Valve is not your friend, and Steam is not healthy for gaming

>The illusion behind the “Good Guy Valve” reputation

>Valve didn’t always seem like the sort of corporation which thought of its customers as meaningless numbers in a colossal profit machine. How could it be, with its fierce and innovative vision for digital distribution, its stable of influential first-party titles and its approachable, meme-friendly CEO? "Look," we said to each other, "you can send Gabe Newell a funny email, and he may respond with a joke! What a good guy. Valve is good."
>Perhaps Good Guy Valve did exist, at one time. But beneath the glassy smile of Good Guy Valve today lurks an altogether more cold and corporate beast, a textbook rent-seeker that is profiting from both hostile practices and a bizarrely customer-supported near monopoly on PC game sales.

>It seems increasingly unlikely that Good Guy Valve ever existed. Good Guy Valve is a clever marketing conceit, a machine operating on a massive scale and one that can only do so because it is powered by the one thing Valve would later come to exploit above all: the free labor of adoring users and consumer goodwill that often feels both unearned and bottomless.

>Steam’s near monopoly has always been happily supported by players and even the press.

Oh no no, Valvebros, what do we do now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No fucking company or corporation is your friend but snoy pinoys and nintendobsons would love to tell you otherwise.


>5 Winnie Pooh coins have been deposited on your account

>unironic link to polygon

fuck off


time flies when you're shitposting


how much do you think epic gave polygon to write a smear article on the powerhouse platform of pc gaming?

>unga bunga valve bad because epic store rival binga bunga dunga

I'm glad that Polygon was here to tell me which corporations have my interests in mind
Do you think it's an unpopular to be at odds with Valve? I don't think anybody is saying they're doing their greatest.
A monopoly is more convenient than segmented exclusives, all you have to do is turn to console gaming or TV streaming and you'll see that very easily.

How much do you think they invested into the time machine they used to pay off polygon to write this article in 2017

must've been origin then


eat shit, chang

why is the american-left so triggered by steam/valve?

specifically american one, because politics are nowhere near as retarded anywhere else on the planet that you can split people into 2 distinct groups

Just because you posted a polygon link doesnt mean I am going to click it



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gaben is shit so is valve.

Gamers are fucking retarded, enjoy consuming shit with a smile

whole article is EA shilling origin lel

>politics are nowhere near as retarded anywhere else on the planet
Never has one statement been so wrong

Well for starters, how about you kill yourself?

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anyone above age 25 knew that already

if u hear Gabe's interviews you'll see he's just another soulless CEO. basically he saw a business opportunity in the pc world and took it. it could have been in the detergent world or LCD world- he gives no fucks

if you gamers wanna worship someone i suggest Fitgirl

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why not? name one country where the left/right are so easily distinguished, and equally fucking stupid

I would only be consuming shit if I followed polygon links.

Making a digital game store is so fucking easy
If steam ever goes full evil everyone that cares can change their prefered store the next day

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>no arguments
nice try, shill

so what? with his adequate distribution we now get ports of jap games that 10 years ago you wouldn't HOPE to make a PC release. that happened simply because a bunch of these gooks put their superior games on there as a test and they sold

>Making a digital game store is so fucking easy
Apparently not, considering epic can't even implement a shopping cart


>Valve is not your friend, and Steam is not healthy for gaming
Thanks, Captain Obvious.

A company is interested in profit and coming across as likable?!
Polygon has done it again!

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>have to entirely remove the games of the publishers that don't want to participate in a sale
literally HOW are they so incompetent?

To start, there are one-party systems like China's where you don't have any grouping. And then there are systems where the whole political sphere falls into just what the Democrats are (particularly in other English speaking countries), so there's only an illusion of a choice.
The two-party system is a way to organize, not a measure of quality.

>a bizarrely customer-supported near monopoly
Is this what liberals call "offering the storefront with the most user-friendly features of any other storefront"?
When another store comes along that is as consumer-centric as Steam, people will support it. You know like they're already doing with GoG

Egs use all their money on exclusives instead of getting devs that have a degree
I think they hired some hobbyist web developer because he was cheap

Valve is my friend though, because one time I bought a game off g2a that turned out to be bought with a stolen CC, and when I opened steam and the key was cancelled I was like ''welp, here goes my 200+ games account'', but no, valve just cancelled the key and that was that.

Now imagine if that happened on microshit or epic spyware, instant account ban


>other countries don't have true crazy conservatives who hate the poor, and that's a bad thing

>buy many games because there's a sale
>one at a time because no shopping cart
>get flagged for fraudulent activity

makes sense.

but still doesn't explain why american left hates steam so much


I remember when Steam was just the green thing that let me play Half-life. It had soul.

go shitpost elsewhere

>games journos

just kys shill.

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Who needs a cart when you have exclusives and more profits for the devs/publishers s/

>Valve works everyday to keep the pc platform open and innovative

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nobody cares enough to hate GoG, mate, they're just that witcher company that sells old games

thats not true.
lord gaben sits the entire day in his office to negotiate steam deals with other publisher because he loves games and wants everyone to enjoy and afford them.

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can someone that is not as lazy as me run the numbers and prove metro exodus sold more in pre-orders on steam than it did on launch in epic store?

Straw men don't win arguments, my friend.
I'll criticize the two-party system a bit here, since grouping diverse ideologies into only two main groups does create some problems. Communists and people who otherwise dislike capitalism or basically any business that isn't donating money for gender surgery are going to be represented best by the democrats, which stereotypes the whole party as such, even though the party leaders and general voters are generally toward the center and probably more similar to the Republican base than to the progressive retards.

they're only a monopoly because their competitors aren't as good. just look at epic and how fucking retarded they are

how was steam's monopoly bad? they even had better sales during their monopoly

>steam is a monopoly

what is?
>windows store

You're very bold calling me a retard when you're using words you don't understand.

>We waited years for steam to actually get good features like user reviews and refunds
Fuck the fuck off you chinks
Tienanmen square massacre



if you are
>a nigger

you are not welcome here, from your posts you must land in at least one of these categories. Please escort yourself out immediately.


Intellectual property is monopoly, so Epic buying up rights to third party developers is in the same league as steam having de facto rights to all games, except Epic's solution costs the consumer more.
Origin, bethesda, and uplay are guilty of this same act. I wouldn't consider them true competitors since they market their IPs rather than their good service.

Thread theme:

makes sense, actually
why is the american left so triggered by user reviews btw? is it because it allows people to express opinions? buy why so triggered by people expressing opinions?



>linking directly to polyshit
>posting wojak
Multiple reasons for a ban.

shouldn't the left be anti-corporate though? american left weirds me out like this

I think their boogeyman is hate speech. If reviews for their own politically correct products are good, then it's great. They find an issue with review or dislike bombing, and you see this on social media where sites either don't have the option or are trying to quietly hide it away

that's partly true, but it's also because even if and when any competitor has feature parity, you'll still have a lot of steamdrones who won't use it. impulse had feature parity and a good company backing it when it was still alive, but it never got close to having steam's influence so they sold it.

the most direct comparison to other industries is with hardware. intel/nvidia fanboys will still pay a premium for their stuff no matter how good the competition is or what kind of scandals those companies get involved in.

But where do they draw the line between a genuine negative opinion and review ''bombing''? If at all?

Also maybe I'm retarded, but review bombing CAN be good, as it warns less informed people of a glaring issue, at least usually


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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>no archive link
fuck off shill

thanks internet journalist, whos opinions are definately not bought and paid for by monied interests and rivals, and definately doesnt have an ideological hatred for valves pro freedom platform.

who the fuck is stupid enough to read polygon anyway

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have you ever considered that it's simply just not convenient to move from a platform you used for years to another fresh one? I know, I know, ''new good, old bad'', all the normies spout this, sure, but in this case convenience is king



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They don't draw the line, anything against them is evil. I think it is the result of narcissistic personalities.
I don't agree with review bombs per se, as it can give autists a bit too much of a power surge when they feel wronged. Then you stop looking at the product as a sum of its parts and only as just what you don't like. Of course it can be a net good, but mob justice is hard to keep fair.

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Good Guy Valve didn't exist until their "competition" was Epic, the bringer of the death of PC games.

Why is Polygon such fucking garbage? It's not that Valve is the good guy. People always bitch about them. The complaints are valid. How you could ignore them, outside of being a shill, is beyond me.

Valve is just the least shitty option out of the big companies vying for control over the market. Everyone would love a decent competitor to pop up, but the likes of Microsoft, Sony, and Epic aren't even close to being better than what we have now.

>left anti corporate
do you even know how effective the mind control is?

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i dont get why jurnos shill for epic so hard?

true, it's hard to regulate negative emotions like that, but it beats dusting issues under the carpet no?

I never participated but I appreciate if I get a heads up via them

epic spacing and linking fucking shill retard
kys and learn to code.

the lefties in my country are anti-gay tbqh

They are "anti-corporate" they just HAPPEN to support open border policies that primarily benefit large companies and the extremely wealthy.

>why is the american left so triggered by user reviews btw?
because they hate normal people expressing their opinions. if normal people are allowed to think for themselves they migth come up with non approved ideas, and then spread them to others. the left requires information dominance to survive. also, its competition for paid reviews.

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Please don't link to polygon articles.


>not archiving the article

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>Oh no no, Valvebros, what do we do now?
How about stop giving po**gon clicks and not make threads like this for actually valid criticism not to be lost in the brown ocean?

>Implying this news were not paid by epic shit store.

Valve is pushing for Linux gaming, so they're good guys

"Woke" ad campaigns have struck some sort of balance with this crowd even though the parent companies probably evade as much corporate tax as they can, and screw over their minimum wage employees.
If this game wasn't entirely about image, I think the left could stop wasting time and be sensible.
It can leave a stain on things, like No Man's Sky. I'm sure they felt justified, but the bad PR is keeping people from playing what is probably a better game now. Or Bethesda's over-support for the majority of their games building their ego, and the masses tearing down Fallout 76 because they hit a breaking point. The reasonable route would be to point out the flaws when they happen to keep people in check, so that things don't spiral out of hand.

Hello chinaman!

This was a pretty nice try my man but I have to tell you about few things you have to fix.
Okay, you told us steam is very bad but you didn't post no real proof or reason why
Really? You are on 4channel my chinese friend. You can't post that shit here and be taken seriously.

With all that said, please go now and improve your shitpost please.

I'm more of a GOG-fag than anything else, but if Epic wants consumers to stop siding with Valve, they need to take steps to win over consumers, not just publishers. The giving away free games thing is a decent first step.

steam really does need a neutral option in this regard

>no real proof or reason why
It shouldn’t have to be explained why a monopoly is bad. If you are unfamiliar with the concept and it’s implications, consult wikipedia or enroll in an entry level econ class

everyone gives away free games

>leftists and liberal in my country constantly pride themselves for being pro gay and "open minded"
>a gay right-wing politician got in charge of the supreme court, which is super corrupted and heavily left leaning
>enters rule saying he's going to clean the court of corruption (and leftists but don't say it out loud only hint that)
>right wingers praise him literally no one gives a fuck about him being gay
>left wingers calls him a faggot, a poodle, and constantly bashing him for being gay
Leftists are a fucking joke. "Open minded" as long as you obey and align with their agenda, if you stray suddenly you're a "faggot".

>reading polygon
>linking polygon
>agreeing with polygon

OP, get a gun and shoot your brains out.

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I like the "informal" option that curators are allowed to use. Being able to say "this game is broken but has its good parts" is a lot better than "FUCK YOU IT DOESN'T WORK I WANT MY REFUND"
It's also good that Valve has extended their beta review support to filter out legacy review spikes that probably no longer hold relevancy. If a problem gets fixed but people forget to update their reviews, then it will stay that way and be a sore for anybody else coming through later.

what a rag



Ye, valve are clearly working on it, people yell that they aren't for some reason but they clearly do. It's just not something you perfect overnight, beats not trying at all, though, and in the end you can't please everyone anyway.

This seems very biased and like the author is fitting a preconceived narrative to the facts rather than an unbiased look at the issue.

Hello chinaman!
I see you have a problem with reading and understanding english. It's okay! I'm a thirdworlder myself so I know how it feels but don't worry, you can make it one day and help praised EPIC to rise!
Now the text never said "monopoly", only "near monopoly" right at the end. Now please, try at least a bit and talk about those bad things valve does to the market. To be precise: "hostile practices"

A lot of people remember being mad that they had to install steam to play a game they bought a disk for.

Valve has done quite a bit recently. Forced disclosure of DRM and EULA on the store page is something that nobody else is really doing, which is why I'm able to think that Valve hasn't entirely lost their connection with their customers.

They seem to be negotiating for game releases pretty heavily too, lots of jap ports and even Halo, it's funny because they kept it smooth and seemingly ignored epic store, but in reality they've been crushing them slowly

>>bizarrely customer-supported near monopoly on PC game sales.
>video game industry is fucking plagued with F2P games that completely devalue full priced games
>most full priced games are riddled with pre-order bonuses, DLC out of the fucking ass and Season Passes
The Steamspy guy started bitching about steam sales too when he moved to Epic. Meanwhile whenever I talk to people about getting games they always resort to saying "I can just play *F2P game* while waiting for the price to drop" to justify not getting any games.

Not every monopoly is bad. Likewise forced competition is not good. In fact with a company that enjoyed monopoly position like valve, without abusing it's position, again, like valve, it's easy to keep anti-consumer practices away as you aren't competing to force people to use your service.

Meanwhile epic comes out and goes full anti-consumer, pro-publisher, immediately, unapologetic anti-consumer stance too

maybe publishers should make sure their games come out full and working on release day, instead of unfinished buggy messes with 5 planned DLCs?

also maybe lower your advertisement budget/don't pay royalties for hollywood actors and lower the price to 50$?

I swear most AAA publishers are fucking retarded, how does someone even get on the board of one of these companies when they are all so clearly not qualified for the job?

Only retards buy game at launch anyway. If the game is dead in 6 months it's not a great game anyway

Optical discs are spelled with a "c". It's hard disks that use a "k". Blame Philips and IBM
Ironically a forward thinking move. Discs are useless nowadays, even consoles that use them rely more on internal storage caching than the blu ray itself
I think the most likely resolution is that Epic will relegate its store to second parties and timed exclusives. It would certainly be better than half of the games being on one platform and some on the other, with EA and Ubisoft slowly chipping away at it. Worst case scenario is that every store has a similar market share and developers have no clue which platform to put their games on.

I always forget the spelling so just take a crapshot desu.

But still, I feel like a lot of the people who aren't as keen on steam are a bit older and remember the transition from no steam to steam and being "oh this sucks" then it getting better and being "oh this is neat" and now being less enthused because of all the crap.

So why is it that people aren't upset when games come out on GOG before Steam, and why is it that no journalist has ever bothered propping up GOG as a store and a way to fight Valve's monopoly?
I wonder if it has anything to do with having no genuine interest in the matter beyond kicking the bigger hornet nest.

I hated steam for years, still, rather use it than anything else on the market. It also really made PC gaming convenient over the years, and proved it can be profitable to jap devs.

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>I wonder if it has anything to do with having no genuine interest in the matter beyond kicking the bigger hornet nest.
Well geez user what led you to this conclusion? Was it all those articles and shit spouting on twitter and forums where people claim Valve does "nothing" while supporting shit like Steamworks, Proton and investing money into VR developers so they don't go exclusive? Truth is most retards opinionating on the vidya industry are just losers who used video games as a time sink and now pretend that their surface level knowledge and interest of the medium is a hobby they're passionate about. That's why none of these fuckos care about shit like GoG, they don't actually care about non-major platforms and they certainly never played the old games that the platform was built around when it started.

>corporations are not your friend
wow, big shocker.

Opposite to everything they write is true. So basically based Gaben stays based Gaben.

Games bloggers hate Steam and Valve because it's like the wild west of game clients.

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>Pc Gaming is dead

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This image is pretty shit. Digital "ownership" has always been shady. Stop buying early access games and the 2014 bit isn't an issue. Seriously the only faggots that seem to cry are retards that don't know what to buy and need E3 shoved down their throats to show them the way. You are a casual retard, consider suicide.


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EA, Ubisoft, GOG, Bethesda and a whole host of keysellers have been doing pretty well without steam. So where's the monopoly?

he's right

better than TIANENMEN SQUARE Epic


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>the same website that said the consumers are wrong to not want lootboxes in games
>the same website that actively defends EA trying to inject gachashit into EVERY game and genre
>the same website that literally can't play the games that they then review badly
>ever giving a single fuck what they say

>But still, I feel like a lot of the people who aren't as keen on steam are a bit older and remember the transition from no steam to steam
well unfortunately you are wrong

Is there a cure for the current spat of corporate cocksucking everywhere?

Simply saying you don't want an Epic launcher on your PC gets you posted and mocked by hordes of company apologists.

Is 'picking a side' and vehemently defending it no matter what getting out of hand?

there is literally nothing wrong with steam tho

So what are these "hostile practices" that Valve is supposedly employing? Just because they're successful, doesn't mean they're evil.

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>you can send Gabe Newell a funny email, and he may respond with a joke! What a good guy. Valve is good."
The Gabe email is pretty much used by the company now as PR. I think Gabe looks at them on occasion but otherwise it's just someone at Valve answering questions. I thought this was common knowledge for anyone who gave a damn.
Silly me for thinking a fucking gaymur Journalist would do research.

this, Steam has a natural monopoly because its so good. theres a difference between providing such a good service that everyone uses you and lobbying governments to make you the only company that can provide said service.


I'm not going to open the link because it's Polygon but I do wonder, how much was Polygon paid by Epic to ruin Valve's public relations in an attempt to bleed customers?

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I don't need friends, I need a company with a massive amount of games that give me good sales.

Thank you Steam.

>Steam has a natural monopoly
they are a market leader, not any form of monopoly

That's not how you use the term "natural monopoly". It has a real technical meaning, you know? Natural monopoly is something that cannot have competitors, by definition. Like a river, you can not share that river up and have people compete for different parts of the river. Infrastructure is another example

>nothing wrong with steam
>they hardly curate their platform, allowing for waves of shit and scammy developers
>its pure DRM
>if they go under you lose all your games
>"but they will release a patch!"
No they won't, no company dying will want to telegraph the death of their company that hard and when they get to the point they are dead, the servers will be gone so they can't release the patch anyways. Plus, I hope you have all your games installed

>"muh social features"
LMAO, go back to facebook.

Epic started the narrative early, didn't they?

>the reddit tranny meme
>clickbait and thinly vailed off-topic/political thread

You need to go back.

>it's okay when we change the world but not when you do it
lol, so true

>because its so good
Why are Pcbros retconning Steam history? Steam got a multi million user base by making the most popular multiplayer game of its era Steam exclusive and by making Steam mandatory for Half Life 2 even for the customers who bought a physical copy.
Steam's market power has absolutely nothing to do with being good. It derives from being first to market and having a large user base trapped in their ecosystem.

>they hardly curate their platform, allowing for waves of shit and scammy developers
I hate them for bending over for indie trash and letting this happen.
>Valve lets any fucking retard publish their game for $100
Fucking self-entitled retards.

Ah well that answered that then, why some is posting an ancient article here is beyond me.

Indie devs are retarded. They shouldn't ask Valve to curate games that come into Steam but ask the Steam community to regulate the curators on the platform.

>article from 2017
>from Polygon
From what I recall from reading this few years ago, it was mostly obvious points and some mindless nitpicks, like how Valve capitalizes on community making memes about sales. Like no shit, should they not do that?


>Valve is not your friend
Correct. Companies cannot be friends because they are not people. They still do quite a bit more than nearly everyone else to support PC as a platform though. My preference lies with gog ultimately but I also don't buy video games because I want this industry to hurry up and die.

>steamdrones blindly defending their dogshit distribution platform that now has a 500:1 junk to quality games ratio

>Valve is not your friend
Neither is Epic Game Store, even less so
>Steam is not healthy for gaming
Neither is Epic Game Store, even less so

Get back to me when there are 15 game streaming services, at least 4 of them have shut down, effectively bricking all of the purchases there and a few of them have convinced developers to have exclusives (not time-limited but permanent) with their titles.

Then tell me the joys and beauty of how wonderful multiple gaming services are as compared to just Steam/GOG.

Nah, faildevs and their journo friends always had a bone to pick with Valve for not making them rich.
That's one of the reasons while they are all flocking to Sweeney's dick. They just haven't realized yet that he doesn't even want unknown indie games with no following on his store.

Valve sure as fuck isn't my friend, but so far there's no better alternative to Steam
GOG is pretty alright, but they mostly sell old games


Are you not laying attention to the thrashing that AMD is getting ready to give intel? Like even normies notice. Get with the times gramps.

>Steam’s near monopoly has always been happily supported by players and even the press.

Alternative to steam "monopoly" is piracy, that was partialy revived thanks to EGS.
Nobody wants to split their library of games between 3-10 stores. Only forced to do this with exclusives.
Consolefags do not but their games on alternative e-store. PS have one PSN and Xbox have one e-store too.

I wonder how much Epic pays for these meaningless smear articles.

>Using consoles as an argument

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>Nobody wants to split their library of games between 3-10 stores
That's why GOG Galaxy is a thing now.

lmao that's from 2017 mate.

>Can't even use the games you purchase on their store without having their malware launcher installed
I already knew they were a piece of shit company. You didn't have to tell me.

Reminder that Tencent heavily invest into american gaming websites for them to suck its dick.

>near monopoly

What a loaded, yet useless term. If Valve has anything "near monopoly" it's because no one else has stepped up to compete with them in serious fashion. Also, convenience trumps a lot of things.

Discarded. I'm surprised your shitty thread haven't been removed yet? Is the report system broken?

I doubt they were. Journos ARE chasing controversy bux, though.

Two year old article.
But it does show that game journos have always been shitting on steam for all the wrong reasons.

>Direct linking Polygon
Kill yourself

Low IQ nigger post.

Learn the difference between an elective and coercive monopoly retard. An elective monopoly is (can be) perfectly moral for the length it is maintained, which is never forever.

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My assumption has already been debunked because the article is from 2017. Thing is though when Polygon started up it was known then that it got some funding from Microsoft, I think in the region of $200,000 so they shilled heavily for the XBOX.

>epic monopoly good users rights bad

What ARE the right reasons?

Blurring the lines of digital ownership?
Having Steamworks make most devs want to use Steam DRM so they don't go on GOG?
Heavily popularizing predatory monetization schemes?
Opening the gates to the idea of review bombing?
Incentivizing the complete flood of shovelware garbage?

Because I agree with all of them. Too bad game journos only talk about MUH INDIE DEVS.

I miss old valve, they used to make such a great engine and support/hire modders. CS and DOD for the price of one game was so amazing.

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I will tell you a little secret, no company is your friend and they all want to fuck your ass. We are heading to a cyberpunk future ruled by google and the only way to stop it, is to simply don't pay.

How are hats are predatory?

Well you were at least right about being a fag

*right winged
Horseshoe theory confirmed

Polygon doesn't need to be paid to shit on Steam. They'll do it for free.

They're still butthurt that Steam is relatively Libertarian and hands-off, won't ban people immediately for calling someone a faggot, they're butthurt that users can voice their opinions in user reviews and forums and that they sell shit like Hatred and Hentai games without bending to their censorship requests.


>unironic polygon link
>from 2017
yeah nah get stuffed mate

Dude no one is forcing you to use steam since those games. Its their staying power and ability to retain these customers. So what they were cut throat to make a business? Is Epic not doing the same now? Also corporations arent your friends and this is just video games. Calm down as being some sort of moral priest. But yes, steam is an objectively good service that is objectively better then all its competitors by an measurable metric.

>even the press
Things that never happened

They don't even bother to port those games to VR now and everyone goes
I hate VR so God damn much.

What ever is written in Polygon, I believe the opposite

sorry I like to have all my vidya in one place. that's literally the only reason so get fucked epic shill

>no paid exclusives

I for one welcome this """"monopoly""""

Who is saying this?

All monopoly bad. Competition good.

fuckmum(yourmum, true);

>My corporation is better than your corporation.
Consume more product zoomer

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I buy most of my PC off GOG these days actually.


Fuck all corporations shill

>bizarrely customer-supported

They do it for free



>"Steam is not healthy for gaming"
>Says fucking Polygon

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True, but there's no competition when the decision to use a store is strictly based on their content.

Like I don't use the Epic store because I feel this is the best store to buy the game I want, I use it because it's the only place where I can buy the game. That's not competition, that's just removing the consumer's choice

>Bad game is perfoming badly
yes, and?

>2 year old copypasta
>Of a fucking Polygon article

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Riot games is your friend unironically. They will do shit to make money but when it comes to actual balance of the game and bug fixing they are always near instant with actual problems.

>Riot games is your friend unironically.

stfu moron.

Reminder that these are the "people" telling you to stop using Steam.

Attached: 4 the gays.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>Competition good.
I dunno valve has overseen a pretty benevolent dictatorship for awhile now. All their competition sucks with the exception of GOG but most developers don't want to put their expensive new AAA game on GOG because DRM free makes them feel nervous so they'd rather spend $500,000 on a Denuvo liscense and put it on steam only to have it cracked in a week. So by default Steam is the only real platform until Epic came along and started paying for exclusives. Epic though is worse for the consumer in everyway and what we've seen from the game's industry is once one company gets away with something consumers hate everyone else does it too. We used to get private servers but now ever game is restricted to matchmaking because Modern Warefare got away with it, we used to get new games for $49.99 digitally on PC when consoles were $59.99 because the tradeoff for not having a physical copy was saving $10, but nope they're both $60 now because Skyrim got away with it. Sony and Nintendo used to offer their online services free of charge, now both require a monthly fee because Microsoft got away with it. So everything Epic does worse than Steam could very easily slip into normalcy.

Thread theme:


it's good to see that cancerous "news outlets" such as polygon are openly admitting that they side with literally illegal scammy business practises

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This, we need to get rid of all Steam’s market share and give it EGS to create a competitive environment

You’re not helping competition. You have to buy from the Epic Games Store. It’s like saying you’d rather waste your vote on a 3rd-party rather than voting for Republicans.

>paid for
pick one and only one /pol/ sized pea brain

That's why steam and gog is the best platform, since they dont pay for exclusives.

>Oh no no, Valvebros, what do we do now?

Lol nothing pall, just look, it's Polygon. Who Cares?

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>polygon click bait
We get it, you're shitty articles need views, Tim, use twitter faggot.

lmao who gives a fuck about redditlands 3 or whatever is going to be on epic
fuck off shill

When you get polygon writing articles against you, you know you did something right.

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>Valve exploits the free labor of adoring users

How so? And also why do they said 'Valve' when really they're talking about Steam?

I typically vote for a mix of Democrats, Republicans and Independents for all of my local government positions. I tend to vote for whoever is the most qualified for the position or who has shown the most aptitude. I know it's common for people to just pick a letter and fill out the whole ballot but I actually like to research each individual.

GOG offers DRM-free games, and it's got a very comprehensive and convient launcher which is completely optional but quite welcome. I'm a bit of what you'd call a Video Game 'prepper'. I make backup copies of all my games and store them offsite just in the event the industry collapses tomorrow and all these digital distribution servieces go out of business simultaneously or there is a massive fire at my house, or someone steals my account and gets me banned from the service or something, I'd still have access to all my games. A game on GOG is worth more to me than a game on any other platform because I know I'll be able to play my GOG games forever since they're all DRM free. You can't say the same about the other platforms.

Workshop for example, they pay no artists money for skins, they take a cut from sales of a skin an artist made and published in the workshop. Also, remember paid mods? Yeah... they were plannig to take a cut there tol

This thread sure feels reddit with all these normies defending their basedboy GabeN

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Shows you how far having a cult of personality can take you.

Imagine being such a fucking retard to think those are mutually exclusive.

Seems like they are, since you're shilling GabeN for free, you stupid kike.

Says the little faggot trying to attack the ONE company in the industry that isn't interested in taking the globohomo kike money.

You're sucking that company's so hard I'm amazed you're still breathing.

Gabe is a jew


That doesn't go for the stock market meme? Oh yes you executed your display of ignorance brilliantly.

>valve did bad thing 15 years ago so epic good

No shit. Epic is definitely nobody's friend.

GOG is nobody's friend either. But GOG offers a different, arguably better service. Not the same service but arguably worse.

>being this much of an idiot
you realize that there are very good reasons, all of them supercapitalistic to not place your company at a stock market, right? For example, when you are pretty certain it would cost you money and power in the long term because you think you'll have a monopoly for the next period? Hmmm, really makes you think... Tool.

>valve assfucks me in the dickhole every day but says please and thank you
>epic is a bit rude but hasn't touched me inappropriately
>therefore epic is worse!

Keep licking the smegma under the foreskin of Tim Sweeneys baby weenie.

>steam discussion forums
>tell them some redpills about china/trump and some epic libtard trolls from ben sharpio and the pewbs
>get banned


Man, Valve really pissed off the zeitgeist with the whole "we don't like censorship and banning games" thing, huh.

>"we don't like censorship and banning games"
>*censors and bans games*

Yeah, I sure hate it when Valve blocked all those GOG games with an exclusivity deal. Oh wait, that was Epic.

guess your basedboy gaben censors retards

lol that didn't happen valve drone

puritan anti-sex weirdos never relent, they'll go and keep going until the day they die because stacy took their boyfriend in middle school


>fucking polygon

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>bans pedo games
ftfy, go back to resetera pedo tranny.

>it doesn't count!
Typical from a valve drone

>a corporation isn't your best friend
Oh no how will I ever continue living?

Let's be honest, here. The reason people liked Valve were because of the cheap games on sale. You could get ten games for perhaps $5, generally some decent ones as well, during the sales. That got a lot of people dumping money into the platform and liking the company as a result. But they never did it because they liked you, they did it because it was profitable for them.

Humble Bundle was much the same way. People loved it when it was just $1 for ten games. Now it is $15 or $20 and maybe one or two decent games, and nobody cares anymore.

What other platform is going to allow porn games? Go cry somewhere else about not being able to beat your tiny dick to children you estrogen filled upcoming suicide statistic.


>wojak shit that there's no way it was even made by (you)
>obligatory Oh no no no shitpost falseflag
Can we give this shit a rest? This feels like scrapping the bottom of the barrel just to bring more cancer to the board.

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Only virgin valve drones need sex games in their marketplace lol

Oh no no no no
>Epic store money

This is op right now.

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>moving the goal post
Cope, tranny.

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>moving the virginity post
Have sex lol

>Nobody wil be able to find any clues of helium after you die
>except that giant tank with "balloons" on it

>Chink is pro-epic and a faggot too
Like pottery.

>Epic's E3 conference was a giant dud
>Shilling has increased tenfold
Really makes you think

They don't do it for free.

>Games bloggers hate Steam and Valve because it's like the wild west of game clients.
They put pressure on Valve by thinking of the children to force their hand make them the defacto arbiters of what the public is allowed to see, yet were rebuffed. Epic's full of looney left idiots and are pairing with the endgame product of such ideology with Tencent and its links to the Chinese government, so this is a game journalist's fantasy come true.

>Epic's full of looney left idiots and are pairing with the endgame product of such ideology with Tencent and its links to the Chinese government, so this is a game journalist's fantasy come true.
Why the extravagant conspiracies? Yes, Tencent is a Chinese company with links to the government (like every major Chinese government) but that doesn’t say much since it’s such a massive company


Pic related

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10 social score has been added to your account


Under citizens united, corporations are indeed people. People with thoughts, feelings and emotions and they can and will be your friend.

Everyone should be allowed to run their own videogames market, to fight against corporate monopoly of all kinds
We have farmers markets and the like, I don't see why it should be against the law to copy and resell videogames


epic games store has a plant in polygon

why is this bad for me as a consumer?

A monopoly in any market is bad because the price equilibrium is set higher up which favours the provider (valve) and disfavors the purchaser (You)

> polygon

lol. Why are you even on that shitty website. Those fuckers aren't real gamers or journalist. They're just there to shill their leftist sjw ideology.

Valve never abused their monopoly despite having it for over a decade, Epic appears immediately buys up exclusives forcing people to use their platform and hide behind "it's competition lowai"
>CEO of Epic literally spitting on consumers saying they don't matter, he'll decide who is successful by paying off developers
>Gaming "Jounalists" now telling me Steam is the bad guy
Aren't these the same guys sperging out about Valves libertarian bias before? And I'm supposed to side with the corporate bootlickers?

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I will not give P*tchford a fucking penny.

I have never felt once that valve has abused this monopoly though unless you can jump start my memory, all prices on steam have been fair or even generous considering the rest of the market, especially for consoles. Even then if I want a game for cheaper I can just buy a code from g2a or gmg

FUCK steam and FUCK epic games store, i only pirate and buy at gog

>Be Gabe
>Make Steam
>Fool people into spending money for trivial shit like badges, and backgrounds
>They become so brainwashed that no amount of logic will tear them away from you, and thus will destroy PC gaming once again all for the sake of money

Gabe is a typical Jew.

They programmed the store using Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints.

>fool people into buying badhes and other trivial shit
there was no jewish tricks involved, if something interests a consumer and they willfully purchase it there isnt any issue

You're taking advantage of stupid people. Typical Jewish parasite.

Everyone knows Valve isn't anyone's friend, but the worst anyone can actually say about them is they're lazy. I'll stick with the devil I know thank you very much.

You're a clueless dumbass.


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Keep crying monopoly and eventually it'll mean something

Christ you schizo settle down, offering some bullshit to customize your profile that offers no other advantage over others is not a jewish scheme no matter how you try and spin it especially when you create a community market to sell some of the aforementioned items

>why is the american-left so triggered by steam/valve?
They want an authoritarian leftist regime. A big part of their strategy is controlling media to send only their message. Valve is privately owned and Gabe won't kneel down and kiss the ring so they hate him.
They love Epic because it is owned by China which already is a authoritarian, leftist regime.
Valve is bad for them because it keeps letting wrongthink games be successful and refuses to implement their censorship.
They want Valve to be like Sony and start censoring everything.

t. triggered valve fanboy

>You're a clueless dumbass.
but he's right stinky chinky

>They want Valve to be like Sony and start censoring everything.
But doesn't Valve already do that? Well some of the time.

Everything that you said is wrong. Kys Jew.

It's still big news every time they do it at least.

opinion disregarded

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haha cope haha have sex haha based
you have to go back subhuman

Valve hasn't been the "good guy" for over a decade however, this is common knowledge at this point.

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>Nuh uh- you!

lowest tier shills bumping these godawful threads

>the community market doesnt exist and you cant sell backgrounds on it
>badges and wallpapers give you advantages over other players
prove both of these statements true then if everything I typed was wrong

>game journo website
Back to retard

Attached: literal children.png (380x513, 20K)

Why have I never heard of "good guy valve" up until this article made the rounds?

I use steam because it just works, which is surprisingly something that a LOT of digital platforms fail to understand

Prove that you're not a cock sucker.

Dang, you can't.

My problem with the competition is that it's not really healthy. Exclusivity is cancer that actively takes away consumer choice.

If both stores offered the same product, but one offered it at a lower price, that would be true competition. Competition between steam and epic right now is ONLY hurting consumers, and not benefitting them at all, it's only helping developers, and thats why i fucking hate it.

Because you're a dumb faggot.


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isnt metro 50 bucks on epik?

If it was on Steam, 3rd party keys would've let you shop around and buy it for even less. Epic doesn't play nice with other stores except for their select partners.

It's all part of them eliminating consumer choice.

please explain how steam has ever abused their monopoly, because the fact of having one is meaningless as a monopoly is not inherently bad unless abused

>over a year without a shopping cart

Attached: HERP ME TIM.jpg (870x633, 258K)

They're behind on the whole roadmap. I hope people learn a lesson about what that means when Epic promise something.

that pic though

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Forgive me if I don't take some random journalist character assassinating someone for their own personal gain seriously

Epic shill spotted.

Valve has done a lot to support linux gaming, so I will continue to support them.

Nobody understands the American left. They're an enigma. A dangerous one that is threatening humanity itself.

this is why we need centrism

>service that's popular because it provides a good service BAD
>service that provides a shit service and is run by legitimately evil people GOOD
Nobody who isn't on the payroll actually defends the EGS, right?

Everyone either shit on everything or character assassinating anyone with any game
They do it so they have a story to tell people about their boring and insignificant life

You can go right now and say anything you want on steam
Tell me another place on the internet where you can do this without a corporation banning you for maybe hurting their bottom line

The internet gave too many retards a voice

A lot of it is indie devs that think Epic will lavish them with millions and millions for their uninspired trash and the only reason they aren't already rich is because Valve never gave them special treatment.

The one good thing to come out of all of this is seeing Epic fuck them over too.

>Valve is just the least shitty option out of the big companies vying for control over the market
No, GOG is. It's just that people ignore GOG because it's not Steam.
I can have an offline Linux PC and load up my GOG games on it with no problem, while Steam stuff is annoying and finicky to deal with.

why would flaming ps4 fans tell me to stop using steam?
shouldn't it be epic autists, instead?

neck yourself chink

Fuck Valve, for the record

Absolute trash, stop linking to those faggots.
That being said, Steam is a piece of shit and Gaben dicksuckers are easily worse than any console fanboy.

unironically end your life

What the fuck?

>valve is bad
>because valve is bad
>glass smile
>valve is bad
Okay, sure they are, nobody here really believes the valve fairytale, but where are the reasons?

>unironically reading polygon
lmao, cuck

>no jewish tricks
>buy these digital downloads infected with online DRM here, for full price, and repeat with us: "Valve rescued PC gaming"
>no jewish tricks
>give us shekels for no ownership of "your" games whatsoever and we can lock you out whenever we feel like it
>no jewish tricks

>why is the american-left so triggered by steam/valve?
It isn't.
Valve does SJW / leftist censorship.
Leftists applaud.
SJWs applaud.

Valve is the Sony of PC vidya.

Perpetual licenses are a good. If they deny you access, you can take them to court.

what games have steam specific VRM ive never heard about this issue before nor have I heard someone being locked out of a game just because valve feels like it

How can one guy type so much and say practically nothing? How can that same person not even look up the definition of monopoly? Also fuck off linking polygon here faggot.

>If they deny you access, you can take them to court.
Weird, can't remember Sony getting sued when they denied redownloads of purchased content.

>Perpetual licenses are a good
>Because in theory you can go to court.
Isn't it better to actually own something in the first place - like physical releases - something that they can't take away from you in the first place?


>There is no Steam online DRM
>Also Steam is good for PC gaming.
>Also Giving Israel billions is good for America
No Jewish tricks.


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>couldnt even answer a simple question
>brings retarded /pol/ bait into everything

as a leftist i fully support steam and hate epic
you're a moron. have you ever met a leftist that wasn't a whiny bitch on twitter, i.e. 99.9% of us?

>as a leftist i fully support steam
Good boy.
The censorship platform of your choice has got you covered.
Plus Epic are stinky Chinks.

>as a leftist
>hate epic
But Epic are communists, while Valve are evil capitalists, who even tried to monetize user mods?

>have you ever met a leftist that wasn't a whiny bitch on twitter

>go on the article without adblock (i'm a fucking retard)
>epic ads all over the place

Great, goyi.
We love you.
And we love the wall you gave us.

never forget the 750.000$

>directly link to shitty game journo site
>thousands of replies
Hmm I wonder who could be behind this post

I don't care if valve is le good guys or le bad guys as long as I can buy the games I like with a 70% discount I'm staying on steam.

they started scrutinizing games more lately yes but they haven’t caved into letting indiefag devs to censor bad reviews of their games like the sjtrannys journalists have demanded in the past

Fuck off you seething incel, Sony is based and bringing video games into 2019.

funny thing is that youre right
they suck shit at balance and rotate meta just to keep the game afloat but when it comes to monetization theyre very consumer friendly
turning the "you can only buy skins with premium currency" style into the same exact thing except free lootboxes just for playing is very cool
the only thing they fucked up with is prestige skins and content passes which are blatant jew tactics that no one can defend