>no season pass, FREE DLC/maps
>multiplatform cross-play
Based as fuck, CoD is back, apologise now!
>no season pass, FREE DLC/maps
>multiplatform cross-play
Based as fuck, CoD is back, apologise now!
Other urls found in this thread:
>multiplatform cross-play
might actually get it if i can shit on console plebs
Shame poor practices was just the rotten cherry on top of an already bad series.
>No season passes, no loot boxes, no jewish scams! trust me goy-I mean "my fellow gamers"!
This was said before the releases of COD Modern Warfare 3 to Black Ops 4. But this times its fo real right?
>completely new engine
Then why does it look just like MW Remake?
Because you're a faggot.
yeah sure enjoy your pizza gun skins for $9.99 plus tax, you super retard
glad i skipped the last one
This is warrant officer Shaniqua LeQuille DeShawn of Seal Team 6, finna go neutralize they tango ass
>no lean
>no insane corpse option
>Vet will be casual shit for babies again
into the trash it goes
and no dedicated servers lmao
dumb codnigger
Epic racism, bro!
>Free DLC
Can't wait for the inevitable lootboxes and pay2win bullshit that have plagued the last few games.
Shut up nigger
>inbuilt lag
>3 lane maps
>yearly games
>no custom lobby search
>no support after a few years so they can sell the new shit
So cool and edgy!
Neck yourself, Incel.
They fucking butchered captain Price, his face looks like shit and the voice actor is garbage
>new engine
No? Why do they lie?
5 cod points were deposited to your battle.net account
>No season pass, free dlc/maps
What's the catch, Lootboxes? Microtransactions?
>John Bolton tier US govt propaganda storytelling
Based Activision have confirmed all post-launch content will be free, all profits will be made by simply putting out a great game everyone will buy and play, so you may as well pre-order now.
>falling for the terrorist propaganda
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
It was shit then and it will be shit now
you have to use a controller to play on console lobbies from PC
>use controller
>switch to KB+M once im in the lobby
Wow you’re so smart! How will developers ever counter that...
>no season pass, FREE DLC/maps
Why are you lying, shill?
>switch to KB+M once im in the lobby
>get kicked out of the lobby
based retard
lie about what?
>calling out "the n-word" as racism in a context not even related to races
>CoD is back
You say it every fucking year, shill
Time to commit sudoku, edgy summerfag
>Modern Warfare
>CoD is back
Modern Warfare is the present. Modern Warfare's the game where it hit the lowest of its low with how cazualized the series got. CoD 1 was the past that needs to come back.
There’s gotta be a catch somewhere here. Maybe the frame rate will be locked at 60.
>battle net exclusive on pc
no thanks
Who gives a fuck
There’s like 3 people who play at higher frame rate
it will most definitely be locked at 60 fps for consoles lobbies.
desu i'm quite impressed how good the optimization is in the console COD games
60 FPS hasn’t been a standard for PC shooters for a very long time. Even back in CS1.6 era, everyone tried to push it to 100 fps
Well, here’s a thing, Infinite Warfare runs perfectly at 1080(?)60 on even the slim, while BO4 looks and plays like shit on the slim, especially the battle royale mode. I actually ended up selling my slim and buying a pro because of how bad it was. It runs perfectly on the pro though, which is kind of impressive I guess. But they still should’ve optimized it for the base console.
pretty sure the Treyarch games are the shitty ones
I bought a console around the time bo4 came out and I was honestly shocked at how bad it ran. Especially considering I was expecting a very smooth and optimized experience from console gaming since developers know the hardware it will run on. But apparently this is not the case
Running around with One Man Army and Danger Close was too much fun.
I didn’t know 100hz monitors were available back in the cs1.6 days
I’m sure it’s easy to make the kb+m inputs to show up as controller inputs
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>>no season pass, FREE DLC/maps
pff haha sure
Do you think we will play as ramirez?
>mouse is nudged
>kicked randomly
you really think theyre gonna pull that shit
>completely new engine
They say this every fucking time. It's always the old bloated engine with new sprinkles on top.
i blame the oscar awards
there is an afro under that helmet right?
do you really think they wouldn't have the most basic system in place to track that
Maybe it’ll display something like “press start on your controller to continue”
I’m genuinely curious as to why Activision are doing this. It’s not like their player base cared about that stuff before, so why the change now? Are they cashing in on all the negative press surrounding monetisation practices? It’s just odd that Activision of all companies are doing it now of all times.
Games can disable your keyboard and mouse when they detect a controller is being used.
>CoD is back
You said the same shit with WWII. It was garbage
mod tools?
well with BO4 there has been a shit ton of controversy sorrounding that stuff and a lot of high profile youtubers have been shtting on Treyarch and Activision non stop since BO4 came out.
I'm just fucking glad i'm not forced to buy a map pack ever again like it's been the norm for the past 10 years
Or maybe the keys on the keyboard and mouse movement just stop being assigned to game actions but you can still use keyboard in the text chat
anyone know if there were any changes to the Activision marketing team? and is this being made by Infinity Ward?
>Infinity Ward
>mod tools
guess cod isn't back then
user, COD games on PC use lobbies
no cod game of mine
Oh my fuck, children need to get off this board.
I didn’t think that’d be anywhere near enough for Activision to make any changes but I guess I was wrong. They’re still far from an amazing company, but unlike their contemporaries EA and Ubisoft they know just how far to push their luck before the breaking point.
The shit ones do.
What’s childish about not being tech-savvy
If anything it’s the boomer’s trait
>fuck that dick with your dick
>no season pass, FREE DLC/maps
Didn't they say this last time, and then it had paid DLC a few months after launch?
Are they going to do BO next?
>BOOM ZOOM hehe xD
Oh my fuck, children need to get off this board.
>COD is back because of these features that have never been in COD
>lets ignore the fact that map design will continue being trash, that all weapons are going to be samey trash, that snipers will continue being pointless and that, due to no season pass, the microtransactions are going to be even more obnoxious than before
fucking summer
If it's on steam then I'll get it. If not then I'll just pirate for the single player.
Yes. It's the most shit of them all because it brought that console cancer over.
zoom zoom
Honestly have zero hopes for Black Ops 5. Treyarch have proved they're completely fucking incompetent with their last 2 games
Invalidated by the terrjble campaign choices.
Jesus Christ shill, can you be more obvious?
Considering how much money COD makes every year, you'd think Activision would be able to afford anything but the most obvious shills in the entire industry.
i see nothing wrong :^)
Too bad it's literally propoganda
Remember alterIWnet?
Those were the days.
Arrigato, Activijun shill-kun.
Yes and no.
It's not a helmet, just an afro painted to look like one.
I got into CoD thanks to MW's community servers but even I must admit MW2 was incredibly fun to play and lively all around.
McFucking Kill Yourself Niggerfaggot
>game is political as fuck, bends reality
>play half of the campaign as Moderate Opposition™
>people who saw the game watched a mission where Russian soldiers literally gas civilians with nerve gas grenades, not even an airstrike, deliberate gassing in streets
I will not apologize with a gun to my head.
probably good for the competitive future of this game as well considering they haven't supported pc at all since cod4 and now pc players can play in the same perametres as the retarded pad control.
>rewarding iw/activision for removing stuff integral to the pc gaming experience
pic is u
i will never forgive activision for their part in making pc gaming console tier
black ops was the last time they gave a shit about their community. The game has proper mod tools and dedicated servers
Last COD I've bought was MW2, let's see how it turns out
Funny, because ever since MW2 every entry on PC has sold less and less to the point where it's become an irrelevant franchise.
based /sg/ user
Remove that semen from your eyes and click "HD" in the video options
yeah COD on PC is pretty much a ghost town
>racism is bad
stop bashing Whites then and ask for "rights" which are privileges you fucking tranny
so what? it won't feel the same though, no good player would do that
>MW2 Remaster
Just install this reshade.me
It IS a Remaster for free, I use it for multiplayer, looks so good and has a fake Ray Tracing if you have a RTX card
>literally not showing anything at e3
why should i care?
I'll believe it when I see it :)
I mean remaster of the 1st one. I don't care about the new shit.
Yea Forums doesn't have dubs...
is it going to be on steam or only that shitty battlenet platform?
sounds cool so might check it out. haven't played since MW3.
isn't that battlefield?
Looking forward to it
Never played COD but it's time for a modern day military campaign that isn't just an open world DIY mission.
Even if it is typically COD-short. I wanna play it for the atmosphere in the singleplayer, really.
Nothing beat BF3 SP atmosphere for a long time. This trailer really looks promising
CoD was never good.
Yeah I can see where you're coming from, MW2 was like a deal with the devil but you got some bang for your soul, later games all you got in return was a kick in the nuts. As far as I'm concerned, the last good CoD was Blops (the first one, 2 was written and made with 12yos in mind).
As opposed to BOllll that have everything included in its season pass, right?
I'm just gonna wait for feedback, if it's shit then I'll just pirate it
>pirate for the single player
literally every cod has cracked servers
What's my objective?
>has nostalgia for Call of Duty
>calling others retards
2 had a great campaign (albeit not as good as MW1 and 2).
I'm curious about this new game since I don't know how much they'll change COD4's story if this is really a soft reboot.
It's going to be about you fighting ISIS, but then finding out that the Russians and Donald Trump were the real bad guys the whole time.
>is back
at no point in its existence as a series has CoD not been shit
Looking forward to finding an exploit to get into a consolenigger only lobby on a pc and shitfuck the dogshit out of them.
>it will be a grim reboot
Fuck them.
I want my Hollywood blockbuster, not a sad combination of Spec Ops and Homefront
The classic
private servers ruined black ops 1
Reporting in, SIR!
Not how input based matchmaking works.
Xbox and PS4 will be in the same pool, but if you have a buddy on PC and invite him you will be playing in the PC Pool.
No matter if you use a keyboard or not on PC you will not play against console players unless you they are playing with their friends on PC.
other way around, faggot
>no season pass, FREE DLC/maps
This literally just means "No content updates" though. So I dont know why you would celebrate it.
>>no season pass, FREE DLC/maps
>Activision being anywhere near involved in development
crouch servers and retarded game modes
Every cod with private servers was based simply because you get max level and everything unlocked instantly so you can have full freedom of choice without being shackled to grinding xp like a slave.
yes but they should do what bioshock did and attach the old version to the new version so people with shitty pcs can play the old game while also pushing the new version
having to rebuy modern warfare remastered seperately is retarded
>>no season pass, FREE DLC/maps
Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
nice, get to use PC hacks on console babbies
maybe they'll go the expansion route
>still plays exactly the same as COD4
why do idiots keep falling for this meme?
call me an autist but griding is always the best part of the game
I remember I bought BF 4 account that had everything unlocked but when I learned I couldn't reset the progress I just deleted it
no this game is a blizzard pc exclusive*
>Game - Modern Warfare
>Game - Modern Warfare 2
>Game - Modern Warfare 3
>Game - Modern Warfare
Still waiting for CoD: Call of Duty
The first one was Game 4 - Modern Warfare you massive cunt
I can't wai for CoD - Modern Warfare 2 to come out after this one.
It'll be such a flop they'll return to the original timeline with Modern 4fare.
is bobby really this desperate?