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No most characters still look like shit
Don't worry, every character is going to have an evolved form.
Went from looking like total garbage to looking like a 6/10 Fire Emblem game. How did they do it?
wow old edelgard looks terrible
shut up faggot
Shit taste
for what? I don't play nu-FE but I personally liked the initial designs of those characters, if that's what we're talking about. The bottom shit looks like they went full weebshit which is too bad because there was an inkling of promise in the originals.
Shit-taste blue boy detected.
Hope you enjoy your smelly hobo man, you cunt.
The arstyle is still shit, the graphics are still shit and the voice still looks to be trash too, and now even the fucning cutscenes are looking to be Clangserk 2016 tier garbage too. Fuck Fire Emblem.
She still can't draw
>Princess becomes a Queen
>Pretty boy becomes Punished
>Gay becomes Straight
Haven't been keeping up with this game, what's the gimmick here? Timeskip?
>voice still looks
>tfw my 5 years after college has left me looking more like Dimitri + 1 eye
what's a painless way to kill myself?
no way is that lorenz
That's still gay, buddy
Why does the eagle have horns? Doesn't make much sense.
>reception is so bad that they have to reveal the plot twist early to try entice people
Wait is this just pre and post time skip or did they redesign them
The art is still trash but at least now the timeskip designs are kinda cool. Also, the graphics are a fucking travesty and IS should be contractually obligated to never do 3D FE games.
I'm sorry.
its not you ape. Its Dedue's haircut.
fuck your shitty fanart
>boring lawful
>incels chaos
>queer neutral
Which house will you join bros?
The timeskip isn't really the plot twist as much as the main story gimmick like Fates's was the "choose your path" crap, we have yet to see what the real plot twist is (i.e. why is everyone killing each other and why you have a lolibaba living in your head).
I'm getting massive Game of Thrones vibes out this.
religious symbol
So can you fuck the queen yes or no?
>implying Dimitri isnt Lawful Evil
>"We need to end the cycle of the strong trampling he weak"
you have no idea how this works, do you?
>the real plot twist
10 bucks it has to do with dragons
>no niggers anywhere in the game
Based. Will probably buy on the release date.
Also, Edgelord is the best girl so of course I'll joined her.
It's gonna be a misundestanding caused by an another force. Mark my words.
the red one it has the only appealing character
>no niggers anywhere in the game
They still look like shit, now it's just edgier shit.
Can't wait for Revelations 2.0
>>Gay becomes Straight
Yaoi becomes bara*
You got it wrong it's
>lesbian chaos
>hobo lawful
>why can't we all be friends ;_; neutral
Golden Deer all the way, either Claude is truly gonna fix all the fucked up shit with the power for friendship, OR he's a rusemaster who will get the drop on the other two factions via subterfuge.
Either way I win and get Marianne without having to recruit her.
Of course it is.
However, it's going to be the aftermath of the misunderstanding that causes the three houses to be out for eachother's blood.
Something like
>Skeleman false flagging as Yellowlad kills Bluebro
>Bluebro2 kills Yellowlad
>Yellowlad says pweese dont hurt me we fwends
>Redmen come in to fuck up bluebros and yellowlads are, ironically, collateral damage
>Skeleman laughs in the distance
I'm talking more about SMT alignment bro.
I don't know how DnD worked.
nice game you got there
That does not look like a nigger to me, probably because he's too handsome.
Yeah, and Dimitri is certainly not SMT Chaos considering he says he is protecting the weak from the strong, which is the exact opposite of what Chaosfag regularly do.
What is it like thinking about niggers constantly
>All the knights just run up to it, slash once, and then stand there
What are you implying?
I don't know mate. There's no nigger in my country, I just like to talk shit because it give me all the (you)'s I need.
1 shower and you're good
>white nose
>white eyes
>white hair
>white lips
0% nigger
>There's no nigger in my country
didn't know the moon had a signal
James? What happened to you?
Ah I see a retard. Dont get to obsessed with blacks it's not healthy.
I live in Asia, bro. Not the moon.
I've never even seen one darkies in real life before.
Hi Archer
Shota dragons, the 3 old friends are fighting over who gets the shota.
golden deer has the canon 15 year old qt youngest student she can join me and sothis in my room
She will be 20 after the time skip
>dumb fascist lesbian being manipulated by the church
>deranged murder hobo that hasn't showered in 5 years
>neckbeard Arab fuckboy trying to win using the power of friendship in Jugdral 2.0
wow everyone is fucking shit
>Professor, do you not recognize me? You listened to my problems after class and gave me a huge confidence boost those 5 years ago.
Put Claude upside down and I will.
She will die and get replaced by her 11 yo little sister.
>considering he says he is protecting the weak from the strong, which is the exact opposite of what Chaosfag regularly do.
Not like Law is particularly good at it either, and hell, even Neutral a good part of the time isn't either.
>the aftermath of the misunderstanding
Doesn't really matter if it's going to be revealed near the end.
Yeah, that's because FE is not SMT and trying to applying the latter's morality system to the former is kinda retarded.
Give me the titty deer
>No Buy
What's your opinion on this bros?
>dragon in the trailer has the church's crest on it
>Why yes, of course I will choose Golden Deer, you're very perceptive.
Game is a total ripoff of Type-0
deer and im gonna try to steal dorothea and hubert
No one will know since Type-0 is stuck in Japan.
>Joining Dimitri's murderspree with my wife Ingrid!
Bottom left is literally just lightning
But the game's setting is heavily inspired by the Belhalla Royal Academy which was brought up a bunch in Genealogy of the Holy War, which came out in 1996.
Dimitri was always my choice from the beginning but god damn do I love his new look
It’s really a shame that the switch is a piece of shit because this game could’ve actually looked good
>Where do you think you're going, nerd boy? Hand over the lunch money.
>a place namedropped once in a conversation between Sigurd and Eldigan
>heavily inspiring anything
Come out from under your rock
The Switch may be a piece of shit, but the real culprit for the shit graphics is IS's total incompetence with 3D.
which one's the tharja equivalent
>holy blood
>holy weapons
>the fractured kingdoms
Three Houses is literally FE4 with a school in the middle.
>Stuck in Japan
English version came out ages ago, I've clocked it back when I bought it for an FFXV demo. I can't tell which is worse, because FFXV has shit combat but Type-0 had basically no character development for anyone in the class but Machina and Rem, then expected you to care when they all sacrifice themselves. I have to wonder just how much content the new game pluses really had.
Pls dont bring her up you will attract undesirables
>this game could’ve actually looked good
>Made by IS and partnered with Tecmo
Blue hair
Going Golden Deer and there's no particular student from the other two I have my eye on. tell me who I should take from the Black Eagles and Blue Lions.
I'm not looking forward to Catherine potentially being the Camus of this game, female Camus's never tend to be well writtend and I also want the chance to fill her holes with my seed.
Second from the left.
Did you forget that the game was released for free to people who bought the demo for Final Fantasy XV?
Switch isn't that good, true, but being shit enough for what we're all looking at for TH? No way, fag. This one is on ISIS.
Do not make excuses for IS' lack of competence.
There isn't one in this game, but a certain spic has put it's grubby mits on the girl with blue hair, so people go with her
>female Camus's never tend to be well writtend and
Males aren't always that much better.
At least their motivations tend to make more sense than "PLEASE FUCK ME ".
Nah, it's just IS. Look at PoR, RD, SD, NM, Awakening and more, they cannot into 3D. I don't even know if SD and NM count as 3D but they were ugly nonetheless.
So her motivation will be "PLEASE FUCK ME RHEA"?
Any more info about the music in the game? The 3DS FE titles had a good soundtrack, but the stuff I've heard in the 3H trailers and gameplay so far is a bit boring.
>threesome with big tiddy knight and big booty nun
Fair right, the blonde in armor,. There's gonna be a lot of porn of her.
>Flavia 2.0
>a lot of porn
Wednesday can't come soon enough
>tfw it turns out Nemesis was a cool guy trying to stop the church from monopolizing the crests
He literally had the Fire Emblem, there's no way he can be that evil unless he's mind controlled or something. Unless he's a Hardin or something.
Hardin never had the Fire Emblem.
Yeah, bad comparison.
>going from blonde cuckboy to punished chad
flavia had shit hair and no tits, this one has both
Honestly all sorts of shit seems to have happened to him. From what we have seen in the trailer, it looks like his home got nuked and then conquered.
>I lost my eye so my armor also has to have a scare on the same side
This is a fucking shit game
Will the other units besides the main three have significant portrait changes in the time skip?
It wouldn't make sense for them not to, but this is ISIS so expect incompetence and wasted potential at every turn.
Depends. From where this foul image some would call "good art" comes from?
Srly, I don't know. The only thing I know for real is Raiden being in the middle.
It'd be really strange to have a bunch of characters in their school uniforms during an all out war.
if you can recruit other class students I'm gonna be blue lions while recruiting dorothea and bernadetta, giving me all of the best characters
r8 my taste boys.
Artstyle still looks bad, I'll just wait for the next fire emblem game.
Man, Miyuki Shirogane had a hard life.
Supposedly everyone gets timeskip portraits according to Treehouse.
do not acknowledge the butchered massacre that is this otome artist's attempt at drawing anna
>Marianne and Petra that low
>Mercedes, Manuela, Catherine THAT low
How can one human being have such shit taste
I'm warming up to the faces at least, but I'm still not a fan of the overall design choices and armors.
Have they really thrown all remotely sexy outfits out the window?
>Annette in F
Abysmal taste.
I'm sorry
It looks a lot better now that I know it's not all hogwarts stuff and there's confirmation of no children
nice 8/10
Absolute shit
F Byleth is supposed to be sexy
Why does Edelgard's axe have sort of Japanese symbols on it anyway, is she a weaboo?
Dorothea has better tits than F Byleth.
really? she only shows a bit of tummy.
If that is supposed to the sexiest design, this game will be a new low in that regard.
hot and over-stylized pantyhose
This is starting to look like the best FE game to play as FE is ment to be played. A pure eugenics runthrough.
Can't wait to spend hours to turn everybody into maxed supersoldiers.
>drive google.com/open?id=1gg20xtEh9NKgNc7XUYmK1P2kZx98vDwt
Please show me your tier list then you practitioner cunts.
based Awakeningbaby
This is the only one true tier list.
So what's the story even about? You are at academy, do mock battles, then something happens and academy burns down, time skip and you hunting the big bad guy?
That's it, right?
Girls like this in this game? Where are they?
School Phase sets up the plot and has the 3 lords get to become friends and you train up your party. And then the time skip is where the three lords have to fight each other and then probably team up to fight an evil dragon and maybe the church.
Manuela is built for missionary and handholding
well fuck you too buddy
You are the son/daughter of some badass mercenary who got called to teach at this church owned military academy, but then you have to take your father's place as a teacher, but you also have an amnesiac lolibabaa dragon appearing to you. Then something happens during the timeskip, which you might or might have not spent frozen inside the dragonloli's hyperbolic time chamber, and everything goes to shit and the crests are to blame.
Based as fuck, user.
I'm kind of torn, I'm most likely going to do a blue lions run but i'm kind of sad because I would have liked to have had petra, dorothea and ferdinand as a part of my team. Plus i'm not really liking the idea of being stuck in the hobo faction post time skip, but i guess that depends on how much the game is divided between future/past.
You can steal recruits from other houses if you fulfill certain conditions
>Sothis Cuckquean
Really? oh fuck this kind of changes everything. Can you also just kick people from the faction or are you stuck with the initial 7/8
>implying Sothis won't rape you in your sleep if you don't give her a daily semen offering
Can i caress and pet my wife in this FE?
I miss the nomads.
Isn't this just the head of church lady?
dude the switch is more powerful than the ps3
does that look like a ps3 game to you?
All hail President Dimitri
I hope I can romance Claude! He's my husband!
>Mercedes in E
That's all I need to see to be able to tell that you're a massive faglord.
Mercedes, dorothea just because they are the best of their respective faction and then maybe ashe if you want to see more of his reaction when ronato goes on a stabbing spree against the church and maybe Dedue if you want to cuck dimitri out of a bodyguard.
So.... polygamy still not an option?
they showed a mother fucking seven-pronged blade, my friend. these guys are weebs as fuck
> Mercedes - E
She's atleast a B tier. Having Hilda and the illiterate 2 tiers above her is absolute shit
>Dimitri turns into blonde Niles
i like old edelgard's horns but can't say i'm a fan of her hairstyle
cinnamon buns a shit
Based, practition taste right here.
Girls with painted abs? You are looking at the only one sadly.
>Annette in F
Hey, fuck you buddy.
I think it's about time you faggots drop this obvious lie.
>From nice hair to old hag hairstyle
All these additions looks really nice.
Meanwhile.... at the Game Freak office...
I keep finding it interessting that byleth and the other in the clip are 15 - 22 in level. Like that's endgame tier in anyother FE.
How high does the level cap go?
Cause the lack of any level cap would make your bench units nearly unable to catch up to the mainline if you don't rotate them regularly.
>Meanwhile.... at the Game Freak office...
>Masuda-san, we have 1000 already finished and fully animated 3DS models to port to Switch
>that sounds like it would take a while, can't we just do 300 and call it a day
>and then probably team up to fight an evil dragon
That's because reclassing no longer brings your level to 1. A Tier 0 class can reclass to Tier 1 and level 5, and Tier 2 at level 10. We haven't seen the level requirement for T3 and T4 classes though.
>Professor Level D
I want to go full jun snuh and help each house conquer the world, kill its leader for going too far, and be sent back in time to try again.
Then for the fourth route I conquer the world together with my Kumiko tulpa.
The designs are kinda trash.
pls no bully, byleth only just got his degree in teaching
Mating press Sothis
That trailer brought me from barely interested to 100% on board and definitely on Dimitri's team when I couldn't even remember his name before
Is it just me or are her eyes a little too far apart? Same with Fem Byleth's official art.
>Petra speaks broken english
Is there any character customization?
Massive. Has she been wrapping her tits to make them smaller in her school uniform or what?
Will Byleth be interesting this time around or will we get another corrin/robin?
>Edelgard has a Crest of Saint Seiros
>but her axe uses an unknown crest, probably a Hero
>Catherine's sword uses a Crest of Hero Charon, which is Lysithea's bloodline
It seems like you don't need a matching crest to use a holy weapon. I wonder if there are any dangers or drawbacks to doing so.
SMT alignments are retarded anyway
>evil queen
>punished edgelord
>nice boy whose smile and optimism hasn't abandoned him yet
House Leicester clearly the superior choice.
Annette will be popular after release.
Punished renegade noble Dimitri seems like he's completely my shit on every level.
I don't really care about any of the students, Bernadetta is cute but I'm just gonna fuck Sothis no matter what so waifufaging isn't a factor.
Catherine also likely has the crest of Charon. Which just makes me believe Lysithea or Catherine will die, no point of giving us two characters with the same crest. Edelgard idk yet desu.
Claude because he's a trans POC.
How can it look so bad? Pokemon is looking like shit, but this is on an other level.
>was a lionchad from Day 1
Feels good.
How the fuck are the animations so much worse than the ones in Fates and Echoes?
Woah, timeskip confirmed? Holy shit. Ok, I apologize, especially to the blue one lol. Guess they were in their snotty preteens age in the upper arts.
Is there a summary of the gameplay info we have so far?
Is the dancer class fucking dead in this game or is it just unconfirmed?
>she's not even seated on her saddle
Dorothea's house.
Most of the cast looks a little off but in Sothis's case I think it enhances her supernatural vibes
It sure shows Omega Force was involved in this.
I just realized how much fucking sameface these characters have going on.
Oh shit, I'm sorry
This game looking like shit is entirely IS's fault.
>almost all the characters have normal, albeit old-fashioned, names
Thank god
Have you seen Astral chain? The real problem is art direction
Dude, Game of Thrones is literally American Fire Emblem.
Why would you even Golden Deer?
I hope all three routes are different enough to encourage replaying
>Game of Thrones is literally American Fire Emblem.
GoT is the War of the Roses in fancy packaging
To lick Lysithea's delicious flat chest and make her your personal use onahole.
I'd pick him before Edelgard, she was already boring and seems like she turns into a huge bitch after the timeskip
>not being a lionchad
Dancer will probably be a neutral factionless unit, we haven't seen those yet.
To pity-fuck Lorenz.
Man those animation transitions are
not smooth
>>holy blood
>>holy weapons
JRPG tropes. Dumb secondary, you think Falchion started in Jugdral as well?
>the fractured kingdoms
Fractured as in warring? What did you think every FE before this was about?
why the fuck is morgan using a bow
Having Virion as a father might be the worst possible choice in Awakening
These milkies are reserved for Sensei and Sensei only.
You can put everyone in any class you want and use any weapon you want
He'll be neither interesting, not customizable
I'm not apologizing for shit. Advance Wars died for this and no one appreciates that this shit series doesn't live up to its sacrifice.
>filthy secondary isn't even familiar with FE4 mechanics
>These milkies are reserved for Linhardt and Linhardt only.
Foreigners in FE is my favorite trope
>pulling on invisible bow string
still cute
Not interesting as in?
His healing crest, for the time being, just another Sol, yes, but it can be more, like Aether
>literally any fiction story that takes place in a boarding school with fantasy elements
>literally any fiction about wars or political intrigues in a medieval European like setting with fantasy elements
>said story has a dark or at least serious atmosphere
>G A M E O F T H R O N E S
I don't know how to tell you this user, but... I think you might be blind. I'm so sorry.
>Along with combat training Byleth also makes sure to give his students equally intense dancing lessons to those interested
>joining anyone but the eagles
It's almost like the video games audience is mainly made up of manchildren that have never read a book in their lives and have shitty pop culture as their only reference.
? It's there at the start of the animation but disappears when she draws it back. At the end of the shot it should clearly be visible in her hand and crossing her face.
>we don't get child units
>but everyone is going to have an evolved form
Where were you when ISIS became based?
The basis of Chaos in MegTen is breaking the status quo. Anything else is fair game.
So what do the mooks do?
Normies who don't know much of jrpgs, only watch extremely popular tv shows and think that makes them the kings of nerdes also say this crap and I'm sick of it.
The 4th option where you kill off the other 3 houses.
user, look at where her hand ends in the animation. She's not drawing the bow at all.
I was a lion chad, but
>Aoi Yuuki girl
>depressed meme girl
What do?
What's the point of joining Eagles when I can just recruit Bernadetta and Dorothea while being in an actually good house?
You can get the students from other houses by meeting their conditions.
I wish this game came out sooner with all this discussion about the story and mechanics and maps I just want to dive deep already
>Did you forget that the game was released for free to people who bought the demo for Final Fantasy XV?
Take your (You) and go home you rapscallion.
do it for /her/
>many of the cast are descendants of multiple heroes
>all of their bloodlines allow them to use specific weapons
>deadlords is more generic since lots of Fire Emblem has reanimated corpses
>multiple kingdoms all over the map surrounded by smaller kingdoms
Cheer, but also formation attacks using gambits.
Dagda no.
>Fanartist is better than the character designer
What the fuck went wrong?
>Sacret Gwenhwyvar
>Garreg Mach
Welshpilled game.
kill yer students, boyo
I thought he couldn't be any hotter but here we go
Im going whatever Petra can named Blyat
So i guess there is dual audio but subtitles only english, right? Shame, could have practiced my N3 skills.
The Swtich is not region locked so you could just order it from Japan.
it's the fire emblem classic
Depends if each region is going to get its own version or not. With BotW all you had to do was changing the system language.
Yeah sure, if you're too visually impaired to see that Byleth head is disproportioned compared to the rest of her body.
How can ANYONE compete with the Black Ea--
>Mercedes is in Blue Lions
>church are the bad guys
Just take Mercedes into the house you're teaching.
Golden Deer, my priorities for recruitment from other houses are Hubert, Felix, Anette, and Bernadetta in that order.
How many students can you persuade to join your house?
I wonder how this snatching mechanic will affect the supports of the snatched person how he/she will react on killing former comrades
two is the currently confirmed number
I don't think we've been told there's a limit but in the stream we've seen they had two.
Seconded. Looks like a ketchup bottle
Where was this screenshot from?
>look at them
>I bet they don't even get off on executing heretics like I do
>these kids need to be toughened up
Church are bad guys in real life too
t. muslim
>Dorothea and Petra are the only remotely attractive females
I hope there are leaks of all if them post-skip before the game hits.
I just wnt to know who will be wearing the lewd costumes post time skip.
>I wish I was in the Church executing heretics.
>The masses are too loud.
>My feet hurt.
>I'm hungry.
fucking the loli and then marrying her when she's older is kino
Echoes was legitimately prime FE. It set the standard too high so they had to make TH be a piece of shit to make it seem like the next one is good again.
If any, It'll just go to Dorothea.
Obviously the head is big and I'm sure that was on purpose but literally every thing is fucking better. Even the generic anime style is LESS generic than the one working on the game.
That irritates the fuck out of me too
>MAN, I LOVE FFVII (never played past disc 1), PERSONA IS AWESOME xD (only played 4 and 5)
how the fuck do you pronounce any of this
Neutral has the best girls, and since you can snipe characters from other houses choosing that then sniping Bernadetta is the easiest solution.
Maybe in presentation. The gameplay and maps are garbage. Quite literallly Gaiden tier. And on a gameplay heavy game like Fire Emblem? Ruins everything.
I had more fun with Awakening than this shit. A shame, because the rest of Echoes was kino .
>SoVkeks at it again
Have they really?
What a shame...
you know what's more irritating? autists acting elitistic over children toys
Muslimhouse would censor them anyway so why even bother.
Ga-regg machh (like the scottish loch sound)
Arry-an-rhod (roll that rh sound!)
Formerly Blychuck
>Blaiddyd is pronounced Bly-theed
what the fuck is this language
prepromotes give me cancer
Will be way too old after the timeskip
Holy FUCKING milkies
Mostly based
>Will be way too perfect after the timeskip.
there's literally no excuse not to promote as soon as possible in this game
Artist pls
she's 30 and will be 35 after the time skip, not much of a difference
it's more a matter of growth rates, prepromotes barely improve upon levelling up and I hate that
What about Seth?
I bet you are the kind of doorknob licker who argues that Amelia is good.
Pretty much every game is beatable with 0 growths, prepromotes start good and stay good
And in this game there's no level resetting, so promoting will only give you better growths
I wouldn't say she's good but at least she gives me a clear sense of growth which is one thing I like about these games and RPGs in general.
Do I need to choose instantly my House or can I play for a bit to get a feel first. Not leaning to anyone in particular but since i would play the male teacher I guess going with the red eagles?
Blue is clearly chaotic lawful you degenerate. Also Blue Lions is the best faction.
>chaotic lawful
but those are opposite....
>Chaotic Lawful
>so lawful, you seem chaotic
poorly romanized.
Sounds like you choose pretty early on, after probably 5 or so Chapters.
How does this work?
If character A was leveled to lv.20 and then promoted, would they be stronger than character B who was promoted early and then leveled to lv.20?
t. first FE
Going Blue Lions and gonna snipe Marianne from the Golden Queers.
Usually yeah. Essentially you're reducing their max level from 40 to something less
I'm going to use a very drastic example. Look at Seth's growths compared to Amelia's, Seth is higher in every area and starts with more stats. Even if Amelia gets all 50 total levels she can get she'll likely still be worse than Seth after 19.
This is sometimes the case but most of the time your not even going to reach these levels.
so really early, okay thanks. Guess I really go with Edelgards gang, Axes are nice and she gives me Rudolf vibes in her timeskip form
>a unit gain stats every time you lvl up
>he reset to lvl1 once promoted
>practically a unit will get 40 lvlup worth of stats gain if he goes to lvl20, then reset to 1 by promotion, then lvlup to 20 again
In past games level always resetted upon promoting so in terms of stats it was more optimal to promote at 20. In this one level stays the same no matter what, so assuming promotions have better growth rates there's no point in waiting. On the other hand success of promotion is chance based so it may be risky to try promoting too early.
Seth is fucking busted so he really should never be taken as an example.
At least in older games, getting a character to 20 before promotion gives them the full amount of time to "grow". Promoting early cuts that time by whatever levels you skipped out on.
Of course, growth rates could potentially fuck your unit if they don't get the right stats, but theoretically waiting until level 20 to promote maximizes their potential stat gain.
Why I said it was drastic. But it still illustrates how much better a prepromote can be even compared to a unit that can gain so many levels.
Bullshit, 3 Houses isnt anything special graphically, but it's still miles ahead of the travesty that is sword and shield
Prepromotes are better than trainees in every single game since FE1, where Minerva was a badass and Est a liability not worth the absurd amount of babysitting she required to not be complete shit.
As drastic as the example is, it's actually more common than not for characters like Est, Nino and their ilk.
Berkut with an eyepatch
>female Camus's never tend to be well written
>Ishtar not well written
Ishtar isn't well written.
the difference is IS isn't releasing a gutted, half-finished game just to supposedly invest more resources into shitty graphics
He has come to protect his daughter!
Robin's smile is the purest thing to come out of the entire series.
I just realised Ferdinand and Sylvain aren't the same character
>not having fun with 5 range killer brave bows and 6 range magic
>not having a blast taking down Jedah
someone doesn't know where it's at
Reminds me of this.
Am I gay or is that a tomboy?
You are gay, but she's a tomboy.
Looks like a gal to me
>having d*rability in current year
I'm not apologizing for shit.
My first thoughts too. The marketing for 3H has been way behind in NA and Europe. Even more damning are the YouTube views for the latest E3 trailer compared to Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing. You got people who swear FE is mainstream and it'll sell on its own despite the buzz being very low on the internet when FETH comes out in 1 more month. And even when 3H is talked about, the poor presentation is often the subject of discussion since the drop in quality between Fire Emblem 3 Houses and premier Nintendo titles like Breath of the Wild 2, Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing Switch, Link's Awakening remake are fucking worlds apart.
Breath of the Wild 2 trailer has 3.5 million views. I don't think the house is on fire for this game's sales, but it ain't gonna do Fates or Awakening numbers when the casuals don't give a shit about this one and the hardcore are polarized by the school setting + otome artist + abysmal below even $40 Nis/Xseed weeb game quality presentation. They won me back because it's not a total crapshoot and punished war ravaged Dimitri captivates my curiosity for edgelord redemption story arc. Maybe the fact GameFreak is imploding with bad PR and word of mouth means 3H won't be the bad graphics pinata its been for months. I'm gonna see if I can get a steelbook or any special edition for cheap that doesn't feature the upside down fruit queer archer. The last thing this game needs is a DLC debacle heading into launch, Echoes Shadows remake had a day 1 $40 season pass...wtf don't do that again.
>Genealogy remake with Yamada Akihiro design
Nice that you omitted that 600 k views on Treehouse gameplay.
what the fuck is this name
The appearing out of nowhere and disappearing faceless Dynasty Warriors grunts are still shiet
Its reminisce of Xenoblade 2. I thought that artstyle was a travesty, and would never touch that game. Bought it on launch date due to the hype and nothing to play and enjoyed it immensely.
I believe Nintendo is banking on it having good legs, especially with zero price cuts cause it's a first party game, but I highly doubt they will reuse the same artist and setting again. With Game of Thrones being popular you would think they would capitalize on that by making a pseudo-Final Fantasy Tactics, but I guess Japan comes first.
>The dude
>but I guess Japan comes first
Thank god for that.
why is the voice acting so cringe
It's a Japanese video game
Gonna heal Dimitri with Byleth puss
I don't know who these people are or what they want. Will the game explain it before I have to choose?
is like shin megami but this time even neutral is retarded
>With Game of Thrones being popular you would think they would capitalize on that by making a pseudo-Final Fantasy Tactics, but I guess Japan comes first.
Don't shoot me but I think Fates European style Conquest outsold the Japanese themed Birthright. I say this because the Nohr royals are more popular than the Hoshido royals. Even when Japam is pandered hard on their home turf, they prefer European/medieval setting way more. Not really a hot take, but more of an observation, I do hope and pray Nintendo will use an in house engine for the next FE games. It's goddamn obvious its running on a modified Dynasty Warriors engine for the 'epic scale of war copy pasted batallion cannon fodders only viewable in combat animations', fucking wild they nuked their own 3D visuals for a seamless battlefield batallion gimmick. Also that they don't hire this artist again, praying extra hard.
>Heiress of an empire
>Prince of a kingdom
>Future leader of the free markets
>They all want (You)-sensei to teach them and their respective houses in military school but you can only pick one
it didn't
Dimitri is already a demon. Pussy isn't going to heal him.
>European/medieval setting way more
Why exactly? Why do the Japs love our Euro shit so much? They would make a fortune if they pandered to China..
Why do Americlaps like weeb shit so much?
fucking this. the bigger tits are nice but that's all. Her outfit is terrible for a ruler and a combat character, not to mention the distinctly awful hair design that contrasts badly. Only noodlehead ages somewhat gracefully
Unironically Female Byleth.
Bland as fuck
>slow down of any speed
Make it stop.
Tbh its like the first time in for FE
I didn’t like Edelgard before because she just looked like a worse Lysithea but her old design makes her look like a complete chad. It’s probably the best thing this artist has drawn. Now that it’s confirmed that she gets the chaotic alternate route it would be retarded not to do her route first
Blue Lions and marry Mercedes.
>being manipulated by the church
If anything she doesn’t like the church though, she hates the crests and blames literally all problem on them
>sharingan ears
Blue Lions look like they have the most interesting group of characters, so probably them. I don't like the other characters in the other classes. I'm just going off aesthetics right now though.
Handsome nigga.
Black Eagles and marry future Edelgard so we can rule a continent
Edelgard's new hairstyle kinda reminds me of Flora. They have the same JP voice actor too.
top: soul
bottom: soulless
BBQ incoming
>marry Dmitri
>become Byleth Blaiddyd
Lemme have a go at it.
>Hilda and Lysithea
deer it is then
the timeskip really took a toll on them
Is Shamir a girl?
>dude kanto lmao
Golden Deer for sure. What better way to spend your first playthrough than either trying to mend the tensions between the other houses or fucking destroying everyone, depending on which way the game goes. Plus, everyone except for Lorenz has a great design, but I'm hoping Lorenz is fixed by the time skip.
Plus, it isn't my fault Hilda and Marianne are the best and cutest.
Interesting looking continent. What's it called?
Hoshido-Nohr Bordering the Hoshido-Nohr Sea
>white sands
>poacher's forest
>ice tribe village
>isolated village
>fancy estate
Shit unimaginative place names.
>Garreg Mach
>Fodlan's Throat
Varied place names that imply history and culture.
I just want to save everyone! AAaaahhh!!
best fe mommy ever
>mfw Petra supports will give more history to Brigid than the entirety of Revelations gave to Valla
Thankfully none
pretty refined taste, although I think i'd rank Dorothea and Catherine higher
>What are you gonna do, stab me?
How soon can I genocide all the male students?
You know it to be true.
Maybe we should go back to sprites.
Swap Ingrid with Edelgard, Mercedes with Dorothea, and Annette with Petra, and it's perfect.
Faggotry aside, that's an objectively correct ranking.
Sylvian really isn't that good of a flirt if Ingrids first reaction to him approaching is to treathen him with a spear.
Peak soul
>sheep shaggers
Rigel is portrayed as
>le evil country
from the outset, so that's hardly the same thing.
Oh shit is this what they call soul OVERLOAD!?
they should just not show gameplay footage in the trailers to be honest, it looks garbage
Based Lorenz keeps on winning
It's a strategy game it's going to look anti-hype. They can't even show battle animations because they didn't try to make them good, once again
>Gay becomes Straight
lol, that's bottom becomes top
Leakers have been reliable this far and had a pretty high opinion on the game,i would say buy
dub or undub?
Game still looks like shit and the deer dude has shit facial hair
back to your movies graphics whore
kinda wish they completed the chin strap on him, it doesn't like right...or better yet actually give him a beard lol, they are afraid to do that for the fujo fans for sure.
It doesn't matter who you pick.
At most, one or two students from houses you don't pick will die. You'll get everyone else.
Just look at that image. Students alone there are only 24.
7 teachers, assuming all are playable recruits, and maybe Anna and Sothis as playable.
That's 33 playable characters total, which is actually a little under what most Fire Emblem games have (FE7 for example had around 40), so throw in a couple of those church knights and maybe a few other characters we haven't seen that would be huge spoilers and it's in line qith other games.
Those leaks about killing most of the students in other houses was obviously bullshit. All paths will clearly converage and "Paths" will only exist in the second act.
So all that matters is "Which one of these Waifus do I want to S rank ASAP" as far as chosen house.
Fuck her english voice though
>Florina getting herself prepped for that Hector cock
What do you think dual audio is for?
>La Creatura Americana
>Aoi Yuuki
gee I don't know
this game is still garbage, nothing to apologize for, it looks uninspired, and looks like it belongs on steam for $19.99 JRPG for quick jap cash in.
>playing some posh loli instead of a hotblooded screamer
Wasted potential.
thats fucking hilarious, thanks for posting
So Dmitri's prf weapon will be Caim's Sword right?
talking about the art too, faggot
>training with spear in high heels
Ingrids is the top qt but thats not a good idea.
What is the name of Dorothea's style? Is there a name for that? She reminds me a lot of Witchcrafter Haine from the Yu-Gi-Oh card game
Now that you mention it, there should be more games whose villains have the Taliban aesthetic, but fill the role most JRPG Christian lookalikes fill.
What the fuck is wrong with american women
Why do they all have jaws like that
Based Hibikiposter
Dimitri's a lancefag, so he gets the Gae Bulge.
shut up fag
Someone post the Chaos-Law-Neutral image with Dagda in it, I don't have it
Aw, man. That's kind of mean spirited.
>White woman has a man jaw
>Asian woman has cute face but you know she's flat as a board
Neither are worth it
>going to need to wait until the crossovers and spin-offs for Byleth to get a personality
>going to need to wait until they’re basically not the main focus to develop
Can I please just get a game where the protagonist is not “le blank slate!”. Getting real tired of that. Anyways still excited for the game, I think I’m going to go for Golden Deer on my first run, and pickup one cute girl and cute boy from the other houses to go.
Dorothea might promote to a dancer or have refresh as her ability somehow
And Annette because she's cute
Sensei a cute.
>Can I please just get a game where the protagonist is not “le blank slate!”.
But this is the first Fire Emblem to do that.
Why does she look kind of potato?
Robin and Corrin weren't exactly blank slates, and they were shit.
This is better. It's more like Dragon Quest where you can project a personality you choose onto the character, for roleplaying or (if you're a faggot) self-inserting.
Robin had more than enough personality.
Corrin too, but in a bad way.
>Literally doesn't have a name
Here's your game, bro.
The breaking point for me is the supports. If supports are one-sided monologues on this game with Byleth contributing nothing but ellipses, that's irredeemable
Tbh I like Aoi more when she does more mature characters with deeper voice, like boogiepoppu
>everyone but the spic is downgraded
I'll just most likely go Black eagles and poach Sylvain and Mercedes. I don't want to end up going full murder hobo route post time skip and half of the golden deers seem inbred.
Aoi Yuuki is also voicing a FGO character with the same three sizes, height, weight and haircut than herself.
Will edelgard be a part of the church or is this just some regal outfit as her position as empress?
shit, I was getting used to his goofy ass hair.
We literally know nothing. Her route will probably be partly tackling all of those politics, since the empire is supposedly partners with the church of Seiros, yet Edelgard hates the crests and everything about them.
>Aoi Yuuki
>legal 145 cm
That's just Dedue's hairstyle pasted on him.
If I'm not wrong, the after Seiros founded the Church she then created the Adrestian Empire. Originally the Empire had full control over the continent but lots of smaller countries and kingdoms broke away wanting independence, and a huge war broke out because the Empire didn't want them to break away from their control and the Church eventually had to intervene and stop the conflict.
Never ze right one still looks like a fag
Okay, that's pretty hot.
I remember leak saying that Dimitri is an Edelgards stepbrother. Was that deconfirmed?
>I know, we'll take her design
Aoi definitely is not flat. She's at least a good C.
She looked like a worse Lysithea in a romper before this is way better to suit her conqueror look, and she has nice boobs now too
one sided conversations are just annoying and FE writers don't have the wit and talent to pull it off
Lysithea is just Edgelord for pedos though.
At least she looked stylish, now she just looks bad. There's waaaaay too much red in that design, nothing to offset it either.
Well if this is Edgelard's final form then Lysithea is just a better Edgelard.
It's not you that will choose what's good design though, Most people think it looks great and bold and fits the "empress" theme going on. And if we're gonna go by "random guy on the internet's taste" it makes more sense to go by the majority than your nigger ass.
Teen Edlergard is cute. Grown up Edelgard looks like a cooked lobster.
>Most people think it looks great
Source: your ass
Literally no point in ranking anyone before we see their personalities. Some bland designs can end up alot more attractive if their attitude is fun
There’s black, white and gold to offset it actually. Not even more monotone than the other designs. Really the only excessive part is that the cape is red as well. She looks imposing, strong, and sexy as an empress ought to. and her art is the best drawn as well. I guarantee you ten years from now Edelgard’s design will be what every other female lord’s design will be compared to.
You will fail to find proof of otherwise, while literally every reaction to the timeskip in social media has been "wtf dey all look better"
Doesn't mean I have to like it, and I'm gonna keep calling it shit cause that's what I do.
It’s literally a vocal minority that thinks it’s ugly. And always feel the need to point it out. The same people.
Fair enough. You're right, if we can't call something shit then why even come to Yea Forums?
>can't back up his claim
oh no no no...
>Source: your ass
Check every youtuber and streamer and they like it, Yea Forums likes it, Reddit likes it, Resetera likes it, GAF likes it.
Please do not compare Edgelord to Ryoma!