>i5 2500K

>i7 4790K

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Other urls found in this thread:

the i5-2500k meme is real.

2021 is the year it dies. 10 years

Downgrade confirmed

i'm just barely above minimum, might have to upgrade soon assuming future games are even worth playing

are GPUs still retarded expansive or have the Chinese given up on their bitcoin farms finally?


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>tfw i7 7700k and 1060 6gb
Am can I expect?

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>I5 3690k
I think I'm well taken care of.

yes you fucking poorfag. holyshit I've had 16GB since 2011 from a black friday sale for $120.

It's like 80$

>tfw having exactly what recommended needs

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Its the Ps4 version for me than

1080p @Med for 60FPS is recc.

Yeah, you can probably play it on high and expect a 50-60 fps range

this the hot new meme? posting random configurations out of your ass and claiming their official requirements?

none of that is official

my i5 has been in the minimum specs for a while and I'm still playing everything at high/ultra at 1080p. They just want people to buy new cpus already.

No source, no brain, fuck off nigger.


Will the 1080ti handle 4k High? We shall find out

>pretending the game is resource intensive
>also coming out on consoles
Fuck you, I've seen this song and dance before.

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>GTX 1060 6GB
>ryzen 5

Am I safe bros?

>tfw when the 4790K I bought in 2014 is still recommended
I miss the 90s where CPUs improved 50% YoY.

Yes you retard, boohoo you’ll have to put all the settings to “high” instead of “ultra”

>tfw 980 + 4690k

a-a-a-am I going to make it bros?

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>Console game
>1060 most popular GPU on the market

If you have a 1060 or equivalent (980), you will be able to run this game nearly maxed out at 1080p. With Ray Traycing turned off and all the other jewvidia gimmicks ofc.

So stop asking

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>Old ass CPU
>3year old GPU
>Miniscule amount of ram
>Resource intensive

What's the recommended equivalent for Ryzen CPU users?

I have the 1070 and the 16gb of Ram. But will my i5 6600k handle it well?

nobody should have to worry about that since nobody is falling for the shillling.

A Ryzen 5 2400g or better is pretty much a 4790k


this means only like 50% of pc gamers will be able to run this game at all and only like 15% will get similar or better graphics and fps compared to shitboxes

nah you're good at 1080p high most certainly


Wow its almost like you need to upgrade your PC every few years if you want to play the newest cutting edge stuff. Just buy a console if you cant handle upgrading a PC, those are like $500 and last you 5 years

>tfw 4790k, 1060, 16gb ram
I almost made it?

>i7 3770k overclocked to 4.5ghz
I should be gold

>i5 8600K

I'll be OK right?

All set for 1080p @ 60fps with high settings if I were to guess

Trash pc gamer. If you are gonna buy the low end shit, you wont play the latest stuff

>tfw 1060ti

Am I fucked

faggot devs confirmed to have no idea about hardware

see & 1060 is the most popular card on the market just like the 970 was when Witcher 3 released. CDPR will be absolute fools to not optimize around it, not to mention it being a console game.

980 is as powerful as a 1060, so you're good providing you're not going above 1080p

4 cores 8t ain't shit no more bro. 8 core is new high end. 6 cores is the sweet spot

>Think they are master race
>Buy 60s and are 2 gens behind on their cards
If you aren't going to every upgrade your shit wtf is even the point

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Still expensive.

bet their shit optimization will use a single core

>Doesn't know the difference between threads and cores
Jesus Christ

So you need to upgrade every few years just to keep up with consoles that have the same shit jaguar cpu from 2012?
Now imagine when the new gen with actual decent cpus and 12tf gpus drop. Its gonna be the end of pc gaming. The xbonex already shown that you can have a console that shits on 1k+$ pcs for just 400k$.

I really do hate reddit. I hate seeing 3d mark tests with RX580s in the results

I'm upgrading to Zen 2 in a month. It has served me well.

And Yea Forums still took the bait. Truly this is the dumbest board in Yea Forums. Stay in your shithole, Yea Forumsanons.
t. /g/

the 16gb meme is so overrated. I could buy 5000 8gb sticks of ram if I wanted right now, the money isn't the issue. The issue is need. If a game uses over 4 or 5 gb of ram, it's poorly optimized shite in my books.

PC gaming is pricey if you want high end shit you fucking retard. The console won't give you true 4k at 60+ fps. You need to upgrade for the games that do support extra pc features

I think it's the opposite. I'd rather it use all my ram even if it doesn't have to, to reduce load times. In this case, it's an open world game so it probably actually needs all those assets in memory.

Nah this is an old and retarded way of thinking about it. Games back in the day did not need as much ram because there was a lot less shit needed to stay in memory. If you want everything that is in the high tech games now, its 10x more then was needed before. Play 2d indie games if you want low ram shit

I do you fucking mong. Grow up any I7 on DDR3 is near the end of it's life debatably even skylake and kaby lake i7s may be obsolete. And when I say this I don't mean as in completely useless. But in terms how much of a bottleneck is. My bro has a cheap PC with a x3440 a 4c8t that turbos to 2.93ghz. Games play better on a g4560 than it with much less cores. Games aren't optimized for multicore yet and Zen 2 is pretty much gonna tie 14nm intel IPC so there will be no reason to move away from the common method of leveraging single core. But also benefit from more cores for other tasks. What ever the new Ryzen 3 is will be the new minimum

i get 19fps in micecraft on lowest settings- will I be good for 2077?

>to keep up
I'm miles ahead of the Xbox my PC is in the top 2% of 3D Mark PCs

>tfw 980

Battlefield v runs 1800p checkerboarded 60fps high settings on the pro. Show me a 1k build that can do the same. I was thinking about building a pc and after putting together parts I came to a conclusion its overpriced as fuck. A 1k build gets you a 1080p gaming experience.

Nothing is fucking optimized to take advantage of even 6 cores now so fuck off with your shit. Maybe in 5 years we will all be on 6 cores.

Zombieload is gonna speed this up very quickly

>16GiB RAM meme

no thanks
This was the first result bro

Got a 980 and 4690k. Haven't needed to upgrade yet

>think they're master race

But I don't, I just hate console gaming.

>no sauce

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>all these 980cucks worrying

You do know your GPU is as strong as a 1060? Right? You really think CDPR is gonna not optimize their game around the most popular GPU on the market?

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This is even above what you need. PC gaming is pricey yea. The true reason is that there aren't too many devs optimizing and pushing the PC hardware. Partly because its impossible with all of the different variations. Consoles do hold back PC because thats what the industry shoots for, because they do not optimize you get shitty performance on much better hardware. See crysis for the game that actually pushed PC. Optimization was still fucked but it could actually utilize the best hardware at that time. Nothing wrong with consoles if you want a cheaper way to play games

I hope I can run it max at 4k....except if they add that stupid RTX stuff that I will disable.

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Now i'm worried if i will survive til the day of release or not.

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I'm more worried about Nvidia cucking me via drivers like they did with 7xx fags

>those temps

Hope it ain't idle lad

They didn't that was proved false, the slow down of the 700 series was caused by game devs not giving Kepler the love it deserved

that not going to run bf 5 in 4k 60fps.

Despite having a 2070, i7 8700 and 16 gig of ram I just know that my computer is going to sound like a lawnmower running this no matter the setting

CPU slower than 2500k was made in the 2000's. Lol.

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Idle, lol, cum under cover really makes my CPU think.

Curious question to dustfags. I just recently dusted my PC out a few months back and opened it up yesterday to put in a new HDD and surprise, it's fucking dusty again. Can I just fucking ignore it? My temps are fine even in summer (30-40 degrees idle, 50-60 degrees load). so i'm not worried about that stuff.

Is it really just for fags who like to jack off to their rigs in battlestation threads or do I really need to dust this shit every fucking few days?

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lets be honest here, if the videogame industry starts hiring triple A hollywood talent and it actually works, videogames are as good as fucking dead. It's like when Robin Williams ruined animation because now every single animated film needs some A list comedian. Every single game will have a relevant zoomer celeb.

It's so painfully cynically motivated. They don't care about games, they don't play videogames, they don't care about tabletop. It's all about money.

Meme garbage.My computer has been on for months at much higher temps. Some parts in it are a year old and I never turn this shit off or put it in sleep mode

well hopefully my 980 can handle this game then

>he dusts his PC

I dust it once every year if i'm lucky. Dust is the biggest fucking meme ever. If temps get too abnormal then maybe take a can of air to it, otherwise, who gives a fuck if everythings working and running normally

Animation is fucking great now wtf are you even talking about. You sound like an old man irrationally angry cause you see some face you recognize. It ain't costing you more money to play the game so calm down

Your GPU is like 20x stronger than a PS4, which Cyberpunk 2077 will running at 1080p, 30fps on.

Quit worrying it's pretty much a gtx 1080 it's as strong as the PS5 is probably gonna be. It can play most things at 4K High 60fps. 4K Ultra is a meme dream right now in some new AAA, my 1080ti which nvidia sells its 2080 equivalent for 700$ Right now isn't even a guaranteed 4K Ultra 60. It's a good rig right here

If you have pets do it once every month or so, if you smoke do it like twice a month. If you are tidy and have your fans set right like every 3 or 4 months

Should run on my i3 8100 and 1660 then.

>if they add that stupid RTX stuff
They said as much.

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You anons think i'll be able to run the game on high settings with an 8700k and a 1070?

>be old
>eyes shit
>low and ultra settings look the same to me
its honestly better this way

>oh no it cant run on toaster from 2005

stop posting the same misinformation shit over and over again.

>i5 8600k
>8gb ram

I fucked up a little didn't I

Just get more by 2020 lol

No, 16GB is a meme and always will be until good developers start legitimately asking for it

>inb4 somebody posts some Ubisoft game going over 8GB

I like 16gb for all the multitasking I do.

niether does any current gen console you retard

Source:my ass.

Well that's fair and something nobody argued. Just like nobody argued i7's being useful if you do other things to make use of it. What people are arguing and have been arguing is that 8GB and i5, for the most part, are completely sufficient for all of your gaming needs and will continue to be until the new gen of consoles come out


why would you be

Cities: Skylines


>i5 4460 3.2Ghz
So what kind of performance can I expect to see here?

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>mfw rtx 2080
i'm not gonna make it boys

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good performance, stop worrying
shut the fuck up

I was mostly worried about my CPU. Might get 2x8GB RAM in a few weeks though.

>I i it’s b b bulshit

LMAO at all these “””pc””” gamers. If you can’t run every game at 120fps with all settings maxed out you aren’t part of the pc master race, you’re a pc disgrace. Lower than console shits for you being down the pc gaming just by association.

If these specs are making you so fearful that you automatically recoil in dread and call bullshit, than you are fucking trash

Stop bottlenecking yourself with a shitty cpu.

>tfw I have an i5 2500K
It's like having an aging dog that I love

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bad bait
but still caught my (You) so i guess it was good enough

What would you suggest I get then?

I'm set for this generation and most of the next.

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I'm good. Can't wait to run this in Ultrawide.

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A less shitty cpu

well it'd do you good to upgrade to some 6 core or maybe even 8 core (what with zen 2 coming out onl july 7th), I can imagine with your cpu you'd experience some stuttering

Anyone remember the W3 requirements? You can't max out the game with a 1060 or a 1070. Also, the game will feature RTX and goyworks so it having shit optimization will be a given.

2008 was the last good year for pc gaming

Its running on toaster consoles why is anyone worried about specs.

Would an i7 6700K good enough?

>tfw 1050
C-can i run it?


r9 380 4gb
i5 4460
8 gb ram
i need to upgrade but i dont want to, i'll just buy it on ps4

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>Pulling specs out of the ass and shitters believe it

>have to buy on console because pc is too bad

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Bruh I got a 9700K and a 1080ti I ain't worried about nuthin but if the game is boring or not

Then all gaming has been trash past 2008 and sure I pretty much agree if you move to 2011

phenom ii x4 955, gtx 750ti masterrace reporting in. Whats it like to play new games guys?

>have a 2500k
>debating getting zen 2 8 core, or wait till new socket and get 16 core.

>Witcher 3 requirements

Yea, game was optimised flawlessly, even 770s ran it well.