I'll start: Doom 2016.
Based and Redpilled soundtracks
Other urls found in this thread:
Half Life and Max Payne 3
Furi and Nex Machina
Farcry blood dragon
The Witcher 3
I don't know why you added "2016" to Doom, especially on the topic of B&RP soundtracks. Particularly strange when it came out in 1993.
The End is Nigh
Rondo of Blood
Doom 2016 had a garbage soundtrack
No more heroes
Why, because you're scared of it?
Inb4 "hurr durr its not metal its shitty dubstep wub wub"
Based. There should just be a bot that reposts this every time this tripfaggot posts.
Red Dead, baby
It's shitty overproduced industrial metal with gross tinges of modern electronic music. The guitar tone thats used throughout all of it sounds flat. Never catches any grooves.
It sounds like a mediocre industrial metal act that probably started around 2011 that really liked the newer NIN records and were given a nice studio to work in. It just doesn't mesh atmospherically for what little atmosphere new doom has. Way overproduced
Cringe and bluepilled
>Romero said trans rights
Cringe and bluepilled.
epic post, retard. Every post you've made makes me think you're probably around 14 years old.
It only has two good songs. The rest of it is trash.
Have sex.
Based and djentpilled.
Get married.
I didnt even realize that there was more than 1 combat theme until I was most of the way through the game since they never play longer than 5 seconds at a time
Unironically this.
All tracks are composed like this:
>1 minute crescendo
>"Climax" hits in
>Immediate compression of volume
>No nuances just continuous *BRRAAAPPP*
>2nd one minute crescendo
>2nd let down
>More compressed nuanceless brapping
It sounds like that the composer was really a huge fan of the music of the "loudness war"-era .
Half life 2 as well
Did it hurt your feefees?
I'll suck your dick faggot
I just listened to this because I kept hearing how good it was but I was really unimpressed. I mean, it's well made but there's nothing your average industrial metal/djent band hasn't done before. Sounds generic af imho.
nice self-portrait
Lets see
Menu-god tier
rip and tear-god tier
rust dust and guts-god tier
Vega processing-god tier
BFG division-god tier
You couldn't be any more wrong
Except trackrelated. I don't know why but it fucking hate it.
It's supposed to portray Doomguys anger to the player and it does a fucking good job of it
Epic comeback bruh.
Fuck you retard, the fact the original Doom soundtrack had to be done on midi was a travesty. Doom 2016's soundtrack should've sounded more like KMFDM than some djent shit
I swear to god these posters reek of underage
Romero has nothing to do with nudoom besides saying 'game's great!'
No fucking groove here at all.
I'd love to hear what you faggots think a good game soundtrack is.
Because it sounds like something that belongs in Invisible War, which is kinda ironic since its bar music was all punk rock or whatever that was
Nier automata
>Doom 2016's soundtrack should've sounded more like KMFDM
All my what
This is beautiful in so many ways.
Just added this to my wishlist. I'll get it when it goes on sale. In the meantime, shill me this game.
>30 hours at least of gameplay
>multiple Playthroughs are entirely different and required to get the full ending
>JRPG/Hack and slash mechanics.
>Deep as fuck story and an actual good story
I'm only a quarter through the first play through but its been fucking good
Do you faggot even know what that means
>Doom 2016's soundtrack should've sounded more like KMFDM
What the fuck does this boomer shit has to do with cyborg demons on Mars, faggot? KMFDM belongs in fucking 80s. Cheesy post-apocalypse or cyberpunk (with massive emphasis on punk) - fine, but not in Testosterone: The Game.
There is already an example of wannabe KMFDM soundtrack butchering games' atmosphere, pic related.
>some djent shit
Low T confirmed. Djent is the pinnacle of metal sound, old fart.
>I swear to god these posters reek of underage
I'm 19 and you should stop being a boomer, Mick made tributes to the original OST throughout the new one
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Unironically one of the best games I´ve played in recent years.
>Soundtrack and it's use is above and beyond anything else in vidya
>gameplay isn´t amazing but servicable and not boring
>graphics are nothing to write home about, but the game isn´t ugly by any means
>20+ different endings a lot of those are just joke-endings however
>depressing as fuck story
>really creative, does things I´ve never seen in any game before
If you´re on PC, you´ll probably need to install FAR mod to get it to run as good as possible because the port is kinda terrible. It´s piss-easy to install though.
Ok, you're right, maybe not KMFDM, but you're still a scrawny faggot for liking djent.
Doom 2016's soundtrack, like the rest of the game, felt like some asshole in silicon valleys idea of what doom should be aesthetically. It feels so fake. There's no genuine edge.