

Attached: 2b.png (594x726, 469K)

Other urls found in this thread:


stop giving a fuck


If he's not funding the creation of fully functional, AI included, 2B sexdolls, then I'm not interested

He could've at least posted better art.

what did he mean by this?

fucking nothing, he knows if he shitposts he'll get some media attention for a few minutes. grown man attention whore

it's not about his checkmark you absolute retard
he's an eccentric tech magnate who could make fembots an actual thing

She's in

Don't worry

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>in the todd howard E3 talk elon implied he wants to fuck sex bots
>now this

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He's a deep state asset trying to normalize degeneracy you bluepilled nerd.

hes an overrated hack who literally hasnt done anything

>he's an eccentric tech magnate who could make fembots an actual thing
he's a spastic who talks a lot about crazy projects and never completes any


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his whole twitter is pretty weird

This, go marry a mature woman instead of fantasizing about pedo sexbots, oof...

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Nigga he's a legit idiot that lucked into knowing people that could actually build profitable systems on the net years ago. There's a reason everyone wants to oust him from SpaceX and Tesla; because his lunacy is going to destroy both and he has no skills that can actually help either company.

>hes an overrated hack who literally hasnt done anything
so an eccentric tech magnate?
end yourself retard

>Yell at Elon for not giving source
>Meanwhile their peers did the same shit

Also the difference with Will Smith is that Elon has nothing to do with the material. Will Smith might legally have to give source

he's southern boy with southern town roots
he's big city livin' but with country livin' boots

so nothing
no one
he wont make anything real

>Just accept women who squandered their youth.
Fuck off. How about these bitches be loyal? How about that one?

>so many of them offing themselves at 30ish
deranged shit, I almost feel bad but you also know they spent their lives having attention thrown at them just for being women and their own behavior is the only reason men wouldn't throw a ring at it. In the same stroke of the brush I don't pity them at all when millions of men are gonna suffer their whole lives single but still give it their all for SOMETHING even if its not gonna be a woman who loves them

How's it weird? The guy is a genius and likes to spend his time consuming media, is that not just observable? What else would he be doing with his time? He probably spends a decent amount on making sure his companies don't fall apart, for sure, but he's a human too.

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Why wouldn't you want an experienced mature lady instead of some unrealistic fucktoy robot? You some kind of bigoted pedo misogynist?

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Dude's like 50, does he really understand internet culture or is this stuff just for marketing clout?

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Fat women have families, and they look like outright models.

Theres always a way out

Why do men do this to women? Just marry them and have children you pussies.

I don't believe in marrying the first girl to give you a blowjob but how can you possibly think having to burn through 25 partners is a remotely good thing

That's not a sound business investment.

Christ you're a fucking incel retard

Fucking this, she's out there waiting for you right now my fellow bros......

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Dude fired his own car into space, I fully believe he doesnt give a lick of a shit anymore, which is funny, if bad for his company

I'll take the big iron on my hip instead

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The author is a massive slut but realised it way too late, so now she's encouraging other younger girls to be a much of a slut so she doesn't feel bad about it.

Ideally more*

>mfw I wanted to marry with the first person I fell in love

Damn im retarded lmao

Is Elon actually smart or is he just another Steve Jobs?

Solution to all attention addicts: Lobotomy + sterilization

This is the reason back in the oppressive days of the white nazi patriarchy of the 1700's there were arranged marriages. Children are too dumb to see the future and they're too expensive for an economy which is the reason immigration is a meme nowadays.
What white supremist demagoguery is this?? Are you imposing normative gender norms on people? Marriage and family are oppressive to womyn, you should know this. Off to the inclusivity and love gulag with you!

>okay now that i've hit a dead end I GUESS I'll date you guys I rejected before
what level of lack of self awareness does it take to spew garbage like this

My first fiance didn't show up to the ceremony and the wedding as a bust like in movies. So I married Evan Williams instead

Oof too real.

That's terrible. Doing that to men. Leaving. We don't know how to properly ask each other how to stay for any real amount of time, and women play that to the maximum. Yeah, mature women would know exactly what to do; but it's always awkward. We wouldn't have any baggage if women weren't allowed to do that to us. It's so psychologically rattling for a man, to have that happen to him. We're all ashamed of our sexuality, so it's not really clear how to find someone to express it with; but it's all we ever want and as long as we're getting it the world is in perspective. I think women give our lives meaning; despite their insanity in action. They can be pretty and smart too, despite my interest being in the more physical aspects.

You are though, the chances of that happening are slim and most likely an awful idea.

Also, you shouldnt put a number on the people you sleep with. Its stupid.

Worse than Jobs. Jobs was actually incredible at understanding the market and how to sell shit. Musk doesn't understand that, and can't do any of the science or engineering required to make any of his shit work.
It's funny that people were shitting on Bezos for wanting to build O'Neill Cylinders but he actually studied under O'Neill and was part of the class that helped O'Neill design the original proposal.

A girl who has had other sexual partners than you is the same trash, be it 1 or 100.

I have a hard time believing something doesn't have an ulterior motive these days. Dude does nothing but appeal to zoomers and scare his investors. There has to be a reason for it.


Honest question, why do you think this?
Where did you get this information?

>any of his shit
He's just a suit. Nothing is his shit, he just fronts.

Check the comments on this one lol, roasties are butthurt.

Nothing pisses me off more than feeling like somebody's last resort.

I'd argue he's better only because he didn't trick the entire world into buying NSA spy devices.

Because Marketing is usually meant to calm the investors down, not make them riot.
I dont think the intent matters, either way, the result is still the same.

I don't really expect everyone to be a pure virgin, I know there are lots of people who go into relationships with pure intentions and it falls apart, their partner might not hold up their end of the bargain and cheat on them and leave them back in the dating world with a notch on their belt and I'd feel it would be unfair to view them as undatable for having a partner in the past. Shit sometimes does happen. It's the knowingly burning through partners that disturbs me

It disgusts me how men let things like pic related happen to women. FFS just man up you pissbabies.

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Why do Americans do this

please yes

Fuck off manslut.

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I've got no previous sexual partners, only girl I was physically close to I pussied out on having sex because I didn't have a condom.

That's what you get for trying to play god.

Nah, that was actually the right call. Our culture is hard to establish. So if you could spend time with someone and enjoy their company that way, you really should've made the bet. Take it from me, you should really just take it; because everyone is always terrified of an initial meeting. Once you establish some continuity and a history, you start to see what people are like; and it's more than just a few words in abstention. Have to eat sometimes. The problem is communicating the ability to maintain a low profile, just kind of stay out of the way. Women like to make a lot of noise, we like to hear it most of the time; but watch the way they handle sex very carefully. I think we can just openly talk about sex verbally, and I think that should be allowed; provided the age requirements are met. Nothing really says you can't. It's also universal to every human ever, even the ones you wouldn't think it of.

Why the fuck did elon musk become a shitposter?

Men are such horrible creatures.

Totally planned on it, just didn't end up happening.


he's still with Grimes? no wonder he's thinking of 2b

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He always was. It's how he managed to get attention to begin with.

We're just talking to each other you big dummies. That's what he's actually saying. Just pay attention to how everything is set up, you kind of realize it and everyone thinks it's a conspiracy.

This one is just sad though. Any man would love to put their career first until their late 30s and then have kids. Women don't get that option.

no that's sexist

Absolutely based.

He did what NASA couldn't do in few decades, the re-usable rockets. Stop spouting opinions you learned from reddit, retard.

He's part of the Paypal and Ebay group of the dot com era. A lot of these guys are. He basically was just part of a group of people that knew one or two guys that could put something together, put in a little money, and walked away with millions. All the tech millionaires are like that from the late 90s and early 2000s.
Shit, if you worked at Dell before 95 you were basically a millionaire by 99. That's why so many suits and mid level guys that weren't engineers, programmers, or designers from that made millions in the late 90s are all from Dell.

He's a good long term bet, imo.

>its real

the scientists that work for him did that, not him

Yup. Big contract from the education system. First to the market with the perfect casting: "generic everyman computer to get the job done". That era; people bought into it big time and it paid them off.

Re-usable rockets are facing the same problems as the space shuttle at an accelerated rate. They're failing faster, and in more devastating fashion than the space shuttles did and the only reason you haven't noticed it is because they're not blowing up astronauts yet. You're grossly ignorant of space development.

I wonder who funded that achievement, you massive faggot.

for the love of what ever higher power exists YES

Except she expected to find some guy to marry once she hit her 40s.

Why the fuck did this dude go full weeb? Whatever hope he makes a real 2B sexbot.

He could fuck any supermodel he wanted why would he want a sex robot

Government contracts, state contracts, independent investors, etc. Same kind of things that help Blue Origin.

yeah he got lucky with an investment, what a hero

to pander

Fuck Musk, let's talk about the fact that El-P think Omikrom is a good game.

Some of them look like they're in their mid 40's

so is elon a ironic weeb?

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The government has paid for most of "his" achievements. Really makes you think.

Traps are gay and loli porn isn't child porn.

Quit whining about degeneracy. I had hot unmarried sex most of yesterday and today with a girl I just met. My dick feels like it's going to fall off and I couldn't be happier

Seeing shit like this tells me that every weeb has a different definition as to what an "Ironic weeb" is

Nier is anything but pop culture, nigger. If Musk posted about Lady Gaga, completely different communities would take notice.

>killing yourself over being 30 with no kids and no spouse
thank god no one here is that in exact same scenario haha

on point

What is it that makes this piece of shit game so loved by normies? I know permavirgins like it because muh TITS AND ASS but everyone else? The gameplay is boring as fuck, the story is the usual taro 2deep4u shit and the characters lack any form of depth. I seriously dont see the appeal.

Oof, seems like there's a lot of us.

god i want to just beat whoever likes ahegao unironically or not over the head with a lead pipe

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>Also, you shouldnt put a number on the people you sleep with. Its stupid.
Stupid because you look back and think through of how many failed romances and sluts you had to get through to get it right?

This is kinda funny in a sad way.

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What's not to love about ahegao? It's a representation of an excessively strong female orgasm. What's not to fucking adore? Are you literally fucking gay or something?

We're both a bit slutty. We have to be. The problem is that money is attached to the mating process, and that's kind of stupid. If you look at it like that, it makes a lot more sense.

we're more resilient aka gave up trying to follow societal norms

heck i dont even fuck hookers that are aged over 25

If only money didn't have to be attached to finding someone to spend time with you, then you can find some real happiness; but the moment you bring it up it becomes negative.

>Entire twitter thread is faggots endlessly bitching that he didn't credit the shitty artist and feeling self-righteous.
Jesus Christ, is Twitter always that fucking awful.
How the fuck do you faggots put up with that faggotry?

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>We're both a bit slutty. We have to be.
No we don't. Why do we have to be sluts?

The funniest thing is weebs taking being a fucking weeb seriously. LMAO

No he can't, he'd get metoo'd so fast lol

muh depression. See also Evangelion and Silent Hill 2.

it looks fucking retarded
especially in 3d
if i could wipe out every camslut that puts on that stupid meme face id do it in a heartbeat

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>93k likes just to say 2b and post a random image
the state of american society plaguing the world

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fuck off poorfag, money is what let 40 year old social rejects fuck 20 year old hot eastern european whores

Maybe you're looking at the wrong sluts. For example, it looked quite alright when your mom did it yesterday.

How else is someone going to know whether they're sexually compatible with you unless they know where your mind is? It's just always weird to think about it that way. Then you realize it's the people that comprise your real social interactions; but money always gets in the way.

maybe because that isn't a thing. you can't ironically be something. people that are "ironic weebs" are just normalfags with a very surface level knowledge of anime. someone who says
>man i love mha
then says
>wtf why is so much anime focused on little girls
isn't an ironic weeb, that someone is just a normalfag saying normalfag things.

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Yeah, a girl who dresses like that would be amazing IMO.

wait until you see any kpop-related posts

>How else is someone going to know whether they're sexually compatible
Why should a relationship be founded upon how good of a lay the other one is? If sex is your cornerstone why would you expect it to last once the relationship becomes more than sex?


Unfortunately this. My dad remarried twice. Both divorced him and tried to take whatever they could from him, even the stuff he had long before they married him. Both women were unemployed and he had a house, Lexus, and BMW. Don't marry women that are financially worse off than you.

A person known for outrageous tehcnological projects, some of which actually fucking succeed, shows interest in sexy robot ladies. Besides meaning that he apparently plays the niche games we play, which is always alright (it's pleasant when other people share your tastes), it implies that the billionaire wants to try building such a robot. We all understand that tech just isn't there, but the very idea, the concept of a billionaire being interested in a 2b-like android, is fun in its own way.
(I'm explaining the obvious because you don't seem to be equipped to understand this.)

musk is just another actor who is a slave to (((them))).

Then why not just call them normalfags

Because the only way you're going to want to tolerate being around each other for very long is if you can look at each other for long amounts of time. You can be bored too, which is actually what happens after so long; but you learn to just exist in boredom and then you pick off things from your partner and they'll pick off things from you.

Imagine being this clueless about human nature. Women are literally wired to look for good genes.

Top bait

Most of that picking is actually altering our physical presentations. All of us have blemishes that we're constantly trying to remove from each other.


kill yourself you pathetic faggot

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Yes, and?
You told me how he became a millionaire, not why you think he's destroying both Tesla and SpaceX.

He's just having fun man. Calm down. Elon can like whatever he wants.

Just another victim of the meme culture.

imagine defending billionaires for free on a mongolian sock stitching forum

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Why does the amount of money he has matter?

because people on here are retarded and gay.

Roasties and onions boys are fucking seething, I love it

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His company is first in history to create a reusable rocket, and he's extremely likely going to be first in history to do space tourism. He's also entertaining, opnionated and quite genuine--inspiration, retardation, good and bad days on social media, friends and enemies everywhere and all.

you wouldn't know who he was if he wasn't rich, kill yourself man
onions love elon though

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What marketing? Marketing of what? Jesus, man.

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I thought jannies were fucking pathetic for doing it for free but holy shit lmfao

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Fair enough, carry on

you know that the official nier twitter posted archives of 2bs ass, right?

And are YOU shitposting for money right now or something?

What the fuck does this have to do with Musk of all people? Do you think Squeenix paid Elon Musk to promote Nier? What, a year after the game came out? What the fuck are you even getting at?

Ready your dicks, bros it's happening!!!

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of course not, i'm enjoying calling you a retarded american especially because you're giving me yous

it is unrelated, but the character themselves was made simply for marketing to pathetic weeb incels

Would his work not simply speak for itself?

Don't cry UwU, put the happy face back on so you can suck my dick some more.

Nothing you write makes any sense, and now I understand why: you're an ESL dipshit.
And do you kow what's the difference between an "ESL dipshit" like you and "a person who's not a native English speaker", like me? Being able to sensibly use the language and comprehend.

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So in order to want to look at each other in the long term you've got to both be good in the sack and always rely on sex to solve your problems?

A woman wanting a good/attractive/ideal husband and a man wanting a good/attractive/ideal wife doesn't mean the relationship itself should be founded on sex or have a prerequisite of both of them being sluts for them to get along.

>Besides meaning that he apparently plays the niche games we play,
Elon is a fraud fed shit by his marketing team, he called fucking Kagerou a catgirl despite her clearly being a wolf. He's a fake nerd at worst and just retarded at best.

yeah I'm linking to cracked in 2019 but it's surprisingly decent

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Elon doesn't create anything, he hires people to make things and takes 90% of the profits out of the hands of the workers, like any other business owner.
I know that sounds commie as shit but it's not wrong. Commies are retarded as all fuck too though.

Obviously. You're going to fuck the hate out of each other and you're going to learn to love someone by learning to love the things you used to hate and he'll do the same back to you.

>He's a fake nerd at worst and just retarded at best.
Who the fuck cares about THAT of all things? Holy shit, nigger, you're the sekret club imbecile here, not I.

it's worse, they think elon is "one of them", their friend even
eceleb worshipping losers really are the bottom of the barrel

>the character themselves was made simply for marketing to pathetic weeb incels
Fuck, I take back the post I just made calling the other guy stupid, you're retarded too and you should neck yourself.
2B was made because Yoko Taro has a "girl fetish" as he puts it.

>and you're going to learn to love someone by learning to love the things you used to hate and he'll do the same back to you.
You don't need sex to do that though.

Photo of you btw.

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>162mg of alcohol in 100mg of blood
I think she would have died long before she got to that point.

Ew, why did he have to like a thing I like.

Imagine falling for propaganda this hard.

Elon is a literal retard who made billions off Paypal, and is squandering it on garbage.

Tesla is a fucking meme. Anyone who wants a car where the fuel-source is literally underneath your feet and incredibly vulnerable to heat and piercing is actually retarded, and I hope you burn to death in one of those moving deathtraps.

SpaceX is taking advantage of an underfunded NASA, and yet they still can't really create anything of note.

Of all the people who could potentially create robots, he's close to the bottom of the list. At the top are Google and Amazon, the only companies with the kind of resources required, and neither are going to make sex bots.

you think it's more likely a billionaire is "just like us" genuinely instead of being a social media manipulator?

Are you kidding me? The guy is reusing rockets. That's completely insane. Do you understand how difficult a propulsion system of that scale would have to be to not just have it immediately be destroyed under the slightest of malfunctions?

Here we go

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I do think billionaires are just like us. The amount of money doesn't separate us, only the background afforded to us.

Now, that's based

>and I hope you burn to death in one of those moving deathtraps.
I hate elon too but at least be right when you shit on his work, like the retarded miss-managed Boring company shit. The Tesla cars have less accidents than regular ones, even with the "vulnerability to heat and piercing" that a normal fucking car has too.
The "Tesla are a deathtrap" meme is a narrative paid for by big oil, stop believing every statistic without looking for comparative context.

>"elon is like totally one of us!"
no, he's a fraud
>"omg who cares you elitist shitlord!"

this is how fucking stupid you are that you can't follow a simple conversation
but it's no surprise a billionaire bootlicker and celeb worshipper has sub-room-temperature IQ


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Would it hurt if 2B blew her vagina fuse while you have your love stick inside of her?

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wtf I love Elon Musk now