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I wish games were good

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like clockwork

Feeling pretty numb over games. I still love me some sidescrolling platformers, muds, action games focused on combat, and the occasional rpg with in-depth mechanics. The issue is that I'm pretty sure I've covered the "must play" titles and now I'm digging for gems in a huge pile of shit.

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I woke up at 2 am after falling asleep at 6 pm why does this keep happenin

4am survives?

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not always, jannies don't like it because it doesn't meet the wojak quota

Thanks doc

This. Fuck jannies. 4am is a safe haven from all the shitposting


Goodnight Yea Forums

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what's everyone playing tonight? what's kept you up so late? are you happy?

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It’s 5 pm here can I still hang

Just started replaying Banjo-Tooie lately, just beat Banjo-Kazooie about a week or so ago. I felt like because of you know what, I might as well finish off the next game anyway. It's been on my backlog for a while. I remember staying up late back in Elementary with the boys playing the FPS multiplayer game, moreso than the actual game itself. Tons of fun, but those are long gone. I miss those days where the most worrisome thing in my life was whether I got a good grade on that recent math test or not.

The game is pretty great so far, just finished up with my first round through Glitter Gulch Mine. I enjoy the increased mobility you have from BK, but I worry that the expansive worlds are going to eventually take their told (which I've heard they do), and I'm not really a huge fan of the mandatory backtracking. When it comes to 3D platformers, being able to get everything in one run is always my preferred way to go, so I think I'll probably enjoy my recent playthrough of Banjo-Kazooie moreso than Banjo-Tooie. However, I'm keeping my mind open. I still got a lot of game to play.

Also, thanks doc.

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its really just hailfire peaks that gets boring, the other levels have enough in them that you don't really mind how big they are

>Phone rpg
>off work tonight, normally night shift
>no god help me

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Sleep tight, user!

I just stopped my retirement benefits from coming in. The next part of my plan is to purchase a van, and move to a part of the country that's cheap, where I can attempt to make a living doing something I love.

I'm giving myself three years to find a reason to live. If I cant... Then so be it. I've lived a life better than most.

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I love backtracking but none of the backtracking in tooie is mandatory unless you want to 100%. As far as I know, you can get to the final boss without backtracking. I could be wrong though. I think GGM is capped at, what, 8 jiggies without backtracking?

Every god damn weekend for the last six months I just stay up till like 5am drinking, I don't even get shitfaced because I don't want hangovers. It's not even "Tfw no gf" shit anymore its that fucking garbage feel when nothing happens in your life anymore, I've grown distant from the friends where I live cuz I don't trust them anymore and I feel too old to make new friends. I wanna be able to goof off and laugh with people again but I'm so fucking weirded out by letting people get to know me anymore I dunno how to act

theres my 4am blogpost, thanks for reading it

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Pretty sure it's two, yeah

I'm not protecting jannies or anything but it's the blatant /r9k/faggotry that gets stu threads killed. Get a load of this fucking faggot

Thunderstorm rolling in so my dog is being a pussy and making a racket. Playing some Shadows of Valentia in bed, bretty gud so far. I ordered Everybody's Golf PS4 and a Dune hardback (on a friend's recommendation) the other day; put a load of time into World Invitational so I'm pumped for more of that.
I've been doing great since last year - dropped a bunch of weight, got into lifting, picked fiction writing back up, nearly finished with a fun little RPGMaker project - but I have to start reporting job search hours to the government next month to keep my health insurance so things will be going to shit soon enough.

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Dune is good but do NOT get memed into anything beyond dune messiah

im just playing space engine while trying to relax. anxiety's fucked tonight so i'm just winging the night i guess.

i fapped to some thicc animu mommies, twice, quite exhausted from doing digimon hackers memory and a little bit of dragons crown yesterday.

im a retard for playing HM nonstop, im getting burn out

>thicc animu mommies
Mein negro.

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just fucking listen to yourself, how pathetic