Are you looking forward to being alone as you get older and having no family or anyone that cares about you anons?
Are you looking forward to being alone as you get older and having no family or anyone that cares about you anons?
No matter how old I get prostitutes are always young and hungry for money.
I’ve been happily married for 13 years and have two sons. I’ll be okay.
I'm married. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so that I could buy prostitutes and spend my free time jerking it to VR-porn.
my waifus will always care about me bro
soon i'll have enough money for my first time. should be nice
As long as you have money you can always buy prostitues, they don't care about you just your money.
In this day and age you probably get cancer and die before you grow old, so who cares?
People live longer now than ever before.
She seems to have a nice set of tits. Too bad about the face
I feel sorry for women more than men, men are more able to deal with being alone in the world after their parents die.
im leaning japanese right now and getting a cute japanese gf who will accompany me to the end of times!
This is part of the problem, peoples parents live longer now so people don't understand the reality of life when they lose their parents and are alone with no relatives.
By then it's too late and they will be alone all their lives.
buy an ad youtube scum
>spamming your incel rant channel on Yea Forums
I've been with my gf for four years and living together one and a half, thank you.
Gotta love the comments on the video tho "y-yeah women dont know whats good for them, they are gonna end up old and alone! why dont they just date me like they are supposed to? haha Im so alone..."
Lots of feminists that post propaganda on Yea Forums are going to be triggered by this.
You'll die alone ladies, and nobody will care.
found the futur MGTOW once he gets cucked
why do people so afraid of die alone?
Yeah, thanks
>yeah you'll get cucked anyway! I-I bet your gf is secretly fucking a dozen niggers behind your back! I-I-I'd rather be a permavirgin that risk being cucked
It's not the dying alone that's the problem, it's the 10-20 years before it happens where you're alone and nobody cares about how ill you are that hurts.
>Acting like you need a family to be happy in life.
Sure fag.
wheeehh I'm not making ad revenue wheeehh
Many years ago peoples parents died before they hit their 30s, so the reality of life kicked in faster.
Now people get to cruise along and not face the reality of what their lives will be when their parents drop dead, by the time they figure it out they are incels afraid to talk to women and it's too late to change it.
ive got family and friends who love me as well as a loving gf
imagine being male and having your happiness be directly dependant on other people. might as well transition right now op.
As you get older your body will get weaker, it's coming user. You won't always be strong and fit.
i will be taking care of my family for rest of my life and im ok with that but yea ill never get a girl and im fine with that too
I wish I had friends and family for the practical aspect
wtf does that have to with anything? i live in a first world country where they take care of the elderly and disabled.
There are going to be so many lefties that will end up alone, it's going to be so sad in 20 years or so.
The civil war is coming, the armies of immigrants will see to that.
This is a shit thread. Time to kill it :)
I don't give a shit about the future, I'll be surprised if I make it past my thirties without comitting suicide anyway.
You'll spend several days alone in agony on the floor before someone worries about the unbearable smell coming from your rotting corpse
It's not that hard to understand that happiness is nothing but a meme that can't be sustained for a significant amount of time no matter what you do and that it's nothing but a carrot on a stick that is supposed to let you be a useful tool for your country until you are old which is when they leave you to rot
The alt-right incels are all happily married
Unironically yes
I'm already there
He got a thousand dollar tip last night out of nowhere. The absolute state of detractors lol
I hope you find someone and be happy!
Reminder that he fucking won
Essential DSP kino
They don't realize they were already living alone. We are born and we die alone, in the middle we just pretend some people care about us.
Joke's on you faggot my family is still alive and I'm already alone.
>Panda snorting
Holy fuck I am dying
He won the moment he got unbanned from adsense.
This proved he is not going to be affected by the rules. Maybe China and Russia support him, that's why he can't be defeated.
Remember when hating DSP was based on him sucking ass at videogames and not creepy IRL shit?
Would be a great relief to only have to worry about myself
When they actually die you'll understand.
Well no one forced him to share his manifesto about how shitty his life alone is
DSP will always win, as long as you hate him.
Wow man careful your gonna cut yourself on that edge.
We're all born alone and die alone
Guys... How the fuck do I get friends if I didn't have any while graduating?
Wow someone gave DSP $1k last night? That's crazy good.
Friends are a meme
>will finally be free from alcoholism when I die
Can't wait
I actually have a really close nitch of friends stemming from middle school and elementary. And I'll be the dirty thirty later this year.
Turns out when you're not a complete fuckin autismo, and dont try and fuck friends ex's, you can keep a very bountiful inner circle.
play a sport
>friends get married
>they do things as a couple now
>You're alone
Most people today are shitty friends, and you are an ever bigger faggot if you consider coworkers your friends.
>Most people today are shitty friends
no user, you just have shitty friends.
Wait til 30 friend, it’s like they flip a switch.
Phil getting that massive tip really made people mad, I love it.
I read the detractors twitter sometimes and they're at the stage where some of them are threatening violence, pretty pathetic.
Doesn't really matter if I look forward to it or not, I can't deal with relationships because they actually annoy the fuck out of me and make me feel trapped and I can only imagine a family to be 100 times worse and 100 times harder to get out of.
I think my dad is actually the same because he is a rather bad and boring husband to my mom and a less than good role model but he didn't have the time I had to realize what kind of guy he is. All his hobbies are solitary things
Doesn't feel like that to me. I yearn for some validation, and that sense of security that you have when someone is willing to help and put up with your problems.
What do you suggest? football and racket games are out of the question, but I can imagine combat sport to be somewhat entertaining.
What makes you say that? What has happened that has lowered the availability of not shitty friends?
why are there so many of you fucking social commentary fuckwits on this videogame board.
atleast comment in a thread instead of killing one that exists with your own shit threads.
>What do you suggest? football and racket games are out of the question, but I can imagine combat sport to be somewhat entertaining.
Anything sort of team sport or something where you train with others. Easiest way to form new friendships.
I bet he tipped himself just to annoy the detractors, and it worked.
Fuck all that shit. All the time I spent trying to make others happy, make friends or get into relationships has brought nothing but absolute suffering. I'm doing much better all alone. Just waiting for aliens to pick me up any time now.
You mean Smash thread #49483 or Tifa thread #777777
Hard to tell these absolutely unique threads apart sometimes.
Fucking with the detractors is significantly more fun.
>happiness is a political construct
>6 billion people in the world
>People have difficulty finding a partner who shares their interests and has a compatible world view
Holy shit just imagine.
>"I just can't find anyone"
>never leave the house