If you disagree you have shit taste

If you disagree you have shit taste

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i like the n64

You didnt even include the 360 pad

Trash tier

D Pads are key

>he never used a revision 360 pad
Switch Pro D-pads were just as shit before their revision and they are still inferior post revision

I've never used it but I figured it cant be that bad

I only use the top 3 controllers if possible

>ranking based on a single characteristic
People would disagree not necessarily because of shit taste, but because they look at the broader picture. Steam Controller doesn't have a d-pad, but it trumps other controllers in departments of mouse-like input and it gets bonus points for being an excellent controller for a computer plugged into a TV. Other, more modern, controllers might have analogue triggers, which can make for finer inputs in some games.
Ranking controllers based on that one single feature that I don't think I've used in close to 15 years is bizarre, I think. And not stating that your ranking relies on that from the get-go and immediately going on wild accusations is also strange.

Attached: oht.jpg (400x400, 24K)

Joy cons belong on the bottom. Not even the dog mode makes them good.

>Xbone that low
>Dualshock 3 above 4
Shut yourself down.

>steam = bad
you didn't used it, it's perfection+ tier

DS4 is great if you remove the battery and use it wired on PC with Steam, where you can turn off the light. Only problem I've had so far is that it occasionally isn't recognized by some non-Steam games.

Can you remove the battery from the Steam controller?

yeah, you're a retard, kys

How do you do it user? I got one because it looked great for my needs, but it just feels terrible to use.

It's really bad, the way it handles diagonal presses is just terrible. Just look at this youtube.com/watch?v=FOZ4EsGVBhM
And it isn't fixed, I have the smash version of it and it has the same issues.

>N64 controller is bad meme

Zoomers getting their opinion from zoomer youtubers get out

put the xbox controller higher and the joycons lower and I basically agree with everything

>how to spot a nintendofag
I hate you all of you retarded manchildren

>the bone that low
You all are a bunch of weebs

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This is the only objective list

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Symmetrical sticks and digital triggers.
You keep posting the same shit and getting the same reply. How could this possibly be happening to you?

We get it, you're pissed your favorite brand isn't on top. Get help.

>snes controller that high
Have you ever held one of these for more than an hour? Trash controller, i love the snes but holy fuck have i had some sore hands after using it.

that isn't even my list, it's done by a gaming expert on youtube

>Wii U "Pro" controller in perfection
>Atari above Xbox One
>Xbox One in Absolute trash

Attached: Definate.png (672x414, 239K)

Yet GameCube is in top tier

>gaming expert
>Sony/Sega is the only thing top tier

I'm sensing a bias here user. Get a better youtuber to watch.

see for yourself pleb

What's the difference between DS2 and 3? How does the quality drop so much despite the overall design being almost ecwctly the same?

Detached joycons >>>> joycon grip joycons

This is ironic, r-right user??

Attached: what the fuck..png (282x248, 117K)

Top tier list except for the fact you never held the gamepad in your life. It looks shit but it fits great in the hand.

3 felt like a piece of extremely cheap plastic with terrible shoulders/triggers. Shit was so light and empty, really felt like holding just a shell.

I've played with my cousins for few hours, I've had a better experience with the pro controller

The Xbox controller is objectively better than all of that trash.

Wii controller to Bad or Not Bad and PS2 controller to Great and we have a good list. Maybe bump up the og PS1 controller too

Oh for sure, the pro controller will fit much better in most hands. I remember thinking the gamepad would be a piece of shit until I had one and fell in love with it. Surprisingly not heavy and fits well in my average/big hands. That curve in the back for the triggers make them worth it, plus solid buttons all around.
I would put it in either great or okay to use, but yeah, everything else in your list is just right.

I will never understand what people see in the Gamecube controller. I like the console, but the controller is pretty terrible compared to the alternatives.

>GARBAGE Pro Controller in Perfection
>Actual Perfection (Xbox controller) in Trash
You LITERALLY have a sub-65 IQ. I want you to seriously let that sink in. And believe it or not: I strongly prefer Nintendo to Microsoft, but when it comes to controllers you're just fucking wrong, friend.

>PS4 controller
God, what a piece of shit that is.
The rubber holding the d-pad inside broke, so the buttons are all mushy and terrible to use, I literally was only playing the game, not throwing, not hitting, just playing.
The battery life is amazing too, fucking 2 hours if I'm lucky, thanks to that gay lightbar I spend more time playing with the cable plugged than wireless. For comparasion, my DS3 still holds charge for like 4 hours, even though it's 11 years old at this point.
I fucking hate the PS4 so much.

Attached: you_retard.png (1433x1002, 1.59M)

why do people like the gamecube controller so much?
>missing buttons
>shitty analogue sticks

Don't forget the L2/R2 triggers. I was playing Borderlands 2 DLC this week and any gun with no auto firing is a pain to use

>Playing shooters on console
That's on you though. No trigger can save analog aim.

GC controller isn't perfect. The z button is ass and the c stick is only functional in smash. For any camera control it sucks.

Since this is a controller thread, anyone else have performance issues with certain games when using DS4Windows?
Like, for some games it just makes my computer freeze for a few seconds when the game starts, for others it drastically hits performance.
I check my Task Manager and my CPU and RAM usage aren't unusual or near the upper end.
Anyone know if there's a way to fix this?

imagine being so fat your bloated hands can't use the steam controller

Please explain how to make it feel like not garbage. It sits in my hands great but playing games with it is just terrible.

What problems do you have? The only way it under performs is accuracy when shooting something scoped

Generally feels worse to use compared to ds4.
Trackpad to stick generally feels okay sometimes it's a bit funky because of how games deal with it, but it feels like the increased distance to the four buttons hurts it, or it could be that it's reversed. The back buttons don't feel like they help replace them either.
To a extent I feel like I haven't found the right game to ease myself into such a different setup because of how used to clawing while looking around with any other controller.

They're all bottom tier tho

GC controller is a literal meme and you fell for it. That belongs in Bad or below

Where is the 360 controller and the Duke?