Play Wakfu/Dofus RIGHT NOW
Play Wakfu/Dofus RIGHT NOW
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>French """""humour"""""
post more of this
already do and im not even french
Imagine the smell haha...
I'd rather browse the porn this thing spawned
Imagine not being an Indian curry nigger and having a grasp on hygiene
They would smell very clean as they're in a bath
I don't play shitty games
I do fap to cra porn
Weebs are really so pathetic that they can be swayed by pixelated depictions of naked women. I really mean it when I say have sex retarded incels.
sucks this artist censors all their works
This is french, mon ami. It's high culture.
They are bathing, so some sweet shampoo smell to them.
show hole then
alright real talk are the games actually good
cartoon > trash mmo
No he doesn't
no thanks
i played it for several months once the monoservers came out, i liked it, regret quitting, but cant get back into it now
But user, I AM playing Wakfu!
Remington only, no Nox losers
Has this shit ever been dubbed? I don't want to watch it in baguette
not really, except maybe Dofus
sorry, but only shotas can convince me
people multibox because there are few players
Does he murder his future self?
Does it really count if you're the other man?
Yes it has one of the worst dubs I've ever heard. And this is coming from someone who doesn't hate dubs.
The third season has a better dub because actual professional people worked on it, but honestly just watch it subbed
French are degenerates there is nothing high about their culture since WW1.
Go find a woman faggot.
You're just fucking with me which makes it even worse.
I tried it for awhile with friends and didn't really enjoy it myself. I would look up gameplay and decide if it looks fun or not.
they did this even before there were few players.
they multibox because for a turn based game its easier to coordinate with yourself than others
the devs need to force people to play togeather to fix this, but instead they enable it
i did play wakfu actually right after it left beta. grinding wild gobbals as fire sac was best fun
Fucking garbage, I'd play a Miraculous Ladybug game tho
Why did the 2nd season suck so much? The first was a goddam masterpiece and the 2nd felt like they were trying to retcon everything meaningful that happened in the first.
>implying this isn't the pinnacle of humor
Get some taste rosbeef
No, sorry, it's too deep for me.
no, I already tried and they aren't very fun
I'm already playing dofus tho
>getting this mad over fictional characters
I tried the severs are a wasteland me and literally two other people were there.
wakfu is not, dofus is
there are few players because people multibox
the mono-account server is full of people to the point people have been complaining about a few quests that require you to compete with the rest of the server to catch monsters
I will you stop posting porn, doofus.
>>French """""humour"""""
>the devs need to force people to play togeather to fix this, but instead they enable it
They forced in in Dofus. The Ilyzaelle server is mono only.
That's only the case for Wakfu.
>fan"artists" ruin the official proportions to insert their shitty fetish
wtf i love frenchies now
I think he was more like a Copy of Yugo who had more time to age then his true future self, so he would never experience the sex the Older version of him would have. So yes, it would be cucking
>Play Wakfu/Dofus RIGHT NOW
no, I would rather play a SINGLE PLAYER RPG game from them but guess what? Insted of giving us a proper game that they could sell on steam, they are making a MMO, another MMO, a THIRD MMO game that will dead in less than a month
>Caring for some shitty mortal human
Humans for humans n eliatropes for eliatropes
Yeah. They have the setting, the characters, the classes, the monsters - they could make a great single-player game.
I tried to get back into Wakfu but I couldn't even bother to go through the tutorial.
I want to fuck that brown cat
>dub is shit
>French is ugly
How on earth is one supposed to watch this shit
The French are actually pretty hilarious
What's the difference between the two?
Come play dofus instead senpai.
Yes, they have pretty much everything they need to create a perfect single player game, all they need is some kind of store and they are good to go, but nah lets just make another MMO game that nobody will care about in a couple of days. No wonder that they are losing money and we will never get a s4 at this point of wakfu, or a proper ending to it
Wakfu is dead and shit f2p trash with a skeleton dev crew and Dofus is alive and good sub2play (you can pay with in-game money) that's the entire reason Ankama is not bankrupt.
>>French is ugly
Better than your shitty English lmao
No one in these threads play either sadly, the just post shit from the cartoon.
Are they hard to get into?
its so pretty i spent a year trying to learn it on duolingo just because of wakfu
fuck off frog
If your language was worth a shit then you would be on a french website
>French is ugly
he says, in one of the ugliest languages in the world
imagine not playing dofus lmao
>posting thumbnails
If that was the case people would have stopped playing Dofus. Wakfu straight up has less advertising in general because Ankama is fucking stupid.
The moment of highest population was precisely when they still had Wakfu events here in Latin America, and they chose not to continue. Hence the population decline.
Then there's all the weird design choices that push people to want to multibox; that's the real poison, not multiboxers. When you realize you'll take such a long time trying to achieve something, you stop playing.
English is ugly too, which is why I, a person with superior taste, consume my media exclusively in japanese
I want to but no one else does and even if I get into the game I will be by myself until I hit max.
>French is ugly
That's objectively untrue
The only reason English is used more than French is because it's so piss easy, even a fucking Pajeet could learn it. French is still the better language.
Dofus was fairly dead before monoservers came out. Its just there werent many french games for frogs to play.
Every person having multiple accounts is what kept it alive.
Not really.
Join Steamed Hams!
I chose Brakmar just because you can actually visit the shady streets lmao
>Every person having multiple accounts is what kept it alive.
It's what killed it multiboxing nigger go away
Why do you think everyone came back to play when the mono-account server came out?
>when the french are vanishing and their language will become a crude dumbed down hybrid versions with arabic in the future
whats the point of anything when it all gets destroyed
Is this really official art
who /breeder/ here
did you even read my post imbecile?!
I pointed out it was dead before the monoservers came out, which acknowledges that multiboxing is what drives player population away from these games.
But like all multiboxing games the core of multiboxers and their 20 subs keeps it alive.
Nice meme, brother, in'shallah
Is this the kino French cartoon thread
It's fan art.
Well, if we're gonna talk about Dofus, Wakfu never really had a chance to make it big because Ankama chose not to kill it. Wakfu is just kind of neglected.
I agree with the idea of monoaccount servers helping, but even back when Phaeris was the free server, multiboxers never impeded the game's growth. Right now I have a multiboxer in my guild and he'll always drop his characters for another player. At worst, they simply don't exist in the ecosystem.
As I said before you would be fine with it if not for the grinding that the game pushes, which casual players won't want to do. There are much better ways to get exp and items now but it's too late, Wakfu lost momentum and that was that.
It would be great if sheer nostalgia could hype a monoaccount server like Dofus but Wakfu isn't old enough either.
I would have believed it being official art, the french are such degenerates after all
Make a Miraculous Ladybug RPG already, you lazy French-African fucks
God bless 'em.
You may have fooled Burgers with your coward/surrender stereotype ya baguette, but we all know you're all a bunch of degenerates
Even canadians can learn french, a fucking leaf
French is for brainelts
Dude I used to play this like 8 years ago, it was great. Is it dead now?
fucking gay
>all these asshurt replies
why are you French bros so insecure about your language?
if I see a post that's a retarded opinion, I don't reply to it
and yet you all did
truly the kino of our decade, i need to rewatch it.
I love everything about them.
Except for the 'game' parts.
Yes, please.
No they released a mono-account server which is obviously always full while the multiboxers enjoy their dead servers.
what does this say in non-frogspeak
Yet burgers are too dumb to learn French
The twink cat is hotter than this generic pretty girl desu
Why would burgers want to speak to french people? Why would ANYONE want to speak to french people?
I thought Wagner was dead.
To experience Kaamelott in all its glory.
Why do you love to shit on Wakfu dude. It's always the same shit.
Why can't you shill both games in peace.
>Too stupid to do [thing]
>"lmao I didn't even want to do [thing] anyway"
>"The grapes are probably sour anyway"
Je n'ai jamais joué à Dofus ou Wakfu, c'est comment ?
On dirait des jeux de rôle tactique d'après les images, genre Fire Emblem.
C'est come ça, mais chaque personnage est quelqu'un ?
>Ah yes just let me waste years to learn a shitty language that will go extinct and be replaced by arabic by 2030
I was talking about the dead multiboxing dofus servers but it's very funny you automatically assume someone is talking about wakfu if they mention dead servers.
If they break it into the mmo it means they can get a continual stream of income like WoW and the like.
They've got their eyes on big money only.
French is something you rarely ever get a chance to use. This is why I don't play Dofus, the language barrier is too great when you can't communicate with most of the playerbase.
En gros oui. Sauf que chaque personnage a 20+ sorts en combat choisis parmis 40+ (pour dofus, wakfu c'est pas terrible).
Truly the French Citizen Kane
De la même façon qu'être un bâtard plein de gras est la même du nationalisme américain, a base du nationalisme français est le language.
Dire que le français c'est de la merde est l'équivalent de dire à un américain qu'être gros et avoir un sang impur n'est pas une bonne chose.
Balak is the savior of western animation
I'm not surprised he worked on Totally Spies
Arabs use French all the time tho
It's funny because that image is by a notorious scat artist and tracer.
That isn't helping your case
Why would I want to speak to frogs or sandniggers
Never seen a company compete with themselves so hard. I love and want more games from this universe but they need to delete their gaming division. They are just shoveling the piles of money from the animations and burning it in these failed games. Is this why we haven't gotten any new media in over a year now?
its not fucking fair brehs
It's called "education"
Literally the only thing burgers get education in is tanking bullets
Dofus is the only reason ankama is still afloat though. Not their animation.
They do keep burning money trying to make competitors to their one good game which is mind-blowing.
You can get education without speaking to frogs and sandniggers, retard
All I can say about it is that Wakfuck was pretty good.
Am a burger can confirm. Me and two of my friends have all been shot and have shot people
Dofus is the only thing that makes them money now, not animation or other games, just dofus. Also its not helping that this third MMO looks the same as dofus/wakfu
Why do the French have furry themed commercials? They're pretty suggestive too.
>All I can say about it is that Wakfuck was pretty good.
Too bad zone got banned by Ankama and he cant make porn of any of their characters anymore.
You can also learn French without having to talk to those, you obsessed faggot.
>make dofus
>game so good people are still playing 15 years later
>decide the best course of action is to make a new MMO inferior to dofus
>dofus players try it out, see it's inferior to dofus, go back to playing dofus
>non-dofus players aren't the target audience or they would be playing dofus
>new MMO dies
>decide the best course of action is to make another MMO inferior to dofus
When will they learn?
>French is ugly
Hahaha je peine à croire qu'il existe encore des abrutis dans ton genre, en deux-mille-dix-neuf.
No wonder you fags go apeshit about virtual boobs and butts.
When did monoservers come out? I had fun when I tried it ages ago but the game really seemed to encouraged making multiple characters so I did but as a result I rather quickly got burnt out on the game.
How many words for surrender are there in French?
two years now i think, somewhere around there. Maybe a year and a half.
Bit more than a year ago. Economy is in a good place to start playing now and there's a class rebalance update coming so equipments have been going down in price as everyone holds their breath before buying.
french is the easiest language to learn if you already know english due to the large vocabulary overlap
>Krosmaga is fucking dead as shit
All these waifus gone...
i'm waiting for waven
Yeah I have no idea user, I do actually like how this game looks. Like its giving me a super comfy vibe, if this was like a small single player game like a harvest moon / stardew valley / rune factory type of deal with waifus and just comfy farm life I would be all over it, but thats just a dream
Why would I want to?
>fan artists inserting fetishes
The animators are French, user. They put their own fetishes in there. It's fetishes all the way down.
I'd play Wakfu if it wasnt a complete grind-fest and they didnt constantly change how it fucking plays.
I wish they would just make a 3d RPG, not nessecarily an MMO, with customizable characters and jiggle physics
is tha tfuckimng real
My pregnant elf wife is so cute
>Frogs can't write for shit so they just insert waifubait
I can't read french that well but
>octopus trues to capture or molest mermaid, discovers she's a girl, calls his octo grandma and they lock her up in a basement to make her the dinner
can someone greenpill me on this specific game
>she'll never look at me with disgust like that
why am i even alive
Someone being pregnant is not "inserting a fetish" god damn I fucking hate americans. Only in the usa could you fuck someone's brain over sex being bad so much they end up fetishizing pregnancy.
Well duh s3 is reaon, it is the worst season though since it was rushed, ended up with a giant cliff hanger and was pretty short.
nopan loli cat
>french cartoon
Artist name?
How is this allowed?
its so pretty but knowing Wakfu the gameplay is gonna be so boring
Should I go back to learning french, bros?
i like it
i got me 320 or so day streak interrupted on duolingo and lost all motivation to continue, i dont even know how to pick up the pieces of my shattered dreams ;_;
its yet another turn based mmo from them so yes it most likely will.
>Should I go back to learning french, bros?
Do you plan on moving to France or something? If yes, sure, if not, why would you bother?
>tfw we'll never see the sofukians again
Unironically this. No wonder people shill for the French so much around this parts.
so it's /fit/ fault I see
I never actually started the duolingo thing. I just picked up The flowers of evil and wanted to see the translation differences from Baudelaire's original work. I think I'll go for either Dumas or Cyrano next. this is all a cope mechanism because I can't into jap
tfw nothing will top Nox
Trannies wish they were that /fit/ and handsome
Don't mind me, just fixing S3
What did you think of Season 3?
I was very dissapointed that they built up this genious mastermind sympathetic villain to make him a reckless retard in the last few episodes just like they've done EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SEASON
So this is sex with cartoon as an afterthought ?
i tried duolingo purely to see what it was like out of video-game related interest, as they present it like a game. I started doing it, and became addicted. I picked french only because it was the second most popular and i sure as fuck wasnt learning spanish.
So purely from the desire to keep my streak up and earn lingots i spent almost a year spending 10-15 minutes a day learning french. After a few days i got tired but i felt i better keep going because i dont want to lose the streak.
You could try duolingo japanese
Just post the webm of the girl in the babydoll that touches the bird's anus you degenerates
they struck gold with Nox and havent been able to top it since. They've been retarded and trying to make them WHAT A TWIST villains instead of building them up over the season and giving us a good reason as to why they do the shit they do.
All the right reasons dont make much of a difference if we have no sympathetic bond with the character. Nox's OVA is the perfect example of that. They did a lot more than just TELL us Nox wanted to go back in time for a good reason.
hahha yeah that would be so funny if someone dod that, ahaha
I really liked Krosmaga, one of my favorite cardshit games.
Too bad they fucked my ass over raw with the last patch and abandoned the game in a miserable balance state. I spent 20 whole dollars on that bullshit because I felt bad about pirating all the Wakfu/Kerubs Bazaar eps, and also nutting to all their female characters + one male Sufokian but you'll know what I mean when you see him.
If I play Waven they won't be getting a cent, I learned my lesson.
All part of Yugo's genocidal masterplan humie.Now that madman will face gods
There's a reason why World of Twelve will get CUBED ya know?
A damn shame
Well in that case, RIP your 300+ streak. Though I'm sure you can pick that up. And about the jap duolingo, my problem is with kanji, there's just no fun in grinding anki to learn kanji, and that's not including the words.
tu es un humongous faggot
how's that for french
I liked Krosmaga too, but I recently tried Hearthstone. I feel Wakfu has a lot more "fuck you" cards, combined with hearthstone's pve content makes it feel like a lot more of an accessible, casual experience.
I know there's a market for those hardcore cardgame fans but I'm just not one of them, for me Hearthstone is a lot more relaxing.
Also, Krosmaga matches can drag on for fucking ever. Even if they do have best grills I dont always want to invest that much time into a match.
Oropo would have worked if he was Yugo from the future. That's what I thought when he kissed Amalia. He's adult, rugged, pragmatical Yugo that wants to kill the Gods after watching for centuries how uncaring and worthless they are.
Instead he's just a clone from the OVA. How fucking dissapointing.
Cute nip
>I really liked Krosmaga, one of my favorite cardshit games.
There are 2 big problems with krosmaga
1) they have no idea how to balance cards
2) their legendary cards are the biggest P2W garbage i saw in years.
Oh you crafted/unpacked/won a legendary card? Well too bad, now you have to grind/pay for the OTHER TWO VERSION OF THE SAME LEGANDARY CARD and it takes months to level them up, i stopped playing once i reached high rank with my grinded up deck because people who paid for 3 star legendary just destroyed my alone with said card.
american tumor
Thanks, I still had to meet my cringe quota today
I think they got rid of that system a while ago
Why learn another language when everyone else is dying to speak yours?
I played Krosmaga for quite a while, but in the end the flaws just became too much.
I know that randomness and luck is a part of the game, but it never felt satisfying to create a great attacking force only to end up with two false and one actual dofus - and then end up defeated because the opponent can finally muster up an attack and he happens to get lucky at get two actual dofus. Sure, sometimes you were the lucky one, but that didn't feel satisfying.
That said, I liked the different feel of the gods, and it felt great when you make a nice combo and completely dominated the opponent. I played Feca before quitting and those units could really muster up a great offense.
You make it sound as if English takes even an iota of effort to learn
>I think they got rid of that system a while ago
Well good for them if thats the case, too bad I stopped to care over like a year ago and I dont feel like grinding up all the new card they put in
If everyone else speaks your language, why learn to speak theirs?
That's what I mean though, I started early and grinded up those cards. I only played 1-2 Gods I really liked and just spent my gold boosting the most powerful legendaries. In their last patch, they removed this system. This actually also deleted little things like the concept art/wallpaper puzzles and movies/bios for the characters. And now the lower level legendaries I got were worthless, I would have to unpack or craft the higher levels for 1000's of dust.
In essence, it was a move that shit on old players of the game while really doing nothing to make it more appealing to new. Abandoning the game with Feca and other such bullshit untouched didn't help.
it gives you some perspective on how language works in general when you have more than one language
cute feet
>that hip swinging
Yep, I can fap to this.
Qilby could have been great, if they'd spent more time making him sympathetic. He is a tragic figure - being reborn, but never forgetting his past lives, the poor guy has nothing to cling to. But they made him an evil guy with no redeeming features and wasted a good opportunity.
basé et Francepillulé
yes exactly they have a fine premise for the villain but spent no time building up the actual villain himself it didnt help that it was painfully obvious he was gonna be a villain right from the start.
>Remember being on Yea Forums when Wafuck first came out, and everyone on here was waiting for someone to dump it on mediafire
>It's already been over 7 years
>That boob squish
Damn frenchies
wasnt it confirmed the third mmo wasnt really an mmo?
The hips are way too wide, ugh
>This new MMORPG will take huge place in the transmedia strategy to complete the
narrative background from DOFUS & WAKFU universes.
Messed up the greentext
jesus christ thats grim, so it is really going to be an mmo then? hype restored
>inb4 someone will post french dub of Fist of the North Star
You are confused
Wide hip bones = good
Disgusting thigh fat = bad
is this thread about a game or some animation?
the games and animations are interconnected
Everytime I see him in this form I'm reminded of Buttlord GT.
But PeePooDo is not shit.
Dofus is a game and a movie. Wakfu is a dead game and also a cartoon.
dofus is also animation now since cute lesbian maid
and wakfu takes place in wakfu
based dbz nerds
is that from Donito ?
Is this cartoon worth watching for the waifus?
Eloquently put, sire.
how can i play this?
20 minutes ;_;
I generally felt sad for him. he just wanted to see his waifu again
I watched Series 1 and 2 of Wakfu back in 2012, it's a cool show.
so which is better?
France greatest achievement.
i want to impregnate that dog
the character models in wakfu are better
dofus is a better game due to monoserver
monoserver wakfu would be best but it doesnt exist
>nip """"""language"""""""
Even fucking worse. Go back to your ichikibongbong islang you fucknut weeb
THIS IS OFFICIAL ART?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
>I think he was more like a Copy of Yugo
the show literally spells it out what he is, and it was not that.
>So yes, it would be cucking
any dictionary also spells out what cuckolding is, and it would also be not that.
wakfu would have been better if they stopped wiping and restarting the project a million fucking times
Weren’t one of you posting a Google Drives link to an season of this show a couple weeks ago?
If yes, would you mind posting it again?
that's what you're worried about, and not about her ass raping that bird
I'd honestly impregnate any of the wakfu/dofus girls
they are all pretty much 10/10
I haven't seen any Wakfu since season 2 finished.
Last I heard, there were some OVAs and a weird third season.
Worth checking out? and if so, is there a site where they're all conveniently compiled? Back in the day there was that 'Brotherhood of Tofu' subbing group.
>japanese and french are my favorite languages
>never consume any french media
do they even have any decent tv series?
god damn it I want to fuck that cat's fat ass
why yes
didnt even realise that cloaca shit
dote up a cat
I'm french and I disagree with you.
how is this a videogame
as a dedicate shota enthusiast, nothing upsets me more than seeing one of my shotas in the hands of a disgusting pedo woman. such images are only made for straight people with mommy issues or who wish they could be dominated by a mature woman, which is really creepy
>Was extremely pious
>Was extremely nationalistic
>Was extremely pure
>Was extremely beautiful
>Had large breasts
>Had toned legs
>Had a slight tan
>Had black hair that she cut short
>Had a low, enthralling voice
>Was really smart despite being illiterate
>Was 5’2”
>Loved cannon
>Loved her country
>Loved God
>wanted to raise a family on the countryside after the war was over
>Had top tier bants
>Could predict the future
>Was the best!
i want to be the girl subjugating the shota
bullying it and making it feel awkward
Dofus has 15 years of content and polish along with no multiboxing.
Wakfu is basically an abandoned game on life support to cash in on multiboxing whales.
You decide.
Go save Yugo from that filthy Sadida, then.
Kaamelott. But you can't see the genius of it unless you understand french.
You spent too much time on Yea Forums and not enough having sex.
They made one but it didn't sold very well. Pic related.
Why are French animators so based?
Does he ever get any in canon?
>remember hearing english dub sucks
>no way they ruined Nox though
Only in the mind of Kriss.
Wtf I want to fuck curvy humanoid cats now?
Don't you have a white flag to wave?
what's the story here
i don't understand
noo you missed the digits for wakfu
god I with that were me
imagine the smell
well The princess has benn pushing for it, and dear god has she been pushing for it,but one has to admire Yugo's dedication to wait until he grows up
Knowinng Sadida's lifespan amalia might be a mature adult by then, but who knows if we'll ever even see yugo grow
I went for a drive with a cute French girl.
C'est pas faux
Not that poster, even if it's future self it's not cucking, but he would be getting NTR'd by himself. Depending on his own point of view.
Go to France and you'll see that it's very very far from everyone can speak english.
>playing wakfu
Why? better to watch it
totally spies is a special case, it's a big soulless company that lowers the costs by hiring nearly all student/freshly out of school animators available on the market on short contracts. it's basically a dream crusher machine, people with a bit of "soul" work there until they get formatted for the soulless trash they'll do for the rest of their life. It's not even intended to be sexy, but the naive people working there makes it looks like that by "amateurism", basically.
God I wish that was free
Dubs have been disabled on Yea Forums since 2012.
oh boy
Dofus turn based Pvp is great
ITT: Yea Forums
it's a movie.
Fuck you and fuck that guy.
France is one of the rare countries that can produce it's own cultural media on all platforms, you can get everything from kiddy shit to depressing more mature stuff. But it won't be translated, or even subbed.
Since we've got all the Frenchies in one place:
Like this!
Like this?
NOT like this ?
NOT like this !
Please, please, please, please, PLEASE stop putting spaces before them in English.
It's Clover, she's a thot.
Based and truthpilled
Ok !
i wont !
What's wrong with it ?
i hate french canadians
France is second animation mecca on the planet. They have industry of adult comics (BD) they favor anime and manga. Especially manga. Most of their manga titles in ongoing with japan releases. A lot of them are never officially translated in US
She'd make sure you wouldn't have fun.
>I'm going to eat that chocochick's chocolate starfish
>It's not even intended to be sexy
I refuse to believe those frogs didn't know exactly what they were doing.
I thought those were international.
Why even do it? Not putting a space is both correct AND one less keystroke, making it faster. There is NO reason to put a space there.
>still not totally spies game that plays like a teamwork metal gear.
Not anymore. Merunyaa deleted all their scat/diaper stuff and doesn't draw it anymore.
why the fuck am I getting a boner from watching a kids show
Ok .
because the rule applies to all punctuation with two symbols, to avoid clutter. especially stuff like l! or i!
disgusting sodomite
I love how the show is usually low grade QUALITY but when some specific fetishes arises, the animator put his A game for a few seconds.
!؟ What ?!
okay what the fuck
I also remember watching this and Martin Mystery on Disney
In French, sure. In English, no. It's not a thing. We don't do it, and you can't 'choose' to do it. It's wrong. It's incorrect. It's poor form and confusing. How is it confusing, you might ask? Because it runs sentences together.
Look at this ! Now, what's the problem here ? These sentences are all equally spaced like words in a single sentence, giving the visual impression of a run-on sentence. That's why we don't do it.
It's wrong in English, whatever the case.
I'm a virgin
Surely your french isn't that bad after 320 days ?
I'm fairly certain mermaid tails don't work like that.
the show is made by a private company, it's not sold to the same channel in every country.
>space question mark
Has to be better than your English.
how do the french keep getting away with it
I'll never not see my wife in that webm
Would have been great.
>We don't do it, and you can't 'choose' to do it. It's wrong. It's incorrect
This level of autism is why I'll always do it.
j'aime la france!
Le cunné.
An which are the supposed seventeen words for Surrender in French ?
Oh wow, it really is twiggles
>actually caring about this so much
Check your autism dude.
Hard-wired habit. Also I find ugly having exclamation and question marks without space.
>this is wrong, don't do it
non vous
>jennifer hale voices sam
Like that would work
The problem with French isn't even the complicated, unnatural grammar and conjugation, It's the fact casual speech is full of idioms and references which means direct translation will not work. (remember those "strawberries and cabbage" game reviews).
speaking good, natural casual French is close to that alien in star treck that talked in mythological memes way.
>god damn I fucking hate americans
I can tell, you blame them even when they have nothing to do with it.
you mad ?
>+ one male Sufokian but you'll know what I mean when you see him.
Please show us.
Because everybody can understand you and you can't them understand when they speak to each others. Its a huge problem in diplomacy.
French comics have always had tons of cunny, and I fucking love it
I remember from like 15 years back I used to read french comics and they'd have adults french kissing little girls
wish we had that back, but nowadays that shit gets banned everywhere and you can only find it on porn sites and darknet
We're working on technicalities.
In real life, you would still get in trouble for that image, but it's "sfw".
Americans have something to do with every problem in the modern world.
Radiant is a French manga that got a Japanese anime.
But I've heard that it's a really basic Shonen.
Man, the French really fucking love Anime and Manga, don't they? I mean, jesus christ, you have to to make stuff like this, don't you?
animators took extra care of each Sam frame in this it's pretty cute
Remember that stale baguette you accidentally bought the other day?
What techniques did he learn?
Reminder that Totally spies ended so they could work on Lolirock, but then they got bought by a bigger entity that doesn't give a shit about new content and juts whore their catalog.
Ackshually early anime is inspired by french cartoons
even the word anime is french
>no one posted best girl yet
Shame on you.
bye bye
...thousand! L O L
Stop posting this ugly american cartoon and post more miranda
>goes indoors in shoes
>smacks lips
>supports israel
>bullies middle east
>becomes mexican
what about the tracing
I really wonder.
now post the cat
>It's not even intended to be sexy
It was literally stated otherwise.
>so tight
off model = death
Nah brah, I'm pretty sure Walt Disney is to thank for that. I appreciate you helping us out in the American Revolution, but don't go acting like it wasn't US who made Japanese Anime what it is today.
Oh man I remember feeling funny when I saw this.
What did they mean by this?
Is that water?
Spoken like a true ignorant idiot
Chi on, Chi off.
Just stop trying to shill the games. Haven't you see this thread? It will be just 3 or 4 people trying to talk about the games and the rest jerking off to their waifus and posting webms and shit. It's impossible trying to discuss video games in the fucking video game board
absolutely fucking based frogs
top tier fetish
stay salty
>jerking off to their waifus and posting webms and shit
>implying that's a bad thing
>goes indoors in shoes
>smacks lips
>supports israel
>becomes Mexican
You do know all of this is frowned upon in America, right?
too old
is that really official ?
last i heard even Zone had troubles since some suits send him a "Stop this degeneracy with our ip" demand
Mélusine la coquine !
I'd crack their skulls
disgusting pedos
can't have trouble if they don't know about you first.
Why are you so mad ?
Yes, it was on one of the boards in their offices.
Too vulgar.
How can one nation be so based?
ay yo wait a fucking minute
Martine is pure
ah...okay I'm done
>Not a single nipple
>a whole nation obsessed with sex
No wonder you get flooded by brown and black people
Bye bye
Kill. Every. Pedophile. :)
>He never watched Totally Spies or the Mysterious Cities of Gold
Homophobic, much.
Lmao, that explains everything.
I agree. Teenagers and older girls are better in every way.
This type of shit is so good it goes full circle and just makes me really upset.
>and they'd have adults french kissing little girls
That's because we do that IRL.
The american "remake" of that movie is fucking cancerous btw.
he worked a little for adult mags though
>Red with ice rocks
Fucking hell. That's spanish level of of heresy
>make unfunny joke
>make unfunny joke but have a naked underaged girl nearby
>whole of France and Yea Forums shits themselves laughing while having boners
N-no bros... discuss the damn game. What are you doing??
Why are we so based
This is the previous page. Awful isn't it ? A true horror show.
After this thread I must say; the French are okay but not when they are in my team.
Allahu akbar brother.
Why are French people so stupid?
Most of them are arabs and arabs are pretty retarded.
why is hulk bruce lee being so rude
Uh huh, what's wrong with it?
It's a duel.
This is what human evolution was meant to lead to
dangerously furry
Any link where I can read this?
dishonorable chinaman, playing dirty in a duel between gentlemen
What the fuck
The duel has weird rules.
Speak superior language, fucking bagueet sandnigger
No, don't tell them. That's how I can always tell if a poster is a baguette.
They're all on yggtorrent but in french.
Why is Bruce Lee green?
that's fucking disgusting
what is wrong with french people
what's the brown ones name? that hairstyle after being zapped is perfect
This isn't video games
And the last two pages are there :
And there :
you can play with their asses for sure
Ales and I agree, perfect hairstyle, the clothes are good too. Reminds me of pic related.
imagine wanting a Hitler moustache for your pubes
How do I find more French cunny?
>super mahjong
I see you're a man of culture
Wouldn't the wine have broken glass in it?
You can't, it's all claimed by Tyrone and Muhammed now.
Honest question, which of these games are even still alive?
Pic related, name is filename.
Dofus is alive but go on the monoaccount servers.
do you think she took his bear dick
1ère case : "Hé! what's your name?" "?!! Pouah!"
2ème case : "Weird name. We play?" "NO!"
3ème case : "Don't get angry, come on!" "Don't touch me! Get your [plungers] out of there!"
5ème case : "Grand mother Alice! Come fast!"
6ème case : A bit later... "If the teacher learns that...By my varicoses! She has to believe that I captured this little girl for dinner, otherwise..."
7ème case : "Léon! You won't tell a word to Carmina,understood?" "Right, grandma!"
8ème case : "Fortunately, I put the Twindlin alga in my braid..."
9ème case : "Holala, it shrunk so much!"
10ème case : "I have one hour left to live underwater; after that I'll drown...If Carmina doesn't devour me before! Bouhouhou... snif!"