"You have used a homophobic slur against player xXpu$$y_3@terXx...

>"You have used a homophobic slur against player xXpu$$y_3@terXx, in accordance with Google's code of conduct your access to Google Stadia services have been suspended for 1 week"

Attached: google-stadia-illustration-screenshots-758x426.jpg (758x426, 20K)

this shit gets me so fucking angry, people should never get banned from playing a game just because they called someone a faggot, chat mute ? yeah understandable, BANNED ? what the fuck

Okay, this is epic. Based Bethesda going on this road and Square Enix planning to do so too.

>Acting like a chantard outside of Yea Forums
This was your first mistake.

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Only a week?

How do you downvote here?

reply with cringe and bluepilled, that will show him

3 strikes just like Twitter and YouTube.

> cringe
> bluepilled

Something tells me you'd be assblasted by 2010 MW2 on Xbox live.

>DAE remember XBOX LIVE?!?!

epic facebook /r/gaming post, fellow reddit gentlesir

Have sex.

This shit isn't funny anymore. I'm seriously about to go shoot up google HQ which i recreated in the virtual world of minecraft™

Yeah, after YouTube, nobody is going.to buy this shit

They won't suspend your stadia

Thetll suspend your entire account on all of their services and it'll affect your other accounts too.

Fuck off, glownigga

Which is why the client software will be integrated into Chrome and Android.

> four (You) in a single post

Ok, bend over

>not using brave and a Huawei phone

have fun

Yikes, let's unpack this!

reminder 'take' is a verb
therefore to take offense is an action on your part

you don't pick a knife up and stab yourself with it when someone throws it at your feet, so why should you stab yourself with words?

Reminder that getting stabbed is an action. If I don't want milk, I won't get milk. If I don't want to be stabbed, I should simply not get a stab.

How stupid can you be?

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lmao you're both retarded. Here:
The K in knife actually was pronounced vocally back then. as well as knee and kiwi (the vegetable, not the bird)

>pic related

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please tell others about this

what kind of schizophrenic word salad is this
>How stupid can you be?
nice direct insult btw
at least do yourself the service of practicing what you preach, retard

doesn't that sorta shit happen because the subject that would offend clashes with their beliefs or their pride

are you actually third world english
"how stupid can you be" is a pretty common english vernacular

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You mean "banned for life, while details of your transgressions are sent to your bank/employer/school/parents/etc."

have sex

>Sorry, we do not provide services in your state due random """"far-right""" law, that your legislature published seconds ago

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If you don't think it's deserving of a ban when mute functions exist in 99% of games, that's fine.
But you shouldn't be saying something if you don't want other people to know you said it. That's just begging for your dumb ass to be tied to it. Imagine your fat fucking ugly face on the national news with a quote of what you say next to it. Do you still think it's worth saying?

egalitarianism demands that I discriminate indiscriminately

if i see 'offense' thrown at me i wont pick it up and stab myself with it
ill pick it up and throw it back, because that's MUCH more fun than appealing to fucking authority like you dumb fucks.

I miss community servers.

>acting like a Redditor outside Reddit
I hate how this is considered normal too since that's every fucking fag my age now.

>I'm not getting offended, I'm just throwing insults angrily back at somebody who says something I don't like

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>implying there's a difference between reddit and Yea Forums

both sites are pozzed, have sex, zoomer!
>wojak npc.jpg

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hahahaha you have no fucking idea
fucking simpleton


Aaaand this is why Amazon is a better company than Google. Amazon's Romainian assistants isn't going to call the cops on me even if I was beat a cheating woman or doing a Heil Hitler speech.

>everyone's stupid except for me

Attached: brainlettttt[1].jpg (800x450, 44K)

Hey dumbass why don't you tell your friends as well as yourself to go back.

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Imagine being so autistic you can't stop yourself from swearing over an online game

>use a service
>break the service's rules
>act like you're the victim
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Everybody seems to be picturing a world where Ubisoft or Google are holding a gun to their heads and MAKING them pay for a game, FORCING them to play it and that you saying someone is a nigger that should've been burnt with the jews or something is just an inevitable consequence of that. Take some responsibility for your own fucking actions.

What a nigger.

>People can only be insulting in anger

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>Using stadia.

I hope that stadia end up like google +

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i like it when people call me a niggerfaggot etc
it means theyre mad
and everyone knows the objective of any multiplayer game is to make the enemy mad

Yes they should. Abide by the rules or gtfo.

>Been calling people niggers and faggots on PS3's PSN almost daily for years and i have never been banned
The weird thing is that i know for a fact that i've been reported multiple times because i've been told so on SCV's in-game chat, i wonder if my account is somehow immune due to some bug or if the mods just don't give a fuck

>playing multiplayer with ruskies, chinks and literally who trannis

>everyone's stupid including me
maybe you'll learn how to laugh at yourself and others concurrently some day