Tactical Shooter Thread

Why aren‘t you playing Squad right now ? other games welcome

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Because I can't play as a cute little girl in it.

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Please be fucking great.

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I would, but I don't get stable FPS even on the lowest settings.

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>no CSAT campaign
>no official modern RUSSIA or CHINA or GERMANY army
fuck off

Been playing a bit of Rising Storm 2 again recently, forgot how much fun that game is.
Is squad any good solo or do I need people I know to play with me?

It's alright solo, there are many decent public squads most of the time, but you can fairly easily find friends ingame, most groups are recruiting members too

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I only really play Forgotten Hope 2 in the evenings when the server fills up. It's good fun and more interesting to me than LARP shooters like Arma/Squad. Love WW2 setting as well.

Because I'm playing Hell let loose

Because I'm playing the superior WWII version.

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Because planetside 2 is lively right now and I never want to see it lose players again.

Good choice, though I haven't touched that game in a while

New theater soon

I have to make the graphics shit to play in 1440p. What are good settings for fps without making it look too bad?

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Why can’t Battlefield be played tactically

runs like shit

I'm playing GR:W solo instead


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Because I have to study.

Because you have to use a mic and i'm shy

Nothing because there are no recent tactical shooters with a good single player campaign

Can't wait for ArmA IV being set on Mars with people shooting lasers at each other.

You can make your own campaigns in arma

It's going to be a broken buggy mess that the community will still stick up for. Why people continue to stick up for Bohemia and their Czechnology is beyond me.

Single player Arma is mediocre at best. Multiplayer is what the game was designed around.

instead of playing this shitty game, why not RS2?

>based north vietnam
>realistic but not a walking sim
>superior level design
>stellar weapon variety
>can toastie gooks
>based playerbase

explain right now why NONE of your are breathing life into RS2

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>buy Insurgency Sandstorm on release, end up not having very much fun and drop it
>pick it up again last week and have the most fun I've had since Rising Storm 2
Playing aggressive and fast with no armor is so rewarding, but it makes it feel more like an arcade game than a slow paced tactical shooter.
I don't think any other game let's me play as a dedicated suicide bomber who just Carrie's IEDs onto objectives while the triggerman blows it.
Suppory Helicopters are also super weak now post patch so any guy with an MG and extended belt can down them.
The LMGs have WAYYYYY too much recoil and are almost impossible to use outside of the prone.
Unreal 4 is a shit engine for a game like this, I don't care how pretty it is.

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why did they kill the RS2 mega servers?

I never had so much fun with an FPS -.-

Because no one else does what they are trying to do.

RS2 has the most unbalanced maps in the series and the only gamemode that is ever played is TE because the playerbase is too fucking stupid to read a map or use vehicles properly. The voice acting and writing is shit, the hitreg is shit, and the sound design is shit. The game is a camp fest between the removal of shift zoom, the darker lighting system, and every map having a billion bushes on it. The series has only gone downhill since ROOST because the CEO of tripwire wants to make a game to compete with COD and BF and not a tactical shooter.

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>boring shit covered by mods

Crackers like you are why he didn't get the hover tank.


How's Alpha 14 lads? Havent tried it yet

I just built a new rig. Downloading SQUAD as we speak.
Played a bit of ARMA 3 when it came out but as far as i am aware its shit if you dont have a team to play with. What can i do in that case?

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Squad is just Arma for people with no friends. Case in point: You can shift zoom

It's mainly a content update, but its pretty good
>BMP1 for non-conventional faction
>Challenger tank for british forces
>Carl Gustav Anti Tank for US Heavy-AT, at 4 has been moved to regular Light-AT
>new Norway map

Territory control is a new gamemode which makes you capture adjacent hexes, so it's much more frontline focused and smaller scale.
You basically have to clear room to room in some cases, it's really intense.

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Those damn hexagons...

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Honestly the best way to play squad.

>You can shift zoom
I just booted up the game and tested it. You can't.

Ostfront is the only good Red Orchestra game

I'm sure, its just... those.. hexagons....

I have it and played some of it. And there were moments, when I liked it.
Most of the time though, you arent having contact to enemies. ITs a lot of running around and waiting. Thats has gotten a real turn off for me.
But when you have intense battles, boy its immersive. Unfortunately, its more a walking simulator. and trying to see enemies.

yup its really badly optimized still. Especially in cities.


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More action in the territory gamemode. I honestly can't stand the other gamemodes but I like territory.

I dont play it because i dont wanna buy a game that has almost no players.

Are there enough servers for that mode?

Tactical shooters are too fucking stressful
>Making a single mistake early game can cost the game for your team
>Your whole squad can easily get wiped by one guy if you aren't paying attention
>Artillery and gunfire cracks over your head are deafeningly loud

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I'm a burger on the west coast and I can find games no problem, most servers rotate all gamemodes and maps though, so when the game is up you probably are going to jump servers.

The worst:
>make a mistake as a squadleader
>your squad starts to leave because they don't want to be lead by an idiot
>the other squadleaders get mad at you for not being where you need to be

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>Why do people defend the best experience they can get on the market??? wtf I just don't understand???

Shit like this is why I never go SL in Post Scriptum, I'm happy just playing rifleman and occasionally going mortar, AT or MG

It's pretty good discipline if you ask me,

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tactical shooters are boring

Mah niggah. But I haven't been on in quite some time and the past few times the player numbers were alarming.
A couple of years ago there were 100 players until midnight on weekends, but the last time I checked there were barely 20 around midnight.

>make your own
>no surprise whatsoever
Amazing experience.

It's in the settings you have to enable it

I like indoor tactical shooters more than outdoor ones. Not much to do but hope that Ready or Not turns out good.

>a10 9700
>gtx 1050ti
>8gb ddr4 ram

Will look for benchmarks later, but at a quick glance would I be able to run ARMA 3, Squad and Rising Storm 2 decently at 1920x1080 on at least medium graphics?

By tactical you mean nothing happens for about 30 minutes and then you walk around a corner to die to someone camping right?

I came here to post this

it's a mindless clusterfuck where retards throw their bodies at flags from rallies
owi was a mistake and pr is dead

you could join BromA, an old Yea Forums based group for people who play ArmA, they play on Saturdays and Tuesdays (althought the latter with less fanfare) at 8 PM GMT

They literally making a cold war dlc for 3 and it turn out so BAD

>By tactical you mean nothing happens for about 30 minutes
Literally never happens unless you dumb enough to spawn in main base every time

I played Arma 3 last night with some boys from Yea Forums. Good time.

lmao that#s the catch, didn't you realize by now?
You either play multiplayer on graphics that look like 1995, or pose for high res operator porn in the map editor
There is no inbetween in Arma-clones

>850 hours in squad
>Still can't properly drive or utilize the APC's
I just love vehicles too much to stop though

When does that Swat 4 successor game come out?

Having a 1080 lets me run the game at 1440p, highest settings and consistent 60 frames

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Because I play vrfps.

If there arent soviets or any other countries exept muhrica and germany its a bad ww2 game in my opinion

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My nigga

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Because im doing actual army shit
Pic related

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