How will it and the rest of the franchise fare against Cyberpunk?

How will it and the rest of the franchise fare against Cyberpunk?

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Square is going to force more microtransactions and expect it to make a billion dollars when it releases a sequel in five years. They'll be completely stumped as to why it won't make that much money.

At this point the series' niche is overtaken by CP, what a shame.

DE might be a good alternative to Cyberpunk for those who don't want an openworld game, but since the openworld genre is more popular these days, Cyberpunk will do better.

I really like DE but this series is basically cancelled until Square goes bankrupt and sells off the property because the sales were so trash SE forced the dev team to abandon their trilogy halfway through and work on that shitty Avengers game. Meanwhile CP2077 is the most hyped original IP since Overwatch and probably the most anticipated western game in general

I just want a sequel that expands on how in MD we play as a Jensen clone.

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OP made me realize a new sequel to DX will be further postponed due to the Cyberpunk release.

OP made me remember the PR nightmare the devs had to deal with because of the "Aug lives matter" just like CDPR's trans bullshit they're going through right now. Why bother making any cyberpunk game really?

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Square's fault for directly referencing a divisive social movement

I thought being political was what journos wanted after bitching about Ubisoft wanting to avoid politics in Tom Clancy games?

You have to agree that "Aug lives matter" is somewhat hamfisted

It's pretty much a dead series at this point.

Just give it a proper conclusion and let it rest, that's all I ask for

It will fare really well, I think. So far nothing in Cyberpunk is particularly impressive.

big companies don't give a fuck about social issues, they go along with this shit because it keeps the game in the news cycle, while the people upset over it were never gonna buy the game to begin with so it's not lost revenue. Once the story begins to fade they put up some stock apology on twitter so tranny reviewers don't negatively impact the metacritic score when the game comes out.

Cyberpunk isn't an immersive sim.

Wholee idea of MD is stupid, people get augs and then they get their right revoked because people who created said augs went AWOL. This isn't realistic or interesting writing.

don't worry, once eidos make another 2 Avengers games we'll have the next Deus Ex by 2029, the year the game is set in.

If you follow the logical thought process of what'd actually happen in the world after the end of HR I'm not so sure it actually was quite as bad as it gets made out to be. Since they decided to go the direct sequel to HR route, a massive backlash against augs followed by a rise of reactionary radical pro aug groups popping up isn't really much of a stretch. As for pushing the whole aug lives matter shit, out of universe it may have been hamfisted, but at least it was logically consistent with the in universe narrative.

Oh yeah, they had to endure the immense outrage from a dozen or so obese retards at 8gag. What a nightmare.