can Sony be stopped?
Can Sony be stopped?
honestly no, ps4 is simply the most balanced choice, I can understand getting a switch if you are a nintendo fan and if you get a xbox you are mentally challenged
Name 4 games the PS4 has.
or a nigger
PC won all of those
>sold at a loss
>almost ruined sony
If you think giving away more money than your competitors is winning than I guess you're right.
PS3 got outsold by Wii by a considerable margin. And if you count portables then DS sold double what PS3 did.
PC is irrelevant as fuck lmao
Sony is doing a great job stopping themselves right now by becoming censor crazed, focusing hard on VR and only making cinematic experiences anymore
PS5 will be the first Playstation I won't be buying.
N64 was better
Gamecube was better
The rest i am okay with
I rate solely based on how the buttons on the console feel so no sony hasn't won since it abandoned its bigass buttons that felt great
Market says otherwise ROFLMAO
I mean you can justify all the others but
Also Wii won over PS3 EZ
If you claim the PS3 won then I can also argue about the n64 or the PSP "winning"
Listen, and understand. Sony is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you have bought a PlayStation.
Everybody beat ps3, Xbox 360 also sold more and was more profitable.
can sega be stopped?
90% of multiplats ran better on the Xbox 360.
Actually im gonna give it to xbox 360 for the indies and halo
the wii was a lot of fun with family and friends though
Jackie Chan
oh boy another console war thread. don't you faggots know 2011 was 8 years ago?
>millions dollars disaster
>3 years of no games
>destroyed by the Wii in both sales and game library
It didn't.
>b-but muh 3 favorites exclusives!
Not an argument. By that logic you can make any console the winner. The reason why the ps1/ps2/wii/ds/3ds/ps4 are the winners is because they had the biggest developers support, library and sold the most (fact) not because 2 or 3 games you happen to love (opinion).
wii did not compete with ps3/360
The greatest superhero game ever made and a bunch of other great movies
If you're asking if it's possible to have a console that can outsell Sony's, the answer is yes, but you have to release something that appeals more to casualfags. It's tough to be more casual than games that you don't even have to play, ie. cutseneshit
Come on, that shit look like a dildo. I ain't trying to play my games with no dildo.
Microsoft lost billions on the 360. In fact Xbox hasn't been profitable for them until they went all in chasing American normalfags with HaloGearsForza.
Wii beat ps3 in sales though
>until the went all in chasing American normalfags with HaloGearsForza
Thats literally the 2007ish era you described. Halo and Gears were red hot
>N64 was better
>Gamecube was better
delusion lmao
define winning a gen
having the best games?
having the most games?
selling the most?
Spiderman 2: Enter Electro is a multiplat though
Wii beat PS3, and PC/Switch both beat PS4 this gen
Based wardenposter
Selling the most games.
Can Funko Pops be stopped?
I got an Xbox one s because my 360 tanked and the backwards compatibility was nice. Plus it was under 200 and came with some good games.