Will you be buying it?

Will you be buying it?

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It was my favorite game of last year and this version has a shit ton more content so of course

I might. After the Pokemon failure, this could hold me over until SMT5 I guess. Never played DQ but it looks interesting, especially the 2D and 3D switching.



Probably not

I already played it on the PS4 and I can't really justify buying substantially the same game again at full price.

>smt V

trial of mana will come out first and looks as good as DQ11. smt probably wont come out til 2021 since atlus took so long with p5 royal and some other shit.

The graphics are half the reason I played as long as I did, no way could I handle locked 30fps at sub HD resolutions

I could look into that as well I guess.

Anything to make me forget Pokemon forever.

Play hard monsters or prepare to have a 40 hour cake walk before the heat starts to dial up

Maybe. I never picked up the PC version and JRPGs work well on handhelds. The extra content is a nice bonus I guess (assuming it's exclusive to the switch and not coming to PC)

I don't have the patience to do all the grinding and shit again.

Are early adopters mad?

Second time I see someone say this. I’ll keep it in mind, thanks user.

I have a feeling that If I got it for free by pirating it on PC, id get very bored of it very quickly. But if I paid for it on the switch, I would be obliged to force myself through the boring beginning of a DQ game and start having a lot of fun once Im through it.
Anyone else feel that way?

i played this game almost 3 years ago
so no

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I'm in the same boat, and I only really finished it recently anyway. It's something I might pick up on sale in a year or two purely for the portability, especially with a bunch of other stuff coming out for Switch I'd rather play instead

>definitive edition
>the one that looks and runs the worst

Only a Switch owner would eat shit like this.

are you retarded?

Same, hopefully SE decides to update the ps4 version. I know that the japanese are pretty pissed

no but I appreciate him being in smash and will buy his dlc for smash

I steal it

>especially the 2D and 3D switching
that gimmick is convincing me too

How do you hack the switch?

I have it on PS4 BUT Japanese audio, additional story, switch HD to 16 bit graphics, past Dragon Quest worlds. Damnit yes.

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Are the japanese early adopters happy about that?

I don't play weebshit.

Fuck SE they couldve released dlc or make this version available for ps4/pc


Probably not. There's a lot of games already coming in the second half of this year and I never really enjoy Dragon Quest as much as some people because it's so generic.

Yes, I was considering to buy it on PC, but this got announced last year with more content.
Also I'm hearing good things overall about it, so I'll give it a go. I'm pretty sure it will look blurry but it's not a big deal breaker since it's a very clean looking cartoony game.

Pirate first and if I like it enough I buy it.


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>Will you be buying it?
already have it on pc, so no.

Yes. I held off getting it on PS4, because i prefer my Switch, and now the list of additions and improvements released, i made the right fucking choice.

prob not, i already have it on ps4 and pc

Day 1 pirate.
Dropped the PC version once I got the boat.
Hope this one will have something better to offer.

no i already played it in better resolution

Yes. Gonna do my Draconian Run with it.

If you have to ask, it's already too late for you.

Dragon quest is one of those series where I think almost everyone on earth are shilling its success.
I tried XI but couldn't handle the repetitive music, battle, monster reskins and open world meme.
MC is hot though. Would definitely suck.

What if I haven't touched mine since September last year? Do I still have a chance?

you are just gayer than sylvendo

Also don't forget being able to marry Jade now.

There's a lotta shit coming out that month, I genuinely don't know

What does it actually have new?

Yes. It's a so much better version of the game with tons more content and things.

Kind of irks me the additional stuff isn't announced as DLC for the PS4 and PC versions.

Why? This is the apology for delaying the game 2 years on Switch.

Only on the Switch:

>complete 2D mode you can play the entire game in
>ability to explore past DQ worlds
>expanded storyline, each character will be more fleshed out
>QoL changes
>more monsters you can ride
>vanity system (transmog gear)
>orchestra OST instead of synthesized, can also choose to use DQVIII OST while playing
>can romance and marry girls in the postgame

The majority of that was already on the 3DS version. "only on switch" my ass.

Which of those things were already on the 3DS?

Yes. I waited for the Switch version just in case extra content. I made the right call.

SE said they were undecided on it, which is just corpspeak for "It'll happen, but several months from now so that we can make people triple dip for our game."

2d mode
past dq worlds
expanded storyline

Couldn't care less.
Would have to know more.
Would have to know more
Would have to know more.
Who cares.
Already moddable.
Depends on how fleshed out it is I guess. Wouldn't matter much anyway since best girl wouldn't be a proper option anyway.

I mean, I would be fairly happy if they rebalanced SP gains so it wasn't so backloaded, making the early game more interesting, but past that, don't really think the game needed much changing.

Most of these changes don't tell me enough really. Doesn't seem worth another 60 bucks when I already played and beat the PC version.

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3ds doesn't have the ability to switch between the 2d mode and the proper full 3d mode of the switch though
also the switch storylines are even more expanded


Ah I missed that one

I bought it on Steam (during the sale) for 30 euros, but I didn't finish it. It's kinda boring desu.

Which girls?


I bought it on PS4 but I haven't played it yet. I'm waiting until the Switch version comes out to see if the PS4 will get the additional content before I play it. I just really want the orchestral soundtrack bros.

Depends. Is it gonna be 400p in handheld smeared in Vaseline?

Even the bunny girls?

Nope. Pirated it on PC and got didn't like it.

>literally has more content than vanilla
>the fps is ay the very least solid 30fps and no dips

Probably. Pokemon looks like shit, and DQ11 looks better than FETH.

>the fps is ay the very least solid 30fps and no dips
This remains to be seen.

Buy my game!

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I will because I never got it for the ps4

I will be buying it.
I'm gonna need a jrpg fix now that Pokémon has shit the bed.
Installed a patched/restored cia of DQVIII on my 3DS earlier but the game won't start because it can't read to the SD card for some reason and the SD card is fine.
Which DQ game should I play instead of VIII?
Anything I can play on a 3DS is a fair recommendation.

Nigger. Just literally watch the E3 fucking gameplay video. At not a single moment in those 23 or so minutes has there been a dip


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Alright? Its a 100+ hour game. No shit the preplanned 23 minute demo runs well.

Only if you live

enjoy no online you thief

Atlus taking time with P5 has nothing to do with SMT, they have theyr own deticated team for it. Its just they havent been in full development for too long. Its same how people syit on Kojima for not showing ds gameplay like 2 years ago

Why do people keep bringing up pokemon? Is it the same guy over and over or did something actually happen?

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So? How does that justify fucking over ps4 and pc owners that bought it when it came out?

Again? Yes.

Dont give a shit about online. I care sp. In worst case I swap sd and boot into normal os, not atmosphere

user, be so kind and wrote few words on Warlocks 2, Our World is Ended and Lapis Labyrinth. Thank you in advance!

Shit dude I got 90% of the way through the game before I had my first wipe

Maybe in a couple of years. I already own the original on PS4 and replaying so soon would burn me out instantly.

Why wouldn't they? Not only do they have to buy the game again. Some of them don't even own the console.
T. One of the early adopters

user if you're implying that demos are there only to show the good parts that is easily debunked with every other demo shown at E3. The video shows pretty good bits such in a big town, wild fields with a lot of monsters and multiple battles and none of it came with dips. Is very much safe to say the game will keep that stable frame rate on the rest of the game. Like fuck sake, man. What sort of goalpost moving shit is this?

I’d youre grinding in dragon quest it’s because you are fighting very inefficiently. The combat is deeper than you think it is. You need forethought, backup plans and some intelligent gambling.

I agree that there should be some extra content as an apology but shit like the music being the symphonic version should have been in the game when it released.

I'm probably gonna pirate it.

Yes even though i have a hacked switch i will be buying the physical version it looks like a really solid rpg.

I played it on PC
>boring as fuck
>generic as fuck
>most battles consists of selecting Attack over and over even on draconic difficulty, with the occasional heal
>music sounds like shit, and the compositions are mediocre at best (worse than DQVIII)
>every area looks the same, soulless as fuck environment that feel completely static and devoid of life
>they make you feel literally no affection to the horse, it's just a tool you use when you can't put up with the painfully slow run speed
>horrible fucking voice acting, seriously what the fuck
>all characters are unlikeable
>especially the fag, seriously who thought it was a good idea to have this screenching homo as a party member?
>the "puff puff" scenes fade to a dark screen, were they censored for western release or what? I reacall there was a cutscene for it in DQVIII.

Not even worth pirating tbqh. Even fucking Ni No Cunny is better than this trash, even fucking Neptunia is better. DQ is literally hikikomori fodder, you'd have to be mentally ill to like this brain numbing shit in 2019.


Not because I think the game is bad or I am uninterested... but because that game is going to be a time vampire for time I don't have to spare.

The new Pokémon games are looking to be the worst ones yet which is saying a lot.
The devs confirmed not all Pokémon will be in the game's code and that not having them all im each game will be their new policy moving on.
The straw that broke the camel's back, essentialy, since many people put up with all the other bullshit in the past because they love the Pokémon themselves.

You can hack the Switch?

You can play all the Dragon Quest games on your 3DS, 1-3 you can get SNES injects for, 4-6 & 9 on a flashcard and 7 & 8 cias

Loved the game in the PS4 but now I don't feel like buying it again despite the new content. I prefer to play diifferent games that I haven''t finished like DQ VII, EO V or Horizon.
Being said that, I will recomend the game to my friends.

I'm aware. I'm just wondering which ones I should start with.


If your switch was manufactured before summer 2018 - yes. Here is guide for serial codes which can be hacked and its piss easy to do.
Havent played warlocks too much, but first impressions were good. Seemed fairly challenging in beginning, feels good to control and looks good too.
Our world is ended feels like regular vn, art is nice,so is story so far. Its also very plot heavy, color me suprised and lot of ecchi humour.
Lapis Labyrinth I have probably played most,colorful and blast to play. It gave me "one more mission" sickness again. I highly reccomend to try it

Thanks, bro!

So, if it is only the SD. Could I just simply take out the SD and play online normally as always?

I’m personally not, cause the original release felt complete to me, once I got the true ending, after more than 100 hours, I wasn’t craving anything else.

I wouldn’t complain about extra content, of course, but I wouldn’t pay full price for it either.

>people knew the other versions already lacked content the unlocalized 3DS version had
>people knew a Switch was on the way
>people still bought the gimped versions
they deserve it. I've got a PS4 but there was no fucking way I was going to get scammed by SE.

Fucking yes.
Thanks for beta testing

Fuck no

We just had to wait 3 years for the Switch version, bro! High five!

Holy based

I'll be buying the 3DS version now that it's dirt cheap.

Is it really as easy as that? I am pretty sure you will get banned if you do that, on top of buring efuses from booting into the normal OS (making it impossible to go back to your original NAND backup). I heard of people getting banned even after restoring their original NAND backup, because apparently Nintendo can detect if the system was booted in RCM even once (and you boot into RCM the first time to dump the NADN).
I think emunand is currently the only way to not get banned, but it'll probably get detected sooner or later.

Consolewar faggotry, is what it is

I've waited far longer for certain sequels to happen, there was no pain in waiting.

but Sylvendo is straight.

Veronica's deaging is still not explained
>b-but muh magical power!!!
doesn't make any sense

Atmosphere at least is like modified os but it has to be launched from safe mode. Its not like vita 3ds etc which modifies your system for good. I can still boot up to regular unmodified os and access online, though its a bit risky. But there measures you can take just in case.

Ye, i've been avoiding spoilers like a motherfucker. And since most people on this board either hate irrationally hate DQ, or know nothing about it, means it's very easy to not get spoiled. The only spoiler i've seen, is that one of the characters is a monster.


What even is there to spoil? With these games, you played one, you played them all. You can see the twists and the endings to every substory a mile away.

Orchestral won't change how crappy the compositions are, so no.

While nothing truly innovative happened in XI, I felt fairly surprised at some points, specially by DQ standards and the true ending cinematic is a joy to experience without spoilers


This, I gladly wait longer for games to be finished.