Dad decides to come into my room

>Dad decides to come into my room
>I'm playing fucking Atelier
>Couldn't close TV because I can't find the remote
>"What the hell are you playing"
>Awkwardly explain to him saying it's an RPG or some shit
>"This is why you don't have a girlfriend you know"

Just fucking kill me

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nigga just move out

nice blog, op! but how do I unsubscribe???

>"This is why you don't have a girlfriend you know"
He's right though.

That won't help with his girlfriend problem. I learned it the hard way.

what a loser

>playing atelishit
All yurishitfilth niggers deserve death

Reminder that today is father's day!

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I mean living with your parents kind of does make that impossible.
Stop caring about what your parents think.

quit being a bitch and tell your dad to fuck off

I bet he's the kind of pathetic dad that tries to sign his kid up for as many sports as he can

>living with parents

I got a mug, shortbread biscuit and a coffee.

Here's hoping I get some fucking peace for an hour.

That is your problem, you immense faggot.
Be confident and proud of your hobbies.
Only normalfags worry about the opinion of normalfags. ... Or worse, people who wish they could be normalfags and fail. Failed normalfags.
Are you a failed normalfag? Kill yourself.
If not, be proud of your waifugame

>Not just locking the door to your room

stop living with your parents

>caring about what dad says when he just mocks you

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>mom doesnt wanna buy me the new radeon gfx card
>tells me to get a job
>i'm literally just 26yo
>too young for a job
>just wanna play vidya and enjoy life

what t he FUCK do I do

>too young for a job
tell that to the 6 year olds making your graphics card in a horrible factory in China you limp dick

>dad walks in on me while playing neptunia
>long pause
>looks at the TV and back at me
>"Don't worry, I won't tell your mother"
Thanks dad

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This video should give you instructions on how to proceed:

>Got engineer degree at 25
>Got decent job at 25
>At 26 bought entire over average spec PC with keyboard, mouse, monitor.
Get on my level filthy casual.

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You're playing it on a console?
Wow. No wonder your mother is disappointed in you.

usually its the inverse where I always walk into the room during the sex scene of some show

Why would you do this to your parents?

Anxiety is an issue that can be overcome with training and with some specific medications.
It's a bit of a problem but it can be overcome.

based dad
stop playing your trash weeb games

Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion.

People who have literally 0 willpower and literally 0 agency, the type of person who'd honest to god feel ashamed of playing Atelier, do not think in terms of "Why do I do thing"
They do whatever their feelz tell them to do, because they literally cannot grasp the concept of using their willpower to choose what they do.
Asking such a sadcat posting suicide risk "Why do you do this?" is like asking "Why do you have arms?".

I don't know how to explain the gap.
I barely got interviews then.

>bragging about being a STEMfag wagecuck on an anonymous forum full of loser neets
Just sign up for reddit already normalfag, no upvotes here

Many possible causes. Talk to someone who'd understand psychology more, and whose name does NOT end in -berg or -witz because they'll diagnose you with tranny.

It was a rhetorical question, but my god am I happy you gave me such an eye-opening answer.

I had a girlfriend for 5 years while living with my parents, on a room full of toys, videogames of all kinds, all sorts of electronics, 2 computers, and a huge Nintendo sign, it was also dirty as fuck. But I also had a van, went to parties, got drunk on a daily basis and high too. Then I moved with her and took my toys and videogames with me.

It doesn't matter what you own or do, as long as you act like a man.

I really should

Oh, but forgot about something very important, no weebshit, not a single moecrap on sight, that is a woman repelent.

I just never meet anyone at all or leave the house ;-;

>He doesn't have parents that support your hobbies

>dad walks into my room
>playing Dark Souls 2 in the middle of changing armor and checking out how I look
>"hey user, your man kinda looks like me!"
>heh, yeah he kinda does dad
>he gives me a hug and kisses my cheek and leaves
I love my daddy and I got him a watch for father's day.

niggers will hate this post

My parents were gone for 2 months In high school and I did nothing but get drunk alone and jerk off to big asses while playing video games

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Good, dad's are cool.

You're an even more pathetic dad if you don't sign your kid up for any sports at all

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Personally I don't know why such people don't just learn to enjoy what they already have.
Rejecting the normalfag shit as being overrated trash and getting a waifu is pretty good.
If I had to guess, they don't do it because they're deeply unhappy with themselves for some reason, and they mistakenly believe that becoming normal would make them happy (it won't).

I can't figure out if I'm a failed normie or not

Though the fact I've never been invited to any social gathering or party and don't enjoy most popular things means I probably am because I try to convince myself otherwise

Then leave the house, get a job at McDonald's and start from there.

>just devote 90% of your likely shitty paycheck to rent

this. it builds character. any club activity will do.

It's not so much that manliness gets all the pussy, that being a BOO HOO THAT FEEL WHEN IM SO LONELY faggot is a complete pussy repellant. Women can literally smell that shit, and they don't want to be a porter for your emotional baggage.

As heartwarming as it is, this post reads like a female wrote it.

>start from there

You don't "start" from wagie slaving, you end there.

Fucking move out you underage fags.

1. Are you normal
2. Do you want to be normal
If your answers were 1. No 2. Yes then you are a failed normalfag.

No club activities are for faggots. Guys should specifically play at least 1 sport

I didn't have a dad. Single mom. Didn't play any sports. But my football coach said I should try at least but this was only in senior year. Realized what I was missing out on. Biggest regret in school.

Exactly, I actually met that woman when I was playing Yoshi's Island on my SP in Highschool, she borrowed it from me and 3 days later she gave it back after she defeated Bowser Jr., the jump button was loose, the scores for each level were terrible, but you could tell she enjoyed it a lot. As you say, women don't hate "nerds", they hate insecure manchilds.

Get a better job you shitter.

Like chess?

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Define "normal"

I've never been invited to any party like I said, didn't go to prom, didn't have any friends until senior year where I got 1 who was like me.. Dunno if you mean loser by that or what

>dad is divorced
>he never remarried and doesn't date

My dad is based and hates women as much as me.

>Define "normal"
That's a No then.
Do you want to be normal?

Stop looking for similar people, just smile at people and talk to them, that's how you make friends.

Bitches won't date a man that lives with his parents but will date a man that lives with his wife.

You say that like it's a bad thing

He's doing that cause he doesn't have a choice mate


Lol no he is rich and could fuck any bitch he wants.

I have tried this but it never works. I gave up a long time ago

I wasn't looking for "similar people" by the way.

Money doesn't work that way user, women worth fucking don't fall for that.

yes. would you want your kid to have no interest but vidya games?

You have no idea how women work.

Yes, but whenever I try I realize I don't actually want to. It's a never-ending loop

>it never works
Stop looking for friends, just smile and talk to people, if no one wants to be your friend just keep doing it, you can learn a lot from that.

>caring about the bad guys


>all women are the same
Sure user, keep thinking that

>Stop looking for friends if you want friends

I have two good friends that's enough

Then you need to figure out what you do actually want, and some way to measure whether you're getting what you want or not.

>good friends
>that never go to parties or invite you to them
You are stuck, but whatever, your loss.

You aren't getting a GF because you're a pussy who's ashamed of his hobbies.

If it works on only 30% of women it works well enough to get you laid.

Fuck off tranny go dilate.

Unless you Italian or Asian

actually probably not for Asian

You think sex is all about getting your dick wet? Oh boy.

>dad walks in while I'm playing underage panty quest VII
>says what the fuck is this and watches me play for a bit
>tells me I should be out shagging real girls
>on his way out he compliments my anime figures, specifically Nanoha Takamichi (A's)

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>women worth fucking dont like money

LOL ok retard.

I want to be in the nba lol, I'm a tallfag who can dunk and shoot but I'm not actually good enough for the nba so I'm probably gonna be a trades wageslave

Not everyone is blessed with being neurotypical with loving parents. Fuck off it was hard enough to find the two

You are not women tranny

What? lol go be retarded somewhere else, you obsessed closet faggot.

You must be a woman if you think it's anything else.

Being blunt, I have no idea about sex. I only had it once to see what the fuss was about and it was boring. I still don't see what all the fuss is about and why so many people would interrupt a monster grinding session due to "gf aggro".
But if strats work, then strats work.

Confirmed tranny.

Rather than aiming for NBA, try aiming for local basketball teams. Aim more regional. See if any of the players on your team can set you up with a job.

I've never even been on a team I've only ever done pickup or just shot alone

Most people die thinking sex is just in-and-out, many sex crazed people just want a release, but it's not just about that, it's about feeling the other person, matching their mood, their state of mind, synching perfectly, reaching climax at the same time is pure bliss.

Find a different insult retards.

>just smile and talk to people

Just be a dancing monkey bro! Just keep dancing like a good little jester and hope others will eventually MAYBE do the kindness of showing humanity back to you bro!

Fuck you and everyone like you, can't wait until you burn in a hellfire for eternity.

Well there's your starting point. See about local hobbyist teams and go from there.

>Having judgmental parents, or even caring what they think about you
White families are something else.

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My parents regularly insulted me and called me a failure, a loser as a teen. Shit hurts when you are a kid

I hope your life gets better user, I'm sorry you are a bitch.

Vegan roastie?

non-white families don't matter

>He didn't tell to his father yet that he wants to live alone and women are disgusting creatures.

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>He only got emotionally abused when he was a teenager.
Lucky bastard I was disappointing to my parents by the time I was 6. I kept sticking my penis in the fridge door.

>it's about feeling the other person, matching their mood, their state of mind, synching perfectly
Sounds difficult; I don't think I could do that.


Fuck you privileged piece of shit, I hate you too.

>Just fucking kill me

if you're playing these kinds of games, why do you still care?
if you haven't completely given up any hope of living anything resembling a "normal" life at this point you're simply delusional. time to wake up to the realities of your situation

escapism is fine, just gotta stop pretending it isn't exactly that.

I'm a straight male carnivore, actually, I just recovered from a stomach infection for eating too much meat, which later I worsened for eating more meat because I was hungry.

You sound just like my dad

Fuck you dude I had to start work at 16 to cover rent because my mom's neck had 3 mushy vertebrae and couldn't work.

I wish, I was born in an Ultra Hard difficulty server user, with no perks or special attacks, no currency, companions were low level, drops were always shit. You just have to keep going.

You don't do that the first tries, it also takes a lot of instrospection through meditation, everyone has the potential, you just have to learn how to unlock it.

imagine being on Yea Forums and giving social advice to others

just because you get invited to sausage fest parties where everyone is just as low status as you and being a total fag there who goes to parties and doesn't ever get pussy doesn't mean youre any better than someone who doesn't even bother wasting time with it

Grapes status:
[x] Sour
[x] Dour
[x] Smelling real bad and needing a shower

Stop being insecure user, actually I don't go to parties anymore, I settled down, moved to a small town, and live a very quiet and peaceful life now. But parties were great, went to a lot of cool clubs, met a shitton of people, did lots of crazy shit.

I unironically have told him that after my last relationship and seeing everyone around me get fucked I don't trust women enough to have kids or marry and probably never will.

two options here

Either you really are a privileged neurotypical asswipe who had loving neurotypical parents and a good environment and endless validation growing up and you're so up your ass you don't enen realize it

or you're the jester that was described desperately dancing around for the approval of people described above

Either one is a sad, sad fate

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sure you did. With the boys, I'm assuming? Maybe even got some drunk landwhale stretched pussy once too?

I am sorry you are low iq and cannot even grasp your own situation

Nope, neither, I hate being the center of attention, my parents rarely paid attention to me, or gave me money, or anything really. I'm the same around anyone, I am not easily amused and I don't seek for anyone's approval, I do whatever the fuck I want anytime I want. Sorry I don't fit your narrative.

Back to tumblr nigger

Based boomer

While reading this thread I decided to think for a second, and in that split second of clarity I realized none of you know jack shit. Almost every opinion that gets shat out of someone's mouth, that they parade as the truth is just their justification for their own awful lifestyle that they've forced themselves to become satisfied with or so that they don't have to face the possibility that they are the common factor in all of their problems. That or they're just shitposting. I've now lost that second of clarity and interest in this thread, but there is more to this that I doubt any of you will reflect on, but maybe one user will.

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Your dad should have backhanded you for playing kusoge.

Do Euros really close their TVs?

Naw I just wanna cum.

Ew no, no sex with strangers, that always felt like a retarded idea, it never crossed my mind. I like doing one thing, getting women aroused, just that, with the least amount of touching possible.

Yeah, so it doesn't add up. Classic. You're lying to yourself in one way or another, hope you admit it to yourself one day.

>bought entire over average spec PC with keyboard, mouse, monitor
strange flex, but you do you

>Reported this thread an hour ago. Jannies do your fucking job.

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What needs to add up? That you can't wrap your head around someone being here for over a decade that has done all sorts of stuff in their life? Again, sorry I don't fit your narrative arm chair psychologist.

What if you don't even know what you want

What if in the end you don't even want anything

Happy father's day, dad.

You're lying to yourself.

hdon't give up on vidja, but get out more man, try to meet people, specifically ladies, eventually you'll find one who'll be into you, but you have to get out

OK user, if you say so.

>tfw 23
>tfw no job
>tfw know am waste of space and feel guilty
>tfw going through classes
>tfw behind

>Atelier series
picked up. thanks user
the characters look cute so im going to play it
Im guessing start with Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana for the ps2?

*hiccup* you know what Morty..reading this thread I had ANOTHER moment of clarity urrrrp I am the smartest man in the thread Morty. I just realized people shitpost on Yea Forums, and my fart sniffing post coupled with a picture of a BBC comedy star being smug will show everyone how much better I am even though I wallow in the same shit Morty.

>just bee yourself, man

kys faggot

Wow I got warned for reporting this underage bullshit

Fuck the tranny jannies on this shithole website. Ban me you stupid cucks.

>a few good neuroatypical friends for actual human contact
>do mild jestering for neurotypicals so they at least don't dislike me enough to get in my way
What's the issue, exactly? I'm enjoying my life and am successful in all the metrics I care about.

look at this dude... look at the top of his head