>"hmmmm we have a console with an HDMI standard capable of outputting 8K, let's not support it because why the heck should we?"
what's the point if 1080p is all you need
>8k TVs already
whats the point. cable is not even 4k.
Wait, are we really jumping to 8k while ignoring the shit refresh rates?
85 inch 8k is like same pixel density as a 24" 1080p monitor isnt it? or even more actually. Damn you would have to be 2 feet from it to gain anything over 4k
Once you go 4k it's really hard to go back to 1080.
I'm sorry but who the FUCK uses cable in 2019
for a TV maybe, I've never once felt like a 1080 display wasn't good enough for a PC display
there are people that spend 70k on a screen?
what's the point of 8k when our eyes can only see in 4k? This shit is a scam.
>implying it's not just going to be upscaled 1080p again
i have a 4k tv. actually getting 4k image quality out of anything is surprisingly difficult. i don't notice enough to give a shit when i do. resolution is in diminishing returns territory now.
is just a selling point retards, like 4K meme, normal faggots want bigger numbers, even if they have no idea WTF that shit mean. Consoles can\t barely keep 1080/60FPS without shiting the bed.
A cable for 8K was released only this year
Just about everyone who lives in a rural area. So like half the world.
normies retard. tvs are literally for normies. using these for gaming is straight up brain damage identifier
8k for an 8k isnt that much if youre not poor
Resolution is easy to marketise. People like big numbers and shit.
Nobody cares for autistic stuff like bit depth, dynamic range & wide gamut.
>implying I'm EVER going past 1440p
>tfw my eyes are bad so I can't even tell the difference between 1080, 1440 or 2160 much less anything higher
good thing though is that I get to play games at higher fps
Thank god for antialiasing
>4K meme
no, 4k is the opposite of a meme. It's the correct resolution for televisions based on viewing distances and the average size of a TV right now.
Modern 4k televisions in game mode have comparable input latency to gaming monitors, some samsung TVs have as little as 9 ms of input latency. Almost all OLED displays are 120 hz already and samsung QLED tvs are 120 hz as well, they're just waiting for HDMI 2.1 to be proliferated to be able to be used at 4k 120hz with HDR (and variable refresh rate).
There is no reason to avoid televisions for gaming if the format of the panels themselves is appealing to you.
I still prefer something inbetween at 60fps+.
Its future proofing, dipshit
1440p display is enough, 4k and higher resolutions are only needed for supersampling. The real graphics boost is 120fps
>It's the correct resolution for televisions based on
t. phoneposter from the employee break room at best buy
and something not mentioned often is that HDMI 2.1 has a version of freesync / G-sync in it, meaning you'll no longer get any tearing or stuttering in games when the frames drop.
It's a wholly positive thing which is why it's no wonder Yea Forums is moaning about it.
>based on viewing distances
If you have perfect vision maybe. I don't, I need to sit close to 4k to spot any difference. Pointless.
And yes I do have glasses, but at some point glasses become a trade off between resolution and distortion, the lens starts to distort the image.
oh look, someone who knows what they are talking about
what a rare sight
Why the fuck can't Nvidia add HDMI 2.1 to their GPUs? Even attempting 4K 60 FPS on a PC to a TV is spotty because it dances right on HDMI 2.0's bandwidth limit and randomly will cut out just because your cord is a tad bit longer than 10 feet.
>having screens not strapped to your head
Enjoy your bloated vidya gems.
I own an 65" Q9FN and the fact that is doesnt have a display port or hmdi 2.1 really pisses me off.
You cant get 60hz 4k with real HDR on it. It only has the bandwith for 30hz 4k HDR.
It's so fucking retarded to have such an expensive tv that can do all that high end shit, but it doesnt have the ports to acctually do it
>8k consoles for $500
>8k TVs for $8K
Consoles sure are superior
my understanding is the issue is the HDMI 2.1 protocol wasn't completed when they were working on this stuff. It made the 20xx series of nvidia cards an instant non purchase to me, I don't understand why anyone bought one with such a gaping flaw.
Does the QF9N not use one of those IO breakout boxes, aren't they getting HDMI 2.1 later?
>80+ inch
I don't need a TV this fucking big
>games can't even run at a solid 60fps at 1080p
Console owners like to be scammed out of their money
I'm still on 1366x768
Human eye can't see past 24ppt (pixels per teraflop) anyway
The Tech Tips video with the 8k TV mentions how he finally can't see any aliasing.
I mean the modern pro consoles already run games at some shitty faux 4k@sub30fps so why wouldn't the next gen ones be able to run games at a faux 8k@sub30fps?
It's not like consolefags have a choice either
>70k for a tv
who buys this shit?
8K is just a bullet point for marketing since the consoles will have HDMI 2.1 output, same as 120fps
Lower upper class people who want to dick measure their TV sizes