Are you looking forward to playing as Zelda in BotW 2?
Are you looking forward to playing as Zelda in BotW 2?
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I don't play games made for girls.
I haven't even finished the first game and I bought it in 2017.
>Zelda with costumes
The only thing I want. I don't even care if she wears granny underwear.
I exclusively play games made for girls
>Not playing as Zelda right now.
I'm looking forward to traveling around hyrule with my wife Zelda and completely forget about what I was supposed to do as she clings to my arm.
No. But I am looking forward to playing as BotW in Zelda 2.
No, bitch is ugly.
God I hope they replace the voices, her's especially.
She'll wear a swimsuit.
No i hated the bitch in botw
You still have a few years before the sequel.
Will the sequel really have the exact same overworld map?
If it weren’t for skyward sword, botw would be the worst 3D Zelda. The dungeons suck and every side quest leads to a useless item.
>implying MegaGigaChad would smoke
Have sex incel
Only if we get some sweet ass shots
Don't we play as Zelda in all the Zelda games?
Should've been a DLC.
Game was empty and lacked things to do in this huge ass world, if they made real content as DLC instead of the shit we got I would be happy, but this? no thx.
Wouldn't even mind using the same engine like they did with OoT MM, but don't shit one empy garbage game out and then sell me the same shit a second time.
You don't even know nothing about the new game. No one does and everyone is already making strong assumptions about how the new game will be.
Zelda games tend to be very different between each other. Even between Oot and MM which was a flagrant case of asset economy, they managed to make a completely different experience that managed to divide the fanbase.
Yet after 1:30 minutes obtusely edited cutscenes with no gameplay or whatsoever you guys already know how the game will be a complete waste of time that adds practically nothing to what BotW already is. I swear there's a point where being jaded is too similar to having born literally yesterday in this industry.
There's really no reason to be this bitter until we see more of it a year from now or so.
Nice Reddit spacing darling, not gonna read you dumb ass reddit thoughts get cancer.
No, usually we play as Metroid.
this is my new favorite insult
You read the other guy's comment. You know know he's right. You're too ashamed or capable of thinking up a counter argument. Only idiots call paragraphs reddit spacing. Literate people have been using paragraphs on Yea Forums long before reddit existed. Just because (you) didn't bother doesn't mean it's not a thing here.
>Just because (you) didn't bother doesn't mean it's not a thing here.
He did which makes it even funnier
>trying this much to fit in
Nigger we know they use the same map, we know enough already fuck off now to reddit where apparently everything is better onions boy.
Quote where?
Quote is from Cave Story, not Zelda.
Based nonsequitur user
>Nigger we know they use the same map
You really don't know, they said specific about that. And even if they do use the same map, so what? Maybe it's a pokemon gold/silver thing where the map is actually twice as big. Maybe it's a speleology adventure where you occasionally go outside. Maybe it's the same topography but the forests will cover everything. There's a plethora of ways to make it work, and nintendo doesn't have a record of turning Zelda franchise into a yearly cash in franchise in 30 years yet you choose to call it a blunder after a stupid teaser that doesn't show shit and Aonuma giving either vague or obvious answers to basic questions in interviews.
BotW was a great hit and nintendo knows they need to work hard to make their next game worth it. It's not the first time they have this situation and they know how to deal with it.
Can someone explain this meme to me?
What's the problem in making it slightly more readable? Looking at reddit, I don't notice any more double spacing in walls of text than I do here.
Yea Forumsirgin
If it's as boring as the first one than no one
Hope not......
Don't give it any thought. If you're dealing with someone in here who cares about your formatting remotely resembling reddit more than what you're actually saying, it's just not worth it with him.
I think short hair Zelda is cute but I legitimately liked long hair Zelda a ton. Short hair Zelda is just a different kind of cute.
If I only get to play as short hair Zelda I'll be disappointed.
More braps and lest fraps
I don't care about playing as her. I want to play as Link with his new arm powers.
they don't want to deal with long hair in her animations
No one does, unfortunately. You can't make long haired girls in most character creator games for shit and the vast majority of actual female protagonists are short haired or at best ponytailed. Shit sucks.
>ghost arm makes link unable to use the master sword and sheikah slate
I can already play as Zelda in Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros, so it's not a big deal.
I'm way more excited for my boy Ganondorf to come back.
Get married, roastie.
>implying it's not a pretend joint so he can get in with the stoners and convince them the only worthwhile high is the number you can bench
>He doesn't play Princess Trainer
Fine, enjoy your macho games
Reminder that Zelda got her Sheikah Slate back at the end of BotW.
If she's playable, she'll use the runes while Link gets the new ghost hand.
>spend all of game 1 building up Link's armory
>LOL nope, he ditched all that shit including the Hylian shield and just went with the faggy pajamas and sword from the promotional material :^)
going straight to ganon is the canon path
then why does he have the master sword and pajamas and hylian pants and all that?
picked them up afterwards
>This shit again like pre BotW
Fuck off
Fucking based. You restored my faith on this site, user.
I'm definitely not getting BotW2, after being baited by all the critical acclaim of BotW. The game was decent, but I kept wondering when it became good. Every temple I kept saying to myself;
>these are the 'tutorial' temples, the later temples will be great!
There's like 5-10 good temples in the game, and the Divine Beasts themselves are great. Wish they were larger, but still. The rest of the game is mostly a boring collectathon slog. A few moments are good (finding the dragons for the first time, or the mazes), but these moments were way too sparse.
The problem is that Nintendo won't improve any of this, because the manbabies ate it up like pudding and kept begging for more.
I hope they used the opportunity of having the world already built to add "paralel" version, dark world gameplay of any kind, maybe time travel whatever.
And a good old linear quest with "do 4 dungeons in the order you want, then do 8 others, then do the final castle" that would unlock unbreakable version of each items.
So much more porn of Paya
It saddens me to see how many people is piggyriding the idea of playable Zelda when it adds nothing to the game. Turning Zelda into link only means losing Zelda as a character and having 2 redundant silent protagonists. It's just not worth it and all it gives in return is a protag with a vagina.
And don't tell me they would turn link into an NPC with a more defined personality instead because that's instrinsecally unfitting for his character.
What i think nintendo should do is drop voice acting all together. It didn't add any quality to storytelling in BotW and the only people who ever missed VA in Zelda games were plebs and snoys that weren't going to play the game anyways. Zelda games work best with gibberish or no talking at all.
This. Second and any subsequent runs, I use Japanese. BotW Zelda is nauseating.
>what did people like about the first game
>not the crossdressing Link, or the open world, or the adaption of modern sensibilities in our video game
>it was the bland lady everyone liked to make fun of and who had a horrible accent, of course
I only want zelda for ryona reasons
Why is a ninja allowed to have a fat ass like this?
less bloom
Is Paya even a ninja? It seems like the sheikah would train everyone in the village but Paya seems utterly useless
Reminder that 95% of BotW is filler.
faggot *dabs* lol
As long as she doesn't handle a sword I'll be fine
It's unlikely, but I'd be up for it. Make Zelda a proper mage with variety.
Her timidness makes people lower their guard and then she strikes.
Why did they deal with Links scarf when he wore the Sheikah armor then?
I don't play games for children
All games are 100% filler, user