Not the Doom Guy from Dooms 1&2

Not the Doom Guy from Dooms 1&2.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it looks like him tho

He's even doing the thing with his eyebrows.

it absolutely is doomguy. they're not stupid enough to do anything else. they will probably do some multiverse bullshit.


I can do that with my eyebrows doesn't make me doom guy

Are you blind? Or just stupid?

who cares

It does actually. No go kill some demons

Nose, eye shape and hair color are similar, too.

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>multiverse bullshit
Why would they do that? Everything in Doom16 hinted that it was the continuation of Doom2.

I can't do that and I'm NOT the Doom guy.

isn't this something we already knew?

How can doomslayer be doomguy? Doom slayers lore involves him making a pact with a demon to sell out his own people to save his son. Then the demon screws him over and kills his son anyway, that's why hes so mad and has that praetor suit.

Doomguy is just just a marine stationed on phobos who is kind of a psychopath.

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oh shit its the ranger from quake

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Don't you ever fucking talk to me again.

In all honesty, it's probably time travel.

>Doomguy has the Praetor Armor when he fought at Argent D'nur, as shown here
>He only got the Praetor Armor after fucking up Hell's shit for an extended period of time
>Argent D'nur fell before recorded history
>Slayer Testaments also say he went 'through time'
>In the original Wolfenstein, BJ killed Hitler personally
>In TNO, Nazis won WW2 and Hitler survived to old age and senility on his moon base
I'm betting that Doomguy somehow went back in time, and by changing the timeline accidentally caused the Nazis to win WW2 and made it so he was never born.

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DOOM 2016 is the only good DOOM game thus far. Faggot 10fps DOS slow af boomer retards

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This but in a less offensive way so I can try to reason with people instead of antagonize them

What? That was the betrayer from those knight dudes, they found doom guy while he was fucking up demons and gave him a new suit to rip and tear harder, that is why the salute him instead of being pissed when you see thier ghosts.

ripped model from 2016

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Go play Back to Saturn X or Ancient Aliens with either Smooth Doom, Beautiful Doom or Final Doomer+.

I WANT to antagonize actual 30 year olds still on /v in 2018+1

I genuinely believe the "god key" in Wolfenstein 2 is gonna connect Doom and Wolf's universes through time travel.

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haha yes, that's why it's a ded game, whereas the originals are thriving like never before.

so funny how anyone talking about gay ass old doom games only talks about some stupid mods and not the actual games

>"doesn't look the same"
>looks the same

OP are you simple minded?

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Hello, owned department?

I bet he gave that eyebrow cut to himself

And you base that entirely on one post? Because the original games get spoken about all the time, without people comparing them, talking about the level design, individual levels and all that shit.

That's because Doom 1, while good, doesn't have the complete monster set, half of Doom 2 was literally made in a week by an extremely rushed Sandy Petersen, and Final Doom has either Mount Pain or chaingun cancer.

BJ Blazkowicz is the Doomguy in the new canon

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Where does the Quake reboot come in?

not him but I really don't see the attraction towards Doom 1's level design. It's just mazes. Half the time I spent during most levels was just wandering around looking for cards, buttons, or doors. It got old real fast.

It doesn't matter if hes the same guy or not. Nobody ever gave a fuck about muh stowies before nuDoom. Zoomers are such fucking cancer. Go watch the latest capeshit movie for your epic lore.

Good question, of all recent fps reboots (Wolf, Doom, Shadow Warrior) you'd think Quake would've gotten one by now

I can't do that with my eyebrows, but I am the Doom Guy.

you know, i prefered it when he didnt have a face.

I really hope not as nu-wolf is shit. Wolfenstein TNO was 5/10, Old blood 6/10 and Wolf:TNC 2/10.
and the new one coming up looks like shit too. Man I miss Return to Wolf.

new BJ is a weak faggot so I dont think so.

maybe distant relatives

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bj is great(x8) Grandfather of doomguy.


Those wolfenstien games fucking stink

>doomguy fucking dies

>People argue about Doom's lore
What timeline is this?

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You are correct. ID were a bunch of DND nerds and a lot of their level design inspiration came from dungeon crawling. Fair enough if you didn't like it, but a lot of people did.

nudoom is litteraly based on memes about doomguy being op

Imagine if they brought back doomguy's face reacting to everything at the bottom of the screen.

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all they need

I wish they would add classic hud in as an option.
I love being able to see all my ammo without changing guns.

>This thread
Wtf I thought it was universally agreed that D2016M was a continuation of Doom 64, however unofficial. The ending of 64 and Doom Slayer's bit of electing to stay behind coincide perfectly. Fucking stupid thread quit being fucking stupid.

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It happens to any game without plot and clusterfuck of continuity between titles.

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There are people who argue about the fucking Artifact lore. Anything can happen

A proper, spooky, lovecraftian Quake will be really hard to pull off in my opinion.

Doomslayer is not the betrayer. Doomguy stayed in Hell after Doom 64 and eventually stumbled upon the night sentinels.

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Much better than what's going to be in the game.

That looks pretty bad desu.

>those tiny numbers
not gonna work for the consolekeks

woah that sucks.

And you have any sort of facts to back this up?

It's not a clusterfuck are you people fucking stupid? After Doom64, Doomguy stayed in hell and crossed dimension into an infinite number of hells to fuck shit up until D2016M.

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As if consolecucks care about old Doom anyway

I genuinely enjoy the combat in nuWolf more than nuDoom

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Why the fuck do people on this board continuously repost the same shitty bait threads?

le rip and le tear xd my fellow doom bros

Yeah, it's like they took the most cringe "le chuck norris" type personality that zoomer redditors gave Doomguy in ZOOM and decided to make a game based off that.

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It's literally been confirmed that it's not the original doomguy. No idea how anyone can even try justifying, this is some stupid ass fucking WoW-lore-analysis-tier bullshit. Go analyze that.

then you genuinely are a faggot

>It's literally been confirmed
Then literally post this confirmation or literally go hang yourself.

I really liked the no-nonsense character in 16, but Iit looked to me that 1/2 fans were creaming themselves over the new over the top gigachad since first reveal
what do YOU guys want?

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>It's literally been confirmed that it's not the original doomguy
I've been saying this but zoomers still argue

I'm getting mixed messages here

I've only seen Zoomers with your view but okay.

You mean a continuation of Doom 64. Where he literally locked himself in Hell to keep demons from invading again.

>"He has da green armor so its da same guy!"

I've seen worse.

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>He not the same because I say so!

Master Chief has green armor and he's been the same guy in every Halo. Checkmate.

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No, you haven't.

Personally I want to see him as just a plain old marine on a quest to stop demons from destroying earth. feels more virtuous when you just play as a regular guy with the ol standard issue armor and abilities and honor in his heart rather than a superhuman ancient megakiller night sentinel bloodwolf hunter extreme badass

No whatever you do makes you a fucking faggot.

hmmm, I think you need to go outside more.

> Wrecks Hell and blasts demons non stop as a regular marine guy in the OG games
> not OP.


Like 4 weapons and forced story at every second

That's a bad look sweaty

it's a slightly modified version of the helmetless Doomguy face from Quake Champions

Just like classic Doom?

This next UI is worrying me, lads.

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Sweat isnt that bad buddy, you can take a shower afterwards. :) I believe you can get in a better state of mind.

Slipgates. After Doomguy murders all of Heaven & Hell, Eldritch abominations are going to appear.



How did he survive the vacuum of space with those exposed body parts?

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The same way he survives everything else that’s supposed to kill a normal human.

and I will genuinely suplex your ass

There's nothing wrong with this you pretentious faggots

I love him the way he is now : pissed off, silent and brutal.
There's a story revolving around him, unfolding as he goes but you can still choose to believe he really doesn't care about any of that. He wanders wherever vague direction he's last been pointed too and cares only about destroying demons.
You can see he doesn't give a shit when he destroys the batteries against Hayden's plea instead of listening to him : fuck him and hell.

doomguy can flex harder than the vacuum of space

He's the motherfucking doomguy

literally nothing will happen to you from having your arms exposed to vacuum for 3 seconds
stop being a fucking retard and at least ask how the fuck did he survive ramming a fucking space station after being shot out of a railgun

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ok this is epic

you could've been the doomguy but you dilated

I like that he has a semblance of caring though. He wouldn’t have backed up Vega if he didn’t care.

I think it's a little wacky, but yeah, no clue why people are crying cringe.

Doom was always an edgy game made by edgy people, don't pretend like you aren't just hating it to be contrarian and cool. I'm pretty goddamn jaded, but being shot out of a railcannon is is awesome.

Also that's litteraly the "i must kill but bullets are too slow" meme which predates zoomer memes, so that's a bad excuse too

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These demons look happy

That too, but it's one split secong in all the storyline - and VEGA has been a based, helpful and unjudging ally throughout his path so it still makes sense.

Doom 2 is basically the only game you ever need to buy. So many mods and map packs. It's of control. I've been playing it since the 90s, the only game I keep coming back to.

DoomGuy was OP since its first game. He kills hundreds/thousands of demons by himself and in Doom 2, he slay the Icon of Sin. DoomGuy just evoluted and became more powerfull as he kills more and more demons. DoomGuy from Doom Eternal is just the better and stronger DoomGuy from the other, that's why he simply doesn't give a shit about being a bullet cannon.

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He is surounded by argent energy.

Good, nuDoom is anemic, weak shit that disgraces 1 and 2 by falling for the trappings of the modern age, discarding a lot of the visceral feel of the combat and speed of the originals for slower, glory-kill cinematics filled plodding and forced arena battles in linear stages rather than zipping around expansive, maze-like maps conserving ammo and weaving between enemies.

Thanks for the explanation, Kojima

Yep, it's a cringe from me.

>thrashing limbs

So then how does anything ever damage him? Shouldn't you just be invincible the whole game?

Thrashing trex arms

Has it been confirmed if he's the Betrayer or if he's just 1&2 Doomguy hopping dimensions eternally pissed over Daisey? It comes off more like the later but it is vague.

Energy Shields

>For he alone could draw strength from his fallen foes, and ever his power grew, swift and unrelenting.
yep he just got stronger the more demons he killed

Theorically you taking damage is just a gameplay mechanic, the description of his armor in nuDoom is something along the lines "nothing can fucking touch this"

That's dumb. Doomguy only gets stronger when he gets better guns. And he doesn't have stupid power armour trying to look like master chief.


Hi, newfag

The heavens blessed him with the ability to regain strength when slaying demons but it doesn't change the fact he mostly relies on his guns, user.

he shaves it every day to look cool

I've put it in as a spoiler because I fear that your mind will explode

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Nah TNO is a 7/10 old blood is an 8.5/10, but yeah TNC is a 2/10
Nah. Nu-Wolf at it's best has great encounter and level design. It's got great mobility and the alt-lean controls are revolutionary. Nu doom has that shitty arenas for retards problem in every God damned level.

i find it very humorous that the people who cry about the newer doom weren't even born when the first one was released

he killed the fucking titan of hell, the fucking giant demon, before he got the armor from the seraphim
pic related is the titan's skull
he doesnt need the fucking armor

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Doomguy isn't a christcuck he doesn't need angels or blessings. He is just a normal space marine who shoots things, I wish people would stop trying to add gay shit to his character.


He’s definitely not the Betrayer.

>implying Doomguy would turn down something that lets him kill demons better

Opinion discarded.

wasnt the betrayer the sentinal who wanted to resurrect his son but got fooled by the demons and his son came back as the icon of sin?

Icon of Sin is a fucking colossal demon with big fucking tentacle limbs that span miles.
Either that or he's laying on his belly when Doomguy shows up and poking his head through a wall.

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it's just out of place slapstick humor, but the worst part is you can tell the game wants you to think it's cool


Is 90's XTREME ATTITUDE cheese and it fits right in with Doom you fucking queer

Doomguy is going to kill the angels.

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No it's 2019 manchild humour.

No, it doesn't. In fact it doesn't fit with anything.

thats cheesy as hell in a good way

how about you two stop being fags

I think it's left intentionally vague as a way to point out the the DOOM Marine is an archetype filling a role. There are parallels between The Betrayer and characters like Olivia, the UNC in general, and that one cunt from Doom 3. Hell shows up, finds a weakling they can exploit to get into that dimension, fucks everything up and then the DOOM Marine/Guy/Slayer shows up and wrecks shop. That's why he's referenced as if he's a force of nature as opposed to an actual character with a defined backstory. The Betrayer is just a fun way to fill out he backstory of the Sentinels and tie in previous Doom game lore. Whereas the Slayer is just given enough to be acknowledged while being a wink wink to the Doom Marine as well as player agency.

t. doomguy

Being contrarian doesn’t make you cool. It makes you look like killjoy.

It would be great if the Slayer loses the Praetor suit during the later game and has to go back to his old armor.


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Watch the dev interviews where their biggest influences was 90s action cinema. Hell the game didn't come together until Hugo was brought on board and started using RoboCop as a reference.

Angels will be humans that use demon genes and argent energy to become more powerful I bet

Yes. They also used a d&d monster head as an enemy.

What do they think about Doom eternal?

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>Hell get so sick of him that it spits him back out
>He runs a billion miles an hour
>Fights dozens of high end demons at once
He was way more powerful in the originals you fucking faggot

these new Doom and wolfenstein games are AAA cancer for bottom of the barrel retards to consume, not even talking about the presentation or hugo martin's fan fiction "lore" it's the gameplay and balance that is completely fucked up right to the core.

We're talking about NuDOOM, not DOOM 1.

I wonder who the final boss is gonna be.

They re-used the exact same animation for Doomguy tapping the touchscreen from Doom 2016

I always wondered why the original doomguy had an exposed stomach. His armour is designed that way. Just why?

Donald Trump

Shut up, you dumb, fun-hating niggers.

no, I mean... there are actual angels, like Seraphim (he IS going to be in this game, even had a model reveal already
but the heaven/hell dichotomy in Doomverse doesn't look like a carbon copy of the one from abrahamic fairy tales

it's torn open. notice the doom scratch


doomguys pet rabbit brought back to life as a demon

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There's supposed to be shit underneath it but it's been damaged.

If you look on the original cover, it's that the stomach plate got ripped off the armour. Compare it to the guy at the back.

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He has a shirt that's ripped at the abs. You can see the rip and tear of it. And his stomachs bleeding.

The chest armor stops above the abdomen. I don't know why. But it's supposed to be a short with a second layer of armor

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That's lazy

Quake champions does a lot of things wrong but god damn they nailed Doomguy.

>le hating things doesn't make you interesting XDDDD
And making that argument doesn't make you cool either reddit

No one cares.

Animations get reused for every game.

Oh yeah that makes more sense now. It's harder to see with the ingame art

name one company that doesnt reuse assets?

he's doomguy

Samuel Hayden is the betrayer I bet, he looks like the angel (lucifer/Satan) on the art

I love nuDoom but holy shit the shills are out in full force today. Are you in the same room together?

They really did.

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What's the weirdest thing is their armor is short sleeved

Come on, you're telling that reused animation bothers you now in 2019?

thats not sam hayden on the art

Long sleeve armour doesn't really make much sense besides chainmail maybe.

Is pic related from QC?

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It doesn't, I just pointed it out. Reused animations is just typically what you see in CoD and Far Cry


can you at least make a fucking point before resoting to this shit?
can you at least state why in the everloving fuck would they bother changing a fucking touch screen interaction animation?
like an actual valid reason for doing this
one is enough

I've played every doom game, tons of mods, my first pc ran windows 3.1, the first fast I played was Duke 3d, I vote with my wallet and don't buy lootboxes, and nu doom will be one of the only games I buy new at full price this year.

You zoomers can keep larping as oldfags, but you wont change my mind, I almost want to buy 2 copies just to spite you, but then I'd be giving you guys the power.

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Very much so.

Actually a lot of companies not only reuse animations but entire assets from other games in their own library. It's mostly a 3d thing.

>shit his argument is valid
>shuffles deck
>uhhh SHILL!
you've been breathing too much Yea Forums you dumb nigger

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I wasn't making an argument or trying to shit on the game, just made an observation. You've been on here too much as well it seems because everything has to be an ebin le Yea Forums argument for you

Ok retard

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Prove it

If it didn’t bother you, why did resort to calling people shills when they didn’t agree with you?

It is possible for a prepared human to survive upwards of 90 seconds naked in hard vacuum without any lasting negative repercussions

furthermore it is not contact with vacuum that is the immediate threat but rather the much more mundane decompression sickness and ebullism as a result of the internal-external pressure differences
however if the core body is not exposed to vacuum and the person is supplied with pressurized oxygen it would take a significantly longer time to feel any negative effects, a regular human in Doomslayer's getup could easily survive for prolonged periods

>muh gamer cred
the game is still trash though

Wtf I thought Yea Forums loved this

based and realitypilled

I bet this poster has a BFG right fucking next to him while trying to say that.

Boomguy needs that lawnmower that can go up to 100 MPH.

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>literally demonic strogg
We're going to telefrag an outer god again and tease the Quake 1 reboot aren't we?

Not him but TNO was pretty disappointing. It's a 6/10 at best man.

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Do you think he's a good dad to little Chiefy?

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>abrahamic fairy tales

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Is there a more effective way of suicide then fucking around with Doomguy's rabbit?

Here we fucking go

you just called three people shills for simply pointing out a fact that devs reuse assets
>inb4 uh-uh yeah but i wasnt tryna make an argument mister please i was just le trolling

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I don't think it's actually Sabaoth but I dig they're reusing the design cue somewhat.

He's pressing a button, user. When you press a button in real life do you find some autistic new way to do it so you don't reuse the same muscles?

>Believing in unicorns


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I think he needs the armour to make him live beyond his lifespan

I don’t think it’s Sabaoth either, just wanted to point out that they had similar designs. The Hunter just has an added chainsaw arm.

It may be "muh gaymer cred" but it's all true, played duke 3d at the the neighbor girls house when I was waaay to young to see shit like that.

I understand some of the complaints, but I think this is one of the MANY cases of Yea Forumss hive mind of people who didnt play the game. It is slower, but glory kills feel smooth and dont interrupt the flow and it's definitely better then regenerating health.


his eyes are the wrong color

It looks like a Necron Destroyer.

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alot of people think the glory kills are just hidden QTE/cutscenes but they're so short and smooth that they can be compared to the animation of throwing a grenade or welaon switch animations. they dont pause the action at all

He is the weapon The guns need him.

>They still have the scoped rifle
Ahh, good to know the heavy assault rifle only has one viable upgrade path again.

Probably wondering why the fuck he's showing off his biceps

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You should be happy that Doomguy has armor as good as his guns now. He's moving up in the world.

It's only problem is too many non-combat segments. I really think it's a 7/10 game on a real scale/ 8.8/10 IGN scale.

it's certainly different from other games but that doesn't make it good, in fact it's a very poorly designed game
they are baed sync animations and designed to be a crutch for gamepads among other things, it's a completely idiotic idea that never should have made it past prototyping

You're not getting out of this one, Doomguy.

all powerful all knowing omnipresent creator of everything created a blob of hydrogen that coalesced into glowing balls of superheated plasma that would no absolutely fucking nothing except blowing up for next 9 billion years until they fused enough heavier elements to allow complex chemical molecules to form on a completely unassuming hunk of rock tucked away in the fucking corner of its completely normal galaxy, and those molecules took another 4 billion years to organize into a mouthbreathing retard, who things it's not just entirely plausible, but factually correct - that this omnipotent omniscient omnipresent entity did all of that and waited so fucking long to pick a bunch of sandniggers in bumfuck nowhere to be his "chosen people", giving them carte blanche to genocide and enslave everyone around then, while rest of the humanity had no fucking clue about any of that for another several thousand years, and he is dumbfounded at the prospect of someone not being okay with this story

Which is a feat in and on itself because otherwise the game would've been trashed for it

A true beta statement.

>actively defending QTE kill
Holy shit

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you can choose not to glory kill any demon except the boss user
even turn off the glowy effect on stunned demons

This is supposed to be arguing what exactly? That it took a long time for life to form? That doesn't mean anything. Why would time matter to an omnipresent being? Who is that inconveniencing?
>Getting mad about the chosen people
>Being too dumb to understand the role of Christ
Oy vey

Is this the male equivalent of tit armor? Shouldn't someone be bitching about this on twitter?

>not knowing the definition of QTE

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You don’t know what QTE means.

not only can you do it but if you watch videos of ultra nightmare speedruns/challenge runs, they almost never glory kill

Glory kills are fine but they're worse than pick-ups
Arenas are fine but they're worse than real soon levels

This is nudooms biggest problem. It's just not as good as classic doom.

Is he related to Kharn?

>This is supposed to be arguing what exactly? That it took a long time for life to form? That doesn't mean anything. Why would time matter to an omnipresent being? Who is that inconveniencing?
you see, the fist part is directly pointing out the sheer fucking absurdity of the second part, which you conveniently ignored

Doomguy marries a Baroness of Hell in the end

This is canon

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>gloved hands typed this post

The first part doesn't relate to the second part at all. It's not relevant in any way.

>too many non-combat segments
I'd say that's a significant problem in a Wolfenstein game. I also didn't like that it was a cover shooter pretending to be an old-school shooter and that most of the environments were fucking boring-ass grey interiors.
Hugo in this interviews says that they will answer in this game whether or not it is doom guy from 1 and 2
At 22:45
Can't wait until we can stop having these threads

Blah blah. Fuck off, fedora. You're probably part-kike, which is why you hate Jesus.

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even with the glory kills the speed/skill runs are so amazing to look at without the hud

Makes sense to me

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Quick question, do you believe in aliens?

The more silly Doom is the better.

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>Cover shooter
I bet you complain about cover in Max Payne 3 too. Get good.

>git gud
Nice non-argument. Have a pity (You) on the house.

It is absolutely relevant.
Crate a universe with 100 billion galaxies containing quadrillions of star systems, just in the observable part of it, and then interact with your creation through what 5 people in one backwater part of one planet filled with them? Make them write a fucking book that forbids humanity from boiling the baby goat in the milk of its mother?
Tell me this isn't just totally absurd. I dare you.
500 years ago non-whites weren't even considered people. People rolled with it.
We didn't know other galaxies existed 100 years ago. Just 100 years. We simply didn't. That why this bullshit survived for millennia. People rolled with it, because from their point of view, things checked out. They don't check out in the slightest today.
Going lalala can't hear you only makes you look like an even bigger delusional retard.
Your entire bullshit game of pretend is a literal coping mechanism created to make plebs comfortable with death.
It's pathetic.
I don't believe in anything.
Belief is for the insecure.
I know and don't know.
I don't know if aliens are there. Awful lot of spare room for us to be only ones around.

>get good
>at a fucking cover shooter
Cover shooters are almost always easy as fuck. The problem is the act of hiding in cover all the time can be real damn tedious.

>Likes NuDoom
>Calls others zoomers

I'll have you know that it's 35fps good sir

This, it's also amazing because you don't need a big ass PC rig to play it. The only wads and mods and total conversion asking for a good setup are flaming faggotry such as brutal doom.

What's the point of owning anything else but doom 2, SERIOUSLY?

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Looks like he pissed off the sóycucks hard

how long do you reckon a limb could be exposed to space before the tissue dies from frostbite? 3-4 minutes?

>he says, as he does a shuffling walk away from the computer holding his shotgun

Both actually.

t. kike

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I just assumed that time passes differently in Hell

based refutation

>Tfw see all these doomcucks seeing the absolute corperate garbage that their series has become and pretent it's good as a coping mechanism
Quakefags like me got the last laugh

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>redditeuros seethe at doom 5 not being the super serious edge fest full of political messages that they always had wet dreams of

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It did, it's called Quake Champions


Turns out this guy is not called a "cyberdemon". It's actually going to be called a Tyrant in game. Considering that the cyberdemon's skull from 2016 shows up in the reveal trailer, I think both the 2016 cyberdemon and the "tyrant" will be in this game

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>absolute corporate garbage
The irony

But that makes no sense. Doomguy is canonically BJ's great grandson according to Romero and Hall.

You are so fucking mad holy shit

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Duke shouldn’t be in there. Remember Forever?

Quake is literally the least corperate franchise in gaming.
Cope harder, doombabby

He's there in spirit

absolutely shit taste

The spirit that got covered in Randy’s shit.

>giving them carte blanche to genocide and enslave everyone around then
Explain how the HRE got the slow and painful death it deserved then.

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>Loot Boxes
>least corporate franchise
The total delusion of Quakefags

>but guys God's not real

>Doomguy isn't a christcuck
Wasn't he a catholic in the original canon?

Are you having a stroke? Quake 1 didn't have any of that you braindead subhuman


teenagers do stupid things

>He's ignoring Quake Champions
So THAT'S how you people cope


Because doom 1 has better level design?

>Yea Forums is so contrarian that it decides to be contrarian toward itself and decide the game they were excited for two days ago is now automatically the worst game in history and dead before arrival due to constantly trying to one up each other in terms of criticality and contrarianism leading to a snow ball effect of shit.
The duality of man

Get good means stop hiding behind cover fag

Go back to Stormfront, Boomer

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Oh yes, Quake Champions, the game not even id cares about and nobody plays, really corperate.

>corporate garbage


>same person
>different background
what did they mean by this?

my only gripe is that i dont think the cutscenes should leave first person

Only E1

Doom 2 has more good maps than E2 and E3

I loved this. Doomguy is my spirit animal.

Yeah but it's not important, there's countless wad available for doom2, you'll never play the base campaign.


His name is Slayer now


No I would say E2 as well. It's 3-5 where they drop the ball.

>says some dumbshit
>"OMG *meaningless insult
* are seething

Quake > Doom 2016 > Doom 1 > Quake III > Quake 2 > Doom 2 > Doom 3

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It's just reddit who thinks that doom is supposed to be edgy and realistic

Like I said, total fucking delusion.

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based on what? the several monologues stating nothing about religion besides walking through and destroying hell, and then destroying the demons back on earth?

>forward slash vee is now so contrarian that they've started pretending to be religious simply because of how popular it is to be reasonable instead

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Will doom eternal have a pistol?

One of the novels they wrote back in the day, same ones that gave us the name Flynn Taggart

>"Meaningless buzzword, meaningless buzzword blah blah I suck suck, stupid Yea Forums insult, buzzword buzzword I'm a faggot"

does this need to be a 30 second+ cutscene? it could just be pressing use on the terminal then walking into the canon

No. R.I.P. LFG.

Probably. The real question is will it be as shit as it was in '16? Outside of a full power charge shot to the head (and even that was weak), you couldn't kill anything short of a zombie with that thing.

So the novels written by dudes that had nothing to do with the development of doom, and novels that were never officially confirmed as canon from the developers of doom... Interesting.

isn't that the whole point?
I mean the thing didn't even need ammo and fully upgraded you could oneshot imps

Only if Nu-Doom-Guy gets a sex change.

So literally fucking nothing


It made all the classsic maps kind of a bitch prior to you getting a shotgun.


I accept your concession


I know for a fact that the pistol isnt nearly as bad as you seem to think it is. I would almost say its on a similar level of power as the original doom pistol, but thats selling it short because it has infinite ammo.

Got any more meaningless buzzwords you want to share?

>won't put a hi-rez 3d version of Doomguys face on the hud
I don't care how odd it would look it one of the most memorable things about old Doom.

Just how many times you're going to show you're a fucking moron? Cmon kid using Yea Forums words only makes you look even more wrong

Looks exactly like him

>everyone that enjoys the game is a SHILL
stop posting already jesus christ

Holy shit. Are you fucking autists actually arguing about this shit in a Doom thread? One's a Christcuck the other is a Autist. I'll explain to you faggots why you're both wrong. Because I spent my time fucking studying history and understand that you're all being had.
You, the fucking Christcuck, are just LARPing. And if you aren't. Then you're falling for the biggest fucking meme on planet Earth by taking the Bible to it's literary potential and not it's metaphorical potential, treating it as literature rather than a poem.

And you Fedora. Are just as much of an idiot for spending hours upon hours formulating arguments against Christcucks to boost your retarded ego.
>"B-but if I don't then the enlightened scum will never understand! T-they are mislead by ebil floating man in the sky and church"
Says who? Also floating man in the sky is a retarded renaissance meme perpetuated by rich Italian families that influenced themselves upon Greek pagan imagery. I'll give you the biggest black pill. If you're mad because you think progress is slowed down by Christianity. You're dead wrong. Progress is slowed by humanity. Here's a thought. What was the real motive behind the Salem Witch Trials? A fool that never studied history would say it was because a bunch of Christian ignorants were convinced by two little girls that everyone in the town was witches. However in reality. The entire incident was a grand conspiracy by taxpayers at the time who conspired with the Church to believe the girl's claims and to spread propaganda that what the girls said was true. Contrary to popular belief most people in the Witch Trials weren't fools and didn't believe it so easily and both men and women were killed, contrary to what feminists believe about "women being persecuted". I could cite more examples. (cont)

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I hope Doom Eternal will have better level design than 2016. I just want to fucking shoot demons not get lost in fucking mazes. Give me linear corridors instead of that shit please.

Marty McFly has two diffrent childhoods but didn't changed.

man you can't stop that tipping can you? it's like an involuntary response with you pathetic spergs. Keep on with the cringe spaghetti monster posting and maybe you'll win that argument about religion with your grandma you keep having on facebook. Then you'll finally be the mental giant you always thought you were.

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>changing the timeline accidentally caused the Nazis to win WW2

Blessed by angels indeed

There's silly stupid and there's just plain stupid.
This is in the plain stupid category.

(cont) The Knight Templars being persecuted? Not because they worshipped devilry that was slander, it was because they gained too much power and the Church wanted them out. The worshipping was just a coverup. What the Church and Government did back then was no different than the coverup done back then. It was just they covered it up with religious terms, now you do it with politics. The truth is it is human nature to blame, for you to blame it on some random middle-eastern folk that invented a religion to make it easier for people to find comfort in death is ridiculous. Those events would've happened either way but under different circumstances. The cycle of human nature with government coverups and the peasant class being ignorant was not something that began in the medieval period. It dates as far back as the Romans and it continues to this day. You want to protest something fedoracuck and christcuck? Protest against the corporations that cover shit up and the big pharmacutical companies that delay certain medicines to make them higher values. Protest against that instead of your stupid invisible enemies that don't exist. But of course you won't. Because you're part of the cycle. The same cycle you claim to protest against. So go on. Make my day.

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You havent even fucking played it

Go rip and tear some demons, doomguy. Get off this shithole.

summarized it very well, good job


I don't wear hats, please stop.
And I don't go around yelling at people for going to fucking church.
I'm mad because most influential country on earth has over half of its population in an apocalyptic death cult whose members become politicians who create a world-shaping foreign policy based on their fucking kingdom come memes.

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How the hell did you get lost in D44M?

reminder that he only has one gun in this cover

I am a right-wing you dipshit

Tl;dr if you're a Fedorafag that keeps sperging that religion sucks because of the medieval times and it's not the fault of human nature

Looks like Jack Black tbqh.

Honestly I just think Eternal looks fun as fuck

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Go back to Stormfront, Boomer

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Fuck you, zoomer.
t. 34 year old boomer.

>all these faggots caring about Doom's story

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i watched the gameplay video of this from e3 and it looked boring. it was just shooting at demons with no sense of urgency or danger. they just kind of stood there while they got shot and there attacks didn't seem to have any kind effect on the player. what's the appeal here?

I don't even give a fuck about pro or anti-religion or whatever those fags are arguing about, you're just a pretentious faggot and I'm not reading your diarrhea

>t. guy who made Doom 3 and then ran away in shame

*it's just reddit that thinks doom is supposed to be "le rip and tear epic doomslayer!"

it's not DOOM it's DOOM 2016 which is like a fanfiction version of DOOM. all it needs now is for doomguy to get shipped with one of the demons.

As long as it's not gay I'm in.


>When MASTER CHIEF DOES IT, Yea Forums praises it
>when his father does it better ever since 93 when he jumped from a Deimos into Hell itself, and causing a crater, its CRINGE.

this board is full of faggots born in 1998

>I don't wear hats, please stop.
>And I don't go around yelling at people for going to fucking church.
Fine then. Fair yet your original post (assuming you're the guy that posted that fucking long as shit paragraph about le "god is scientifically impossible" ) seemed to heavily imply it. So perhaps you should be careful of how you word it if you don't want people to misinterpret it
>I'm mad because most influential country on earth has over half of its population in an apocalyptic death cult whose members become politicians who create a world-shaping foreign policy based on their fucking kingdom come memes.
Again, that's my point though. It's human nature being retarded. Human nature will cling on to whatever can make them most victorious and most advantageous. Hitler based his entire foreign policy off of the Romans. Human nature take the most vicious parts of history and apply it to themselves because they believe it's what will allow them to win. It has at the end of the day nothing to do with the religion itself, it's just the endless cycle. People will find inspiration and interpretations of violence in anything. But at the end of the day they must be stopped.

>based on their fucking kingdom come memes
If you're referring to the games. That's a good game. Don't believe the memes. That game is a critique of the Church at the time and the developers supported and adore the Hussite Revolt that would happen a few years after the year the game takes place in. Pic related

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Hey come on, you and I both know Doom guy wants some of that mancubus meat

>this thread

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Hear hear
I’ll sip to that

>Implying I hate blacks and jews and I am a Nazi
Dude Nazis burned down villages next to my hometown. I despise the shit out of them. Don't you dare lump me with those faggots.

>>When MASTER CHIEF DOES IT, Yea Forums praises it
What the fuck does Halo have to do with any of this?
>this board is full of faggots born in 1998
Projecting much?

all demons are gay, that's why god hates them

Suit yourself.

>zoomer who defends halo 2 intro sequence
FOund one nigger

how is that contrarian? the original creators have nothing to do with these games. it's just a fact.

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I guess you're just trying too hard at baiting, but I'm also not going to deny that you might actually be retarded.

It’s not DOOM 2016, it’s Doom 4. It’s a continuation of the original Doom games.

You're not just wrong. You're stupid.

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a bullet in your fucking head may solve it user, maybe the general IQ of mankind will grow 0.1% if you do so.

both creation and evolution are real
the creator created
the creation evolved
god is real but he is too busy having fun somewhere in the infinte space watching universe busting alien wars rather than wasting time with shitty and useless self destructing humans

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Mobile shit isn’t canon.


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Doug bowser?


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will a Ryzen 3 2200G and RX 570 4 GB be able to run doom eternal smoothly at 60FPS? I don't mind turning some graphics down as long as I dont have to change the res

Mars in Doom 2016 is a different Mars from Doom 1/2/64. Only 1 hell exists but multiple realities connect to it. This is why Doom 3 marine saw Doomguy in murals

>Turns out this guy is not called a "cyberdemon". It's actually going to be called a Tyrant in game

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no it isn't the title is literally just DOOM it's a fanfic reboot.

>thinking Circlestrafing 2016 holds a candle to Classic

what is even the point in believing something like this. you just make some shit up and believe it, why?

>guy that made MEGATEXTURES and then ran away in shame

I'm sorry but somebody needs to call out how fuckin' stupid this retard is. I can't live knowing this level of retard goes unchecked.

It literally takes place after Doom 64.

And the pendulum of contrarianism swings

This is a pretty cool device.

I'm worried that we won't get to spend much time in each new location.

>It has at the end of the day nothing to do with the religion itself
This particular religion started as a "I can do whatever I want" card for the Hebrews and has been used to that end ever since by every group that claimed it.
The feel good "be a good boy/gal and skydaddy will take you in after you die" part is silly, but I don't really give a shit about it. Coping with meaningless life full of grief and suffering is something even the smartest philosophers didn't fully provide a one size fits all solution to.
I won't even pretend I have it.
What I'm not okay with is the current baptist psycho end times prophecy that's banking the whole world on the idea that Russia will destroy Israel and Jesus will return.
This is just fucking terrifying. It overshadows absolutely every other fear I have, because it involves every single person alive.

Definitely non canon.

Yeah,the only thing that doesnt appear is the hair,but other than that they just used the original Doomguy.OP is just a blind fagg.

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which was another fanfic game unrelated to the originals.

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It is official you just forget that people are literally retarded so they lack the reading comprehension necessary to know that the betrayer is not doomguy/slayer

Now you're calling one of the classic Doom games fanfics now?

I hate contrarian faggots. This shit is fucking RAD. Why the fuck are stupid fucking retards complaining about in a game where A SPACE MARINE KILLS SUPERNATURAL DEMONS WITH A FUCKING DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN

Fuck every single one of you soulless hipster filth. I'm buying a copy for every post I see from you anti-fun bacteria.


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go pretend to be a hardass somewhere else

>Doomguy isn't Doom Slayer

How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old men?

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Explaining The Neon U.I. Overhaul
>One of the more controversial new elements to Doom Eternal is the bright neon user interface, which pops off the screen much more so than the one used in Doom. When I asked Martin about it, he said they are still iterating to get it right, but they felt it was essential to make these elements more visible when you're flying around the arena in the middle of a dozen demons.

"Doom is not trying to be an immersive game; it's not trying to be a cinematic game," Martin says. "It's a video game with the capital V that's dripping with demon blood. Because it's really fast, we're putting a lot of pressure on the player. It's speed chess. You've got to make decisions really fast. If I'm driving around a race car 200 miles an hour, I need all the signage and the game to be big and bold. Otherwise, I'm going to get killed. We want death to be a result of the player making a mistake and not the game screwing them. If stuff is subtle, it's the game screwing me... It's like in this game, I'm in a race car. Dude, if you have something to tell me, tell me loud and tell me fast. That's really why we do everything with the glowing one-ups, the floating question marks, and the huge health packs."

Martin encourages players to experience the game before knocking the U.I. too hard because it is a functional decision, not an aesthetic one.

*complaining about realism.

Excuse me. I lost my composure.

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Nice projection on that involuntary response there. You're responding to someone complaining about your insufferable insistence on characterizing everyone with a specific opinion with a meme meant to be funny that you're taking seriously as if it's actually criticism. And you can't stop doing it every time you hear that opinion. While pretending that you hold the opposite opinion because it's less popular these days.

this is a bait thread if you didnt notice

I hope to god they manage to make any form of robust mod support. A man can wish I guess.

Original timeline.
Machinegames timeline.

The only difference is BJ has two twin daughters, one of which has Keen's dad down the line. That's it, everything else is the same.

Thank you Marty.

All I get from this is that doomguy gets no fall damage, like in originals.

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yeah, it wasn't even made by id.

How can one man be this based.

we are all the doomguy

Holy shit look, it's doom guy!

Idk if making stuff neon is the way to go but at least there are devs out there that understand that readability in games is largely dying

Neither was Final Doom. But Doom 64 fits into the timeline perfectly and the newest game is directly linked to the ending of 64.

It's called funposting, user. Nobody typing in all caps is actually upset.

You being alive brings the IQ of the entire human race down 1% you fucking mongoloid

>What I'm not okay with is the current baptist psycho end times prophecy that's banking the whole world on the idea that Russia will destroy Israel and Jesus will return.
That'll never happen because Russia is disadvantaged by Israel's destruction and is at a major disadvantage against Israel on several conditions. Either way this prophecy is a pretty poor American interpretation of Revelations. In any case it seems like a coverup for some other actions, or to stir up fear for controversy and money like Columbine with the Satanic panics and claims of an apocalypse. It's 2012 all over again. Every year someone says it'll be the Second Coming Of Christ and they are always dead wrong because they use their American way of thinking to identify the "end times".

>this person said something contrary to what I think. I know, I'll call them a contrarian!
In awe of your wit

Many popular (Rune) options return for Doom Eternal, like the Blood Fueled rune that speeds up your movement after performing a glory kill. Id Software also designed some new ones it is excited about.

"There's one called Target Strike. It's awesome," Stratton says. "When you use mods, it slows time. It's really cool when you're doing things like using the scope on the HAR. Using the meat hook with it is fantastic."

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Because it's cheap "le badass moment eksdi".
Give me more than 5 monsters in a room at any given time to impress me with how cool and over the top Doom is instead of showing me a fucking cutscene with 0 interactivity.

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And the Doom Hunter has the Doom 64 double bladed chainsaw as an arm. And they used Doom 64 Zombieman as a reference.

So which theory is better? the one where OG Doomguy is the Doom Slayer (connecting OG Doom, doom 2, doom 64 with nu-Doom) or the one where the Doom Slayer is the NIght Sentinel leader and his son becomes the Icon of Sin?


continue nigger!

>comparing Randy's BADASS to this
Now you've done it

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This image could not be more cursed.

Doomguy is Doomguy.

the Israel gone = apocalypse isn't really a flavor of the month kind of thing.
I mean, that shit has to be hanging around for at least 40 years now.

Id itself asserted that 64 is CANON on their E3 panel

did you mean Randy Pedoford

i could write a Lord of the Rings story that fits the timeline perfectly but it's still fanfiction.

Don’t you dare compare nu-Doom to Randy. nu-Doom didn’t do anything to deserve that kind of torture.

It's Doom Slayer now.

just like disney asserts that the last jedi is canon


Your fanfic isn't officially endorsed and promoted like 64 was.

Love them or hate them you can't deny that they have huge passion for what they are making

Attached: Hugo+Martin+Video+Game+Maker+Bethesda+Announces+ID4dGAe5drml.jpg (600x400, 37K)

Are you retarded?

Why would anyone hate them?







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His smile and optimism: Eternal.

id is awesome but bethesda is trying to ruin doom

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by people who had nothing to do with the original games but happen to work for a company with the same name.

Based Hugo.

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Fuck that peado and fuck what he did to aliens

You got baited, dumbass.

>i didn't like nuwolf because i'm more sympathetic of nazis than i was when i was a child

Precisely my point. Hence why this fear of people encouraging this prophecy is dumb because it'll never happen anytime soon. That's the thing.

And Douk.

Yea Forums will find a way

It hurts

Sure.... So are you in?

i agree i think they're trying way too hard to 'personalize' doomguy even though the first game did that plenty well without ever leaving first person.

>For FUCK sake I OWN the Duke Nukem franchise.

This just in:
Zoomer contrarian successfully trolls another fanbase known for autism.

More news at 11

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The time Doom 64 was made most of id was still intact.

I hope they add SnapMap back with mod support, so you can add your own assets and advanced scripts

No PS1 versions insight.

you say that, but your affinity for guns is apparent.

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>Guys Doomguy isn't human and made a deal with demons lol such deep lore theory


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So what the fuck is the lesson I'm supposed to gleam from your post? Always follow the pack? Fuck off.

qnd they ignored it. it wasn't "canon" until 2016.


imagine being this obsessed with hating some artsy psudo-game

>no Final Doom
Good, fuck those games.

I'm playing the new DOOM and I have to say I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Everything fits together extremely well but I'm not having a lot of fun with the combat. The shotgun and super shotgun feel extremely weak to use at point blank and if the burst damage weapons aren't doing well then how can I expect to have fun using the DPS weapons like the assault rifle and plasma gun? So far it's the god tier level design and mobility keeping me in, but I wish everything was more lethal coming from me and the enemies.

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No, it was canon then as it is right now. If it wasn't they would've said so.

>The shotgun and super shotgun feel extremely weak to use at point blank

that means you're missing.

up the difficulty

you're supposed to have fun looking at the graphics.

>The... super shotgun feel extremely weak to use at point blank
I'm sorry, what? Are you sure you're playing D44M?

dammit DOOMGUY, we had this fucking talk.
you need to stop coming to Yea Forums.
its the website equivalent of a third world country.
go kill some damn demons

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no, it was a meaningless side game made by random people that's why the real doom 3 had nothing to do with it.

Doom 3 was its own thing and was officially marketed as a Doom 1 remake. 64 was canon then and is canon now, get the fuck over it faggot and quit shitposting.

Wasn't Doom64 Hugo's first Doom game?

>No TNT, Plutonia, NRFTL, or Sigil
It hurts.

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Here user, this is how it happens.
Doomguy IS Doom Slayer

Attached: doodtimeline.png (1013x189, 36K)


it's "canon" but none of the original creators were involved? it wasn't even made by id software and they never acknowledged it existed until they decided to use it for 2016. i suppose you think "solo" is the real backstory of han solo too.

>More than 1000 matches

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guis do I look like doom guy?

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>learning lessons on Yea Forums

You need to stop thinking like this immediately. It is not healthy.

>110% Asian

They approved of 64's creation and everything involved.

>i suppose you think "solo" is the real backstory of han solo too.
Don't know or care about Star Wars outside of Dark Forces/Jedi Outcast.


archville cosplay

TNO and TOB were great, TNC was fucking terrible outside of the addition of the dual nail guns

Do you honestly give a toss about the canon of fucking DOOM

as an easy cash in

I want him to die

What about Wolfstone?