Did he literally kill Cyberpunk 2077?

Did he literally kill Cyberpunk 2077?

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he's going to be the only redeeming quality of this inevitable dumpster fire

Learn to pronounce
taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory.
"dreadful in its literal sense, full of dread"
(of a translation) representing the exact words of the original text.

Read a book, nigger.

we know at the very least his inclusion led to
>his character becoming the only childhood hero possible to have in the game
>his character becoming a major character important to the story for every playthrough
>the removal of the childhood character choice
>lots of money being spent on him and his voiced lines

Yeah. I don't know why anyone is hype for it now. Might as well put Hannibal Buress and other meme actors in. Who cares about immersion

Is Yea Forums getting brigaded for outing resetera as a pedo-farm last night, or did everyone go legitimately retarded in 24 hours?

he only enhanced it. silverhand is a huge recognizable star in universe, so it's clever playing with the meta to get a real life star for him

the real question is who do they cast for morgan blackhand and saburo arasaka?

do they get big names or character actors and keanu is the main draw?

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he is just damage control.
Keanu did nothing wrong.

Nope he's just doing his job, retards at cdpr did though.

>Did he kill Cyberpunk
>So far the only thing we have seen is his appearence and his role

A thread that is similar to a vice article

Does your brain work backwards?

that's not what he asked

>tranny bait thread

They cut another rpg choice/mechanic to force "le based keeanu" on the player
I cancelled my preorder already

No, cdpr did that, if anything he will be the only thing to make it salvageable.

I will literally kill you with my dick.

Wasting money in a fucking hollywood star, so what do you expect? but is Keanu, /ourguy/ so nobody can get mad.

>everyone except resetranny and Yea Forums are talking about how good Cyberpunk 2077 looks

>he doesn’t know

>Oh no, something happened that made that think I like popular, I hate it now.
You know, being singularly contrarian and nothing else is peak edginess and shallow.

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Childhood Hero was still in the latest demo


There's nothing to know, it's bullshit

When is a major celebrity actor being included in a good not a giant red flag?

how to get even one ounce of keanu's charm and charisma.
will growing out my hair do that

they dumped all their budget on him alone
that's why they're cutting the rest of the features
enjoy your linear john wick action game

they're still going to be characters, especially saburo. doesn't matter if they're not childhood heroes or not

People on Yea Forums don't even know what being a "childhood hero" entails in terms of actual gameplay experience, they just need a reason to be contrarian fags.

This place is more like reddit every day.

I mean he IS John Wick

Childhood hero is an option that will give you unique dialogue with the 3 archetypical characters.
Johnny is part of the main plot and the first you get to meet, but the other two will also be in the game and you will talk to them at least on one occasion.
It makes sense for them to include characters established in the lore, but it doesn't make sense to have a digital ghost of people who are not digital ghosts in any other playthrough.
The story of the world isn't going to change to fit who your childhood hero is, Johnny became digital like his gf, Blackhand didn't.

Childhood hero is no longer an option.

sounds like your life needed a keanu cameo in it


Fake news, journalists that saw the new demo mention it.

4:05 my man

No. The tranny shit did. They managed to aldienate both trannies and people who are tired of tranny bullshit.

4:05 my poor, poor friends

see A CDPR employee working on the game literally said it was no longer an option.

Stop living in denial.

tranny game btfo by based keanu

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Kill yourself homosexual

Reminder that literal kids refer to him as the Fortnite guy

>culture warriors alientated
>everyone else is hype for cyborg keanu

GOTY confirmed

Nobody gives a shit, you fucking morons. What exactly does "Childhood Hero" do for you in the game? What is being lost?

You have no clue, you just need a reason to bitch and be contrarian on Yea Forums. "Oh shit, an in development product had something that wasn't working changed, it MUST suck now. Guess I'd better just stick to playing dogshit Souls games".

Kill yourselves.

And here I thought graphix fagging to sacrifice gameplay for graphics was the extent of bullshit we'd get, but it turns out the games industry is so damn shit nowadays that celebrity fagging is becoming a thing. Yea Forums is unironically turning into Yea Forums.

How? He literally doubled its already GOTY level sales. Kojima had to push his release date to November to avoid getting humiliated by CDPR again.

The Keanu Reeves fan cult is quite literally the most annoying thing in the first world right now. Nothing wrong with the man himself but literally everyone obsessed with him should just die. I'm tired of every page on the internet being Keanu spam. Fuck off retards.

>4-5 childhood idols to pick from in character customization
>one of them is based on keanu
Looking forward to see what other actors they will reveal until release, because if keanu is the only famous guy why pick anyone else?

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look senpai those guys just said something that got cut hadnt got cut. i didnt say shit one way or the other i just posted the source. you seem very defensive

It doesn't do shit because it's been cut from the game you dumb fucking retard. Neck yourself and go back to r eddit already.

Redpill on this pedo shit?

What WOULD it have done, dumb fuck? I'd have thought that would be obvious, but you apparently have the literacy of a bucket of cat piss.

Go back to reset, false flagging tranny.

see You dumb fucking ape. You are having a shit fit over facts being stated. Kill yourself you dumb fucking tranny, join the 40%.

who cares

only thing coming out of your retarded mouth, day 1 pirate for me, enjoy your -$59.99 plus taxes for gta 6 neon with somehow less customization

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>he doesnt care about Yea Forums outrage post#13458732899873298326897
Anyone who doesn't join in on autistic tantrums must be getting paid.


The short of it is that there is a discord server for reset admins and the like, where they swap stories about being ok with fucking kids, and probably a lot more than stories.

Mods here kill it when they see it, but it was all over last night, and gets posted every so often still. Around the same time, a lot of the same opinions you'd expect from knuckle draggers at reset suddenly started getting spammed here for some reason...

>i'm looking forward to it so much i will play it even if i cant afford it
Maybe your mom will get a raise at Taco Bell someday.

What the hell is the importance of childhood heroes and why are people freaking out about it?

You have no idea if it's less content. You have no idea how much content was planned. You have no idea what the impact is, or if there is any impact at all.

You're bitching about something that was likely to just be a model swap. Get your father his heart's desire for father's day, and stick a shotgun in your mouth.

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Thanks, friend.

>What the hell is the importance of childhood heroes and why are people freaking out about it?
Nobody on Yea Forums knows. But it's an opportunity to engage in reddit contrarianism, so we get ten copies of this same thread from the same three idiots.

I'm quite sad that we're forced to have reeves as a mentor. From the screen I saw, I would not have choosed him. I'm being robbed from this choice and I don't really like having an actor in my rpg as it quite kill immersion and suspension of disbelief.
It doesn't make it a bad game but I still feel like I lost something for the sake of accessibility.

The 10 minutes gameplays presentation did.

You can't actually kill something that's not technically alive, now can you?

What the fuck, why did they remove the childhood heroes? I thought the story was playable from beginning to end, it was a fucking lie.

I understand.

It sounds like you'd be better off skipping this one. Try Life is Strange, or something like that, more on your level.

>This place is more like reddit every day.
not really, Reddit is ignoring the downgrades and removed features and focusing in on keanu reeves with comments like DAMN JOHN WICK IS IN THIS!

>tranies baited hard

No, reddit is spamming crunch memes and getting ass blasted about imaginary downgrades, much like yourself.

> "oh no, I've lost all this content!!"

How much content? What did "childhood hero" do in the game? What exactly was cut?

> Oh...uh, I don't know, I mean...uh...POPULAR GAME BAD!

Seriously, throw yourself off a bridge.

no childhood hero means less plot lines means less content, how baby brained are you that you cannot see they dumped their budget on an actor and are now cutting large amounts of side content to have a cinematic action movie game experience instead?

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Theres no way that after destroying Kojima by every metric imaginable that they can only afford 1 actor to dump their budget on

I will lose nothing but my time on a half assed action game that was neutered to be consumed by the masses with a fortnite mascot

>Seriously, throw yourself off a bridge.
keep overhyping shit and ruining the games industry fag, at least you get your precious celebs in your game that you can oggle at

Did he literally kill Cyberpunk 2077?

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you are a serious type of retard


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literally the first post i see, lmao

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>fortnite skin actor
nothing more to say

this, unfortunately. I was pretty excited about Keanu but now it's sinking in how much they are cutting and focus it on being a cinematic story driven action adventure.

To be fair, not much competition.
This is the company that put Fallout 4 and MGSV in the dirt.

Except "childhood hero" wasn't going to spawn a new plot line. It was the same plot regardless, unless you're such a brainlet that you honestly think CDPR just cut 2/3rds of their work to...what, save time? Save money? How would that save either?

They cut it, because it was easy to cut, because it meant nothing. You have no idea what you're talking about, but you're too stupid to realize what a dumbfuck you are, so you'll just keep spinning your wheels with this "hurr less content hurr" shit, never understanding.

How much plainer could it be made for you? What does it take for something so simple to be communicated to someone so low functioning?

> hurrrr, childhood hero was going to be a ton of content, and CDPR cut it at the 11th hour so they could spend that money on Neo, even though that content would have already been created, and therefore that money was already spent, hurrr

Again, get yourself to a grave as soon as possible. You owe it to mankind.

that bar wasn't high to begin with, retard

Gotta get those normie bucks somehow. What a fucking joke honestly.

>no childhood hero means less plot lines

How? How did childhood hero impact the number of plot lines? Give details, and sources.

People expect it to be a varied rpg experience when the studio making it has done nothing but railroaded 3D VN's.
People are dumb.

you are excited about having less content in the game
it was never supposed to be for you
this was an rpg where choices determine who you are, what you do, and the things you do
now it's just a keanu reeves hero story where you a minor character who will be his sidekick in a corridor shooter with no roleplaying or choices
your pea brain would get overloaded if you had more than 2 choices so this neutered game will be perfect for you which is what they were going for I assume
the masses are retarded and seeing keanu will make them by the game because famous actor must be good game

perfect post that nails exactly what a good chunk of people are thinking


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>less content in the game
> this game was going to have 21 hair options
> now it has 20 hair options
> zomg ruined, downvotes!1!!

"Childhood hero" was going to amount to a model swap, and maybe five lines of content. Anyone upset about that should legitimately burn themselves alive.

keanu was the childhood hero option but now it's the only option
how do you not understand that 2 other options would've changed the storyline?
the game is now relying on keanu to deliver based on his image rather than being a well designed character that could stand on it's own not being a fortnite skin or movie man

>Wow the small ambitious polish company made a shitton of money with Witcher 3! Now they are dipping their toes into a different series, maybe they'll go into a different direction and do some new exciting stuff!

Is this an unreasonable expectation for you

>the bar wasnt high with mgsv
However you have to cope, supervirgin

criticizing a game is reddit now, lmao fuck off fag, your game has already been downgrade like all CDPR games, just accept it

>how do you not understand that 2 other options would've changed the storyline?

Because that literally never happens. Every RPG in the last 20 years has advertised all the shit that will change the story, and none of it does.

Did you stupid assholes honestly think you were going to get three different versions of a main storyline or something? You weren't. You were going to get an extra dialogue line in the tutorial, another one around the middle, and another before the credits rolled.

Anyone that doesn't have a good handle on that is twelve years old, mentally if nothing else. You're bitching and whining about nothing, because you're as smart as a lobotomized dog, and have no clue how anything works.

a literal unfinished game that doesnt have a proper ending is not a high standard

It's 2020 GOTY easily

When was the last time an established developer tried something new and succeeded?
Blizzard doesn't count.

> """""" criticizing """"""

oh yea i know it will win, it was already decided before any gameplay was shown, everyone with half a brain knows that shit is already planned

I won't be bothered by it because I'm not going to give a company that cuts content for the masses any of my money
I'll play it for free though and feel bad that the game could've been a massive rpg with choices instead of movie actor action game set in a gta city

Kojimafags don't give a shit, they are still hyping up his next failure. It goes without saying that in most circumstances the general consumers eat up Bethesda products without question for quality, but Bethesda got completely shat on by a better game.

>reddit spacing
>defends having a A-list actor over having choices in the creation of your character in what once was an rpg game
Fucking moron.

>cyberpunk? oh, you mean the keanu reeves game right?

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Wicher 3 had Charles Dance at peak GoT hype and it turned out alright

I'd say "please don't reproduce", but why bother?

You're still too stupid to understand that you haven't lost any content, presumably because you're too young to have played an RPG before.

Nothing I can say here will change that, if public education has failed you this badly, nothing somebody writes on Yea Forums is going to reverse that damage.

haha, holy shit, thats what it will be known as literally. someone i know has already called it that

i know you cant lose what was never there in the first place, thats disappointing that it isnt there at all. so ill pirate it

> thinks readability is bad, because "reddit hurr"
> thinks a game isn't an RPG, because something was removed, when he has no idea what that something actually entailed, whether it was meaningful, etc


Everybody already knows who CDPR are.
Witcher 3 sold 20 million copies and was the biggest game of 2015.

Let's be honest, you're unemployably stupid and a hair away from illiterate, you would have had to pirate it regardless.

hollywood dick sucker, go post about how cool it is keanu reeves is in your game

He unironically did.

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>presumably because you're too young to have played an RPG before
I'm assuming you think witcher 3 is the greatest rpg of all time, correct?
Please confirm my assumption so I can ignore your reddit formatted posts, thanks.

my only hope is that they manage to cash-in on Keanu' star power and expand the game further post-release>readabilty is spamming space
>removing elements of an rpg but is still rpg I swear
go suck Keanu, shit for brains


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Define "RPG". GO ahead, I'm sure this will be good.

Go back to playing Fortnite and Dark Souls, dipshit.

The more I see of this game the less I care.

people who play games often do, the normie GTA crowd CDPR its trying to appeal to doesnt, hence the reason keanu reeves is there
proud to pay for shit, wow you're a dumb nigger

it is cut content whether you agree or not, corporate cocksucker

Hopefully story packs and weapon DLC is all you're expecting.

they've only made 3 games and 2 of them were shovelware tier. They're no Valve or Blizzard.

Yeah, because there was basically no buzz for the game before.

Log off, jerk it to some anime or something.


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this guy is the most zoomer celebrity at the moment right?

Going from 21 hair options to 20 is "cut content". Thinking it's meaningful is "retarded tranny shit".

You're too dense to see the difference, but it's there.

>Yeah, because there was basically no buzz for the game before.
lmao, nobody cares about your cybershit, a good chuck if the new playerbase are just gonna buy it because John Wick is in it

Reminder that they cut down on the game's features. Its a W3 reskin if not wrose.

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>the normie GTA crowd CDPR its trying to appeal to doesnt
Even if this were true(it isn't) then that would clearly be a brilliant play of PR to expand their already massive appeal.

Witcher 3 has sold similar numbers to GTA 4 in the same span of time. While its no GTA 5, that's still pretty huge.

stats, skills, progression, character development, branching story, choices
everything being cut from 2077 and being replaced with an actor for soiboys to cum over

>story packs

Yea Forums is so mindlessly contrarian, that it literally hates expansion packs now, lmao

without a shadow of a doubt

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>they arent Valve

Thank god another blunder like Artifact and being jewish as fuck and selling hats instead creating good games would be pretty shit

Valve hasn't even made a game in 15 years.

eeehhh they did implement something with Trish's romance so I want to give them the benefit of thedoubt

I warned you about the retarded westacuck tradition of blowing the budget on B-list Hollyjew mutt actors who can't even act properly, take you out of the experience and make the licensing procedure and preservation an expensive living hell. I warned youuu.

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Okay , now this is based.

>forced them to include trannies to satiate his traplust


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Except none of that was cut for an actor, lol.

You have no idea what you're talking about, just some dumb fuck rape baby raging on Yea Forums.

> I don't like the popular thing. I'm special...right? Somebody tell me I'm special!

>janjo weeek is da cooleeest

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it is lazy to purposely shovel out less content because as a billiondollar company it would've required work so instead dump a chunk of the budget on a hype actor that will sell the game instead
you're a normalfag retard plain and simple

now i know why every single game journo and youtuber keeps pushing this shit, a tranny game pushed by famous pro jew actors.

You're not going to get to blame Keanu for the mediocrity of CDprojekt.
Go fuck yourself.

how much are they paying you?

holy shit this film series went to shit, John wick 1 was so good, then they raped it with sequels

I haven't been on Yea Forums in six months. This thread is pretty much why.

they already cut that cyberpunk 2077 was an rpg from their twitter page
your game is going to be a linear john wick shooter while you play a minor role in his story
enjoy retard


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But none of that happened though. They took something out, the value of which you have no measure, because you have no idea what was planned. You also have no idea why they removed it, you've just sort of assumed it was to cast an actor, because you're kind of subpar in the brains category.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're just raging over nothing. You're as bad as a blue check on twitter.

Praise the jewish overlords


"FANDOM: Will you be able to buy apartments in different districts of Night City?

Pietra: Absolutely. You will be able to buy a couple of apartments in different locations, so obviously upgrading yourself will push you towards a certain path in the game but saying any more would be too spoilery right now."

>h-hehehe i-it would be silly! yes silly! to be able to customize your apartment heheheh... y-you're a CYBERPUNK™ remember :^) and as we all know CYBERPUNKS™ are super badasses® who never fucking sleep or care about anything! yeah! you are V! immerse yourself in this grand immortality adventure! h-hehe

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yea people arent always positive and silent about things they dont like. got to the CP2077 subreddit if you want that

its the resetera tranny that also shits in the VTMB2 threads

I need to butt in here.
An RPG is a game that lets your roleplay a character.
More character options, more freedom and more ways to interact with the world is what accomplishes that. Witcher is more a story game than an RPG because it doesn't much let you interact with the story or world on your own.
The reason it fails as an RPG is because it locks you into the tailored person of the Witcher, the more a character is established the less you can roleplay. In my opinion many great RPG's have silent (or mostly silent) protagonists because it allows for the player to interpret and play out the game according to their own wishes.
In that sense the developer is a DM and the success of an RPG can directly be judged by the developer being either a good DM or a bad DM.

In that sense Witcher games are bad RPG's.

>Now any people making any kind of reaction to any sort of reveal is considered basedface.
I fucking hate you Yea Forums.

How much are you getting? You disagree with me, which is impossible, so you're obviously getting paid.

literal soi face in the top right, christ please make games good again, i wanna die

It's too bad Kojima rushed his game to avoid releasing in the same year as a CDPR title again.

So basically people are mad because some unknown percent of content got removed in favor of having Neo in the game? Lmao people are just mad because they think they should be mad. They don't even know what they're mad at.

There is none cooler than jonjo whacked

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>implying the reason Yea Forums sucks is because it isn't "positive"

There is a difference between being critical and being autistic. Guess which one are you?

Aside from a few niche western developers like Wayforward and id and Bethesda im completely alienated from the western videogame scene. Maybe i'll just start playing jrpgs and platformers from now on.

cope more, your pea brain will not be able to tell the difference on release anyway
you will see john wick, pull out your 2 incher and start fingering your shithole

>Guess which one are you
critical, autism is sunposting, criticism is talking about cut content

kys zoomer summer resetera faggot passthrough and go shill your tranny game elsewhere

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Now THIS is a brainless thread.

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>probably cost a shitload of money to get him into the game, budget that could have been invested in everything else
>due to his presence, removal of the childhood heroes, which probably meant that you were supposed to have a techno-ghost corresponding to your choice
I don't dislike Keanue but celebs in game are just good for the marketing, especially if they are AAA celebs

It isn't that you aren't positive, it's that you aren't able to come up with a logically coherent thought, and express it. Which makes your presence here...problematic.

wow, they actually made the fucking pencil scene. fuck this series went to shit


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redpilled. Too many monkeyniggers using this shit incorrectly

>cut content
> they took out an option, and I didn't know what it did or what impact it had!


This game is going to be trash but how many more threads are you mentally ill fucks going to make? There's 6 + threads every other hour. Stop spamming the board with this dogshit game if you really hate it as much as I do

Its a dumbed down GTA V DLC, it was DOA John Whicked or not.

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>Full of celebs
>They have literally one

Someone sat down and watched 10+ streams on Youtube to make this compilation to use it to shitpost on Yea Forums

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nigga, Keanu takes pay cuts in movies so that the crew can get paid better

is the 3rd as retarded as the 2nd?

well I hope he becomes part of the 40%

it is the implication of why they included keanu, the game has no substance so a currently relevant actor will save it from mediocrity because "developing games is hard :(" even though you have billions at your disposal

Considering last year we had no clue what the childhood hero option did, and the origin shit only adds new dialog options, the idea that they would have 3 drastically different stories for the hero option was ridiculous. At best the idea was the childhood hero option was more extra dialog option fluff depending on who you talk to

actually it was one vid, people compile others reactions already, took me like 1 second


The absolute state of autistic shitposters lol

Based user telling on retards like it should. Just stop replying to them. People are just looking for a reason to shit on something. The game will be a success without the handful of idiots making these threads.

>jaaaahnnn weak is my role model he is so sweet and had a tough life! so shut up dumb bigot and shill my tranny game!

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Except there is no implication though, lol. It's something you're conjured in your hamster brain. No reasonable human being would come to that conclusion.

Other than mass marketing and appealing to disgusting medium killing normalfags there is no reason to include Hollyjew actors.

If you defend this practice you're a tourist.

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Disregard the mindless shilling that is being carried out by that resetera bugmen of a tranny.

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What else are we supposed to play?

kys shill faggot, no one takes you or your samefagging of facebook memes seriously

Don't blame schway Keanu for a Drek Game OP, Blame the Drekheads making it.


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Someone hated the idea of people liking a video game they don't like so much, that they sat down and wasted an hour making this.


Just pirate it you retards. Who the fuck buys and shills a game in
>current year

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Is it possible to refer to everyone who buys into shallow marketing techniques secondaries who don't give a shit about the medium of video games.


I actually play video games and unlike you, tranny
This is a typical play when you've run out on talent from your dev team and have to resort to mass appeal. In this case a movie actor who also collaborated with fortnite. That is the audience they are appealing to. That is why this game is going down the shitter.

Please stop talking like a cock sucker.

Is blackhand and Araska still alive in the universe? I’m not going to act like I know anything about these characters but they obviously cut these two from the childhood hero because they were to cheap to get two more celebs. They’re just making the game more linear which is fine because it’s still a year to until release, I just hope they stop advertising it as an RPG, because it’s looking like the Keanu Reeves game

>Reply to the same post
Oh shit i was correct you're actually retarded.

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>I just hope they stop advertising it as an RPG
they stopped before E3 this year, RPG isnt written anywhere on their website or twitter. they are calling it a Action Adventure now

Now THIS is how you make people hate your game.

I've been playing video games for probably longer than you've been alive, tranny. It isn't a "typical play", you're just a raging retard without a clue how development works, how games work, or anything works, lol.

> they cut content, of unknown impact, unknown scope, and it was cut at an unknown point in development

You should take your outrage to twitter, and include something about how offended you are that the game has enemy NPCs that are black, that seems more on your level.

It was simply a va though.

It's always a sign because they know the game can't hold up on it's own merits, like when bungie hired Peter Dinklage.

also kiefer sutherland in MGSV

So is this. Do you think they have Neo running the numbers to balance weapon skills or something? They had him record some lines, and they made a model that looks like him. Christ.

And Ronda Rowsy in MK11

>You should take your outrage to twitter, and include something about how offended you are that the game has enemy NPCs that are black
but killing niggers is good
you are the one offended at my opinion of wanting more game content not less
you are defending less content flat out
you don't like video games
you probably haven't played anything besides witcher 3

>They had him record some lines,
do you think it would have the same affect on audiences if you only heard Keanu reeves but didnt see him?

How to identify the reddit and resetera tranny:
>reddit spaces
>uses facebook memes
>blindly shills and defends said piece of media without taking in any criticism or giving criticism of their own
>thinks hollywood and corporations are based
>relies on reverse psychology and mental gymnastics to prove that you are "wrong"
>thinks trannies aren't mentally ill
>tells you to be a part of the mindless collective
>takes out the /pol/ boogieman
>calls you a contrarian
>has a large amount of dick in his mouth while shilling and making posts

I'm not offended, I just think you're a drooling retard, that's all. You're crying about losing something that you can't define.

doesn't even try to offer a rebuttal

are you serious

>You're crying about losing something that you can't define
I cant define life so i shouldnt be sad when my parents die, fuck off retard

This is the only high IQ post in this entire thread

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yes, do you genuinely think it would have the same effect

oh my god just stop embarrassing yourself. you're such a fucking retard.

Given your dependency on your parents you'll certainly be lost in the world without them.

MK11 is a good game though at least on consoles since it doesn’t have net issues

The effect would probably have been better. I know what he looks like, so it's hard to see a character, and not Keanu.

Something like Charles Dance as the emperor, where you get a high quality voice actor, without the "hey I know that guy" effect would be ideal.

If you mean in terms of sales/public attention, it wouldn't matter. Neo's E3 presentation is what has all the attention, him actually appearing in two seconds of trailer footage is just a footnote. It's the "you're beautiful" or whatever that got memed.

lmao hilarious, you cant talk down to me, you post on Yea Forums

No, MK11 is not only a janky fighting game it's also a money grubbing kike gambling scam packed in as a game.

Your parents apparently raised someone so uselessly stupid that he can't define "life", lol, so uh...yeah, don't be sad to lose them. You should probably follow them into the grave at your first opportunity, or beat them there if you can.

regardless the size of content, they puit in keanu reeves as a big selling point which means he must have a play in the game content
2 other options now being removed from the game is 2 storylines we'll never know about
I just don't understand how you can defend less content in a game. You preordered a game a year in advance is the only thing I can assume and now you blindly defend any flaw in the development cycle because you can't accept that your $60 is losing more value over time

You post on Yea Forums as well, but your posts are fucking retarded. That's a rung below.

he killed it... with a fucking pencil

>OH, so you want to be hire yourself a super cyborg transvestite? WELL SAY NO MORE, just pick up your neuron capacitor and DIAL-888-115-TRANNY now!

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>You preordered

search your heart you know it to be true

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MK has always been janky shit, but it was funny playing Mk11 at my friends house, I didn’t even know about the micro transaction, that sucks

I didn't preorder anything. They aren't going to run out of digital copies, and money is better off in my account than theirs.

I'm defending "less content" because it isn't actually less content. Nobody here can give a sourced answer as to what impact "childhood hero" was actually going to have, at what stage of development it was cut, for what reason, etc.

It's just retards raging at the wind, because that's what retards do. Yea Forums is overrun with illiterate dick mutilators.

you guys watch rick and morty too? with your insanely high IQs?

based piratebro

you apparently can't read so you are helpless
enjoy your linear shooter starring keanu reeves

>his character becoming the only childhood hero possible to have in the game
So what?
What the fuck does this childhood hero shit do?

whose doesn't?

>What the fuck does this childhood hero shit do?
Nobody here knows. Some room temperature IQs are outraged just the same, though.

They think that they cut 2/3rds of the game to accommodate him or some shit.

alternate story lines? companions? dialogue options? world building? character development? things an rpg has? are you stupid?

>tory lines? companions? dialogue options? world building? character development?
The fact that RPGs focus on this is the very reason why the RPG genre needs to die.

A videogame that fails to focus on the gameplay is not a videogame.
CDPR should simply go make a movie if thye want to "tell" stories so much.
They even hired an actor, after all.

oh shit its fathers day, thanks for reminding me user


>A videogame that fails to focus on the gameplay is not a videogame.
only so much you can do with shoot gameplay
it being an rpg is what would've fleshed it out having fun gameplay with a branching story and characters
now it will be boring shooter with john wick
>and that's a good thing!


They cut out an unknown, undefined childhood hero option.

Therefore, the game has lost all story, has no companions, no dialogue options, no world building, and no character development. Because these things all spring, exclusively, from "childhood hero" sliders in character creator.

This is what the fucking morons of Yea Forums actually believe. If you aren't already a tranny, do humanity a favor and cut your dick off. Even the slimmest possibility that your retard chromosomes could be passed to a new generation is a risk the species can't afford.

>inviting massive influx of normies , even more so than witcher 3

gotta dumb down shit for the masses now don't we
say goodbye to complex game mechanism and good RPG elements and embrace the cawadooty action adventure game

>it being an rpg is what would've fleshed it out having fun gameplay
Yes, because the RPG genre is known for it's deep and fleshed out combat systems such as Fallout, Skyrim or Mass Effect.


a polished open world rpg the likes of skyrim is a largely untapped market monopolized by bethesdas shitty engine and business practices

>a polished open world rpg the likes of skyrim is a largely untapped market
And it will never be tapped because RPG is the opposte of polish.

>be low-level thug that gets fucked up by screwing with forces far beyond your understanding as you get wrapped up in a fight for a chip
I don't know why Yea Forums is so deadset on hating this, it sounds like a modernized and updated New Vegas in a different setting and you guys love the shit out of that game

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not my fault you have jungle nigger iq

reminder that if you think the tranny advertisement is a problem, you aren't thinking about it in the context of the game and you'd rather believe it's a statement on real-world politics

If the childhood hero shit wasn’t important then why even take it out? Why not keep it in for more RPG elements. Like silverhand making fun of you for being a corporate cum guzzler for having Araska as your childhood hero, It’s obvious that they took the 2 choices out and made silverhand the main focus because the poles sold out to Hollywood and were too pussy to go all in and get two other big stars.

>I don't know why Yea Forums is so deadset
Part of it is reset brigading due to last night. But Yea Forums hates anything popular, so that's going to be a lot of it.

> hurr normies hurr

thats what I was thinking, just extra fluff for various quest but apparently Silverhand is important for the main story

>FIFA 20
how the fuck
it's the same shit every year

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I have a low IQ because I don't fall for a genre that has never put out a single videogame that didn't have absolute garbage gameplay, the worst combat systems in the entire industry, the most bugged games videogame history and just being modding platforms for people to jerk off to anime girls?

People not smart enough to understand the idea of quality content > quantity content, are generally not smart enough to get a job making games, or doing anything but operating a cash register.

You can tell this guy has only ever played Skyrim

No, I have played Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Mass Effect, Dark Souls, Alpha Protocol, STALKER and Knights of the Old Republic, and they all stood out for having absolutely atrocious combat systems, some of the worst i've ever seen.

How the fuck does a genre that disregards gameplay quality this much have any popularity whatsoever?

When the the shift of keanu reeves becoming a hero for people start? He was known for the no emotions or expressions guy before, basically couldnt emote and was so dry and dull people made parodies off of him. And now all of a sudden he is worshipped?

wtf I love bibi now

I'm sorry CDPR cultists, I don't care how long you've been waiting for this game. It looks ugly as HELL, and it's pozzed to boot. Got all three witcher games, not getting this unless it's miraculously amazing.

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I don't want to be haunted by ghost Keanu.

It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't so fucking forced
>I am keanu reeves
>this is a game
>cyberpunk 2077!
>cd projekt red
>video game!
>everyone losing their minds

>How the fuck does a genre that disregards gameplay quality this much have any popularity whatsoever?
I don't know, there must be something wrong with you.

yikes, you are the reddit poster in this thread too huh hahahah
call of duty is more your speed
you only shoot toot and sprint
enough inputs your nigger brain can handle

Why would your characters childhood hero affect any of that other than maybe an offhand dialogue line? It's about as relevant as leveling up your luck stat.

Sportsniggers aren't people

we will never know because they cut the idea of it from the game
now we only get one childhood hero and he is the actor john wick from fortnite
you get no more choices

No, it must be with them.
I have absolutely no idea why anyone would subject himself to play this genre.
The story isn't good, the combat is trash, the graphics normally aren't too good since they are open world games, so what's left?
Expensive marketing campaigns?

No, COD is sadly too easy, but even COD has a better combat and shooting than any FPS RPG ever made, from Deus Ex to STALKER.
These are games that are simply not fun, they are awful, clunky and just legitimately bad videogames that sacrifice what makes a videogame a videogame just for the sake of branching storylines or some shit like that.

dumb nigger all 3 childhood heroes would have made an appearance later in game to help you and stuff, but since they revealed Keeanu and probably blew half their funding in that , they thought it will be best to keep one childhood hero as everyone will pick Johnny Silverhand

> "we were going to have ten noses in the game, but now there are only nine"
> hurrr, cut content, ruined, hurr
> why would a nose affect anything major?
> "we'll never know"

I don't know Yea Forums rages about trannys so much, half the shitposters seem dumb enough to accidentally cut their dick off anyways

It’s fine giving Keanu all the lines, but don’t advertise the game as an rpg for a year and then silently switching it up to “open world adventure game”. People who actually cared about the game and has been following since the beginning are going to be pissed, obviously normalfags wont give a shit because they hardly even know what an rpg game is, and just care about “DUDE KEANU xD”

they had john wick a major movie actor in the trailer and on stage to deliver
you comparing a major character addition to a nose option implies you might actually have autism and are incapable of rational deduction


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>advertise the game as an rpg for a year and then silently switching it up to “open world adventure game”.
Yeah what the fuck is up with that? Why?

They hired an actor to play a major character, and therefore, childhood hero was an option that would have had earth shattering implications for content volume.

You find links between details, where the links don't actually exist, because you're profoundly stupid. This isn't even a logical leap, it's straight up teleportation.

> how do you know the childhood hero option represented meaningful content?
> well, they cast Neo, at some unknown point in production, after cutting the option at some unknown point in production


> People who actually cared about the game and has been following since the beginning are going to be pissed
An irrelevant minority composed entirely of liberals and obese SJWs, you know, the cyberpunk audience?
I hope the game becomes more and more like GTA and takes the point home that cyberpunk trash will never sell, because no one wants to pay for a liberal's ramblings about the future.

>I want a game to fail because I disagree with the creator politically
For someone who hates SJW's so much you sure as hell act like them.

When did twitter verify you?

They tricked all the nerds into advertising their game for them, and then stood on their backs to sell a shitty linear call of duty shooter to normies.

Remember, nerd culture is cool now, but actual nerds are fucking gross.

No, i'm not hoping the game fails, I hope the game doesn't actually do anything regarding cyberpunk and is simply a futuristic GTA game, as an example of how to make cyberpunk succeed: by disregarding it's worthless, SJW essence.
And that's how cyberpunk will dilute into just being a futuristic game, and this garbage subgenre as a whole will die.

This is so soul crushingly accurate.

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it's still cut content :)

>For someone who hates SJW's so much you sure as hell act like them.

If you don't force SJWs to take their own medicine they will never stop their dirty tricks.

I don't understand why people think Cyberpunk is even a genre worth exploring anymore or even worth any kind of reverance that people think it deserves.

Wow classism and technology sure is bad for the 1000th time. Cyberpunk makes Steampunk look like it's for intellectuals.

Keep my fucking vidya out of your inane culture war.

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>tfw they changed it from an RPG to a fucking far cry clone

That's a genuined dropped from me. Between this and the tranny thing I no longer want this game.

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3/10, work on your falseflag, resetranny.

Why are you replying to the OP when you are not a new poster?

keep seething

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based dropper.

You wish it's going to be TLOU2


after 10 years he'll be the only thing we'll remember about cyberclown 2077

>actor keeps walking in the office in work hours and he wants to play Cyberpunk 2077 on PC
>"Keanu doesn't understand how hard are we working, he kicks chairs and grumbles that he wanna play"
>actor grumbles very loudly that he's bored and says "someone else can walk, and I'll just shoot"
>when someone leaves the computer he sits on that place, launches CP2077 demo and says "that's a game about me", he once deleted some important files that way


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