Whats a good comeback?

I get told this by women in online games

First few times i wasnt aware of the meme and I yelled - I'm fucking trying bitch for years and i told them they have no idea about how many pua books I read, nights i drank myself to sleep and number of women i talked to always getting rejected and depressed and raging alone and how i almost sucked a dick

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Other urls found in this thread:


You offering?

Avoid all femoids and do not associate with orbitters.
Stop jacking off and go to the gym.
Problem solved

Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion.

>breast expansion episode

muh dick

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you say you are transgender and report them for making fun of your condition getting them banned

Dilate or cope

bend over

>I yelled
That was your mistake. You got too emotional.

Next time, take a second to calm down and center yourself, then gently explain your romantic difficulties to the person insulting you. This is the method I personally use and it always gets my tormentor to say "I'm sorry."

Of course, then they add something like, "...sorry you're just a faggot bitch that needs to have sex," but an apology is an apology.

>playing game
>game ends
>female says "well that was short but im sure you guys are used to it"
>i say "enjoy your fat neck"

>4 fingers

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> whats a good comeback
actually having sex

>I get told this by women in online games
No, you don't.

>"well that was short but im sure you guys are used to it"

Used to what? Winning quickly? What does that even mean?

If you need a comeback for that it means you're already butthurt which means if you weren't a total incel you could just reply "already did"

What in the fuck

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what? who is this?

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>it's actually decent and uses the fetish correctly
You can tell the episode was made by people who actually have that fetish. I'm tired of games or movies/shows that either treat it as a joke or have the effects be a temporary "like omg my boobs are slightly bigger" and then 5 minutes later "lol my boobs are finally back at their original size phew".

Thank you, I will.

Just say no thanks ugly, don't flatter yourself

god western animation is so fucking ugly

"Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism."

I always type this when I see this "Have sex" pointless trash and nobody, and I do mean NOBODY can come back or reply with anything to this, this hits them like a truck full of bricks

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c'mon, it's 4am post the full thing

i assumed it was about cumming quickly during sex or something.

>have sex
Is this actually used outside of this site?

Lol this got me good

Remember winx club haha

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"I don't think my wife would be very happy with me having sex with anyone other than her, we're in a successful marriage you know, pretty rare these days." Or the shorter "I'll ask the wife."
Gaslighting as a happy trad dad who games occasionally on the weekends is the best for making literally anyone rage. Just put yourself in that mindset and act.

>keep winning online arguments and online video games
>people keep asking to have sex

Holy cow this is amazing

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"Bend over."

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>Statutory rape episode.

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>Not responding with "How about with you?"

have sex

>"have you tried not being a whore?"

>First few times i wasnt aware of the meme and I yelled - I'm fucking trying bitch for years and i told them they have no idea about how many pua books I read, nights i drank myself to sleep and number of women i talked to always getting rejected and depressed and raging alone and how i almost sucked a dick
This has to be written by a female, no actual male thinks or acts like this.

so i just go full on /pol/ on them?

cant i just reply - "Unfollow Israel" ?

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>Don't mind if I do. Your ass. Out. Now.

That's a good way to turn gay, but then again, that would be an improvement over being a pussywhipped hetero beta orbiter.

Remind them that their only value is the moist hole between their legs.

Update windows.


I's sad that so many guys on Yea Forums will never know the joy of having a son, that thinks you're the greatest thing on earth.

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>teach your son how to ride a bike
>teach your son how to play dark souls
>teach your son feminism is cancer


is it worth all the poop and screaming and trashing of house?

not sure i wanna make my life harder...I think i will just go hiking and swimming in peace instead, but thanks anyway

Have Gex

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Nothing of value comes without some hardships, so yes.

the reply fails because you have no foreskin.

anyone can have a kid and brainwash him into thinking that way by sexually and psychologically abusing him, user. you're an amateur

>is it worth all the poop and screaming and trashing of house?


Best comeback for women in any situation ever is to NOT give them (or what they say) any attention. Women quite literally operate on unwarranted attention given to them especially if they are emotional sperging outs like yours was.

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At least try to type a little different, your pissflaps are flaring.

Yea Forums will eventually devolve into exclusively spamming the same 10 meme quotes over and over.
Screencap this.

based huhposter

"Bend over"

have sex
discord tranny


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>making another depressed wageslave that'll rightfully hate me 20 years later
hard pass

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>like bro the hive mind needs wage slaves bro, it's no big deal bro

As you get older you won't be able to do those things anymore, having a son that you brought up into a good man is the most rewarding thing you can do.

When you're older and weak, he will be there for you.

The evil gals in that show were better than the main cast imo
>mfw w.i.t.c.h ended up having buttloads of comic seasons in italy

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This. Life just ain't worth living right now, and if you continue the circle you're a monster.

real talk, why does 'have sex' hurt the right wingers so much?

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Life is better than it's literally ever been, prove me wrong.

>right wingers

>he fell for the politics meme


Ignore if it's a woman, politely ask them to bend over if it's a man.

Having kids is great because together we can destroy the planet, I never recycle btw.

Chad too bust fucking to learn history properly so only incels end up right wing.

OP here. first times i was told this "have sex" i flipped out.


I don't give a fuck, I only lived *now* and I hate it.

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Absolutely dude, every second

how did they get away with this

bend over

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The thing I love about these population control facists is they usually are the ones having lots of kids. Bill Gates is a staunch advocate for population control, he spends literally billions on propaganda and "other means" to make this happen.

He has 3 kids.

have kids

People don't turn gay, probably 10% of the people who claim to be gay are actually gay the rest are larping faggots that got convinced that they were gay by the kike media.


only if you count medical advancements. Otherwise it's shit

Well this is a lie, because you're still here.

Life is fucking awesome, we get to play vidya all day and the stupid women do all the work.

>NOBODY can come back or reply with anything to this, this hits them like a truck full of bricks
More like they don't want to reply to your cringe jew religion posting

I think I was too old at the point of that show airing to really care about Saturday cartoons anymore. Mostly just concerned myself with Kids WB and Pokemon, Digimon, Static Shock, etc. Though I did watch Cardcaptors, and always wondered why it felt like I was missing several episodes til I watched the full original series subbed.

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What he actually wants is for "certain people" to not have kids, he is a rich white guy.

Didnt he steralise heaps of african? Pretty based in my book

I was gonna say that was a joke, but with the level of autism you just demonstrated, I don't think you even know what jokes are.
>"the kike media CONVINCED me I like sucking dick"

IK this is brace face but google isn't helping me with finding the artist
help me bros

>make a girl pregnant
>no more sex for a year
>she will act like a bitch that entire year
>babby arrives and makes your life a living hell
>girl already took all your money, time and sleep
>dude say goodbye to the rest of your life lmao
>nothing but worries for the next 20 years
>kid finally moves out and you can relax again
>kid gets a babby of their own
>hey dad please look after the babby for the weekend k thanks

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What if your son turns into a hollywood actor, you'll be rich in your retirement.

There's nothing wrong with having a lot of kids if you're filthy rich. Problem is when poorfags do it, and I don't blame the rich trying to fucking wipe this menace out.

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>Usually nice player, never trash talk anyone unless insulted first
>Out of the blue one of the server female server regulars calls me cuck after fragging me
>Not knowing the reason i just keep calm until match is over.
>End up winning the match and type gg and then "street worker..." shortly after
>She just types "rofl"
>Next day i type "Lady of the night" right after she joins while beta orbiters are greeting her
>Goes silent during entire match and just quits server shortly after
I'm going to keep this little game for longer, what are other creative or just subtle ways to refer to hookers? I was thinking "no room included' is that any good.