I’m gonna be a switchfag next week so recommend some games. Everything allowed
Give me game suggestions for the switch
Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle
The Switcher 3: 540p
Get the highest-rated stuff first, then move on to whatever you prefer personally.
Crash team racing, smash, zelda, mario, some jrpgs, rpgs, cuphead, mariomaker, the new pokemon games, fire emblem.
Look at these, if you find something you like you can buy it
Have sex
Get a hackable one so you can get them all
I've been playing Pheonix Wright, fun game, I'm new to the series.
I recommend looking into the demos on the eShop. It's a good way to find games you enjoy.
>Own game on ps4
>Had to stop playing because the game made my PS4 turn into a fucking rocket ship and I couldn't take the noise anymore. Even with headphones on.
I'm gonna pick it up again on switch despite the massive downgrade. Does this upset you?
Liquid metal thermal paste your PS4 and enjoy the silence.
Besides the obvious ones I really liked playing Hollow Knight and Celeste on Switch, I prefer it to playing on PC for those
>he has to take apart his piss4 just so it sounds like a pc/switch does right off the bat
Cuphead, Undertale/Deltarune if you haven't played either, Smash obviously, Botw/Mario Odyssey on sale, Civ 6
Nothing. I own BotW, Mario Odyssey, XC2, Smash, Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon 2 and MHGU yet the only game I've invested any serious time into, beyond playing at release, is XC2 and even that game I think is mediocre. Otherwise it just sits on my desk as a paperweight.
Fair call.
Switch is noisy as fuck though, you clearly don't own one or are lying to make friends.
Mario O, Zelda BOTW and Smash.
>Switch is noisy
If you think switch gets noisy at full load you should see what base ps4s do playing anything post 2016. It would blow your mind.
They can hit 70+ decibels
I play mine solely in handheld and I literally never hear it.
Assuming you didn't own a Wii U:
Mario Odyssey
Smash Ultimate
Astral Chain
Bayo 2
Dong Freeze
Mario Kart 8
I have mine on my desk two feet away from my head and I have never noticed the fan
The Switch isn't noisey at all compared to it's peers.
>I don't own a Switch: The post
botw and bayo 2
Since for some reason I've been rangebanned from making threads I'll use this thread to ask:
what are some good games from the eshop sale?
looking at World of FF, the Atelier ones, the FF ports mainly but open to suggestions.
Whatever you do don't buy botw, it's awful.
Search the estore for neogeo
What I've got and enjoy on Switch:
>Smash Bros Ultimate
>Breath of the Wild
>Mario Odyssey
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Mario Kart 8
>Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
>Bayonetta 1 and 2
>Resident Evil Revelations 2
>Final Fantasy VII (don't have IX, X, or XII, so I don't know how those are on Switch)
>Hyrule Warriors
>Rayman Legend
>Mega Man Legacy Collection 1, 2 and MM11
>Sonic Mania
>South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Don't listen to these retards, botw is one of the worst games ever made
I bought one recently. So far I have:
>Smash Ultimate
>Sonic Mania Plus
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Shovel Knight
>Stardew Valley
>Shakedown Hawaii
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Hollow Knight