Escape From Tarkov

convince me to buy this game

Attached: tarkovsky.jpg (1231x692, 1.12M)

Buy it or else.

>immersive as fuck
>tense but rewarding gameplay
>high skill curve
>gun porn

>shit netcode
>endgame is terminator wars
>you have to be 100% okay with having your ass ravaged for your first 50 hours of game play before you git gud
>you have to unironically use external resources to complete the vague-ass tasks

Attached: when the roach you swat disapears.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

>endgame is terminator wars
What does this mean

Either you're strapped up with the best armor in the game and unironically taking 50+ rounds a match or you're running from someone strapped up with the best armor in the game and unironically taking 50+ rounds a match.

very detailed and cool gun autism slapped on top of an empty "game"

You were on point with the rest of it, but you're only taking 50+ rounds from idiots using shitty ammo, who I don't find many of anymore. Most lowbies who can't cheaply get good AR AP ammo were running Mosins and Vepr Hunters last time I played and hoping to one-shot a full-gear dude.

Well okay, this is a BR though isn't it?

No. You bring gear into each mission and try to take more stuff out than you went in with. There's no mechanic that forces people to fight, and there's not necessarily a winner in each game since there's no objective end beyond a timer that counts down from like 30-50 minutes depending on the maps, and you can leave to go back to your stash in the menu whenever you want to (provided you can reach an exit without dying).

Vepyr and Mosin players do still exist but they have to get face shots to land one hits unless they have at least SNB rounds now so they aren't really that common anymore.

Really? They made it so Level 5 armor was worth a damn against M80 and LPS now? Fucking finally. Maybe I'll come back to this wipe and actually play since gear might matter and more people might be running it now.

Attached: gun11.webm (1070x456, 2.61M)

no its an "Extraction" kind of game like Hunt: showdown. Its not even complete. Right now traders are just 2d pictures on a menu when the final intention is to have 3d models out in the actual map that you have to physically travel to and trade with like sidorovich in stalker. They already showed us the 3d model for prapor along time ago and he's literally sidorovich 1:1.

the whole game is literally just a stalker mod that went too far. They took 80% of their ideas from that scene. Grenades being nukes, leaning, durability, multitool to break shit down, everything costs out of the ass, etc.

>any armor should guarantee I can eat one shot no matter what

I can't wait until they add plates and hitboxes to armor to fully get rid of these kinds of players haha xD.

Yeah, and honestly it's kind of annoying to land 10 FAL shots and have someone not die...

>any armor should guarantee I can eat one shot no matter what
Not what I'm saying. From a video game side, there needs to be some incentive to using expensive, high-end armor. When everyone is running a cheap-ass and endlessly accessible weapon/ammo combination that'll one shot you in some of the most expensive and best armor, there isn't one.

From a realism side, level 5 armor is rated for both of those round types. I look forward to proper plate modeling because maybe then they'll make the armor levels stop what they're rated for IRL, or at least move closer to that.

Or was the "haha xD" your signal that you were just being sarcastic and emulating the typical reddit Tarkov player? I see too many unironic redditors here to really tell anymore.

Don't buy it, it's terrible.

I play both sides so I always win xD

The only good thing about this game is the gun customization, the rest is trash. The devs are also very shady.

>waiting for patch .12
>still no /vg/ thread or random Yea Forums threads

Attached: 1513546389854.jpg (480x480, 43K)

Yeah that sounds excessive. On the armor pen table, it looks like Gen4 should only be taking 3 M80 rounds before reaching 90%+ pen chance though, so it should only be like 4 shots to kill through a pristine Gen4. Theoretically anyway. I'm sure we both know how great the hitreg can be.


I tried to bring back the general when .11.7 hit, but it didn't last a day. I'll try again with .12 if someone else doesn't since I still have the OP pasta saved.

>people will unironically buy this game even after it used to wipe hard drives, had malware in the launcher, used to ban you if you so much as had cheat engine on your pc and has netcode that makes it feel like you're playing on a 56k modem

Attached: 1552979934750.png (505x596, 633K)

Bless you user, I'll hopefully see you then

Attached: 1559965213710.jpg (198x350, 27K)

I think it's too expensive for what it is, it's not on steam and there is no trial/free weekend or anything.

I don't know if i should, i've bought it, i played it for some time (around 200 hours), we had time playing it yet i wouldnt recommend it yet.
And i'm not even talking about cheaters or bugs, fucking loading times and equipment prep time is killing all my current desire to play the game again.
If you want to make a fully kitted run you have to spend some time on it and then you have to wait AGAIN for 2~ minutes for some retard with laptop to load.

Attached: wJpGC9w[1].png (1920x1080, 685K)

You can get aids from sex too but I'm still gonna have it lmao

Your post would've made sense if there was a choice if you want an immersive shooter.
The year is 2019 and there is only:
Arma 3
Tripwire games but weapon sounds are too bad to enjoy them imo

That's fucking all, you're not implying we should play battlefield, right?

>That's fucking all, you're not implying we should play battlefield, right?
Personally i play heavily modded arma but not even that much anymore.

arma is not enough, desu eft is the only game where i can just call some friends and play, for squad i have too gather a lot of people and for arma i have to play with random peoples at specific times.

>Arma 4
>AI that's actually good
>Runs well
>Back to realistic stuff
>Doesn't require extensive modding to be good
I wish

I don't play with others in arma anymore , i just make small scenarios to play by myself with bots.

don't buy it

I tried editor first time since arma 2 a week ago and i couldn't figure out how to make unit spawn with trigger if i had already placed it on map and made a task for it, new 3D editor is pretty based tho.

I pray to god that Ready or Not won't be hot garbage, or that at least Ground Branch gets some actual updates.

I had fun, you will definitly get your moneys worth and hacking is really fun in it.

>Ready or Not
I'm not even sure i'll see it released in my lifetime.

It's an online DRM game by Russian devs

Let me break it down for you

Do you want to play a game that'll be in closed beta for a decade? Do you want to play a game published by scammers and retards? Do you want to play a shitty game with endless bugs? Got if you answered yes to all of these questions.

imo it's far better than anything EFT can offer.
The only fun part of EFT for me was customizing guns.
But when you actually got in game and some fag who has chods cheats rapes you flying through the map or some maxed out account 4squad is just wiping everyone there's no fun to be had.
Also the quest system eft has is the most absurdly boring progression system i have ever encountered.

>Ground Branch
Nice. Didn't know a new map got added to T-Hunt. Thanks for reminding me to check its progress.

I've played it a lot but I can't recommend it. It has awful performance issues that the developers will probably never fix. Worst of all the game is less fun the closer you get to end game. The most fun time is the first week or two after server wipe when everyone has shit gear.
Oh and it's completely pay2win, starting with a 3x3 container gives you a massive advantage and anyone who says otherwise is lying

>The only fun part of EFT for me was customizing guns.
Yeah, that IS the most fun part.
I also liked character control very much, inertia, precise heigh/speed control ETC, arma miss those things.
>But when you actually got in game and some fag who has chods cheats rapes you flying through the map or some maxed out account 4squad is just wiping everyone there's no fun to be had.
Cheaters is plenty, yeah, like one in every 5 games, tho as i said in some previous post it's the not the main problem, loading and lack of presets for weapons is.
>Also the quest system eft has is the most absurdly boring progression system i have ever encountered.
You haven't played enough games.

No really, it's a pain with the 2x2, but it doesn't matter unless you're trying to actually race against everyone at the start of a wipe and be the richest man in Tarkov.