so I'm still fucked. Emulation or downloading PSX games from the NA PSN store is the only way to play non-shit versions of games. At least the shitty PAL versions still look good on my shelf.
Also fuck downloading mods. Constantly get error messages and it turns out all you have to do is wait... for god sake I hate 7th heaven
Cum on that.
PC (without cheats) why do you even need to ask
Playing it on xbox right now and the patch fixed the audio everywhere
Why do you have to mod this game? It's perfect without mods
Can't you zoomers go one second with your mega ultra HD texture packs and palette swaps and ENB nonesense just play the damn game
FF7 PC with New Threat Mod
the newest hd port seems pretty good to me
>sold all your gold
>milk in bags
>french is an official language
>a fucking leaf
Yeah nah. Why don't you try visiting a real commonwealth country?
The one where she's using my balls as materia
Dude, I couldn't give less of a fuck about HD models or any of that shit but you can't even have the original music in there without installing a mod. If you want to play the PC version at all it's basically mandatory to go through this shit.
Why is the PS1 version the only one to have soft shadows in battles? The hard shadows on every other version looks wack.
Yeah whatever we can just mine more gold we're one of the largest suppliers of Gold in the world
Milk tastes better in a bag than in fucking cardboard
Nobody speaks French except Queerbeckers
The maple leafs are the greatest sports team to ever exist in our history and the maple leaf forever is the greatest national anthem behind God save the queen our other anthem
Yeah dude I don't have a modded PS1 and the game works fine you don't need mods the game is amazing without them better than anything released now a days
play original then new threat
Never played the PC version, which part did they fuck up the music on?
He whole thing because all ports are cash grabs