Will it be the true successor to New Vegas?
Will it be the true successor to New Vegas?
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No, it'll be a bunch of "REMEMBER WHEN WE MADE NEW VEGAS" nostalgia baiting bullshit
>Boyarsky and Cain
>Not open world trash
It will be way better than New Vegas
You can find out, exclusively on the Epic Games Store!
Fallout New Vegas was a fluke. Ever since that Obsidian has produced nothing but trash.
It's on the Microsoft Store and on PC Game Pass at release date too.
>linear, no open world
>15 hour game
>only 2 factions to join (good guys or evil dudes)
>no third person camera
>forced SJW politics
An overrated game that is a complete piece of shit? Yes
it feels a bit too much like reddit
Nah, you just can't distinguish Fallout 2 humor from reddit anymore.
At least try harder if you're gonna pretend to have played FO2
It looks pretty good. Hate the character design though. Animation is worse than Betheshit games lol
New Vegas didn't have the lead developers of the original Fallout, Arcanum and Bloodlines working on it. That's an advantage this game has.
Gameplay I've seen makes it look closer to Bioshock or Dishonored with some elements of New Vegas.
Outer Worlds looks like exactly what I want in a video game. Incredibly hype
Hope it has some pretty alien landscapes and cool monsters. Tired of Deathclaws
A bit. though i am worried they mentioned it will be a bit smaller than new vegas.
If New Vegas came out nowadays, Yea Forums would bitch that it's too SJW and spam the fact that Arcade is gay and Veronica is voiced by Felicia Day
Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't
So far or looks low love child of Falout, Bioshock and Borderlands to me.
Casually hyped.
It will definitely be, in that I won't play for a year or two until after it is released. Both to make sure most bugs are fixed, and also so that I don't have to deal with retarded extra launchers and the like.
>forced SJW politics
I haven't been following the development. How are they doing this?
New Vegas had stretches of empty land too big and some caves that were basically indistinguishable from one another. Smaller than that is a good thing. I'm sure Sawyer would have gotten himself rid of the open world meme if he could, he was already doing his best to minimize it with invisible walls and such. But Bethesda forced it on them.
In the actual game? In no way whatsoever.
But if you want tweets of the devs being feminists or whatever, I'm sure someone can provide you with the shitposting material. As if that doesn't apply to every game ever nowadays. I'd be unable to enjoy this, Cyberpunk 2077 and Bloodlines 2 if I let that decide shit for me.
half the casts are trans and the other are gays
There's a companion that's gay & another was voiced by felicia day
It's gonna get shitposted relentlessly for the first year or two but as more people with backlogs get to it, it's gonna become a cult classic. It's so obvious.
This game has a some mechanics I've always wanted in a Fallout game:
Disguises to sneak around in. The use of disguises are improve with your speech and stealth stat.
A leadership stat which improves your companions' abilities instead of your own.
In addition to perks, there are also flaws. The flaws we know about so far are just phobias, but hopefully there are some more interesting ones.
>A leadership stat which improves your companions' abilities instead of your own
It in new vegas in a pretty simple way, the more CHAR you have, you companions deal more damage and take less.
No open world =/= linear, see Witcher 2
Also no third person camera is the most retarded complaint I've ever seen for a video game.
games not on steam dont exist
How are you able to enjoy those games now lol
no, it's shit.
it'll be trash
Any games besides this coming out this year worth looking forward to?
yeah and the third half are disabled black people
Any game that goes egs exclusive instantly get tagged as potential shit
If you know your game is good why would you piss of 20-40% of pc consumers just for secured sales and a few millions and a lot of goodwill lost
Imagine being a win10 cuck
>no open world
>no mods
why bother?
as soon as a game gets signed to egs i torrent it
who is even left at obsidian that worked on new vegas besides sawyer?
>Disguises to sneak around in. The use of disguises are improve with your speech and stealth stat.
I recall doing this in both Fallout 1 and 2.
>true successor to New Vegas?
You're only gonna be disappointed if you're still pining for NV, because they're not the same game and don't even have the same mechanics you dump OP.
>no mods
this, obsidian's games are always fucking broken and there will be no way to fix them.
>devs literally promised no mods
>obsidian games
>no mods
I think you're mistaking obsidian with bethesda
Yikes, not touching this shit. Thanks, lads.
>In addition to perks, there are also flaws. The flaws we know about so far are just phobias, but hopefully there are some more interesting ones.
I think a few more interesting ones I read about are "concussion" where you are forced to take dumb options and "crippled" where you move slowly because you're only on one leg.
One they originally had for the game was "liar" which forced you to lie every time there was a chance, but Boyarsky cut that one out because the "lie" option very rarely, if ever, fails when you have the skill for it, so he doesn't really consider it enough of a flaw.
But yeah, I'm hoping there's more interesting flaws than phobias. I'd like to play an "over-confident" character, for example, whatever that would mean in-game.
It's on the Microsoft Store and on PC Game Pass at release date too.
Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky where the lead developers for the first two Fallouts, which is much better. Sawyer is not heavily involved in this game, he's more of a consultant role (hopefully working on Pillars 3 as well)
This. It will be a spiritual successor to the original Fallout
I'm looking forward to this
Imagine being a PC gamer that doesn't even trust Microsoft. Valve is not gonna support Windows 8 for much longer, my dude.
I'm gonna pirate it but the writing seems absolutely fucking horrible, so likely won't ever finish it.
Thanks for the free game though, Tim Sweeny.
>Pre-release gameplay looked terrible
>Story appears to be about corprashun bad
Please say this is a joke.
>he isn't anti-corporate
might as well be a cum dumpster for jewish overlords, user
The graphics and facial animations are fucking dogshit. The lighting especially. It looks like new vegas but with current gen texture resolution standards. I'm surprised nobody else is kicking up a storm on how fucking shit the facial animations are.
Hard pass. Might not even pirate. Obsidian went to shit a long, long time ago but that won't stop people from hyping it up as being the second coming of new vegas.
I like how the game looks indoors, at least.. And outdoors at night.
Please tell me you're mentally retarded.
>I'm surprised nobody else is kicking up a storm on how fucking shit the facial animations are.
People weren't expecting much to begin with. Companies like Bioware and Bethesda got shit because they should have done much better with their resources. That level of polish isn't expected from Obsidian, but a good RPG is. If they fuck up the dialogue, story, or character systems shit will be kicked up plenty, but we can't tell that just from trailers.
yeah but you can join them so what's the problem
No, it's shit.
Before that they had alpha protocol which was kino.
>Also no third person camera is the most retarded complaint I've ever seen for a video game.
missed you in those cp2077 threads
Why do /pol/tards constantly cry about corporations pandering to other people but still fully suck the cock of corporatism?
This game is gonna be an instant success because of the millions of gamepass users
The first is just a crit animation. The second is "le special attack" bullshit which you apparently get if you have a high enough Leadership.
Stop obsessing about le /pol/ boogeyman. Maybe he's just tired of an overplayed trope.
I think they tried a little too hard to make the game like new vegas, they even went out of their way to carry over the bethesda jank
Kek, what the fuck?
It looks like more of the same with a superficial change of location. Standard Obsidian Amerijank. Will pick it up on sale.
obvious samefag is obvious
It triggers /pol/flakes so it's probably pretty good.
It manages to look way better than Bethesda shit while still being completely fucking awful.
No. Obisidian has become the new Bioware.
>female writing staff
Whoa dude you sure showed Microsoft by not upgrading! You're a fuckin rebel man! Listen user don't make me say that forbidden two word phrase okay? Go download windows 10 and come back.
Game looks good, fags.
it looks a bit shit but I really hope it isn't. so rare we get a sci-fi game that isn't just post apocalyptic
you can play a better game
right now
Isn't that shit procedurally generated?
I really don't get this. Who the fuck honestly plays New Vegas, Skyrim, etc in 3rd person? It's just clunky and clumsy to do so anyway.
no? are you retarded?
its even a point in the trailer that its specidicaly hand crafted
>written by the literal cuck fetishist that wrote Deadfire that needs to take breaks from badly writing games to complain about drumf on twitter
Hmm, I might check it out, then. Based on the few things I saw, it didn't seem to have many NPCs and be more of a Minecraft style "You in a savage world" shit.
The guy that complained about Trump got released about a year ago. Stop being obsessed.
I don't get how that was your takeaway or what the fuck you saw but thats really retarded, im sorry
It looks like the closest thing in years the design is largely the same
Alright, settle down, nigger.
This looks like what would happen if google and amazon ran entire planets
>In addition to perks, there are also flaws.
>when the saviour of western rpgs rips off a french AA developer game from 10 years ago.
>worse animations than an Obsidian game made from a rehashed Bethesda game
idk what you're talking about, but this game is inspired by the team's work on fallout, a game based on the GUPRS engine, which is the first tabletop engine with perks and flaws.
>a game based on the GUPRS engine
That was the plan, but I thought they changed it in the middle of development.
oh shit they really want to make it "FEEL" like new vegas.
Arcade gets a pass because he's a closeted fascist
No. They're too deep up their asses.
>not open world
fucking dropped
Obsidian games are notoriously fucked even worse than Bethesda games. Have fun being at the mercy at the literal apes that are assigned to fix the hundreds of bugs that are in the game
The devs made it sound like the game is relatively short, which sucks.
I know this is like the 100th time this image gets posted, but:
>NOT Open-World
>NO lockpicking or hacking minigames
>NO romanceable NPCs
These are all unironically good things
Depends on how much side content there is too.
Eh, they're more triggered by Bloodlines 2 at this point
That game looks like garbage, though.
Woah man look at this total CHAD thinking Win7 doesnt have spyware or shit like that.
How can one man be so based.
hm, I don't remember themes like "MUH CAPITALISM BAD, WORKERS UNITE and Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism (tm) in the original Fallout
Obsidiots are pathetic
Most people. I don't get it I guess they think open world = grand theft auto.
That's exactly what New Vegas had.
New Vegas, Alpha Protocol and...?
>Early PS3 tier graphics
>Incredibly uninspired and ugly artstation tier scifi designs
>made by nuobsidian
>Trying to replicate New Vegas gameplay, which was of middling quality when it came out almost 8 years ago
No thanks
Are you a robot?
No, there was anti-nuclear propaganda instead. The horror.
>Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism
You just made this up.
Also, both you /pol/tards and games journalists are angling for a critique of capitalism and, as usual, getting it wrong.
From what we've seen, the Halcyon Colony is not a capitalist dystopia. It's a parodic clown world. It's not inhabited by downtrodden masses who are being exploited by big business, but by a bizarre subculture of people who casually greet each other with marketing slogans. And the people opposing this subculture don't appear to be some organized revolutionary cadre, but a collection of outcasts and misfits.
It's like looking for the "critique" in the anarcho-syndicalist peasant scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. You can call it social commentary if you want, but you'd probably be taking things too seriously.
Trump will NEVER have sex with you no matter how much you whiteknight him.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with some late-night cable show that only has new episodes every two years?
>It's like looking for the "critique" in the anarcho-syndicalist peasant scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Modern Yea Forums would get offended by that scene.
That's the joke. Also, as far as we know, there aren't any gay companions, nor companions voiced by Felicia Days in Outer Worlds
You're probably right, unfortunately
Memery at this juncture.
It'll be mediocre as hell. Majority Yea Forums will shit on it. Diehard Obsidian/NV fans will claim its goty. It won't be anything remotely special, and will be forgotten within a month after release.
>Make worse games so they sell better
No, thank you
MP is objectively more strategic, challenging, intense, and (thus) fun.
>entire game is as long as a new vegas DLC
uh oh
>Two worlds, meaning one big map is split into two
>Devs clearly stated this is because they want to make a more layered game than a long game (focus on replayability, not longevity)
>Devs already said you can kill every NPC
It's a day 1 buy for me. Really clear they're catering to the New Vegas crowd.
Tiananmen Square
What, a buggy, unfinished mess?
>MP is objectively more strategic
Not necessarily, you can craft plenty of good strategy campaigns for SP
>challenging, intense
Sure, but SP is more cozy and lets you play at your own pace with a better sense of story
just came here to see this shit
It'll be a successor to Tyranny and Deadfire, both in therms of quality and sales.
>>Boyarsky and Cain
It's not troika anymore. Obsidian is shit and two men won't make much a difference
this will blow up like NMS. watch out for the SJW crap in the trailer.
AI is surpassed by real player skillfulness.
>own pacing, with … story
Those things are possible in MP.
Nah. Cain and Boyarsky are on the helm. And Deadfire was good, fuck you
Looks good from what we've seen so far.
This campaign against it that goes on in every thread is just tiresome though. I'm cool with not talking about the game on Yea Forums though, nothing out of the ordinary really, only civil threads nowadays are about games no one knows anyway.
It's going to be just as bad as New Vegas. Have you people seen the latest trailer? Those animations are fucking embarrassing. Literally Andromeda tier.
>Yea Forums laps up LE WACKY SO RANDUM XDD Borderlands humor when Obsidian does it
Yikes. Obsidian drones are the worst.
Whether its good or not is one thing, but we all know its going to flop in sales and likely Obsidian will be retired by MS
Can I side with the corporations? Can I go my own route and fuck over both sides?
>Can I side with the corporations?
>Can I go my own route and fuck over both sides?
Its so beneath everyone's attention it wont even attract a hatedom like NMS.
Just quietly get released, flop, then forgotten.
>It's going to be just as bad as New Vegas
i wish more games were bad as new vegas
They are literally the same as Biodrones
yes. they made that pretty clear in the trailer
Overrated game that is beloved by Yea Forums and quickly forgotten everywhere else.
Story checks out.
>it wont even attract a hatedom like NMS.
The fuck do you mean? They're already here. Have you read any thread about this game including the one you're in?
>The flaws we know about so far are just phobias, but hopefully there are some more interesting ones.
We also know of a flaw that if you keep taking fall damage you character might eventually get a concussion which will lower its intelligence skill.
>Will it be the true successor to New Vegas?
No; but it might be fun.
>Comparing Fallout/Arcanum humor with Borderlands humor
Wanna guess how I know you're underage?
I hope its as bad as new vegas
a few posts on Yea Forums are nothing like what NMS received
If they're not comparable then why are they so similar?
>a few posts on Yea Forums
Is this you underplaying the fact that there's a constant and conscious attempt to ruin all threads about this game because you're involved in it?
Or are you just dumb?