>7 years ago Cyberpunk 2077 was announced
>always wanted to play as THE LAW and cleanse the scum off the streets
>tfw the dream is dead since 2077 will no longer have classes or cRPG mechanics
Where did it go so wrong bros?
7 years ago Cyberpunk 2077 was announced
Other urls found in this thread:
Back when CDPR was full of competent but under-paid Polish developers without any globohomo influences. As Witcher 3 Blood and Wine got finished and Cyberpunk was greenlighted, all the original Witcher developers got fired and got replaced by foreigners women. I think we all know the rest.
Learn about project management and you will understand.
>always wanted to play as THE LAW
>in a cyberpunk game
>a genre that literally has the word "punk" in it
how does a company change so much after one successful release?
In case you didn't know, the Cyberpunk 2077 PnP allowed you to play as a number of professions, including medics, rockerboys, mediamen, and so on. Cop was just one of them.
It's really shit that we're stuck with street samurai because that's the most generic one.
It's just you, you sperg.
Uhm source on any of this?
i am currently browsing a website where this was posted in earnest
i need to have sex
Maybe he wanted to be a crooked cop, slap a drug smuggler with his dick instead of arresting them. I would have played that.
>In case you didn't know, the Cyberpunk 2077 PnP allowed you to play as a number of professions, including medics, rockerboys, mediamen, and so on. Cop was just one of them.
Not only that but CDPReddit said you'd be able to play as them and also announced first and third person modes along with a multiplayer feature but not almost all of those things are gone because CDPReddit wanted to just lazily port over witcher 3 to a cyberpunk setting instead of actually adapting the pen and paper game like they promised.
>look mom I will make the next tortanic happen
Cyberpunk tabletop doesn't let you play as "THE LAW" it lets you play as character that had some kind of connection with "THE LAW"
Cyberpunk the game is no different, you fucking moron.
Who actually thought it was going to be a CRPG? Even the early trailer gave me some action game vibes. It was either going to have third person action game controls or first person like Elder Scrolls.
cRPG just means computer RPG, aka computerised pen and peper RPG. Cyberpunk by very definition of cPRG is cRPG right now.
It was obvious. All the original development team from Witcher 1-3 were all but gone. They were supposed to work on Gwent but CDPR "created" a separate team to work on it. Then shit hit the fan for them when they found out that their contracts were terminated and the team that is working on Cyberpunk are all non-Polish (except for lead designers who were obviously globohomos) foreigners and American women. Look at all their current employees and website and credit for Gwent. Almost none of them are Polish. Also this coincides with the fact that right after Blood and Wine Polish government gave them a large sum of grant due to their success with Witcher 3 but on the condition that CDPR needed to "diversify" their workforce.
This shit was so fucking based, can't believe we will never see this come to life.
>expecting any video game to ever have anywhere near the depth of a pen & paper RPG
You have only yourself to blame, OP.
>My ass is as good of a source as any other
You sure, are a smarty pants.
You should just go back to the no sun memes. At least those could be funny.
>can't be a corpo
>can't be a policeman
The punk part of Cyberpunk is unironically for trannies and faggots.
>muh drugs and gangs and anarchy and degeneracy
I'd like them to at least try it seems like the poles and amerifats at CDPR just threw up their hands and instead made Witcher 3 future edition
It's so fucking lazy
>CDPReddit said you'd be able to play as them
Did they? I don't remember that. IIRC they just said those types of characters would appear in the game, but I don't think it was ever stated that you, yourself could play through the entire game as a media or rockerboy.
Would be happy to be proven wrong though.
>can't be a corpo
>can't be a policeman
So basically your life now.
>Wants to be corp
>Wants to sit in an office and look at market shares whole day
No but really, Corpo is class that is into trading and smooth talking, nothing else.
>it's obvious bro
what kind of augments will you use bros?
>7 years ago i developed a game in my head that CDPR never said it would be
>now i am betrayed because they didn't share my autistic vision
fucking droped
You cyberredditors don't deserve anything.
The cyberpunk genre is a failure, the ramblings of 80s niggers and liberals and their wet dream due to how opressed they get to be.
The cyberpunk genre deserves nothing but to get pissed on.
But you will have transgender options to express yourself! Arent you hyped? This game will stop sexual repression of minorities its more important than some stupid rpg mechanics for nerds
It's cyberpunk, sexual deviancy comes with the territory. I would be mad if they didn't have sexual perversions in it.
Mike Pondsmith is a fucking prophet. You need to dilate and fuck off.
You are under arrest for being a massive faggot.
Mental illness is the norm for Cyberpunk future. It's more of a warning than an appraisal.
So you actually believe that the developers of Witcher 3, critically acclaimed but got shit on by the left and SJWs, all of a sudden said to themselves "Hey, maybe those game journos and those dick-choppers were right after all! Witcher 3 was too racist guys so lets bemore liberal and go backwards! Who cares about creating a game the way we want when we can make the next biggest title based on twitter opinions!". Developers for Witcher 3 were super anti-SJW and flipped them the biggest bird during the gamegate fiasco. Yet now there is nothing but pandering and all those developers we never hear from but new faces in CDPR. Coinsidence? Nah its just some /pol/ psyop amirite?
Suuuuure, this is the reason why they are adding trans
Nothing to do with the damage control after the sjw outrage
You people are living in a fucking bubbles
>Yet now there is nothing but pandering
Yeah, nah. You are just mentally ill.
Man, I miss the times when people were still hyped on what classes were going to be in until CDPR revealed there weren't any
Very nice.
Too bad cyberpunk is still SJW liberal trash exagerations.
I mean, it's a leftist fantasy, everyone is a degenerate, everyone is violent, everywhere it's a poluted shithole, it's an SJW wet dream, which is why it deserves to die.
It's a subgenre that deserves nothing but mockery and i'm very happy that even it's highest examples like Deus Ex and Blade Runner are commercial failures and dead franchises.
>tranny shill calling others mentally ill
I guess I'm also idiot for not wanting to cut my own dick off right?
>adding trans
trans was always in cyberpunk, a setting where everyone is a degenerate and mentally ill, just like you
Pondsmith is a worthless nigger and seeing his "baby" crash and burn is going to be glorious.
Not him, but a shit ton of people left or got fired including the original cyberpunk 2077 team (many of those created RUINER)
It's actually well documented just google it. There are also countless yt vids about it.
You're not using that dick for anything ever anyway except beating it. Its not my fault you didnt know anything about Cyberpunk previous to E3.
I don't think Globohomo has anything to do with the stripping of RPG mechanics. This seems like it is simply the natural progression of their company as a whole. Each game is less RPGish than the last.
guys, remember THIS shit? Why can't I play as that smooth whiskey sipping snob? This is an RPG right? Why must I be fucking stuck as some lowlife punk?
Then post them.
In MOST Cyberpunk stories the MC is a cop or detective of some kind
It sounds like development's been streamlined because they bit off more than they could chew and are just trying to force a project out. It reeks of mismanagement if what's being stated in this thread is true.
Except its not going to, and you know it.
The only way this could have happened would be if the game looked like dwarf fortress. You only have yourself to blame.
>always wanted to play as THE LAW
>in a cyberpunk world
>the law
Because this is a videogame, and not a life simulator?
>Why can't I play as that smooth whiskey sipping snob
And do what?
Go to meetings?
>This is an RPG right?
Fortunately, it no longer is, it's an open world game like GTA, a much superior genre, unlike RPGs since RPGs have never produced a single videogame with good gameplay.
>The only way this could have happened would be if the game looked like dwarf fortress
Not true they had the time and budget to pull it off but instead they took the easy way out.
Actual cops can be like paladins in cyberpunk settings. In most settings you have the police reduced to corrupt enforcers or replaced mostly/entirely with the private security firm of whatever corp owns the region.
Not exactly, but let's be honest. The detective noire side of cyberpunk is the most kino aspect of it. The stories on focused on the anarchist rebels who want to topple down corporations or simply wade in their degeneracies is the most boring part of the genre despite being its most iconic aspect. Nothing still beats the jaded regular joe that's thrust into the center of all this shit and monologues his way to the ending.
>This is an RPG right?
You didn't get the memo? Action-adventure with dialogue choices is called RPG now, this game will be similar to the newest asscreed
>instead made Witcher 3 future edition
So, what everyone expected?
What made you think they would deviate from a formula that worked so well to make an extremely niche genre game that nobody but a handful of people would have liked?
Nobody likes completely open RPGs, because they are like playing open world games without a main quest.
>Back when CDPR was full of competent but under-paid Polish developers without any globohomo influences
original slav CDPR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tranny western california cuck CDPR
In cyberpunk, cops are completely cucked by corporations.
>so based
No, what I see there is cyberpunk imagery, AKA liberal SJW wet dreams that only obese blue haired women would get excited for.
The cyberpunk genre is a genre made by subhumans, for subhumans.
It deserves to be mocked and get pissed on, and I hope CP2077 is the game that finally makes the mockery this genre deserves.
Between this, and the commercial failures of Deus Ex and Blade Runner, it'll put down this degenerate subgenre for good.
Because fuck you. When Cyberpunk 2077 was conceptualized it sounded like one of the first RPGs, where for once the classes were asymetrical and not all based around combat. Anons all around Yea Forums shared their desires for maybe being a netrunner, going around hacking shit, or being a ruthless corporate who buys his way to get what he wants like some big budget Recettear.
It was nothing but a fantasy but fuck if it beats the generic looter shooter we're going to get.
t. Olivia Hill
>Can't be the law
Degeneracy and criminal scum may have won this battle because cdpr are a bunch of spineless vaginal discharge blobs, but they will never win the goddamn war. Law and order is the only thing that can keep things afloat. No matter what they try to use as an excuse to convince you, these cyberPUNK criminals will be punished by the law.
Makes me wonder if Dredd is really cyberpunk, or just dreddpunk. It's a bit different from the normal fare. Unless you take megacorps and environmental degradation to the max.
To include every single class, each with different gameplay and story with different backgrounds? Not in any meaningful way that would be satisfactory. Such a game does not even exist yet. At least not 3d. Arcanum has a lot of options like that, but it's 2d, buggy and also looks and plays like shit.
> being a ruthless corporate who buys his way to get what he wants like some big budget Recettear.
Woah, that sounds fucking badass bro.
>Anons all around Yea Forums shared their desires
And thankfully, all those idiots were wrong, because those kind of games are boring as fuck.
I will take even the worst GTA game before any RPG ever made.
What war, you stupid millennial?
You are talking about a fucking videogame.
And now you know why people were so fucking hyped for Cyberpunk 2077 before it was revealed last year. It sounded like the RPG to end all RPGs. Cyberpunk 2077 was, along with Bannerlord, were the only games that used to get Yea Forums to agree on one thing.
Millennials no longer differentiate between real life and fiction.
>wildly speculate on a game's content years before it gets any concrete info
>game is different than you imagined
>get disappointed
Why is Yea Forums so retarded?
As I said. You only have yourself to blame. This would have never happened, only if you're willing to have another Star Citizen situation.
>Voiced protagonist
>RPG to end all RPGs
>RPG to end all RPGs
CDPR declares they're going to 1:1 recreate the tabletop game
Mike Pondsmith interview (creator of the table top and currently helping with 2077 development)
>RPG to end all RPGs
This was before the trailer and MUH AESTHETICS.
We were only basing on the 2012 trailer on how it was only a tiny speck of what the game could have offered.
user implied anything with "punk" don't have cool cops.
Like any current studio would have the balls to let you play as a Judge Dredd type character fighting never ending waves of crime. Police are too problematic because they trigger Tyrones.
>genre is called Metroidvania
>most games aren't Metroid or Castlevania
"FANDOM: Will you be able to buy apartments in different districts of Night City?
Pietra: Absolutely. You will be able to buy a couple of apartments in different locations, so obviously upgrading yourself will push you towards a certain path in the game but saying any more would be too spoilery right now."
This type of shitposting is going to far
cyberpunk already proves your wrong though? Cyperpunk cops are always rugged men who frequently struggle with their morals. Sure the majority are corrupt, but that's what makes it more interesting.
>CDPR declares they're going to 1:1 recreate the tabletop game
Nice job admitting you're illiterate.
They said
"We want to adapt the original handbooks in terms of setting, so Night City will be the old familiar place, but it has expanded over that time."
Nice try though, dumbfuck. Learn to read next time.
>Even the mechanics have been inspired by the game system of the Cyberpunk 2020 pen-and- paper game, though StÄpieĆ explained that this process isn't quite as fluid as adapting the game's narrative cues.
>"The rules of the pen and paper game are great base material for the game, but straight adaptation isn't as simple as it might seem," StÄpieĆ said. "Some skills just cannot work in a video game setting the same way they did in the original game, so we build prototypes, experiment a little and see what will work.
>CDPR declares they're going to 1:1 recreate the tabletop game
>Literally, in the article posted, CDPR says they CAN'T and WON'T be doing a 1:1 recreation of the tabletop game
So smart.
Welcome to your brand new gaming world dictated to you by multibillion dollar companies fighting for truth and social justice
Fine I'll take that. He doesn't say they'd drop classes altogether though, but that they would see the best way to implement them.
Did you take look at the other link? 4 years later they say the same and pretty much confirm all nine tabletop classes would be represented in some way.
Also not that user OK, don't be rude.
only 1/4 of the team is foreign
rest are polish, most of them who worked on witcher 1-3
source: polish interview with CDPR CEO on some business oriented website
>7 years
>still pretty much zero porn about it
>4 years later they say the same and pretty much confirm all nine tabletop classes would be represented in some way
bet they'll put in a couple of driving perks in the skill tree to represent nomad, some social skills for other roles, and call it a day :^)
It has constantly changed. Last year CDPR said that you had skill trees each divided between Solo, Netrunner and Corporate. But that said, I'm not even sure anymore if these things are still in the game.
I look forward to my choices not mattering beyond just giving me a different line of dialogue or a different reward
Sounds like the story of your pathetic life.
Why donât you guys play cyberpunk 2020, or cyberpunk red when it comes out? Tabletops have all the things you guys think are missing: player choice, pick what classes you want, not forced into a pre-defined role, etc. You have friends to play it with, right Yea Forums?
So will this game be an actual RPG or will it be another "Action adventure" game with minor RPG elements like skyrim?
I don't have a table.
>>always wanted to play as THE LAW
>>in a cyberpunk game
>Not wanting to play as essentially Judge Dredd
>In a Cyberpunk setting
What a fucking scrub.
There's even an entire Law Enforcement Sourcebook: thetrove.net
It's being marketed as an action adventure story driven game not an RPG
If Skyrim is your bar for action-adventure, then action-adventure definitely.
>This game isn't going to be the unrealistic expectation they never said it would be
This is like that time Yea Forums tried to be mad at Witcher 3 for having trees that were a different color from pre-release screenshots.
How many times do you have to learn? You can't force these things.
I only hope you at least can side with the law on some things. Yes granted this is a fucked up world and "law" isn't the same anymore but just what is beneficial to megacorporations, but that doesn't mean I can't get junkies patrolled.
It's a valid criticism, I honestly too agree nothing is for certain in game development. But the game is living up to be nothing like I expected.
Please save this picture instead
"somehow feels very weird for cyberpunk to decorate an interior, etc." is so much better
>the Dreamâą
>want devs to try and emulate the whole depth of the PNP
>rpg to end all rpgs
I wonder who's behind these posts
God that's fucking infuriating. What a fucking cuckold kurwa.
Awesome. RPGs fucking suck.
Just play on the floor lol
>h-hehehe i-it would be silly! yes silly! to be able to customize your apartment heheheh... y-you're a CYBERPUNKâą remember :^) and as we all know CYBERPUNKSâą are super badassesÂź who never fucking sleep or care about anything! yeah! you are V! immerse yourself in this grand immortality adventure! h-hehe
Will be fixed with mods.
>always wanted to play as THE LAW and cleanse the scum off the streets
boo hoo it looks like you will have to play as a cyber punk in Cyberpunk 2077
It's a tabletop game, not a floortop, you savage.
No, they literally changed the store description from RPG to action adventure now. Aka it will be more like Witcher 3 but with an even more boring MC.
And is listed as being an RPG on the steam page. >marketed as
Thatâs all those buzzwords are, marketing.
They confirmed they won't be providing any modding tools my fellow coper.
>he wants to be a law bootlicking cocksucker
Smell my gasses and eat my turban
>Fine I'll take that
You will because you don't even bother reading what you post, because you are a retarded Yea Forumsedditor who just wants the next tortanic.
Why are you larping cuck?
No, they said they won't be supporting mods at launch, that they would release them later.
Please, abstain yourself from being a millennial.
He's a CDPR tranny shill
Then get a fuckin table lol
Those listings are driven by users.
What they should do is cut it.
"Homes" in videogames have always and will always be utterly pointless.
i will never understand how people use "it's too hard" as an excuse for not having professions in the game. fucking new vegas almost had it right and it never even tried to force you into a class system
Might have been if the game was going to have mod support. CDPR has decided the company is not going to go down that road. The kept fucking dangling the promise of proper mod tools for every Witcher game and never delivered. No matter what they claim they will do for Cyberpunk "later" they are never going to deliver. They never do.
>Fortunately, it no longer is, it's an open world game like GTA, a much superior genre, unlike RPGs since RPGs have never produced a single videogame with good gameplay.
>that they would release them later.
They never said that lol. Also, they released mod tools for Witcher 3 years after the game was already dead and nobody gave a shit about it anymore
Cyberpunk is written by Witcher 2 writers. This was confirmed a long time ago. You are a nigger and a liar
>trans was always in cyberpunk
There are no Trannies in Cyberpunk 2020: thetrove.net
If anyone is surprised that the final game is a disappointment when they've basically confirmed that they completely redid the game since the 48 minute reveal is retarded. It had a decade of development but it seems most of that was false starts.
>No, they said they won't be supporting mods at launch
Which is a PR talk for no modding tools ever. Like they promised REDkit for TW3 then years later cucked the modding community out of it and never delivered.
>that they would release them later
No they didn't say that. They just gave you the PR talk of "we're not planning on them".
We've seen this occur before. I dunno why you're being such a deluded bozo and hoping for not only tools but for modders to fix this mess.
How bare can my characters ass be?
Go clean some toilets kurwa.
all the red flags are there and yet when this game comes out people will still act surprised when the game disappoints them
>fucking new vegas almost had it right
What are you talking about? New Vegas had no professions whatsoever. You're officially a courier in the game and there isn't even courier stuff for you to do.
>would make for good DLC
No it's not. cRPG is a genre and it refers to isometrical, D&D-type games
>Obviously, we would love to support the modding community in the future, but for the time being we want to focus on releasing the game first.
>Also, they released mod tools for Witcher 3 years after the game was already dead and nobody gave a shit about it anymore
No, what happened is that people were making mods anyway without them.
Mod tools never decide whether a game will have a proper modding community.
A fuck ton of Skyrim and Fallout mods don't need mod tools, and in fact, the mod tools Bethesda releases are always garbage and inferior to the tools modders use normally.
And they weren't necessary.
>hoping for not only tools but for modders to fix this mess.
It's not an RPG, so it won't need them.
Only RPGs are the only genre that delivers garbage that relies on mods to be something, since the RPG genre, on its own, falls apart.
>they released mod tools for Witcher 3 years after the game was already dead
They didn't. They never released REDkit for TW3. Some fans made some fanmade mod "tools" collection but they just can't compare to the real kit.
> completely redid the game since the 48 minute reveal is retarded.
So you're telling me they scrapped the game from last year and is ready to release this turd next year?
>feels very weird for cyberpunk to decorate an interior
This is the dumbest thing I've heard all month
No, what I don't want is apartments.
Tell me, what's the point of a home in a videogame?
Nothing but a place to store shit that doesn't fit in your inventory.
Sometimes not even that, like Assassins Creed games where you have homes and there's absolutely nothing to do in them.
"Homes" in videogames are for autistic millennials obsessed with "muh immersion" who try to replicate an entire life in a videogame.
Its bioware all over again.
you can easily rp as a mechanic, weaponsmith, or doctor. the basis for joining different factions was there. combine the two and you have cop faction/story line and other classes, or at the very least a great starting point to work from. that's all i meant
Not really, considering Bioware has never made a single good videogame, they were just good at fooling people.
>A fuck ton of Skyrim and Fallout mods don't need mod tools, and in fact, the mod tools Bethesda releases are always garbage and inferior to the tools modders use normally.
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. EVERY modder uses Bethesda's "garbage" tools. If you don't all you can do is asset swap. There are no superior tools to the one Bethesda releases because nobody else makes anything that does the same thing as those tools.
t. someone who has never made any actual mods
You already got BTFO on this in another thread
Can you imagine the mental stress of being a CDPR shill on Yea Forums? these days You have to play like three political positions per thread and somehow defend Bioware levels of blatant lies and disappointments on a regular basis. I feel for these guys, they don't have it easy.
>A fuck ton of Skyrim and Fallout mods don't need mod tools,
That's because the creation engine/gamebryo is so fucking easy to mod.
Other games, you end up either having unpackers where you're stuck with model replacers or worse, just cheat engine tables where you just tweak numbers. Nothing really substantial.
I actually do make mods. That's how I know you are completely full of shit.
Point me at those mods and take a pic of the source files in your PC.
>A fucking watchdogs game is closer to this vision than Cyberpunk 2077
Where did it all go so wrong?
>considering Bioware has never made a single good videogame
Cyberpunk will be extremely lucky if it gets within 2% of Baldur's Gate's quality
What I don't understand is why anyone would bother shilling in Yea Forums instead of Reddit or Twitter, which are actually influential places.
You don't want your game to be known as "that popular game in Yea Forums".
>Back when CDPR was full of competent but under-paid Polish developers without any globohomo influences. As Witcher 3 Blood and Wine got finished and Cyberpunk was greenlighted, all the original Witcher developers got fired and got replaced by foreigners women. I think we all know the rest.
Because redditors already shill games for free. Here you actually have to try and flex you marketing muscles to impress Yea Forums. Sometimes not even simply showing cunny is enough
>we would love to
Yeah. Once again PR talk for not happening.
>people were making mods anyway without them
And those mods are the modern equivalent of texmod texture switching. Some reshades and .ini edits for the draw distance and stats and some normalmap cleaning. This is all surface level "modding".
You're not seeing grandiose castle mods, quest mods or whatever like Bethesda's games for example.
>A fuck ton of Skyrim and Fallout mods don't need mod tools, and in fact, the mod tools Bethesda releases are always garbage and inferior to the tools modders use normally.
As someone who mods Fallout TTW, Skyrim and Oblivion you are insane. Please refrain from speaking on this topic ever again. It's true that these games have script extenders and other external tools but to openly shit on one good thing Bethesda provides which is the Creation Kit is fully fucking insane. Especially when you're advocating for a game that not only has inferior dev tools but will also not even provide them.
Before CK released on Skyrim you had a glimpse of what mods without CK were all about. Red glass retextures all across the Nexus.
>It's not an RPG, so it won't need them.
>Only RPGs are the only genre that delivers garbage that relies on mods to be something, since the RPG genre, on its own, falls apart.
>he fully embraced the "it's an open world action adventure and not an RPG!" label
Oh no. You're not only coping. You're full on shill mode.
The fact that Baldur's Gate is considered good proves the pathetic state of the RPG genre.
A genre that should have never existed since it hasn't produced a single videogame with actual, legitimately fun gameplay.
An RPG is like an MMO, a genre that sacrifices the gameplay in the name of uninteresting and unengaging crap like dialogue choices or branching storylines, which makes no sense considering the writing in RPGs is at the level of first person shooters.
The RPG genre deserves the most humiliating of deaths for being an anti-videogame genre, as much as superhero movies are anti-cinema.
>Not playing as Judge Dredd purging degenerate punks from face of earth and cyberspace
soilent boi
Point me to the third party replacement for the "garbage" CK. Shouldn't be hard for you, right? Just a simple link.
> It's true that these games have script extenders and other external tools but to openly shit on one good thing Bethesda provides which is the Creation Kit is fully fucking insane
You know what's insanity?
Relying on Bethesda's garbage software to mod the most moddable engine ever made.
It's probably the reason why not a single mod has managed to actually make Skyrim or Fallout fun, because, due to the garbage toolkit provided by Bethesda, you can't remake the combat system.
Are these toilet cleaning shills not aware that there already was a class called "Cop" in a game which CP2077 is based on and it was still literally called CYBERPUNK 2020
cyberpunk is as gay and brainlet as steampunk
It's literally shitty 30 year old robots and tech slapped onto everything.
I remember all the fuzz about Witcher 3's downgrade, I never understood all the butthurt and the game ended up being fine.
But with this, they just dropped a lot of things for no purpose and the game just sounds boring.
>you can only select Male V or Female V now, We decided that character customisation would be too confusing for new players
You're now diverging into loony territory and trying to stay out of the main topic.
Glad we both agree that mods won't fix the absolute underwhelming mess that is Cyberpunk 2077.
You're shilling for CDPR, a company that has made absolutely ZERO games with anything approaching good gameplay in them, while simultaneously discarding RPG as a genre because of its bad gameplay?
Yea Forums is irrelevant though, this place has no influence on the outside and doesn't have enough users to warrant the money.
Plus, the captcha system is a pain in the ass, and success in Yea Forums is not something you want your game to be known for.
You pander to Reddit and Twitter if you want success.
Is it true you can't be a crime kingpin in this or customize your vehicles? Why would I play this instead of Saints Row then?
>inb4 V now has no gender and you can be any gender you want
It's ok to not like certain genres user. RPGs are not for you but realise that other people enjoy them.
Judge Dredd is satire, idiot.
CP2077 is no longer an RPG, so it has a chance at being good.
I hope CDPR doesn't make a single RPG ever again, and I hope all other developers do the same.
The RPG genre has already harmed videogames long enough.
>RPGs are not for you but realise that other people enjoy them.
Why would you enjoy a genre that is a guarantee that gameplay will be clunky garbage?
Even the worst shooters and third person games have better combat and movement mechanics than the best RPGs.
Why is that?
And that stops enjoying it how?
Get the fuck out of here, you stupid millennial.
>CP2077 is no longer an RPG, so it has a chance at being good.
Not when the developers have a literal 0% hit rate when it comes to implementing good gameplay in their games. I cannot wait to see the trainwreck of CDPR attempting to design stealth gameplay.
watchdogs 3 is cyberpunk? how is the combat? is it third person?
Aslong as I get to go and get cyberdrunk and take my new cybergf home to my cyberapartment and stick her cyberdick into my cyberpussy and get her cybercum then it's all cybergood.
Then again, CDPR has never made a non-RPG game before, which we know hinders gameplay quality by a ton.
>Why would you enjoy a genre that is a guarantee that gameplay will be clunky garbage?
Why would you anticipate a game from a dev that guarantees that gameplay will be clunky garbage?
Nice non-argument.
And no, what CDPR needs to do to fix CP2077 is stop pretending it's an RPG.
Remove character customization and dialogue choices, and write an actual proper story and have the main character be an actual character instead of a blank slate.
>liberal SJW wet dreams
SJW's image of Cyberpunk would've been possitive glorification of it, not showing how degenerate, disgusting, scummish and depressing the world is.
Cyberpunk entire genre is critique toward uncontrolled technological progress causing global environmental hazard and uncontrolled corporate consumerism where people trade their own flesh for pretty gajects. World is in eternal anarchy and chaos where crime, drugs and prostitution thrives.
It's a dystopia, where sjw's would see a utopia, inbred /pol/nigger.
>SJW's image of Cyberpunk would've been possitive glorification of it
Which the act of making media based on it does.
>Cyberpunk entire genre is critique
No it isn't.
Merely mentioning the themes is not a "critique".
I have absolutely no idea where this idea came that just because you have something in a game is a critique if you don't actively attack it.
It's a degenerate fantasy for 30 year old obese women with blue hair.
The only possible good ending cyberpunk stories could have is triggering WWIII and wiping out humanity.
Just take a look at the state of CDPR defenses here, we've gone from "it's still an RPG" to "thank goodness it's not an RPG, based CDPR"
>Why would you enjoy a genre that is a guarantee that gameplay will be clunky garbage?
The appeal of roleplaying games is to create a character and be able to customize that character and create your own story, even if it is inside a bigger story.
And the "clunky gameplay" boils down to that you don't enjoy the gameplay of rpgs. And that's fine, nobody forces you to play them.
>It's the genres fault! RPGs are shit!
You sound like a beaten wife.
Because it's the first time they are not making an RPG.
Even games like Mass Effect 3 and The Witcher 3, with all the emphasis put into combat, never stopped having terrible, boring and clunky combat systems.
RPGs are shit though
That's your opinion man and my opinion is Cyberpunk 2077 will be shit regardless.
>The appeal of roleplaying games is to create a character and be able to customize that character and create your own story, even if it is inside a bigger story.
While, for some reason, sacrificing absolutely everything along the way, including gameplay, story quality, graphics and everything.
>And the "clunky gameplay" boils down to that
To indie game-tier combat systems and choosing dialogues?
The RPG genre needs to be put out to pasture.
Is this even going to be a game by the time they are finished gutting all the features?
Mass Effect 3 gameplay was as good as Gears of War, wtf are you talking about?
Cross off "it doesn't have to be an RPG" from the list if it hasn't been eliminated already
Your opinion is clearly worthless if you're an RPGfag, so I don't know why you bothered submitting it if you already knew nobody would care what you had to say.
>game isnât even out yet
>Yea Forums calls it shit
thatâs how i know for certain itâs gonna be the game of the decade
It will become A MOBA FPS shooter Mark my words
If only you could cross "lose virginity" off the list you loser faggot.
What game looks more cyberpunk and has better gameplay, modded gta v or cyberpunk 2077? keep in mind gta games have SHIT combat systems.
Where did you get that impression shill.
Again you sound like a beaten wife.
So is every game game of the decade?
Dark Souls is an RPG
It's borderline, pre cyberpunk
>ticks off "appeal to sexuality" box in his shill protocol
damn breh
>sits crying like an adolescent girl about his "baberit bideo gem" not being like final fantashit
>>Where did you get that impression
>>>I know, I'll call him a SHILL
today'sdystopia policestate london
third person
My fucking ass, Gears of War takes a shit on everything Mass Effect has always been and tried to be.
Mass Effect's combat system never amounted to anything but taking cover and taking potshots across completely flat while spamming abilities the moment you got cornered, not to mention it's plagued with terrible animations and clunky mechanics like everything about the special skills.
There was no sense of strategy, and due to how mindless the combat was, they had to fill the maps with hip level covers.
Mass Effect 3 is the embodiment of why RPGs are a failure even when they try their best at pretending they can have legitimate gameplay.
They will never have and never will.
Yep the shills on reddit and official forums fully embraced it and now we get ironic funposters here too I really hated the spamming Shazam poster in the beginning and thought "it doesn't need to be an RPG" was a retarded stretch goal. Now I just feel silly for trusting the westacuck developers in the first place.
How is this cyberpunk?
It's a third person action game with gear and (negligible) stats
>shill just dropped the damage control and just shitpost about RPGs being bad
>this much stretching and projection
yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
heres some neat books rec'd my Mike Pondsmith
>implying Yea Forums reads
>yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
Obese, diabetic millennial hands typed this post.
Looks like the truth really stung
It went wrong when you let Yea Forums influence your opinions on vidya.
There are classes
There are cRPG mechanics
you were never going to be able to pick from any of the original 9 cyberpunk 2020 roles because they would have to effectively make 9 different games
You will be able to work with the police
We're witnessing a full blown autism attack right before our eyes
cyberpunk as in the general meaning of the genre and not the tabletop game
You didn't have to cry over a video game but you did.
The last refuge of a desperate manchild.
I rather kill myself than read anything about the garbage that the cyberpunk genre is.
Thanks for the (You)s bros
And how is it cyberpunk?
I'd rather rewatch Altered Carbon desu, that was peak cyberpunk kino
You can RP, sure, but the vast majority of that shit is you imagining it through the gaps the game doesn't establish.
Those stats aren't negligible at all when you compare them to Bitcher or Cybertranny.
And the action in Dark Souls is also better than the braindead "action" of the Bitcher and console shooting of Cybertranny.
There could not be a better summary for what happened, fpbp.
>refering to replies as (You)s
Even if you're able to work with the cops, you're still going to sound like some punk instead of a gritty hardened detective who's seen it all.
You guys do realize that raging about trannies makes you just as bad as them right? Both sides are crying so fucking hard, it's pathetic.
You forgot your horse.
The game will probably be okay. Nothing more.
It'll be a bit wonky, downgraded beyond your wildest fantasies and basically just a hollow shell of what it could and should have been, but still okay by the standards of today (which is to say, none).
It will get 10/10 and universal praise because it's CDPR and it literally cannot fail, so reviewers aren't going to let it because it will reflect badly on the industry as a whole and if you decide to ever speak the truth about something popular, you are labelled a "fun-hating contrarian".
So yeah. An okay game. Not an RPG though, and definitely not a cyberpunk game, but an okay sci-fi game.
We live in a time where okay is the absolute most we can realistically hope for.
Just don't fucking buy it until reviews come out its not hard
What game has better melee combat, saints row, gta, watch dogs, or cyberpunk 2077?
It really is truly terrible stuff. I've tried reading a few of those, they are the only books I've dropped. It's not really about the genre itself the authors are just awful at their craft.
>i willingly seek out things i dont like to complain about them!
lefty sjw spotted.
enjoy the thread :^)
So now that we've confirmed that RPGs are bad and based CDPR made the right decision turning 2077 into an action game, let's turn our attention to its real competition and try evaluating it as an action game. Do you think it'll be a better action game than Batman: Arkham City? Doom? Bloodborne? MGSV?
>science fiction sub genre that reflects a dystopian vision of society with advanced technology and poor life standards
Maybe they shouldnt, I dunno, model it after one then?
Why? Reviews will just dicksuck it I'll pirate the game since I'm not demented.
No, it's the genre itself.
Cyberpunk is just a garbage subgenre that has never produced anything of quality.
Cyberpunk is just the autistic ramblings of drunk liberals.
It'll have way better combat than bamham. bamham's combat is SHIT.
Yes, it is a genre and it refers to computer RPG, the c literally stands for computer, the term was made up to distinguish between pen & paper RPGs and computer RPGs
If Witcher is anything to go by,
GTA = Watch Dogs = Saints Row > Cyberpunk 2077
>raging about trannies makes you just as bad as them right?
This is the most onions logic I've ever heard.
"Guys did you know if you talk about how much you dislike this degenerate thing, it's just as bad as that degeneracy? No seriously, you're no better than a crazy person who mutilates themselves and tries to push their twisted morals on all aspects of western society including games, you're literally the exact same thing!"
>saints row, gta, watch dogs
These games have no melee combat.
Don't know about 2077, but the "melee combat" of those three games is just getting near someone, you press and button and it's instantly knocked out.
It doesn't look dystopian at all. It's bright and sunny outside, streets are clean, no homeless people. Everyone can afford top tier implants and there is no racism or sexism any more.
Yeah man I love straffing simulator 1, 2 and 3. Marvelous stuff, who can't forget the mind blowing zombie AI and the ever reliable parry ,did you know you can kill final big baddy by just parring him to death? Brilliant design.
retard. hes the complaining is just as bad as their complaining
>reading comprehension is hard!
>Arkham City
Absolutely not
Good freaking LORD no
Just like Witcher 3, just with more stuff and higher production values.
>all the original Witcher developers got fired and got replaced by foreigners women
And that's a good thing.
It'll be just Fallout 4 but a bit better. Brainless shooting with soft stats.
CP2077 is another game that I wish it succeeds, next to Death Stranding, based only on the fact that it's going to make Yea Forumseddit angry.
Wasn't witcher's combat ok? it was at least as good as bamham
That's just a dumb argument that should be completely ignored.
Defend Witcher 3's combat from the exact same arguments you used here please
Honestly it's going to be a quasi-Deus Ex HR sequel. Nothing more, nothing less.
If you are a fan of those clunky types of games with lots of options you'll probably like it.
>As someone who mods Fallout TTW, Skyrim and Oblivion you are insane
Yeah, what have you made, texture packs?
How does it feel to work for free, modder?
There's a game play mechanic that lets you hack other people eyes so you can"cloak" yourself and hide dead bodies.
I would think by almost any ones standard that's pretty fucking cyberpunk.
>makes post calling out reading comprehension
>is not only wrong but post is riddled with shit grammar
You don't need to try so hard to get me to not take you seriously, trust me.
You can go full on reductionist if you want user. Dark Souls (and pretty much most Japanese games) will still have better combat and mechanics than kurwajank and soulless mass produced mutt garbage.
All rpg games are shit, don't you get it?
These threads have more entertaining combat than the final game will
>that I wish it succeeds
That's moronic. You know it will succeed regardless of how the actual game is.
The quality of a video game has no bearing on its popularity or the praise it will get, so you can rest easy.
That's not Cyberpunk, that's just complete stupidity.
How the fuck can you hack someone's eyes when people in Watch Dogs don't have mechanic eyes?
Saints Row does have melee, so does GTA:
GTA is just boring and clunky though.
there is no way it doesn't sell like hotcake
>famous actor so normies are interested in the worst case scenario
that doesn't change the part that it's shit
I've always wanted a Psycho Pass style RPG where you can choose between criminals, enforcers and inspectors but some things are just never meant to be
No, its just GTA cuts the tediousness of having a melee combat in an open world game where most people you fight will either run away from you or just use guns.
Souls combat is slow and clunky, Batman games have way better combat than most japanese games.
Oh you were just pretending to be retarded. Gotcha.
CP77 will come out, it will sell lots of copies, it will get overinflated review scores and it will be praised for it's mediocrity, and then im going to shrug my shoulders and move on with my life because open world games are for basic no-personality normies cunts, the kind of people who you can kill with your car and drive off feeling completely indifferent towards.
>resorts to gramar nazing
and thats how i know you have no argument
thanks for playing freindo
I already had a ton of fun in those MGSV threads full of neckbeards crying while insisting that the game flopped and then posting the real sales.
Yea Forums is only fun when you can make fun of them being miserable.
Honestly I'm considering ditching Yea Forums untill the game comes out only to come back after its release and watch the meltdown when it turns out to be the next greatest game ever
Do you realize that raging about murderers makes you just as bad as them right?
it wouldnt be dystopian if the themes were praised. im going to assume youre just baiting and arent really that thick while also being so easily triggered by false conclusions that you make great leaps toward
I don't know what you were expecting.
Witcher 3 was barely an RPG.
It's pretty much just a glorified action adventure.
That's what I get for phoneposting.
>You can't make games based on a pen and paper RPG unless it has the exact same mechanics
I'm glad you don't work at the game industry
Batman is the only game that has combat with a sense of impact and groundedness which japanese games lack, while having some of the more over the top elements japanese games have, without going too far. Combat in arkham games looks and feels very cinematic.
My argument was and it utterly raped you, you had no response other than whatever this mess was You lost hard. I don't need to post a reaction image to add punch to my argument, there is no argument, you have no platform.
You still might be able to work your way up to that. In the demo there seemed to be several dialogue options that let you be friendly to the corpo lady. You can probably do corporate missions and rise up the ranks. Although given that you're a voiced protagonist you probably won't be able to be the smooth corporate agent type unfortunately
>it wouldnt be dystopian if the themes were praised. i
I'm not saying they are praised, merely the fact that dedicating entire videogames and movies to talking about it is glorification.
Not that I understand it.
Cyberpunk is about whining about a future that will never happen.
It's just obese, blue haired liberals wish it was true because they could all be the victims of opression they wish they were.
Which is why the only ones who like Cyberpunk media are SJWs.
>OH so you want to be hire yourself a super cyborg transvestite? WELL SAY NO MORE, just pick up your neuron capacitor and DIAL-888-115-TRANNY now!
Yeah Batman's combat works well for a superhero game
Not elsewhere though, Shadow of Mordor was utterly insufferable with it
That's the point they do now. Watch Dogs 3 takes place in a future London where this private corporation has taken over the city and it's police force. Your team hackers and assassins and little old ladies now runs around the city fighting the evil corporation and criminals that profit from them.
Like at around 18:30
Fuck I remember seeing the trailer on TV years ago, thinking it was cool but quickly forgot about it.
Only YEARS later when they announce a gameplay video I knew that it's still in development.
It felt kinda weird.
Arkham Asylum is pretty weird since Batman's movements and choreography are constantly shifting between mascot platformer tier cartoonish and super realistic PS3 movie. Every 2 seconds Batman is swaping between them and its a immersion breaking experience every time
well played
>Ubisoft trying to take advantage of CDPR's contrarianism to shill their game
Watch Dogs 1 and 2 were shit and so will this one.
Now let's all agree that voice acting is absolutely useless and fucks games more often than not.
>you had no response other than this response which i refuse to address
lmao. damn it feels good when retards cant counter my arguments.
again thanks for playing
So basically they have gone full retard since they had no idea what to make of this franchise.
It should have simply been a modern day Assassins Creed and they fucked it up even at that.
I don't think i've ever played a game where the inclusion of voice acting actually made the game better.
How did we go from PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to tranny downgrades so fast.
God fucking dammit I wish I had been born earlier so I hadn't lived to see everything turn into shit.
>Your team hackers and assassins and little old ladies
You Ubisoft marketeers really wanted that old lady to become a meme, didn't you?
In an RPG yes, definitely. It takes control away from the player and ruins immersion since you're now no longer that character, you're a gremlin on their shoulder giving them instructions. It's more expensive for the developers and limits options and roleplaying for the player.
They better allow it. I want to roleplay as Reileen Kawahara from Altered Carboon. Will this game allow it or not? I need to be able to start as an enforcer/merc, and work my way up to becoming a criminal kingpin controlling the city behind the scenes.
>How did we go from PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to tranny downgrades so fast.
>thanks for playing
See, you're doing that thing again where you respond with a gotcha-ism because you don't have any argument. It's really detracting from me taking you seriously, so I'll give you one last chance.
Please rewrite In a non-mongoloid way so I can address it, because as it stands it makes no sense.
"hes the complaining is just..." nigger English is my 3rd language and even I didn't type like this after a year.
Yea I don't have much doubt it's going to suck just trying to prove how much cyberpunk they've implemented into the game. Like they don't have or haven't shown cybernetic limbs but I'd put money there are at least a few characters with "enhanced" prosthetics in there somewhere.
Open the image, retards.
Post your face when Keanu is the Main plot device and the story is to Overthrow the Ebil corporations
I wouldn't expect you to understand what that means, neither in context or in general.
Go dilate.
Oof, proof that people in this thread have opinions that aren't valid, like you.
It was the song that was used in the first trailer for the game.
>he story is to Overthrow the Ebil corporations
You mean every single piece of cyberpunk media ever?
Cyberpunk is a creatively bankrupt genre it has absolutely nothing beyond neon lights and le evil corrupt corporations.
You guys do realize that raging about cannibals makes you just as bad as them right?
Why do you speak like a millennial?
It was MEANT to be Ancap simulator, but sadly that idea is too good for this cruel world
That song in that old trailer sucked ass and sounded gay as shit. "Personal Responsibility" what a gay ass song. It didn't even sound cyberpunk.
>âgot a source on any of those bold claims?â
>bro just trust me
Fuck off
Unironically the CEO had tons of cash and a bunch of disgruntled witcher 2 and witcher 3 devs who were getting irate. So he fired a ton of them and replaced them with american women, soibois and trannys for more money.
they changed producer for Cyberpunk like 4 times in 2 years and there were huge layoffs from CDPR along with lots of bad rep for the company on that website that tracks employee satisfaction with employers.
Someone actually made this argument in the original thread denouncing pedos on retardera.
>You guys do realize that raging about pedophiles makes you just as bad as them right?
Oh yeah, too bad you won't get your antifa simulator.
Why are people losing their minds over the tranny shit when Cyberpunk 2020 had Trannies and even the ability to perform a sex change?
Trauma team unironically gave me a boner. The entire demo should of been like that
Source for any of this?
Or is this another case like Kojima and Death Stranding where Yea Forums starts rambling autistically and making it all up based on nothing but that they are emotionally on their period?
based oh elden ring poster
Do you have credits for Cyberpunk 2077? Because then we could actually check if there's any validity to this claim.
Success murders companies, just look at what happened to Telltale and others with breakout successes.
Altered Carbon was nothing about destroying evil corporations. It was about investigating murders and taking down a disgusting sexual slavery ring.
You realize that 4 people have criticized your dumb opinion already right?
What are you talking about?
Telltale died precisely because of lack of successes, they said that only the first season of the Walking Dead and the Minecraft game succeeded and everything else was a flop.
There were tons of threads of CDPR's hiring and firing policies along with the employee reviews slamming the company last year after a ton were unceremoniously fired for no reason and replaced with americans.
Why don't you go back and look through the archives or google it instead of waiting for that silver spoon.
>not hot
Fags get out
I'm not here to educate you, sweaty
because nobody on here has played it. They just pretend to know what they're talking about
How come no one making these claims is capable of giving any source beyond
>crawl around the thousands of daily threads in Yea Forums to search for it
>dude, trust me
Glassdoor. You can go look up reviews from 2017-2018 and you'll find loads of negative reviews. Suddenly once the news started making the rounds it seems positive reviews started flooding in BTW, not suspicious at all
I don't normally touch on this topic, but kek, absolutely no. The shitposters are not nearly as bad as actual trannies.
you seem desperate.
so i'll rewrite if you admit you have retard levels of reading comprehension - becoz thats the only way no one would understand the accurate post about your whiny ass similarities to leftards
You clearly are since you provided us with that info.
Why not provide also the source?
I'm talking about the layouts and the team being replaced.
I don't care about crunch, they are videogame developers, they deserve to be abused and be miserable.
Suck my dick lmao
TWD was such a huge success it changed the structure and hierarchy of the company which inevitably led to poor sales and bankruptcy.
Same thing will happen to CDPR. Hope you didn't like these guys that much because they'll never make another game that isn't an american liberal apologist shitheap.
Reileen was selling men, women, and actual children to perverts. She was hot, but man she was a fucking cold blooded scumbag. Also she ran a business that was basically VR torture shit where people get tortured in godawful sickening ways only limited by the torturer's imagination.
Literally a fucking 2 second google search for CDPR employee conditions.
Why don't you decide to work with truth instead of misleading people online for a fucking brand you enjoy.
Please user, I'm on nofap
I never liked them because they have never made a single good videogame.
Eastern Europe is a fucking meme that produces nothing but clunky shit.
Alright you're done.
The irony of a guy who literally can't spell telling me about reading comprehension has gotten too far.
Those articles speak only of crunch, not of being replaced by Americans.
So these are only good news.
>Eastern Europe is a fucking meme that produces nothing but clunky shit.
But it's ok when From Soft does it?
How on earth have you become this blindly loyal to a company brand name? Not even the people working there... Just the company name.
What is wrong with you?
I wanna kill you all
No, Japan is a dead market too that in 10 years will be only making phone games.
People are genetically predisposed to rally to a banner
Nice try.
I'll ask one more time, where's the whole thing about being replaced by Americans?
Also yes, videogame developers deserve to be abused because they are all the bottom of the barrel of humanity.
99% of the times they are autistic manchildren and women with blue hair who deserve nothing but the most miserable of existences.
If anything, they deserve to be paid even less.
How the fuck do you expect them to do that? Do you know how much work would that be? This is the same complain 12 years old kids make about open world games, "why can't we enter every store?? xd". Like, think for christ's sake.
>was hyped for cyberpunk but then remembered they cleaned house and hired soiboys and wymen
I wish things weren't so bad
>no good cyberpunk games where you can play as THE LAW
What the fuck man
he wants to play as a detective hunting down replicants in a rainy dark city
Why would the Polish government care how diverse their workforce is? We saw a large group of the devs at E3 and they were all Polish looking guys.
fuck i meant to make that greentext my bad i accidentally my >
Listen, here's a well thought-out and totally original opinion: Contrarian anons who find joy in proving Yea Forums wrong are just as bad as anons who want another tortanic.
It's a fact the only reason to come to Yea Forums is to come make fun of it when everyone is miserable.
MGS, for example, was most fun when making fun of all the idiots who were hyped for it and were dissapointed.
The tears were glorious.
Yeah that would be cool but I want to play as THE LAW
This. The americans that CDPR put in charge realized Cyberpunk isn't popular/profitable (blade runner 2049, jew in the shell, deus ex all flopped in recent years) so they decided to make a futuristic GTA clone instead, which is cyberpunk only in name.
You know Minecraft is one of the biggest games ever right. Completely open games can be successful but obviously the technology isn't there yet to make a completely open AAA RPG, we'll have to wait until game development can be mostly automated.
Anyone who ever thought that you ll be able to play 10 different scenarios is mentally ill and their opinion is irrelevant.
Mike Pondsmith said he's been a close creative consultant and has guided them towards making the most faithful adaptation if his world that they can.
>You know Minecraft is one of the biggest games ever right
And you know what made it blow up in popularity are servers full of minigames, right?
You know, those with actual objectives and something to do beyond the hopes of getting a diamond pickaxe?
fucking NEWFAG
Altered Carbon didn't flop.
I just wanted Mount and Blade but it's the Fifth Element.
Why does it have to be always a strict hubworld RPG or "action/adventure".
Shitty braindead bamham combat murdered westacuck action games.
Hence why op wanted to play as cop to kill degenerates
Cyberpunk is just a vision of the future if leftism prevails, so its not just a leftists wet dream genre
Its a warning
This user is mentally handicapped for sure
Nice try at shilling your garbage subgenre.
It's going to die and there's nothing you can do about it.
Cyberpunk has been worthless ever since it was created, the definition of anti-art.
Blah blah blah, Your argument reads like the boring old tripe about current EGS vs launch steam. Times change and so do standards. What's the point of grabbing a franchise like this and pouring millions into it, if only for a railroaded setpiece experience where nothing will be memorable?
What could be more punk than playing a police officer in a game called cyberPUNK?
Not what happened and it's obvious but ok my mentally ill friend
So the right wing ultracatholic conservative, visigrad group member, court controlling, anti-feminist, polish government bribed a video-game studio to fire its male developers and replace them with women and people of other ethnic backgrounds?
Sounds both logical and reasonable. I'm sure it's true since some anonymous internet guy said it in a bhutanese anime image board.
So it's just skills trees then? I can live with that
I really like Pondsmith. He was jerking off the "fluidity" of the class system, but he seems to genuinely care about the game, especially where the setting is concerned
>for the next 10 months Cyberpunk threads will be full of shitposters and baiting retards
Well maybe we will get some actual discussion when they show the next gameplay demo.
We got you covered over at Nintendo, bro.
gtao has apartments, rp, flying cars, mods and so on
It didn't get better last time they showed the gameplay demo, it won't get better this time.
too bad they ruined it
I'm hoping for a cop expansion, but I doubt it will happen.
I'll wait for the emulator, thanks
I don't think they really have. I hate the palm trees everywhere that make the city look like LA, but the setting itself is still pretty cool and at night it does actually look pretty great. Hell I don't even mind how it looks during the day, if it weren't for the aforementioned palm trees and for the redneck outskirts
Work? Good God no, how could anyone expect the devs to work?!
pen and paper games let you do literally whatever the fuck you want. this argument is invalid.
I'd like a trauma team expansion, or just a mission in the base game. Flying around with paramedics and patching people up in the middle of gunfights seems like it would be fun as fuck
>Game about working your way up in the world
>Stuck with shitty home whole game
The thing is 300 bucks. What are you miserably poor?
To be fair you apartment in the demo looks pretty luxurious for some random mercenary. It seems like it will fit more after you make your way up
Remember how the strip club chick being surrounded by cops was pretty much the face of the game for years? Now that art has mysteriously stopped being shown. I hope they didn't remove that part of the game. I want to hit up cyberpunk strip clubs/bars and see QTs.
No I just don't support garbage platforms.
im fine with the setting its just more they ruined the rpg elements of it, they took out the choice of having a childhood hero, took out customisation of apartments, its just getting worse and worse
Retard, the point of an RPG is you can play as who you want to. They've completely backtracked on that, it's a railroaded cinematic story-driven game which pretends to be an RPG by having a character creator.
Why adapt something if you can't do it properly?
You write like a nigger in elementary school. I hope for your sake that English is not your first language.
The reason is they prioritized a highly detailed world and graphics/visuals instead of making a cRPG. If they wanted to feasibly make the game you wanted they would have to scale back the visuals and presentation significantly (which is perfectly fine by me, I would rather have a proper RPG).
Why is it garbage? Because it has good games in it?
even then they can't design good gameplay, imagine how bad things have to be now.
By that logic none of the Witcher games were RPGs. Nor Mass Effect, for that matter. Or, most egregiously, Planescape: Torment.
Because it runs games at 20FPS 600p
>somehow feels very weird for cyberpunk to decorate an interior
>game didn't turn out the way I imagined it in my head before any info
>this makes the game bad
I genuinely wonder how people like this even function in the real world with such gaps in logical reasoning.
The game is an RPG with rpg mechanics and classes you imbecile.
Witcher 3 base game development involved 1500 people and only 250 of them were In-house staff, and only 3/4 out of that were actually Poles. CDPR just bought new offices in Warsaw and intends to hire another 250-300 people.
You are a lying piece of shit and need to shut the fuck up.
>mentally ill nutjob rambles about mentally ill and a genre that he doesn't understand
The absence of any self-awareness on your part is astonishing. You'd fit perfectly in a cyberpunk setting.
No, the game didn't turn out the way they promised. You turbo cuckold shill.
Yea Forums shitposting and brain dead anons which only joy in life is shitting on good devs and their games.
Ok. I'll be having the time of my life with the game while you're there counting pictures with your thumb up your ass like a moron.
Yes, but V is *always* a mercenary. You can only have corporate or cop as your backstory, your character, from the very beginning of the game, is a mercenary and that's that. It fucking sucks.
>would've had to make a video game instead of a movie
you're operating under the assumption that CDPR CAN make a proper video game, and the only variable is focus.
Reminder that they almost were shut down because of incompetence during the development of TW1.
Hiring a pack of slaves (slavs) doesn't change who's leading the company, and their own level of inability. TW3 was a technical mess with an incoherent storyline as shallow as the combat mechanics.
2077 and its ilk are the perfect video games for people who don't play video games, I.E. this shitpile of a board.
>Girl is a netrunner despite looking identical to the Solo
Okay then.
You have any idea how hard that shit would be? Why do you think gta games and saints row never let you enter tons of buildings? You want them to release the game next year, or in the year 2035?
t. liberal
You and your fantasy genre belong in the trash.
There you go again.
Witcher 3 story was awesome, the gameplay was great, and it got GOTY, quit making shit up.
you are mentally ill
seek fucking doctor, not just pills
I mean it
I would rather people make the games they want to make than the games you want them to make.
Why the need for insults my dude? Why are you being such a corporate cumslave and feeling the need to defend your favorite toy?
I just gave my reasons why I won't be playing some game on an inferior hardware.
>counting pictures
I don't know what you meant by that. I'll be playing Elden Ring and other non-Switch games (which are most of them) if you're really interested in what I'll be doing while the emulator shapes up. And if playing random kusoge while shitting on the toilet is the "time of your life" then you should really evaluate your existence.
Critics and film industry widely agree that Blade Runner has the best cinematography of all time. It's one of the artsier and thought provoking genres out there, and one of the biggest brainlet and normie filters. It's no surprise that you got filtered.
>dude companies with too much power become corrupt
>also, robot arms
Imagine having such a shit taste.
If you want a crpg go play pathfinder kingmaker or shadowrun. This was always gonna be a shooter. Although I would have loved to see cdpr's take on crpg
John Wick movies have even better cinematography though. Why do you think people rave over them so much?
It's still Cyberpunk, idiot
They don't. You don't know what you're talking about.
This guy knows what's up.
This form of argumentation is really the weakest there is. If that's your retard's understanding then nobody can stop that.
Watch, I can simplify everything for retards like you, too.
Brothers Karamazov
>dude dads dead free will and god lmao
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
>dude be nice lol
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
>dude nothing is true everything is permitted man
The Iliad
>dude women ruin fucking everything
The Odyssey
>dude but loyal women are dope tho
John Wick movies have fucking amazing cinematography, they're like fucking works of art. It's objective fact, not an opinion. Wick 1,2 and 3 are fucking artforms, with each movie having even better cinematography than the last.
Its just a PR way of saying they are cutting content to meet release deadline. You can get worked up over it but its quite retarded to do so since chances are they will/have cut something more important.
>Wanting to play the law in a cyberpunk game
People like you are locusts that ruin every genre that gets popular with your fucking stupidity.
They probably weren't even fired but left because of crunch.
Damn, a random Yea Forums post.
They do. You don't know what you're talking about.
Are you a total retard? TW1 and TW2 both had humongus tools to make shit with.
Play Dredd vs Death. You can arrest bitches for being too fat
I'm on the opposite side of a liberal, brainlet MIGAtard boomer.
It's easy to verify, just check Ruiner devs and interviews with them.
>cutting content
so much for "coming: when it's ready"
Just play Mankind Divided instead lol
They way he puts it is disgusting and it only encourages reddit parrots and shills to use their tactics. "LOL SO WHAT IF THAT FEATURE IS CUT GO PLAY SIMS xDDD" is tiresome to see.
I'll cut something out too. My fucking purchase. Day one GOG version pirate.
Imagine being so retarded that you believe literally anything on Yea Forums. Especially its video games board. That takes a real special kind of stupid.
t. Sanic the edgehog
>this is your typical CDPR dev now
i'll play the game, but i'm pretty pissed there's no 3rd person mode. i'm not a fan of first person games at all.
I just did check, I looked up Ruiner credits, the closest you get is Magdalena Tomkowicz works on Dead Island 2.
That is literally what cyberpunk is all about so why are you complaining about it here?
begone shill, we see through your disguise
Yeah I dunno why they gave out the fucking date. They are literally on record saying parts of the city are not done and shit like childhood hero is not yet set in stone like what the fuck were they thinking with it.
Oh and I agree but still not sure if its not worse then the Keanu shit honestly.
Just want to chime in and say I currently work at CDPR and have done for the past 10 years and all the is BS. And you read my post on Yea Forums so that means it's fact. Please spread this around.
Because I want to see the genre die.
All the involved people have Witcher and Witcher 2 credited. Are you a brainlet or what?
I'm not American, and I honestly think everyone would benefit if the US collapsed, specially white people.
Everyone except Israel, of course.
>always wanted to play as THE LAW and cleanse the scum off the streets
There is not enough games like this, I hope that GTA will do it one day.
You can do it without bitching about its contents, it is like a vegan whining about the meat industry in a fucking steak house.
is it true that Keanu is the reason other digital ghosts were cut?
underrated post
>sunny GTA clone
And you believe this shit?
The anarchist rebels are almost rarely the MCs and usually side characters that the detective works with but is cynically distant from.
If anything the Noir aspect of cyberpunk is more proof that you never play as the law as even the detective are either private, lone wolfs or Last DJs who are keeping it real like Adam Jensen.
All the facts add up.
>co-founder Marcin Iwinski and studio head Adam Badowski said in a joint statement, before acknowledging that the studio has seen some turnover in its ranks since The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt shipped in 2015. However, overall headcount has nearly doubled in that time as the studio has grown to work on its next big game, Cyberpunk 2077.
>"So, does a departure, even a high profile one, mean that the project is in danger? One would need to be very courageous to base the future of an AAA role-playing game of such scope on one person (or a few people)," they said.
To me that reads as lots of people were "let go" and then replaced by diversity hires. It all makes sense now.
user, I also love John Wick movies, but saying that they have better cinematography than Blade Runner is just exaggerated.
>It was obvious.
just say "my feelings" next time, you fucking brainlet
That you are gay and autistic? Yes.
don't open
>there are people on this board right now who are posting shit to kill the enthusiasm people have by spreading exaggerated untruths because they're soulless nihilistic fucks and they can't bear to dwell in misery alone
That what you're doing right now? Probably a good idea. You get real bitchy when you dont dilate.
They even had this black guy working on it
I'm not a trannyfagggot that preordered this trannysymulatorpunk2077 game like you. Go dilate harder.
Nothing new then.
>make a cyberpunk game in a city that's eternal day
when you fuck up something this basic, no wonder the rest of the game is shit
Clearly you are, trannies like you are all raging because trannies are depicted in a dystopian universe where everyone crashed society into the ground with their vapid consumerism and mental illness. Trannies like you have been raging nonstop.
that's actually pretty based because actual trannies never go against corps
good find, you have the brain power of at least 3 lesser anons combined
You madman
seethe more cuck
don't you dare post this picture again
I've been raging long before trannies because I've seen how shitty this game will be year ago after sun trailer. The only tranny here is YOU because you can't wait to fulfil your fantasy in this trannysymulator game.
How am I the cuck when I'm not the one spending money on a normie-fied shallow action game
Stop posting your photos Ćukasz.
>has 2 thots on your lap
What would your wife think about that?
>this raging tranny in full denial about his gender dysphoria despite the fact only dilated trannyfaggots are upset at cdpr
I love it.
>blade runner or ghost in the shell is only about muh unregulated, corrupt corporations
>Yea Forums is now comprised mostly of the mentally ill
where did it go so wrong
stop projecting
and have sex
Neither of those are cyberpunk
>Make a bold claim that sounds over exaggerated
>cant back it up then gets hostile when people ask for source
every single thread with you faggots
Didn't they say classes would be acquired depending on how you played the game
No, there is a skill tree that's split into different categories that align with different classes.
>any community that gets its kicks from pretending to be retarded are bound to be flooded by zoomers mistakenly thinking that they are in good company. ~Adolf Hitler.
Sun, I'm disappointed.
But I'm sure Trannypunk 2077 is.
>0.1 kurwa delivered to your account
>Cyberpunk are all non-Polish
>source: my ass
I'd shill this game rent free every day if it looked like pic related.