Why does final fantasy look like a woman?

Why does final fantasy look like a woman?

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Japanese see masculinity as something to be embrassed/made fun off. Their society funcion on pure soi men watching their women getting NTRed.

Sweden makes Japan look like Nazi germany in comparsion.

Because that’s the target audience. Cute boys are used to appeal to women the same way cute girls are used to appeal to men.

He's called Link! xD

Now even jap boys want to fuck traps because of their frustration of getting gfs
What the fuck is happening guys

>target audience is women
>unironically believing this

That's outdated, you can see imperfections like blackheads, eye wrinkles and nose hairs on his current model

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Why does avengers look like a man?

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Outside of Tifa's tits, the main demographic I've seen screaming over this game has been women. The game is caked in scenes that appeal to people who enjoy emotional drama.

Ok paul

So the original FF7 was also targeted to women? Go to sleep, bro.

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Because he's cute!

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t. seething wh*Te boi that thought asians actually praise whitey

Because non muscular people are something I can relate to

He doesn't. You're just coping with the fact that you're attracted to a handsome looking man by claiming he looks ''feminine''.

No but I also don't think they sit in a boardroom saying "how can we make this appeal to men and not women in particular" for fucking Final Fantasy.

Waman just heard that guys thought it was a good game so they fake nostelga for something they never played

to become woman was his final fantasy.
He then killed himself

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You'll see

Fuck off and spam the catalog with cuckporn like you always do, incel.

The cross dressing section won't work if he looks too manly.

Got the jannies version?

It appeals to both, FF7 came out in the 90s when Japan finally realized there are girls interested in male demographic media. It was the time fujobait became big.

I've known a few women who've played VII or X and become fans of them. I do think characters like Yuna and Tifa are designed to be self-inserts for them.
Yuna's story is about fighting against a role that's been given to her since birth because it's basically steeped in a lie for the sake of her father while Tifa's is about remaining strong in the face of adverse conditions for the sake of her lover, two narratives that women nowadays would love to see themselves as doing if they were put in the same situations regardless of how they may act in real life.
I do agree most women just got into the game because they heard they were good from others though, but I would think they remained fans for other reasons.

Post that one doujin where Cloud is a sissy and who gets fucked by Biggs and Tifa

Ah yes, the fujoshibait era that spawned an entire generation of twinkboy otakus. They've all moved to isekais now.


That's because the anime industry decided light novels are a cheap hack way to profit. Which was all Haruhi's fault.

When haven't they?

Hey! Haruhi was great!

Because he's a genderbent Terra with a better mystery and psychological dissection.

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

Percentwise there are more female Final Fantasy fans nowadays than male. The shift happened after X and before XIII-2, but I don't remember exactly when.

[citation needed]

Which parts did you disagree with? Both are 90's cool, let's go type spellblade protagonists. (Well, if you accept Woolsey Terra that is.)

Get out.

Where is the link man.

you called me?

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Because modern man is an emasculated abomination and companies appeal to those vile parodies of life.

I should have predicted that, fuck.

Better question, why does Metroid change into a woman at the end of the game? Why is nobody talking about this?

pinch his cheeks

back to your containment board,subhuman /int/ user

>Their society funcion on pure soi men watching their women getting NTRed.
Isn't this the other way around with white American and BLACKED thing?


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that's a cg render by visual works just like pic related, not his game nodel

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There, because I'm a nice guy

Legend of Aerith.

>it's like a train attached by dicks
doujin dialog is always comedy gold

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They recycled his design to make Lightning and then recycled her design for remake cloud.

Attached: ff7 lightning.png (820x908, 791K)

Oh, look, it's the game that flopped and got its DLC cancelled.