Here's your cyberpunk, bro!
Here's your cyberpunk, bro!
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Cool beans man, thanks.
I actually like it.
Finally, a game that actually feels American.
Nice, I miss Coach.
Thanks, chummer.
Gracias, mon ami.
Dios mio
Does his neural implant help him fry up better soul food?
Can she take her legs off for when you fuck her?
>it's the cyberpunk where everyone just gets major invasive surgery all the time
>not the cyberpunk where antibiotics stopped working so everyone moved to exoskeletons and peripherals
I sleep
>a black guy created the cyberpunk genre
>not the cyberpunk where antibiotics stopped working so everyone moved to exoskeletons and peripherals
If antibiotics stopped working, the last thing you would do is start installing very invasive prosphetics that likely require immune suppressing treament to stop your body from rejecting them, thus requiring more antibiotics to stop yourself from succumbing to minor infections.
shut up nerd
New GTA Online DLC is looking good
As far i know Pondsmith stole all ideas from white writers like Gibson and Sterling.
>Portable coffee maker
Uh-huh, sure.
wish I had a portable coffee maker bros....
>Live in Night City
>Only Die Antewood is allowed to be played
>Try to get a drink
>Dickgirls mock me because i wont drink Chromanitcure
>Get cyber jacked and now my eartronics are playing Die Antewood even louder
>Try to leave but Voodoo Men ambush my taxi
>Steal my waifu by downloading her off my Zune
>Threaten to cuck me if i don't pay
>Die Antewood is still playing
Fuck the future
If you're going to be in one for any length of time, I would think that there would be some kind of implants to give you finer control over it. Not that a sweaty robosuit sounds like the best environment for keeping sterile, unless you're carrying so much support equipment with you that you might as well live in a hermetically sealed tank
Sweet, thank ya mate
it converts "axe" to "ask" at the nueral level
How do they fit in that car?
I like that car.
Thanks dude.
nig behind the wheel, bitch in the trunk holding her detached legs
Cool thanks
wtf nobody told me there would be giants in this game, fuck yeah!
Don't be fooled, those are normal people in the village of the cybersmurfs.
>literal uncle Tom
how are the trannies not seething about this???
The robot legs are fine but I'm gonna have to pass on the tats.
What do you like better for cyborg arms?
>Dominant Arm
>Non Dominant Arm
>Both Arms
Personally I prefer non dominant Arm
Non-dominant would be the way to go, can still jerk off without crushing your dick or it feeling wierd.
>when people start talking about racism in cyberpunk
it's believable, I like it
which might actually explain why trans has become a thing to rag about instead of racism. they can't play that card with cyberpunk 2077.
I feel like that would be very hot on my back.
>created by a nigger
Even another reason not to bother playing.
I'm legit gonna play this game just to kill everyone except Keanu
>Steal my waifu by downloading her off my Zune
My only issue is you have to look like a greasy punk faggot and you can't join Trauma Team or REO Meatwagon.
You know what, this game actually seems to have an interesting style and looks fun.
But why the hell did they name it "Cyberpunk?" The title doesn't fit at all. They should seriously rename it.
All genre-fiction writers steal ideas
>fried stinky tofu ad literally has a fly
Thanks, bro. Already preordered.
What would make it feel more cyberpunk?
well, first of all more gritty realism, and less "comedy"
I am not a fan of those low tech cyber legs but that's a Nu, pogodi! tattoo so this is a Russian amerimutt whore and i'm dying of laughter over here.
wheres her penis
It’s based off a tabletop RPG called cyberpunk 2020, which has honestly a completely different tone to this game which is why people are complaining. I think it’s annoying that they took the punk rock aesthetics and turned it in to hip-hop, hip-hop is shit for retards who like Rei over Asuka
Are portable coffee makers available for purchase on the internet?
Whoa how trilingual of you.
The problem isn’t making it feel more cyberpunk, the problem is making it seem more like cyberpunk 2020 which was ultra 80s
Japan did it first
I am getting some massive GTA V vibes from this game so far, it has the same comedic touch. Nothing wrong with it, by I prefer edgy sickdark stuff.
japan has done nothing first they are one of the most unoriginal tribes on the planet
>you will never be able to set up your base in an incredibly poor violent no mans land area of the city where no laws exist and it’s complete anarchy
>you will never be able to buy an incredibly expensive flat in the tallest sky scraper that lets you overlook the entire city at night
>instead you will have the same apartment regardless of your wealth or the personality you make for you character because buying stuff isn’t cyberpunk even though the entire world is filled with people covering themselves in neon flashy junk.
>style over substance, but only when daddy cdpred deems it necessary
Enjoy your action “””rpg””” where Keanu Reeves is talking 24/7. Cdpred could have created their own unique character that becomes an icon for the company that people remember for years and years but instead they just blew a ton of cash on a meme actor
thats why he said exoskeletons and peripherals