I swear just... it's really, really bothering me...

I swear just... it's really, really bothering me. I feel like the Fairies' relationship with Link and the way it's depicted really crosses a line into sexual harassment/assault, and I feel like, if anything, it's been included for a humorous effect: you can watch it again, and again, and again, and it's not used for any storytelling purpose (e.g. to explore some of the real-world issues relating to sexual violence).

I mean, the Fairies' affection is clearly not reciprocated. At first, with blowing a kiss etc. it seems harmless, a bit of a laugh. It slowly gets more and more overt, according to the magnitude of the task at hand.

You want your armour upgraded one level? Blow you a kiss, harmless enough. He's clearly uncomfortable, but the silent hero is still silent and had dealt with literal monsters, he can put up with this, right? Increase two levels? It's a bit more overt, but whatever, just upgrade the armour and he'll be on his way. Three? It's more than a bit predatory when she plants a (literal) giant kiss and he's holding up his hands to protect himself from her. Four? Hell, it's straight sexual assault played off for laughs. She grabs him and takes him down into the depths of the fountain, and the screen cuts to black, accompanied by Link's yell. When you see him next, he's been returned to the steps of the fountain. He's lying there, apparently too exhausted to stand.

My first reaction was to laugh, because it was so unexpected, and I didn't know how to react. My second reaction was to laugh, because I laugh when I'm fucking uncomfortable and can't articulate why. My third reaction was to skip every damn cutscene because fuck watching that, over and over again.

The problem is, this is played for laughs. Link, the legendary hero, has to put up with advances from four powerful women in order to do his damn job. How hilarious. I mean, it really seems a lot less funny if you reverse the gender.

Attached: great-fairy-mija-zelda-botw[1].jpg (1280x720, 101K)

god i wish that were me

Sex is funny. You'd know that if you had some.

Part of me thinks I'm taking this far too seriously, and the other part can't for the life of me work out how the devs thought this was a good idea. Sexual assault/harassment is still wrong, no matter the genders involved. Yes, crimes of a sexual nature are overwhelmingly perpetrated by men, there's no question about that. But it doesn't change the fact that sexual violence is never funny, no matter who is involved.

I've always had a soft spot for TLoZ, but am always aware that even though it does a lot of things right, it does a lot of things wrong, too. But it seemed to be changing; Zelda being given (a little) more autonomy and a bit of a personality was a really welcome change in BotW. So I guess I was really surprised to discover this, and even more surprised to have realised afterwards that I haven't seen anyone talking about it.

Did she use Link as a dildo?

Is this a copypasta from resetera/reddit?

I should draw porn of her


Not that guy but it's a legit point, though there won't be any actual serious discussion here of all places

Wow, I didn't think any Zelda games would go that far. @_@ Like the most sexual thing I'd seen before reading this was just the great fairy in the Ocarina of Time games being almost-nude and the statue in one of the dungeons supposedly having nipples...

But this does sound way too much for an E-rated game (or is it still rated E?), and definitely would be on par to the realism of some females being forced into sexual acts IRL to get promoted in some careers. I imagine it would be even worse for those who've suffered it for real. :(

I don't think you're overreacting, in fact I would also feel weirded out by this. If not by a man being harassed by a female, but MYSELF feeling harassed by having to watch it. Just like having to sit through an anime with unsolicited sexual fanservice. The struggles of being a straight female anime fan.

To me, these types of sexual scenes give me the same reaction/stress levels as receiving unsolicited dick pics from strangers!

>I mean, it really seems a lot less funny if you reverse the gender
Fuck you nigger I skipped all the way to the end because I knew this fucking line was coming (and fuck reading your huge ass diary entry), I hate you and your sensitive ass so goddamn much, fuck off for life. And sage

What's the point, That great fairies are a little to touchy?

I mean yeah basically that, he doesn't want it but they just disregard his wishes and do it anyway. It doesn't bother me hugely but it is kind of fucked up in a way

ok but what do they do to link when they take him inside it seems kinda cramped in their haha

How else is link gonna get his upgrades?


Not a giantess fag but I want to lick her giant feet.

What do you think? Google it, it's from some fucking snowflake on plebbit girlgamers.
Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you murikans? The great fairy animations are CLEARLY played for laughs, yes they are sexual but they are funny for anyone who isn't a special, permanently offended, hypersensitive fucking snowflake. Link is stoic, he never lets out any emotion, and it's funny to see him teased by these thicc fairies, seriously this is entry level humor and it makes me so mad that these no fun allowed sjws are forcing more and more devs to not include any sexual fun or fanservice in their games.

Attached: punch.gif (240x132, 740K)

>he doesn't want it but they just disregard his wishes and do it anyway
It doesn't affect link tho, he shakes it off like nothing

how do some of you not understand that this is ironic? even if it wasn't what the fuck is with the sincere vitriol like just do something else ffs

I am a giantessfag and same

post more great fairies

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>how the devs thought this was a good idea
japanese people aren't really human

it's hot

Only women get the privilege to scream about "sexual harassment" stupid tranny.

BotW is almost certainly written by straight men and the great fairies are 100% sexual fantasy. You could argue it has no place in a game rated CERO B though.
Manga/anime written by female authors often have male characters sexually assaulting the female main character because that's hot and cute to them, pic related.

Attached: onepeep.jpg (1440x900, 492K)

japanese people never had the brainwashing americans had.
They think of men and women in two different ways.

Ever heard of the term heroine? They have a template for a female hero because female heros are different to male ones. Also is sexuality.

Males can't be hurt through sexuality, because thats a thing they crave. Sex with someone weird and nasty is therefore funny to them, because the male is not psychologically damaged and should be in control of the event.

Maybe your defense against these thoughts would be indeed stronger if you would have been indoctrinated by a 2-gender warrior/shame-culture rather than the "everyone and everything is the same and everyone is always hurt because of the most stupid reasons just because the I wants to feel important" - bullshit the west calls culture.

In short: Western and eastern culture are both stupid. Westerners are up their own butt and feel offended by anything that gives them the feeling that they are important (what they are not) and easterners are just primitive.

Shut the fuck up fairy boy

Attached: 1554991257552.jpg (1250x1920, 614K)

>Someone makes point you disagree with
>This is how you react

Looks like the sensitive one here is you.


>Sex with someone weird and nasty is therefore funny to them,
that's abuse

Attached: giwtwm.webm (640x480, 2.42M)

Yeah, uh, I had the same reaction. I didn’t find the humor here very humorous. It seems to come from a time when you were supposed to laugh at the guy who gets pulled unwillingly into a bedroom because “it’s for his own good,” like men are supposed to crave sex and always want it, and guys who don’t want it are funny.

I played BotW with my three year old daughter watching. I didn’t make a huge deal of it, but I did mention every once and a while how it looked like Link didn’t want a hug, and it wasn’t very nice of the fairy to hug him when he didn’t want it.

Did those fairies ever get porn art?
I thought they would.

why do I have a boner

There was one doujin about them and Link.

>BotW sequel
>more Great Fairies like this.

Best part of the game desu, took me by surprise because I thought modern AAA kids games were not allowed to have anything remotely in association with sexuality. Link is always taking advantage of the little teeny fairies, the giant fairies are just giving him what he deserves.