Is Diablo 3 worth getting if I plan on only ever playing it solo? It's on sale on the PS Store for $20...

Is Diablo 3 worth getting if I plan on only ever playing it solo? It's on sale on the PS Store for $20, with all the expansions.

Attached: diablo 3.jpg (805x1000, 229K)

its fucking baller , son. you dont want to play with other people anyways.
>play with a teamate
>they B line to end quest
>you either are just following them around or they are following you around
>can never slow down to look at loot or chill in town for a moment.
>never stop the grind !!!!

You have to go back

Unless you're a kid with ADD, no.

It's better solo. Get it for the switch if you have one, as it's a proper "curl under some covers" game.

pretty much this.
every now and then you will find someone that wants to explore and loot things but the majority of the time its just people that want to rush through everything, kill certain mobs and just finish quests as soon as possible.

Not really. Only ever had fun with couch co-op. Post-RoS it's actually a pretty decent game, but it's still not great and gets stale fairly quick.

it gets stale when the named mobs start to become unkillable, and your only hitting like 2 buttons the whole time.

Diablo 3 is best played on consoles. It has a nice brawler feel to it on there analog sticks and they added a roll feature on console version that isn’t in the PC, and it’s actually pretty useful.

I enjoyed it massively as I worked towards my first build. Put LOADS of hours into it, decided I was going to work towards a new build, and realised I already had 90 percent of it in my banks. Started a new character, already had a full set of great gear in my bank for it at cap.

Immediately lose interest

>exploring in an arpg

It legitimately sucks

Just play Path of Exile for free. It's on PS4 as well.

It's shit tho

i dont mean exploring in the same sense as you would in an open world RPG you dumb fuck.

Why? I started it a week ago and it seems really fun.

it's worth trying

>Is Diablo 3 worth getting if I plan on only ever playing it solo?

It's really not. I played through once a few years ago and have had absolutely zero inclination to ever touch it again. The writing/story is so bad that it actually distracted me from the mindless violence.

Content bloat and forced trading

Do you like gambling or slot machines? It's basically a slot machine item farming simulator, where you spam one button while cleaning trash in dungeons. It should be called Janitor 3. Since you just clean dungeons to get better cleaning equipment.
Mindlessly clearing dungeons with one or two attacks, to get better gear, so you can clear the dungeons slightly faster (to get better gear slightly faster) so you can get better gear to clear the dungeons faster (and then you can get better gear) and you'll use that gear to get better gear to clear the dungeons faster in order to have an easier time clearing dungeons to get better gear to clear more dungeons. But really all you're doing is pressing one button and praying to the RNG gods for the right loot to drop so you can use it to get better gear.
Just play slot machines, maybe you'll win some actual money instead of virtual pixels.

The thing I hate the most about D3 is difficulty system. Instead of your usual couple of difficulty tiers or just one big campaing with set difficulty there's like a one million of difficulties and you have to constantly switch to a tier higher if things start to die too quickly. It's extremely annoying since you never feel like you're actually achieving anything because it feels like you're making up the challenge instead of developers. What was wrong with original system? Simple and easy, your normal, hard and autism options.

Fuck no. It's shit.

Doesn't sound that bad to be honest. I'm not a min-max autist and just enjoying killing the mobs.

If you arent using the best builds with optimal gear you are literally wasting time in PoE

>I'm having fun
>no you're not!
>but I do

because it's difficulty is not directly related to player skill but mostly to character builds/gear.
You're never achieving anything in these games besides decorating your character via farming gear.

I get that but having gozillions of difficulties is just dumb. All my playthrought I just kept increasing the difficulty again and again because it felt too easy but it never felt right. But whatever, it's not like D3 is a good game anyway.