Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
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you are a faggot
I just want to see Reize get blacked
I agwee dis way of tawking is vewwy siwwy!
People actually play this cringy shit.
*notices localization* OwO wuts dis?
Because people let Squeenix get away with anything, and their localisations have always been terrible.
Silly devil
Serves you right for playing """"official"""" version.
Just play the soulful fan-translation from 2 decades ago like any normal person you faggot.
She needs a cunny pumping
is that really the official translation?
>Priest of Wight
That sounds fucking terrifying
Yes, and it's pretty close to the original script, like it or hate it.
Anyone got a screenshot to the original Japanese line?
I mean yeah Carli was portrayed to talk a bit like a baby even in the fan translation, and probably the original Japanese as well. I never use her in parties because she's annoying. I guess a translation will never make her not annoying because she's intended to be.
>it's pretty close to the original script
She doesn't mispronounce words in the original script.
>no coop multiplayer in the remake
this is depressing.
Nips use grammar to convey children babbling.
Mispronouncing works better in English.
No they don't, why do people keep saying this? Japs have speech impediments the same as we do, if they want to write a character with a speech impediment they just spell the word wrong the same as we would. Having characters speak only in kana shows that they're childish, not that they're retarded.
You didn't refute what he said at all.
>I want 1-for-1 translation, not localization
Buy the original and copy-paste it in Google translate
I refuted the entirety of what he said by pointing out that they don't use grammar to convey babbling as he claimed.
This isn't localisation, it's making shit up where it wasn't there before.
>6. Unlike the SNES original, there is no co-op in this version. The developers say they want to focus on the single player part of the game, so you won't be going through this one with your friends.
They usually just make the character use their own name instead of a pronoun and call it a day.
Works both for kids and airhead females.
That is a completely different thing to a character having a speech impediment.
I wanted a good coop game
Changing Parts of Speech is using grammar, changing which set of characters is used isn't.
me too bro. I have very fond memories of playing secret of mana with a friend.
It's basically an equivalent of having character sound childish, you autist.
Suaresoft's Ted Woolsey was marvelous
and he is why we know FF6's main character as Terra instead of bland Tina.
>Having characters speak only in kana
This never made sense to me, a letter in hiragana sounds the exact same as its katakana counterpart.
Because it's an accurate translation?
What's wrong? I thought you wanted absolutely zero deviation from the source material. You always sperg out if that's not the case.
>Not using Carlie
>When Bishop Carlie is literally the best party member
Japanese do weird shit to convey childishness like having characters end sentences with daccha or de geso.
It never was, though.
Secret of Mana wasn't, either.
I don't see any pwopwems.
and why is that? I liked Reisz for buffs, Hawkeye for debuffs, and Kevin to absolutely annihilate things. I did other playthroughs to do all the bosses, but never used a Carli.
My first play through was Duran/Angela/Hawkeye. Then I did a Hawkeye/Reisz/Duran.. and then a Kevin/Reisz/Hawkeye
So I used everyone but Carli and I guess next playthrough I should not use hawkeye. But I can't use literal babby characters.
There is a significant gap between "character talks like a child" and "character talks like a retard", you shitty localiser.
Woolsey is nothing but a glorified rewriter.
>and he is why we know FF6's main character as Terra instead of bland Tina.
>changing names for no reason is good because I like it better
>Because it's an accurate translation?
Except it isn't, you shitposter. She doesn't have a speech impediment in the original. This is the same shit as when they gave Tama a verbal tic in World of Final Fantasy.
>Charlotte talking like a toddler bad
>Kevin talking like a caveman good
>unga bunga
isn't Carli like 6?
Children are basically tiny retards.
And so are you.
check this son of a submariner out.
She's 15. She canonically is retarded.
Kevin is much, much more tolerable in the new translation.
They're both bad since neither character should be talking like that. There is no need to resort to absolutes.
The reason is because the developers intended her name to be exotic. Tina sounds exotic to Japanese ears, but it's a common name for westerners, so it was changed for something that would sound exotic to us. You can dislike the reasoning, but it wasn't done for no reason.
Fan translation changes name like Riesz to Lise and dumb stuff too
Except that's you making shit up and Woolsey has a different story.
>BR: What guides you when changing a name of a character or place in a game? For example, in FF3, Stragos became Strago because of the 6-letter limit, but why did Tina become Terra and Mash become Sabin? This was especially important with the Espers, some of whose names lost their (interesting) original meanings, such as Lakshmi, Valigarmanda, and Cait Sith.
>TW: Sometimes it was legal issues or concerns (as in having characters with the same names as those in, let's say a well-known movie or something), often it was because of comments from play testers. Before we released a product, dozens of people had played it. They were never hesitant to mention their likes and dislikes. They "hated" the name Tina, almost to a person! (I was surprised as well...). In Mario RPG I wanted to name a character "James Bomb" (i.e. The name's Bomb, James Bomb...) but that was nixed.
>You also have to remember that transliterated names have a variety of connotations and meanings in Japan, and sound quite different--sometimes better... (something like Masshu, not Mash). Also, since a player in the US might actually be named Tina (and in retrospect, Terra!), we tried to change the default characters so that there wouldn't be disappointment or confusion. Imagine if we had had a sub-character named Scott, and the purchaser of the game had gone and named the hero of the game Scott...two Scotts!
They changed the name because they thought people called Tina would get confused by having the character in the game share their name. Fucking retarded.
I definitely agree, but most people here give the official version shit while the fantranslation does the same thing and neither is bad enough to ruin the experience.
Story-wise, whats the best party?
Angela is the daughter of the queen out to take over the mana land so she's auto-include, if not the MC
You know that the fan translation was done long before she had an official spelling of her name, right? And that there's nothing about the katakana spelling to indicate it would somehow become Riesz instead of Lise, right?
I don't think people actually understand how translating from Japanese works.
>>You also have to remember that transliterated names have a variety of connotations and meanings in Japan, and sound quite different--sometimes better... (something like Masshu, not Mash). Also, since a player in the US might actually be named Tina (and in retrospect, Terra!), we tried to change the default characters so that there wouldn't be disappointment or confusion. Imagine if we had had a sub-character named Scott, and the purchaser of the game had gone and named the hero of the game Scott...two Scotts!
>They changed the name because they thought people called Tina would get confused by having the character in the game share their name. Fucking retarded.
Can't you name your characters in 6 anyway? Just change the shit back to the original names.
And play the GBA version because it has a less shit translation and extra content
>Can't you name your characters in 6 anyway?
Sure, but that doesn't change that Woolsey is a hack who changes shit for no reason. Even in that quote he says how he wanted to change a character's name in Super Mario RPG just to make a shitty pop culture reference.
>And play the GBA version because it has a less shit translation and extra content
That's obviously an option, but again, we're talking about Woolsey being a hack here.
15? is it like Lymle in Star ocean 4 where some magical accident makes her look and act 6 perpetually or some shit? She describes herself as "a little girl"
>picking Angela instead of Hawkeye
Angela is for a second playthrough with Duran and Kevin.
>it's another brazil nigger pretends to know japanese and english when they don't even know their native tongue thread
fuck off loser
Not the guy you're arguing with but..
Ultimately regardless of why they made the choice I think the right choice was made. Terra sounds like an Esper name, like something to do with earth... and considering she's half Esper.. I thought it worked better. Tina just .. I dunno, doesn't strike any significance to me.
I want to have sex with Charlotte and I find her localization sexually attractive.
>squaresoft fucking up another translation but with the best of intentions
It’s ruining their games. It was bearable in ffxii and other earlier games but from ffxiv onward the translations are overtly pretentious and other times outright off-putting.
You're retarded if you don't use Charlotte in her own story. Bishop is pretty much fast cast 1mp 999dmg aoe skill that works on most end game mobs and bosses including the dark lich.
Imagine reading a post, but over the course of it the quality seems to deteriorate and it gets wose an wose, where the swenetence stwucture and gwammer rewerts to a pwoint of uttew non swence, an u jus dont wanna wead it anymwore (owwo) awd twa wol owdewl iws jus awfwul . bwt tw powost iwswnwt obwer nyet, it gwos own an own an own an own. uwu wanyaa stwop weadwing bwut uwu cwant stop wewding, uwu stwartd thwis awnd ur gwoing two fwinibsh it nowo mwattew wat! uwu hab mwoxie kwiddowo, bwut uwu wibl gwib ub sowon. i cwan wite wike dis fwor owors, swo dwont cwalengbe mii..
… wbats dis??? uwu awe stwill weedinb mwie powost?? uwu habe awot ob detewemwinyanyatiom!! ??! u habve comopweedid tha pwost, good job
NO because porting it to the SHITTY GBA soundchip fucked the soundtrack to HELL.
Music is one of FF6's strong points.
I used Duran/Hawk/Kevin and focused on physical attacks and stat buffs (with items) and debuffs (with Jutsus) Turned the game into a hack and slash. Good shit.
134cm. She's 15 but looks around 8.
A 134 IQ is 13 times YOUR cognitive ability, not mine.
who needs that with Kevin being able to deal the big hurts to anyone undead or not?
Get over it, nobody but yourself still uses your shitty clown measurements thing.
Why not have TWO amazing dps instead of one?
>from ffxiv onward
The botched translation of 13 was the reason everyone hates Lightning in the west when she's loved in Japan. They made her into a bitch.
>134cm. She's 15 but looks around 8.
She doesnt have big tits. See She's an half-elf so she grows slower.
I'm still imagining
>Wanted to use Hawk, Reize and Charlotte because that was the party I first used
>Fucking HATE this w or r shit Charlotte does
Tempted to just say nope and use the fucking fan translation if this is what I can expect. I fucking HATE this kind of shit, it's not cute or endearing it's just annoying to read.
I wonder how anyone could figure characters talking like Elmer Fudd would be cute.
an "amazing dps" that requires pausing constantly to cast instead of just buffing/debuffing and letting a double striking death machine rip.
an "amazing dps" that only works on a limited selection of enemies and bosses I mean I could use scales maybe, but overall I think Reisz is more useful.
Who I wish was more useful was Angela.
I might go.. Kevin (Death Hand), Reisz (Dragon Knight), Duran (Sword Master).. use scales for stat ups, use Reisz for stat downs, and Duran for sabers. All multi target techs.
Nah Charlotte is more useful.
Gave me a smile, good job user
>1 spell that you have to keep pausing to cast and only works on 10% of the enemies in the game makes it worth taking around an annoying toddler
Which btw, WILL BE FUCKING VOICED in the remake..
No fucking thanks.
So what's the final Yea Forumserdict on this game:
Official or fan tran?
Death Jester is now Goremand.
dont remember what they called Masked Mage.
Both have their merits, Official makes the main cast livelier though. Duran feels like a bumpkin, Hawkeye is savy-er, Kevin doesnt speak caveman, Angela is saucier, and Riesz is dorkier.
keeping in line with the rest of the series apparently. Like Bigieu and jagan are Belladona and Malocchio in collection.
well, his japanese name is death eater, so i guess it's not that much of a stretch
what exactly do they call bigieu/belladonna's master in the collection, user?
i think in the translation he was just "the dark lord" "the demon lord," right?
Fan translation he was Demon Prince, in Collection he is The Dark Majesty.
Death Jester is a name that's stuck in my head for nearly 15 years...
sorry, Dark Prince.
But he is Dark Majesty in collection though.
I'm in the beast forest right now and the furry boss keeps kicking my ass. Do I just have to grind?
Dont cast stuff on him or use lvl 2+ techs, it procs counters.