Someone fill me in on cyberpunk

what happened with cyberpunk 2077? why is everyone jumping ship/hating on it?

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lurk more, newfaggot, instead of asking dumb and retarded questions

thanks for the info!

Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot? Read the six other threads about, you dumb fucking mouth-breather.

i gave up even trying to make sense of what Yea Forums thinks
not too long ago they were hyped for cyberpunk because it pissed off trannies
before that they were shitposting about the sunlight

thanks for the info!

apparently cyberpunk 2077 is now shit because you:
1. can't choose a childhood hero when creating your characeter
2. can't customize your apartment(s)
classic Yea Forums being retarded as fuck, nothing more

Hoes mad for no reason.
Yea Forums kumping ships isn't really a thing, the majority is still hyped.
those who jumped ships probbaly did for tranny drama : basically trannies asked cdpr if there would be "gender non conforming" possibilities in cp2077 and cdpr said "yes you retards it's cyberpunk of course there's gonn abe degeneracy".
so now Yea Forums is mad because "muh catering to trannies" and trannies are mad for many reasons, one of which is that "having gender non confirming possibilities is NOT ENOUGH" and "cdpr needs to change the story as to represent the true struggle of trannies"
here u go

Resetera was outed as a pedo haven on neogaf, and then here on Yea Forums last night. Immediately after the evidence screencaps started getting posted here (and deleted by mods), the board started getting spammed with the kind of shit you'd see from reset or reddit circlejerks. It isn't hard to put together.

People got hyped up for promises from 6 years ago before there was even a release date, and were surprised to learn that content was cut as with every other game. When will they learn?

trans character option
content removed
less options to build your character

They cut out a shitload of content.

Because Yea Forums unironically thinks that quantity content is better than quality content.

the board ain't gonna shitpost itself

People think an RPG means you should be able to play as a reclusive interior designer who doesn't participate in any sort of plot or get involved with any main characters. An RPG should in fact, have no plot or any main characters. You should just wander the world like it's GTA Online and imagine your own story. CDPR is forcing you to play some sort of role in their role playing game, which is of course a bad thing.

It has sun and trannies, two things Yea Forumsirgins hate most.

Why SJWs hate it:
- 10 years ago someone from the development team said something bigoted and still wasn't punished
- there's a poster with a big-dicked tranny in the game, and this is somehow bigoted, too
Why Yea Forums hates it:
- trannies
- it's going to be a popular game

Unironically true for these retards.

its just sunposters finding something else to meme about. not sure why they want it to fail though. maybe they just hate polish?

Actually most of Yea Forums hates it because they confirmed it's not going to be an RPG but rather a shallow action game.
But it seems you have a beef with the people here so you're happy to make up whatever shit makes you sleep well at night

Trannies is the new Sun, and some autist posters are taking advantage to get (yous). Now they just pick anything to shitpost.
I probably gonna block Cyberpunk threads until the August gameplay release, then block it again until April.

Daily reminder that Cyberpunk 2020 had trannies and you could even perform a sex change yourself.

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So Minecraft?

So you're saying they removed the childhood hero option. But in all e3 interviews, the devs were talking about it. Did someone recently tweet something that triggered this topic ?


Trannies trigger everything and get triggered for everything. Other than that ?

Probably the option is still there.But Keanu Silverhand will be a major plot in the story.

>why are kojima shills and baiters hating on it

>its just sunposters
I love how they went quiet about daytime after this e3

I don't understand why trannies being in a cyberpunk game is rage-inducing.
A cyberpunk setting is basically a world where Evil won and the best you can hope for is a life filled with despair and violence.
Trannies have their place in the setting, in fact the god of this world is a tranny himself, trannies need to be part of any Evil setting.

I mean, is the worst place to live in America.

Yeah hopefully.

You know what, this will be an unpopular option but imagine 2 more dlcs revolving around the other 2 major characters.

As of now, just unlocking a few dialogues based on my childhood hero suffices

Except they said otherwise and the recent demo featured several RPG elements, like skill checks, different abilities, builds that change gameplay, choices and consequences, stats, customization and so on.

Trannies are concentrated in cities, and cities are hellhole in subhuman or subhumanising countries.
Rural America is kino, for now.

The downgrades are already starting to creep in.

Frontloading A list hollywood actors is always a bad sign, it shows a lack of shareholder confidence in the product.

The developer team isn't being directed by the same people who made Witcher 3.

Also, an overinflated viral marketing budget and secret special messages hidden in the trailers don't actually translate into real sales figures. 100K upvotes on reddit is worth 0$ if nobody goes out and buys the fucking game.

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Stop making threads about it nigger. It's Yea Forums, of course they'll be pissed about it or trolling

Great game, shills are complaining

lol. like who

*Sips Drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077


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>CDPR fired a guy for making a "did you assume my gender" joke on twitter
>announced character creation will be nonbinary rather than have male and female, to appease trannies
>can't mod or customise your room in any way
>changed the genre from an RPG based on the table top to a generic open-world action shooter like far cry where you unload into bullet sponges

It's a fucking trainwreck and they know it, it's why they had to hire a hollywood star to try to cover it up.

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Rent free

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Cyberpunk is peak degeneracy. It's the one genre trannies actually fit into.

>the recent demo
got a link?

because the initial hype wears down, and brainlets start to realise that it's a video game, not a 2nd universe parallel to our own

>having gender non confirming possibilities is NOT ENOUGH" and "cdpr needs to change the story as to represent the true struggle of trannies"

what a time to be alive!

>everyone jumping ship/hating on it?
>this is what antishill believes
You're efforts are in vain cockroach.

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Good thing we don't oay attention to them in order to avoid fueling their retardation amirite.

They’ve bend the knee. To trannies of all people.

Some retards decided that Trannys don'y fit in a dystopian world.

Because it is no longer an RPG.

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Because insecure Yea Forumsirgins can't handle the fact that a dystopia has gays and trannies in it.

People are finally starting to realize that CD red projekt is full of bullshit and started to realize this place is filled with shil

Attached: CD projekt shill.png (577x856, 276K)


It got popular and Yea Forums hates popular things.

We don't have any new actual gameplay to talk about so all discussion has been taken over by retards and shitposters
Wait until Gamescom after they show a new demo

It's literally organized propaganda.


Kill your fucking self. Why does this have to be explained every thread.
There aren't any fucking trannies when you CAN actually change your gender. No fucking pronouns or HRT. And nobody gives a shit what you identify as.

Based Shazam poster. Just say the word

>It's literally organized propaganda.

It's literally not, its coming out of fucking POLAND which is a 95% WHITE country and they are RACIST as fuck you idiot. Not to mention that Trannies are hated over there and not accepted like it is in america.

This game is going to be satire and based as fuck.

No user, the sudden outrage on Yea Forums is organized propaganda. Probably by competitors.


When I worked at CDPR several years ago marketing department was literally filled with Yea Forumstards that spent half of their time browsing Yea Forums and shilling on Yea Forums. The glass walls of their space were covered with printed out memes from Yea Forums and they had pedobear on the door. I imagine it's not much different now.

Yea Forums being filled with contrarian,special snow flakes shitposters,same thing before sekiro release,game gonna sell great anyway but hey lets shit all board because there is no fucking apartment customization

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Nice try Andrew Wilson.

redpilled and very based

There's three sides OP:
[a] Church of Trannies whined about a transgender ad which is a cautionary tale that pride and visibility/marketing results in corporations taking advantages of the identity you sell out so cheaply. People being told that their low-IQ pride subverts their own positions and whatever virtues they attempt to instill in others and themselves is a tough pill to swallow for children.
[b] Church of White ("Savior") Supremacist SJWs whined about how black gangs were designed unaware that a black designer was behind them, and then tried to tell to the very black creator of the Cyberpunk genre how Cyberpunk should be in an astounding showcase of reckless ignorance and arrogant stupidity.
[c] Final side is those who believe the gameplay portrayal so far is looking like it will be shit even though the Devs have many games to take inspiration from and improve like EYE Divine Cybermancy for example, in addition to them removing content and this being a sign that they overplayed their management which might result in very negative possibilities unfolding.

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It's literally one autist spamming threads.


>There aren't any fucking trannies when you CAN actually change your gender.
what did he mean by this?

This board is unironically being raided by falseflagging Discord trannies. Few people here actually hate it.

Cyberpunk is not necessarily a dystopic it's just heading in that direction

You can play either as a man or a woman. There is no reason for anyone to play as trangender. Who the fuck wants to be a girl with a dick or a man with a pussy?

Body swapping. Read the rulebook. And even if you just heavily bodymod and install a vagoo, well, good job, you pass. No need to tell everyone you used to have a dick and that they need to check their privilege.
Starting V is largely unmodded so they can only be actually male or actually female.

>no role playing in RPG game
>le based slav CDPR sucking tranny cock harder than western AAA companies


>what happened with cyberpunk 2077? why is everyone jumping ship/hating on it?

See, I've had a weird point of view towards Cyberpunk's 2077's success as a game from the start for two reasons:

One is that in order to make an actually 'good' Cyberpunk game they'd have to be able to present an uncensored, offensive, controversial, view of the world from the perspective of the unapologetically degenerate, no-race, no-gender, consume, no-culture, spend, cautionary, not-to-be-celebrated, soulless, cyberpunk future.. Which they'd never be able to do. You need to have REALLY strong, unabashed, creative control and vision to do cyberpunk 'honest' because it's such a politically charged piece of media (especially in our days), so you need to be able to put race, sex, transgender, shit in there- and OFFENSIVE shit in there as well.
I'm not confident they'd be able to do that and 'shallow' Cyberpunk is just SUPER fucking offensive, y'know? Cause that's such the trope: corporatism gettings it's fucking hooks into media art to make it 'safe', 'dull', and 'acceptable'.

The other thing is that it's riding that prosthetic cyber-dick way too fucking hard and I've always been more of a fan of gene-doping, genetic engineering, Ubermentsh, flesh > steel, kind of guy.
Realistically the game only offers one class: Cyborg. I'd like a little more variety than that.. Maybe something like: 100% Robot, Cyborg, PURITAN (no mods at all), and then some kind of genetic abomination.

...That and they've refused to really show us a lot of anything in-depth, so I've always been inherently skeptical of it's quality.

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But they explicitly said that you might not even see Keanu if you don't choose Johnny Silverhand. Bummer about the lack of apartment customization though.. Hopefully you'll get the opportunity to purchase a swankier pad at some point though.

>why is everyone jumping ship/hating on it?
Nobody is doing shit. Trannies sperged out because they JUST NOW noticed an ad that was in the gameplay demo from last year that had some girl with a Mr. Studd cyberdick on it. They started screeching about transphobia which is the shitposter equivalent of blood in the water.

There was a stink over it, game journalists grilled them over it, then the developers blew some smoke about how you can use either male or female voice lines no matter what physical sex you are and said the character creation system was "fluid." Naturally, in true game journalist fashion, this warped into clickbait articles titled things like CYBERPUNK 2077 DEVELOPER CONFIRMS TRANSEXSUAL CHARACTER CREATION OPTIONS.

Basically it's a whole lot of fucking nothing.

It's a transphobic game and there is no place for it in today's society

>why isn't Cyberpunk catering to my Biopunk fetish
The same reason it doesn't cater to dieselpunk, steampunk, or gothicpunk. Because this isn't really a genre, it's an aesthetic.


More info?

>/pol/ mad because muh degeneracy
>trannies mad because muh transphobia
>Yea Forums mad because it's a popular game
>CDPR apologists pushing the narrative that all criticism is from one of the above, thus invalid
>shitposters false flagging all over the place to add fuel to the fire
So the usual fare.

Trannies and resetera hate it, it will be good

haven't followed the thing too much but as I understand it, everyone was expecting an rpg in a cyberpunk setting but as the release gets nearer, it seems that the game will be more of an action/story driven game with way less customization than everyone wanted

>>/pol/ mad because muh degeneracy
Lying piece of shit, they like it because it fits the dystopia of capitalism in the future

It's too popular now.

Please don't visit /d/, you may get shock.

More on point than you might think.

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Good thing it doesn't matter what Yea Forums thinks then.

What is "rent free" supposed to mean? I get "dilate" but this flies over my head.

You have to realize that it's summer and all of the underaged kids are shitting up the board. It happens every year don't worry it will pass.

>What is "rent free" supposed to mean?
When you are obsessed with reacting to a group of people but you make those reactions up yourself they "live in your head rent free."
>I get "dilate" but this flies over my head.
Dilation is when male to female transgenders shove a tube or a rod up their new hole to keep it from closing like a wound normally would.

Redpill me on OP, why is he such a falseflagging faggot?

>Yea Forumsirgins are so terribly afraid of being gay they cant like a game where the VA for one character is dating a tranny irl
Dude maybe you are a fucking faggot if you are that afraid of liking cock

Most people are shitposting contrarians bitching about the sun and other such nonsense.
And some people genuinely expected something the game was never going to be like the game allowing you to play as absolutely anything you want and then reacting accordingly. They can't grasp that this isn't a fucking tabletop game.

>But they explicitly said that you might not even see Keanu if you don't choose Johnny Silverhand.
They never said such a thing.
Quite the contrary, Silverhand is, by their own words, very important to the plot.

OK, now go look at the GOG and Steam pages or listen to the countless times the devs and people who have seen it this E3 referred to it as an RPG.


>OK, now go look at the GOG and Steam pages
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City
>but the genre tags
Hardly noticeable on Steam, and just generally ignored.

It's not that they're just trying to completely erase all mention of it being an RPG ever, it's how they're actively marketing it. Makes very clear what they're going for.

some features were removed / not shown / never were features in the first place
People are hating on it because of this.

I can kind of see why people would be upset, the left leaves the impression of something like a CRPG in first person while the right is more like The Witcher 3.

I'm perfectly fine with not customizing the apartment, y'all are making a mountain out of a molehill

>6 fucking years wasted on an inferior gta clone

just wow

How to identify the reddit and resetera tranny:
>reddit spaces
>uses facebook memes
>blindly shills and defends said piece of media without taking in any criticism or giving criticism of their own
>thinks hollywood and corporations are based
>relies on reverse psychology and mental gymnastics to prove that you are "wrong"
>thinks trannies aren't mentally ill
>tells you to be a part of the mindless collective
>takes out the /pol/ boogieman
>calls you a contrarian even though his a contrarian shill himself
>massive hypocrite
>its popular so it must be good
>samefag mass replies (You)
>pushes for SJW agendas
>has a large amount of dick in his mouth while shilling and making posts

It does eventually heal open enough that dilating is no longer necessary but there might be some leftover scar tissue from stretching or the surgery itself. The same applies to any deep tissue healing and scarring, just look at healed shark bite wounds.

Some of Yea Forums are just idiots. You could blame the Persoyna fans to that.

The trannies hate it they'll look for any excuse to bring it down

>t. falseflagging tranny

CDPR also said they wanted to reduce the amount of white people in the game to make it more realstically belivable of america in 2077 and that people who go out of their way to play as white male character will have less access to high level augments in the later game. Also you don't get to choose your sexuality in the game as it automatically makes you Bi, CDPR said they have no plans to change this

Back when the first trailer (not the teaser, the trailer last year), people noticed it didn't look like Deus Ex or Blade Runner. This led to a year of "IT'S NOT CYBERPUNK" being screamed by people who don't know what cyberpunk is. Add to this that it's a game that's been in production since 2014 and development since 2016 and a lot of people on Yea Forums are screaming that it's a tortanic.


Straight up tranny pandering wrapped up in poor excuses. Pretty much turned me from a day 1 buy to a might try it when it's on sale dirt cheap.

Nice try you retard. Do honestly believe that a company shill campaign in Yea Forums would just go right out and tell everyone to "just preorder! It's going to be the best game in da whole wide world!" You haven't been here long enough if you don't think the faggot making that post is doing it for the sole purpose to trigger Yea Forums's contrarian rage to make them hate the game even more. Yea Forums hates it when you tell them to do something or put a game up on a pedestal, and you fell for their meme you blithering retard.

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>Add to this that it's a game that's been in production since 2014 and development since 2016 and a lot of people on Yea Forums are screaming that it's a tortanic.
Remember when games weren't biennial sequel diarrhea?

Ubishills say the exact same shit. Playing your SJW dogshit completely straight isn't satire.


>you will never be able to set up your base in an incredibly poor violent no mans land area of the city where no laws exist and it’s complete anarchy
>you will never be able to buy an incredibly expensive flat in the tallest sky scraper that lets you overlook the entire city at night
>instead you will have the same apartment regardless of your wealth or the personality you make for you character because buying stuff isn’t cyberpunk even though the entire world is filled with people covering themselves in neon flashy junk.
>style over substance, but only when daddy cdpred deems it necessary
Enjoy your action “””rpg””” where Keanu Reeves is talking 24/7

>so, what's your character?
>alright, so it's gonna be a mage
>hold on, no, that's too hard, just choose if you're using a sword, an axe, or a dagger
>but the rulebook says--
>fuck the rulebook, it's better this way, I can't be bothered managing a fucking mage
>christ, fine, so he uses an axe, and he's an elf
>wow, can you fucking not
>it's boring being some "perfect" long-living race, humans make for much better storytelling
>but what about choice?
>it's an RPG, I'm trying to give you a more defined role to play so you have a better time with it

I love it when dumb fuck pseudo intellectuals like you create straw men to make yourselves feel oh so smart

Don't lie now, user.

>trans character option
>less options to build your character
Those two are contradict each other.

So call of duty black ops 2 is a RPG by your standards you fucking idiot
>CDPR is forcing you to play some sort of role
The vast majority of games do this you utter moron dumb fuck. Halo forces you to play a role.


No, you either want more options or you don't.

If I can't play as different roles its a no from me

You are too stupid to talk to.

>they actually thought they would be able to play as Cops, Corpos, Medias, and Nomads

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The game is directed by literally the same people as Witcher 3. U can bullshit but there is linkedin and you can easily check stuff



I can tell you’re a fellow redditer so I’ll just give you an imaginary upvote for this incredibly thought provoking post good sir

>but the rulebook says
This game IS the rulebook retard.

>game should have as many options as possible
>get mad than devs add some new options

That's not what roles are in Cyberpunk 2020 you smarmy numbskull. Roles in Cyberpunk 2020 are literal defining roles that make up your whole identity compared to differentiating a Barbarian to a Warrior. Roles are the identity where you can customize it. For example a Solo is a merc who could be a sniper that shoots from afar, a dumb tank take all the bullets it can, or a speedy faggot dodging bullets. Complaining about roles is like complaining about not being able to play as a Merchant when you are Commander of a ship while playing Commander Shepard in Mass Effect who can be a slough of shit like an Engineer or an Adept.

Answer me this, how the fuck did you expect "media" role to play out in Cyberpunk 2020?
>"Oi, you over there faggy crewman holding the camera. Come over here and record this news anchor man! And you better not have shakey hands!"
>Spend the entirety 100% of the game playing a shitty minigame where you have to pan the camera in the middle of the screen or a dot and prevent your shakey hands while recording.

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You can change appartment, you moron. But once you bought an appartment, you can't customize it. CDPR explicitely stated that your actions will change your place in the social hierarchy and that you can either reach the top (corpo, living the dream, probably living in a big cyberpunk-villa) or delve into the depths Night City.

The developers showed a screenshot with an advertisment showing a transwoman and talked about fluid gender options, which is why the reactionary hordes are piling onto it, trying to force their "Go woke, go broke" narrative.

whyd you post this comment btw? Its really fucking lame and doesn't prove any point you think you might be making.

>I steal a thousand dollars from you but give you back a quarter

They literally said ONLY ONE APARTMENT

there are no fluid gender options


the game isnt about decorating your apartment. I'm confused on why this seems to be an issue to you people

The trannies need to work on upping their stats, 40% is too low.

why don't you LITERALLY go and kill yourself

>all options are equal
You are honestly the least intelligent person I’ve seen on here in weeks

Hey buddy, looks like you missed the address bar! If you press F6 first it will put the cursor focus there so you can go back!

why are resetera pedos and discord trannies falseflagging against this game so hard

This. Everyone knows doctors continue to live in a shithole after they’ve made lots of money

>gets BTFO

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The brown ones do at least, they're cheaper than a jew on a budget.

Shut up and buy it it has jon wick in it

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Short ver:

99% of people want to play as the 'rebel' against the 'machine.

Yea Forums's white manchildren want to play as the white facist corporations and be the villains.

>a handful of retards on Yea Forums

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Cry me a fucking river.

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getting closer! make sure you type reddit into your ADDRESS BAR - your browser history should autocomplete it for you based on your frequent browsing habits.

Being the villain in video games is unironically more fun than the generic save the day Mary Sue 99% of the time.

name 6

Because Yea Forums is full of retarded contrarians who will shit on anything just for attention

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>Answer me this, how the fuck did you expect "media" role to play out in Cyberpunk 2020?
You shill for a company on a basket weaving forum just like in your case. And do you have only one picture of that fat kike in your folder shill? You posted him today thrice.
>but that's not what roles are
sure thing buddy

LMAO you are aware the game isn’t going to be an exact copy of the table top right?

I'm not asking for 1:1 roles from the PnP, I'm saying they'll railroad you into one specific role, one personality, with minimum deviation, and make that main quest about muh immortality the focus. They've made that very clear.

Fucking action adventure.

GTA,Overlord, Black and White, Mafia, Saints Row, and how about a bonus 7th: KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC.

Well no shit Sherlock, if it were EXACTLY like the tabletop he wouldn't have an apartment at all. Dumbass.

>only one apartment
Why are you so stupid?



I don’t think you understand the meaning of ROLE PLAYING game.

Oops, i deleted Postal.

Sure seen a whole lot of praise for Andromeda and Fallout 76.

>"Quick, this thing is popular, hate on it without all any constraint, rationality, and purpose because we gotta make sure we're Yea Forums, the edgy bois of da internet! FUCK DA NORMEES!"

>sure thing buddy
What was the purpose of your post? Just to have a reason to reply back, leave an edgy retort? Your shit heap of a post offered nothing to the discussion whatsoever. Go away you fucking infant, or back to ribbit where you belong.

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>this much projection

Aww what's the matter faggot? Your argument fall apart the moment you read that Cyberpunk doesn't even really do permanent living quarters in the first place? kek
Sure kiddo.

i wouldn't count GTA but you did a good job with the rest congratulations

He's not wrong.

Mayber there are hotels and motels.

>choice in dialogue, affecting the story
>choice in faction allegience
>choice in levelling and permanent skills

sounds like an RPG to me.

So you're telling me I can sleep and what not everywhere? Put out a rolling bed out of my backpack like you implied? Retard.

Because /v needs this to be Sims 5 and customize apartments. Also they need to choose some additional backstory bullshit at the start of the game that will change 3 dialogue lines ala Mass Effect.

I'll play it because it looks decent enough and not trust Yea Forums's opinion on it considering how it flips from it being shit to being good to being shit again.

There actually has been a lot of praise for Fallout 76 on Yea Forums, double retard.

its a game where you have a role to play. y'know, fighter, ranger, caster, diplomancer.

Imagine something like pic related.
No you dumb nigger that is not at all what I'm saying and you are not resorting to pathetic strawmen to argue. I have won. You are done. Suck these nuts desu senpai.

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It's all fabricated outrage to keep the talkin' going, don't worry about it

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Is the RPG elements going to be as basic as what you get in The Witcher games?

full of contrarian shills, apparently

Trannypunk 2077 genders


Right, from actual contrarians, who very clearly reveal themselves in such cases. But then you take those and claim everyone whose opinion you don't like is contrarian and then pat yourself on the back for "calling them out". Retard.

Human Revolutions had cabins like these in the Hong Kong Hub. They would probably fit in Cyberpunk.

They showed nothing like that. Nothing. Only that one apartment.
>resorts to ad hominem
based retard


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go chop off your balls and dilate already

nobody hates it.

Yea Forums fags are just contrarian and hate whatever most people like

Journos are creating hit-pieces to get clicks since Cyberpunk 2077 is super famous.


beta cyck

I'm doing no such thing, retard. I'm just responding to someone's question by informing them that Yea Forums is full of contrarians.

Commit to increasing the 40%, falseflagging abomination.

I'm convinced that either nihilists or ResetEra are shitposting about it in an attempt to turn people against it at this point. The issue is that they're terrible at subversion.

You don't even know what that means fucko.

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>why is everyone jumping ship/hating on it?
Only trannies and fags are hating on it. You're talking about like 10 really loud spammers who never shut the fuck up.

I never understood this, I saw people doing this shit before last years e3 and after this years. Unless they were backgrounds you picked or it worked something like dragon age origins different origin options that all end with you somehow being a merc in night city it wasn't gonna happen. After witcher 3 blew the fuck up I dont know why anyone wouldn't expect "Witcher 3 meets GTA, cyberpunk edition", regardless what the devs have said. Maybe that's why I'm not bothered by it, I got what I expected instead of a cyberpunk nuVegas.

Cool, lets see a pic

At this point I find it hard to tell who is shitposting as who, it's getting harder and harder to tell.

back you go to 8ch shitposters

I want an actual discussion about the cover art without six trillion tranny posters.

I find the cover art super bland, not because of male V but for the fact that it has a character on it all together. It makes sense to have Geralt on the cover of TW3 since you play as him, but in cyberpunk we got a custom character so why stick default male V in there? I do find the yellow background a bit of an odd choice but atleast its eye catching like a high visibility vest.

thats called not being a hypedrone retard.

>tfw no cyberpunk with christian morals

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Jeez, fucking rude much?

Only actual brainlet would think that high quality storytelling is possible with that much variety.

That makes no sense at all.

It doesn't even make sense.
Cyberpunk is entirely about the decay of society into a worst-case-scenario situation. Corporations act like feudal lords and the people are degenerate brainwashed consumerist peasants. It makes entire sense that, in this undesirable future, it would be filled with degenerates.

How about you don't give false answers? Actual contrarians don't need reasons to hate the game. And there's way fewer of them than you might think, but a lot of people seem to think that using argumentum ad populum to form their strong opinions is a good idea.
The proper response would be to explain the actual fucking reason. It's fuel for contrarians as well, but it's not something irrelevant. And you know what it is but choose to ignore it.

>tfw never going to get another good Syndicate game

Attached: Syndicate.jpg (1280x800, 175K)

Except take those ''roles'' and replace it with one ''role'' now.

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Sorry, some people just don't joke about that on Yea Forums these days, because they want to LARP as crusaders or whatever.

I was cautiously interested before playing TW3, and very cautiously hoped they'd salvage it after actually playing it, but they just keep fucking it up more and more. It's amazing.
It's not that I expected an amazing experience, but this bad? It's a damn disaster.

I think we all need to calm down. Stop with all this: I wanted more companions than one spider-bot, why can't I buy new apartment it's immersion breaking(!) (whaaaat), why we can't sit on x thing, why, why, why. After few days of that I'm considering never coming back here for this 10 months and just enjoy the game when it comes out. All this hate and always 'but they said different 465 years ago!' is really starting to lowering my interest in game it-self... Peace out choombas!

Certainly seems like thats what Yea Forums wants this game to be, if not a 1:1 bladerunner rip-off.

I like how drones try to point out "dumb arguments" but then you have the Lead Quest Designer saying shit like
>it somehow feels very weird for cyberpunk to decorate an interior

This game is a joke.

no straight male V

loads of bullshit bro. i will debunk you:
>there is day/night cycle and weather system
>the city is big with 6 main district, each one of those has sub-districts and there are badlands outside of the city
>There are classess actually tied to the gameplay play styles you prefer, you has solo which you can branch and play as strong solo focused on strenght or fast solo focused on agility, you can play as netrunner, focus on hacking, you can play as techie, focus on engineering, robots etc... You can also mix all of these.
>Many inferiors are accessible, and you can explore them vertically, the idea is that where is content yopu can go there
>The cutomization options are actually good and pretty deep; you can cutomize your looks, your gender, you can customize your backstory which affect dialogues choices, you can customize your body with cyberware, nervous system, chest, legs, hands, you also can change your clothing, you can customize als your weapons; with silencer for example and other stuff.
>The C&C system and dialogue choices will be obviously great like in every their previous game, and the dialogue system seems to be even improved compared to their previous game, look at the first gameplay demo and you will see what im talking about.
>The NPCs are killable, u can kill them riding your car etc, and the "police" system works different in each district, in Pacifica gangs will attack you, in Downtown corporate security or police for example
>The environment are partially destructible
>Graphics looks great. especially the crowds and the scale of the game
>75 % of the dev team are Poles, all the directing people are practially poles, and most of them were responsible for Witcher 3 or previous their games
>It is Role Playing games, you have C&C, dialogue options, backstory you can choose that affect dialogues, you has levels, skills, perks and attributes, heavy character customization, you can play the game differently, melee, guns, stealth

word limit.

That's your call. I voted roughly what I expected (I did think you'd get new apartments as the story went though) but would have liked it to be like vtmb, maybe getting them as quest rewards for doing a specific quest to the letter. Other then that I'm just waiting to see the gamescom footage to decide whether this shit is worth either a pirate or to buy.

You forgot that religion itself has become a corporation, selling faith and salvation like a product.

Its true tho, you will decorate yourself not the fucking apartment.

Going shopping for a new sofa and a nice painting for your wall doesnt sound very dystopian low life thing to do.

>Many inferiors are accessible
Sorry but being able to put your dick in non-whites isn't a selling point.

Hahahahahaha who cares about buying a new couch and shit for a room you'll rarely see hahaha just play the sims nigga hahaha

kek, T-Bug is hot tho, dont even try to say otherwise.

How many genders, bitch? How many? Nothing's debunked until I get my hands on it on release day.

Lies and more lies.

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Imagine being this invested in the fucking gender shit.

Can I get a sauce on where it was said you could originally have multiple apartments you can customize? I keep seeing it get brought up but its the first time I've heard about it, or any talk about apartments to begin with. Plus I'm seeing some claim you can have multiple but they can't be customized, or there is some customization for cars just not shit like changing out the tyres or putting in a new, better engine.

>The NPCs are killable, u can kill them riding your car etc, and the "police" system works different in each district, in Pacifica gangs will attack you, in Downtown corporate security or police for example
Sauce on this?

Narrator said it in last years gameplay demo.

because its good. idiots on Yea Forums will whine about how its a woman. normal people who like video games will enjoy it.

Fucking consoles.

He doesn't get BTFO. They didn't say one apartment, they said the exact opposite.

my(CDPR) ass

If it wasn't for consoles this game wouldn't even exist with this kind of budget.

This gotta be joke. How can they lie so badly?

>muh ess jay double jews!

>market it as multiple role, identity, choice RPG
>now all linear action adventure

That's actually standard level of lying in the industry today. Anthem was above standard.

And the point of cyberpunk is that degeneracy is everywhere. Getting mad that there are trannies is idiotic because that's what cyberpunk includes. Body modification is big.

like I told you before, make your wound and dilate already

You dont have to play as a tranny

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>Daily reminder that Cyberpunk 2020 had trannies
Debatable. Cyberdicks aren't really transexual. There's no transition. You just bolt a vibrating metal dick to yourself.
>you could even perform a sex change yourself.
I think you're confusing GURPS for Cyberpunk there desu senpai

consoles and release schedule

majority of witcher 3 sales are on pc, look it up
same like witcher 2

one of the interview with the dev.

You know what they say. When making a recreation of Aokigahara, you should always have someone in mind to help decorate the trees.

>The developer team isn't being directed by the same people who made Witcher 3

Stop lying, piece of shit

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Giving into outrage and adding things based on outrage for a higher metascore. God I hate that Bethesda and Bioware went to shit. A lot of current CDPR fans are those fags who have jumped ship from Reddit and YouTube around TW3.

Roles aren't traditional classes. Roles are character identifiers. The shit you're looking for like "classes" still applies if you're playing as a Solo.

This is literally Shadowrun. Everyone you play as is a Shadowrunner, the Shadowrunner is the role, what you do as a Shadowrunner is up to the customizability of the player, like playing as a Shaman or a Magus.

How hard is it for you faggots to get this shit?

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That's what people don't get. There were netrunners who could be cops or corpos. It defines the "role" they play in the world,not what they do.

More like you made up a bunch of bullshit based on a teaser trailer and then got mad when it wasn't exactly what you expected.

So said shadowrunner can be a cop?

You people will defend fucking anything.

Link it then.

It's made by literal /pol/acks that also were responsible for the shitshow that was witcher 3.
>shit combat
>shit dialogue (hmmm... voiced profag, must be.)
>shit story
>downgraded to hell

Have fun with your GTA clone with all thing removed that made GTA fun. No it has nothing to do with having cars in game and being able to drive them, thats surface level detail that nobody cares about.

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Why people lie so much on the internet?

You can be a cop who has diverted into a life of Shadowrunning and being a merc for hire.

A shadowrunner could be a cop but I don't know why any cop worth their salt would go into shadowrunning.

What about the other way around?

For me it that game no longer RPG. And it look kinda shitty graphically.

almost 50 uses of the words of trans, tranny etc

Now i see why we need more trans inclusion and trans rights

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>You will be able to buy other apartments and customize them
>we don't think you need that, also only one house

I wonder what caused such shift

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>game portrays race and gender stuff
>some people think they do it improperly or negatively but devs say this is the reality of a fucked up future world
>shitposters want to like it because 3 resetera posters and a handful of twitter users hate it
>but all gender/race stuff is bad and wrong!
there's legit reasons to be worried for the game but no one cares if it's not something that you can boil down to an all caps shitpost that mixes in the words DILATE and LIBTARDS

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In this game you are a Solo, just like you are a Shadowrunner if you're in Shadowrun.

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The dew team from witcher 3 got (mostly) axed and replaced by diversity hires.

>co-founder Marcin Iwinski and studio head Adam Badowski said in a joint statement, before acknowledging that the studio has seen some turnover in its ranks since The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt shipped in 2015. However, overall headcount has nearly doubled in that time as the studio has grown to work on its next big game, Cyberpunk 2077.

>"So, does a departure, even a high profile one, mean that the project is in danger? One would need to be very courageous to base the future of an AAA role-playing game of such scope on one person (or a few people)," they said.

That reads like many were "let go" and then replaced by fat trannies.

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>I wonder what caused such shift
Developing a game.

>>All Games > RPG Games > Cyberpunk 2077
>>Genre: Action - Role-playing - Sci-fi

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It did not, ever, and you're an absolute retard nigger.
>a sex change
Right, and what do actual trannies do? Change their sex/gender? No, they just fuck up their body and demand to be treated differently.
>what about cybergenitals
So they attach those and most likely become a herm because those who actually want a sex change do a complete one. You're treated as the gender you look, which is probably your original one for that same reason.
>trannies though
No pronouns or gender identity bullshit. No trannies.

You're making a presumption most of the dev team left based on fuck all but a few people who coudlnt stomach shit work environment , great job dont @ me

>Debatable. Cyberdicks aren't really transexual. There's no transition. You just bolt a vibrating metal dick to yourself.
No, it's not even debatable. There's plenty of literal trannies in Cyberpunk, you can even have a sex change yourself in a few of the source books (one that i'm sure off, When Gravity Falls)
No, you literally can have a sex change in the When Gravity Falls sourcebook


This can't be real
Where did the A-team go to work?
Someone must have hired their asses

Read the post.

>The dew team from witcher 3 got (mostly) axed and replaced by diversity hires.
Why do you lie on the internet, a quick look at linkedin would tell you that ain't true.

There is only one black guy working at CDPR right now and he's a senior level designer with a decade's worth of experience.

Sometimes in game development shit doesn't work(or cant be done in time) so its changed. Hard concept to grasp. Thats why the disclaimer in the demo btw.

>caring about people who "just" cut off their dicks in a world where stuff like pic related is commonplace

Is everyone going full retard or what?

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Google "When Gravity Falls". It's a sourcebook filled with trannies and you yourself can go through a sex change.

Stop pretending like you've ever played any of the sourcebooks in the Cyberpunk 2022 series

*Cyberpunk 2020

>only black men can be diverse
Racist. Go back to

>CDPR explicitely stated that your actions will change your place in the social hierarchy and that you can either reach the top (corpo, living the dream, probably living in a big cyberpunk-villa) or delve into the depths Night City.
Ah, that would make a lot of sense actually. You do stuff, it affects your standing and your living is reflected in that. That's why you can't change it yourself whenever you want to, because upward mobility is basically non-existant for most people and you can't easily just get the OK to rent a nice apartment somewhere if you don't have the right connections.

Who cares about apartments. go fucking dilate your asshole in pole

You can't lie to me Todd, not anymore.

Why was the music in last trailer so bad? Nigger rap and scremo rock doesn't fit cyberpunk at all.

>going full retard
yeah, but I think that happened at least a year ago
this is just the latest shitpile that's getting attention and once the game releases it'll be gone save for some "What do I think" or "Now that the dust has settled" posts and maybe some BTFO posts because it scored an 80 for having too much sunlight

Welp. I guess that explains that.
Rip cyberpunk genre, we hardly knew ye.

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>sex change

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It's a mostly white team. THe majority of the company is Poles.

There are a couple of Italians, some Malaysians, two Japanese guys, some Swedes, some Russians, and a couple of North Americans. All with a wealth of experience.

>You can customize your character’s cyberware, skillset and playstyle, and explore a vast city where the choices you make shape the story and the world around you.

Implanting your entire bodypart or your mouth is okay, but implants pipi and vagoo is bad an goes too far!

It's probably Nintendo fans and poorfags

I looked this person up, and on none of their social media pages is a shred of their personal politics on display. I think its kind of shitty to put this person on blast when they haven't even done anything. She just puts her art online.

Thanks for confirming that music will be terrible.

Yea Forums has become the SJWs now.

Only Yea Forums cares this much about the sun user.

>Answer me this, how the fuck did you expect "media" role to play out in Cyberpunk 2020?
Like mix of Nightcrawler an Transmetropolitan. Gameplay features lots of social interaction, stealing some documents, some "fatal frame" mini game for shooting. And some self defense against some security or thugs, with preferred way to get out with materials not killing everyone in the building. Maybe sprinkle some stealth.

Calm you autism user, nothing in that post said anything their presumed personal views on politics.

Sounds boring as fuck.
If you want a game with a billion shallow as fuck roles maybe you should download SWG Emu.

Than why post it?

>say: fat trannies
>user immediately assumes it's bashing left.

I mean I can't claim that I would not understand you reasoning, but at least try to hide your prejudices user.

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>Calm you autism
You're the one raging because a fat girl worked on a game.
>their presumed personal views on politics.
Yes, it clearly did. You wouldn't care about this persons participation if it weren't about their presumed bias. Now that you see that you've been a hypocrite, you exclaim:
>I-It wasn't about her politics
Such bullshit.

Quality of quantity mate. If there was 10 niche bullshit roles like this it would be boring as fuck.

Yeah, it much more "fun" to kill everyone or non-lethal "kill" everyone. Get your reward and go to next loot and shoot part.

Nice projection user.

It's a nightmare dystopia fueled by vanity and degeneracy
and it has trannies being marketed in a vain and degenerate way

Yea Forums is retarded and doesn't understand context

Seriously, check out SWG Emu. It's really old, but you can do a lot of really boring shit in it. You can be a dancer, spamming scripts. You can build houses, spamming scripts. You can mine for resources, spamming scripts. You can run a storefront, spamming scripts. You can also fight some things, too, but obviously thats boring.

I think it's safe to say that CDPR is officially dead.
Good riddance.

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I know nothing about the cyberpunk series, which of the following tech\bio nightmares are possible or have happened in this series?
>augmentations like in deus ex, including combat related augments, cybernetically enhanced supersoldiers
>augmentation smuggling \ getting implants cut out from your body by smugglers
>brain implants, mind control through hacking brain implants
>fully cybernetic bodies with human brains inside, brain transfers to machines or cloned brain scans (like in Soma)
>sentient robots indistinguishable from humans like in Detroit Become Human or non humanoid sentient machines
>sexbots, including child or animal shaped sexbots
>bio engineering that allows unnatural animals to be created or animal parts to function attached to human hosts

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Why poor troika can make different clans plays different and poles swimming in money can't?

Why do we make up things to get upset about instead of actually getting upset about worthwhile things that several companies are doing?

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>tfw polish EA is doomed.

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>Why poor troika can make different clans plays different
They didn't though. Every clan had only like what, two or three active skills, most clans were just had passive buffs. Also you always go through the same sequence of events no matter what clan you are. Nossies at least had to trounce around the sewer and stay away from view, but honestly that's all it effects.

Nobody liked it in the first place, ever since it's not a rainy alley shithole a la Blade Runner. People are only buying it because of Keanu, but they are put off by the obvious tranny pandering.

>Different clan games
You mean where every fucking clan plays out the entire story exactly the same except for slight variations with one clan called the Malkavian? Even Nosferatu is the same shit instead you are hampered by a single feature that makes you travel the sewers. What you're asking for isn't the same nigger, you're asking for an entirely written story, entirely new set of circumstances, entirely new voicelines for that characters throughout the game.

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>126 posters

I call bullshit, there's a shit ton of samefagging going on in here.

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What do you shill cp2077 or this emu game? Make up your mind.

>announced character creation will be nonbinary rather than have male and female, to appease trannies
sex changes is literally a game mechanic in the pen and paper this game is based on
>can't mod or customise your room in any way
faggot who cares about this shit
>generic open-world action shooter like far cry where you unload into bullet sponges
[citation needed]

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Might I add for ALL the roles in the game. You a fucking delusional fag if you thought a game like that was possible to make.

The person you are responding to never played the game.

They just use classic games as a badge of merit to shitpost.

>music is not exclusively retrowave

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Everybody was exited for it until they showed the gameplay, and then problems started to pile up.

I think the lates one is I think I still may give it a pirate if the modding support is good, but not before.

I'll play Fallout 2 not lethal walkthrough, thank you very much.

>The dew team from witcher 3 got (mostly) axed and replaced by diversity hires.
thanks for substantiating this claim with a picture of someone who has worked on witcher 3 you cock eating retard



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You don’t understand what a straw man is

There are more companions than the spider bot though.

it got achived and is now in cooldown
new one in 6h 19min


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The cdpr defense squad is here in full force, so yeah. What did you expect?

You can do stuff in so much different ways in Vtmb and every clan got it own spin on things. You obviously can't make different game for every class/clan but you can make them play different. Or you just shoot everyone, then it all the same ofcourse.

No faggot, this is the work of an IP switching shitposter

Nah man. Crunch was so hard on W3 that most of us just left to work at more friendly studios all over Europe.

>You can do stuff in so much different ways in Vtmb and every clan got it own spin on things.
Not really.

Brujah and Gangrel's are incredibly similar.

lurk more

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Never played them. But don't Brujah is generic 'shoot fps and gangrel is retarded werewolf? Cp2077 is like you got only Brujah.

They dont understand the cyberpunk genre and think this game is racist/sexist/transphobic ect



>Cp2077 is like you got only Brujah.
Obviously not because there are stealth and hacking features present, as well as the ability to control robots from afar to do your dirty work.

You can kill nigs just because you want. I think this is really rare nowadays. If it got killable kids then it got.

ok retard I will give you a paper rpg scenario that is equal to cyberpunk character creator
>you are a group of human slaves from a small mining town
>customize your characters from there

>what happened with cyberpunk 2077? why is everyone jumping ship/hating on it?
This literally did not happen and I'm here every day.
The only thing that's happened is that even the normie consolefags that were on the fence are now all going to buy it because of Keanu.
It's guaranteed GOTY 2020.

contrarians nitpicking some stuff about game in progress. The only cut or changed thing right now from what they promised are the multiple houses, they never promised customable houses.

I put all my points in shut.

Cyberpunk you get to play as Solo (Brujah), Netrunner (Tremere) and Techie (Nosferatu)

So I can choose a personality and hypothetical voice. Already better than Cyberpunk77.

This is the most retarded thing I've heard about RPGs on this site. If you want an RPG like that it's called fucking tabletop. That shit doesn't work with video games which is why it doesn't happen. Even Baldur's Gate had a main plot so is every major fucking RPG bad?

This is someone who is taking what they know from tabletop games and clumsily thinking it applies to video game design.

> the shitshow that was witcher 3
>251 awards

Attached: 1560581666377.jpg (750x734, 63K)

Witcher 3 had fantastic dialogues and great moment-to-moment storyline which is far more important in video game, than the general story.

>Maybe if I frame the question to match what my bosses paid me to think and then feign ignorance I'll convince more people
>Us shills are practically internet mercenaries now that I think about it!

newfag status: Blown The Fuck Out !

Oh I'll fucking tell you.

Some of them went to create their own studios. Ruiner is one of the games created by 80% ex-CDPR and it's based on an unfinished Cyberpunk prototype that got scrapped. (yes, they've considered isometric CP77). Others spread around, that's why you see so much "made by CDPR devs!" marketing terms everywhere).

Some went to work for other studios, either in Poland (Techland, PCF, etc.) or abroad. None of these people "count" and most of these swaps aren't big news.. It's always the director/head designer putting his ugly mug in interviews like it's "his game" and people eat that shit up - see Kojima, Pitchford, Ken Levine and many, many others.

>It's always the director/head designer putting his ugly mug in interviews like it's "his game
The game director has only done one interview for CP2077 though.

Most of the interviews are done by the quest designers, UI designers, art directors, etc. So what are you even talking about.


Without looking at any of the interviews and leaving this site, namedrop one of them.

It's Iwiński isn't it

What a load of bullshit, 75 % of the dev team are Poles, the directing team are all poles who in most part were working on Witcher 3 and previous games. And this woman was also working on W3 as concept artist, and had cancer..

Your facts have no power here.

Wrong, all the most important people in Witcher 3 dev cycle are still working on Cyberpunk 2077; Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, Adam Badowski, Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz, Mateusz Kanik, Marcin Blacha etc... Also, 75 % of the dev team are Poles.

Pawel Sasko, Miles Tost, Alvin Liu, Konrad Tomaskiewics, etc

Adam Badowski, the game director and studio head, has not done a single interview this year. So it's nothing like a Ken Levine, Todd Howard, or Kojima situation.

Nice try though.

Cyberpunk 2077 was never mean to be isometric, your ignorance and lack of knowledge about CDPR is pretty funny... In 2012 it was always mean to be First Person/Third Person action RPG in big city and badlands out side the city. And its pretty funny how all the games by (Ex-CDPR) devs are mediocre at best always and forgotten in a month. So how it works? Maybe just CDPR gives the amount of creative freedom, time and the technology with competent directing team that no matter who works there gets the job done?

god i want to fuck fem v's throat so fucking much jesus christ

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Why is Yea Forums complaining about trannies in cyberpunk? Isnt cyberpunk all about body modification and transhumanism in general? Did no one on Yea Forums read Transmetropolitan?

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This, its always the whole studio who gets praise for the games not a single person or people. Konrad Tomaszkiewicz wasnt even at E3 this year, Adam Badowski is always in the shadows, didnt made single english interview about the game this year or last year.

>wow it kinda blows that I can't change my character's body type, skin color, age, eye color, or voice, but hey I can give him a mental illness so that makes up for it!

+ it probably helps that they are hiring based on the experience and talent and no diversity hires.

>in 2019 its a first person action-adventure
It has pretty much turned in to the next deus ex at this point.

2019, if Cyberpunk released in the 2000s it would have been just a good game. Now we have all the political bullshit in the real world that ruins everything. Kim needs to have a tantrum sooner.

Doesn't matter if it fits the setting, it's clearly political if trannies are there.
>It has pretty much turned in to the next deus ex at this point.
Is that suppose to be a bad thing?

>Is that suppose to be a bad thing?
Yea Forums wasn't exactly throwing praise at HR and MD.

>can be a tranny in the game
>game features a known tranny fucker
It's like poetry

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Because they made a GTA clone instead of a Cyberpunk game. CDPR sold out.

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>Yea Forums wasn't exactly throwing praise at HR and MD.

Fucking newfag, they absolutely were throwing praise at HR. MD only got derided because it was obviously unfinished.

If the gameplay is as fun as bioshock 2 maybe ill buy it

First day on Yea Forums?

Not sure if new or just trying to revise history. HR certainly wasn't loathed but it was far from loved because of it being compared to the original.

Its take place in California, but the gameplay, quest design or story structure looks nothing like GTA V.

>HR certainly wasn't loathed but it was far from loved because of it being compared to the original.
It was never considered better than the original sure, but to say people didn't have threads every single fucking day about it and enjoy it is just false.

CDPR made a game in a highly political genre and is sort of suffering the consequences of doing so currently

Cyberpunk are the themes not fucking visuals u retard mongloid, and you will have your noir blade runner feel in the Downtown, which wasnt even showcased yet in the demos.

And to say it wasn't getting the same criticism CP2077 is now getting would be false too.

this literally would not have been a problem on Yea Forums 10 years ago. Its this place thats the problem

Prove it. Gimme a source.

What criticism? All we are doing is making shit up or purposely misconstruing information.

Sorry sweetie, but cyberpunk is entirely visuals.

The fact it is not an RPG. The developers are not even calling it an RPG anymore.

Witcher 3 wasn't an RPG either.

memers being memers, ignore them and enjoy the game

Doesn't change the fact 2077 was advertised as an RPG for 7 years.

being transgender is a drastic change to one's caharacter

ok great, so bullshit on everything you said, you cant actually be anything other than a solo, which is the opposite of what they said ever since 2013

It's going to be total shit. I can tell just by everything I've seen so far.

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And so was Witcher 3. Your point?

I don't get it

the combat is borderlands tier and the rpg elements seem non existent

What exactly is yours? Does twitcher3 not being an rpg change the fact 2077 isn't one? Are you implying twitcher3 didn't get criticized for that too?


>there is day/night cycle and weather system
>the city is big with 6 main district, each one of those has sub-districts and there are badlands outside of the city
>There are classess actually tied to the gameplay play styles you prefer, you has solo which you can branch and play as strong solo focused on strenght or fast solo focused on agility, you can play as netrunner, focus on hacking, you can play as techie focus on engineering, robots etc, You can also mix all of these.
>Many interiors are accessible, and you can explore them vertically, the idea is that where is content you can go there
>The cutomization options are actually good and deep; you can cutomize your looks, your gender, you can customize your backstory which affect dialogues choices, you can customize your body with cyberware, nervous system, chest, legs, hands, you also can change your clothing, you can customize your weapons; with silencer for example and other elements, depending on weapon.
>The C&C system and dialogue choices will be obviously great like in every their previous game, and the dialogue system seems to be even improved compared to their previous games, look at the first gameplay demo and you will see what im talking about.
>The NPCs are killable, u can kill them riding your car etc, and the "police" system works different in each district, in Pacifica gangs will attack you, in Downtown corporate security or police for example
>The environment are partially destructible
>Graphics looks good. especially the crowds and the scale of the game
>75 % of the dev team are Poles, all the directing people are practially poles, and most of them were responsible for Witcher 3 or previous their games
>It is Role Playing games, you have C&C, dialogue options, backstory you can choose that affect dialogues, you has levels, skills, perks and attributes, heavy character customization, you can play the game differently, melee, guns, stealth, hacking, engineering

Don't come back

Wrong x2

In the demo, we've seen the character level and the "street cred" stat. What is it about and how to increase it?
In general, the character development works like this - we have levels which give us access to "points"; we can assign those points to strength, intelligence, etc. Those are the traits that increase our "abilities/perks limit". The second part are the abilities - using heavy weapons, melee weapons, hacking, etc. Those can be advanced through particular activities, for example the more you shoot, the more skill assigned to that weapon type increases. Street cred is earned through completing missions (the way you complete them is the factor as well) and it gives you access to new missions. But the fame has its cost, so there are situations in which you would rather remain anonymous, but if you have high street cred, the people recognize you.


what does a day and night cycle have to do with rpg elements, retard?

Have sex while you're gone

yeah that sounds great and much better than what we're fucking getting. heres another good one:
>you were delivering a package and some guy robbed you and shot you in the head. create your character

Shitposting. That’s literally it. Stop taking this website seriously

maybe read first about the game, and stop being ignorant This game has attributes, skills, perks, heavy character customization and weapon customization.

The point is that CDPR is making a CDPR game and everyone is surprised for some reason. The Witcher 3 was also marketed on being an RPG with lots of choices and customization, so anyone familiar with CDPR should have seen all this coming a mile away. When a company has a certain track record it's important to take that into consideration when evaluating how they talk about their games.

SJWs hate it because it had an in-game ad where a transgender dickgirl sells you soda.

/pol/ hates it because it's going to have transgender character options.

I was already going to buy, but trigger /pol/tards and SJW/resetera is icing on the cake.

>For the record, the setting always had sex changing, cyber-dicks, cyber-vags and such, so this is nothing new

Nothing has changed. Shitters gonna shit.

but we are actually gettin more freedom than that, u can change ur background story; street kid (affect the dialogues and dealing with gangs) corpo (affect the dialogues and dealing with corpos) and nomads (probably mix of those two) so before the game you can choose who you were.

So you suggest people should stop criticizing their lies?

There are 0 similarites in terms of gameplay and rpg mechanics between Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077.. Cyberpunk is much more heavy on that and its easily a Role Playing Game.

>and nomads (probably mix of those two)
Considering the city outskirts is also a part of the game, I think that will effect dealing with the nomads you meet outside the city.


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what lies u retard?
The game is as RPG as is can be.

so did skyrim and it lacked tons of rpg shit the previous games had


I'm betting the "transgender character options" just mean that you can access every customization option in both genders. So you can make a male V with female facial/hair features or maybe even female body/voice, and vice versa for female V. It's a game with voice acting and third person animated cutscenes, though, so it's unlikely there would be that many tranny-specific options other than just not gender-locking the customization.

its already debunked
>there is day/night cycle and weather system
>the city is big with 6 main district, each one of those has sub-districts and there are badlands outside of the city
>There are classess actually tied to the gameplay play styles you prefer, you has solo which you can branch and play as strong solo focused on strenght or fast solo focused on agility, you can play as netrunner, focus on hacking, you can play as techie focus on engineering, robots etc, You can also mix all of these.
>Many interiors are accessible, and you can explore them vertically, the idea is that where is content you can go there
>The cutomization options are actually good and deep; you can cutomize your looks, your gender, you can customize your backstory which affect dialogues choices, you can customize your body with cyberware, nervous system, chest, legs, hands, you also can change your clothing, you can customize your weapons; with silencer for example and other elements, depending on weapon.
>The C&C system and dialogue choices will be obviously great like in every their previous game, and the dialogue system seems to be even improved compared to their previous games, look at the first gameplay demo and you will see what im talking about.
>The NPCs are killable, u can kill them riding your car etc, and the "police" system works different in each district, in Pacifica gangs will attack you, in Downtown corporate security or police for example
>The environment are partially destructible
>Graphics looks good. especially the crowds and the scale of the game
>75 % of the dev team are Poles, all the directing people are practially poles, and most of them were responsible for Witcher 3 or previous their games
>It is Role Playing games, you have C&C, dialogue options, backstory you can choose that affect dialogues, you has levels, skills, perks and attributes, heavy character customization, you can play the game differently, melee, guns, stealth, hacking, engineering

No, but whining about it on Yea Forums doesn't inform CDPR, it just annoys everyone on here.

V has one voice per male and female, a distinct personality, and will always play as a merc trying to get rich who teams up with keanu reeves and tries to get the immortality chip. EVERY PLAYTHROUGH. This is fucking confirmed by the devs

Skyrim was very light on RPG stuff compared to what we know from Cyberpunk.


Have you tried not going in to threads that have a high likelihood of annoying you?

You three just proved , and right

so just like every game with storyline? Wow, thanks for confirming, at least CDPR games have C&C so we can affect the storyline and make some choices. U fucking retard,and this game was always about rising from the guth, read RPS interview with mateusz kanik from 2012 he literally said that.

can't wait for the third act of the game to nose dive in terms of quality like literally every other CDPR game

I think you're probably right.

Ie: you can make a female body V and use a male voice etc

You already know why, in fact you made this thread as bait, just like you did yesterday and you’ll make it tomorrow too. Kys faggot.

Can you please delete this post? You're ruining my shitposting

the devs explicitly stated the character would not be predefined like geralt. this was key in roleplaying as all kinds of characters. now we know that was a lie. rags to riches is a broad story. teaming up with keanu to get the immortality chip while remaining a merc the whole way is a lot more narrow than the possibility of working your way to riches by hacking, being a corpo, assassinating, doing medtech stuff

CDPR marketing team earning their $7 an hour in this thread

As long as I get to be a hot bitch with a dick I don't see what the issue is.

If they removed the breast/dick sliders tho... that's reason to be mad.

>Videogame has a beginning, middle, and end

Wow dude can't believe it

Are you also upset that the main quest of every RPG doesn't completely change every time you play?
>In Oblivion, you're a prisoner who gets rescued by the king and is sent on a mission to go close Oblivion Gates to stop the Daedra invasion. EVERY PLAYTHROUGH.
>In Neverwinter Nights, you play as a hero who gets betrayed by Aribeth and saves the world from her. EVERY PLAYTHROUGH.
This isn't some open-ended simulation, man, it's still a fucking story-based video game. It would be cool if you were allowed to just fuck off into the open world and ignore the main quest forever like you can in Elder Scrolls games, but there's no way to both make a main quest and make that main quest tailored to a dozen completely different ideas. Your expectations just don't line up with how video games work.

yeah, the same beginning middle and end for every fucking playthrough which was exactly what was NOT advertised. its no longer an rpg but a story driven action game. fucking great
fallout new vegas, a game made in 18 months on a shit engine with barely any money 9 years ago laid the groundwork for exactly what i am describing to take place. no it didnt do it exactly as im describing, but it did the exact opposite of what YOU are describing. CP2077 was marketed as an OPEN ENDED rpg, and different from the linear narrative of witcher. This implied to many fans that the story would change depending on what role you chose. Or at the very least, that there would be long side mission questlines/chains where you could reasonably act out more than just one fucking role

It's an open world game. Given how expansive The Witcher 3 was and just how many sidequests existed in that game, you probably CAN do exactly what you're suggesting IF YOU IGNORE THE MAIN QUEST. It's just like Elder Scrolls games. There's always a very specific main quest that has you doing very specific things every time, but you can also ignore it and just go explore towns, do sidequests, crawl dungeons, join guilds, etc, etc. And you can go off doing that shit for hundreds of hours without ever touching the main quest, but that won't change the fact that the main quest is in the game and is also the focus of the marketing.

>yeah, the same beginning middle and end for every fucking playthrough which was exactly what was NOT advertised
They didn't advertise a make your own story game retard.

"What in the god damn."

I pre ordered it

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You're literally retarded

Is there not a main questline to follow in New Vegas, though? I know there are plenty of OTHER quests you can do, and it can be fun to just do all the faction quests and fuck around, but surely there is a main quest that would always follow the same general story beats every time if you didn't choose to ignore it. That's how ALL those open world Bethesda RPGs work.

you can make your own story easily in rpgs if you arent literally hamstrung and held back by the devs forcing you to play a certain way. Which is exactly what happens here. Having some side missions where you join and then work for a faction like cops or medtech or some starter corporation, and then simply have other sidequests where the character react to who you are in a line or two or present an extra option every so option would have been MORE than enough. That is not what's happening though.
you can do all that shit but how am i supposed to seriously believe my V is trying to rise in the corporate world when they always have the attitude of street scum, always have the same shit apartment, and never have the opportunity to actually join any corporation?

But its okay user we got based Keanu

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>you can make your own story easily in rpgs if you arent literally hamstrung and held back by the devs forcing you to play a certain way.
Name 10 games.

Meant for

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It got really popular after the E3 presentation, so of course the contrarians at Yea Forums immediately dropped everything to start a shitposting competition.

But you literally can do this stuff
>u can play the game as a hacker
>u can play the game as a engineer
>u can play the game as strong solo
>u can play the game as fast solo
>u can stealth the game, and not kill single person
> u can melee this game

>plays cyberpunk game
>doesn't want to be a punk
>wants to climb the corporate ladder
Fucking yuppies, I swear.

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>Obsitard enters the thread

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yes, the hypocrisy and probably more of a butthurt from the contrarians is showing.

>deus ex

>you can make your own story easily in rpgs if you arent literally hamstrung and held back by the devs forcing you to play a certain way.
You can only make your own story in an RPG if you're allowed to fuck off from the main quest and just fuck around doing side content and shit. I do wish it could be like Elder Scrolls where there are different factions/guilds to join and a series of quests to follow to get a certain story out of the guild/faction. But even if that were in the game, it's not like people in the world ever comment on the fact that you're an assassin or a thief or a mage when you join each of those guilds. I really think you're asking for too much here.

like i said, new vegas doesnt do it perfectly, it only has the setup and concept that a dev team with way more money and time could have executed well. In new vegas the main quest has 3 acts:

Act 1 is chasing the guy that shot you to new vegas, same for all players, but you can skip parts of the chase depending on how you want your character to approach this part of the game

Act 2: you work for the various factions (4) and do quests for them, you deal with various minor factions according to how the main 4 want. These missions are similar but the outcomes are different. Not every faction cares about the same minor faction. One faction wants you to kill some minor faction, another wants you to kill that faction but if youre working for a certain faction you can convince minor faction to ally with them, you can double cross the major factions, etc. Lots of room for choice and player agency

Act 3: final mission final big battle. This is similar for each faction but the ending is always different. You fight and shooty shooty but in the end are seizing the power for a certain faction

Endings: there are a shit ton, with tons of variation in the main faction endings alone and a FUCK TON for everything else. 30 varying slides with many many permutations. Most people will not get the same exact ending twice unless they know what theyre doing

This is much different than a linear main quest like skyrim

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Because Yea Forums is the whiniest, most autistic INCEL filled board on 4chinels. Second maybe only to /r9k/.

new vegas is a overrated shit game

shitposters don't care

The moment they said there's no third person mode I dropped this trash. I'll pick it up on sale if a Third Person mod comes out for it.

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>This is much different than a linear main quest like skyrim
It's literally not since you have to go and do certain things in a set order who cares if you can skip a few steps?

fallout 1
fallout 2
new vegas
oblivion, skyrim, and fallout 3, garbage though they were, did not have this issue
wasteland 2
kingdom come deliverance
gothic 1
gothic 2
risen 1

Wrong on all accounts, you don't make your own story in any of these games.

That's like complaining that NV has you chasing after Chandler and the platinum Chip every playthrough.

but thats wrong you fucking retard. you have a shit ton of different parallel option on how to do a huge chunk of the game. it isnt a sequence of one after the other quests with a choice here and there

now you just outed yourself

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yeah but then 41% of the time your character commits suicide.

also fistulas

i said that these games have the possibility of you being able to create your own story with enough reactivity from the world based on your choices and player customization. this is true for all these games

I don't preorder at all but I'll more then likely play it. I'll likely base my final decision on the gamescom demo.

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>i said that these games have the possibility of you being able to create your own story
And that's incorrect.

the apartments could be linked to the storyline, for example the first apartment you have in first demo could be destroyed by corpos after you get them mad or something, and then story will give you other apartment, or hotel room where you will hide etc...

youre simply wrong. you can dick around and operate in the way you want without a predefined personality in those games

I guarantee that Cyberpunk will be no different from the Elder Scrolls. You can probably just ignore the main story and go off doing sidequests for different gangs for hours and hours and hours. But yes, of course the main story will always BE there waiting for you, just like in any Elder Scrolls game.


There are different people that possibly think different things. Some of them seem just seem loud and hysterical and can't shut up about certain subjects.

They really don't falseflagging zoom zoom.

It would actually be really cool if you were homeless and just had to get rooms at hotels or crash with one night stands.

and Cyberpunk 2077 seems to have more than almost all these games, so WTF are you even trying to say here

How many of these games you can pick backstory that affect your background and dialogue choices, how many of these games give you freedom of gameplay Cyberpunk will give you? How many of these games have heavy C&C and character customization? You are retarded, in most of these games you have predefined character, main story line you follow and thats it.

And? You can ignore main story line in Cyberpunk 2077 like in those game and just explore the world and do side quests.


>don't joke about that on Yea Forums

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>you can dick around and operate in the way you want without a predefined personality in those games
You can dick around in any game, that doesn't mean you make your own story.

Not to mention that they've said the clothes you choose will even affect how people perceive you.

>why is everyone jumping ship/hating on it?

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It's a bunch of shitposters shitposting about stuff that is really trivial and irrelevant. Ignore them, this game is going to be fun. although I will admit that I'm somewhat worried about how the enemies in the trailer from last year only seem to react to getting shot when the shotgun was used

i really hope im fucking wrong and you are right. I hope I have the ability to play out character I want. But seeing the emphasis they are putting on the story. Seeing the voiced protag with no voice options and knowing what that does to dialogue options, seeing the mass effect style shortened dialogue options and then the character says a longer sometimes unpredicable sentence, knowing the people playing the demo have said the character is more like Geralt than a pliable blanker slate, and knowing what kind of rpg witcher 3 was, my expectations grow lower and lower with the more news I hear

Im not some angry shitposter hoping this game fucking sucks just because im angry. I want it to be good. But so much is piling up at the home stretch

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