Kojima is the video game auteur we need right now in the industry
Kojima is the video game auteur we need right now in the industry
Why do people hate him again
Who will be our video game Game Designer to save the industry from celebrities & influence from other mediums for the worse?
because he's massively overrated by his fanboys like OP
Doesn't sound like he does anything of substance beyond brainstorming a few ideas
>nothing of substance
>only invents a whole new kind of video game genre
lol OK
>influence from other mediums
What is Elden Ring?
Last good game he made was mgs3. Even mgs2 was filled sith his retarded meme shit.
Miyazaki liked GRRM long before it became cool to hate him.
>I come up with stolen concepts from amerifat pop culture and steal the credit from all the people who actually make some sense out of my stupid westaboo ramblings
Death Stranding hardly looks like a game though
getting real tired of "cinematic" walking sims costing 60$
I thought Shinkawa did the key art.
>being a oversexes weeb is ok
>copying the dominant civilization on the planet is bad
You mean “I take credit for Fukushimas work”
Okay, and?
The "dominant civilization on the planet" is clinically and socially retarded on top of being morbidly obese.
Can Death Stranding please flop hard enough so this guy's ego can deflate a bit?
Better than accepting pedos and corporate slave culture which lead to high suicide rates and low reproduction rates.
most likely the game is going to be shit and forgotten after 1 month. he's also going to make a lot of money
Everything he just described is being an ideas guy or a writer
well that speaks volumes about other countries and cultures than anything else if morbidly obese clinically retarded people are dominating the world
i fucking hate this arrogant prick
>accepting pedos
>corporate slave culture
>high suicide rates and low reproduction rates.
You didn't even intend that to be ironic, did you?
It was nice to see all his gay little indie actors get BTFO by Keanu Reeves
alright and why do people get mad at this?
Only kojima himself is implying it's a new genre. From everything we've seen all hes done is implement asynchronous item gifting. Aka dark souls messages between worlds hut with items. Be hasn't invented shit.
The world design is unique though.
He's just stating facts
I guess that makes you the prick here, huh
Now that the trannies have had their MGS6 ruse completely 100% disproven they are furiously lashing out on what they once loved for not following their delusions.
Remember, the answer is always trannies.
Kojima's twitter is a treasure.
That's a whole lot of words to describe that he's an idea/concept guy + project manager.
>Only kojima himself is implying it's a new genre
Kojima literally said he isn't making a new genre.
>Keanu is now attached to a game that won't deliver on any of its promises, is cutting features, cutting gameplay, and spending more time trying to coddle people's feelings than actually make a good game
Funny though how Death Stranding was trending longer than CP2077 and Keanu even though they had the Microsoft stage shill for them.
So, everything shitty about his games is made entirely by him?
Nah, his English was crap and all over the place with those statements. He restated and reclarified what he was trying to say like four times.
In the end he said calling it a strand game was just his habit of naming his games like how he calls MGS a tactical espionage action game.
Strand game isn't some new genre as his fans would have people think while ignoring Kojima himself.
What genre is that? The walking simulator? How can you fags even defend him after mgs 4 and 5?
>open-world action-adventure game
>"I-it's a whole new genre because Kojima said so"
Having one small mechanic or feature that we haven't even seen yet doesn't make a new genre.
Ignore the falseflag. He's just some autist spamming Cyberpunk hate and trying to get Death Stranding people to hate Cyberpunk after getting called out in the Cyberpunk threads.
Both 4&5 were great zoomer.
Yea sure thing faggot. Only a zoomer would think 4 and 5 are good. 4 was made to tie up all the loose ends in the fucking worst way possible and 5 is just straight up retarded.
>no your a zoomer
Stay salty. Come back when you have anything correct to say.
4 has hideous graphics and almost no gameplay, it's like a really cheesy ugly long movie. 5 has fantastic graphics and gameplay but it's an unfinished husk of a game with only two levels that actually take advantage of the gameplay mechanics, and a very lame story that undermines much of what came before it rather than building on it and bringing the franchise full circle in a satisfying way.
He's shit at writing stories.