>all these people saying they're not gonna buy the new Pokemon
All these people saying they're not gonna buy the new Pokemon
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I'm not gonna buy the new Pokemon
sperg much
It's almost like it's a series for kids or something.
>nintendo/gamefreaks ignoring fans in favor of selling out
sounds about right
Neck yourself simpsonposter
Unless Nintendo makes drastic changes this will be one of the worst selling mainline Pokemon games. It's only saving grace is being on the Switch.
>it will still sell
We'll see about that.
I didn't buy the last one because Sun/Moon was so bogged down in worthless cutscenes and story nonsense. If the new one cuts most of that shit out, I'll probably buy it. If not, then oh well.
I'm not so delusional to think that me not buying it will send a message, and even if it did it'll probably be the wrong message because it'll get lumped in with the dipshits asking for a complete national dex. I'm just not buying it because it seems like it'll be a bad game, and I don't want to play it. I accept that the franchise has moved in a direction that I do not like, and I'm not going to try and steer them in a different direction.
>cyberpunk 2077.jpg
i don't keep up with Pokemon. What did they do to "sell out?"
I tried to get back into Pokemon with Sun, but got bored halfway through. Pokemon's a piss-easy boring game series with its only appeal being the Pokemon themselves. Since I grew out of the Pokemon show a long time ago, and the games no longer interest me, I won't be buying it.
Did you play with the experience share on or off?
Turned that shit off as soon as I learned about it. Why make an already easy game even easier?
The default is with it on, so I'd argue you're making an easy game harder by turning it off, not making an easy game easier by leaving it on.
It got a bit challenging later in the game if you had that turned off though, but I'd guess that's further than you went, and it's nothing crazy. Lost a fight once.
>last pokemon game I deeply enjoyed were Pokemon Rush e Pokemon TCG on GB
>none of them have new games in sight
Fuck this gay earth
Have you tried out the translation of TCG2?
It will sell much worse than an average mainline game, but you are delusional if you think this won't turn a massive profit.
If you want challenge out of Pokemon, you're going to need to either use romhacks or play fangames. Drayano's hacks of the official games are pretty good, and Pokemon Reborn is pretty damn hard.
So in past Pokemon games, you could use every Pokemon species in that game that existed at the time of its release. So even though Swampert wasn't available in XY itself, you could transfer it over from BW/trade it from ORAS and use it all the same. People like to carry the Pokemon they've grown attached to from game-to-game, something that Game Freak has always encouraged and accommodated - you can use a Pokemon you've had since 2003 in a game released in 2017. With Pokemon Bank, they provided a monetized service to assist with this.
When LGPE came out, only the original 151 Pokemon (+ 2 new ones) were programmed into the game, and you could only transfer Pokemon from Pokemon Go. People didn't really care because they thought it would be the exception, but it's been announced SS will not make any Pokemon not featured in its regional Pokedex available, and that they're also removing all Mega Evolutions for Pokemon that had them previously. This means that, potentially, many of the Pokemon you've been carrying with you are completely incompatible with this game. In addition, if you want to transfer your Pokemon to SS, then you need to use Pokemon Home - a successor to Pokemon Bank (also requires $$$). But Home isn't compatible with the 3DS games, so say you transfer over a Pokemon that's not in SS to Home - it's basically stuck, completely unable to be used, until they eventually release a new game that features it.
They said they removed Pokemon because of increasing costs/balance/they want to improve animations. They already have HD models they can easily re-use, balance has absolutely never been something they've considered, the old Pokemon don't appear to have new animations, and the new Pokemon have the same crap animations the old ones have - so that's all BS. It's just part of the trend of GF removing/neglecting features with each new installment and being lazy, but it's only now that they've gone far enough to get huge backlash.
The main reason I bought these games was to play online, but in gen7 I already didn't bother with that because of I didn't feel like learning how z moves work, I didn't like the gimmick at all. And now that I can't bring the 6 boxes of battle-ready monsters with me I lost any minimal chance I would buy a shit. And I'm also really tired of GF being objectively lazy and incompetent. The transition to 3D completely destroyed the charm of the series. Despite the various degrees of "outdated", any of the 2d games has much more soul than any of the 3d ones.
>all these fags who says that pokemon is dead
Why are you incapable of advocating for your own interests? Do you think playing devil's advocate makes you more intelligent?
Yeah I except it doesnt mean I am not gonna call them trash still
>People like to carry the Pokemon they've grown attached to from game-to-game, something that Game Freak has always encouraged and accommodated
Not really, there were always delays until you could transfer them across gens. Something like a couple of months.
>balance has absolutely never been something they've considered
Just because it has never been considered, doesn't mean it's not a good idea to consider it.
>the old Pokemon don't appear to have new animations
Pretty sure there are new animations for dynamaxing and the like.
It's SwSh, SS is already taken
I'm not an infantile moron, so of course I won't buy the new pokemon. Fuck Gamefreak, talentless gooks.
>hyped for cyberpunk
the pokemon meymeys is dumb, but you are good for the nuthouse.
>Not really, there were always delays until you could transfer them across gens. Something like a couple of months.
Only for Gen 6 and 7 were there delays, and in any case those services were still available. Part of Pokemon's selling power is that it's designed in a way that players become attached to the specific Pokemon they've used in their playthroughs, and that they're able to take them with them as they move from game-to-game - this is something that Masuda himself has talked about extensively, so it's not as if they're unaware of this.
>Just because it has never been considered, doesn't mean it's not a good idea to consider it.
This is the same company that, less than a year ago, released LGPE that featured Stealth Rocks and yet no method to counter them - there's absolutely no way they can do 'balance' right.
Balance is a nebulous term anyway; if they mean they want to keep the types/species/strength balanced to fulfill their specific vision of how an in-game run should be, then that can be reflected in what Pokemon are available in-game - people bringing in Pokemon from Home is already upsetting this balance anyway, whether it's a Lv100 Charizard that I'm somehow allowed to bring, or something like a Lv15 Deino (assuming it's not available) that for some reason I'm not. If they're worried about balance in regards to online tournaments or competitions, they can restrict which Pokemon are allowed to be used, as they always have.
>Pretty sure there are new animations for dynamaxing and the like.
Come on, man, that's such a shit excuse. I'm pretty sure they have, what, a single animation for when they're Dynamaxing or something? If giving the other Pokemon species the same animation isn't possible, they could have reworked how Dynamixing occurs so that animation wasn't necessary (ala Z-Moves). Like every other feature they introduce, this isn't going even last past this generation, so cutting half of the Pokemon to include isn't exactly ideal.
You can post this meme becuase most times the Japs eat it up, but right now even the Japs want them to fuck off.
>If they're worried about balance in regards to online tournaments or competitions, they can restrict which Pokemon are allowed to be used, as they always have.
I think the current solution is more elegant to achieve online balance. This way you don't have to scour lists of arbitrary pokemon to know if the pokemon you have in game can work or not, you can just use the pokemon you have (excluding legendaries, which isn't arbitrarily defined really).
>If giving the other Pokemon species the same animation isn't possible, they could have reworked how Dynamixing occurs so that animation wasn't necessary (ala Z-Moves).
You'd rather have the same animation for a new feature, than have a dedicated animation? That's stupid, I'd rather have quality than reused animation.
People who say they do it for balance are fucking retarded, look at this list of Pokemon already confirmed in the game and tell me they did it for balance. Togekiss will just be raping everything now.
That's what they said, I see no reason to doubt that that was part of their intention. If they're competent in balancing is a different issue.
>I see no reason to doubt that that was part of their intention
>But man we need to throw in all of gen1 Pokemon, fuck balance give us money
Stop sucking their dick so much.
>>But man we need to throw in all of gen1 Pokemon, fuck balance give us money
Not confirmed. Besides, this is just another argument for whether or not they're competent in balancing.
i haven't bought a Nintendo product in probably over a decade at this point
You can look at that list and see they are putting in fan favorites and Gen1 Pokemon and fuck balance becuase give us your money. For real, how can someone slurp up so much dick?
I am, and Animal Crossing too.
Deal with it, Yea Forums shitposters.
Nintendo doesn't have anything to do with this, hell if it was up to them the game would have been delayed like prime 4 and animal crossing.
How am I sucking dick exactly? And putting in fan favourites =/= all of gen1, nice job backpedalling. I still believe they think they can put in those fan favourites while retaining balance, I see no reason to doubt that.
It actually baffles me that people are defending this dumpster fire. It's a console game with less content than a handheld game that costs $20 more but it's okay because you can turn the camera in a 2019 game.
> I still believe they think they can put in those fan favourites while retaining balance, I see no reason to doubt that.
Maybe all of years of them not being able to do this starting with Gen1, how about how lazy they have become? How about them releasing half finished games? Why the fuck would I have a reason to believe them after all of these years? How the fuck can you believe them?
I'm just going to say .01 cents has been deposited into your account I guess.
>Maybe all of years of them not being able to do this starting with Gen1, how about how lazy they have become? How about them releasing half finished games?
That's an argument for whether or not they're capable of it, their competency. Not what I'm arguing. Stop bringing this up please.
>Why the fuck would I have a reason to believe them after all of these years? How the fuck can you believe them?
They haven't lied yet (or at least, haven't been shown to lie yet), they just haven't delivered. There's a difference.
>.02 cents has been deposited into your account
Unabashedly based and red pilled. I will take a couple million more rational headed people like you and maybe we can fix the world or at least just america.
>you'll still buy it
No I won't.
I don't even see how I'm shilling to be honest, all I'm saying is that they haven't lied, which is a low bar. Haven't said anything about the game's quality.
I haven't bought a pokemon game since heartgold
Nothing will happen though because you dumbasses will buy it anyway. Remember the CoD boycott? L4D2? EA? Uplay? Yeah, way to rise up gaymurrs hahaha
I'm buying it pre-owned a week or two after release so those freak hacks aren't getting my money
I've never bought any pokemon game.
I dont even have a switch so i wont AND cant
Joke's on you, I haven't bought a pokemon game since the switch to 3DS
Pokemon is one of those things that they only care about Jap sale more then West sales unlike anything you listed and the Japs are super fucking pissed about saying they won't buy it and very very rarely do you see this happen with the Jap becuase they eat up everything.
>all these chucks saying they're not gonna seed the new feed
>"this game will be a game for longtime Pokemon fans"
>*cuts half the dex*
They also said LGPE would have something for hardcore players when it was the most offensively easy, content lacking game in the franchise. Don't forget when they said that USUM would have changes on par with Pokemon Platinum/Emerald only for it to be the most samey 3rd version released thus far.
And I think they honestly believed those things. They're just incompetent.
Don't forget the "We worked really hard on X/Y to future proof our Pokemon for any future games" "Also confirmed they are using the same fucking models.
Is this how you excuse them for fucking everything
>People keep pointing out how bad a company is and all of things they do wrong and why no trusts them
>Guys they're just incompetent, but also have billions and billions of dollars to hire people and do a better job, but it's not their fault
>Please buy their game
Fuck off.
>pokemon reborn
no thanks
What about the biggest outright lie of "we had to cut Pokemon for high quality animations" when we've barely seen any (if at all) new animations from the older Pokemon? In the interview where Masuda goes on in depth about he he mentions the animation thing once, then proceeds to go on and on about how it was more for """balance""" as if he himself knew the animation angle was bullshit.
Fucking apologists I swear
>Is this how you excuse them for fucking everything
I don't excuse them for shit. They're terrible developers that make shitty games. I just don't think they lie.
Still think they believe that.
can you proof the NPC wrong?
but homer was right and in the end justified
Its Pokemon. The fans are so die hard they'll buy it anyway. OPs pick applies to any series with fans
I’ll have extra money in my pocket