This is Aoko's game. Why didn't you play it yet? Check out the comfy late 80's Japan atmosphere

This is Aoko's game. Why didn't you play it yet? Check out the comfy late 80's Japan atmosphere.

Attached: ao.jpg (2169x1338, 826K)

Other urls found in this thread:

FGO is better


>late 80's Japan atmosphere
I see none of that in the image you posted, OP. You may want to provide some other material but for now I remain sceptical.

Proto Aoko.

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I played it like 6 years ago, it was meh

Because Type-Moon hasn't made anything good since Tsukihime.

Kagetsu Tooya? Melty Blood?

As far as I know, the English version isn't finished being translated. Shame because I was really excited for this back when it was announced and religiously checked the usual places for translations. Just never happened.

The important parts of Melty Blood were made by French Bread.

If I want comfy 80's Japan atmosphere I'll play Love, money, rock'n'roll.

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>non-Japanese devs


is this the Yea Forumsn thread?
should I "play" Dies Irae?

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Only if you know Japanese, just as with every other VN.

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What the fuck is the relationship between this, tsukihime and garden of sinners

no dumb anime poster, avoid all chuunishit.

Aoko is the sorceress who gives Tohno Shiki the glasses that allow him to live a life free from the eyes of death. Aoko is mentioned by Toko, her sister, in Kara no Kyoukai. Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime are separate universes centered on different versions of Shiki plagued with the eyes of death. Mahou Tsukai no Yoru is a full fledged VN about Aoko that is based on the first novel Kinoko Nasu ever wrote.

>not on vita
fucking japs make up your minds

90´s Aoko and Alice

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This but unironically

Fallait être français, nous on a la traduction complète.

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I hate french so fucking much. Someone TL the french version


I did, sequel never though, so that's a bit painful.

I finished it, chapter 11 was the best but also loved all the slice of life scenes.
Alice best girl

Attached: Alice.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

Yeah and I wish they'd use the French translation as a base to finish the fucking English version.

Can you imagine how shitty that would be?

Whatever gets the job done. I already replace obviously suspect translations when watching anime or reading manga with something better in my head, anyway.

>I already replace obviously suspect translations when watching anime or reading manga with something better in my head, anyway.

Oh you EOPs.

>Learning moonrunes for the express purpose of masturbating and reading teenager chuuni shit like this or Dies Irae.
No thanks. There's a hard line I set so my weebness doesn't go too far, and learning moonrunes is on the other side of that line.

Sometimes it's hard to even feel bad for them. Sure, they have brain problems, but does that really mean they have to be so fucking stupid?

Being an EOP is the pinnacle of weeb, though. If anything, developing a skill like learning a highly marketable language out of your hobby makes you LESS of a weeb.

What ever happened to that Tsukihime remake?

It's a fun ride worth taking

Attached: download_20190521_144511.jpg (372x414, 59K)

What did you say about my mother?

zoomer scum

>highly marketable language
Kek, I will give you the point that learning another language is a skill, but if you somehow think learning japanese is "Marketable" then you're a fucking moron. English is a marketable language because everyone speaks it to some degree all over the world, who the fuck speaks japanese outside of japan? Literally no one, you'd have a more marketable language learning mandarin, but that greentext floating around shows you how shitty you'd have it dealing with asians.

Why must you remind me?

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If you're an ESL, maybe you're right. But English natives with Japanese as a second language are pretty sought after, it's a rare quality.

This was peak Takeuchi. He's lost his touch.

Why are Type-Moons so perfect?

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VN aren't videogames retard

1. I don't know Japanese
2. I don't like Nasu's writing

Are you baiting again /jp/ user?

Yeah it's pretty funny when some jagoff writes a ten dollar word when a lesser on fits the dialect of the speaker.
Love you too, babe.

Yeah, as a pet. Japanese like americans for some weird reason, it's why they've adopted americans things and just added their own sensibilities to them, like eating KFC for a holiday and baseball. The japanese in your resume is only there so they don't have to be bothered to learn english for their pet.

For everyone else it's just padding on the resume. Padding you've spent years into instead of something easier and far more useful like spanish or german.

Friendly reminder this is Nasu writing.

Attached: Nasu writing.png (609x655, 47K)

It'll be useful once I graduate and look for a job here in Japan.

Yeah, yeah, I know, working in Japan is hell, blablabla.

>here in Japan
Awwww, you're a cute little whittu piggu already!

You sound really unhappy for some reason. My guess would be you tried to learn Japanese and failed miserably.


Its better than nothing. Apparently everyone and their grandmother are N1 Chads who've read it all in moon anyway but despite the franchise making like $2 billion USD annually not a single one of them has ever bothered translating it except one shitter who did such a piss poor job that a French->English TL would be better and even that was just half done. Despite smaller and more niche franchises getting TLs for all their shit promptly and consistently.

I doubt that 90% of all the people who brag on Yea Forums about having read Mahoyo are liars. And the remaining 10% can shut the fuck up. They've had almost a decade to shit out some semblance of a translation but they refuse because they're too scared of fags on BL saying mean things about them online. So if someone wants to do the French to English translation just so it finally gets fucking done, the useless faggots who claim to know Japanese can sit and seethe.

If you're learning a resume for business and it isn't English or Chinese then you are doing it wrong.
Spanish is only important to learn if you're in the States or are going into manufacturing.

>Despite smaller and more niche franchises getting TLs for all their shit promptly and consistently.
This is what fucking kills me the most.

Trust me, once you learn Japanese, you lose all the desire to translate anything for free. Especially for entitled EOPs.

I do have that N1.

I read Fate with ENG > RUS translator. It's not bad especially with modern algorithms. You probably can read FR > ENG right now with google algorithm

If you don't want to do translations that's one thing. But then I don't want to hear shit about how all the translations from people who actually do put in the work are shit and wrong, which seems all the rage in TM threads. I take what I can get. I'll accept shitty BL translations because that's what's available. If some madman chooses to TL Mahoyo from French to English then that's what is there and I accept it. And if that makes you butthurt because you apparently know better, then you can hold your fucking tongue. Because it's been fucking years, and you could have done it. But you didn't, you chose to keep your silence because you wanted to be smug, someone else did it, and that's what the community has.

That "anything is better than nothing" is only born from your desperation. Why didn't you learn Japanese yourself? Why didn't that terrible translator from BL learn Japanese better? He atleast had enough sense to leave in shame.

I have time to kill and speak french is mahoyo worth it?

>Especially for entitled EOPs.
Tons of EOPs have been involved with fan translations, doing stuff like hacking, editing, and bug fixing. You can't call them that entitled when plenty are willing to put in whatever work they can get done to release a translation.

You're forgetting that the reason why people translate those niche little things faster and with more consistency is that those authors are just writing for the average consumer, they write like people talk because there's no time nor desire to make the reader think. They're not trying to be complicated and flowery like Nasu, who is fond of obtuseness and punnery as well (This is Japanese punnery mind you, which can be quadruple levels of depth)

So translating those niche things is easy, while trying to translate a dosgshit subhuman like Nasu requires more work. It's why you see Fuwanovel translation that are quite literally just cleaned-up google translate dialogue and they're passable, not good by any stretch of the imagination, but you can read them, whereas with Nasu you have to wonder what the fuck was he thinking? is he trying to do something here? then you have to research that and next thing you know you say fuck it and give up because it's too much of a hassle to get it right. it's the same reason why no one has translated White Album.

But yeah, fuck Mcjon01 for being a lazy cunt who'd prefer to swallow FGO garbage instead of actually doing what he set out to do and translate that shit.

I have better things to do with my time than learning an irrelevant language specifically for porn. And you need to come up with better insults than "dude entitled lmao" or "dude desperate lmao."
>why didn't that translator from BL learn Japanese better
That is not my problem. Go and start one of your retarded translator eceleb wars if you feel that strongly about it, or if you think you can do better. Because he's the one actually doing translations, and you are not. So I really couldn't give less of a fuck about how good you think you are, how shit you think he is, what you think of me, or what you think is the "proper" way to read TM works. You are irrelevant to me. Your supposed expertise is irrelevant to me. Your opinions are irrelevant to me.

Stop pretending to be an armchair psychologist faggot. You came here to gloat, not to motivate people to learn japanese.

Wow, you're feeling really strongly about this.


Sheesh. You might as well let Nasu cum in your mouth if you're gonna suck his dick that hard.

I don't normally feel that strongly about it but when faggots come out of the woodwork to gloat whenever someone brings up the possibility of translating Mahoyo from French, I get annoyed. The cunts from /jp/ need to be put in their place.

It would be fun to see someone in the VNTS thread rip such dual translation to shreds.

It's true, though, Nasu is infamously hard to translate because of his specific writing style.

>/vn/ call out bad translations
>/jp/ call out bad translations
>translators call out /jp/ and /vn/
>/vn/ call out itself
>/jp/ shitting at each others daily
Language knowledge and translations are serious business. Not possible to satisfy anyone.

Nah, you're just a cunt.

Have you considered following the DJT guide? It's a good starting point.

Have you considered that I am not interested?

Yet you clamor for others to do things for you.


Yes but only if you likes Shakespeare and Homer

Oh, but I did read it for Alice and it was great

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translate it and i'll play it. Otherwise.. I'm gonna ignore it.

It is kino and has best girl, that is all you need.

It is a far better Tsuki.

No and no.

That is her base reference design, actual proto Aoko is Tsuki/Melty is tbc atm.

Keep Fate out of this, it is beyond recovery.

user, do you have full sprite rips from both this game and Hollow? Asking for a friend who can't find the tools anymore.


crass gui?

I'm going to say it.
Contrarians or pushover betas?
Your choice.

You're a saint.

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Great taste. She should be canon gf for Soujuurou instead of Aoko

I do, but you can easily rip the assets with KrkrExtract. Just make sure to tick System(PNG) to have transparency.

Soujuurou is for Alice though.
Aoko does not want any of it and is for nobody.


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>Touko and Aoko are the best TM characters
>they're always relegated to references rather than main characters because they're not mainline Fate
I'm honestly surprised they haven't given us a Touko/Aoko servant combo in FGO yet, I wonder if they're just holding back in case they need to make more money.

Because I don't know japanese

But one day...

We don't even have SF servants. So not so fast. They always playing save. Touko/Aoko will works as promotion for VN. PS4/PS5 release or something

It crashes when I use System(PNG) but not when I choose regular PNG, which means it won't give transparency. Any ideas?

>wanting good things butchered by being in GO
Hell no, this is a very bad idea.

Not a chance.

I know.

You do, because it is a stupid idea.

This. I almost learned japanese but then I realized I would have to lie to people about why I learned it

"yes I learned a language just to play porn games"

yea no. who cares tbqh

Another failed tard.

I agree, I don't want them in FGO. I'm just surprised they aren't when they always do internal crossovers yet haven't touched anything like Tsukihime or Mahoyo and the best Notes reference we got was Foreigner Saber.

That's fucking dumb

How am I a tard? Sounds like you're just mad as fuck

Weird. You can say "I learned japanese for lit/games/comics." Or just for sake of learning. Mastery concept.

got bored of it halfway through. super slow and shitty writing. great cast however

You were incapable of learning Japanese and rationalized it with a Redditor tier excuse.

I'm thankful since it means there is still some hope.

2nd half is where absolutely everything happens.
This is a Nasu VN, that is how they work.

Actually I already know kana so you're wrong. I'm gonna have to live with that fact and if someone asks me why I'm gonna have to make shit up

That'd be a lie.

>That'd be a lie.
Unless you consume nothing but VN and anime

Cute. Not to be mean, but kana is like the step one 1 out of 1000000. I guess it's useful for reading menus in older games though.

I mean technically they are half-referencing Melty Blood with Sion being in FGO but given that's not specifically Melty's Sion, I think I can handle that a little better.

Give me it in english and then I'll read it, im incapable of studying other languages because i have zero Idea on how and where, i only know jap speak of the most basic words from watching anime or video games

Great. Am I supposed to be impressed? Sorry about not being. At all

Contrarian to what? Alice is just an angel. How can one not like her?
If anything Alice is the one being pushed over by Soujuurou's autism later on in the game.
But having them in FGO is the best option we have to make TM announce anything related to Mahoyo at this point.
Or you can just not tell anyone and enjoy your eroge, you know?
You can try regular, but I'm pretty sure I had to use System to make transparency work. I did it on the latest Windows 10, maybe it doesn't work well on older versions.

Isn't everything barely matters since "Nasu" main part of game will be over with Lostbelts?

But you're the one saying you know kana.

And you're the one saying 'i failed to learned japanese' when in fact I know part of it and then purposefully stopped. Get wrecked

Cause I prefer her sister.

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>But having them in FGO is the best option we have to make TM announce anything related to Mahoyo at this point.
I've argued this point many times.
It is a mistake, the problem TM has is that GO is the only thing they are doing, if they actually were doing the other things they promised, then it would be somewhat acceptable.
As it is now you are actually cannibalising these franchises to the mobage grinder.

Congratulations. You still don't know Japanese and are salty about it.

Btw does this kind of excuse work? At an interview, are employers happy when you drop out of college yourself?


GO has very long VN part. It is technically VN with shitty gacha.

I like Aoko.

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Yea Forums is unironically the best board due to posts like this.

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It is half assed in everything it does because the medium is restrictive and vain by design.

Is she a virgin or did Shiki bang her?

Don't know japanese
Find it incredibly unfair that a girl with tiddies like that is in a game with no H scenes.

It's in spanish or english? If not, fuck it.

Lol wat. I already have a job, Imagine thinking knowing japanese is gonna land you a job. Lol. Maybe a one-time gig translating a book. Or abroad as a teacher

If anyone's salty it's yourself my man

Don't know. Look at Rance X. Gacha (fake) with VN can work together. Gamepaly part of GO is bad, but I find VN part enjoyble. It is clearly not Fate/Tsuki/Mahoyo mystery but pure grand scale fantasy

Ur salty

Fuck off fatetrannies
literally every guy who posts about fate on twitter has pronouns in their twitter account like a faggot tranny
Post Dies irae

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I dunno how it's in America, probably fucked, but both in my country and here in Japan the prospects aren't bad.

Aoko basically friendzones Soujuurou in the last chapter.

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I miss soulful Takeuchi, anything past 2012 is soulless

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I have to laugh at the tragedy of EOP Light fans. That fagboy Steiner was envisioning a grand future, but then Light died.

KKK will NEVER get translated

EOPs deserve it
True Light fans learn nip to experience the life changing masterpiece KKK is

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Aoko is pure and is a lone spirit.

>trading trash for dead trash

Shiki becomes immortal after Melty Blood because of Arcueid right?

But Light is DEAD

There are no non-virgin girls in TYPE-MOON, they all get the dick eventually

2009 Arc is the best

Attached: arc and shiki.jpg (330x492, 28K)

Yes, people who know Japanese can enjoy their games in peace, knowing they're safe from you.

Is there any way to play this in english and then translate from French? I read something about DeepL but I don't know how that works.

Every thing in Shinza Banshou is resolved after the ending of KKK and Rea's ending in DI
It ended on a high unlike Fate and its sordid state

If by a high you mean it all crashed and burned and is now dead

But you still breathe same air with ESL/EOP.

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Remider that after finishing Kusarihime, its writer, Hoshizora Meteo, wanted to create a fanbook. In doing so, some other writers were dragged into the project. They were Urobuchi Gen, Tanaka Romeo, and Kinoko Nasu.

All three writers were inspired by Kusarihime. Taking the concept of two people whose love can only be confirmed through each other and insanity, Urobuchi went and made Saya no Uta.

Taking the concept of time loops, insanity, twisted personal relationships, and not giving the readers definitive answers, Tanaka Romeo went and made Cross Channel.

Taking the concept of love, family bonds, and insanity, Kinoko Nasu went and made the Heaven’s Feel route in Fate/stay night. Nasu himself later commented about Meteo being a huge help when writing Heaven's Feel.

There are many parallels between Kusarihime and Higurashi too, such as the time loops and how the seemingly traditional mythological power turns out to be related to science fiction instead. And Ryuukishi's next work, Umineko, is very clearly inspired by Meteo's Forest.

For reference:
>Kusarihime release
8. Feb 2002

>Higurashi first release (Onikakushi)
10. Aug 2002

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Yeah, "if". I'm just being realistic about not having a chance of having anything classic TM while FGO is here.

I wish Nasu did more Mystery stuff with magi, rather than milk Fate universe with its OP deus ex machina servants.

Wrong and not canon.

Hey, slowbeef put a LOT of work into making that game in english. More than most paid translators would.

Doesn't matter
Story ended on a high note
/our/ god found peace

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It's better that Pantheon never came out and shat up the series with random bullshit.

>I'm just being realistic about not having a chance of having anything classic TM while FGO is here.
And if the only alternative is to throw the rest into the GO pile then I'd rather nothing.

I meant the franchise

>Dies Irae is great you fags
>Gets translated
>Turns out it's not so great
>Haha, you fags, the actual masterpiece is KKK!

Fuck off, kamigefags, after KKK is fan translated in 2025 you fags will just move to Muramasa or whatever untranslated VNs are left and say that "But wait, this one is the actual good one!". I'm not fucking learning moonspeak because of your bullshit.

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What if Masada will write new VN called Pantheon? As sequel for Switch version of DI? Not translated in English = kamige after all.

Muramasa is eternal kamige. Thanks you based JAST

There are no good VNs. If you needed pictures to tell your story then it shows you're not a good enough writer for the words to stand on their own.

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saber sure looks weird

Who the fuck said DI isn't great?
Its literally the kamige of all kamiges

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Why do people say this? Arc has never looked like Saber, even in the new designs. Yeah she kinda has the same facial structure but that's because Takeuchi can only draw one face shape for normal human-looking characters.

I don't want that. He should write a new series. Senshinkan was good.

I read VN is docs

>non-Fate Type-Moon

Attached: seibaface.jpg (615x436, 33K)

Bey is based as fuck but he can't uplift the entire story on his own. I will never forget them hyping up the fuck out of the final battle to the point of having the entire cast show up for it only to cut before it even really started.

Attached: Dies Irae in a nutshell.jpg (1920x2157, 436K)

Do you have a problem with quality content?

>actually recommending Dies Irae
I'm not 16 anymore, chuunishit is unironically cringe once you stop being a teenager. Fate is that too but it never goes all-in like DI does.

FGO collabs are just free advertising.
But I do hope FGO dies before Mahoyo 2 happens because it'd be unexpected and I would't be able to pull Alice if she's not a wellfare servant

In Marie's route?
The last battle was about three hours what are you talking about?
They set it up so both Ren and Rein would only make one last attack which they did.
And the last battle in Rea's route was epic

Eh I've read better

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how do we save Toko?
How did do we give back her limbs?

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If I remember right, translation is in limbo and no one wants to pick it up because it's too difficult to translate.


>Baldr is not kamige
Now what

It is more than free advertising.
People become misled, the actual source becomes misrepresented and the GO event becomes the majority thing to people.
That is bad.

Attached: ballr sky 2.png (816x638, 534K)

You have autism.

Fate is their worst series.

>not shiiiiiieeeeeeeeeet
So close to getting it right

people didnt dress like that in the 80s

Not big news

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Stop shit talking Fate bros!
I can't take it!

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Most of those are effectively the same game. You know, Uchikoshi "The Same Twist Every Time" Koutarou worked on them.

90% of FGO zoomers haven't even read the VN

R11 twist was unexpected for me despite N7 and E17

he didn't work on I/O, Root Double and his presence in R11 was rather limited. Only Zero trilogy and E17 are his works.

I have finished it in French, and it made me sadder than ever about the current disgusting state of Type-Moon.
Easily one of Nasu's best works, 9/10 VN and we need the sequels badly.

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that's generous
I'd put it at 99.99%

the failure of this VN pretty much lead to Nasu milking Fate and the shitty state of Type Moon as it is today

Well there was also the fact that Fate fucking exploded in popularity way more than ever before thanks to the Zero anime.

>it flopped
Are we really doing this again?

It didn't fail at all, nor did they expect it to be a massive hit. You have no source for thi supposed "failure" in the first place.
Stop spreading this dumb myth around as if it somehow excuses Nasu's laziness and TM's greediness. Those were the causes for FGO becoming a thing, nothing else.

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its not flopped but it didn't make Nasu a billionaire like FGO and Fate anime did

>that pic
Bit pretentious aint it?

Attached: 7e2889e92766dbd61ad2d8c7499b7158--karl-pilkington-my-hero.jpg (236x158, 5K)

It's not an excuse
but it wasn't a hit, it wasn't even a sleeper hit, it wasn't even a "this is more of what we want" for tm fans
it was a creative dead end

That does not constitute a failure.
Of course they will go where the money is, that they have done before, during and after Mahoyo was made.
They are lazy now since the workloading hasn't really changed, but now they need to keep to a deadline instead of delaying everything.

FUCK, I meant innit

Nasu didn't need it to be a hit nor intended it to be a hit.
And it is far from a creative dead end, that is instead the very thing they are currently doing, beating a dead horse.

>it wasn't even a sleeper hit,
Top seller of year. Not HA tier sales but still. Numbers in /jp/ archive

>Nasu didn't need it to be a hit nor intended it to be a hit.
Did I say that?
He was obviously set for life after making Fate Stay Night
the point is, nobody cared about it, so he went back to Fate and beat its corpse into oblivion

More like he went back to playing Dark Souls while letting others write 90% of Fate from now on. Because if we're being truthful, that's what he's doing.

Nah, if you've read it it's pretty obvious that they were going for something very different, while still feeling like an old school Type-Moon work.
And the style of directing and the way they use CGs and sprites is something never seen before in VNs as far as I know, they really were trying to elevate the genre.

>it wasn't even a sleeper hit
What the fuck am I reading? It sold a lot more than your average VN. It sold almost as much as F/SN's initial release, which is impressive for an obscure work.

>it was a creative dead end
It was literally the forward for TM. A brand new story (for most fans) that expanded the universe in meaningful ways while still keeping the atmosphere and writing style that made his old works specials.
How is it not a thousand times better, creatively, than regurgitated Fateshit delivered in a soulless format?

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Just because less people care does not mean people do not care.
It was overpriced and it was in development hell for some time, but there are a good number of people who still care.
Koyama, as much as I deride some things he is attached to, still cares and wants to do some more art direction.

Hey /jp/ what's the deal with all those VN companies going bankrupt?

yeah so what? why are you being so whiny and defensive? the point was it didn't lead anywhere for TM

>And the style of directing and the way they use CGs and sprites is something never seen before in VNs as far as I know, they really were trying to elevate the genre.
My point is you as the creator don't get to decide that, it's pretentious to think that you alone can elevate a genre, you're not fucking Kubrick and you haven't earned his stripes. It's something that's decided upon by the audience after years of study.

VNs are dying. Nips are all about mobages now.

But Mahoyo is actually a higher level in terms of visuals.
I know the VN is not so popular to have a lot of high quality fan art, but 90% of what I've seen looks worse than in-game assets, honestly.

That isn't Mahoyo's fault, it was always a passion project made in tandem with the Fate gravy train.

>But Mahoyo is actually a higher level in terms of visuals.
Ok but what about the quality of the writing? I'm not saying be Cervantes here but at least move up to John Grisham level. People who read lots of VNs tend to have low standards for writing quality.

Mate, the VN genre doesn't have or need a Kubrick, there are no geniuses working on it.
Nasu has had more commercial success and recognition than anyone in that medium besides Urobuchi, it's totally fair that if anyone has the means to push out creative works, more focused on their artistic value than making bank, it's him.
Sadly he seems to have fucking given up on that after Mahoyo, but that was certainly his goal at the time.


Those EOPs are the vast, vast minority. And most of them have a really over-inflated ego because they do basic bitch work like cleaning or typesetting.

>>I have better things to do with my time
You're on Yea Forums. You really don't.

>it's pretentious to think that you alone can elevate a genre
Why? It is ambitious. Read about all famous artists and creators. Without ambitious you can create great work. Pretentious is truly buzzword at this point.

>the point was it didn't lead anywhere for TM
How so? Lots of people care about it even today and constantly ask about the sequels. It was a great way forward both creatively and for the fans, especially if they worked on it alongside Tsukihime Remake.

you can't judge the writing quality unless you're actually fluent in japanese
japanese texts translate horribly to english

The prose is easily Nasu's most refined.
The rest is more subjective.

>Lots of people
weasel word
the significant majority didn't give a shit which is why he went back to fate

>fluent in japanese
But you can read without speaking and writing. Different skills.

Fuck you

Reminder that Shiki fucks her christmas cake ass on the regular when she sneaks into the mansion at night which pisses Akiha off.
Yes, it's kamige.

Light and Minori?

Light burned themselves trying to make a mobage.
As for Minori, the explanation they makes it sound like they stopped while they're somewhat ahead, knowing things might get even worse.

you can read the literal text and discern it's meaning, but you can't judge the quality of the prose unless you're fluent in the language

>Ok but what about the quality of the writing?
Personally it was better than any other Nasu work when it comes to writing.
Hard to compare to other novels since I don't know Japanese, but again, you don't need to compare it to stuff outside the medium.
Also, just because he said it was elevating the medium doesn't mean it's being elevated in every single aspect. Being creative with their use of sprites and CGs is still elevating the medium in its own way.

So fucking what? "The significant majority" is secondaries hungry for more trash. Your argument here is the classic MORE SALES = BETTER. Go fuck off to /vg/ if that's what you honestly believe.
And keep in mind that Nasu could easily work on more interesting shit while still letting other people milk Fate with cancer like FGO, if he wasn't so lazy and greedy.

>Reminder that Shiki fucks her christmas cake ass on the regular when she sneaks into the mansion at night which pisses Akiha off.
where is this stated?


>Mate, the VN genre doesn't have or need a Kubrick, there are no geniuses working on it.
I'd say every genre needs at least one genius if it wants to be elevated beyond what is seen as a genre for plebians.

Don't kid yourself, there's a reason if a VN was made into just text, most normal people would not read it and think it's of particularly high quality.
>japanese texts translate horribly to english
Haruki Murakami. I'm not the biggest fan of his work but it's pretty painstaking how much effort is put into translating his stuff properly.

But you can. Active vs passive vocabulary.

He never went back to Fate.
He never stopped, his next job was the reworked Fate/RPG project which ended up being a monolithic success so he had to keep going with it.
That leaves everything else in the dust.

>Why? It is ambitious.
Because you aren't the one who decides that. The artist is not the one who gets to decide if his work is good. If it was, The Room would actually be the masterpiece of drama that it was intended to be by its bizarre creator.

In his head.

>I'd say every genre needs at least one genius if it wants to be elevated beyond what is seen as a genre for plebians.
In that case, feel free to consider the genius here to be Tsukuri Monoji, the director behind Mahoyo's crazy visuals.
Arguably also Koyama for his impeccable artwork throughout the whole thing.

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>Because you aren't the one who decides that.
Irony. This is what people told to David Bowie when he just started his carrier. And he didn't listen them.

Tohno gland

a bit, but what qualifies as good writing is a very cultural thing not limited to the literal meanings of words

She is immune.

Big sis or Little sis?

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It's still barely above videogame-tier writing, which is important when you're basically making a picture book. Again, I'm not asking for Shakespeare here, but goddamn people at least demand something on the level Stephen King would shit out for a paycheck. Because even that has better writing quality than VNs.

Those aren't sisters.
I only see a trash pile and a great girl.

I mean, for example, you don't need to be fluent in speaking English just to see difference between good writing is bad writing. Sorry for shitty memepic, but i can see difference between Fitzgerald and GRRM despite being orc.

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>objectively wrong
Yeah, go back to /vg/.

>It's still barely above videogame-tier writing
I'm not fanboy but the standard of writing for VNs is singificantly higher than video games and Type Moon's are above average

Touko: does not have true magic
Aoko: has true magic
I think its pretty clear, personally

If you haven't actually read Mahoyo there is literally no point to arguing about this because you'll always claim it's not good enough based on your past experience with VNs.
Fuck off and go learn french or japanese.

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This passage is literally a meme. Retards read it and this HAHA GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSS SHE'S SHITTING EVERYWHERE GRRM IS A HACK, when it elicits the exact response he wanted, the fact that dying of dysentery is an extremely undignified and messy way to go.

You know that's a troll image right
and someone who isn't fluent in english wouldn't be able to read the first one

If the writing could stand on its own it wouldn't need pictures. This is something you can't get around.

>If the writing could stand on its own it wouldn't need pictures
that's not how it works dumbass
the pictures aren't there to "make up" for bad writing
a visual novel is a combination of writing and pictures

>bwaaaah I don't like VNs in the first place
>I'm gonna go argue against better visuals improving the medium as if writing is all that matters to a good VN
It's an audio-visual medium motherfucker. If you don't like it, literally just go read a book.

VN's are written with the context of pictures and whatnot also being things to consume.
Of course it will seem off when you strip the text out of the medium, you would need to rewrite quite a lot of stuff.
This is a really pretentious, Yea Forums line of argument.

Of course it was made by one of cancerous shitpsoter from the past.
>fluent in english
B-but anons call me ELS because of my shit grammar, poor word usage and sentence structure.

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>not understanding how different mediums work

>the pictures aren't there to "make up" for bad writing
They literally are because they would never sell as books.

>If you don't like it, literally just go read a book.
I do, because they're objectively better.

you being a bad writer doesn't mean you aren't fluent. and the fitzgerald piece isn't an example of good writing. It might not be bad writing, but lots of words does not equal good writing. And again, it's a fucking troll image made by Quentin

You EOPs sure are autistic.

>They literally are because they would never sell as books.
and movies are movies because the scriptwriters weren't good enough to cut it as authors right?

Yes user, and a movie's dialogue cut out without any visuals would certainly make for a great book, right?
Oh, I guess that means there are no great movies. Fuck me, how do different entertainment mediums even work.

I refuse to believe you're this stupid.

>They literally are because they would never sell as books
Good thing that they aren't books

Yeah, this is nothing more than shitposting at this point.
You are just bumping a thread of something you clearly have no care of on a board about video games, not novels.

What does Blue do?

Was Aozaki's grandpa a spirit or something?

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Not him but there's a reason most of the people who consume VNs are otaku. It's not simply because the writers tend to be otaku themselves (though that certainly helps), but it's mainly because otaku have a tendency to accept shit that normal people won't as long as it has things they like. I mean let's face it, would Fate ever really have become as big if Saber/Rin/Sakura weren't cute? I'm not saying make them ugly, I'm just saying the reader's horniness allows them to bypass logic. That's not to say books can't have their same problem, romance novels exist after all, but that's almost universally seen as lowbrow trash that the rest of society looks down upon.
YES, unironically yes for a lot of scriptwriters out there. Just like how most videogame writers are failed scriptwriters like Kojima. They go to the lower quality medium that would accept their work because their plots would never get accepted for a tv show and not be thought of as trash.

Quite a few things, but is isn't fully explained.
That is what the trilogy is for...

But Fate is shit.

We don't know for sure, Touko is bewildered at its implications and even Aoko doesn't seem to fully understand it.
What it allows her to do in Mahoyo is 2 distinct things:
1.Rewind the state of the world back in time 5 minutes, then throwing those 5 minutes into the far future (which has an effect on entropy).
2.Temporarily take 10 years of Soujuurou's time and use them to become her 27-year old self, with all her abilities and growth from a decade later.

I'm sure Aozaki grandpa knows the true nature of it, but it would be explained in later parts of the trilogy. Nasu said there are a lot of big hints in this first part for stuff that would come later on.

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Fate isn't appealing because of the girls
None of the Fate girls were particularly appealing, the draw of Fate wasn't "cute girls" until the mobile game shit rolled in, the appeal was the story itself
and saying they're only appealing to otaku so it must be trash it retarded. Everything has a target audience. Are video games trash because they appeal to men? FSN is for teenage boys. There's alot of pandering otaku garbage out there, but to say that the original FSN visual novel falls into the category is just ignorant

I could've said Tsukihime instead and I'm pretty sure it would've still applied.

Aoko's laser beams are just her own brute force magecraft, they're completely unrelated to Blue.

Nice tits.

She is perfectly good at using lasers normally.
Aoko also takes a quarter of the galaxy's energy to fuel it.

Pretty much.

I kind of agree with you but saying none of the Fate girls were appealing is a straight up lie, nigger.

>consume heat energy to chop up the timeline
>consume memories to fuck with her own timeline, and vice versa
>domain is "consumption and extinction"
>Goetia burning human history to time travel is considered "reverse foreshadowing" of what it's capable of
it's the power to consume/steal things and use them to power yourself up, or vice versa? and it looks like it extends to stealing abstract concepts/facets of something's existence, and that there's no functional limit to how much she can steal at once.

I said particularly appealing. They are appealing, but that's not why people liked Fate, or why it was successful, it was successful because of the story

lasers are highly overrated

Sometimes it is best not to know the power you wield.

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Melty blood, act cadenza if I remember correctly. Akiha has some win quotes about it.

Seething waifufag

>Fate isn't appealing because of the girls
It sure as shit helps
>None of the Fate girls were particularly appealing, the draw of Fate wasn't "cute girls" until the mobile game shit rolled in, the appeal was the story itself
Bullshit, we had waifu wars from day 1.
>and saying they're only appealing to otaku so it must be trash it retarded.
I mean it makes sense if you look down on otaku.
>Everything has a target audience.
Yeah and sometimes that target audience is shit.
>Are video games trash because they appeal to men?
"Men" is a rather broad category, that's why so many different kinds of videogames exist. But yes most videogames are trash, Sturgeon's Law and all.
>There's alot of pandering otaku garbage out there, but to say that the original FSN visual novel falls into the category is just ignorant
Not really, there's plenty of VNs that I think make the original FSN look like shit. Hell I can even think of ones that are also just made for otaku pandering and are still much better than Fate, like Demonbane.

They are really meh compared to other TM stuff.
Though the majority seem to not care.

God I fucking hate FGO but yeah, that was certainly a hint.
Touko considers how similar it seems to Kaleidoscope at first, but it's not as simple as time travel.

Also reminder that thematically, Nasu considers Aoko to represnt modern "consumption civilization". I think it's very possible that her Origin itself is consumption, which is why her grandfather considered her a better fit for Blue than Touko based on her "personality".

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That only means the laser isn't powerful enough.

Your personal opinion on what's good and what's shit is irrelevant outside of your own head, when discussing the quality of things you need to consider how it's percieved by groups of people
fate is popular - why? because the girls are so hot? no, not really, it was because of the story, as painful as that is to admit for eltists who dismiss VNs on princple

Yeah, show a screencap or stop lying on the internet.

what's the worst thing that could possibly happen if Touko got Blue?

>None of the Fate girls were particularly appealing
Tsundere Bitch vs Wormslut is an ongoing battle to this day. I'm not saying it'll ever reach the levels of Rei vs Asuka because I'm pretty sure the heat death of the universe will happen before that one is settled, but that shit has been around since the VN first came out.

Touko is probably too responsible to ever use it while endangering the universe, honestly. She wouldn't use it even to save a friend's life, like Aoko did, because she's not as emotionally driven for the most part. That's probably another reason grandpa didn't give it to her.

Eh, if a newer work or supplementary material does not mention concepts that previously existed then they can basically be disregarded, this includes Origin's.
I think reading Mahoyo explains that pretty thoroughly.

You can cut out the passive-aggressive coping.

>fate is popular - why? because the girls are so hot? no, not really, it was because of the story
I would argue that most people care about Fate because they're powerlevelfags, I mean that was the primary reason discussion of it got kicked off of Yea Forums for years until Zero's anime came out.

>Losbelt4 was released today
Time for youtube

That's factually wrong.
The old underwhelming FSN deen anime sold over 30k DVD/Bds in it's time just because of Saber.

that loosely qualifies as "story", but I don't think that's right either, discussion threads just attract power level faggotry

That's dumb, you never see big concepts being outright retconned in TM like that. Mahoyo was written before KnK, which introduced the idea of origins as far as we know. I think it's not unreasonable to assume that Nasu had that stuff in mind when he first wrote Mahoyo.

What the hell are you talking about? Did you reply to the wrong post?

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>the story
It's Highlander with power levels thrown in. That may be oversimplifying it but let's face it, Fate doesn't say anything particularly deep.

>DI fags getting uppity again
oh no no no no no

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>Fate doesn't say anything particularly deep.
I disagree, but that's irrelevant, people like it, you being reductive with the plot to make it sound bad doesn't mean anything

>What the hell are you talking about? Did you reply to the wrong post?
You seem to be heavily implying that Touko being too responsible would for some reason stop the head from giving it to her, you know a power which could destroy the universe.
How this would be a negative is hard to say.

>but I don't think that's right either
That was LITERALLY the reason it was kicked off of Yea Forums. Arc vs Gilgamesh dicussion was so fucking rampant back in the day that Nasu himself had to answer the question to settle it.

Attached: I don't have enough coffee for this bullshit.jpg (581x320, 21K)

what year was it kicked off Yea Forums?
and you're an idiot to look at discussion threads on Yea Forums as an accurate indicator of what people in general think about something
if you did then every video game would be able trannies and twitter posts

user, did you actually read Mahoyo? Aozaki grandpa is a weird motherfucker, full-on crazy magus kind of guy. He probably has some hidden keikaku prepared for Aoko, based on his conversation with Soujuurou at the end. He gave his most precious finding, the result of all his work to Aoko rather than Touko for a great reason, he wouldn't want it to just go unused.
And yes, Touko does outright state that such a dangerous thing should never be used and that she hates Aoko even more for using it selfishly.

Stop giving (You) to him

Yes, the point you made is because he is batshit insane like most magi.
But the decision, among many things is speculation.

>I disagree
What does it say that's deep? What makes a person a hero? The fact that all 3 routes have a different, valid answer shows that a "hero" is whatever you want it to be. So congrats, you took 3 routes of a story to figure out something Greek mythology did in 500 bc.
>but that's irrelevant, people like it
People liked Twilight, that doesn't really say anything about it

>what year was it kicked off Yea Forums?
I want to say late 2007-ish, it came back with Zero's anime because at that point it was obvious you can't contain it to /jp/ anymore.

That's because magi are like wizards, they have no sense of right and wrong and don't care about the consequences of using their powers because they'll too hyped up on what it gives them.

I mean, obviously? All I was doing was speculation based on what we were provided in the first part. How is that "passive aggressive coping" in any way? How did you even get there?
Is this some dumb waifu wars bullshit? Cause I love both Aozaki sisters as characters.

>I want to say late 2007-ish
Who are you bullshtting? Fate was not even translated in 2007.

Pretty much, yes.

The anime came out in 2006 user.

what kind of magus research would give rise to a true magic who's domain is "consumption and extinction?" trying to do atomic annihilation to reach the Root? going full FMA mode and trying to do equivalent exchange to make a human?

Is this just a more weeb version of the Super Saiyan.... for witches?

which magus clan has the most objectively evil path to the root?

>What does it say that's deep?
Qualify "deep"
You can't really, it's meaninglessly subjective. I can say that's deep and you can say that's not deep. It's definitely not highlander with power levels as you said, the holy grail war is only surface, and not what the VN is about. Saying some message in this work was in another work is an absolutely stupid thing to say, this isn't science, stories aren't about "figuring things out", it's not like Greek mythology invented a story about heroes so nobody else should even try
I've been on Yea Forums since 2008 and Fate threads were never banned even in their most cancerous form

No, it's just Aoko at 27 years old.
We don't know what made her hair go red in those 10 years.

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And? You talking about powerlevel threads. There were never kicked from Yea Forums. DEEN time threads were not even close to modern or post UBW threads
If you enjoyed this intro, yes.

Okay then.
>Touko is probably too responsible to ever use it while endangering the universe, honestly.
Why is this a negative choice to make and how is this a negative view of Touko?
>She wouldn't use it even to save a friend's life, like Aoko did, because she's not as emotionally driven for the most part.
This is right and wrong, Touko is very vindictive and rather jealous, but is also rather rational all the same.
>That's probably another reason grandpa didn't give it to her.
And this is an interpretation of a character with little explanation.
This felt like a sarcastic jab at Aoko to me, sorry if this was a complete misstep.

Nasu more or less said that the colour change was a fanservice reference more than something actually constructive.
I feel the whole hair colour changing stuff from overuse of magecraft/magic will be retconned.

Why didn't you play Deep One yet?

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>Why is this a negative choice to make
From grandpa's perspective? Because he wants the person most fit for Blue to inherit it, and Aoko is that person according to him.

>how is this a negative view of Touko?
It's not? Arguably makes her a better person than Aoko, depending on wether you value your friends or the collective good more.

>This felt like a sarcastic jab at Aoko to me, sorry if this was a complete misstep.
Yes it was, sounds like you're overly jumpy to any possible "jabs" at your waifu. I actually prefer Aoko to Touko, in any case.

Didn't this one get bad reviews?

i remembered i don't like battle scenes while reading the intro, the lore dumps and dictionary were nice though. also the fact after all the time spent in limbo its fucking unfinished.

>Qualify "deep"
Generally that it touches on higher-level concepts. When a symbolic expression in a language is described as being ‘deep,’ this is usually interpreted to mean it has profound meaning. Its surface structure may be surprisingly simple but the underlying deep structural conceptual meaning is rich with sense and and reference, connotation and denotation, intension and extension. Here’s a not-very-deep expression (fairly plain meaning, explicitly stated, easily and clearly understood with little or no confusion or uncertainty): ‘Today is Saturday so I may be in church tomorrow.’ By contrast, here’s a very deep expression (seems simple on the surface, but its meaning is highly complex, not easily discerned without extensive clarification, and could lead to genuine confusion, uncertainty, or dispute): “The meaning of life is the fullness of being and presence in reality.” A full explanation of the meaning of that second example opens a philosophical cornucopia of issues in ontology, metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, ethics, and much more. Comparing it to the first example is like comparing the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific (the deepest part of the world’s oceans) to a kiddie pool at the local aquatic center.

>the holy grail war is only surface, and not what the VN is about.
Yes but it is what most of the audience cares about. It's why so many people complain that we never have a regular grail war. There is literally a line in the Apocrypha anime (not that the anime is good but the line still makes a point) that makes fun of the fact that most of the fanbase never gets what they want. The line of basically, "I just wanted to see a bunch of mythological characters fight each other and I have to deal with this BULLSHIT"

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Yeah. They released only a half of the game without any prior indication it'll be like that.

Is is finally translated? Last time I checked, there was only one in French.

>how is this a negative view of Touko?
I should've said "how could this be a negative view"
Because it can't which is why I jumped to conclusions.
Some stuff is happening on /tmg/ again and so I'm on the defensive, sorry about that misconstruction.
Sure these 'wars' only started because of my overzealous defending, but I'm not going to start regretting it now.
Also Mahoyo Aoko as we know is rather different to her matured self, that we need to wait on Nasu's greedy ass to finish.

I'm EOP but not gonna read it after learning japanese either.
Everything about this VN is already big red flag for me. Look at this MC. Is this parody?

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Of course not.

>after learning japanese either

Careful so you don't end up like that big salt mine above who willfully quit after kana.

>Generally that it touches on higher-level concepts
Yeah well, definite higher level and profound. What is profound to some is mundane to others
Fate touches on subjects concerning the meaning of life and morality and esotericism, you can consider them 'deep' subjects by your definition, but I suspect you'll just dismiss that on subjective terms because you don't like it. And saying most of the audience only cares about the grail war in no way detracts from it's depth, the audience is not the work

I don't know why that shitposter bothers you so much user, it's just a dumb fetish thing that they like.
Look at Cielfags, they have to deal with most art of her being scat futa dicknipples diaper shitfests.
Compared to that, Aokofags have it pretty easy, you don't need to get personally offended at someone saying weird stuff about your waifu.

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>Yeah well, definite higher level and profound.
Anything Schopenhauer ever said ever.

based and pessimistpilled

Why is it that Mahoyo doesn't have any h-scenes of Soujuurou fucking Aoko and Alice at the same time?

>Fate touches on subjects concerning the meaning of life and morality and esotericism, you can consider them 'deep' subjects by your definition
No I dismiss them because Nasu halfasses it. He almost reaches something profound multiple times but then goes "nahhh" either conciously or unconciously in favor of more chuunishit as his answer.
>but I suspect you'll just dismiss that on subjective terms because you don't like it.
And I suspect you defend them only because you like it

that's not a definition, that's an example
unless you think the things he said are the only things that can be considered deep

of Soujuurou watching as Aoko and Alice fuck each other*

I'll only defend it for being considered objectively bad, there's plenty of reasons to subjectively dislike Fate and I won't argue with that, but claiming it's bad because you don't like it is dumb

Unironically because Nasu wanted Aoko to stay pure.
He already solved life, there's nothing else that needs to be said,

I know, I do feel bad for Cielfags, Sacchinfags and the like.
In fact I think Aoko is in a much nicer place then anybody from Tsukihime.
But goddamnit, that one guy really did get to me that night.
I care too much to stop caring.

Because it is an all ages story which is based on friendship and not romance?

There's no such thing as objectively bad but let's not kid ourselves if we think there aren't tiers of quality out there. Fate for example is not as good as Tsukihime.

It's alright, but extremely overrated. Author doesn't know how to end fight scenes to save his life, so many end just as the fight gets good. Wouldn't have been so bad if the fucking ultimate fights didn't get the same treatment. What kind of goddamn hack cuts away from the final fights of the final route and ends them off-screen? Also be prepared, because the first 2 routes are basically long bad ends that build up to the latter 2 routes. Might seem like I'm ragging on it, but I focused on the parts that left bad tastes in my mouth to balance out with the people who blindly call it a kamige. I still enjoyed it a lot. Music is absolutely fantastic, so check that out even if you don't decide to read it.

>Fate for example is not as good as Tsukihime.
Not him but you are wrong

where's her red hair?

>There's no such thing as objectively bad
there really is
>Fate for example is not as good as Tsukihime
that's an opinion

Neither Aoko nor Alice are gay and Soujuurou is a Chad mountain man. It wouldn't go that way.

>Fate for example is not as good as Tsukihime.
No? Holy shit. Everything make sense. It's delusional Tsukifag.

>there really is
There isn't because even the most academic consensus is still built on the opinions of those are the top and what they value.

She has it when she is older.

>Gets translated
>Turns out it's not so great
Turns out you're not actually reading it, you mean.

what the fuck are you talking about?
art criticism is in between subjective and objective
say there's no such thing as bad or good is just idiotic

Aigamodou doujins being canon when?

Like all doujins, never, and I say very much hopefully never.

wait how old is Aoko in Melty Blood series? If she's 27 here when she first met Shiki Tohno he was still a freaking kid. Aoko reaching milf status and is still a virgin

I mean Soujuurou fucking Aoko stupid WOULD explain why she's kind of an airhead as an adult.

I think the entire struggle surrounding Shirou’s character is a pretty neat look into fatalism. It’s one of the things I think the anime portrays well with the Archer/Shirou fight. There is certainly more going on in the story than pure power level wankery, though I’m willing to accept that it may take the back seat compared to the latter. But it’s there.

>Like all doujins, never
The BURNING doujin series is the only good thing to come out of Gundam Seed Destiny and I accept as canon.

Aoko is 17 in the late 80's, she would be in her 20's when she met Shiki.
That is what she wants you to think, she really isn't an airhead at all.

That is an acceptable case.

>I think the entire struggle surrounding Shirou’s character is a pretty neat look into fatalism.
In all 3 routes the answer he gives is just "yeah nah", but in a different line of reasoning. Mainly because Shirou himself is not a deep thinker, he goes with his gut.


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>Shirou himself is not a deep thinker, he goes with his gut.
you're mistaken in thinking that that makes something not deep

I think that’s the point. Human instinct as embodied by Shirou’s is directly at odds with the core of fatalism. That illogical drive to persist despite knowing the likely outcome.

I thought she could manipulate her time, so she ages slower or something.

I did and I have the physical copy.
>no Touko route
>no routes at all

She can live forever if she so desires.

Young Touko is fucking amazing.

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The issue with routes is they can really dilute the quality of the overall setting.

She needs anal.

I know but I want a game with a Touko route in it.

Araya and Alba are far too autistic to teach her that lesson.

9/10 : Mahoyo, Dies
8/10 : Ataraxia
6/10 (7 if nostlagia) : Fatesn
Mahoyo might be 10 if you haven't read a even better vn yet

I mean she does appear is a lot of things, but never in the right position for a route except for KnK, which would be NTR unless it is yuri.

since Blue is all about consumption, could it conceivable be used to vampirically steal others' life forces to keep oneself alive?

>try to reach root through samsara
>try to reach root by being someone's bitch
But has anyonetr tried to reach the root through sex?

>Faggot Sojuro didn't even try to bang Aoko
>No threesome between him, Aoko, and Alice either
Fucking why

Possibly, though when Blue was deactivated things went back to normal.
She has many other, and more effective ways to be immortal and permanently in her prime.

>Implying Touko isn't dominant whilst taking anal
Your body couldn't handle it.

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Stop thinking with your dick.

TH already had Aoko stuck to Shiki so he got Alice instead.

What the fuck are you smoking? Type-moon franchise is dick-thinking series

You could be some new employee after Shiki and Kokutou leave. You don't have to be Kokutou.

True, but then Kokutoufags would be mad.

What about Beo? He's a growing boy.

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I mean, I get a few red hairs here and there, especially in my beard, but full on crimson from old age is ridiculous.

Why? His story is done, he's married with kids.

Shiki is stuck to Aoko as her student, Aoko is not bound to him or anybody for that matter.

There is quite the share of MikiyaxTouko fanfics.

Beo only wants Soujuurou's dick in him, he wouldn't give Touko the doggy dick.
Though I guess we don't know for sure what happened while they were traveling together.

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You can be sure that all of their bizarre off-screen adventures included a whole lot of wolfboy abuse.

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He goes all in on the Soujuurou train after getting BTFO.

What about James Joyce's Finnegans Wake?

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The reason why and if that whole thing has changed is also kinda unknown.

>The whole story revolves around Shiki and Mikiya's relationship
>It's so fucking canon their VAs married each other
Such people should be ignored with extreme prejudice. Arguing over which relationship is correct in the multi-heroine VNs is one thing, but KnK is a fucking linear narrative, there's just no excuse.

Hey, people are retards, these are the same people who eat up a gambling game.

They're also a minority who can be safely ignored. It's impossible to please everyone, a line has to be drawn somewhere.

There was very clear romance undertones in their interactions though and I meant it more like she already had a important connection with a character. But even then, Soujuurou si the one living with her, so.

Sure, but that is only realistic, it is never pursued further which is all that matters, and the whole friendzoning and making things clear about where people stand stuff too.

>This responsiveness [...] temperament"
I dunno if it's because I'm ESL or I lack context but I have a reelly hard time understanding what he meant there.
>unaffected scorn
What?What's an "affected scorn" supposed to be?

Fuck modern Type-Moon

>you will never be the new guy at her new workshop
>you will never somehow activate all her puppets
>you will never get dommed by all of them and Touko when she comes back
Why even continue the cycle of suffering?

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I wish people did latch on to the fringe works more (that is anything that isn't Nasu directed Fate).

Not gonna mouse over those spoilers even though I've read all those other works but that's interesting if what you're saying is true. I was only aware of kizuato for example being prototype tsukihime but if kusarihime is that influential it'll definitely go in my backlog too.

Interview with Uro, Meteo, Nasu and Romeo is translated as I remember. They talk about Kusarihime.

First you need to unEOP yourself.

because I can't read moonmoons
I actually learned english with a method similar to AJATT but it's hard as fuck to do the same thing with japanese

Remind of similar to Kusarihime title. It is 00s short VN with body horror elements. Angel on the cover. Untranslated for like ~16 years

Sayonara wo Oshiete.

"Responsiveness" like that of an earthquake detection machine. Gatsby was the life of the party who could mingle with pretty much anyone at any time so he had a "creative temperament" or a personality that could fit anywhere at any time, hence he was as responsive and sensitive as an earthquake detector.
Nick, the narrator, is saying that "creative temperament" is too general a term (flabby) and that Gatsby's personality was too different from a "creative temperament" because it came from Gatsby's hope for humanity, rather than it being a personality that he had constructed himself throughout his life.
>unaffected scorn
Deep hatred. He's saying that even if he's come to hate all that Gatsby represented, he still loved the guy for who he was.

Makes a lot of sense, I guess there is a limit to one's understanding of a language that cant be broken through unless you immerse yourself in the culture. Thanks, user.

Well there's that and the fact that you had some but not all context. I had to remember what I read in The Great Gatsby to type out that whole thing.

>Not him but there's a reason most of the people who consume VNs are otaku.
Yeah no shit, the genre took of because of eroge, so its still a niche and have a set fanbase of otakus, You'd have to be retarded to judge something through 2000' lenses 20 years later.