What went so right?
What went so right?
>literally mobile graphics
tell me user, what's "mobile graphics" to you?
looks like the average smartphone game, gtfo with this shit
but AC has never been the most graphically impressive game. This is a step up from the past but I can see how it would disappoint people who thought it'd look like the MK8 track or something
This is why I play games on ps4
They're toning down colors and patterns way too much.
for graphics? They do release graphically impressive games but the only game I really played on my PS4 were Dragon Quest and indies which aren't exactly graphically intensive games. I don't think this game will be made or broken by it's art direction
Post a smartphone game that looks on par with the new Animal Crossing.
Make the grass patterns more visible and brighten up the colors and it's perfect. I didn't like the crafting mechanics and store being a menu instead of a store but it sounds like you'll get to have a more traditional animal crossing "town" once you progress in the game.
I'm also wondering what kapp'ns role in this will be since you're on the tropical island now
I mean it looks like AC. AC has never really been a graphical marvel. The last console AC console looked shitty for its era, this one just looks sort of bland, but I wouldn't say bad.
Mobile games look way better than that these days.
if it doesn't upgrade into a full store I'll be surprised. I think considering it's being operated out of a big trunk I'm not surprised it's a menu at the moment
>rolling log
>cell phones
>clown feet
>no new personality types
>even more tools now break
>colors are way too dull
>trees are taller than cliffs
>cliffs and waterbanks are flat
>water looks too realistic
>water is too flat
>grass pattern is nearly gone
>snowballs don't leave tracks
>dialogue text is way too big for longer sentences
>shops are menus
>automatic saving
>no cloud saves
just why
>Talking about graphics in a fucking AC game
I feel bad for Snoy fans at this point, u havent played a good game for so long u think games are just movies now
>Imagine talking trying to dick size graphics when u cant even play in the same ball park as pc chads
Honestly if they just changed the ground textures back to how they were in New Leaf then I think the game would look great. It just looks weirdly smooth without them.
Because it's a Switch game. You choose between having multiplayer held hostage, or the ability to have your saves not held at gunpoint.
Why do people get autistic about rolling log? What's wrong with it?
it's just a point that's been highlighted so many times that people keep repeating it over and over
it isn't really that bad, people just think that other people think its bad and so they must think its bad too
what did they mean by this?
You can hack your switch and use "checkpoint" save data backup tools for this.
And yes it's safe.
it's a coincidence
I unironically mean this when I say this is beautifully crafted, high quality post. I'd ask for a handshake and an autograph if I could.
everything is a coincidence
Endless fetch-quests and monotonous back and forth errands to grind out money to pay off a loan/debt.
So nothing.
so standard Animal Crossing then
Looks all right, nothing spectacular, nothing terrible.
will it bring in new audiences though because that's Nintendo's main concern. Retention of old fans and attracting new ones as well
If you care so much about graphics why would you even get a PS4. It has dogshit graphics compared to PC. I had Skyrim running in 2013 with better textures than what the PS4 can achieve.
never played AC, but this looks comfy as fuck.
old fans have been sceptical but are slowly warming up after carefully analysing the trailer and treehouse footage
new fans are coming in too, pocket camp attracted much attention, and even new anons keep entering threads asking what on earth animal crossing is and many say they are going to buy the game
I think Animal Crossing might end up outselling Pokémon.
unlikely but I expect it'll sell record numbers for the title
I decided to skip this pokemon gen even though I bought all the previous ones. Meanwhile I'm considering getting a switch for AC. (But I won't because the price is way too high and won't go down until I get over my hype)
We're living in the best timeline
Isabelle isn't forced on us
Thats a pretty low quality screenshot, just look at the artefacts in the water and the edge of objects.
No only did you take it from a low quality stream but increased the resolution of the image to make it look worse.
Balls are touching
imagine you could hire Digby instead.
I'll be happy to take a better one when I have the game